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====== payload start ======

{TickerText=Create wonders with blending!, Msg=Check out our brand new blog to
learn how to combine layers of footage to produce impacting visuals! 🤩,
Nid=1627092001698600000, iid=APP210722-0002_en,
utm_source=App&utm_medium=AppPush&utm_campaign=AppPush, Title=Create wonders with
blending!, image=
0001/c16b9020-e778-4612-a1bb-751f62bd4ad7.jpg, buttonlist=[], NoticeId=10567295}
====== payload end ======
isValid Message
Setting Show Notification
====== openConnection ======
====== connect ======
IOException Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
decodeStreamBitmap Exception: null
bitmap == null
notify !!

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