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APRIL 1, 2023
Table of Contents
TEAM MEMBERS...................................................................................................................................3


I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................5

1.1. Background..................................................................................................................................9

1.2. Motivation...................................................................................................................................9

1.3. Challenges...................................................................................................................................9

1.4. Goals and Objectives...................................................................................................................9

II. SUSTAINABILITY...........................................................................................................................9

2.1. Renewable Energy Source...........................................................................................................9

2.2. Efficiency of production process.................................................................................................9

2.3. Environmental Impact of Hydrogen supply chain......................................................................10

III. GREEN HYDROGEN APPLICATIONS..................................................................................10

3.1. Storage and containment............................................................................................................13

3.2. Industrial use..............................................................................................................................15

3.3. Transportation and fuel cells......................................................................................................15

3.4. Replacing natural gas.................................................................................................................16

IV. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF GREEN HDROGEN......................................16

4.1. Green Hydrogen mainstreams for market penetration................................................................16

4.2. Challenges and limitations attached to the use of Green Hydrogen...........................................16

4.3. How can Green Hydrogen improve and contribute to the supply of sustainable, clean energy,
(world SDGs 2030)................................................................................................................................16

4.4. Lessons and knowledge to note from recent economies that has advanced in the research and
the use of Green Hydrogen....................................................................................................................16

V. CASE STUDIES..............................................................................................................................16

5.1. Country with the world’s largest Green Hydrogen plant............................................................17

5.2. Emerging economies to introduce the use of Green Hydrogen/Green hydrogen plant...............19
VI. FUTURE OF GREEN HYDROGEN.........................................................................................32

VII. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................34

VIII. REFERENCES............................................................................................................................35


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Team Leader Co - leader Audit


Green hydrogen is the term applied to hydrogen produced via electrolysis, ideally using
Green electricity. The other form of hydrogen that people often discuss is blue Hydrogen, which
is the term applied to hydrogen produced via steam methane, reformation with carbon capture,
usage, and storage (CCUS). Steam methane reformation uses methane, but also requires steam.
This is a carbon-intensive process, color categorization of hydrogen is Simply shorthand – it
does not actually Reflect the carbon footprint of the hydrogen That is being produced. While
green Hydrogen may have a smaller footprint than blue, this depends on the source of electricity.

Clean hydrogen can either be combusted or used in a fuel cell to generate power and heat for
residential, commercial, and industrial applications, including process or space heat. Hydrogen
emits no greenhouse gases (GHG) when it is used to generate energy, which is why it is
considered a key solution to achieving net-zero across the economy. Green hydrogen is the term
applied to hydrogen produced via electrolysis, ideally using Green electricity. The other form of
hydrogen that people often discuss is blue Hydrogen, which is the term applied to hydrogen
produced via steam methane reformation with carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS). Steam
methane reformation uses methane, but also requires steam. This is a carbon-intensive process,
color categorization of hydrogen is Simply shorthand – it does not actually Reflect the carbon
footprint of the hydrogen That is being produced. While green Hydrogen may have a smaller
footprint than blue, this depends on the source of electricity.

What is green hydrogen? How does it differ from traditional emissions-intensive ‘grey’
hydrogen and blue hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the simplest and smallest element in the periodic table. No matter how it is
produced, it ends up with the same carbon-free molecule. However, the pathways to produce it
are very diverse, and so are the emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and
methane (CH4).
Green hydrogen is defined as hydrogen produced by splitting water into hydrogen and
oxygen using renewable electricity. This is a very different pathway compared to both grey and

Grey hydrogen is traditionally produced from methane (CH4), split with steam into CO2 –
the main culprit for climate change – and H2, hydrogen. Grey hydrogen has increasingly been
produced also from coal, with significantly higher CO2 emissions per unit of hydrogen
produced, so much that is often called brown or black hydrogen instead of grey. It is produced at
industrial scale today, with associated emissions comparable to the combined emissions of UK
and Indonesia. It has no energy transition value, quite the opposite.

Blue hydrogen follows the same process as grey, with the additional technologies necessary
to capture the CO2 produced when hydrogen is split from methane (or from coal) and store it for
long term. It is not one colour but rather a very broad gradation, as not 100% of the CO2
produced can be captured, and not all means of storing it are equally effective in the long term.
The main point is that capturing large part of the CO2, the climate impact of hydrogen
production can be reduced significantly.

The green hydrogen revolution has started, and It won’t be stopped !

Hydrogen gas was first produced artificially back in the 16th century, while the first fuel cells
and electrolysers were made in the 19th century. Until recently, however, the price of
electrolysers, which produce green hydrogen by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen with
electricity, and fuel cells, which recombine them to produce electricity and heat, were too
expensive. This has all changed. The price of electrolysers went from between €2 and €4 million
per MW a couple of years ago, to around half a million now. This means the main driver for the
cost of hydrogen produced by electricity is now electricity itself, which represents three quarters
of the cost of production.

As green electricity gets cheaper every day, low-cost green hydrogen is coming. In parallel,
as with solar and wind, the cost of hydrogen production is falling exponentially, as system sizes
and production volumes grow, while performance improves.

Lt is important to note that Green Hydrogen could be a critical enabler of the global
transition to sustainable energy and net zero emissions economies.

There is unprecedented momentum around the world to fulfil Hydrogen ‘s longstanding

potential as a clean energy solution. Green Hydrogen featured in a number of emissions
reduction pledges at the UN Climate Conference, COP26, as a means to decarbonize heavy
industry, long haul freight, shipping, and aviation. Governments and industry have both
acknowledged hydrogen as an important pillar of a net zero economy.

the progress made since the world last took a stab at hydrogen in the 2000s. The source of
energy determines where it lies on the hydrogen color palette. Green hydrogen is created, as we
have seen, using emissions-free energy. The lower costs of generating solar and wind power
today may enable the commercial scaling-up of green hydrogen production and its corresponding
supply chain. Conversely, grey hydrogen, representing 95% of what the world uses today,
produces energy using fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Its close
cousin, blue hydrogen, comes from natural gas; its carbon emissions are sequestered
underground using carbon-capturing methods, rather than being released into the air.


Green hydrogen energy solutions

What are the merits of energy transition solutions towards a ‘green’ hydrogen economy?
How could we transition to a green hydrogen economy from where we are currently with grey

Green hydrogen is an important piece of the energy transition. It is not the next immediate
step, as we first need to further accelerate the deployment of renewable electricity to decarbonize
existing power systems, accelerate electrification of the energy sector to leverage low-cost
renewable electricity, before finally decarbonize sectors that are difficult to electrify – like heavy
industry, shipping and aviation – through green hydrogen

It is the only gas that does not contain any carbon, and so using it for heating and transport
does not generate any CO2 – only water. Generating it from green power helps store it and
balance the grid.

On the heating side, green hydrogen can be mixed up to 20% with natural gas in pipelines, or
dedicated pure hydrogen pipelines can be laid (there are several thousands of kilometers of them
around the world already). It can then be used in existing gas appliances or dedicated fuel cells to
generate heat and power.

On the transport side, green hydrogen can power fuel cell-based vehicles, such as electric
vehicles carrying a hydrogen tank and a fuel cell that transforms on-demand hydrogen into
electrons to power the car.
Emissions-free green hydrogen uses clean electricity from renewable energy sources,
including solar, wind, geothermal and hydropower, to separate hydrogen from water in a process

known as electrolysis.

Renewable energy technologies reached a level of maturity already today that allows
competitive renewable electricity generation all around the world, a prerequisite for competitive
green hydrogen production.

We can’t ignore green hydrogen in the clean energy mix

Emissions-free green hydrogen could be an important addition to the range of clean energies.

It is viable for use in certain industries – but not yet scalable for mass consumption.

For wider uptake, it needs technological breakthroughs and infrastructure development.

1.1. Background

1.2. Motivation

1.3. Challenges

1.4. Goals and Objectives

2.1. Renewable Energy Source

2.2. Efficiency of production process

2.3. Environmental Impact of Hydrogen supply chain


Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen, is a type of hydrogen that is produced
through electrolysis using renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power. Green
hydrogen has become increasingly prevalent in recent years as a potential solution to the
challenges of transitioning to a more sustainable and decarbonized energy system.

According to a review of the literature conducted by researchers at the University of

Cambridge, green hydrogen could play a critical role in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The study emphasized the potential of green hydrogen to decarbonize difficult-to-abate sectors
like heavy industry, transportation, and heating.
Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen, is a form of hydrogen produced through th
e process of electrolysis using renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power (Dincer &a
mp; Acar, 2015). In recent years, there has been a growing interest in green hydrogen as a potenti
al solution to the challenges of transitioning to a more sustainable and decarbonized energy syste
m (Faaij et al., 2020). Green hydrogen has the potential to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors such
as heavy industry, transport and heating, and contribute to energy security by diversifying energy
sources and reducing reliance on fossil fuels (Zhang et al., 2021).

Another study published in the journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews by
University of Sheffield researchers evaluated the economic feasibility. Green hydrogen storage
refers to the methods and technologies used to store hydrogen generated by electrolysis using
renewable energy sources. Because the production of green hydrogen is reliant upon the
availability of alternative electricity, storing this hydrogen is critical to ensuring a consistent and
reliable supply of clean energy. Green hydrogen can be stored in a variety of ways, including
compressed gas, liquid hydrogen, and solid-state storage. Compressed gas storage entails storing
hydrogen gas under high pressure in tanks, whereas liquid hydrogen storage entails cooling
hydrogen to extremely low temperatures in order to convert it to a liquid state. The storage of
hydrogen in solid materials such as metal hydrides or carbon nanotubes is known as solid-state

 Advantages:

1. Large Storage Capacity: Hydrogen has one of the highest energy storage densities of any 
known fuel, which means that it has the potential to store large amounts of energy in a sm
all volume.

2. Scalability: Hydrogen storage systems can be scaled up or down to meet the needs of a pa
rticular application or energy demand.

3. Versatility: Hydrogen can be used in a wide range of applications, including transportatio
n, heating, and electricity generation, making it a versatile energy carrier.

4. Low Emissions: When green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy sources, it e
mits no greenhouse gases or other harmful pollutants, making it a clean and sustainable e
nergy source.

 Disadvantages:

1. Cost: The cost of hydrogen storage can be a significant barrier to its widespread adoption, 
particularly for large-scale industrial applications.

2. Safety: Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas and can pose safety risks if not stored and ha
ndled properly.

3. Energy Losses: Hydrogen storage systems can experience energy losses due to inefficien
cies in the storage and conversion process.

4. Infrastructure: Hydrogen infrastructure is still in the early stages of development, which 
means that the necessary infrastructure for storage and distribution is limited.
As seen, green hydrogen storage has several advantaged, including large storage capacity,
scalability, versatility, and low emissions. However, it also has some significant disadvantages,
such as high cost, safety risks, energy losses, and limited infrastructure. Despite these drawbakcs,
many researchers and policymakers believe that green hydrogen storage has the potential to play
a crucial role in the transition to a sustainable and decarbonized energy system.

The figures below show different applications of Hydrogen.

3.1. Storage and containment

Hydrogen is a versatile fuel that has the potential to revolutionize the energy industry by
providing a clean, sustainable and highly efficient source of energy. However, one of the main
challenges of utilizing hydrogen as a fuel is its storage and containment. Hydrogen has a low
density and is highly flammable, which makes it difficult to store and transport safely. Therefore,
developing efficient and safe hydrogen storage and containment systems is crucial for the
widespread adoption of hydrogen as a fuel source. Various methods such as compression,
liquefaction, adsorption, and chemical storage have been proposed for hydrogen storage, each
with its advantages and disadvantages. The development of efficient and cost-effective hydrogen
storage and containment technologies is vital for the successful transition to a sustainable
hydrogen-based economy. The figure below shows a few hydrogen storage methods.
1. Compressed Gas Storage: In this method, hydrogen gas is compressed to very high pres
sure (up to 10,000 psi) and stored in high- pressure tanks. This method is widely used and
is relatively mature, but it requires heavy and expensive storage tanks.

2. Liquid Hydrogen Storage: In this method, hydrogen gas is cooled to a very low tempera
ture (-253°C) to convert it into a liquid form, which reduces its volume and makes it
easier to store. However, liquid hydrogen requires specialized storage tanks that are
expensive and require a lot of energy to maintain the low temperature.

3. Metal Hydride Storage: This method involves storing hydrogen in a solid material such 
as metal hydrides. When hydrogen is absorbed by the metal hydride, it forms a stable co
mpound that can be stored and released when needed. Metal hydride storage is safe and d
oes not require high pressure or low-temperature storage, but it has a relatively low
storage capacity and requires energy to release hydrogen from the solid material.

4. Chemical Storage: In this method, hydrogen is stored in the form of a chemical compou
nd that can release hydrogen when needed. For example, hydrogen can be stored as amm
onia (NH3) or methanol (CH3OH) and then converted back to hydrogen when required. 
Chemical storage has the advantage of high storage capacity and easy transportability, bu
t the conversion process can be energy-intensive and costly.

5. Carbon Nanotube Storage: In this method, hydrogen is stored in tiny carbon nanotubes 
that have a very high surface area, which allows them to store large amounts of hydrogen 
in a small space. Carbon nanotube storage has the potential to offer high storage capacity 
and low cost but is still in the early stages of development.

Each of these methods of green hydrogen storage has its advantages and disadvantages, and t
he choice of storage method depends on various factors, such as storage capacity, cost, safety, an
d the application. In addition to its potential as a clean energy source, hydrogen has various
industrial applications, such as in the production of ammonia, methanol, and other chemicals.
Hydrogen fuel cells are also used to power electric vehicles, providing an alternative to
traditional fossil fuels. The transportation sector could greatly benefit from the adoption of
hydrogen fuel cell technology, as it would reduce emissions and dependence on non-renewable
energy sources. Fuel cells also have potential applications in stationary power generation for
residential and commercial buildings. However, to fully realize the potential of hydrogen in these
various applications, it is crucial to address the challenges associated with hydrogen storage and
containment, which is necessary for safe and efficient utilization of this versatile fuel. In the next
sections, we will look at the use of hydrogen in the industry and the transportation sector as a
fuel cell.

3.2. Industrial use

3.3. Transportation and fuel cells

3.4. Replacing natural gas


4.1. Green Hydrogen mainstreams for market penetration

4.2. Challenges and limitations attached to the use of Green Hydrogen

4.3. How can Green Hydrogen improve and contribute to the supply of sustainable, clean energy,
(world SDGs 2030)

4.4. Lessons and knowledge to note from recent economies that has advanced in the research and the
use of Green Hydrogen


Green hydrogen is produced from renewable energy sources like wind, solar or hydropower.
It has been gaining attention as a key element in decarbonizing the energy system by replacing
fossil fuels. The production of green hydrogen is expensive compared to conventional methods.
However, the cost is expected to decrease significantly in the coming years due to the increasing
demand and collective efforts towards decarbonization and technological advancements.

In this section, we will first present the country with the largest green hydrogen plant which
in the first part where, we will talk about the world leader in the field and then in the last part, we
will present a few case studies of emerging economies around the world that have set their eyes
and goals for integrating green hydrogen into their plans and reaching the common net zero
emission goal.

5.1. Country with the world’s largest Green Hydrogen plant

Hydrogen economy is thought as a sunrise industry which would contribute to reducing

energy consumption and emissions, as well as stimulating economic growth and bringing about
new jobs. In this situation, Hydrogen is used as the major carrier of energy. Most countries
published their roadmap regarding Hydrogen development and usage to help achieve low-carbon
emission as shown in the figure below, we will discuss one which has made great steps forward
specifically for green hydrogen production.

Countries Roadmap

☻ China
China is the leader of the global hydrogen market with an output of 20 million tons,
accounting for ⅓ of global production. Sinopec aims to generate 500,000 tons of green hydrogen
by 2025 [1]. According to researchers from the Harvard China Project, green hydrogen from
wind energy could provide a cost-effective alternative for coal-dependent regions like Inner
Mongolia [2]. As the world's second largest economy, China has formed a key driving force for
controlling global climate and building a community with a shared future for mankind with the
announcement of the carbon peak and carbon neutral goal vision by 2030 and carbon neutrality
to be achieved by 2060. Following its “14th five-year plan”, China has launched multiple projects
in an effort to promote the hydrogen energy sector as well as its eco-economic development.
During the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, China put more than 1000 hydrogen fuel cell
vehicles into demonstration operation and supported 30 hydrogen refueling stations. According
to the White Paper 2020 on China’s Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Industry released by China
Hydrogen Energy Alliance [3], China’s hydrogen production capacity is approximately 41
million tons annually. Its output is approximately 33.42 million tons per year, making China the
world’s largest hydrogen producer. China is building the world’s biggest hydrogen plant to
produce green hydrogen from solar and wind power in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous
region. Built by Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation), the plant will cost about
470.8million with solar panels covering an area of 630 hectares and the cost of hydrogen
production there will be only USD 2.67 per kilogram, according to Chinese media reports. The
project would cover the whole process of green hydrogen production and utilization, from solar
power generation (300 MW solar power plant), transformation, electrolytic production, storage
and transportation. (IEEFA).
The figure below shows the schematic diagram of the layout of large-scale clean energy
bases for the 14th Five-year plan [4].

It can be observed that wind, solar and hydropower projects have been strategically
implemented in many provinces of the mainland.

5.2. Emerging economies to introduce the use of Green Hydrogen/Green hydrogen plant

As the world transitions towards a low-carbon economy, green hydrogen has emerged as a
promising solution to decarbonize industries and fuel transportation. Green hydrogen is produced
using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, making it a clean and sustainable
alternative to traditional hydrogen production methods that rely on fossil fuels.

Several emerging economies have recognized the potential of green hydrogen and are
investing in its production and implementation. Among these countries are Australia, Morocco,
and Chile. These three nations have unique advantages that make them well-suited to becoming
leaders in the green hydrogen industry.

Australia, for example, has vast renewable energy resources and an existing hydrogen
industry, making it a natural choice to become a leading producer and exporter of green
hydrogen. Morocco has abundant solar energy resources and a strategic location between Europe
and Africa, making it a potential hub for green hydrogen production and distribution. Chile, on
the other hand, has a favorable regulatory environment and a thriving mining industry, making it
a promising location for green hydrogen production and use in mining operations.

As these countries continue to invest in green hydrogen, they have the potential to not only
reduce their carbon footprint but also play a significant role in the global transition to a low-
carbon economy. In the following, we will look at each of these countries efforts towards Green
Hydrogen respectively.

1) Australia
Australia is one of the world leaders in clean hydrogen production along with China. In 2016,
Australia ratified the Paris Agreement, committing to achieve a 26-28% reduction in greenhouse
gas emissions below 2005 levels by 2030. Hydrogen gas is a versatile energy carrier and
feedstock, derived primarily by splitting water or by reacting fossil fuels with steam or controlled
amounts of oxygen. If produced using low or zero emissions sources, green (‘clean’) hydrogen
can enable deep decarbonization across the energy and industrial sectors.

The cost for green hydrogen as been twice as much as blue hydrogen, but a report from the
Australian National University estimated that It would be produced at about 2$/kg by 2030,
making it cost-competitive with fossil fuels. According to James Purtill, an energy market
analyst, the price or green hydrogen would drop 70% over the coming 10 years in countries with
cheap renewable energy [6]. In 2021, energy companies announced plans to construct a
“hydrogen valley” in New South Wales at a cost of $2 billion which would replace the coal
industry in the region [5].

Retrieved from the executive summary of the Australian National Hydrogen Roadmap
published in 2017 and from the Australian National Hydrogen Strategy, the figures below show
the evolution of the price of H2 and the competitiveness in targeted applications. It can be
observed that from 2020 to 2025, the basic supply cost drops from about $5.6 to about $2.3,
which is the best-case scenario [7].

Australian clean hydrogen cost estimate

Hydrogen competitiveness in targeted application

Two main pathways are available for hydrogen production in Australia, thermochemical and
electrochemical. We will discuss them respectively.

a) Thermochemical
This method relies on fossil fuel feedstock to produce hydrogen and it must be paired with
carbon capture and storage (CCS) to produce clean hydrogen. Thermochemical hydrogen
production must be built at scale (i.e. >500,000kg/day) to offset the capital cost of the generation
plant and accompanying CO2 storage reservoir. Given the current state of the natural gas industry
in Australia (high prices in the east-coat: $8-10/GJ, compared to some overseas markets),
investment in new large scale may prove challenging. In addition, black coal gasification in
Australia has challenges due to coal reserves being concentrated in regions with no well-
characterized or only onshore CO2 storage reservoirs that carry a higher social license risk like
NSW and Queensland. However, despite all that, in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, hydrogen
production via brown coal represents the most likely thermochemical project. Pending successful
demonstration in 2020/2021 and subsequent efficiencies ameliorations, production of H2 could be
carried out in the region for approximately $2.14-2.74/kg 2 in the 2030s, once the commercial
scale production and CCS plant come online.

b) Electrochemical
Here, an electrical current is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. It requires the use
of low or zero emissions electricity to produce clean hydrogen. Electrolysis provides a more
distributed, modular option that can scale according to demand which makes it more likely to
meet the majority of hydrogen demand prior to 2030. The currently more established technology
is alkaline electrolysis (AE) which is cheaper (~$5.50/kg) and continue to play a crucial role in
the development of the industry. Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis, although
presently more expensive, is quickly becoming a more competitive form of H2 production. Its
advantages are faster response times (which makes it more suitable for coupling with variable
renewable electricity or VRE) and a smaller footprint for cases with space limitations (e.g. H 2
refueling stations).

The cost of hydrogen from both types of electrolysis can be significantly reduced via the
scaling of plant capacities (e.g. from 1MW to 100MW), greater utilization and favorable
contracts for low emissions electricity (e.g. 4c/kWh). With a number of demonstration projects
likely over the next three to four years needed to reduce the risk of these assets at scale, it is
expected that costs could reach approximately $2.29-2.79/kg by 2025.

As of July 2022, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has invested $88
million in 35 hydrogen projects ranging from research and development projects with
universities, to first-of-a-kind demonstrations. In 2022, ARENA expects to reach financial close
on two or three of Australia’s first large-scale electrolyzer deployments as part of its $100
million hydrogen deployment round [8]. One of the largest project in development is the $51
billion Asian Renewable Energy Hub, which plans to produce 26GW of cheap solar and wind
power for the Pilbara. Australia also intends to export hydrogen to countries that don’t have
access to cheap renewable energy. That’s more power than Australia’s entire fleet of coal-fired
power stations.

The next figure shows the potential uses for Australian Hydrogen.
Potential uses of Australian Hydrogen
2) Morocco
In 2006, the moroccan governement released their roadmap, the Green Hydrogen National
Strategy [9], whose clear goal is to create an economical and industrial sector around green
molecules, particularly around Hydrogen, ammonia and methanol.

Morocco has some potential strengths due to its geographical position, as shown in the
following two figures.

Geographical position

Potential of renewable energies in Morocco

From the above two figures, it can be seen that the country has a strategic geographical
position, but also its gas and port infrastructures are well connected to the Atlantic and
Mediterranean. It plans a revolution in terms of Renewable energy deployment with ambitious
and voluntaristic objectives in mind to be able to install more than 52% by 2030. According to
the roadmap, the applications of green H2 over the span of years is as follows:

 2020-2030: Local utilization in industry as raw material, exportation of green hydrogen

products and of natural hydrogen deposits
 2030-2040: Develop the first economically viable projects, export synthetic combustible
liquids and use green hydrogen as energy storage vector
 2040-2050: Improve the capacity to produce ammonia, hydrogen and green synthetic
fuels for exportation and local use of green hydrogen in industry, heat production,
housing sector, urban mobility and air transportation.
The government action plan contains 8 major and important steps:

- Costs reduction
- Innovation and research
- Local content
- Industrial cluster
- Finance
- Exportations
- Storage
- Domestic markets

3) Chile
Like hydrogen, Chile is small by nature and only contributes just 0.3% to global GHG
emissions. However, according to Chile’s minister of energy, Juan Carlos Jobert E., they too
have a role to play in turning the tide on rising emissions and pursuing a low-carbon path to
growth and development. What the country lack in size, it more than make up for it in potential.
The southern American country has published its National Green Hydrogen Strategy in
November 2020 [10]. The goal is to turn the country into the cheapest producer of green
hydrogen on earth. With the desert in the north having the highest solar irradiance on the planet,
and the Patagonia in the south with strong and consistent winds, Chile has the renewable energy
potential to install 70 times the electricity generation capacity it has today, as shown in the figure

This represents a special opportunity, due to the increasing availability of green financing,
strong corporate commitments to decarbonization, the existing tax benefits for remote regions, to
create competitive business models based on this clean fuel. The following figures respectively
show the levelized cost of renewable electricity, green hydrogen and the one for green hydrogen
produced in the Atacama Desert and in the Magallanes region which will achieve the lowest
levelized cost of production by 2030.
Chile’s cheapest Green Hydrogen production

The competitiveness of Chile in renewable energy production and the global need for clean
energy carriers will open the door to the creation of an economic sector that could rival the size
of the Chilean mining sector, the figure below illustrate that.

The overall execution of the strategy will occur in 3 distinct waves:

 The first wave will include domestic usage with existing large energy or hydrogen
demand: The shorter-term opportunities are replacing imported ammonia for local
production, and replacing grey hydrogen used in oil refineries.
 The start of export activities and extended local uses will be seen before the decade is
over: A clear opportunity for green ammonia exports exists in the medium-term, as well
as for the first hydrogen exports. A more competitive production of green hydrogen will
also replace an increasing share of liquid fuels in land transportation.
 New export markets open in the long-term, enabling a massive scale-up of production:
Fuels derived from green hydrogen will be key to decarbonize the shipping and aviation
sectors, both in domestic and international routes. Export markets will continue to grow
as other nations take action to deeply decarbonize their economies
To conclude this case analysis, we show you three figures, the first showing the potential
Chilean export markets solidifying the motivations to go green, then the timeline showing the
ambitions of the government and finally the figure illustrating the pillars for their actions.


The global hydrogen generation market is expected to experience significant growth in the
coming years, driven by the increasing demand for cleaner fuel and the growing governmental
regulations for the desulphurization of petroleum products. This growth is crucial for achieving
the goals set by the Paris Agreement to decarbonize the economy, industry, and energy sectors
by 2050. Green hydrogen is emerging as a vital solution to achieve a carbon-free future,
particularly in energy-intensive industries such as cement and steel production. The adoption of
green hydrogen is also expected to open up significant economic opportunities for nations
strategically positioned in the emerging green hydrogen market. The global hydrogen generation
market size was valued at 155.35 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.3% from 2023 to 2030 [11]. The figure below shows the global
hydrogen generation market.

According to Goldman Sachs [12], the global green hydrogen market could be worth over $1
trillion per year by 2050. As countries race to decarbonize their economies, the geopolitical
landscape of the energy industry is set to undergo significant changes. Nations that invest in
green hydrogen technology and infrastructure now are likely to become the frontrunners in the
green hydrogen market, with the potential to reap significant economic benefits. However, this
transition to a zero-carbon economy will also require restructuring of current energy value chains
and significant stakeholder interactions, which could create both challenges and opportunities.

As shown in the next figure [13], the geopolitical map displays the frontrunners, upgraders,
importers, exporters and bystanders.
As observed, some of the frontrunners are the U.S, China, Indonesia; a few of the importers
are Germany, Egypt, Russia; some upgraders are Thailand, Mexico, France; few exporters are
Australia, Chile, Namibia, Mauritania and there are also bystanders and unactive nations.

As proven above, the future of green hydrogen looks promising, with significant growth
potential and the potential to help achieve global decarbonization goals. As the global shift
towards a zero-carbon economy continues, countries that invest in green hydrogen technology
and infrastructure are likely to be at the forefront of the emerging green hydrogen market, with
the potential for significant economic benefits. However, this transition will also require
significant restructuring of the energy industry and stakeholder interactions, which will require
careful planning and execution.



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3. China Hydrogen Energy Alliance. China Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Industry Manual (2020).
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4. The 14th Five—Year plan for National Economic and social development of the PRC and outline
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