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Dear ma'am Lisa and Sir Joe,

Greetings to you ma'am and sir! How are you? How about the condition both of you?
Hoping you have a good condition because me and my family here is healthy and good.
I still can't believe that 2022 have done with a good memorable memory and 2023 just
came in. In view of the fact that new year just came in of course I had a new year's
resolutions and new set of goals that I must achieve this year so that anything will be
flow smoothly.

In school, 1st semester is done and successful. Luckily, I received an award, and I am
with honors! Can't believe but still thank God because this is another blessing. We're
now focusing on Second semester, and I also met my new subject teachers, they are so
good and can't wait to recognize them deeper. In Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences (SCAS) Himig Chorale last December we gave a chance to have 3rd place in
chorale competition, it was amazing night because many people watched the
competition, even though we're not champion we're still grateful because out of ten
candidates we're still have a place. Our conductor decided to have a set of officers so
the choir will handle so well as unexpected They elected me as a Vice President, as a
Vice President, I promise them to make our choir grateful and treat each other as a

In home, we celebrate Christmas and New year together. I feel the Christmas so much
when me and my siblings decided to sing a Christmas song in every houses. It was
lovely moment because for us, that's the bond we do yearly every Christmas season.
We expected that we're so much busy because of the schedule in church. We
celebrated New year in clamorous, everyone was happy especially when we played a
games you know for fun and for the highlight of that night we exchanged gifts and I
didn't know that my mother is the one who picked my name. So much satisfied for the
gift that she gave, it is a new earphone. I was planning to buy that thing, but my mother
knew that I love music. After that we waited until midnight and celebrate the new year
with our Satiety.

In Unbound, Last December the Christmas party was so fun there's a lot of games that
they have and even presentations in everybody were amazing. They are so talented;
they sing and dance there's also played instrument that everyone clapping for him. We
have a new activity or project and it's called Poverty stoplight that in this activity it's like
a survey that which status in our life that we have recently. Everyone is required to
participate in this activity, exciting because there's a lot of realization after this activity.
We still have a meeting and monthly clean and green activity to maintain the cleanliness
and green in our environment.

While writing this letter, I still can't believe that moments is just happened to me. I have
some questions that I'm a bit curious. How's your new year? How about the Christmas?
Do you have a new year's resolution? How about the lovely dogs? Are they healthy and
doing good? I'm hoping that you will answer my questions ma'am and sir. Last
December, while preparing for Christmas we planned what food and dessert might we
want to do in Christmas, and when the Children and New year came all my family
members have a Satiety and it's because of the support you gave to me. I even paid the
other expenses in school without that hard because it's still your hardly support to me. It
really gave me that benefits to my future and goals. Thank you so much for the hardly
support, I've prayed to God to guide both of you always.

Your sponsored youth,

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