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Adding click to call widget

To an existing web page

September 2020

For SDK Version 1.14 and above.

Click-To-Call widget Highlights

• Easily add a click-to-call button to a web site using few

lines of code
• Does not require web development skills
• Button design and text can be customized

• In the following slides we will describe the steps to add

this widget to any HTML page.
• Please follow the instructions and when done refresh
the HTML page to get the changes.
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 1: File and folders

▪ Unzip the widget zip file to a temporary

▪ The following folders will be extracted:

▪ 'conf' (Containing configuration file).

▪ 'css' (Containing demo style file).
▪ 'js' (Containing the SDK JS, audio player and widget script code).
▪ 'html' (usage example).
▪ 'docs' (help document).
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 1: File and folders

▪ Copy the bellow folders to your web server:

▪ 'conf' (Containing configuration file).

▪ 'css' (Containing demo style file).
▪ 'js' (Containing the SDK JS, audio player, and widget script code)
▪ ‘sounds’(Containing sound that played during test call)

▪ The bellow folders may be skipped

▪ 'html' (usage example).

▪ 'docs' (help document).
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 2: Modify your HTML page

Add to the HTML HEAD references to js modules The JS file path is
relative and should
be adjusted to the
<html> specific deployment.
<script src="../js/ac_webrtc.min.js"></script>
<script src="../js/audio_player.js"></script>
<script src="../js/c2c.js"></script>
<script src="../conf/config.js"></script>
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 2: Modify your HTML page

Add to the HTML HEAD link to css file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/c2c.css">
<script src="../js/ac_webrtc.min.js"></script>
<script src="../js/audio_player.js"></script>
<script src="../js/c2c.js"></script>
<script src="../conf/config.js"></script>
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 2: Modify your HTML page

Add to the HTML HEAD link for the browser tab image icon
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/c2c.css">
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.png">
<script src="../js/ac_webrtc.min.js"></script>
<script src="../js/audio_player.js"></script>
<script src="../js/c2c.js"></script>
<script src="../conf/config.js"></script>
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 2: Modify your HTML page
Add the widget (C2C_widget) to your html page and add to it 2 buttons:
Test Call button: Note:
<script src="../conf/config.js"></script> Image used here
</head> may be replaced
<body> by customer.
<div id="c2c_widget">

<button id="c2c_call_button" title="Click to call us on the phone">
<svg id="c2c_svg_icon" fill="#006DF0" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path d="M493.4 24.6l-104-24c-11.3-2.6-22.9 3.3-27.5 13.9l-48 112c-4.2 9.8-1.4 21.3 6.9 28l60.6
49.6c-36 76.7-98.9 140.5-177.2 177.2l-49.6-60.6c-6.8-8.3-18.2-11.1-28-6.9l-112 48C3.9 366.5-2
378.1.6 389.4l24 104C27.1 504.2 36.7 512 48 512c256.1 0 464-207.5 464-464 0-11.2-7.7-20.9-
</button> Note:
<div id="c2c_message"></div> Span used for
... phone API
</div> messages
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 2: Modify your HTML page
Add the widget (C2C_widget) to your html page and add to it 2 buttons:
Test Call button: Note:
<script src="../conf/config.js"></script> Image used here
</head> may be replaced
<body> by customer.
<div id="c2c_widget">

<button id="c2c_test_btn" title="Click to test connection quality">
<svg id="c2c_test_svg">
<g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<path d="M-1-1h24v24H-1z" /> <path d="M21.61 17.99l-9.08-9.08c.93-2.34.45-5.1-1.44-7-2.3-2.3-
5.88-2.51-8.43-.65L6.5 5.11 5.08 6.52 1.25 2.69C-.61 5.23-.4 8.82 1.9 11.11c1.86 1.86 4.57 2.35 6.89
1.48l9.11 9.11c.39.39 1.02.39 1.41 0l2.3-2.3c.4-.38.4-1.01 0-1.41zm-3 1.6l-9.46-9.46c-.61.45-1.29.72-2 .82-
1.36.2-2.79-.21-3.83-1.25C2.37 8.76 1.93 7.5 2 6.26l3.09 3.09 4.24-4.24-3.09-3.09c1.24-.07 2.49.37 3.44
1.31a4.469 4.469 0 011.24 3.96 4.35 4.35 0 01-.88 1.96l9.45 9.45-.88.89z" fill="#1D1D1D" />
<span>Test line</span> Note:
</button> Span used for
<span></span>... phone API
</div> messages
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 2: Modify your HTML page
Add video controls (will be invisible on auio call configuration)
<script src="../conf/config.js"></script> Image used here
</head> may be replaced
<body> by customer.
<div id="c2c_widget">

<video id="c2c_local_video" style="display: none;" playsinline></video>

<video id="c2c_remote_video" style="display: none;" autoplay playsinline></video>

Span used for
phone API
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 2: Modify your HTML page
Add display for connection quality and audio quality
Image used here
<script src="../conf/config.js"></script>
may be replaced
<body> by customer.

<div id="c2c_quality_info_div">
<span id="c2c_connection_span"></span>
<span id="c2c_quality_span"></span>
<div id="c2c_widget">

</body> Note:
Span used for
phone API
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 3: Edit the “config.js” file in the “conf” directory
First part (server config) contains the backed servers configuration.
Please edit only the marked in red values keeping the file structure.
▪ Domain: AudioCodes SBC domain name, used to build SIP headers From/To
▪ addresses: AudioCodes SBC secure web socket address. (can be multiple)
▪ iceServers: addresses for STUN servers. (Optional, can be multiple)
▪ iceTransportPolicyRelay: Optional. Should be set always to false unless using only turn server and relay is required.

let c2c_serverConfig = {
domain: '',
addresses: ['wss://'],
iceServers: [],
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 3: Edit the “config.js” file in the “conf” directory
Second part (call config) contains the call configuration.
Please edit only the marked in red values keeping the file structure.
▪ call: Call destination (user or phone number)
▪ caller: Caller user name (One word according SIP RFC 3261).
▪ callerDN: Caller display name (words sequence).
▪ type: Call type possible values: 'audio' or 'video‘ or ‘user_control’
▪ videoCheckboxDefault: For type user_control. Default value of video check box.
▪ videoSize: Window video size (for video call), may be left empty for defaults (default {width: '', height: ‘’})
▪ callAutoStart: ‘no’, ‘yes’, ‘yes force’. Start call automatically after page is loaded.
▪ messageDisplayTime: How long the messages will be displayed (seconds)
▪ restoreCallMaxDelay: time to reload a call after a page refresh (Seconds)

let c2c_config = {
call: 'JohnDoe',
caller: 'Anonymous',
callerDN: 'Anonymous',
type: 'audio',
videoCheckboxDefault: false,
videoSize: {width: ‘480px', height: ‘360px’},
callAutoStart: ‘no’,
messageDisplayTime: 5,
restoreCallMaxDelay: 20,
Click to Call Web Widget
Step 3: Edit the “config.js” file in the “conf” directory

Second part (call config) contains the call configuration.

Please edit only the marked in red values keeping the file structure.
▪ pingInterval : value (in seconds), defines the interval of sending CRLF for keepalive
▪ pongTimeout : value (true), close and reopen web socket when ping timeout detected
▪ timerThrottlingBestEffort value(true).
▪ keepAliveStats : value (n times), every n amount of pongs print to log min and max delay statistics.
▪ keepAliveDist : value (true / false) either to print to logs the above values.

let c2c_config = {
pingInteral: 15,
pongTimeout: true,
timerThrottlingBestEffort true,
keepAliveStats: 60,
keepAliveDist: false,
to Calltrue, testCallUser: '5555', testCallAutoStart: true, testCallVolume: 0.0, testCallMinDuration: 10, testCallMaxDuration: 20,
Web Widget
Step 3: Edit the “config.js” file in the “conf” directory
Third part (call config) contains the test call configuration.
Please edit only the marked in red values keeping the file structure.
▪ testCallEnabled: If test call enabled (show test call GUI)
▪ testCallSBCScore: use SBC call quality score
▪ testCallUser: Call to this user for test call (It's a special test call user in SBC that auto answer and play sound prompt)
▪ testCallAutoStart: If auto play policy enables it, test call starts automatically after page loading.
▪ testCallUseMicrophone: Instead playing recorded sound, use microphone to test call. May used to bypass auto play policy.
▪ testCallVolume": Set 1.0 to hear (100% volume) or mute(0.0) – Volume of audio prompt received from SBC.
▪ testCallMinDuration": remote-inbound-rtp info statistics is provided only after 5..10 seconds delay (Chrome) or 11..16 seconds (Firefox), Due to that the
min duration indicates the minimum time to wait for this info.
▪ testCallMaxDuration: Call will terminated after max duration in any case even if the info was not received.
▪ testCallQualityText: Mapping SBC quality score color to text messages.

let c2c_config = {
testCallEnabled: true,
testCallSBCScore: true,
testCallUser: ‘5555’,
testCallAutoStart: true,
testCallUseMicrophone: false,
testCallVolume: 0.0,
testCallMinDuration: 10,
testCallMaxDuration: 20,
testCallQualityText: {…},
Thank You

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