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Name: ____________________________________________________________

Section: ________________________ date: _

Activity no. 1 ICT, Me, and My Community

Conduct a short interview of the business owner using the following guide:

Company or Establishment Name:

Nature of Business:

Guide Questions:
1. What are the different ways for costumers and or suppliers to contact you?
2. How often do you use a phone or cellular phone for business? Estimate only.
3. Does your establishment have internet connection? If yes, what is its purpose? If no,
would you consider having one in the future? Why or why not?
4. Does your business have a website? If yes, how does it help the company/business? If
no, would you consider having one in the future? Why or why not?
5. (If applicable) would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the future? If you already
have it, does it help boost sales?
Name: ____________________________________________________________

Section: ________________________ date:

Activity no. 2 Static vs. Dynamic

Look for ten websites and classify them as static or dynamic. What makes each website static
or dynamic? Use the table below.

Website URL Static Dynamic Reason

Name: ____________________________________________________________
Section: ________________________ date:

Activity no. 3 Identifying the Correct Web Platform for Social Change
1. Identify a problem in your community (e.g., littering, garbage disposal, blocked
drainages, etc.).
2. Imagine that you are going to create a website to persuade both community leaders
and members to solve this problem.

Community Problem:
Campaign Name:
Type of Social Media Used:
Website Used:

 What will be the content of your social media site?

 Why did you choose that type of social media?

 Why did you choose that website?

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