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Distal Radioulnar Joint: Normal Anatomy, Imaging

of Common Disorders, and Injury Classification
Dyan V. Flores, MD • Darwin Fernández Umpire, MD • Kawan S. Rakhra, MD • Zaid Jibri, MD • Gonzalo A. Serrano Belmar, MD
Author affiliations, funding, and conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

The distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is the distal articulation between the radius and ulna,
acting as a major weight-bearing joint at the wrist and distributing forces across the fore-
arm bones. The articulating surfaces are the radial sigmoid notch and ulnar head, while the
ulnar fovea serves as a critical attachment site for multiple capsuloligamentous structures.
The DRUJ is an inherently unstable joint, relying heavily on intrinsic and extrinsic soft-tissue
stabilizers. The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is the chief stabilizer, composed of the
central disk, distal radioulnar ligaments, ulnocarpal ligaments, extensor carpi ulnaris tendon sub-
sheath, and ulnomeniscal homologue. TFCC lesions are traditionally classified into traumatic or
degenerative on the basis of the Palmer classification. The novel Atzei classification is promising,
correlating clinical, radiologic, and arthroscopic findings while providing a therapeutic algorithm.
The interosseous membrane and pronator quadratus are extrinsic stabilizers that offer a minor
contribution to the joint’s stability in conjunction with the joints of the wrist and elbow. Traumatic
and overuse or degenerative disorders are the most common causes of DRUJ dysfunction, al-
though inflammatory and developmental abnormalities also occur. Radiography and CT are used
to evaluate the integrity of the osseous constituents and joint alignment. US is a useful screening
tool for synovitis in the setting of TFCC tears and offers dynamic capabilities for detecting tendon
instability. MRI allows simultaneous osseous and soft-tissue evaluation and is not operator depen-
dent. Arthrographic CT or MRI provides a more detailed assessment of the TFCC, which aids in
treatment and surgical decision making. The authors review the pertinent anatomy and imaging
considerations and illustrate common disorders affecting the DRUJ.
RSNA, 2022 •

Imaging of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) represents a unique challenge for radiologists
and hand surgeons alike. The complex anatomy of the region—combined with the small
size of structures, subtle imaging findings, and variable terminology—compounds the
problem. Disorders of one or a combination of stabilizers lead to a multitude of imaging
findings. In this article, we review the relevant anatomy, pathologic conditions, classifi-
cation, and imaging of common disorders, emphasizing features that influence clinical
and preoperative decision making to aid in radiologic interpretation and reporting.

January 2023 Flores et al 2

RadioGraphics 2023; 43(1):e220109

Material Content Code: MK
Abbreviations: DRUJ = distal radioulnar joint,
DRUL = distal radioulnar ligament, ECU = exten-
sor carpi ulnaris, TFC = triangular fibrocartilage,
TFCC = TFC complex

„ The diameter of the sigmoid notch is 1.5 to 1.6 times larger than that of the
ulnar seat, allowing dorsal-volar translation in addition to pronation-supination,
leading to a highly variable osseous contact area in different wrist positions,
thereby imparting intrinsic instability to the joint.
„ In contrast to the central disk, the DRULs are the chief stabilizers of the DRUJ,
acting in concert to stabilize the joint, depending on the wrist position. They
are peripheral extensions of the disk, commonly referred to as proximal/fove-
al and distal/styloid “laminae,” although surgical and histologic studies have
recognized their more complex organization. Each ligament is composed of
superficial and deep layers that subdivide into dorsal and volar fibers halfway
between the radius and ulna, producing a four-armed arrangement.
„ The deep layer along with the ulnocarpal ligaments and ECU subsheath con-
verge onto the fovea, making this roughened concave bony surface a critical
stabilizer of the DRUJ.
„ The ulnar side of the TFCC can be divided into the proximal ligament (the
DRULs, specifically the foveal fibers) and a distal hammock structure that sus-
pends the carpus. As with an iceberg, only the distal hammock or shock-ab-
sorbing part (ie, the emerging tip) is seen during radiocarpal arthroscopy. This
is significantly smaller and less functionally important than the proximal liga- Figure 1. Osseous constituents of the DRUJ. Three-dimen-
ment or the main stabilizers at the fovea (ie, the “submerged” part), which are
sional reconstructed CT image of the wrist shows the bony
components of the DRUJ: the radial sigmoid notch (red); the
visualized only at DRUJ arthroscopy.
ulnar head, consisting of the hub (blue) and seat (yellow);
„ Congenital Madelung deformity is distinguished from Madelung-type deformi- and the rest of the distal ulna, including the fovea (pink) and
ties by the presence of an anomalous radiolunate ligament (Vickers ligament) styloid (green). The radial sigmoid notch faces the hub of the
and a radial notch at the ligament attachment. The TFCC may become thick- ulna, and the proximal surface of the triangular fibrocartilage
ened and obliquely oriented secondary to the radial deformity. complex (TFCC) faces the ulnar seat. The fovea and base of
the ulnar styloid process are important attachments of the
peripheral TFCC.

Anatomy and Biomechanics

The DRUJ is a pivot joint between the distal radius and ulna biomechanical significance and include the triangular fibro-
that allows forearm rotation in conjunction with grasping cartilage complex (TFCC) and its components. Extrinsic sta-
function of the hand. Its osseous components are the radial bilizers offer a minor contribution to the rotational stability
sigmoid notch; the ulnar head, consisting of the hub and seat; of the DRUJ and consist of the pronator quadratus muscle
the fovea; and the styloid (Fig 1) (1). The morphology of the and interosseous membrane.
articulating surfaces affects the joint’s stability. The diame-
ter of the sigmoid notch is 1.5 to 1.6 times larger than that of Intrinsic Stabilizers
the ulnar seat, allowing dorsal-volar translation in addition
to pronation-supination, leading to a highly variable osseous Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex.—The TFCC is the primary
contact area in different wrist positions, thereby imparting in- stabilizer of the DRUJ, acting by restricting volar translation
trinsic instability to the joint (1–3). of the radius on the ulnar head. It is composed of the central
The shape of the sigmoid notch varies among individuals. articular disk or triangular fibrocartilage (TFC), distal radio­
Four types are recognized on axial sections: flat face, ski slope, ulnar ligaments (DRULs), ulnocarpal ligaments, extensor
C type, and S type (4). A flat or shallow face predisposes to carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendon subsheath, and ulnomeniscal ho-
DRUJ dislocation and is associated with suboptimal outcome mologue or meniscoid (Fig 2). Although the border between
after soft-tissue reconstruction for DRUJ instability (4). In the the central and peripheral TFCC has not been formally de-
coronal plane, the angle of the sigmoid notch can also be vari- fined (7), the TFC is widely accepted as the central portion or
able, appearing vertical (neutral), ulnarly tilted (negative), or articular disk, whereas the term TFCC refers to the disk along
radially tilted (positive) (5). The joint’s principal movements with the rest of the peripheral capsuloligamentous complex.
are pronation and supination, integrated with motion at the
radiocapitellar and proximal radioulnar joints (6). Central Articular Disk.—The central disk is a flat structure
Owing to its intrinsic instability, the joint relies heavily that attaches squarely onto the ulnar-most margin of the dis-
on soft-tissue stabilizers, of which there are two types. In- tal articular surface of the radius. It is composed of densely
trinsic stabilizers are intracapsular structures of greater packed collagen, with sparse vascularity at its ulnar border and

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Figure 2. Drawing shows the components of the TFCC: the central disk
or TFC (*), dorsal and volar DRULs, ulnolunate (UL) and ulnotriquetral (UT)
ligaments, ECU subsheath (ECU-ss), and ulnomeniscal homologue (UMH).

Figure 3. Normal appearance of the peripheral TFCC. Co­

ronal gradient-echo MR image shows the proximal or foveal
completely avascular central and radial areas (8). Its primary (arrowhead) and distal or styloid (straight arrow) laminae of
function is to dissipate forces across the ulnar side of the wrist, the peripheral TFCC. The disk and DRULs have low signal
thereby acting as a shock absorber, but it does not contribute intensity with all sequences and can be differentiated on
much to DRUJ stability (3,6,9). coronal images on the basis of their radial attachment. While
the DRULS attach directly to bone, the disk is separated from
bone by the intervening intermediate signal intensity of hya-
Distal Radioulnar Ligaments.—In contrast to the central disk, line cartilage (curved arrow). The proximal and distal laminae
the DRULs are the chief stabilizers of the DRUJ, acting in normally demonstrate internal increased signal intensity with a
concert to stabilize the joint, depending on the wrist position striated pattern, which should not be confused with a tear.
(8). They are peripheral extensions of the disk, commonly re-
ferred to as proximal/foveal and distal/styloid “laminae,” al-
though surgical and histologic studies have recognized their
more complex organization (10) (Fig 3). Each ligament is
composed of superficial and deep layers that subdivide into
dorsal and volar fibers halfway between the radius and ulna,
producing a four-armed arrangement (11) (Fig 4).
The superficial layer arises from the ulnar border of the
radius and courses along the volar part of the lunate fossa
before inserting onto the ulnar styloid (12). The deep layer or
ligamentum subcruentum originates from the same site and
inserts into the richly vascularized fovea (12). Historically
described as a vascular fissure between the styloid and foveal
fibers of the TFCC, the term ligamentum subcruentum has
been used more recently to represent the deep or foveal layer
of the DRULs (6,13).
The superficial layers form an acute angle as they converge
from the radius onto the ulnar styloid, while the deep layers
form an obtuse angle as they insert into the fovea (6). This ar-
rangement gives the deep layer a greater biomechanical effect
on forearm rotation, which some authors have compared to a
buckboard, thereby preventing dorsal migration of the radius
onto the ulnar head (6,12). The four arms act in synchrony to Figure 4. Drawing shows the organization of the DRULs. The four arms of
stabilize the DRUJ in various forearm positions (12) (Fig 5). the DRULs—the superficial dorsal (S-D), superficial volar (S-V), deep dorsal
(D-D), and deep volar (D-V)—interdigitate at their distal insertions to form
The deep layer along with the ulnocarpal ligaments and ECU conjoined ligaments, giving rise to the macroscopic appearance of two
subsheath converge onto the fovea, making this roughened laminae.
concave bony surface a critical stabilizer of the DRUJ (14).

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Ulnocarpal Ligaments.—The ulnocarpal ligamentous complex

is anatomically divided into the ulnocapitate, ulno­lunate, and
ulnotriquetral ligaments; macroscopically, these ligaments
are confluent and indistinguishable from each other in the
absence of joint fluid or arthrographic contrast material (15).
The volar fibers of the ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral liga-
ments contribute to DRUJ stability and arise together from
the volar radioulnar ligament at the fovea and base of the ul-
nar styloid, extending distally to insert at the volar lunate and
triquetrum, respectively (12,15,16) (Fig 6). The ulnolunate
and ulnotriquetral ligaments form part of the deep extrinsic
ligaments of the wrist, thereby contributing not only to DRUJ
stability but also to ulnocarpal stability (9).

ECU Tendon and Subsheath.—The ECU is a fusiform muscle

in the posterior aspect of the forearm that spans the lateral
epicondyle of the distal humerus and fifth metacarpal base
(17). In the wrist, the ECU tendon runs through an osseous
tunnel formed by the distal ulna and a fibrous connective tis-
sue referred to as the ECU subsheath; the entire fibro-osseous
tunnel lies deep to the extensor retinaculum (Fig 7). The ten-
don is constrained by the subsheath but not by the retinac-
ulum, allowing smooth rotation of the radius over the ulna
while restraining the ECU tendon within the ulnar groove
(8,18). As part of the TFCC, the floor of the ECU subsheath
blends with the dorsal DRUL; on its own, it augments the dor-
sal capsule to provide minor stability to the DRUJ (9).
Figure 5. Biomechanics of the DRULs in various forearm positions. The
Ulnomeniscal Homologue.—The ulnomeniscal homologue or superficial dorsal (white arrow) and deep volar (white arrowhead) fibers
are taut on pronation, whereas the superficial volar (black arrow) and deep
meniscoid is a multifascicular structure that buffers the TFCC dorsal (black arrowhead) fibers tighten on supination.
from the triquetrum. It is made of synovial tissue, which is
easily elongated and folded, acting as a shock absorber rather
than as a direct stabilizer (8,19). It consists of four compo- dant pouch from being interposed within the joint on rotation
nents: styloid, collateral, distal, and radioulnar; the main com- of the forearm (23,24). It also restricts dorsal translation of the
ponent is the styloid, whereas the other three components are radius relative to the ulna, preventing radioulnar locking or
its extensions (19). convergence (23,24).
At MRI, it may be challenging to view all components in
a single plane, as visibility may be affected by the imaging Interosseous Membrane.—The interosseous membrane is
parameters and the position of the wrist at the time of the a broad and sheetlike connective tissue that runs obliquely
examination (19). Along with the ECU subsheath and ulnar from the radius proximally, extending distally and oblique
collateral ligament, the homologue reinforces the ulnar-sided to insert at the distal 25% of the ulna (25). It maintains lon-
joint capsule and is therefore considered the “functional ulnar gitudinal stability by transmitting load between the forearm
collateral ligament” of the wrist (20,21) (Fig 8). Homologue bones (25). Contrary to the TFCC, which stabilizes the DRUJ
tears are usually associated with tears elsewhere in the TFCC, by preventing volar translation of the radius, the interosseous
although the clinical significance remains controversial (13). membrane prevents proximal migration and dorsal transla-
tion of the radius (25,26). It consists of membranous portions
Extrinsic Stabilizers and areas of bandlike thickening; accessory bands have also
been reported (25,26) (Fig 9).
Pronator Quadratus.—The pronator quadratus muscle is a Within the distal interosseous membrane is a thickening
fleshy trapezoidal mass that spans the distal volar surfaces termed the distal oblique bundle (DOB). Each component
of the radius and ulna. It serves as the main pronator of the contributes to forearm stability, but it is the DOB that acts
forearm and consists of superficial and deep heads (Fig E1). It as a secondary stabilizer of the DRUJ (27). It originates
is the deep head that stabilizes the DRUJ in concert with the from the distal ulna a few centimeters proximal to the ul-
TFCC, ECU, and interosseous membrane (22). nar head before running distally to insert on the dorsal in-
Distally and dorsally, the deep head extends deep to the in- ferior rim of the sigmoid notch of the radius (27). This bun-
terosseous membrane, filling the space or “axilla” formed by dle is of greater biomechanical importance after a TFCC
the DRUJ (23). It is intimate with the ulnar and volar aspect of injury, resection of the ulnar head, or an ulna-shortening
the DRUJ capsule, tensing the capsule to prevent the redun- osteotomy (26,27).

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Figure 6. Normal appearance of the ulnolunate

and ulnotriquetral ligaments. Sagittal fat-sup-
pressed T2-weighted images show the normal
ulnolunate (arrow in A) and ulnotriquetral (arrow-
head in B) ligaments.

Figure 7. Normal ECU subsheath and retinaculum. Drawing (A) and axial proton-density–weighted MR image (B) of the sixth extensor compart-
ment show the ECU tendon enclosed by the subsheath (arrowheads), which lies deep to the retinaculum (arrows). The subsheath is anchored to
the distal ulna, while the retinaculum—which covers the other five extensor compartments—has no direct attachment to the ulna and functions to
prevent bowstringing of the tendon during muscle contraction.

Imaging Techniques the distal radius and ulna with dorsal dislocation and super-
Radiography is the preferred initial imaging tool for assessing imposition of the radius and ulna with volar dislocation (30)
the DRUJ. The posteroanterior projection enables evaluation (Fig 10). A clenched-fist posteroanterior view in forearm pro-
of ulnar variance and degenerative changes of the DRUJ or nation to assess the DRUJ gap and a weighted lateral stress
intercarpal joints. Lateral radiography performed with ap- view in pronation have shown promise for detecting DRUJ
propriate joint and patient positioning is useful in detecting instability (31).
DRUJ or carpal malalignment. US is a useful screening tool for soft-tissue changes second-
On a true lateral view, the volar cortex of the pisiform ary to DRUJ instability, including ECU tendinosis, tears, or te-
should lie between the volar cortices of the capitate and the nosynovitis. Synovitis in the ulnocarpal recess of the wrist is
distal pole of the scaphoid, ideally within the central third detected with color Doppler imaging, but it is nonspecific and
of this interval (28). The ulna normally projects 2 mm dorsal can be present in TFCC tears and inflammatory or infectious
to the radius; a distance of 6 mm or more between the distal disorders (Fig 11). US enables comparative assessment of the
radius and ulna is diagnostic of instability (29). On the an- opposite limb and dynamic evaluation between pronation and
teroposterior projection, there is an increased gap between supination but is unreliable in detailed evaluation of the TFCC.
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Figure 8. Normal appearance of the ulnomeniscal homo-

logue. Coronal proton-density–weighted MR image of the
wrist shows the ulnomeniscal homologue as a pyramidal struc-
ture composed of redundant fibrous tissue (*) and vascular
tissue (straight arrow) directly above fluid within the prestyloid
recess (arrowheads). Some fibers of the ECU tendon are also
partially visualized (curved arrows).

CT allows evaluation of bony anatomy at high resolution

without use of contrast material or extended imaging times.
Simultaneous CT of both wrists is the preferred imaging tech-
nique for detecting DRUJ instability, as it provides functional
information along with detailed assessment of the fracture Figure 9. Drawing shows the inter­osseous
pattern and displaced fragments. membrane of the forearm. The interosseous
MRI remains the most sensitive modality for assessing membrane consists of predominantly mem-
branous portions interspersed with areas of
soft-tissue structures, particularly the TFCC. Imaging with discrete thickening: the distal oblique bundle
a dedicated wrist coil, thin-section sequences, and a small (DOB), central band or interosseous ligament
field of view enables adequate evaluation of the DRUJ at (IOL), and proximal oblique cord (POC).
routine imaging of the wrist (32,33). Three-tesla MRI is pre-
ferred, with diagnostic accuracy nearly equivalent to that
achieved with direct MR arthrography, but 1.5-T MRI may
be adequate with optimized techniques (33,34). Some insti- Traumatic injuries are subdivided into four types on the basis
tutions include a three-dimensional imaging sequence with of the site of injury (Fig 12, Table 1).
thin sections and multiplanar capability (33,35). Application Type 1A lesions are frank perforations of the central disk
of traction has also been proposed, further improving depic- (Fig 13). They are classically described as central tears, al-
tion of the TFCC, intrinsic ligament tears, and articular car- though most injuries in this category are slightly off center and
tilage surfaces (36). nearer to the radial articular surface, thereby mimicking type
1D lesions when large. Because the articular disk is avascular,
Pathologic Conditions these tears are generally not amenable to direct repair (8,20).
Type 1C lesions are carpal-sided avulsions of an ulnocar-
Trauma pal ligament (Fig 14). They may involve the lunotriquetral
ligament and manifest as ulnocarpal subluxation rather than
TFCC Tears.—TFCC lesions are traditionally organized ac- DRUJ instability (20).
cording to the Palmer classification system. The main division Compared with type 1A and 1C lesions, type 1B and 1D lesions
is between traumatic (type 1) and degenerative (type 2) tears. are prone to DRUJ instability (14,20). Type 1B lesions involve the
Volume 43 Number 1 •
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Figure 10. Volar (top) and dorsal (bottom) DRUJ dislocation.

(A, B) Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs in a
67-year-old man after a motor vehicle accident show approx-
imation of the distal radius and ulna on the anteroposterior
view (A) and mild volar translation of the distal ulna (yellow
line in B) with respect to the distal radius on the lateral view,
consistent with volar DRUJ subluxation. A minimally displaced
fracture (arrowhead in A) of the ulnar styloid process is also
present. (C, D) Anteroposterior (C) and lateral (D) radiographs
in a 22-year-old male skier with recurrent wrist pain show
widening of the distal radioulnar joint on the anteroposterior
view (C) and dorsal translation of the distal ulna (yellow line
in D) with respect to the distal radius on the lateral view,
consistent with dorsal DRUJ dislocation.

Figure 11. ECU tenosynovitis in an 89-year-old patient with sudden marked

swelling of the ulnar side of the wrist. Transverse color Doppler image of the
ECU tendon (*) at the level of the ulnar groove shows florid synovial thickening
and hyperemia, consistent with tenosynovitis. The patient had no history of
recent trauma or rheumatoid arthritis. Cultures were negative, although the pa-
tient’s symptoms resolved after a course of intravenous antibiotics.

the entire TFCC using a bone anchor or drill holes (20,37). Bone
avulsion of the ulnar styloid can manifest as subtle cortical irreg-
ularity or a separate fracture fragment (Fig E2) (38).
Type 1D lesions are radial-sided avulsions of the TFCC
from the weak cartilage-bone interface at the radius and are
further subdivided into central, dorsal, and volar rim tears
(20). The central tear limited to the fibrocartilage area is the
most common subtype and is managed with arthroscopic par-
tial resection (20) (Fig 16).
foveal or styloid attachment or both (Fig 15). Isolated tears of the Palmer type 2 lesions are degenerative tears of the TFCC
styloid insertion are repaired with a simple arthroscopic suture, related to ulnar impaction that are subclassified according to
while avulsion of the foveal attachment requires reattachment of progressive involvement of structures on the ulnar side of the
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Figure 12. Drawings show the four types of Palmer 1 or traumatic lesions of the TFCC (see Table 1).

Table 1: Palmer Classification of TFCC Lesions

Class Description
Type 1: traumatic
1A Central slit tear or perforation of the disk proper
1B Ulnar avulsion with or without distal ulnar fracture
1C Distal avulsion of TFCC involving ulnotriquetral or
ulnolunate ligament
1D Radial avulsion of the disk proper with or without
sigmoid notch fracture
Type 2: degenerative
2A TFCC wear with thinning or fraying without perfora-
2B TFCC wear as in 2A with lunate, triquetral, or ulnar
2C TFCC perforation with or without 2B chondrosis
2D Lunotriquetral ligament perforation with features of
2A, 2B, or 2C
2E Any or all of the above with ulnocarpal arthritis
Figure 13. Palmer type 1A lesion in a 39-year-old man with ul-
nar-sided pain after spraining his wrist. Coronal fat-suppressed
T2-weighted image shows frank perforation of the TFC (arrow-
head). The peripheral TFCC is intact.
wrist (Fig 17, Table 1). Type 2A lesions manifest as thinning
and fraying of the TFCC without frank perforation (Fig 18).
In type 2B to 2E lesions, lunate, triquetral, or ulnar chon- lunotriquetral ligament tear, and ulnocarpal arthritis in type
drosis may be present (Fig 19). There is TFCC perforation, a 2C, 2D (Fig 20), and 2E lesions, respectively.

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Figure 14. Palmer type 1C lesion in a 20-year-old man with wrist pain after falling on an outstretched hand. Coronal (A) and sagittal (B) fat-suppressed pro-
ton-density–weighted MR images and lateral radiograph (C) show an avulsion fracture (arrowhead) involving the ulnolunate ligament (arrows).

stabilizers at the fovea (ie, the “submerged” part), which are

visualized only at DRUJ arthroscopy (37).
Direct CT arthrography and MR arthrography are argu-
ably the preferred imaging tools for detecting TFCC tears
(39) (Fig 21). They have sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy
close to 100% in diagnosing TFCC tears, compared with
70%–90% for conventional MRI (35,40). When a TFCC tear is
suspected, most institutions start with an injection into the
radiocarpal joint; communication with the DRUJ is positive
for a TFCC tear (32,41).
In the absence of communication between the two joints,
a few authors recommend an additional injection into the
DRUJ to rule out noncommunicating TFCC tears (41,42).
Contrast material injection into the midcarpal joint is added
if concomitant injury to the scapholunate or lunotriquetral
ligament is suspected (43). Dynamic maneuvers after fluo-
Figure 15. Palmer type 1B lesion involving both the foveal roscopy-guided contrast material injection—such as neutral
and styloid attachments in a 34-year-old man with a wrist or grip view and radial or ulnar deviation—can aid in diag-
sprain. Coronal fat-suppressed proton-density–weighted MR nosis of concurrent carpal instability, although their value in
image shows complete disruption (arrowheads) of the foveal diagnosing DRUJ instability is not established.
and styloid laminae of the TFCC. There is also edema (arrows)
in the soft tissues alongside the distal ulna. Although exhibiting excellent contrast resolution and the
ability to demonstrate central and radial-sided tears, conven-
tional MRI and MR arthrography have not shown similar
TFCC tears are the most widely known cause of DRUJ in- accuracy in diagnosing peripheral tears (37,44). Direct CT ar-
stability and dysfunction. Arthroscopy is the standard of ref- thrography has recently received attention for its speed and
erence for diagnosing central disk tears but may be limited excellent spatial resolution, allowing evaluation of concur-
in detecting deeper peripheral lesions (37). The challenge rent bone injuries and loose bodies, both calcified and non-
of diagnosing deeper ulnar-sided tears is highlighted by the calcified (35,40) (Fig 22). Radial sequences improve diagnos-
layered arrangement of the TFCC, later updated to the “ice- tic accuracy for peripheral lesions, making it almost equal to
berg” concept (10,12). that for central lesions (7). Personally, we prefer CT arthrog-
The ulnar side of the TFCC can be divided into the proxi- raphy for detecting peripheral TFCC tears, particularly the
mal ligament (the DRULs, specifically the foveal fibers) and critical deep or foveal lesions. Further studies are needed to
a distal hammock structure that suspends the carpus (10). assess the accuracy of CT arthrography in diagnosing periph-
As with an iceberg, only the distal hammock or shock-ab- eral TFCC tears compared with that of MR arthrography.
sorbing part (ie, the emerging tip) is seen during radiocarpal
arthroscopy (37). This is significantly smaller and less func- Limitations of Palmer Classification.—There are several limita-
tionally important than the proximal ligament or the main tions of the Palmer classification. Type 1B tears are not further

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Figure 16. Palmer type 1D lesion in a 45-year-old female cyclist with 5 days of ulnar-sided wrist pain after a cycling injury.
Coronal (A) and axial (B) fat-suppressed T1-weighted images after administration of intra-articular contrast material show a contrast
material–filled defect (arrowheads) in the radial side of the TFCC near the articular cartilage, consistent with a Palmer type 1D tear.

Figure 17. Drawings show the five types of Palmer 2 or degenerative lesions of the TFCC (see Table 1).

subclassified as tears of the foveal attachment, homologue, ul- are not differentiated, although a different arthroscopic or sur-
nar collateral ligament, or ECU subsheath (45). Apart from the gical approach may be required (37).
rare Palmer type 1C tear, peripheral lesions at the ulna are con- There are many lesions not described by the classification
sidered Palmer type 1B despite requiring different therapeutic (Fig E4). Dorsal capsular detachments are largely unrecog-
approaches (37). Combined central and peripheral injuries are nized despite their diagnostic and surgical implications (39).
not classified, although they are not uncommon (45) (Fig E3). The Nishikawa lesion is a dorsal capsular avulsion from the
Tears of the superficial or deep layers of the peripheral TFCC ulnar aspect of the triquetrum and may involve the meniscal

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Figure 18. Palmer type 2A lesion in an adult man

with chronic ulnar-sided wrist pain. Coronal fat-sup-
pressed proton-density–weighted MR image shows
mild thinning (arrowhead) of the TFC with mild
chondrosis and subchondral edema in the overlying Figure 19. Palmer type 2C lesion in a 56-year-old man with
lunate. Contrary to type 1A lesions, a type 2A lesion chronic wrist discomfort. Coronal fat-suppressed proton-den-
is characterized by attrition or irregularity of the disk sity–weighted MR image shows perforation (arrowhead) of the
without extension to the articular surface, similar to TFC, with chondrosis and subchondral cysts in the ulna. The
degeneration of the menisci of the knee. lunotriquetral ligament is intact (arrow). Scattered intraosseous
cysts are also seen in the triquetrum, hamate, and capitate.

homologue (46) (Fig 23). Dorsal capsular detachments at the

level of the TFC are usually located in the ulnar aspect and may
be concealed by abundant synovitis at arthroscopy (37,45).
The dorsal tear is a lesion that occurs between the TFC and
dorsal DRUL (47,48). It can produce abundant synovitis and
ulnar head entrapment, limiting forearm pronation and supi-
nation (45). Lastly, tears between the floor of the dorsal DRUL
and the ECU subsheath can occur alone or in combination
with distal radial fractures. In high-grade injuries, the defect
can extend to the sheath, allowing passage of fluid or arthro-
graphic contrast material and demarcating the tendon (Fig 24).
Atzei and Luchetti (37) devised a novel classification sys-
tem for peripheral TFCC tears that accounts for clinical, ar-
throscopic, and radiographic findings (Table 2). The system
takes into consideration the ballottement test, TFCC tension
at arthroscopy using the hook test, and the status of the DRUJ
cartilage (37). The ballottement test is positive when the ul-
nar head demonstrates abnormal translation on the radius
with passive volar and dorsal translation (37). The hook test Figure 20. Palmer type 2D lesion in a 72-year-old man with
is a specific assessment of the foveal insertion of the proximal wrist pain. Coronal fat-suppressed proton-density–weighted
TFCC (37). It consists of applying traction to the ulnar-most MR image shows perforation (arrowhead) of the TFC, with
border of the TFCC using the probe and is considered positive small subchondral cysts in the lunate. There is also a small
tear (arrow) of the lunotriquetral ligament and some intermedi-
when the TFCC can be displaced toward the center of the ra- ate signal intensity in the peripheral TFCC, also due to degen-
diocarpal joint (37). eration. The overall findings are consistent with a Palmer type
The classification also provides guidelines for specific 2D lesion.
treatment modalities: suture repair, foveal refixation, recon-
struction with a tendon graft, or salvage procedures (arthro-
plasty or joint replacement) (37). The system has not been head with respect to the sigmoid notch (49). Therefore, dorsal
widely adopted but may play an important complementary DRUJ dislocation refers to dorsal position or “movement” of
role to the Palmer classification in guiding treatment and sur- the distal ulna with respect to the distal radius, whereas volar
gical decision making. DRUJ dislocation corresponds to volar position of the distal
ulna with respect to the distal radius. Dorsal DRUJ dislocation
DRUJ Instability.—Despite the fact that the radius is the mobile is the more common form of instability (50).
component of the forearm, DRUJ instability or dislocation Diagnosis of DRUJ instability is difficult clinically and ra-
is customarily defined in terms of the position of the ulnar diologically. As little as 10° of pronation or supination on a

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January 2023 Flores et al 12

Figure 21. Peripheral
TFCC perforation. Coronal
conventional (A) and MR (B)
arthrograms after radiocarpal
injection show complete
tears (arrowheads in B) of
the foveal and styloid at-
tachments of the peripheral
TFCC, with extravasation of
contrast material (arrows)
into the soft tissues at the
ulnar aspect of the TFCC
beyond the borders of the
prestyloid recess, suspicious
for a concomitant ulnar cap-
sule injury. The patient did
not undergo arthroscopy or
surgery and was managed

lateral image can make DRUJ alignment inaccurate (29). A

few institutions use a wrist support to achieve satisfactory
positioning in the lateral projection or compare affected and
unaffected sides to improve sensitivity and reliability (29).
CT is the standard of reference for assessing DRUJ insta-
bility. Static scans provide excellent anatomic detail, while
dynamic imaging of both wrists allows real-time assessment
of stress-related changes to the joint (Figs 25, E5). Current
approaches focus on imaging in the neutral position, supi-
nation, and pronation during various degrees of loading and
resistance using dead-weight application (ie, sandbags) or a
special apparatus that provides torque (51).
There are various methods of evaluating the displacement
on these axial images: the radioulnar line (or Mino’s) method,
radioulnar ratio method, subluxation ratio method, epicen-
ter method, and congruency method (52,53) (Table 3). Mino’s
method is the quickest and easiest but is limited by high rates of
false-positive results (53–55). The epicenter method is unaffected
by rotational position but exhibits poor interrater agreement (54).
The subluxation ratio method is straight­forward and reliable but
may exhibit significant variation in normal values (53,54).
There is no consensus on the most optimal method. Per- Figure 22. TFC tear with an interposed flap within the
DRUJ in a 21-year-old man with marked wrist pain after
sonally, we prefer the subluxation ratio for its reproducibility a fall. Coronal CT arthrogram of the wrist after radiocar-
and reliability independent of the injury state of the wrist. We pal injection shows intra-articular contrast material (*)
agree with previous authors (53,54) that the main challenge in filling the region of the TFC, consistent with full-thick-
evaluating DRUJ instability with CT criteria is the large nor- ness perforation. There is also contrast material outlin-
ing a nonmineralized intra-articular body (arrowheads)
mal variation in translation of the joint. Therefore, we recom- within the DRUJ, consistent with a displaced flap from
mend reporting these measurements only in dynamic CT ex- the torn TFC.
aminations of both wrists performed for clinically suspected
or established DRUJ instability.

Intra- and Extra-articular Fractures.—The stabilizing effect of Fractures at the base of the ulnar styloid are more clinically
the TFCC is irrelevant if the bony architecture of the DRUJ is significant, resulting in disruption of the TFCC attachment
damaged. Fracture of the distal radius is the most common and DRUJ instability (37). A nonunited styloid fracture may
cause of DRUJ instability (9). An associated TFCC tear is pres- become painful when it impinges on the ulnar carpus or irri-
ent in more than 75% of patients with an intra-articular distal tates the adjacent ECU tendon sheath (57).
radius fracture (56). An Essex-Lopresti fracture is characterized by a longitudinal
Fractures of the distal radius are also commonly associated force that disrupts the proximal radial head or neck in conjunc-
with an ulnar styloid fracture involving the tip or base (2). tion with a DRUJ dislocation (2). The injury is complicated by

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Figure 23. Carpal-sided avulsion of the dorsal capsule (Nishikawa lesion) in a 46-year-old rugby player. Diagram (A) and sagit-
tal fat-suppressed proton-density–weighted MR image (B) show avulsion of the dorsal capsule, characterized at MRI by capsular
stripping and marrow edema (arrowheads in B) in the triquetrum (T in B). The TFC is intact. 1A in A = Palmer type 1A lesion, 1C in A =
Palmer type 1C lesion.

Figure 24. ECU subsheath injury in a 57-year-old

man with recent ulnar-sided pain after a water-ski-
ing injury. Coronal (A) and axial (B) CT arthro-
grams of the wrist show intra-articular contrast
material (arrowheads) outlining the ECU tendon,
consistent with a subsheath injury.

interosseous membrane rupture with tearing of the interos- useful for evaluating surrounding soft-tissue structures and
seous ligament, which leads to radioulnar dissociation and preoperative planning (2).
proximal migration of the radius in relation to the ulna (25).
The diagnosis can be made radiographically, although MRI Traumatic Tears of ECU Tendon.—Pathologic conditions of the
may provide a detailed evaluation of all the components of ECU tendon are most common in tennis and golf and in cer-
the interosseous membrane, ligaments, and other soft tissues tain high-impact contact sports, such as rugby (17). Dis­orders
(Fig 26) (58). include tenosynovitis, tendinosis, traumatic or degenerative
A Galeazzi fracture-dislocation is a fracture of the distal tearing, and tendon instability. The contents of the entire
one-third of the radius along with DRUJ instability (2). The sixth extensor compartment are best depicted on axial MR im-
fracture is located at the proximal border of the pronator ages. The ECU, its subsheath, and the extensor retinaculum
quadratus muscle, and the DRUJ dislocation is commonly are highlighted on fluid-sensitive or fat-suppressed images in
dorsal (2). DRUJ instability is more common in fractures lo- the presence of a small amount of tendon sheath fluid.
cated closer than 7.5 cm to the radiocarpal joint (59). The in- Partial tears manifest as intratendinous clefts, tendon at-
jury often occurs in combination with ulnar styloid fractures tenuation, or tendon thickening (Fig 27) (17). An accessory
and TFC tears (2). As with an Essex-Lopresti fracture, MRI is ECU tendon is present in less than 40% of cases and may be
Volume 43 Number 1 •
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Table 2: Atzei Classification of TFCC Lesions

Arthroscopic Findings

Clinical Tension of Proxi-

Findings: DRUJ Appearance of mal TFCC (Hook Cartilage Status of Suggested
Class Ballottement Test Distal TFCC Test) DRUJ Radiographic Findings Treatment
0 Negative Normal Taut (negative Well-preserved Isolated ulnar styloid fracture Splinting
hook test) cartilage
1 Slight laxity Peripheral tear Taut (negative Well-preserved Isolated tear of distal TFCC TFCC suture
hook test) cartilage with or without ulnar styloid
2 Mild to severe No tear Loose (positive Well-preserved Tear of both distal and proximal TFCC foveal
laxity hook test) cartilage components refixation or
styloid fixation
3 Mild to severe No tear Loose (positive Well-preserved Isolated tear of proximal com- TFCC foveal
laxity hook test) cartilage ponent refixation or
styloid fixation
4 Mild to severe 4a: Massive tear with Loose (positive Well-preserved 4a: Irreparable TFCC tear due to Tendon graft re-
laxity degenerated edges hook test) cartilage a sizable defect construction
4b: Frayed edges 4b: Irreparable TFCC tear due to
with failed suture poor healing potential

5 Variable Variable Loose (positive Degenerative or DRUJ osteoarthritis after a Arthroplasty

hook test) traumatic carti- TFCC tear
lage defect

confused with a partial split tear (60). Complete traumatic border of the groove, maximal during supination, flexion, and
rupture of a nondegenerated tendon is unusual and is seen ulnar deviation (18,63). There is also greater ulnar translation
only in high-force lacerating or penetrating injury (17). with shallower or more convex grooves (18,61).
At US and MRI, a fluid-filled defect is evident with vary-
ing degrees of retraction of the tendon ends and associated Degenerative Conditions
soft-tissue hematoma. Similar to their appearance in ten-
dons elsewhere in the body, chronic ruptures manifest as ECU Tenosynovitis and Tendinosis.—Overuse or degenerative
tendon nonvisualization with proximal muscle atrophy and abnormalities involving the tendons of the wrist are more
absence of other soft-tissue abnormalities (17). common than traumatic ruptures and typically take the form
of tenosynovitis, tendinosis, or degenerative tears. Repetitive
ECU Subsheath Injury and Tendon Instability.—Athletic inju- friction against the distal ulna in sporting activities often leads
ries of the ECU subsheath are rarely seen in clinical practice. to tenosynovitis. The ECU tendon sheath can be irritated by
Tearing or attenuation of the ECU subsheath allows sublux- repetitive flexion and extension as it exits the fibro-osseous
ation or dislocation of the ECU tendon despite an intact su- tunnel. Inflammatory arthropathies like rheumatoid arthritis
perficial extensor retinaculum (Fig 28). are an important consideration in patients with ECU teno­
The injury is characterized by a painful snap over the synovitis but no history of recent trauma, repetitive stress, or
dorsal and ulnar aspect of the wrist, exacerbated by forearm sporting activity (17).
rotation. Most patients recall a specific traumatic event or Tendinosis of the ECU is the second most common tendi-
sporting activity (ie, tennis or golf), typically occurring during nosis in athletes and is frequently seen in rowing, golf, and
forearm supination, ulnar deviation, and wrist flexion (61). racquet sports (61,64). It is usually seen in the setting of TFCC
An untreated acute ECU subluxation or dislocation results in tears, lunotriquetral ligament tears, anomalous tendon slips,
chronic ECU instability, manifesting as repetitive irritation, nonunited ulnar styloid fractures, or a flat ECU tendon groove
reactive tenosynovitis, and—in severe cases—osseous erosion (64). It appears as diffuse intratendinous high signal intensity
of the distal ulna (62). True ECU tendon dislocation at the with increased tendon girth with or without tenosynovitis. On
ulnar groove is exceptionally rare. axial images, central increased T1 or T2 signal intensity alone
The position of the wrist at the time of imaging must be ac- without alteration in tendon caliber indicates mucoid degen-
counted for when diagnosing ECU instability. At US and MRI, eration and is not necessarily pathologic, the so-called ECU
it is common for the tendon to appear to be in an eccentric pseudolesion (65) (Fig E6). Progressive tendinosis and degen-
position or even completely outside the ulnar groove (18,63). eration predispose to partial tears and even complete failure,
It can displace by up to 5 mm and 40%–50% volar to the ulnar which can occur after a minor traumatic event or insidiously.

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January 2023 Flores et al 15

Figure 25. Dorsal DRUJ dislocation in a 26-year-old man with

suspected left DRUJ instability after internal fixation for a distal
radial fracture. Axial dynamic CT images of both wrists show
progressive dorsal translation and subsequent engagement (ar-
rowhead) of the left distal ulna with respect to the distal radius
from supination to the neutral position to pronation. The right
DRUJ also shows mild dorsal translation of the distal ulna with
respect to the distal radius (yellow line) on pronation but was
normal at clinical assessment. By convention, dorsal DRUJ dis-
location refers to dorsal position of the distal ulna with respect
to the distal radius, even though the radius is the mobile unit of
the forearm.

Ulnar Variance.—Ulnar variance is implicated in ulnar-sided acterized by chronic impaction between the ulnar head, TFCC,
impaction syndromes. It is measured as the distance be- and ulnar carpus, resulting in a continuum of pathologic
tween the distal edges of the ulnar head (not ulnar styloid) changes. It is often associated with positive ulnar variance,
and radius; a positive variance is greater than 2.5 mm, and a which increases loading across the ulnocarpal joint, but may
negative variance is less than or equal to 2.5 mm. This value also be seen in neutral or negative variance in the context of
changes with wrist position, increasing with maximum fore- dynamic impingement (52). Other predisposing factors include
arm pronation, firm grip, and ulnar deviation and decreas- malunion of the distal radius, premature physeal closure of the
ing with maximum forearm supination (2,66). It also varies distal radius, and previous radial head resection (57).
among individuals and over an individual’s lifetime (2). Pos- In contrast to ulnar impaction, ulnar impingement is
itive or negative ulnar variance may represent a normal con- caused by negative ulnar variance or a shortened distal ulna
genital variant or occur secondary to a malunited fracture or that impinges on the distal radius proximal to the sigmoid
previous surgery (2). notch. A shortened distal ulna is typically a consequence of
any of the surgical procedures that involve resection of the
Ulnar Impaction.—Ulnar impaction, ulnar loading, or ulnar distal ulna secondary to rheumatoid arthritis, correction of
abutment is the most common of the ulnar-sided wrist impac- Madelung deformity, or premature fusion of the distal ulna
tion syndromes. It is an overuse or degenerative disorder char- due to remote trauma (57) (Fig 29). Imaging findings include

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Table 3: Methods of Quantifying DRUJ Displacement on Axial CT Images

Method Construction
Radioulnar line or Two lines are drawn through the dorsal and volar borders of the
Mino’s method radius and extended toward the ulna. Instability is present when
(cd/ab) there is greater than 25% displacement of the ulna beyond these
borders (dotted outline of the ulna). This parameter can also be
quantitatively evaluated by obtaining the ratio cd/ab.

Radioulnar ratio The first line is drawn joining the dorsal and volar edges of the
 (ad/ab) sigmoid notch (total length of the sigmoid notch or ab), while
a second line is drawn perpendicular to the first that passes
through the center of the ulnar head. The radioulnar ratio is the
ratio between the line joining the point of intersection of the two
lines with the volar edge of the sigmoid notch (ad) and the total
length of the sigmoid notch (ab).

Subluxation ratio The total length of the sigmoid notch (ab) is obtained. Two lines
 (cd/ab) are drawn perpendicular to this length, one through the dorsal
edge of the sigmoid notch and one through the volar edge. The
maximum dimension of the ulna beyond either of these lines (cd)
is measured, and the ratio against the total length of the sigmoid
notch is calculated.

Epicenter method Two circles are drawn in the center of the ulnar head and the
 (cd/ab) styloid process. The center of rotation of the DRUJ lies at a point
halfway between the center of the ulnar styloid and the center of
the ulnar head. This line is joined perpendicular (d) to the line
depicting the length of the sigmoid notch (ab). The ratio of the
distance between the perpendicular line and the midpoint of the
sigmoid notch (cd) and the length of the sigmoid notch (ab) is

Congruency method Subjective parameter based on the arcs of the ulnar head and sig-
moid notch.

Note.—Normal values for these parameters and other criteria for evaluation are available in references 53–55.

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January 2023 Flores et al 17

Figure 26. Essex-Lopresti frac-

ture-dislocation in a 46-year-old man
who fell on his outstretched hand
during a bicycle ride. (A) Anteroposte-
rior radiograph of the forearm shows
dislocation of the DRUJ (arrows) and
a displaced fracture-dislocation of the
radiocapitellar joint (arrowheads). (B,
C) Coronal (B) and axial (C) fat-sup-
pressed proton-density–weighted
MR images show severe disruption of
the peripheral TFCC (arrowheads in
B), dislocation of the ECU tendon (ar-
row in C), and diastasis of the DRUJ
(double-headed arrow in C), indica-
tive of disruption of the interosseous

scalloping of the distal radius proximal to the sigmoid notch plant arthroplasty are novel methods that have been used to
and approximation of the lower ends of the radius and ulna or address residual ulnar instability (68) (Fig 30).
radioulnar convergence (57). Other causes of ulnar impaction
are less common and include malunited styloid fractures and Inflammatory Conditions
a long ulnar styloid (57). Rheumatoid arthritis involves the wrist in up to 80% of
cases. It can affect the DRUJ, radiocarpal joint, and midcar-
DRUJ Arthritis.—In comparison with that in other joints, pri- pal joint. Of these, the DRUJ is the earliest and most com-
mary degenerative arthritis of the DRUJ is rare. It usually monly involved compartment (69). Because early findings
occurs secondary to long-standing nondegenerative arthrop- are nonosseous, US and MRI are superior to radiography
athy or cartilage destruction after wrist trauma (67). The and CT in terms of disease detection. US and MRI clearly
typical clinical manifestation is ulnar-sided wrist pain exac- show features of tendon involvement, such as tenosynovi-
erbated by load bearing and forearm supination as a conse- tis, partial tendon tear, and complete rupture (70) (Fig E7).
quence of the ulnar head moving volar to and impinging on Some authors hypothesize that ECU tenosynovitis rep-
the sigmoid notch. Joint space narrowing, osteophytes, and resents an imaging biomarker and predictor of erosive joint
subchondral bone cysts are the typical radiographic find- damage in early rheumatoid arthritis (71). Advanced disease
ings but are usually present in advanced disease (67). MRI is is well characterized at radiography and manifests as joint
helpful in detecting early cartilage and subchondral abnor- instability, severe osteopenia, destruction of the DRUJ, and
malities and synovitis. articular dissociation. The DRUJ demonstrates a typical pat-
Traditionally, DRUJ arthritis is initially managed conserva- tern of bone destruction that include erosions of the inferior
tively, followed by distal ulnar resection in recalcitrant cases. portion of the DRUJ and the prestyloid recess (72). Erosion
Outcomes are usually favorable, but a residual distal ulnar of the sigmoid notch (the scallop sign) correlates with rup-
stump producing symptoms of instability is a significant com- ture of extensor tendons (Fig 31) (73). Caput ulnae syn-
plication. Soft-tissue stabilization procedures and DRUJ im- drome describes the sequence of structural changes in the

Volume 43 Number 1 •

January 2023 Flores et al 18

Figure 28. Chronic ECU subsheath injury and ECU dis-

location in a 47-year-old male cyclist with long-standing
ulnar-sided wrist pain. Axial fat-suppressed proton-density–
weighted MR image shows ulnar and volar dislocation of the
ECU tendon (black arrowhead). The ECU subsheath is no
longer visualized, consistent with complete disruption. There
is also mild edema and thickening of the ulnar aspect of the
extensor retinaculum (white arrowheads), although most of it
remains intact (arrows).

sclerosis, cyst formation, and large geodes are evident at

conventional radiography (2). As with the menisci of the
knee, diffuse degeneration or signal intensity alteration
from chondrocalcinosis may mimic Palmer type 2 tears,
and correlation with radiography or CT is necessary for dif-
ferentiation (44,74).

Developmental Conditions
Madelung deformity is a painful condition of the wrist af-
ter premature closure of the ulnar volar aspect of the distal
radial physis. It has a 4:1 female predisposition and usually
occurs in adolescents between the ages of 8 and 14 years
(75). It is particularly common in Leri-Weill dyschondros-
teosis but may also occur in isolation (75). It is initially as-
ymptomatic before pain, loss of grip strength, and reduced
mobility develop.
Figure 27. ECU split tear in a 44-year-old man with wrist pain Both true Madelung deformity and Madelung-type de-
after a fall on his outstretched forearm. The wrist pain was formities result in progressive curvature of the radius, in-
suspected to be due to a TFCC tear. Axial (A) and coronal (B) creased volar tilt and inclination of the radial articular sur-
fat-suppressed proton-density–weighted MR images show flu-
id-filled clefts within the ECU tendon with surrounding tendon face, triangulation of the carpus with proximal migration
sheath fluid (arrowheads), consistent with a high-grade partial of the lunate, and dorsal displacement of the distal ulna or
intrasubstance tear of the tendon. “bayonet” deformity (75). Congenital Madelung deformity is
distinguished from Madelung-type deformities by the pres-
ence of an anomalous radiolunate ligament (Vickers liga-
DRUJ, which include volar subluxation and supination of ment) and a radial notch at the ligament attachment (75)
the carpus, dorsal prominence of the ulnar head with pain- (Fig 32). The TFCC may become thickened and obliquely
ful crepitus on reduction (the piano key sign), and carpal oriented secondary to the radial deformity (75).
trans­location (72,73). Madelung-type deformities can be posttraumatic owing
Crystalline disorders such as gout and calcium pyro- to a malunited distal radial fracture or can be neoplastic.
phosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease (CPPD) (ie, Multiple osteochondral tumors or hereditary exostoses are
pseudo­gout) appear as chondrocalcinosis of hyaline carti- common neoplasms implicated in Madelung-type deformi-
lage or fibrocartilage, such as in the TFC disk (2,67). Pro- ties (Fig 33). In skeletally immature patients, the physeal
gressive disease eventually leads to structural damage to plate may be injured or tethered by a spanning or adjoining
the joint with imaging findings typical of these arthropa- tumor mass. In contrast to true Madelung deformity, there
thies. Calcific deposits, joint space narrowing, subchondral is no radial notch and no Vickers ligament (75).

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January 2023 Flores et al 19

Figure 29. Ulnar impingement in a 13-year-old boy

with persistent ulnar-sided wrist pain after injury 1 year
earlier. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph shows a distal
radial diaphysis fracture and a metaphyseal corner
fracture (Salter-Harris II) (arrowhead) of the distal ulna,
transfixed with pins. (B) Coronal fat-suppressed pro-
ton-density–weighted MR image 1 year later shows a
markedly shortened distal ulna with mild scalloping
(arrows) of the adjacent radial sigmoid notch.

Figure 30. Surgical management of DRUJ arthritis in a 57-year-old woman who underwent distal ulnar resection for per-
sistent ulnar-sided pain and symptoms of DRUJ instability. (A) Coronal CT image of the left wrist shows cortical irregularity
and proliferative changes (arrowheads) in the distal ulnar stump. The distal radius and carpus also show smaller erosions.
(B) Anteroposterior radiograph shows DRUJ arthroplasty, which was performed 1 year later.

The DRUJ is an essential component of forearm motion that Author affiliations.—From the Department of Medical Imaging, Ottawa
enables smooth pronation and supination in coordination Hospital, 501 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1H 8L6 (D.V.F., K.S.R., Z.J.);
Department of Radiology, Clínica Internacional, Lima, Peru (D.F.U.); and
with the wrist and elbow. This articulation is stabilized by Department of Radiology, Clínica Alemana de Santiago, Vitacura, Chile
osseous and soft-tissue structures, which can be affected by (G.A.S.B.). Presented as an education exhibit at the 2021 RSNA Annual Meet-
a spectrum of pathologic entities. An understanding of the ing. Received May 1, 2022; revision requested June 29 and received July 1;
accepted July 6. For this journal-based SA-CME activity, the authors, editor,
anatomy, classification, and imaging features of common dis- and reviewers have disclosed no relevant relationships. Address correspon-
orders that affect the joint enables accurate diagnosis. dence to D.V.F. (email:

Volume 43 Number 1 •

January 2023 Flores et al 20

Figure 31. Advanced rheumatoid arthritis in a 56-year-old

woman with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis and sudden
severe wrist pain. Coronal CT image shows a large erosion
(arrowhead) involving the distal ulna, primarily the ulnar head.
There is also erosion of the radial sigmoid notch (the scallop
sign) (arrow). Additional smaller erosions in the radial styloid,
triquetrum, lunate, and scaphoid are also present.

Figure 32. Congenital Madelung

deformity with a Vickers ligament.
(A) Anteroposterior radiograph
shows exaggerated radial inclina-
tion (arrow) with a V-shaped prox-
imal carpal row wedged between
the radius and ulna. (B) Coronal
fat-suppressed proton-density–
weighted MR image shows an
anomalous radiolunate or Vickers
ligament (arrowheads).

Figure 33. Madelung-type deformity in a 27-year-old woman

with multiple osteochondromas throughout both upper and lower
extremities. Anteroposterior radiographs of both hands show py-
ramidalization (white lines) of the proximal carpal rows with radial
inclination in both wrists. There are bone expansion and scattered
chondroid lesions in both hands and wrists, consistent with multiple
osteochondral and chondral tumors.

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