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+971563211021 | Ca n a d ia n | sja sh h a b @h o tm a m


PROFESSIONAL Certified Quality Engineer holding 9+ years of Site Experience in QA/QC Oil & Gas.
SUMMARY Ambitious to deliver and utilize my experience to further expand the companyʼs growth,
in addition to enhance my experience in this field.


ADNOC Contractor/KBR , Musafah/Ruwais, UAE
• Project: Ha il & Gh a sh a Ultra So u r Ga s Artificia l Isla n d Co n stru ctio n Pro je ct
• Client: ADNOC
• Contractor/Sponsor: Ke llo g Bro wn & Ro o t (KBR)
• Duties & Responsibilities: Qu a lity In sp e ctio n s a t Pre -ca st Ya rd s & Sto ck Ya rd s, Ca ste d
30,000+ e le m e n ts
• De live re d q u a lity p e rfo rm a n ce d a ta a fte r p ro d u ct in sp e ctio n s, h igh ligh tin g d e fe cts a n d
im p ro ve m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s.
• Ma n a ge d in te rn a l co rre ctive a n d p re ve n tive in ve stiga tio n p ro je cts fro m b e gin n in g to
e n d , re p o rtin g re su lts to m a n a ge m e n t p ro m p tly.
• Ma n a ge d , o rga n ize d , co n tro lle d a n d p rio ritize d wo rklo a d o f in sp e ctio n te a m s.
• Co n d u cte d in -d e p th in ve stiga tio n s to e n su re th a t wo rkflo ws, p ro ce sse s a n d p ro d u cts
co m p lie d with sa fe ty re gu la tio n s.
• Re gu la rly m o n ito re d m a ch in e a n d e q u ip m e n t p e rform a n ce , e n su rin g e q u ip m e n t
sta ye d in fu n ctio n a l wo rkin g o rd e r.
• De sign e d , cre a te d a n d im p le m e n te d a ll q u a lity co n tro l syste m s.
• Ob se rve d o p e ra tio n s to ve rify wo rkflo ws a n d p ro ce sse s co m p lie d with sa fe ty
re gu la tio n s.
• Im p ro ve d d u ra b ility, re lia b ility a n d q u a lity o f p re -ca sts b y co n d u ctin g th o ro u gh q u a lity
a sse ssm e n ts a n d re co m m e n d in g ch a n ge s.
• Pre p a re d a n d su b m itte d re p o rts to su p e rviso rs o n m a te ria l/p ro d u ct m a lfu n ctio n s a n d
co rre ctive a ctio n s.
• Co n d u cte d th o ro u gh q u a lity a sse ssm e n ts to d e te rm in e if p ro d u cts m e t co m p a n y's
h igh -q u a lity sta n d a rd s.
• Ch e cke d a n d re co rd e d in co m in g ra w m a te ria ls, ve rifie d q u a lity a ga in st e sta b lish e d
sp e cifica tio n s a n d u p d a te d in ve n to ry syste m s with n e w q u a n titie s.
• Le d in ve stiga tio n s in to q u a lity-re la te d m a te ria l issu e s, d e te rm in in g d e fe cts' ro o t
ca u se s a n d im p le m e n tin g p re ve n tive m e a su re s to e ra d ica te id e n tifie d p ro b le m s.
• Su b m itte d q u a lity a u d its an d a ccre d ita tio n a p p lica tio n s a n d e n fo rce d e sta b lish e d
sta n d a rd s to ke e p p ro d u ctio n p ro ce sse s in ch e ck.
• In ve stiga te d a n d fla gge d p ro d u ct a n d p ro d u ctio n d e fe cts b y ch e ckin g sa m p le p ro d u cts
a n d m a n u fa ctu rin g p ro ce sse s.
• Ba tch in g p la n t q u a lity a sse ssm e n t, co n cre te m ix d e sign m a te ria ls in sp e ctio n a s p e r
p ro je ct sp e cs
• Pe rfo rm in g visu a l & d im e n sio n a l in sp e ctio n s o n m ate ria ls d e sign a s p e r a p p ro ve d
d ra win gs
• Ma te ria l re ce ivin g in sp e ctio n s in a cco rd a n ce to th e Pro je ct Sp e cifica tio n s
• De sign a n d im p le m e n t n e w to o ls a n d te ch n iq u e s to im p ro ve th e q u a lity a n d e fficie n cy
o f o p e ra tio n a l p ro ce sse s


• Ensures quality control by directing the inspection, sampling and testing of materials
used in Offshore Islands.
• Site surveillance monitoring inspection observation & Non conformity issuance based
on findings
• Provide daily inputs to prepar e Section MIS and progress reports of pre -cast yards for
Company Management
• Following ADNOC 100% HSE Rules and guidelines
• Example of pre -cast elements: Quay wall blocks, Holding Pond Slab, Capping beams,
Pile caps, pre -cast beams, drill pads, helipad slabs , launching ramp, bankseat,
abundant slabs, pole mounted foundations
• Frequent offshore visits to Islands for witnessing activities, ensure progress and hold
quality production/inspection meetings based on findings.
• Decreased potential product risks by iden tifying problems, recording findings and
following up to monitor changes.
• Conducted performance and operational tests using FDT, coring, NDT, sonic test, in
compliance with ADNOC & BS regulations.
• Identified root causes of product issues, such as Precast, Cube compressive strength,
concrete mix design and geotextile completing investigation reports and following up
on outcomes.
• Coordinated with Contractors & Sub -contractors inspection teams to identify and
solve complex and deadline dependent issues.
• Visited Batching plants, offshore islands as well as Stock yard times a year, inspecting
progress and to ensure compliance with ADNOC Project & BS standards procedures.
• Maintained accurate and up -to -date records of casting inventory, storing on ADNOC
formats for future reference.
• Interpreted blueprints, data, manuals and other materials to determine specifications,
inspection and appropriate testing procedures.
• Studied products to identify irregularities, blemishes and production errors.
• Notified supervisors of p roduction problems and assisted with remediation.
• Recorded findings from inspections to determine quantities of defects and maintain
accurate documentation.
• Sorted and segregated products to prepare for different levels of testing.
• Rejected or discarded pr oducts, materials and equipment not meeting specifications.
• Inspected facility equipment and machinery to determine proper functionality.
• Designed and executed preventive and operational quality control methods on
products and resources to avoid defects an d recalls.
• Inspected and tested products, parts and materials for conformity with specifications
and standards.

• Manayef Gas Processing plant, Ruwais (Submarine Fiber Optic Cable works 5.8km)
• Construction management of project segments for associated building, temporary
access and onshore cable laying.
•  Manage all concrete precast works. Review plan with construction team and
contractor to ensure on time delivery in relation to site installat ion plan.
•  Ensure contractor engineering reflect client requirements and complies with
contract scope.
•  Ensure all works are being constructed as per approvals and in line with contract
•  Review all contractor incoming engineering submis sions of materials, samples, shop
drawings, method statements, and specifications to related works.
• Project documents review, method statement, project specs, Drawings & ITP
• Quality site inspection & monitoring the Trench Excavation works, installation of UPVC
Duct, installation of pre -casted elements as per GPS coordinates, Field density tests,
waterproofing applications, grouting & Ma ndrel test
• Close co-ordination with various disciplines to ensure full coordination of works and


• Da y-to -Da y co m m u n ica tio n with site te a m to e n su re fu ll u n d e rsta n d in g o f wo rks a n d
co m p lia n ce with co n stru ctio n a n d co n tra ct re q u ire m e n ts.
• Re vie w & clo se th e sn a g list
• Fo llo win g ADNOC 100% HSE p o licy
• Stock Yard Specialist , Ruwais
• Visual & Dimensional elements inspection prior to release
• Waterproofing application on concrete elements
• Warehouse and materials specialist
• Corrosion monitoring system installation
• Managed, organized, controlled and prioritized workload of inspection teams.
• Supported quality inspection team by using extensive experience in fault -finding,
engineering and problem -solving.
• Closely observed operations to ensure workflows and processes complied with safety
• Executed quality tests on company products to determine improvements or f laws.
• Warehouse & materials job inspection

QUALITY ASSURANCE03/2016 to 06/2019

Bureau Veritas , Abu Dhabi, UAE
• Produced detailed progress reports to identify strengths and areas for improvement
and common trends.
• Assessed business and customer needs to determine objectives and implement
structured plans.
• Studied customer needs and requirements to design potent quality control processes.
• Mentored inspectors, technicians and team to provide feedback and ways to improve
• Executed regular upskilling to strengthen competence of team members and increase
• Develop and implement quality assurance policies and procedures
• Create and maintain quality related documentation and records
• Created and implemented staff training and developm ent plans to support process
• Documented findings and feedback of clients to maintain accurate and consistent job
• Monitoring and reporting on all activities, processes, and procedures.
• Consulted with International clients to gathe r feedback and measure satisfaction
levels and rectify complaints and issues.
• Establish and maintain effective quality control systems and processes to ensure that
all products and services meet quality standards
• Monitor and resolve customer feedback and c omplaints in a timely manner
• Establish and maintain effective working relationships with internal and external
• Manage and coordinate quality audits and inspections
• Manage, monitor, and maintain quality control procedures
• Document standard oper ating procedures, review site documents, and conduct
• Create reports of quality control tests and analyze the data to determine if any
changes in the production process are necessary.
• Develop and implement quality improvement activities and poli cies.
• Fulfill documentation and reporting requirements for the Quality Management
• Implement systems to ensure that services conform to regulatory requirement.
• Develop performance improvement targets for quality, service, and efficiency.
• Receive the document change requests and update the corresponding register


• Documents Revie Inspection Notification, Inspection Test Plan/Quality Control Plan,

material Identifications (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil) ensure accurate documents
• Accountable fo r maintain the companyʼs Quality Manuals, Document Control
Registers, and other quality related records
• Provide input for preparation of the Department/ Section budgets and assist in the
implementation of the approved Budget and work plans to deliver inspe ction
• Maintain the Document Change Requests in the related register to ensure meeting the
Record Control
• Inquire for qualified Inspectors CVs, according to job requirements
• Review the Inspection Test Reports, Shipment Certificate, Vendors test r eports and
ensure they comply with the clients project specs.
• Prepared specialized quotations based on technical and geographical evaluation to
propose to clients as per the requirements in terms of Commercial, Technical and
Juridical aspects
• Issuing the External Invoice to clients on weekly/monthly basis using the internal
• Reviewing and Approving the Internal Invoices according to the jobs data
• Major Clients
1. GE Grid Solutions –
Projects: Baghdad West North, IDP Phase 1
2. ADNOC Onshore –
Projects: EPC For Al Dabbʼiya Facilities Development Phase 3. EPC For
Rumaitha/Shanayel Facilities Phase 3
3. Baker Hughes – Projects : CNOOC
4. ExxonMobil – Projects : Initial Oil Trade & Produced Water Early Start -up Project

QUALITY COORDINATOR 09/2014 to 02/2016

Delta Corporation , Doha, Qatar
• Developed and implemented policies and procedures to establish compliance through
regular company -wide training sessions.
• Coordinate, collect and arrange all the day -to -day inputs, requests, and statistics by
the respective areas of contact; i.e Quality Lab, HSE, Operations, Audit, Projects,
Procurement…etc As per the quality requirements
• Record and maintain the MOM and event s to ensure proper tracking of decision
making and updates on quality issues
• Inspected, tested, and measured materials, products, installations, and work for
conformance to specifications
• Completed primary inspection and evaluation of materials received, a nd document
inventory for further processing or disposal
• Testing materials: Gate, Ball, Check, Butterfly to name a few as per the API 6A/6D & API
598, 527 Standards & Company Procedures
• Repairing, overhauling, and commissioning of materials pipeline valves
• Ensure the tested materials meet the company's specifications Issuing the Certificates
according to the results tests conducted
• Communicate with respective clients all the related quality issues ensure proper
incident reporting on time, and reflect the sa me on the records
• Reporting the necessary actions need to be taken: Machining, Lapping, irreparable of
corrosion, cracked, lose items required to be delivered and Testing
• Assembled the entire Wellhead & X -mas Trees products in the Assembly Shop (Valves:
Gate, Globe, Choke, Actuators) Casing head housing TO x -mas tree.
• Inspected and tested products, parts and materials for conformity with specifications
and standards; Wellhead (Casing Head Housing - Tubing Head Spool) & X -mas Tree
products under the API 6A & 6D standards


• Coordinated daily basis with project divisions to plan for manufacture & assemble
material components according to client requirements.
• Wellhead & X -mas Trees Installation assistant at Doukhan Um Al - BAB site, Qatar site
and performing the op erational testing for QP (Qatar Petroleum) Projects
• Documented findings and feedback of products & materials to maintain accurate and
consistent inventory.
• Studied customer needs and requirements to design potent quality control processes.
• Segregated produ cts to separate approved quality merchandise and rejected goods.
• Conducted inspections of final outputs to compare materials to specifications,
determining accurate requirements.
• Oversaw product development procedures to detect deviations from quality
stan dards.
• Mentored inspectors, technicians and team to provide feedback and ways to improve
• Executed regular upskilling to strengthen competence of team members and increase
• Performed investigations and assessments to determine areas of improvement.
• Created and implemented staff training and development plans to support process
• Monitored staff delivery and observation activity in accordance with company policy to
determine adherence to programme areas.
• Consulted with cust omers to gather feedback and measure satisfaction levels and
rectify complaints and issues.

CORE • Inspection reports • Storage & Supply • Report writing

QUALIFICATIONS • Blueprints and Management • Project management
schematics • Quality Management • Inventory monitoring &
• Product inspection System (QMS) adept management Oral and
• Test analysis • Quality control system written communications
• Data recording • Quality engineering skills
• Planning Engineer • Corrective and • Teamwork and
• Data Documentation preventive investigations collaboration.
• Product quality • Critical thinking and
assessing problem solving
• Operation monitoring • Team management skills
• Microsoft Word & Excel


, Industrial Engineering, 2014

American Society of Quality , Abu Dhabi, UAE

Certified Quality Manager , 2021

Cambridge Institute , Abu Dhabi, UAE

PMP 6th Edition , 2019

Bureau Veritas , Abu Dhabi, UAE

QMS Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 , 2017

LANGUAGES Arabic English

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