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4 SCIENCE [N. 8. VOL. I. KO. I.

our faculties are increased by the adminis- antipathy, or, a t least, a sense of dissatisfac-
trations of science. tion and incompleteness. To such this
Scientific truth has likewise this trait of description may sound narrow and material-
its own ; it is absolutely open to the world ; istic; the results of scientific study thus
it is as free as air, as visible as light. rehearsed may appear vague, indefinite, in-
There is no such thing about it as an inner competent to satisfy the loftier yearnings
secret, a mysterious gnosis, shared by the of the soul of man for something utterly
favored few, the select illuminati, concealed true, immutably real.
from the vulgar horde, or masked to them Vain, indeed, svere the life work of our
under ambiguous terms. Wherever you Association; bereft, indeed, svere we of
find mystery, concealment, occultism, you just claim on your consideration, did we
ma>*be sure that the spirit of science does appear before you with such a thankless
not dwell and, what is more, that it would and futile confession of the ultimate aim of
be a n unwelcome intruder. Such preten- our labor. But it is far, very far, otherwise.
sions belong to pseudo-science, to science All this prying into the objective, ex-
falsely so called, shutting itself out of the ternal aspect of things ; this minute, pains-
light because it is afraid of the light. taking stud? of phenomena ; this reiterated
Again, that spirit of science which we revision and rejection of results, are with
cultivate and represent is at once modest the single aim of discovering those absolute
in its own claims and liberal to the claims laws of motion and life and mind which
of others. The first lesson which every are ubiquitous and eternal; which bear
sound student learns is to follow his facts unimpeachable witness to the unity and the
and not to lead them. New facts teach simplicity of the plan of the universe, and
him new conclusions. His opinions of to- which reveal with sun-clear distinctness
day must be modified by the learning of the that unchangeable order which presides
morrow. H e is a t all times ready and over all natural processes.
willing to abandon a position when further This is the mission of science-noble, in-
investigation shows that it is probably in- spiring, consolatory ; lifting the mind above
correctly taken. He is in this the reverse the gross contacts of life; presenting aims
of the opinionated man, the hobby rider which are a t once practical, humanitarian
and the dogmatist. The despair of a scien- and spiritually elevating.
tific assemblage is the member with a pet DANIELG.BRINTOS.
theory, with a fixed idea, which he is bound UNIVERSITYOF PENNSYLVANIA.
to obtrltde and defend in the face of facts.
Yet even toward him we are called upon Al1fERICA'S RELATION TO THE AD TrA,VCfE

to exercise our toleration and our charity; OF SCIElITCE."

for the history of learning has repeatedly INart and science there is no such thing

shown that from just such wayward enthu- as nationalism : these, like all things great
siasts solid knowledge has derived some of and good belong, to the entire world, and are
its richest contributions. So supreme, after promoted only by free interchange of ideas
all, is energy, that error itself, pursued among contemporaries, with constant refer-
with fervid devotion, yields a more bountiful ence to the heritage of the past." So wrote
harvest than truth languidly cultivated.
From I.Tihnt has been done in America for Sciocce-
But, perhaps, the picture I have thus a n Address delivered before the Philosol~hialSociety
drawn of the spirit of scientific inquiry of Vashillgton, November 24, 1894, by G. BROM~IU
excites in the minds of some a certain GOODE,retiring President.
Goethe in his Spruche in Prosu. I n the taries than his translation, was fully ap-
present address I have spoken, not of preciated even during his own lifetime, and
."Anteviean Science," but of what has been who has ever since been esteemed one of the
done in America for science. I have sum- most distinguished of our countrymen.
marized the work accomplished in the European science has always been more
~ t u d yof the physical conditions and bio- warmly appreciated by our people than con-
logical statistics of two great continents. I temporary European literature, and men
have shown that. our countrymen have like Lyell, Huxley Wallace and Tyndall,
made important contributions to exact when they have come among us, have re-
knowledge in every one of its departments ceived the most enthusiastic welcome, and
from astronomy to anthropology, and that, their books have been ,consumed in much
contrary to general belief, these have been larger editions than a t home, and not with-
chiefly in pure science rather than in the out becoming royalties to their authors.
application of science. Most of our Ameri- Many others have come to us, not in pros-
can advances in economic science, with the perity but through necessity, and were none
exception of those in the field of electricity, the less heartily welcomed-Gallatin, Hass-
have consisted in multifarious adaptation ler, Priestly, Cooper, Bernard, Duponceau,
and bold application of principles and meth- Cupont de Nemours, Nicollet, Rau and
ods first made known in Europe. Except others.
in ingenious mechanical inventions, Ameri- Humboldt wrote in 1807 :
cans have done little in connection with ap- " During five years passed in the Spanish
plied science that is strikingly new or g ~ e a t . colonies of America a few French emigrants
It is not, however, by determinate con- we found a t Nueva Valencia, in Guatemala,
tributions to the aggregate of human knowl- were the only ones we saw. Beyond the
edge that America has aided most largely Atlantic the United States of America af-
the advance of science. It has been in a ford the only asylum to misfortune. A
manner vastly more subtle and far-reaching, government, strong because it is free, con-
through the action of a n intellectual leaven fiding because it is just, has nothing to fear
which has imbued the thought of all man- from giving refuge to the proscribed."*
kind. Priestly, who had been forced to with-
America has always afforded to scientific draw from the Rofal Society, called Amer-
workers a most sympathetic and apprecia- ica ' The Land of the future,' and Richard
tive audience--even a t periods in her his- Price, in the inidst of the Revolution, one
tory when she has been producing the least of the most popular men in England, in de-
a t home. When Auguste Conlte was young clining the invitation of Congress to remove
he intended, it is said, to seek a career on to this country wrote : " The United States
this side of the sea, but was dissuaded by a is now the'hope and likely soon to become
friend, who assured him that if Lagrange the refuge of mankind. "
himself were to come to the United States There is even more to be said concerning
he could only earn his livelihood by turning the influence of our people upon the thought
land surveyor. This was absurdly false, and practice of the Old World.
for in that very year Laplace7s Mt?ca?ziqz~e The liberal policy of our State and Na-
Cdleste was being translated, for the first tional governments toward many branches
a n d only time into English, by Nathaniel of scientific work is well understood abroad,
Bowditch, whose service to science, which and has h a 4 an influence, especially in en-
was more important through his commen- *Personal Narrative, Vol. ii., Chapter I.

eouraging the publication of dignified and another for Coleridge and Southey to plan
well illustrated reports upon the results of for the founding of a, pantisocracy on the
scientific exploration and research. banks of the Susquehanna, and then to re-
An illustration of the popular apprecia- main a t home with Wordsw-orth and pro-
tion of knowledge in this country is t o mote human freedom by their writings, or
be found in the growth of libraries, and for Price to denounce the oppression of the
in the increasing volume of the stream of American colonies as an outrage against
books, new and old, which pass constantly liberty, and thus t o secure from the people
to the westward across the Atlantic. of London, who presented him with the
Augustine Birrell, M. P., in a n address a t freedom of their city, a n assurance of sym-
Dumfermline, Scotland, has presented some pathy among their English kinsmen, which
most astounding statistics in regard to books encouraged the colonists to declare their in-
a n d libraries. H e said that in the public dependence. If, a t the time of the Great
libraries of Europe there are twenty-one Exodus, the men who organized the Royal
million printed volumes; in those of Aus- Society of London had carried out their
tralia, one million more, while those of purpose of removing in a body to Connecti-
America contain fifty millions-more than cut, there to found a n academy of sciences,
twice as many as in all the rest of the the higher learning would have been re-
world.* tarded, not advanced.
The mere possession of books does not in It is almost impossible for us to under-
itself count for much, but the eagerness to stand the manner in which even now free-
acquire the means of research, not books dom of thought and action is burdened
only, but all other instruments and appli- in the Old World by the weight of feudal
ances for intellectual progress, is very sig- traditions and by the existence of class dis-
nificant. It should be remarked also that tinctions and privileges. Americans surely
this tendency, so far as the public a t large do not understand, but that quick-witted
is concerned, has not become very evident race of Orientals, the Japanese, have done
until within the last third of the present so from the very time when they ap-
century. plied themselves seriously to the task of
There is a relationship still more funda- making their own what is best in the
mental between America and the advance of civilization of the circum-Atlantic peoples.
science, to which only a passing allusion is To England they went for ideas about
proper here. a navy and for lighthouses, to Germany
I refer to the reflex action of democratic for a system of government, for military
institutions upon those of the Old GITorld- instruction and for medicine, and to France
t o the influence of human freedom, practi- for a code of laws. I n matters of edu-
cally demonstrated upon American soil, cation, however, they have chosen from
upon the freedom of the people in our the very start to be guided by Ameri-
parent lands. cans ;* their keen perception teaching them
It was one thing for men like Priestley to that, whatever may be its defects in de-
fly hither for personal liberty. It was quite tail, the American educational plan is t h a t
APall iVall Gazette, September, 1891. The esti- which in some form or other is certain
mate is perhaps some~vhatextreme, though the offi-
cial return of p"ublic libraries in the United States *Their postal system, their teleg~aphiccode and
(excluding the other American republics and the 001- their meteorological service are also purely American
onies) show nearly 32,000,000 boolcs i n public libraries i n origin, as well as such foreign agricultural methods
of eyer one thousand T olumes. as they may have adopted.
to be adopted by every free people, and to his implements and instru~nentshas received the title
work mighty changes in traditional, social and the accolade.l*
a n d governmental systems. Not less sig- The changes which the last four centuries
nificant, perhaps, in the same connection is have wrought are by no means to be all
the present attitude of Pope Leo X I I I . attributed to the influence of the inhabitants
and his counsellors in regard to educa- of the New World, but in a large degree, no
tional movements in the United States. doubt, to the s o c i ~ land political modifica-
The condition of affairs in Germany up tions which the discovery of America rend-
to quite a recent day, as shown in Virchow's ered possible in the Old World.
address to the Congress of German Natural- It is, after all, very difficult to realize the
ists in 1872, seems almost incredible. exact relation of this discovery to the intel-
Describing the organidation of that so- lectual history of mankind, and i t may be
ciety, fifty years before, he said : impossible, unless we were endowed with
'' Not perhaps a t the dead of night, but still beneath the gift of omniscience.
the veil of secrecy, a handful of savants assembled for A few months ago, standing within the
the first time at Leipsic, at the invitation of Oken. great red fortress of the Alhambra, looking
I n fact, in 1822, no considerable body of men could down on the plain of Granada, still green
come together in Germany in answer to a public in- with the orchards and vineyards planted
vitation, without the permission of the civil authority.
They could not discuss among themselves scientific by the former Moorish rulers of Spain, I
questions, no matter how unconnected with the understood, as I had never done before,
political and national questions of the day. Add to that the final expulsion of the Orientals
this the other fact that, if I am not mistaken, it was from Europe was almost simultaneous with
only i n 1861, a t the Congress of Naturalists a t Spires,
the discovery of America. Six months be-
that the names of the Austrian members could be
made public, and then we can appreciate the tre- fore he sailed westward, Columbus stood
mendous change that has been brought about i n with Ferdihand and Isabella upon that very
the Vaterland. " tower, and saw the last cavalcade of exiled
I n England personal liberty, though not Moors disappear over the mountains toward
consciously retarded by law, is severely Africa. For many centuries the military
trammeled by the nature of existing social strength of our European ancestors had
organizations. Distinction in science and been chiefly devoted t o repelling the inva-
letters is, even to-day, practically, subor- sions of these restless men of the East.
dinated to social distinction. As a n illus- Feudal government held universal domain,
tration one need only notice the position of and all the learning of Europe was hoarded
the President of the Royal Society upon any up within monastic walls.
list in which the names of influential Britons "The discovery of the New World not only offered
are arrayed in order of social precedence. new productions to the curiosity of man. I t d s o ex-
It is next to impossible for a man of moderate tended the then existing work of knowledge respect-
means, however learned, to become presi- ing physical geography, the varieties of the human
species, and the migrations of nations. It is impos-
dent of one of the great English scientific sible to read the narratives of the early Spanish
societies, and the honor most highly travelers, especially that of Acosta, without perceiv-
esteemed by the masses in England, as ing the influence svhich the aspect of a great continent,
well as throughout Europe, that of a deco- the study of extraordinary appearance of nature, and
ration, is rarely given, except to men who are intercourse with Inen of different races must have
exercised on the progress of knowledge in Europe.
prosperous in some material way. The germ of a great number of physical truths is
L L I know i n London, l 1 writes Leland, " a very great
found in the works of the sixteenth century ; and
man of science, nemini sectcndzcs, who has never been
knighted, although the tradesman who makes for him
that germ would have fructified had it not been nations of the'earth. It may be that this
crushed by ignorance and superstition." should be considered the outgrowth and
So wrote Humboldt at the end of the last fulfillment of that which marked the end
century. He must have felt, although he did of the Middle Ages, but whether we are at
not say so then, that ignorance and super- the beginning of a new movement, or at the
stition were also to be dissipated in the new culmination of an old one, the last forty
and expanded intellectual atmosphere. The years have undoubtedly witnessed greater
passage already quoted from his writings changes in the spirit of men's thoughts
shows this clearly. than the four centuries which had gone
The establishment of the supremacy of before.
Western civilization, and the finding of a The earlier Renascence gave to man the
New World were, after all, less important right and liberty to think and act as he, in
than the discovery which the men of both his own judgment, saw fit. The Renas-
hemispheres made on this side of the s e a - cence of to-day is leading men to think, not
that they might become free and their own only with personal freedom, but accurately
masters. It was the opening of a new and rightly. Far be it from me to say that
period in human history. Men were awak- I believe that mankind in general are very
ing from the slumber of ages. Europe much nearer to accurate and just stand-
began to emerge from abject intellectual ards of judgment than they were four hun-
slavery. I n political life the traditions of dred years ago, but the spirit of to-day
the age of despots were broken, and the favors untrammeled and searching investi-
development of free institutions begun. I n gation of every question in which man is
religion a reformation was inaugurated, concerned, a critical comparison of the re-
wider in scope than the movement led by sults of such investigation, and a frank in-
Luther, which is commonly associated with tolerance of all illogical or unsound theory
that name. I n art, soulless and awkward and application.
formalities were replaced by enthusiastic This is the spirit of science-the spirit of
culture of the ideals of classical days, which unprejudiced search for truth-and this,
in time grew broader, more spontaneous emphatically, is the spirit of thinking men
and more inspired. I n the field of letters, of to-day in America, in every department
scholastic traditions were cast aside, and of activity.
each nation in Europe developed a new Who can say what is to be the part of
language and a new literature. I n science, America in the future intellectual life of the
similar scholastic and traditional usages world ? It cannot be less important than in
were discarded. The students who com- the past, and in all likelihood the influence
piled uncritically and generalized upon the of America will be more comprehensive and
worthless results of their own antiquarian deep-seated as the years go by. I s it not
researches, gave place to the restless, skep- possible that it may hereafter become the
tical, critical inquirers of modern times. chief of the conservative forces in civiliza-
We have just ended our celebration of tion rather than, as in the past, be exerted
the discovery of America, the end of the mainly in the direction of change and re-
Dark Ages, the birth of individual freedom form ?
and of proper government. We celebrated
Brain of the New World, what a task is thine,
a t the same time the beginning of a new To formulate the Modern-out of the peerless gran-
epoch. The Nedizeval Renascence was lim- deur of the Modern,
ited to Europe; ours will embrace all the Out of thyself. * * *

Thou mental moral orb, thou new, indeed new, spir- The fundamental units of electrical ineas-
itual world, ure, namely, the ohm, the ampere and the
The Present holds thee not-for such vast growth as
volt, have been in use among scientific men,
For sucll unparalleled flight as thine, such brood as to the exclusion of all others, for more than
thine, ' a decade, related as they are to the funda-
The Future only holds thee and can hold thee.* mental units-length, mass and time, which
GOODE. are admirably adapted for use as the basis
U. 8. NATIONALMUSEUM. of all electrical metrology. It has, holy-
ever, long been recognized that much incon-
LEGAL UNITS OF ELECTRIC MEASURE. venience was caused in electrical discussion
IT will, doubtless, be interesting to all by the lack of a few additional units, the
physicists, as well as to many in other de- use of which would greatly facilitate mathe-
partments of science, to know of the legali- matical calculations and numerical state-
zation by Act of Congress, within the last ments. The literature of the subject has
six months, of units of electrical measure. abounded, during the past ten years, with
It is not necessary in these columns to go suggestions as to these additional and de-
into an exposition of the necessity for such sirable units of measure, and various writers
action on the part of the Government, nor have, from time to time, adopted such as
to refer to the enormous amount of capital seemed to be necessary for their own use,
invested in the manufacture of instruments, even giving them such values and such
devices and machinery, the sole object of names as were best in their judgment. It
which is the conversion of some form of was evident, therefore, that to prevent con-
energy into electricity and the reconversion fusion in electrical nomenclature it was de-
of electricity into some form of energy. sirable to have an international agreement
The measurement of the enormous quanti- as to these units, their value, their num-
ties of electricity that have within the last ber and their names; the demands for
decade been produced and thus converted this have grown very extensive in the last
has, up to a recent date, in all cases de- fev years, the result having now been
pended upon the conventional acceptance reached in the passage,. by Congress, of a
of. units of measure which have for many law which seems to define and settle these
years been in use among scientific men, and questions as far as the United States Gov-
which originated in the necessity for such ernment is concerned.
units of measure in scientific investigations. All readers of this journal are, doubtless,
It is always worth while to note, however, familiar with the fact that as early as 1881 an
that the great simplicity ancl perfection of electrical convention, or congress, was held
electrical measurement is due to the fact in Paris for the purpose of trying to agree
that the science of electricity preceded the upon definitions of the fundamental units of
art of its utilization. I n this respect elec- electrical measure and their material repre-
trical engineering has a very decided ad- sentations, in cases where material repre-
vantage over all other branches of engineer- sentations were possible. After much dis-
ing, for in all others the art preceded the cussion, and not without very considerable
science, and the science, therefore, was opposition, there was proposed a t that time
obliged to build itself upon the crude and a material representation of the ohm which
mostly unphilosophical principles that de- was known to be somewhat in error. The
veloped in the art. real ohm must always be that defined by
+Whitman, Leaves of Crass. the Committee of the British Association

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