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Funny Idioms for donkey’s years for along time ex. Oh, I've known Peter for donkey's years. when pigs fly something is unlikely to happen ex. - When will Josh start paying us rent? - When pigs fly! Bob’s your uncle we use this expression to say that something has been completed or something has been done ex. Ok, that’s it, Bob's your uncle, the dishwasher is fixed. astorm ina teacup a disproportionate reaction of anger, concern, or displeasure over something insignificant ex. What's Michael going on about? - Ah, it's usta storm in a teacu minutes. Ibe all forgotten in 5 to kick the bucket todie ex. My old uncle kicked the bucket 2 months ago. as cool as a cucumber somebody is really super cool, they don’t get upset easily, they don’t get angry ... ex. Jonathan as cool as a cucumber took the heat out of the situation. com® (ENGLISH LESSON “ae head in the clouds not being aware of anything that is going on around them ex. I'm nat sure what I'm going to do with David! He always has head in the clouds, he's constantly daydreaming. a different kettle of fish something entirely different ex. That's a different kettle of fish! That order got lost. to go pear shaped things go completely wrong ex. The whole business has gone completely pear shaped, | think I have to close it down. pot calling the kettle black a situation in which one person criticizes someone for actions or act fact he does exactly the same thing ies when in ex. - Martin at work smokes 20 cigarettes per day! - Listen to the pot calling the kettle black!!! com® (ENGLISH LESSON “ae

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