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Name: Jose Huerta

Professor: Carey Perkins

Date: 6/7/2023

Course: ENG101

Finding a New Path: A Journey from Complacency to Renewal

It was the summer of 2021 when I embarked on a life changing journey, leaving

behind the familiar scenery of Connecticut to begin a new life in the hot and dry desert

of Arizona. My name is Jose Fernando Huerta, and this pivotal moment in my life would

mark a turning point that pushed me from a state of complacency to a path of self

discovery and personal growth. Leaving behind friends and family would be my most

painful memory, as would the place I called home.

Having just graduated from high school in Connecticut, I found myself adrift,

lacking purpose or direction. Two years would pass me by like a speeding bullet before I

would realize that my days blended into one another. I had settled into self pity for a

meaningless existence without purpose. Life felt stagnant, and I grew comfortable with

my complacency so long as I had my friends and my personal hobbies to distract me,

my main one being pot. However, the universe and the strongest woman I know, my

mother, had different plans for me.

The decision to move to Arizona was not one I made alone or one that I thought

through very much. With the support and persistent persuasion of my mother, Gloria, I

found a fuller home in the company of my two older sisters, Victoria and Stephanie, who

had established their lives in the hot desert state seven years prior. Arizona would

become a beacon of hope, offering opportunities for personal and professional growth

that Connecticut seemed unable to provide or that I was unable to realize. Moving to

Arizona would provide me with the realization of privileges I had and the impact they

could have on my life if I utilized them. A loving support system and different

environment opened my eyes to the hardships people faced here that I was exposed to,

like the mass homelessness pouring in from California and the drug epidemic that I was

experiencing living here.

As I said my goodbyes to my father and step family I felt a sense of remorse for

not having focused on more family time. I felt an emptiness that I can best describe as

an echoing silence that would last for many miles after taking that first exit on the road.

For three long days me and my mother would drive tirelessly until we arrived in New

Mexico, where we finally decided to rest and soak in the last destination before arriving

at our new home. Upon leaving La Quinta hotel in the morning, the scorching sun beat

down on my skin. Signaling the start of a new chapter, my feelings for Arizona started to

shift and grow into excitement rather than a profound anxiety of the unknown. Little did I

know that this unfamiliar environment would be the catalyst for important much needed

changes that awaited me.

Living under the same roof as my sisters, I soon realized the power of family

bonds and the positive influence they could have on my life. Since my sisters moved
when I was graduating to my freshman year and my mom got her own apartment, I

grew distracted with high school life and without noticing distanced myself. Unknowingly

I was too focused on my fun life and missed many holidays that I could have been with

loved ones, family first was no more for me in this period of my life, it was me first.

Victoria, with her unwavering determination and entrepreneurial skills, inspired me to

pursue my own passions and ambitions. We would often spend time together and talk

about starting in a new direction and how college could help open more doors for me.

Stephanie, the woman of resilience and hardworking attitude taught me the importance

of perseverance in the face of adversity when things seem impossible. Surrounded by

their strength and wisdom, I began to shed the habit of complacency that I had let affect

me for far too long.

Arizona itself had also played a vital role in the transformation of my perspective

on life and where I stood in my current situation. The beauty of the desert landscape

helped to free me from the shackles of Connecticut's long cold depressing winters and

mirrored the free spirit I am. As I explored much of the state, I found comfort and peace

in the sunsets that painted the sky with hues of purple, orange and red that could blend

into a pinkish color. The beautiful landscapes of Sedona would help me reminisce about

all of the good things from Connecticut like the many tall standing pine trees I grew up

with. The Grand Canyon and its sight to behold would leave me speechless and when I

would see deer more good memories of Connecticut would fill my mind. By urging

myself to embrace new experiences it would help me to reflect on what was going so

wrong in Connecticut and what I would do differently this time.

With a different mindset in place, I started on a path for personal growth and self

discovery. I started my big change by enrolling in community college, embracing the

opportunities for education that Arizona had to offer. Without my friends around, school

no longer felt like a race or a trend and I got to decide for myself whether I really wanted

to pursue an education. The diverse student body at GCC provided many new

perspectives and cultures, allowing me to meet new people outside of my circle. I

delved into subjects that piqued my interest, and challenged my fears. Finally I would

gain a thirst for knowledge and enjoy the learning process my classes provided me.

Outside the confines of the classroom, I immersed myself in the vibrant local

community. Using the skills of leadership through the rise up program I attended in

Connecticut I Volunteered at local charities allowing me to connect with people from all

walks of life, fostering empathy and compassion for people who were homeless. I would

get to know a couple of hundreds of stories that people are living. Witnessing the

struggles and triumphs of others made me more aware of my own privilege and pushed

me to use my newfound purpose to make a positive impact for people in need.

Looking back on my journey from Connecticut to Arizona, I have no regrets and

am happy for the pivotal moment that propelled me towards personal growth. In the face

of uncertainty, I found the courage to step outside my comfort zone, to embrace

change, and to pursue a life filled with purpose and meaning. The desert heat of

Arizona not only scorched away the complacency that had me unaware and unprepared

for life, but also ignited a fire within me that will continue to burn. As I continue to forge

my path, I hope to grow more as a person and be able to share my experiences with

others in need of guidance or hope. Change can only come from within and leaving
behind what you love or letting go of the things you enjoy can be good even though it

may not feel like it to begin with.

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