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Many different kinds of documents are called reports.

• a long document or a document that contains
numerical data
• one- and two-page memos
• PowerPoint slides printed out and bound
What is a together
“report”? • A short report to a client may use a letter format

Reports are written accounts that objectively

communicate information about some
aspect of a business
▪ Formal reports contain formal elements such as a
title page, a transmittal, a table of contents, and a
list of illustrations.
REPORTS ▪ Informal reports may be letters and memos or
even computer printouts of production or sales

▪ Information reports collect data for the reader

▪ Analytical reports interpret data
▪ Proposal persuasive requests for decisions or action
Three levels of
▪ Reports to monitor and control operations
Informational ▪ Reports to implement policies and procedures
Reports (Policy reports
▪ Reports to demonstrate compliance
▪ Reports to document progress (Progress
What should go
in a proposal?

Proposals suggest a method for finding information or solving a problem.

Proposals have two goals: (1) to get the project accepted; (2) to get you accepted to
do the job.
Proposals must stress reader benefits and provide specific supporting details

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