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Name:Galuh Aprilina


My family is a simple family. my family is the best family. I thank have a family like my
beloved family. My family consists of five people. This is my little family. there is me,my father,
my mother, me, my second sister and my youngest sister

This is a photo taken during Eid. as can be told from the photo. This photo is me with my
little family. My father is standing on the left. He has a thin mustache on his face. My father is
the most handsome at home because we are all girls. On the right is my mother. She has a
rather big body. she looks so beautiful. in the middle next to my mother is my sister.she has a
slender build and she is taller than all of us in the family and in the middle next to my father is
me. and the one in the middle of the front is my youngest sister. she has short hair with bangs
in front.

We wear typical Eid clothes. My father wears a brown koko shirt and black pants. My
mother, I and my sister wear gray robes. Me,my sister and my mom wears a headscarf.My
youngest sister wears a yellow dress. every year during Eid we always take family photos.

This photo was taken on Eid this year 2022. Every year we do take a photo with the
family because it's only at the moment of Eid that we have family photos. This photo was taken
in front of the alley in front of the house. It's been seven years since every Eid we take photos
with the same background.

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