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Heroic Adventures Across the World of the Five Planes

a world supplement for Stormbringer


COVER Jon Foster s Rachelle McWilliams

Kris Verwimp
IU1JSlRATORS Jason Badower, Elise Hurst


ART DlREcnON Mark Angeli
EDITORIAL STAfF Bill Routt, Uam Routt, Mark Angeli
ADDmONAL EDITORIAL ADVICE Judy Routt & Lawrence Whitaker
Pr imary Author: Geoff Gi llan
Revisions and Development: Bill Routt and Liam Routt
A City That Is Not: Alex Hammond and Bill Routt
The Covenant & Ships of the Five Planes & Additional Artwork: Ma rk Angeli
Invaluable Spot Writing: Rani Kellock
Graphical Touchups: Judy Routt

Featured Encyclopedia Illustrations: Elise Hurst

O riginal Chaos Creature animal table: David A.P. Bland

Multiverse assistant: Terry Lachlan

Playtesting and Advi ce: Jeff "Strop" Allett, M itchell Barton, Stefan Bjorling, Cameron Blackwood, Adam Brett,
Greg Cech, John Evans, Rhonda G illan, Cath ie G illan, Darren Gore, Cla ire Kirkwood, Martin Knight,
Angus Lidsto ne, Andrew Mcin nes, Mark Mo rrison, Tre nt Moses, Narelle Price, Judy Routt, Liam Routt,
Jason Row land, Andy Sym ons, Terry Lachlan, Peter Thomas, Dean Scully, Jay Wrobel.

Spe cial Thanks: Judy, Eric, Na re lle & Cam .

Corum is pub lished by Darcsyde Productions Ply. Ltd.

Coru m is co pyright © 2001 by Darcsyde Production s Ply. Ltd.; all rights reserved.
Stormbringertrademark applied for by Chaosium Inc.
Corum is a suppl ement intended for the Stormbringer game.
The names, descriptions, and depictions applied to this supplement are der ived from works
copyrighted by and include trademarks ow ned by Chaosium lnc.,
and may not be used or reused witho ut its permission.

Similarities between characters in Corum and persons living or dead are strictly coincidenta l, and mighty strange.

Michae l Moorcoc k's works The Knight of the Swords, The Queen of the Swords, The Ki ng of the Swords, and The
Bull and the Spear, are respectively co pyright © 1971, 1971, 1972, 1973, by Michael Moorcock.
They are quoted from for purposes of illustration.
The cover painting for Corum is © 2000 by Jon Foster; a ll rights reserved.
The Corum cover frame created by Rache lle McWilliams; © 2001 by Rach elle McWilliams; all rights reserved.
Except in this publication and related advertising, or unless otherwise agreed to, artwo rk original to
Corum remains the property of the artists, and is copyright by them under their sepa rate copyrights.
The reprod uction of material from w ithin this book for the purposes of personal or co rporate profit, by
photographic, e lectronic, or other methods of storage and retrieval, is prohibited.

Please mail qu estions and comments co nce rning this book to

Darcsyde Productions, 187 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn, Victoria, 3103, Australi a,
send e-mail to, or visit

I SBN 0-9578427-0 - 8
Darcsyde Productions Publication De s 200 0. Published in June 2001 , Sencond Printing in August 2001.
For ages 14 and up.
Printed in the United States of America
10987 /; 5 4 3 2 1 0
Encyclopedia Mecl,anica
A dventurers 8
New Knowledge 20
Transport 24

Encyclopedia Cosmographia
Historia 32
Geographia 34
Bn>-an-1-1abJen 34
Bro-an-Nhadragh (THE NHADRAGII ISLES) 39
Bee-eo-Vadhagh 42
T he Coral Castle. Of The Sh.Iafen 49
Droonltazat 51
Gra-an-Ven! (filE FLAHELANDS) . . ..... .•.. . . . . 51
Ice W ildern.ess 51
Khoolocrah .. .. .. . . . . ... . • .. . . • . . . •.. . .... . . 53
Lywm-an- Esh 56
Svi-an.Fanla- Brool 59
U rde .. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
O the r MysterioWi Lands 59
Cosmology 60

Encyclopedia Conjuratoria
philosophy 68
Sorcery 69
Contriving _ 93

Encyclopedia Masfena
Running the Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Exotic Treasu res. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 115
Inhabita nts 119
Jewelled Destinies 137
The Prince Who Cri ed For Love 142
A City TI,at 1. Not. 148

". d th e alb ino pr ince E lri c of rvlelnibone was known. in another
incarnation of the Champion Eternal. as Corum Jhalaen Ireei, the
Prince in the Scarlet Robe . And he bore the hand of a ~od and the
eye of a ~od with ever tlte same reludance as his other s'e lf hore the
. black blade of Stormbrintler..."

- .. .in tlu' Jays before the C'omill ~ of the Prince ill the 5u rlcl Robe. many other he roC's fougbt in tho se
Jarll limes when tlte risinf( tide of tile MlIbJcll and tllC'ir
C hao s Lord. threatened to C' 1l~ u l( du! VCl")' wor ld. .."

ORUM OFFERS PUYITS of Stormlni,'§' (and Elrid before it) Armed with the Hand of KwlI and the Eye of Rhynn (fragments
the chance to journey to the World of the Five Planes. of gods who are lost in the mists of time. used as terrible weapons)
where the elder races (the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh) fight Corum battles to reinstate Lawin the Five Planes. and those worlds
a grim battle for survival against the encroaching hordes of beyond his O\\TI.
Mabden, the humankind destined to reign over the earth. Laterhe journeys far into the future ofhis realm to aid the descen-
Adventurers from the world ofthe Young Kingdoms may visit this dants of the veryMabden peoples who threatenhis own time.There
plane and join the forces of Law or Quos as they fight to eclipse he wars against the Cold Gods. srrange beings from Umbo intent
each ocher. or be drawn to serve Balance and che cause of cosmic upon turning the green and beautiful lands into iey wastes before
harmony, It is truly a time for high adventure: the Conjunction of the theirowninevitable demise.
Million Spheres, when all things are possi- In his adventures Corum must face
ble. draws near. his own destiny, that of the Champion
New adventurers may also be found on Eternal, the constant hero of Law
this plane. Character creation guidelines against the forces of Chaos. the defender
make it possible to creare any of the varied of the weak against the powerful
peoples of the world of the Five Planes. Corum's saga possesses much of the
from the ancient nobility of the Vadhagh doomed quality found in the story of the
to the howling Mabden barbarians who albinoprince Elric, and he is constantly at
destroyall they distrust. odds with the superstitious and the super-
Although this supplement makes use of naruraI. It is reconunended that
the basic Stormlml'§' mechanics. it expands gamernasrcrs and purees read the books
upon them to better caprure the unique of Corum. The tales are rewarding and
flavor of Corum's world. To use this book enriching: Corum is one of Michael
fully ),ou must own either the Stonnbrinp Moorcock's finest creations. equal in
or Elm! rulesbook. Some reference is also complexity and charisma to the legendary
made to the instructions for ship Elric of Melnibone.
construction and combat found in the
supplement Sailing en tht Seas oj Ellt.
What Corwn Books DoesThis
Supplement Use?
A new set of magic rules are provided for
use in the World of the Five Planes. There
This supplement draws chiefly upon the
first three Corum books, "hen Arioch
are alsosome new skills, and a section on the use
and Chaos rule the land and the Mabdrn
of chariots as vehicles of both transport and combat.
are stirring across the face of the earth bringing sorcery and fear.
Many of these new rules could easilybe used in any game usingthe bloodshed and ruin. Rendering the larer world which Corum knows
Stcrmlning<' systemregardlessof where in the Multivcrse it is set.
would require a book in itselfand is beyond the scopeof the present
volume, If sufficient interest in the Corum line is evidenced, then no
The Prince In The Scarlet Robe doubt such a book "ill be forthcoming.
Corum is the name of one of Michael Moorcock's fantasy heroes
and, like Elric, he is an incarnationof the Eurnal Oampicn. His adven- NOIIlenclature
tures provided the inspiration for this book. Corum, a Prince of the
Corum's world is also known as The World of the Five Planes. In his
Vadhagh (a race not unlike the Melniboreans) becomes a hero in a
realm, a god gains control of five planes at a time. Th e planes are
srrange series of conflicts againstthe Mabden people and their gods,
connected only by that god's sphere of influence. In Corum's time
the Sword Rulers or Lords of Chaos.
there are Fifteen Planes interconnected: three groups of five, each


up dominated by one ofthe Swotd Rulers, Atioch, Xiombarg and Corum, Elricl, and Stormbringer
K:belo<le of Chaos. Gm,m was mitten as a supplement for Chaosiums Elrie'roleplaying
This book details one single plane, Corum's own homeworld. The game. The editors have been assured by Chaosium that this means it
othtt planes are mentioned, but only briefly.Thu s tlr H6rld oj ,Ir Five is fully compatible with Stormbn·,1§' 5th Edition - the new version of
!'/J lIS is a useful generic term for the single world of Corum, and the Elrie! system,to be published in July 2001. For garners. this means
sl 'u1d not to confused with the grouping of the planes. It is the that all references to S'cmJmng<r can be read as references to Elrie!, and
;-ironmcnt in which most of Corum's adventures take place. were originaIIy mitten with those rules in mind. If you own Elrie! you
should be able to usc Gmrm. If you own the new StcmJm,W'", you
should be able to usc i~eJy well,
THE SAGA O F CORUM am,," is a game of hi adventure, ~t quests, noble deeds and
demng-do. Unlike St. °ng<r Its focus IS squarelyon the adventurers
The books of Corum are: as the heroes of the age, presaging the arrival of Prince Corum, the
• The Knight of the Swords ultimate cosmicaIly-inspired hero of this world.
The World of the Five Planes is a world in desperate peril, teeter-
• The Queen of the Swords
ing on the brink of an Ultimately the tide will be
• The King o f the Swords haIred by the actions ot the Prince in the Scarlet Robe. But other
• The Buff and the Spear heroes must step forth to stem the flow until its ultimate ebb at
• The Oak and the Ram Corum's hands. This is the role of the adventurers of Gmrm. While
• The Sword and the Stallion they may be as diverse and self-interested as any S,cmJmng<r charac-
ters, GmJm adventurers ought to be soon s~pt up in epic quests and
The saga of Corum may be broken into two separate tril- oosmic battles, and their own petty concerns seen to be ofscoondaty
ogies. The first, known also as Corum, or The Swords
Trilogy, or The Swords of Corum, deals wi th Corum's
battle against the Mabden barbarians and the Sword S,cmJm'W'" stands to Gm,m as a dark and shadowy silent fihn
Rulers, armed with the Hand of KwH and the Eye of masterpiece stands to a modern color cincmascope adventure: while
Rhynn. The later three books, known as The Prince with not its complete antithesis. Q rnm is still a very different serring from
the Silver Hand, or The Chronicles of Corum, record that presented in Stonnbring<r and rewards a more magnanimous, epic
Corum's war against the Cold Gods. These are set in the style of play.
future of his own realm, so far indeed, that it resembles For more detailed material, prospective Gm,m gamemasters are
another plane. recommended to read the Entytlopedia Milsteria later in this volume.

in wl,ich the reade r is introduced to a set ofrules and procedures


Creating cllQraetersf rom the World of the Five planes

C HARACTER GENERATION for adven turers fro m

Corum's world follows the basic procedure set out in
the Stormbringrr rul es. W hile att ribu tes and skills are
figured in th e same manner, some of th e d etails are
changed ' for advent urers in Corum. This chap ter describ es th ose
differences, assuming that th e Stormbringrr rul es are available.

languages, and a notes on the use of certain existing skills.
CHAR IOTS: see Chariots, on page 26, to determine the
type of chario t you use, if any, and its specificatio ns.
G REAT FEATS: see Runnin g th e Game (start ing on page
104) for more information on quests, and crusades . Such
informa tion may help to determine which heroic fears are
Conlm introduces a collection of new occupat ions, as well as
providing the opportu nity to play the standard Stonnbringer worth record ing, if the experience itself is not sufficient.
occupations in a new way. • PA CTS AND S ERVI CE: see Th e Cu rse of Chaos. on page
T hese rules reflect th e gr eater d iver- 90. for informatio n abou t ser-
sity o f non-human races in th e Five ~~~~~!!!~!!~:!!~iii vitude CO th e forces of Chaos.
Planes by offering th ese races as Sorcery (starting nn page 69)
possible adven turer backgrounds. and rhe Inhabitants (srart ing
Players should only create these on page I 19) cover additional
rare character typ es with the aspects of pacnng and negot i-
approval of th eir game-master. Any ating with Demons and Chaos
player co ntemp lating on e of th ese Creatu res, respectively.
more d em.anding mantles should
• ACQUAINTANCES: the vari-
have a clear und erstanding of the
ous characters significant to
racial characteristi cs. culture and
your adventurer's on-going
story. Ccmrpalliolls are adventur-
All this being understood, play-
ers who you feel share your
ers are free co draw characters
",rd; choose them carefully
from any of th e nat ionalities
and wisely. Family & Enemvs
outlined in Geographia (starting
should be self-explanatory.
on page 34). Details nf the new
Frimds are th ose companions
skills and weapo ns are provid ed in
who have not yet distingui shed
the New Knowledge chapter,
th emselves, and th ose who se
sta rting on page 20 . New forms of
company you enjoy even
Chaos and Law based magic are
though you see them only
d iscussed in the Encyclopedia
intermittently. Contads are th ose you might call upon for
C onju rat oria sectio n, starting on page 68.
information or assistance, but requ ire payment of some
sort in rerurn .
The Adventurer Sheet
The Corum adventurer sheet d iffers only sligh tly from th e stan-
da rd Stormbringtr one.
• SKILLS: a couple of Stormbritlgtr skills have been removed
Creating An Adventurer
(Young Kingdoms and UnkuoWtl Kingdoms), and several Comm-
Although th e basic Stormbringtr character creation procedure is
specific ones adde d ( including Avocation and Five Plo.nts).
used when generating adventu rers for Corm", there are a few
New Knowledge (starring on page 20) provides the places where players may wish to make different choices.
derails abo ut these new abilities, some new arts, crafts and

R P layer 's N ame O C HAOS OBAlA NC' o LAw R

r~ Cttatacfetistics z
Svmbol Porrraic
H omeland
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Sex _ _ A ge _ _
_ R
o row
__ xs= ldea _ _ %
Previous Occupation

looks, Attitude, TAttOOS


- x,= Look %

O DEX _ _ Xs= Dexrerirv _ _ % "

R APP - x,: Chari,~ _ % Skills /-fit pail1ts B

R Aft (05%): 0 FastTalklIs%1
O F;~Planu l'<%I
0 Physik 130%1 VNCONSCIOIJS

O 0 P;rkLock lo<%J Dead -2 -1 0 +1 +2 3 4

0 H ide: l:w%l 0 Potions 1001 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 3
Avocation fool: 0 Insight lls%) 0 RepairlDeviK(Of.)( X 4%) _ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Bargain lrs%)
C limb f40%1
O Jump " <%1
0 li s ten (15%)
0 Mill ion Spheres 1001
0 M~Qu;edylw%1
0 Ride13<%1
0 SAiling (Is% j
0 Scent!Tasrc IIs"Io)
23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 3 1
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

0 Conrra IObiw l'<%1 0 Scribe joo]
C raft 105%1: 0 N .ltura ( World 11s%J
0 Navigate (10%)
0 Sea rch (10%1
0 SUlim 1::z.s%J
Unco nsc ious a 1 2 3 4 R
O O O rAtory jo5"/ol 0 Throw (l s% l

Dis-unt Sus 1001 O ther Language (00 ): 0 Track 1.0%1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t 3
o Disguise lls"/ol 0 D Trap los%J 141 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
0 Dodge IDE)( x ,%1
o Drive C hariot 110%'
D Evaluate lJs%1
0 Own INT x s%/

S atUt\f t Cal1tti"il1't
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

C rystals B
R C hao tic Effeccs & Pacts Precep(S of Law "

~ f'·- ~,,_. ~"'~':!':,", i~:':';.. ~u_ ~~~ ~
R~ ~ R
~~~~;;;~ Copyright 0 1001 Dercsvde erodocuoos Ply. LId. ~rmission grilnred10 copy (or persona!IJ~

R c~su~ R
R ~lta1jat l11eat 'teats R
~ : • • NO_ ~
R H",...

No les
Damage Bonus HP_ _

Left Body Righ,
1 2 3 4 1 2 34 5 1 2 34

R 5
7 8
15 1 6 1 6
7 8 9
1213 14
17 18 19
5 6 7 8
91011 12
13 14 15 16

7 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 17 18 19 20 ~
21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24

Copyright C 1001 Dilrc5yde Pr(}(luctiofUPry, LId. Permissiongranred co copy (Of personalu.w!

page 107, but it is intended for the gamernasrer to digest and
" electing a Race
M characters sho uld prob ably be M abden, the human stock discuss with prospective players as requ ired.
o/:~is part of the Mulriverse. Racial intolerance is quire T he character generat ion process for N hadragh d iffers from
in Co rum's world, and while th e elder races present the one used for standard human 5tormbringrr characters in a
few ways, as described below.
excitingI opport un it ies to p Idyers. theerr
strong ir fwes are Iikel
1 e y [0 b C
shaped by the negative at titudes of those arou nd th em. W ith Sup I Roll th e following d ice for Nhadragh charact eristics:
emastcr permission. though, a player may create an adven- sTR 3D6+4 CON 306+4 az 206+6
~~;: from one of th e elder races of th e Five Plan es. Such INT 3D6+2 POW 306+10 OEX 206+8
layers should read carefully the backgr ound on th eir cult ures APP2D6+8
;nd kind and , especially if intend ing to play a Vadhagh, the
Some of the maximu ms for characterist ics are slightly
Chronicles of Corum. or at least TIt Knight ojtht Swords. See the
higher th an for standard Ma bden adventurers: STR 25,
rl'lcvant sections in the Gtcgraphia chapter for cultural informs-
CO N 25, INT 23. POW 32, OEX 24, APP 24.
tion about th e races. Some sample characters can be fo und in
the Coins and Gems (starting on page I I I), and there are Sup 3 T he standard Stormbringrr rul es allow the player to
some Gamemasrer guidelin es in Parties with Elder Race boost a low PO W score, and obtai n so me Chaos
Members on page 107. points in return . A N hadragh character that makes use
It is wort h noting that m agic is not as freely available as it is of that option is tainuJ by Chaos, which is significant
in Stonnbrillgtr. For this reason, Sttp 3 of the charact er gener a- later in character generation.
tion process is of a lot less use to Corum characters.
Step 5 In addition to th e ski ll point s app ortioned to th e
Iht Taint of Chaos:. Except as no ted, characteristics may be skills in whichever pa ckage the p layer selects, a
raised and lowered during character generation. as described in N hadragh is grante d 40 % in a practical Craft of his
the Stonnbringt' ru les. but note that any Chaos allegiance p oints or her choice. The chose n skill is one in which th e
gained count toward s th e acqu isit ion of Chaos Traits as character has worked from a young age, and has a
discussed on page 9 I . natural talent for ( it is no t necessarily relat ed to his or
Nabdcn her par ents' occupation); th e N hadragh gains experi-
Treat Mabden as standard human s for character generation ence more easily in this craft, always doubling th e
purposes, using the relevant columns of th e Five Planes Occu- experience roll required.
pation Table, and th e revised descriptions of som e of th e N hadragh may all learn Other lAnguag' (Middlt Spmh).
occupations fou nd later in th is chap ter in place of th e mate rial Stlp 6 While they use th e same process for occupation and
from the Stonnbringrr rul es. skill selection, N hadragh have th eir own column on
T here are two major Ma bd en cultures: th e barbarian s who the Five Planes O ccupat ion Tab le, to reflect th eir
dominate Bro-an-Mabden ( page 34) and the Nhadragh Isles spec ial place on th e frin ges of oth er soc ieties.
(page 40), and th e more refined M abd en of Lywm-an-Esh Fur ther, note tha t no Nhadragh should start the
(page 56). W hil e th e cha racter generation process is virtually gam e with a skill over 75% (even in the Craft they
identical for these two broad cultures, they use different posses s a natural ab ility for); perhap s this is one of th e
columns on th e occupation tab le: Barbariatl or Civili.uJ. It is results of th e loss o f th eir community, or perhaps th ey
wise to determine a character's h eritage early in the creat ion are simp ly so shattered tha t few are able to mus ter th e
process. concentration to excel at anything.
Where preferre d, a player may always elect to replace Ridt
Stlp 8 N hadragh age and ageing effects are worked out
with Driw Chariot for a M abden of either cultural background.
exactly as for standard ( M abden) Stormhringer chara c-
NI,. d ra g1. ters. It may be that once th ey had lon g lives to rival
What is left of N hadragh society is fractured almost beyond th e Vadhagh, but for what ever reason, that is not the
recognition. T hey were once a num erous and highly social case now.
race, whose p ower was only match ed by the Vadhagh, th eir Sup 9 N hadragh who have n ot otherwise been taimrJ by Cbaos
ages-old rivals. Both races were dedi cated to th e p urs uit of during the charact er generation process are not
Law, but their app roa ch was p rofoundly different. Where th e permitted to becom e followers of Law or Balance, and
Vadhagh were focused on solitary research and aestheti cs, the instead start th e game with no allegiance at all.
Nhadragh were a fundame ntally communal and pract ical race.
Now tha t their soc iety has been crus hed , the survivors are cut Sup 10 W hen selecting po ssessions, N hadragh charact ers
off from everything th at ever mattered to th em as a p eople. should usually be outfitted with nondescript bu t long-
Those who are left are scattered , dis organi zed, and d epressed. wearing items of a ru gged sort. By and large th eir
Some have even tu rn ed (or been forced) to Chaos. tastes arc simple and functi onal. but th ey h ave a knack
for selecting or mak ing sturdy and practical goods.
Prospective players should read more about th e race as
described star ting on page 40, in th e Gtographia chapter. Ra~1..
Further, imp or tant , information abo ut th e race is provided in The Ragha-da-Kh eta are a fatalistic race who consider th em-
The Nhadragh, in the Running the Came chapt er, Stlrting on selves d oom ed to d estruction at th e hands of th e Mabden race,



THE FOLLOW ING TABLE replacesthe occupations table from Stormbringer. While many of the occupations are the same, the
not es in thi s cha pte r describe how they are pursued in the Five Planes and by whom. O nly Tax Co llector and No mad, two
unlikely Corum callings, are missing from the table. Roll a 0 100 and consult whichever column is appropriate for your
adventurer, or use the Equal % column to select any occupation at all (which might lead to unlikely possibilities for some
of th e races).
Barbarian Civilized
Equal % Mabden Mabden Nhadragh Ragha-da.Kheta Shalafen Vadhagh Occupation
01 -03 0 1-02 01 -0 4 01 -20 Artist
04 -0 6 01-02 03-04 0 1-13 05-06 Beggar
07-09 03-07 05-08 Charioteer
10-12 21-25 Cosmographer, Ast rologer
13- 15 08- 10 09-16 07- 17 Craftsperso n, s hopkeepe r
16-1 B

18-19 14-1 7 18-19 0 1-10

Hunter, Fisher
25-27 18 20 18-26 20-22 l ost, Forgotten
28-30 19 21-22 27·29 23-26 M ercenary, Bodyguard
31-33 20 23-24 27·30 Mercha nt, Sma ll Trader
34-36 46-50 Meteoro logist
37-39 51-55 Mineralogist
40-42 21 25 31 " ·1 5 Minor Noble, Local Hero
43-45 56-65 Naturalist
46-48 22-68 26-78 22-70 16-84 Peasant, Farmer
49-51 79 30-41 71-73 Peddl er
52·5 4 66-70 Philologist
55 -57 80 74 85-86 71-75 Physicia n, Apot hecary, Surgeon
58-60 76-80 Planar Specialist
61-63 69-74 81-82 42· 53 87-91 Sailor, Pirate
64-66 81-85 5c ho lar
67-69 83 75 86-90 Scribe, Engineer
70-72 75-76 84 54·57 76-78 92-00 Shaman, Priest, Cultist
73-75 77-84 85-89 58-72 79-87 Slave (freed or esc aped)
76-78 91-95 Social Scientist, Entomologist
79-81 85 90-9 1 73-82 88-89 Sorcerer, Seer
82-84 86-95 92-97 90-96 Soldier, Guard, Watchman
85-87 96 -0 0 Spiritua list
88-90 96 -97 98 83-90 97 Thief
91-93 98 -99 99 91-98 98-99 Thug, Assassin
94-96 00 00 99-0 0 00 Troubadour, Player, Entertainer
97-0 0 Roll again, choose any, or invent
your ow n occupation

as decreed by the Lords of Chaos. Their soc iety has embraced Except where no ted below, Ragha-da-Kheta characters are
Chaos in a fawntng fashion. Most of the race are cowardly. and created in the same fashion as standard M abden ones.
few ever venture outside their remote land. Mor e can be found
Stcp I Raga-da-Kheta characteristics are rolled using the
out about them starting on page 53, in the Geogrilpbia chapter.
following dice:
Any Ragha-da-Kheta character should have a solid reason for
travelling the world; perhaps he or she was taken by slavers and 5TR 3D6 CON 2D6+4 SIZ 2D6+8
later escaped, or maybe the notoriously paranoid authorities INT 3D6 POW 2D6+4 DEX 3D6
had the character banished for perceived threats against the APP 3D6+2
King - whatever the reason, it is impor tant for the gamemaster Some of the maximums for these characteristics are
and player together to develop a strong motivation for these different from those of standard 5tonnbrillgtr charac-
craven characters. rers: CON 18 , 51Z24 , PO W 18, APP 23.
Most Ragha-da-Kheta. when faced with a problem, Sea. and 10% in Malt Talk. W hen using Ridr, their
Sup 5 rry (0 solve it without physical fo:c~. When choosing steeds are aqua tic beasts, do lphins, porpoises, or even
an attitude players should rake this IOta account. and sea lions, and it is not unh eard of for them to use
when randomly making a selection, roll 108: Charior-like- vehicles drawn by such creatures.
1 physical force Shalafen society is fairly simple. The occupants of
2-3 expertlse each "cora l castle" work together, and share the work-
4.6 cunning load. T he roll on <he Five Planes Occu pation Tabl e
7.8 persuasion indicates the character's place in th is social order, and
there are a few spec ialists - most Sha lafen participate
Use the skill lists and bonus skill po ints for each of
in most of th e du ties. T he broad background means
these attitudes pro vided for Stormbringrr characters.
that all Shalafen may put skill po ints into any of the
Sup 6 Ragha-da-Kheta adventu rers have access to a number following, regardless of their occupat ion: Craft. Distant
of uniqu e skills. as noted in Skills (start ing on page 5,,,, List,", Natural J#rLJ, Sailing, Su1. Swim, W<ry 0/ Ih, Sea,
20). They begin with a base chance of 10% in Sdt Malt Talk. and th e weapons Harpoon, Nrt, and Tridrnt.
ProtutiOll, and 20% in Paranoid Anarysis.
Step 9 A shalafen who has chosen to be a follower of Law
Sup 9 The overwhelming presence of the worship of Chaos may obta in an Eltmmtal Tattoo. The prospective adven-
in their society leaves each Ragha-da-Kheta with at tu rer must have raised at least one skill in return for a
least one point of Chaos allegiance. Characters may Law point. In place of raising anoth er skill, th e player
not start the game with any Law or Balance points may elect to obta in a special Tatto o. T he inscription
unless the gamemaster specifically allows it. process is long, painful, and expensive. and is not able
Sup 10 During outfitting , a Ragha-da-Khera character may to be reversed T he Tattoo grams or enhances some
opt to purchase on e or more Chaotic Frtishrs. Each ability. and a po int of Law allegiance is gained. Where
fetish costs 200 bronzes, and gives the adventurer relevant, roll 1D4 for the number of weeks the tattoo
another point of Chaos allegiance. The power of each too k to inscribe (an ind ication of its power). No more
fetish can be determined with a roll of 1 08. than one such Tattoo may be ob tained during charac-
N ote that while th e player may select which fetishes ter generation. and it is a replacement for one of the
their character has purchased. it us up to the game- opport unities to raise a skill, not in addi tion to them.
master to decide wheth er the fetishes are what th e Furth er informat ion, and the descr iptions of some
seller promised. . . Information about fetishes, and a sample tatt oos, can be found starting on page I fl L
list of samples, can be found start ing on page 83.
Sl,.!.(cn The Vadhagh are aloo f, intellectual, distant, and long-lived.
Th e Shalafen are a largely peaceful elder race who live and Vadh agh characters should have carefully chosen reasons to
work closely with the sea and its inhab itants. While th ey are leave their remote castles and venture out into the "barbaric
not as ancient as the Nhadragh or Vadhagh, their peopl e have lands of the lesser races". Prospective players of Vadhagh char-
lived in the seas for millennia, in a communal freehold society. acters sho uld read abo ut th e race start ing on page 42, in th e
There are very few Shalafen left in the world. even though Ctograpbia chapter.
their somewhat remote locations have allowed them to avoid
The character generatio n pro cess for Vadhagh differs from
the worst of the attentions of the barbarian Mabden. Most,
the one used for standard human Stormbringer characters in a
but not all, Shalafen who travel away from their communities
number of ways, as described below.
do so on-board Mabden ships, either as crew (their knowl edge
of the sea often makes th en ideal navigators or helmsmen) or 5,,1' I Roll the following dice for Vadhagh characteristics:
.1S prisoners (the same abilities mak e th em app ealing urgers for
STR 206+6 CO N 206+6 SIZ 206+8
slavers and others who prey upon the weak). What littl e is INT 306+10 POW 30 6+4 OEX 206+8
known about these peaceful peopl e can be found star ting on APP 206+8
page 49. in the Ctograpbia chapter.
After rolling. you may shift around up to 6 points
Sup 1 Roll the following dice for Shalafen characteristics: from any characteristic to any oth er. Some of the
STR 206+4 CO N 30 6+4 SIZ 206+6 maximums for characteristics are slightly high er:
INT 306 POW 306 OEX 206+8 SIZ 24, INT 32, POW 25, OEX 24, APP 24. It is
APP 206+8 worth not ing that int elligence is more higWy prized
Some of the maximums for characteristics are differ- than mystic power, amo ngst the Vadha gh, and it is of
ent from those of stan da rd Stormbringrr characters: STR more importa nce to Contriving, as well.
18, CON 2S, OEX 24, APP 24.
Step 3 T he standard Stormbrillgrr ru les allow the player to
Sttp 6 There are a number of skills uniq ue to the Shalafen, as boost a low PO W score. and obtain some Chaos
described in Skills (starting on page 20 ). All Shalafen points in return. T hat op tion is entirely unavailable to
have a base chance of 50% in Swim, 25% in Way oj thr Vadhagh characters.

Sup 5 The Vadhagh have a particular outlook on life, which Fina lly, the fourth roll (and every roll aft er it) results
forms the basis for all th eir growth and development; in deterio ration du e to aging, as described in the SUn-
their lives are spent in the contemplat ion of concepts, dard character generat ion process in th e Stormbringtr
and th e pursuit of and expression of ideas. Rather rul es, although Vadhagh lose poi nts from characteris-
than selecting a standard package, Vadhagh add 30 tics in a different order: CON. STR, OEX, POW, and
skill poin ts to each of the following: Conctal Objrct, finally I NT. Most aged Vadhagh retire from society
Dodge, EvalttaU, Insight, Million SphtrtS, Natural a&rIJ, OrhtT when th ey lose th eir first point of INT, and die shortly
Latl,gUagt (Middle Sp",b) , OW" La"guagt, Physik, fblio"s, and thereafter.
one class of weapo ns. Any Vadhagh may lear n th e mystical art of Comriv-
In addition, it is worth notin g th at each Vadhagh illg, through research carr ied out during character
character starts with an innate understanding o f Plant generat ion. As part of each aging ro ll, the Vadhagh
Shifting, which should be record ed on the character may elect to learn a single Pra ept, at a cost of 100 skill
sheet under Precepts of Law. M ore can be read about points ( taken from th e points add ed to the character's
these abilities on page 96 , in the Contriving chapter. Avocation). Note that th e Prmpt oj Plant Shifting must be
All Vadhagh roll on the appropriate column of the stu died in th e same way as th e others, as no ted in th e
Sup 6
Cont riving chapt er, despite the innate Vadhagh abili-
Five Planes O ccupat ion Table, or may (at the game-
mast er's d iscretion ) select an occupation fro m thos e ties. Once all three precepts are known. a Contriver
indicated as suita ble for their race. may elecr to learn the art of Combining the precepts by
The process of assigning skills is somewhat differ- spend ing an additional 200 sk ill poin ts.
ent for Vadhagh characters. Each occu pation has an Once a Precept is know n, the Vadhagh may design
associa ted Avocatio'l. T he Vadhag h has d edicated its life a contr ivance using it for a cost of 20 skill poin ts.
ro the single-m inded purs uit of th is particular topic in Such con trivances sho uld be created in consultation
all of irs poss ible forms. O ther skills obtai ned by the with th e gamemaster. and most often relate to th e
character have been incide nt al to thi s obsession. A Vadhagh's Avocation in some way.
total of 300 skill points are initially split between th e Sup 9 All Vadhag h are firm ly dedicated [0 Law. For that
Avocation, any of th e skills listed in Step 5 (above), and reason th ey must add 20 skill po ints to 4-8 skills
up to two ad dition al minor interests. It is worth already known . Vadhagh rake on twice the number of
not ing th at th e Awcation will be raised quite signifi- Law all egiance points for this process, obtaining
cantly during th e aging part of th e generation process. fro m 8 to 16 poi nts . A starting Vadhagh character
Sup 8 The Vadh agh are. as a ru le, a long-lived race; it is not sho uld not have any Chaos or Balance points .
unu sual for th eir lives to last for at least 1000 years.
Sup lO A Vadha gh character should be outfitted with excel-
The nature o f th eir society is such th at most of the m
lent qu ality possessions, bu t perhaps not a particularly
focu s all of th eir attentio n upon a single pursuit for aU practical selectio n. The player may sp ent up to 1200
th eir years, exploring it inteIIecruaIIy and expressively
bronze s on items, bu t th e gamemaster and player
to an extent th at oth ers can on ly dream abou t.
sho uld ensure tha t no starting Vadhagh has an over-
Roll 1 D4 ; th e resultant number is used to deter-
whelming amount of reasonabl e adventuring gear,
m ine the character's age and Awcation kn owledge. To
instead it is recommended that such characters have
find the character's age, m ulriply the number by 100
valuable items of person al and aesthet ic import,
(you may add 101 DO, or simply add up to 99 years, if
includ ing higWy decorated ar mo r and weapo ns.
you wish to dete rmine the age to an accuracy of more
than a centu ry. bur th at detail does not affect th e rest All Vadhagh are likely to have devoted at least some time to
of th is process) . The same 1 D4 x 100 value is used as weapo ns tra ining - for spiritua l reasons. This means that th ey
skill p oin ts added to th e Avocation skill, resulti ng in an are likely to be qu ite good at combat skills, bu t totally inexpe-
outsta nd ing d egree of insight in tha t one area - these rienced in act ually fightin g. In addition, the idea of combat, or
poi nts may not be split into ot her skills, and represent ofkilling , may well be entirely repugnant. Thus it can happen
the Vadhagh's exp loration of th e conceptual and th at Vadhagh are more of a liability in combat than an asset.
aesthetic natu re of th e subject over many years. It is important to recogni ze th at, for various reasons, th e
If the player wishes for the character to be older, 10 4 N hadrag h are something of a blind spot in Vadhagh culture.
may be roll ed as many times as is wished , with the T he last Vadhagh historian of the N hadragh perished in
following effects : age, and the Awcation is raised as for mysterious circumstances near th e end of th e war between the
th e init ial age, and the roll multiplied by 10 skill two elder races and his castle, its inhabitants, and all its
points may be added to any of the Vadhagh's skills. conten ts were ent irely destroyed.

THE ENTRIES that fo llow de scri be th e unsatisfied with your pursuit of such an idle Craftsperson, Shopkeeper
cup.1rions m at ad venturers may have trade. You live rough and are much abused. (MabJtn, Ragba -da ~Kh(t4)
o~rsued in the Wo rld of the Fiv~ Planes. Skills: Barga in, Co nc eal O bject, Disgu ise,
Do dge, Fast Talk, Move Qui e tly, Pick
Perhaps you are a wheelwright working on char-
r No beginnin g spells are available to iots, a tattooist decorating the skins of either
lock, and o ne o ther skill a s a persona l barbarians or fashionable Ragha-da-Kheta. a
the adventurers in thi s setting unless they specia lty.
sto necutter, a mosaic artist, a brewer, or a prac-
art actually act ive in sorcery o r seerdom. Extra Money: 100 bro nzes if from the c ivi-
Ilzed la nds; thr ee moth-eaten skins and a
titioner of anyone of the countless other crafts.
EkClUSC the magic of the Five Planes has You might have been driven from your village
lacquer ed dog -skull if from the barbar ian
J more intens e and d ifficult nature than co untries . by encroaching barbarians, or seek to take your
that of the Young Kingdoms, players are skills away from settled lands to broaden the
advised to examine the En cyclop edia C harioteer horizons of the ignoran(.
Conjuratoria sectio n of th is volume and (MahJ", ,. ly) Skills: Barga in, a Craft, Evaluate, Fast Tal k,
Your skill in dr iving chariots is much sought Insight, Na tura l Wo rld, Scent/Taste, and
gain explicit gamemaster approval .befo re
after by warriors and nobles alike. You may be o ne other skill as a pe rsonal spec ia lity.
they decide upon a ba~~round In any of peaceful disposition and have earned a. living Extra Mon ey : 250 bronzes.
form of magic or con rnvmg. Alth ough driving passengers and messages about the land.
th e usc of sorcery is n ot limi ted solely to Or perhaps you are warlike and have steered the E xplorer
the occupations of sorcerer and seer, the mighty war chariots of your kin into clamoro us r1a hJm ,.ly)
player and game m aster should co nsid er battle. In any case, the confines of your previous Explorers are much valued in the Mabden terri-
an adventurer 's background very carefully life have begun to stifle one who knows their tories of the W orld of the Five Planes, as
worth in the wide world. nations often know little about even their clos-
before add ing such ab ilit ies.
Skills: Brawl , Craft (Wheelwright), Do dge , est neighbors. Your knowledge is sought after
Arlist Drive Cha riot, Jump, Natura l Wo rld, by some, but held suspect by others. Perhaps
(CiviliZlJ Mabdm, Ragba-da-Khtta) Whip Atta ck , a nd o ne other skill as a you are a warrior seeking to conqu er far-off
The word "artist" means quite different th ings pe rsona l spe c ialty. lands, a scholar searching for the arcane knowl-
in different parts of Co rum's world. There are Extra Mon ey: 350 bron zes. edge of strange lands, or maybe you simply
no full-time artists among the barbarian want to witness the wonders that the world has
Mabden and the Nhadragh. Artists among the to offer.
civilized Mabden and the Ragha-da-Kheta are Skills: Barga in, Drive Cha riot o r Ride , Five
revered specialist. somewhat like designers. who Plan es, Natu ral Wo rld, Nav igate, o ne
plan and oversee the work of superior crafts- O the r l an guage, Sa lling, a nd o ne
Weapon skill.
people. Indeed, architects are the only
Extra Mo ne y: 400 bronzes.
recognized Ragha-da-Kheta artists.
Skills: An Art, Ba rgain , a Craft, Evaluat e, Fast Hist or ian
Talk, Five Plan es, O the r l an gua ge, and ( VaJlagh ,.ly)
o ne othe r skill as a specia lity. Your lifetime of study has been an endeavor to
Extra Mon ey: 300 bronzes.
understand the past. There are four specialist
( V' dlagh ,.ly) areas of study possible for a Vadhagh historian:
Among the Vadhagh too, artists are specialists, Vadhagh history; the history of Contriv ing and
but not in arts that oth ers would readily under- the superstition of Law; the history of the
stand. As a Vadhagh art ist, you devote your life Mabd en peoples; and the history of exotic
to only one discipline: either tones, colors, cultures. (Th ere is no study of Nadhragh
textures, or moods. You work mostly in history and th ere never has been). As is true for
Cosmographer, Astrologer
composites of what others would consider to be ( VaJh'gh ,.ly) other Vadhagh occupations, one individual is
different media:, making things intended to be You have devoted a great many years to the rarely interested in anything that lies outside his
experienced with many senses at once. observation and study of the heavens and of the or her single specialist area. It is quite possible
Avocation: o ne of e ithe r Colo rs, Moo ds, cosmos, using all manner of equipment of }'our that your idea of history (i.e. what you think is
Textures, o r Ton es. own and others' devising. You understand the worth remembering or studying) may be of no
movements of the stars and planets. You are interest at all to anyone else.
r t.1J"" Nlad"gh) aware of the numerous theories linking these Avocat ion: one of e ither Vadhagh H isto ry,
movements to events in the cosmos and to the Co ntriving and l aw, Ma bden Histo ry, or
If you hail from the civilized lands of Lywm-
behavior of living things, and you may even Exotic H istory.
an-Em or the Nhadragh Isles you are accom-
plished at relieving peopl e of their excess wealth favor one or another of those theories. Your
understanding of things cosmic includes some Hun ter, Fisller
(and they usually have a good amoun t of it to (Mabd"" NlaJ"g h,Ragh,.Ja.K),"a, Shalaj"')
stan with) through the use of an appropriate study of th e relations between different planes
Ther e is a call for hunters and fishers in both
tale of misery or unsightly disfigurement. of existence - the big picture as it were. (See
civilized and barbarian societies. In both
If you come from the barbarian lands your also Planar Specialist ).
settings the hunters live in the wilds and venture
disfigurements are probably real, rath er than int o camps and settlements and cities only as
assumed, given to you by angry barbarians they must to trade their wares. Fishers are more

likely to live at IuS[some of the rime within the harm came to a Ragha-da -Kheta merchant . In accurate about whether or not it will rain
communities thej- help to feed, Both hunters an}' case. the rerminarion of }'OUr cont ract. or tomorrow. now even )'our seasonal
and fishers respect what nature pro vides and her some terrible catastrophe. has made }'ou decide seem to be sign ifican d y ofT.
inna te sense of balanc e. If ) 'OU are a barbarian to loo k elsewhere for employment. You seek Avocati on: Meteorology.
hunter }'O U mar even extend th is respect to th e service- and perhaps survival - away from your
creat ion of tot ems representi ng the animal you hom eland s. l'tine ralogisl
most fear or which r ou live by, donni ng iu sk in Skills: Brawl. Dodge. Drive Chariot. Throw, ( V. db.gbonly)
and drinking irs blood for strength and po wer, any three Weapon skills, and one other You have mad e the stud y of the no nliving
Skills: Climb, Move Quietly, Throw, Track , skill as a personal spec iality. th ings of this wor ld your life's work. Using
Trap, one Missile Weapon skill, on e other Extra Money: 200 bronzes. int ricate machin ery of your own invent ion. you
Weap on skill, and one other skill as a have learned mu ch of rocks, gems, o re, pitch
person al specia lity. Nerehanl, Small Trader
( M. bd"" Kh<") and gas, in addition to the physical history and
Extra Money: none.
geography of your planet . It is possible that you
Y ou used to ply your wares by way o f contract
may even have tra veled in search of samples. but
Lost, Por go t te n and ledger. or perhaps you took to the oceans,
(MabJrn, N!aJrag!, Ragba-Ja.Khtta) it is more likely tha t samples au brought to
forests and rivers to find new custom ers and
You are a d rifter. or a person plagued by your castle by Mabden traders who have heard
trade routes where few dare venture. Whether
dreams. or a }'Dung person newly orphaned. or that you pay well for worthl ess dust and stone.
from jewelled and perfumed lodgings or rough
maybe you just woke up an amnesiac. You hid e tents, } "DU have recentl y suffered a some Avocati on: Mineralogy.
don 't know who you are or how long th is major disast er. and your business is lost. You
condition Ius afflicted you . Perhaps }'DU were mus t trust that your new life of adventure will
ltli nor Nob le, Local Hero
from some rich and fabulous land. or even a far-
(M. bdm, R.go-J.- Klx" , 5b"r..j",)
help }'DU to rt=coup }'Our fortune.
off plane, and are stranded here. Wherever your Wberher an impoverished )'ounger noble of a
Skills: Bargain, Conceal Object. Evaluate,
past. rour fate is to grasp at dues and strive for Five Planes, Insight, Natural World, d issolute family in 1M civilized. world, or a
meanin g, Perhaps ad ventu ring can help }'ou do Other language. one add itional skill as a barbarian with titles and honor but no financial
this. personal interest. suppon. you now seek your fortune away from
Skills: Concea l O bject, Fast Talk. Hide, Extra Money: 1000 bronzes . the ties that constrain rather than bind. Or
Insight, listen , Move Q uietly, Search, perhaps you are a local hero. th e champion of a
and one othe r skill as a persona l l\teteorologist village, small town or even castle. Limited
specia lity. (V. only) adulation and the mo notony of your familiar,
Extra Money: 15 bronzes. Ever since you can remembe r, you have studied petty heroics have grown stale. For all such
th e weather. You have made many arcane people it is rime to seek out new challenges.
Skills: An Art, Five Planes, O ther language,
Ride o r Drive Chariot. Scent/Taste, an y
two Weapon skills, and one other skill as
a perso nal specia lity.
Extra Money : 500 bro nzes .

Natu ra list
( V. db.gbonly)
All of nature is your life work . although you
have specialized in either plants or animals (not
insects - see Social Scientist. Entomologist )'
Even so, you r field is far too vast for anyone to
encompass even in a Vadhagh lifetime, so there
are gaps and some superficial ity in whar you
know, which is likely to have bern inspired by a
passion for beauty rather than a commitment to
solve the riddles of nature. Althoug h you may
have traveled Widely in pursuit of knowledge, it
is more probable that your observations will
have been confined to the immediate area
arou nd th e castl e in which you reside.
Avocation: Botany, or Zoo logy.

Peasant, Farmer
(l<1..b./"',<.., 5b.r..j",)
Hereenary, Bodyguard d evices to aid in your research and you under- Once }"Cu fanned lush crop lands or barren
(M.bdrn, Nb.d"gb, R.gb4-J.-Kkt.) stand the: forces that cause all weather as well as slopes - or worked a wet farm in one of the
Perhaps you contract out in th e lands where the major climate patterns of this world - its coral castles of the ShaIafen. N ow you are
loyalties can shift with a cash payment. or winds, its tid es. its seasons. its quirks and somehow free of such one rous tasks. If vour
perhaps you fo reswore to guard and protect a extremes. Recently the weather Ius become even fcrure is less certain. it Ius defmitely Ios~ its
barbarian noble with your life (and likely your more interesting. because it no longer seems tiresome routine.
tattoos are as fearsome as }'Dur fighting skills). entirely controlled by natural , or even rational. Skills: A Craft, Dodge, listen, Natura l Wo rld.
or perhaps you were supposed to make sure no fo rces. While you have never been absolutely Scentff aste, two Impromptu Weapon
skills (see the Storm br inger weapon
fab les), a nd one other skill as pe rsonal of the beauty and wonder o f bodie s, not for any Avoc at io n: Genera l Know ledge .
specia lity. practical benefit.
Extra Mo ne y:. 2S bronzes o r a sma ll Avoca tion: Medicin e. S cribe, E n gin eer
me nage ne. ( Civiliz,J M.IJno,<..)
P la nar S peci alisl Y ou spent your days d esigning and overseeing
Peddler ( V. db-g! .nly) grand constructions. or copying in fine hand
(Ci•.Jiud M.IJno, Nbod"gl, R~gbo-J.-Kh<l4) The stud}' of the planes is your chosen calling. and prose the rambl ings of the great. Now }'OU
Ycc nuke 2 living. such as U IS. traveling the H owever. th is subject is almos t too vast for desire a life of }'Our own. and perha ps th e
countryside or citr with 2 p2ck (o r perhaps 2 comprehension. Even in your long V.adh.agh life fortune to create th at masterpiece o r th e
art or w2gon) st~ffed with bits 2Il~ pieces for you have only rullr begun to scratch the: chanc e to bring learning and comfort l O th e
sale, Often the price for }'Our goods IS 2 meal o r surface. Of course ro u are aware tha t there are ignoran t and lowly.
2 place to sleep. You are also 2 bit o f 2 handy- flfieen planes which impinge more o r less Skills: An Art o r Craft . Evalu ate , Five Planes,
nun- You sharpen knives and repair pots. chop directly upon this one (wh ich is more: than most Insight . Na tural World. Oth er language.
..'OQd and darn socks - just aboer anything for Scribe (or either Pick l oc k or Sea rch if
know)' And you know that then: are numberless you are an Engineer), and o ne o the r skill
.a oust. Only 2 fool would think that someone o ther planes upon and with in o th er plano. each as a personal speciality.
in vee r line would have: .m}' money. but there connected to each (o r no t)' You even kno w Extra Money: 300 b ronzes.
~'plenty of foots in the world. what is on some planes very well. and the prin -
(V. &gb only)
Skills: Bargain, Co nceal O bject, Eva lua te. cipals governing "natu ral" planar portals and
Hide, an Impro mptu Weapon skill, In Vadhagh culture, writing and the general
gates. as well as the theory and practice of PLmr
liste n, Search, and o ne o the r skill as a study of the principals of structu re are consid-
5hffit"g beyond whar is normal for Vadhagh.
pe rsona l interest. ered the same thing. Writing is not seen to have
But, no nutter wha t }'Ou know, you know best
Extra Mon ey: No ne. anyth ing essentially to do with language (for
that you can never know all o f what remains.
wh ich su Philologisr), bur as a means o f giving
ph ; lolo~;sl Avocation: Plana r Study. visible structure to the flo w of verbal mean ing,
(V. db-gl . nly) just as engineering best ows visible Structures on
Sailor, Pirale
Your life is l.anguage.and its study. You dot e on th e flow of physical forces in the world. Thus
(M. ld"" Nld"gl, Sb.I'!f"')
the history of words and the rules of gramrtl.ll'. th e Vadhag h "writer" is also someth ing of a
You plied your trade across th e wide oceans of
You know man)' languages (some of which have ph ysicist and :I plumber. as well as a architect
th e W or ld of the Five Planes. serving merchants
not been used for thous ands of years) int i- and an expen in magnetism - in short . quit e th e
or explorers. tasting th e salt wind and glorying
mately. and given sufficient time you can learn most practical represen tative of a very imp racri-
in freedom, if not riches. O r you were one o f
to read. write, speak or understand 2ny eal culture.
the brotherhood of blood . the d ire pirates of
language. Perhaps you are working on som e- Avocation: Structura lism.
the barbarian coasts who reave and loot. and are
thing as bro ad as the rules to a universal
now estranged from the company of your
grammar, o r perhaps a single word has cap tured S haman, Pries t , C u ltisl
fello ws. D id you show compassion o r take more (M. ld"" Nb-d"gl,<..)
rour attention for the past hundred years, In
than you r share? For sailing men of either stripe Alth ough a religious specialist. you are as yet
.mycase. you barely have time for anyth ing else.
the oceans always becko n. and treasure islands una cquaint ed with the: dark arts of Chaotic
Avoca tio n: Philo logy.
and dr eams of sailor-kings d istu rb your apathy. so rcet"}' or the workings of Lawful science.
Your last capta in was not able to 5.1tisfy your Perha ps you are 2 sincere believer. perhaps you
Physician, Apothecary, Surgeon
wanderlust, so now roo seek a new berth. are something of a fake.
(Qwliz,J M.IJno,<.4,Sh''''j ",)
Or perhaps you were pressed into the service As.a priest or cultist of the Lords of Law you
As a skilled healer you once graced the courts o f
fo r a determined crew because of th e knowledge seek th eir restora tion in a world of increas ing
nobles. bringing your knowledge of the healing
you had of me sea. or simp ly because you Iud darkness and strife . Or you are 2 follo wer of
.arts and compassion to those in need. Now you
two strong arms. Your escape is sure to have Chaos. even one of the fawning Ragha-da-
Are fleeing a fearful pirate indenture or the
earned you the enmity of your previous crew. Kheta priests. predicting the eventual abso lute
wrath of a bru tal noble's court where vee
Skills: C limb, Craft. Na viga te , Natural Wo rld, triumph of the Sword Rulers.
dreaded th e punishment for failure. .
Sailing. Swim, a Wea pon skill, a nd one A5 a shaman o f the Dog or the H om ed Bear
Skills: Craft (Fa lse limb) Of Ph ysik, Fast Ta lk, o the r skill as a persona l specia lity.
Five Plan es, Insight, O the r l an guage, you placate grim masters. both mortal and
Extra Mo ney: 100 bronzes a nd a few va lu-
Pot ions , Scribe , and o ne other skill as a able ta ttoos. cosmi c. while they struggle to survive.
pe rsonal specia lity. If you art Shalafm. }'Ou are 2 member of me
Extra Mo ney: 1000 bro nzes (we ll-ea med o r Scholar respected sect o f Elnnml.lll TQttooisu 1 Ccr-Art
filched). and should be su re to consult the now in the
(V. db-gb .nly)
(V. db-gl . nly) Your obsession is general know ledge. You are The Coral Castles Of The Shalafen (, wring
You spend YOUt days in the pu rsuit of what we th e one of the true dilettanti of the Vadhagh, on page 49 ~
might call "medical" know ledge. Yo u kno w But. because you have a magpie's instincts for Skills: Elem en tal Tatt oo ISha lafen o nly), Fast
how bodies are constructed and how things knowledge. what you know is a hodge-podge• a Talk. Insight, Natural World, O ratory.
Physik, Potions, Track, a nd o ne other
Iuppen in th em. You also know quite a bit clutter, organized accordi ng to prin cipals which
skill as a pe rso na l specia lity. Add 106
.about what to do to repair the ills of the body-, are mean ingfuJ only to you . So me thin gs you (Chaos) o r 108 (law) to your a llegia nce.
from what herbs and concoctions will dear up a know very well. perhaps bett er th an an}'one else. Extra Mo ne y: 300 bronzes.
c~gh to ho w to ampuure a limb with neither H owever. th ere are surp rising holes in your
pam no r blood (using special devices carefully knowledge. corresponding to the man y things Slave (freed or escaped)
Contri ved). O f course. your kno wledge has to tha t d o not interest }'Ou or tha t }'OU have not (M4IJno,, K1<t4)
do with Vadhagh bod ies and may not always had time for yet - or just to th e real world As a slave }'Ou might come from .an}' back -
work the: same way a n other sons of bod ies. outs ide the castle where you live. Yet. you are ground, but were un fortu nate enough to fall
And you have acquired this knowledge because curious abo ut that world .. . into captivity. Yo ur masters wert eithe r th e

brutal barbarian s of north and south, or th e themselves. In any case the wide world offers world th ere must be beings who understand
Ragha-da-Kh eta. In any case, your life has not much - knowledge and power beckon . th ese matters berrer than you do and who have
been a happy one. D oubtless you bear t11C scars Note: Players intendin g to play So rcerer or so me real ap titude for the m - because. to be
of th eir wrath. or even worse afflictions. You Seer characters sho uld read th e relevant sections hon est. the whole spirit ual bus iness is a terrible
certa inly wear th eir marks - most slaves are of the Encyclopedia Conjuratoria closely. stru ggle for you.
branded. and freed slaves arc branded a second Skills: Fetish Craft (if Ragha-da-Kheta), Five Avocation : Spiritual ism.
time. Did you earn your freedo m by saving rour Planes, Insigh t, Mill ion Spheres, O ratory,
one Other la nguage, Physik, Potion,
master in battle or by some other great feat. or
are you hunted to th is da y. having bro ken }'OUf (M,bJm, Nh.J"gh, R'gh.-Ja-KJ.ta)
Extra Money: 300 bronze s
bonds and ron into th e night? Perhaps you have been able to eke our a living
Chaos Summonings: Ro ll 1DB; add that
Skills: Art, Cra ft, Dodge, Fast Ta lk, H id e, many Chaos allegiance po ints, and give by pilfering from the barbarian rulers of your
Move Qu ietly, Sce nt/Taste, and one yo urse lf that many sum mo nings of land. or maybe you have stalked throu gh the
impro mptu Weapon skill. Chaotic Effec ts or Cha os Creatures. civilized capitals relieving the merchants and
Extra Money: None. Cho ose w ise ly a nd ca refully. nobl es of their excess wealth. In either case.
Law Contriva nc es: Add 1D6 to yo u r l aw
Social Scientist, E n tomologist your form er career seems to be drawing to a
al leg ianc e . You have knowledge o f the
( V, Jh'gh ."Iy) Precept of Qua lity, a nd th ree Co ntriv- close - the enemies are multiplying, and your
You art one of th ose rare Vadhagh nobles ances wh ich utilize that Precept; or yo u renown has grown too great. You might even
whose one consuming int erest is the stu dy of may sta rt w ith kno w ledge of a se cond have reform ed. Success as an adventurer might
Precept, but on ly posess a Single finally allow you to put your past behind you.
social grouping. Of course, the principal objects
Contrivance. O r will it?
of study are sent ient beings and insects (the
rudimentary social behavior of animals, bird s Skills: Climb , Disguis e, H ide , Listen , Pic k
and fish being of no int erest to anyone o f any l o c k, Sea rch, on e Weapon skill, a nd one
real intelligence). You know th e hows and ot he r skill as a pe rso nal spec ia lity.
wbats and whys of most social activity, and you Extra Mo ney: 500 bro nzes.
may even und erstand that th e family castle is
not the dominant social format ion o f the Thug
future. Although you may have done som e tra v- (M, hJro, Nh,J"gh, R,gh.-Ja-KJ." )
eling in the cou rse of your research, it is more Ru thl ess and murderous. you plied your trade
usual to have acquired your social knowledge by among th e nobl es and elite of the Five Planes.
reading and by observing the insect life in and killing and bullying for cash. If you are Ragha-
around th e castle in which you reside or watch- da-Khera. it is likely that fOU were a hired assas-
ing a nearby settleme nt of Mabden. sin. work ing und ercover. Perhaps you fell foul
Avoca tion: Socia l Science. of a tough er or more ruthle ss opponenr. or
mayb e a sorcerer wants his revenge for a job
S orcer er, S eer that did not go as planned. While your reputa-
(Mabdcn, NbaJragb,Rtlghtl-tLt-Khtta) Soldier, Guard, Watchman tion still precedes you. som ething terrible has
In Corum, Chao s Somnrs or th eir Law count er- (M,bJm, R,gh,-J,-KJ.,,) happened to force you to qu estion your calling.
parts , Sitrs, often have no additional occup ation. You were a soldier in one of th e teeming What is it?
having dedicated thems elves to their arts. barbarian arm ies poise d to take th e world in fire
Skills: Climb, Disguise , H id e, Move Q uietly.
Sorcer er - You are either an elegant practi- and bronze, o r perhaps you served as a soldier Throw, two Wea pon sk ills, and o ne ot her
tioner of the arts of Chaos, or a ravening loon or guard to the nobles of the civilized world, or sk ill as a pe rson a l specia lity.
who has been slo wly consumed by a lust for even (if yo u are Raghs -da-Khera) as one of the Extra Mo ney : 1000 bronzes.
power and th e infinite promise of Quos. If fanatic guards who prot ect King T emgol-Lep
civilized , you appreciate both Law and th e elder from real and imagined danger. But you are no T roubadour, P layer, E ntertainer
races for th eir learning but disregard th eir prac- longer in service. Did your master die or (MahJm, Nh,J"gh, Ragh.-Ja-KJ." )
tises as moribund. If barbarian, you strive to discharg e you. or did you desert your post : Wit, interesting looks. and a talent with some
steal the dark secrets of th e D og and th e Bear Skills: Brawl, Drive Cha riot, Dod ge , Move fonn of amusement have comb ined to make
and use th em to further your fouI ends. If Q uietly, Sh ie ld, Thro w, a ny two Weapon
you an entertai ner. Perhaps you can play an
Ragba-d a-Khera, you may even have been one inst rument. sing and compose ballads, or stru t
Extra Mon e y: 50 bron ze s.
of th e Wis e Ones, or the Appeasers, who bear the stage present ing tragedi es and comedies for
the burden of int erpre ting the will and whim of Spiritualist th e edificat ion of your fello ws. Or maybe you
Arioch. You never trust o th ers with your secrets (V, ."Iy) wire-walk, leap from chariot to chariot in fuJi
and they often live in terror of you. Perhaps you You have spent your life study ing immaterial flight. or astound and amaze with stage magic
have had to flee from your local comm unity to powers and th e various beliefs about immaterial and dangerous stunts. or travel as a Fakir in the
remain alive. powers ( "religions" , ..sorcery", "Con triving" lands of sands of Khoolocra h. Recently you
Seer - You most certainly hail from the civi- and the like). Perhaps you have become a have begun to tire of the proscenium narrowi ng
lized lands, since the practice of seerdom is believer in th e cours e o f your study. or perhaps your fears. You seek glory in the wide world
despised elsewhere. You can astonish with your you are a co nf irmed sceptic. T o ou tsiders, a and th e abandonment of make-believe.
Contrivances and learning . Your studi es have great deal of what you do must app ear to be Skills: An Art, Bargain, a Craft , Fast Talk,
taken you as far as they can and now you seek meditation or a fonn of psychic comm union. It Insight, O ratory, one Weapon skill, and
mor e learning from th e elder races, particularly proba bly seems to you that somewhere on this o ne other ski ll as a persona l specia lity.
the Vadhagh. or fro m th e lost Lords o f Law Extra Mo ney : 150 bronzes.

THE CONCEPT OF ALLEGIANCE [0 the forces of Chaos. La~. Cilampion of the Balance
J Balance is present In Contm. The rules which surround It Champions of th e Balance in this world do not seek Tandorn
an much like those found in Ston nbrin§ r. although there are as their expression of Apo theosis . Instead th ey act ively serve
. " s In Ca rum 's war Id.
areOfC' stringen t viewpoint th e cause of th e Balance throughou t th e rnultiverse. Eventually.
mGuidelines for the acquisition of allegiance point s in this perhaps. Tane lom and tru e love may appear, bu t that is not
slighrly more extreme setting arc provid ed for th e gamemaster guaranteed. These Cham pions gain th e skill Sme Imbalatlcr at
in Allegiance Rewards, in the Running tbe Came chap ter. start- POW x 1. For every 10 Balance allegiance poi nts over 100 add
ing on page 112. ? ne po int to the skill. This is the only way th e skill may
On a successful Smsr Imbalall(( roll the Champion d etects
Apotheosis some form o f imbalance: an incur sion by Chaos which th reat-
Apochcosis is the process by whi~ adventurers become champi- ens the plane; or a Law worshipper whose actions are threaten
011S for one of th e forces of th e Five Planes: Law, Balance, or
the Mulriv erse. The Champion is irresistibly drawn to the
Glaos. As described in the Stonnlmngrf rules, in general this source of th e imbalance. This might be through dreams.
occurs when a character amasses a coral of at least one hundred waking visions. omens. or hun ches. The Champion d oes not
allegiance points. and dem onstrates continuing loyalty to the know th e d etails of th e p robl em. just tha t som ethi ng is wron g.
force. Ic is th e du ty of th e gamem aster to d ecide the nature of the
ThC' concept of Apotheosis sho uld be seen in context with imbalance, and the Champion must try to redress it. Cha mpi-
me other types of servitu de to forces of th e Five Planes, espe- ons who refuse such calls lose th eir status and are never offered
cially servitude to Chaos. Apotheosis is th e result of .1. lij( th e position again.
dedicated to serving .1. force. and many are simply not that A Smst ImbaLmcr roll of 0 1 results in th e Balance int erfering
dedicated. Mos t adhe rents succumb to Chaos afflictions directly, whisking th e Champion off to ano ther plan e to seek
through traits, or are ot herwise impressed into servitude by th e out an injustice. T he Champion arrives, confused and proba-
forces of Chaos in exchange for demoni c favors (see The bly incon venienced. as [hary-a-Conel was in the Chrollidrs of
Curse of Chaos, in the Sorcery chapter, on page 90). Corum. T he Balance does not act to return Champions to their
Apotheos is is not granted to everyone who ends up in th e homes, only to aid them in pursuing imbalance. As an alterna-
service of any of the forces. Those who end up obeying their tive gamemasters may prefer to provide a form of
whims far outnumber those who becom e true Champions. tran sportation that. while it is not und er the player's contro l,
The gamenuster may wish to give adventurers the chance to still allows travel for a group o f adventurers. See BoJorhiag and
attain Apotheosis if th ey meet th e standard criteria and are his boat on page 128. in th e lnlulbita1lts chapter. for one such
able to negotia te with a greater demon. or a Lord ofeither Law conveyance.
or Chaos. Be sure to never overlook the basic criteria ( 100 alle- Lastly, a Champ ion of the Balance has Hit Points equal to
giance points and a long-stan d ing and demonstrable loyalty to SIZ + CON.
the power). regardless of the situation.
C ham p ion of La w
Champions Champion s of Law are in a dan gerous po sition in Corum's
The Champions of the forces of Law, Chaos, and Balance in wotld unt il th e coming of th e Scarlet Prince himself. The
Corum's world are slightly diffe rent from those in Elric's power of Law is insuffic ient to allow a Cham p ion to create
world. especially those who follow the Balance. Op tionally. the new land as is th e case in Elric's world. Instead Champions
gamemasrer may decide to retain th e descriptions from the commonly ded icate th emselves to a Temp le o f Law in one of
Stormbrin,grr rules, if the more cosmic feel these new descr ip- th e cit ies of Lywm-an-esh. They are granted the title of Ttmp!4r
tions impart is not desirable. and an incom e and status on par with those of th e ruli ng lords.
C ha m pio n of chaos
Champions can communica te with their pa trons with a roll
Use the basic Stormbringrr rules, but gamemasters may wish to of POW x 3%. They generally choose either Ilah or Arkyn as
rule on behalf of those who have paid .1. heavy to ll in Chaos a parro n. since the other Lords are so remote. If the campaign
TraIts - th e traits may be sufficient for coalescence without
has seen th e Champion communicating with other Lords.
further loss of APP. Skill loss. however. remains th e same. however. such concerns m ight be ignored.
Finally. on becoming a Champion o f Law• .1. character has
three skill percentages doubl ed. Which skills are so treated is
entirely up to the player.

Skills and equipment /rom lile World of II,,, Fiv" Plan"s

ORUMIS WORLD repr esents a cultu re at roughly the Arts
same technological period as the Young Kingdoms A number of new skills art added to the list of potential arts
detailed in Stormbdngtr. The various cultures and tone, provided in the Stormbn'ngtr rules. These performan ce arts are
however. lead to some differences between th e included for use in th e \VorJd of the Five Planes, where they
setti ngs. This chapter includ es new skills. and special weapon s are less often solely the province of nobility. A Barbarian Dirge
and armo r which are new to Corum. or which differ substan- may be as effective as courtly poett y to the right audience.
tially from what is provided in Stormbritwr. M ost of this new
material could, with gamemasrcr pennission , also be used in Acting
th e Young Kingdoms sett ing. in the right situations. T he pro fusion of players and performers in civilized lands like
Lywm-an-Esh has resulted in Arting
being considered an Art in Corum
rath er than a Craft. Acting prima-
SKILLS rily covers the ability to mimic
ot hers and to adopt physical and
vocal disguises. The Oratory skill is
BELOW ARE several skills which not considered part of Acting, and
are either new to Comm. or have professional actors should possess
been alt ered or enhanced from Oratory as well if they wish to be
th eir original appearance in Storm- able to sway crowds. Other Arts,
bdtlgtr. A number of them are th e includin g 1'o<'ry. S'ory-trUing and
product of non-Mabden culture s, Dramatu rgy are essential CO provide
and are only commonly available [0 the mater ials required for frequent
members of those races. performanc es, and for the knowl-
edge of how best to present than.
Avocations Few players are able to make a living
An umbr ella term that covers ail of from their acting talents alone.
the skills embraced by any specific Professionals of th ese sorts are
Vadhagh occupation (and thus commonly called Troubadours or
culturall y specific to the Vadhagh Poets.
alone). This skill may be used as an
indication of th e character's knowledge in the area of seudy. or D ra mat u rgy
for SUCCt5S in inventing and planning a Contrivance of that The ability to compose dramatic pieces for performance. It
area. H owever. it is in the nature of Vadhagh wisdom that there includes the skills required to create anything from short solil-
is only ever a remo te chance that using this skill will produce a oquies and monologues through to lengthy pieces of complex
practical result. Gamemasters should use their own discretion theatre. from pros e plays to verse epics. Those with a skill over
on a case-by-case basis, but a rule of thumb would be that 100% are well-known . even when they have not travelled. as
useful information could only be obtained at best by a roll 5% their work precedes them. Some interaction with the relevant
of the A V()(Q/icm skill or less. lAnguag< skill, and! or th e art of Ibttry is required for great
Examples of Vadhagh Avocations are provided in the N ew works. The Dramaturgy skill is limited by the arti st's l.Anguf{;."f
and Changed Oc cupat ions (start ing on page 15), Players are skill (and Poltty Art if the piece is in verse). Dramarurgisrs may
encouraged to develop even less relevant skills as suits their work in concert with someone who has a more eloquent turn
uniq ue character concepts. of phrase. and use whatever relevant skill(s) th eir collaborator
There is no base chance for an A VO{atiofl. has in place of their own.
it to someone outside their sect. Rumors abound oflost manu-
Crafts scripts explaining the process.
DIC following crafts can be adde d [0 those provided in the
There is no base chance for the Elnnnltill Tattoo skill.
Sr~mbri'f§f rules.
o Fetisll Craft
Th e abili ty decorat e s kin
[0 witl1 ,?rna rf' dcsi
' an WI CSlgnS. Th·IS Sk·ll
An ability, peculiar to Ragha-da-Kbeca Chaotic Priests. to
pJrt icularly popular am ong barbarian me n and women. make highly-perishable Chaotically sorcerous objects from
feathers. hair. dun g and other mildly repe llent organic prod.
~h.1l Cr. ft
The Shalafen are known [ 0 grow various useful objects from ucts. See Ragh a-da-Khera Fetishes. in th e Soru ry chapter,
t1w coral and shells in th eir enviro nme nt. A mast er is able co starting on page 83 for more infor matio n abour the fetishes,
ide the growth th ese living resources [Q create works to and the process of their creation.
l'xa..:ting speclificati
scanons. While there is nothing sto pping an outsider from learn ing
th e arcane formula s involved in the creatio n of these fetishes. it
Stone is hard to imagine anything which would co nvince a Ragha-da-
T he ability [ 0 sculpt and shape sto ne of all sorts. Skilled Kheta. much less a Priest of Chaos. to impa rt such knowledge
masons arc highly prized. and are well rewarded for their to anyone outside their culture.
Jbiliries. There is no base chan ce for this skill.
\Vhedwrights are essential to make and repair the many chari- Five Planes
0 [5, and other wheeled vehicles, of Co rum's world.
This skill represents general knowledge about Corum's world
alone. It is not to be confused with a knowledge of the other
Distant Seas planes of the M ulriverse, no matter how close they are to this
T he skill of knowing a link of what lies beyond the lands one - for such knowledge use the Million Spbrrts skill.
shown on the Corum map. rath er like that of Unknown Kingdoms
skill in Stormbringtr This includes knowledge of the Shalafen Languages
and the Land of the Di stant Sea. The base chance for this skill In Corum. Mabdrn. which th e Vadhagh and N hadragh call Low
is 00%. but natives of these remote locations swap this with Spucb. is a common language spoken by nearly everyon e. Middle
their Five Planes base chance. Spucb is an ancient to ngue spoken by both the Vadhagh and
N hadragh (and a few learned Mabden). In addition. th e
Drive Cllariot Vadbagb and Nbadragb each have their own (very) ancient
This is the skill used for all chariot driving and man euvering, languages; that of the Vadhagh is very close indeed to the Higb
as described und er Chariots, on page 26. Spmb of th e Young Kingdoms.
Gamemasters may apply modifi ers as th ey see fit for obsta- The Nbadragb language is related to that of the lVtgba-da-
cles in the road or complex maneuvers. If the chariot is driven KlJda; anyon e who can speak one. can speak the other at a skill
one-handed, the driver's skill roll is halved. This same mod ifier of 20% less.
applies to any other skills employed at the same t ime. Driving The Sbaz"Jrn speak a strange hybrid of Low Spm! and MiddiL
one-handed requires a STR of at least 13. Sptub, which speakers of th e either can understand at -30% and
Dexterity is also important to chariot eers and their warriors speakers of both at -10 %.
or passengers. Most drivers are tied into a chariot with leather BriHing (spoken by the Mabden of th e Ice Wilderness) is a
thongs or ropes but they may still be liable to fall down in, if debased form of Low Spm b with much guttu ral clucking and
not out of, the chariot body. If mishaps occur and the driver cough ing; it lacks the subtleties of pure Mabden. Mabdrn speakers
fails the Drive Chariot roll. a gamemaster may fairly call for have at most a 20% chan ce of d early understanding someo ne
Dtxtrrity rolls on behalf of all standing within the chariot. Fail- speaking Brik/ing.
ing can range from falling and bum ping one's head, to pitching Anyone who speaks Young Kingdom 's Common, speaks
out of the chariot as the result of a Fumble. Mabdm. albeit with an unfamiliar accent.
Elemental Tattoo Lip R ead
This is a skill possessed only by th e Shalafen sect of Elemental The ability. found almost exclusively among the Ragha-da-
Tattooists. It is the ability to incise flesh. or another incisable Kheta. to understand what people are saying by observing th eir
material like wood or pottery. with patterns which can enhance mouths when they talk. Of course, it is not possible to lip read
abilities in a way that is roughly akin to the manner in which anything in a language th at the lip reader does not speak.
the Prm pts oj Gmtrivanct ClI1 be used to enhance the pro perti es There is no base chan ce for this skill.
of objects - with the sign ificant exception that the Shalafen
k~ow nothing of oth er planes and thu s cannot make Tattoos Million Spheres
WIth any planar skills or propert ies. See Elemental Tattoos. in T his skill is treated here in the same way it is in the Young
~e Ccnlriving chapt er. star ting on page 101 . for more info rma- Kingdoms. with one exception: with it comes some knowledge
tion about th ese tattoos and their abilities. abo ut of the comin g Co'yunction oj tbi Million Sphtrts. For details
While this skill is nor strictly limited to the Shalafen, it is about such arcane matters. players and gamemasrers shou ld
almost imp ossible to convince an Elemental Tatt ooist to teach consult the Cosmology chapter.

Natural World W hale T alk
Obviously this knowledge is particular to the World of the All of the Shalafen have attain ed at least a rudim entary knowl,
Five Planes. and not the Young Kingdoms of Stcnnbri,W". and edge of thi s skill - the ability to communicate with whales in
visa versa. The specific differences (and cont radictions) their own language. The Shalafm use an array of trumpets
between th e knowledge of characters from th ese settings are made from shells to imitate the range of whale speech, but
left to the gamemasrcr and players to d etermine. other wind instrum ents might be adapt ed for th e purpo se.
T here is no ban on teaching this skill to outsiders. but it is
Paranoid Analysis quite difficult to master.
The Ragha-da-Kbcra ability to "see through" surface appear- The base chance for Shalafen is 10%, but members of other
ances to some o f the actual malevolent forces at work in a races starr with 00%.
given situation (success can also indica te when th ere arc no
malevolent forces at work at all). C learly th e knowledge gained Young Kingdoms
by such analysis is more or less speculative ( paranoid analysts This skill is not valid in Comm. Any knowledge of the Young
cannot be certain} and is always limited by what the analysts Kingdoms is considered part of the Millioll Sphtrts skill. In the
know of th e situ at ion ( that is, no on e can learn that M orag is same way. a Young Kingdoms character might have heard. some
meddling if they don't know who Morag is). This is a skill fragments about the World of the Five Planes if their Million
that gamemasters may want to roll hidden from the players. Spb"" skill is sufficiently high. The gamemaster might grant
Ragha-da-Kh era have a base 20% in the skill, and it cannot part icularly learned adventurers a base F.w Plants skill of up to
be learned by other races at all. one tenth of their Million Splxres skill. if they roll a success with
that skill when they first reach Corum's world.
Precepts of Con trivance (Precepts of Law)
The content and the operation of these specialized skills.
found only among Seers and used for improving the properties
of physical things. are described fully in th e Contriving chap-
ter, starti ng on page 93. Unlike nonnal skills, the player only
notes whether they are known at all - there is no skill
percentage associated with th em.

Self Protection
A culturally-specific Ragha-da-Kheta variation of th e Trap,
Potions. and Sunt/ Tastt skills that covers detecting and disarm-
ing traps. making and concealing warning devices and
ambushes. concocting potions that proteer against common
poisons. recognizing such poisons in food and drink . and the
ability to assess a situation to terms of its potentia! danger and
to devise at least some means of security. At lower levels this
skill may not be worth having. but at higher levels it can be
very useful indeed.
Ragha-da-Khera have a base chance of 1Oo/~

The ability, found almost exclusively among the Shalafen. to
ride the waves with or without a surf board. Mostly a sparring
skill, surfing is also used by the Shalafen for delivering
messages castle-to-castle and ship-to-shore, and has been
known to have assisted th e survivors of some wrecks.
T here is no base chance for this skill.

Way of the Sea

The culturally-specific ShaIafen ability to "read" the ocean: to
predict weather. analyze currents. work our what fonns of life
are present. say the direct ion of the nearest land. etc. This
skill can only be applied on very large bodies of salt water and
is useless on rivers. ponds and all inland lakes or seas. On the
other hand, it could be applied successfully on planes other
than this one - if only the Shalafen knew of such places.
The skill is innate for all Shalafen, who have a base chance
of 25%, and cannot be learned by other races at all.

THE TA BLE BELOW lists the weapons for C orum that are n ot VaJha ~!. Bone Bow
found in 5tormbringtr. The Stormbdnglf weapons which arc The Vadh.lgh produce a bow which is in all ways, save for the
un.1\'Jilable in th is sett ings are th ose linked to a specific culture, simp ler, more elegant design, the same as the M elnibon ean
though som e of th e new weapon s correspond closely to such Bone Bow.
\\Il'apons. All oth er weap ons and weapon classes in Stormbrillgrr
W!.; p
J fC applicable here. A special technique allows the wielder to startl e an opponent
Dcnlcdhyssi Axe into retreat ing. Although no damage is done . if the target is
T his brutal weapo n is the favorite of the mad barbarian killers unable to Dodgt a successful attack, he or she flinches, and must
who give it irs name. It is rarely avai~able for sale and those involuntarily leaps back 1D4 yards.
possessing it who are not D enled hyssi arc usually att acked by
true D enledhyssi for doing so. Shields
T he shield is an even more com mon weapon in the Five Planes
K!.oolocr ah c luJ, than in the Young Kingdoms . Star ting adventurers should be
Th e distinctive claw-club is made from the claw of a giant encouraged to adopt the shield parry over weapo n parry in all
bird. T he R agha-de-Kh era alone u se these weap ons. T hey d o cases except for two handed weapons. Some masters of the arts
smashing and raking dam age. and hence have a higher damage of battl e may employ a war axe as the off-hand weapon, bu t
rating than your average d ub. this is rare.
Lon~ Sword
T he powerful long sword is the single most popular sword in Unavailable Weapons
the Five Planes. It is longer than a broa dsword and has a finer T he following weapons from Stcrmbringtr are not available in
edge. Usually the long sword is combined with an off-hand Cornm: Filkharian Pike; Lormyrian Axe; Sea Axe; Desert Bow;
shield for a devastating combination in battle. and the Melrubonean Bone Bow. Mos t of th em have equiva-
lents in Five Planes cultures, and Five Plan es adventurers
Tall Spea r should always employ these local versions.
A form of long spear rather like a pike. Metal shod, this is a
favorite weapon of the Vadhagh. Armor
Corum armor is mostly identical to that of 5tormbringtf. Some-
War A xe
times its composition may be slightly different, but always it
T his long hafted axe is anot her Vadh agh weapon, although
yields the same armor rating.
crude copies exist in the Mabden world. It is often secured to
O ne except ion is Barbarian !..Lathtr atld Wood Armor. which does
the wrist with a thong, and sometimes used in conjunction
not exist on the Five Planes. Barbarian armor here is more
with a sword.
likely to be leather and rings. its makeup a hodgepodge of furs
NI,aJ ra l§'h Com pos ite B ow and brass and iron and hide. It does not float like its Young
T his weapon is actually a civilized Mabden copy of the Kingdo ms counte rpart.
Nhadragh original. It has a curiou sly wrought and angled stave The other exception is th e plate armor of M elnibon e. even
with a double reflex curve, giving superior bow tension in a Vadhagh and N hadragh Armors do not approximate Mtlni-
smaller space than far larger weapon s. These bows are enam- boniatl Plate. Made up of silver and brass and enamels. these
elled and jewelled and are extremely rare. arm ors are based more on half-plate and mail than the full
battle ar mor of M elni bone and only offer the protection of
half-plate and mail. These ar mors can also be Contrived, but
that is up to their makers. Further. such armo r should only
considered a light burden to its wearer.
Hand·to-hand Weapons Base Chance Damage lH/2H HP Length Impale Parry STR/ DEX Weapo n Class Cost
Denledhyssi Axe 15 306+db 2H 25 long yes yes 13/9 9 500
Khoolocrah Club 25 206+db 1H 20 medium no yes 11/9 5 400
l ong Swo rd 15 1010+1- db 1H 20 long yes yes 13/9 2 350
Tall Spear 15 1010+ 2+db 2H 15 long yes no 11/7 10 100
Wa r Ax e 15 206+2+db 2H 15 medium yes yes 11/9 9 250
Missile Weapon s Rate Range
Nhadrag h Com posite Bow 10 1010 + 1+Y,db 1 10 120 yes no 13/11 25 650
Vadhagh Bone Bow 10 2D6+2+'hd b 1 12 135 yes no 11/13 25 700
Whip 05 104/entangle 1 6 5 no no 9/9 20 75

, J"


E verything one needs to know about tl", ships and chariots 0/ ti,e Five Planes

L11-10 UGH ONE CAN lRAVEL the World of th e Bro-an-Nhadragh

A .."
Five Planes by th e meth od s commonly available to
a low tech society - walking, boating, rid ing on or
in some thing - th is section focusses on two
modes of transport that involve elabor ations on, or differences
from , the rules provided in Stormbringtr: ships and chariots.
Any realm made up entirely of islands must have a wealth of
sea vessels, and so it was with th is archipelago. But th e once
mighty oceanic power of the N hadragh is nothing now, and no
" authentic" N hadragh ships seem to have survived.
The river Osmahn flows through Os , once "the Beauti ful".
T he river's already wide and stately course has been rendered
still safer an d deeper by ancient ingenui ty. She still feeds the
num erous canals of th e ciry, and her deep course would allow
SHIPS ocean vessels to sail dir ectly int o th e city docks, if th ere were
ocean vessels interested in calling. or
THE MAJORITY of ships curr ently d ocks at which to moor. There arc
sailing the seas are of M abd en still many canal craft , and somet hing
make. M ost are warships, some are of a river trade is maintained amid
trading vessels and a few are fishing the anarchy o f the area.
boats, generally small and unsafe for T he Mabden sea-farers who came
deepwater tr avel. into con tact with th e N hadr agh did
..- what th ey could to mim ic the
Bro-an-Mahden '. ~;:x .
Barbarian Mabden have small regard
for hon est ocean trad e; raiding and
'c ~ .... '" ~-: 'L ancient designs of th e seacraft they
faced. M abden version s of the
~~'" ~, .' ..~> _""'. vessels are made of an eart hen-
, v, _ :.....-: . • /

buccaneering SUIt th em bett er.

Piracy is an accep ted vocation, so ,. -
~W ..
>.. . .' :
.- ware substance, waterproofed and
treated for strength , which is more
much so that th e m ore powerful
pirate leaders name th emselves
- , ~~" 'f'~:;::::::?_:'
.~~:-: .....,..l -t. .· ' -
. durable and of light er weight than
timber. The ships th emselves are low
Prin ces, with King Kronekyn-a- . ~ ....- ,"" ss and bro ad but unu sually graceful and
Drok 's blessing. remarkably swift.
In add ition, th e dock towns are T hese ships were originally painted
hom e to mor e tradition al warsh ips in bright colors, and some of the
flying the flag of the Toad-King, best-protected are still decorat ed
and pr imarily used for raiding his with p olished metals and semi-
enemies. The prows of both pirate precious gems. The masts and stern castles of such fanciful
and raid ing ships are d ecorated with bestial figureheads. After and prosp erou s craft can be liberally festo oned with elabora te
a victory th ese crudely carved monstrositi es are ritually flags and banners. Their M abd en owners have no idea what
ano inted with the blo od of victim s which dri es and blackens these devices sign ify, for th ey are simply copi es of th e original
unt il th e next such baptism. At night it is no t uncommon for a Nhadragh decorations.
lookout to smell a Mabden fightin g ship before spott ing it. It is comm on knowledge that some of the outlying islands
Any large coastal town also has a large, but crude, fishing are hom e to barbarian warlords who possess small fleets of
fleet and a smat tering of rugged broad-beamed trad e vessels, warships . Indeed, a great variety of N hadragh-i nspired
called "Drunkmen" for their dist inctive wallowing gait. warship s can b e found in the islands, most now in woeful
The Ships of Bro- an-Mabden are crude-hewn and stu rdy, states of d egradation and disrepa ir, and so me even stran ded on
lying low on the water. Their hull s and decking are often shores , bleaching in th e sun with th e b ones of th eir last crew
stained a glittering d eep blue by th e pitch used to waterproof scattered about them.
Bro-.n - v.dh. >!h . . Lwym-an-Esh
V dh ~h folk are given over to a hfe of the mind that seldom The Mabden of Lwym-an-Esh are certainly capable of build-
k a em tram their lonely castles. The world around th em, ing robust and advanced sea vessels. but they fed little need to
[3 'cs . .
.wd its oceans. has mrerest only m an abstract sense. Onl y do so - their island contin ent boasts everything a comfortable
' ,'ery rarely. is a member of this elder race found aboard life requires. The occasional ship that ventures forth on the
rareII, . I hi ocean is more often than not seeking geographical knowledge
e ~f their small Sing e-s IpS.
onVadhagh Single-ships. built for one sailor only. are exquis- or fauna samples for scholarly investigation. Lwym-an-Esh
irelv ddicacc. They seem barely able (0 suppo rt their own docs sporadically send trading and even diplomatic vessels to
wei£hr. ler alone w~ather the gales of unfii endlr seas. but other continents. but never frivolously. Even more rarely. coast-
appearances art deceiving, If these folk e~er set. th eir mmds [0 hugging fishing vessels can be spied flying the flag of one of
building larger craft. they would be formidable Indeed. the beautiful walled ciry pom .
The Mabden of Bro-an-Vadhagh find ocean travel almost as The iron)' of Lwym-an-Esh is that more shipping can be
alien as the Vadhagh. The pony tribes of the grear northwest- foun d inland than sailing the ocean. T he land is wide. and
ern forest think chose who float on water arc mad. King Lye-a- stately rivers art home to a vital fresh water fishing trade as
Brode docs grudgingly permir trading in his capital of Kalen- well as a healthy number of cargo and passenger vessels.
W\T. but irs posicion on the Hlaine-nan-Rye River necessitates In response [0 an increase in Bro-an-Ma bden pirate activity,
thr transferal of goods tram deep-sea traders to shallow draft some north eastern cities have begun floating small war-fleets.
river vessels. which must then be laboriously poled upstream. Their builders and crew alike are inexperienced and the ships
The river barges of the Mabden are simple affairs: low boxes rhernselves are less hardy than might be expected.
with an oilcloth covering to protect both crew and cargo. Lwym-an-Esh vessels are recognizable by their high prows
Finally. the feared Denledhyssi occasionally use raiding and stern castles and their brightly painted design.
vessels for fast travel. The outer hulls of their craft are
bedecked with the bodies of those slain in raids. T he ships of E lsew here
the Dcnledhyssi are designed for both river and ocean jour- K1JooJocrab - The Ragha-da-Kheta are a fearful people and their
neys. They are basic and effective. spike-prowed and wide land is girdled by the all-bur-impassable Thousand League
beamed. builr quickly and used mercilessly until they fall apart. Reef. T hus they have never really developed sea travel.


RULES FORSHIPS a nd combat between ships in Stormbringer (actually fJric! at the time) ca n be found in Sailing on the
Seas of Fate (Chaosium Inc" CHA2906). Rather than c reate a fleet of new statistics for the vessels of the Five Planes. we
present a list of cor respondences which shou ld allow players to use of the ships from Sailing on th e Seas of Fate as a
basis for local vessels, with only minor modifications.
Bro-an-Mabden "Nh adragh " Sea Hunter - Small Cog Bro-an-Vadhagh
Pirateshif.- Bri!: (5aTI, 70 feet. 15-20 crew, 1 war Vadhagh5ingle-ship - Catamaran
(5ai • 105 feet, 40 crew) engine harpoon) (Sail. 12 feet, 1 crew)
PirateCommand - Galley "Nhadragh" Warship - Brill Mabden Trader- La'l:e Cog
(Oar/Sail. 250 feet, 60 crew. 100 (5.TI, 105 crew, 20-30 warriors) (Sail. 95 feet, 25 crewl
warriors, 500 slave oarsmen) " Nhadragh" Striker - Quadreme Hlaine-nan-Rye River Barge - Raft
Raider - Bireme (, 300 crew. SO warriors, (Pole/Sail. 18 feet, 2-4 crew)
(OarlSail, 70 feet, 60 crew, 30 4-6 war eng;nes)
warriors) Denledhyssi Raider - Lonl:5hip
uN hadragh" Boarder- Trireme (Oar/ 100 feet. 50 crew. 100-
Large Raider - Lon~h;p (Oar/Sail, 200 crew. 100 warriors. 200 warriors)
(OarlSaiI 100 feet. SO crew. 100 1 war engine)
warriors) "Nhadragh" Behemoth - Galley Lwym-an-Esh
Warship - Trireme (Oar/Sail, 250 feet. 500 crew, 100 Trade Shif.-large Cog
(Oar/Sail, 180 crew, SO warriors) warriors, 2-4 war engines) (5ai • 95 feet, 25 crew)
Fisher - Catamaran "Nhadragh " Explorer- Large Cog Survey Vessel - Small Cog
(Sail, 12 feet, 5-6 crew) (5aTI, 95 feet. 20-30 crew) (Sail, 70 feet. 15 c rew)
Mabden Drunkman - Schooner RiverTrader - Schooner RiverCoach - Schooner
(Sail, 95 feet, 30 crew) (95 feet. 10 crew, 20 passengers! (5aiI, 95 feel, 10 crew. 20
100 tons cargo) Passengers/50 tons cargo)
Bro-an-Nhadragh River Barge- Knorr Fisher (River/Ocean) - Small Trader
"Nhadragh" Fisher - Small Trader (65 teet. 10 crew. 10 passengers/ (Sail/Oar,30 feet. 2-5 crew)
(5aTI/Oar, 25 feet, 3-5 crew) 15 tons cargo)
Dowish Battle Sloop - Schooner
(Sail, 95 feel. 15 crew. 15


Itt Wildtrntss - It is said mat the strange people of this unwcl- undead pirate ship. or sapphic amazon catamaran, but such
coming land, the Briklings, have ships called ice-runners that encounters are to be expected in any civilized world.
sail on the frozen surfaces of their home.
Th, Ceral Cutl" - The Shalafen make countless small craft
Flying Ships
from living coral and shells, guiding their growth ro suit the There are tales of vessels which sail not upon the sea, but in
design req uirements. They construct mainly I or 2 person the sky itself While flying craft would be within the capabili_
fishing craft and occasionally barge-like affairs that can carrr ties of a race capable of creating flying cities like that which
as many as a dozen. The coral craft arc bright and beaurifu I
has crashed to grnund upon T he Plain of Broggfythus, such
and as they sail the wind makes soft and wild music through knowledge seems to have been lost, or lies forgotten in Some
the interstices of their coral structures. Their shell-based craft dusty library.
arc ofte n drawn, like chariots of the sea, by dolphins or other Should a gamemaster wish to introduce a flying ship, it is
domestic sea-creatures. suggested that it be based upo n any small sea-faring vessel,
most likely a Small Trakr, or at most a Schoo",r or Small C'!1. The
In addition of course, anyone who journeys long and far skills required to pilot such a craft would, naturally, be more
enough will encounterthe occasional mad wizard in a rowboat, involved that those required for similar sea craft.


CHARIOTS ARE FOUND thro ughout Corum's world, and are Example: If one driver rolls a Success, while the other
much more widely used than in the Young Kingdoms. These Fails, the first one pulls ahead (or catches up, if previ-
rules may also be used in Stormbringtr, where chariots are rare, ously behind) by a Unit. If the first driver had managed a
bur mighr be encountered on occasion. Cr itical, that chariot would advance by two Units,
Speed and StabJity Drivers who do not allocate any of their Driv( Chariot skill to
The twin advantages of the chariot are its speed and stability.
Spud must stiII roll - they Fumble on a roll of 95-00, and are
Properly used, a chariot can provide a highly maneuverable and
otherwise considered to have Failed for the purposes of work-
stable platform from which to mount attacks. Making appro-
ing out how much their opponents advance.
priate use of these two advantages is the responsibility of the
Drivers need not advance as far as their results permit; a
chariot driver.
drivermay opt to reduce their level of success (without trigger-
During play the Drive Chariot skill is split into a pair of sub-
ing a misbap as a result), and in so doing advance, or fWn drop
skills, which indicate the relative attention the driver is giving
b<Uk, by a lesseeamount.
to each of the facets of the chario t: swift movement (Speed),
When three or more chariots are racing, the results for each
and solid platform (Stability). Chariot drivers split their skill
chariot can be compared to all of the others. W hen a large
between these two aspects of charioteering in whatever ratio
they desire, although the full skill is used in certain emergency
number of chariots are involved, theycan be split into notional
sttua trons. groups which are treated together - a single roll is made of
each group, but a Fumble result affecrs only one of them, and
During combat, the drivers split their skills at the start of
the rest are treated as if th ey had only Failed.
each round (in reverse DEX order), and th e following processes
are adjudicated before all other combat actions. Units and Rani/e
Units are used as an abstract, notional way of representing
Speed - trying to get th ere first distance. In situations with ranged weapons, though, the game-
Wh en two (or more) chariots are trymg to outrun one- master should figure that a single Unit tepresents a separation
another, the competition is resolved using the Speed allotm ent of IO yards, and each additional Unit doubles the distance (20
of the drivers' Driw Chariot skills. yards for two Units, 40 yards for three Units, etc.),
Drivers roll against their Spud, and the qualities of success are
compared: Fumble, Fail, Success, Crit ical. For each level of Escape
difference, the driver with th e berter result is able to advance by Escape is possible when a chariot has pulled five Units ahead of
a Unit of distance (described below). A Fumbl e result also its pursuit. If the driver manages to ger a success that is two
indicates that a Mishap has occurred, as described in the section levels better than all pursuers , he or she may opt ro break off
of that name, below. Even when none of the drivers actually and leave the test behind. Alternatively, any time the chariot in
wish to pull away (e.g. during a melee), Spud rolls should still the lead (i.e. ahead by at least a Unit) makes a Critical and all
be made for each driver, to check for these potential mishaps. pursuers Fumble, the leadermay elect to escape.

Sidb ilit y - tryirrg to d a m aga somat.',irrg . . success, but no melee or ranged weapons can be used from
ivcr tries (0 choose a path that rrumm rzes the disruption
within the chariot. Other chariots containing opponents who
The dun th . . to use t hei wish to engage this chariot with conventional attacks compare
10 pass' ng
ers, offering em opporrunltlcs. h
CIC weap-
[heir Stability rolls as nD[mJ1 (above).
fTecri\.ely (whether at range. or 10 melee w en speeds arc
onsch d). Such man,uvrrin g is resolved using the Stability Ramming: A chariot can be used to ram a person, a mount,
. dri
mal ,
a1lonnent of opposmg nvers, D n\~· Cba not
· Skills
I " or sometimes even another chariot. The damage done
In gener31, drivers roll Stability. WIth the following results: depends upon the Bo.ry Typt of [he a[[acking chariot I.igbt
Fumble. or Fail when opponen[ Crieicals: passengers and chariots do 3D6. while H,avy ones do 5D6. If borh chariots
driver are unable [0 arrack, and 311defend with only 50% of are " ying [0 hit each other. rhey only fail [ 0 collide if one of
them Fumbles, and both do [he indicated damage [ 0 each
th,ir usual skill.
other if [hey hir,
Any other Fail: passengers artack with only 20% of their
usual skill; [he driver IS unable [0 arrack: 311 defend with Raking: A charior with Wbttl Spikts may artempt [0 rake

50% of their usual skill. another chariot, or, less often, some other target. The
attacker must indicate whether the horses, chariot body. or
Success when opponent gets a Success or better: passen- charier wheels are [he rarger of the arrack. The arremp[ fails
g'rs and driverattack with 50% of their usual skill. and can if the defending chariot driver manages a better class of
d,fend as normal. success with [he Stability roll (i.e. the defender rolls a Criti-
Critical, or Success when oppooent Fails (or worse): cal when [he attacker only manages a normal Success). T he
<\·,ryon,attacks and defends with their full skills. damage done when wheel spikes hit is noted in the relevant
charier lisrings (below).
An inexperienced warrior finds it considerably more difficult
to figh[ from a charier. 31though a skilled driver can make up If a bom is targeul ir is permitted an additional DoJgt roll
for such a lack of experience. Any figh[er with a skill less than (2 x DEX%) [0 avoid the blades.
100 - driver's (full ) D nw ebariot skill. fights as though the If tbe body oj tbe ,bariot is bit. in addition [0 the damage. 311
driver's result was one level lower (e.g. a rolled Success is passengers must make DrxUrity rolls to remain standing, a
treated as a Fail by that combatant only). Fumble indicating the passenger is thrown from the charior.

Using the Chariot as a Weapon

The chariot driver may decide to use me
chariot itself as a C h ariot Mishaps
weapon, rather than trying to facilitate attacks by passengers. When misfortune visits a fast-moving chariot, disaster is never
When attempting this, the driver selects one of the two far behind. A driver who Fumbles a Spud roll should roll 1 D6
maneuvers below, and a St4bility roll is made to determine its to determine the nature of the chariot's face, unless the game-


Obstacles Being Dragged Broken Wheels

When the driver must avoid an obsta- When being pulled along behind a When a Wheel has taken more damage
cle, use the full Drive Charior skill to than it has structure points, the driver
chariot (by oesign or misfortune), one
swerve out of the way. All occupants takes 1D6 damage every round, (or should immediately attempt a full Drive
must roll Dexterity to remain in the 306 every thousand yards, if not in Chariot roll to slow the chariot to a
vehicle. If the driver is thrown free, see combat). Armor protects against this stop. Success indicates that all occu-
Driverless Chariots, below. damage, but is eventually worn away, pants are shaken but unharmed. Failure
If the obstacle is hit, the chariot takes losing a point of protection each round . results in a crash, and all occupants
from 1D6 to 5D6 damage to the must make Jump rolls or take 2D6
Wheel sl as the gamemaster feels is Trampling damage, which armor does not protect
appropriate for the situation. Being run over by a chariot is unpleas- against. The horses also take 2D6 each.
ant, to say the least. The ~tentia l target
Attacks is advised 10 Dodge, but Ifthat is impos- Driverless Chariots
Melee attacks made into a chariot are sible or the attempt is failed, 1011 1D2 to When the driver is separated from the
usually aimed at the passengertsl or determine how many horses trample cha riot, or cannol manage to keep it
dnver, although it is possible to target the victim, under control, the chariot continues
the chariot Itself. and do damage Use the horse statistics from Storm- forward at the whim of the horses. In
directly to its Body or Wheels. bringer for damage. In any case, the most situations they slow to a stop
. Ranged attacks, however, are less chan at's body rolls over the victim for within 1DlO rounds, although when
likely to hit those inside a chariot. A an additional 206+6 damage. Armer is terrified they might stampede lor much
normal Success does damage to the not helpful against IhlS damage. longer. While driverless, a chariot fails
Body of the chariot; a Critical, though. although the gamemaster may decide all Drive Chariot and related rolls, and
permits the attacker to select any occu- that some forms of magical armor offer might roll for a Mishap as often as each
pantas the target. (reduced) protection. round (at the gamemaster'sdiscretion).

master whishes to select a particularly appropriate mishap. T he Chariot Structure
Spot Rules for Chariots should prove helpful when dealing Th e Body and Whitis of chariots have hir points. jusr like weap-
with these disasters. ons or shields. If a charier Wb,,1 breaks. [he vehicle is abour [0
1·2 Notbing bapprns - the horses stumb le for a moment, crash (see Broken Wheels. in [he Spot Rules for Chariots). If
but regain their footing wi th no othereffects. [he Body is destroyed, [he chariot breaks up and both wheels
3 S_thing on tht road - the chariot'spath is blocked by come off. depositing passengers and gear behind ir (30 6
a rock. a fallen tree, the carcass of a dead donkey. or damage). I[ lakes 104 rounds for a charier [ 0 compl<[dy
disi ntegrate.
some o ther obstacle.
4 A hole .ht.d - the driverspots an unexpected hole. If Chariot Specifications
ir is small.perhaps it can be ignored( 106 damage [ 0 Chariots arc described in much [he same way [hal ships are
a random wheel); largerhob can be treated as treated in Sailing on thi Seu ojFait. Each chariot has Slnulurl points
simple obstacles; the largest holes wrench control defined for its Body and both Wheels. T he harness and other
from [he driver immediately, forcing all occupants ro pieces of <he chariot arc not explicitly described. bur the extra
make Do:ttrity rolls on each of the next 10 4 rounds accumulation of weight has been taken [nco account.
(as the charier runs out of control). to avoid being Since chariots are often used in combat situations. space is
thrown our of <he vehicle. provided on <he back of each character sheer (Q keep track of
5 Drama'it tanglt - one of the occupants ( roll the relevant data for a chariot.
randomly) has caughr a limb or irem in <he reigns or Tenng
other equipment. A Da Urity roll is required to avoid
BODY- Th e bulk of <he charier where [he driver and passen-
falling and being dragged behind the charior. I[ takes
106 rounds to untangle the mess, or a single round gClS " and and [he equipment is carried. Usually protected
in front by a large shield-like d osed section. Often gaff
[0cut the offendmg straps (resulting in a 20%
poles are added [0 [he body to fend off other chariots.
penalty to all Spud and St. bility rolls).
WHEELS - Th e wheels of [he chariot, one on either side of <he
6 Out oj (ontrol- [he drivergets a branch in [he face,
dust in the eye. or is oth erwise distracted. It takes body. usually large and m ong. Sometimes spikes are added
to the wheels to rend other chariots and infantry.
104 rounds to regain comp lete control.
EDS _ The type of motive power most commonly used with ofren have addirional gear attached ro them: gaff po les or
STf he chariot. Such steeds are, unless oth erwise stated. basic wheel spikes for extra damage.
'-ding horses which have bun spe'ifically lraintJ for charior The differenr design goals translate inro bonuses for bo rh of
~S('. Any advencucer trrng. to h.irch an ordinary riding the chariot designs. making it somewhat easier for drivers [0
horse srraighr [0 a charier IS askmg for trouble. Use the usc them as they were intended. Light chariots receive a bonus
horse statistics from Stormbringtr. of +20% ro all SpetJ rolls (as long as rhe driver purs at least
CREW - The numbe~ of occupanrs. including the dr iver. Lighr
some attention , and skill, towards me speed of the vehicle). In
(or racing) chanors usually carry only rwo people, bur
the same \l/ay, Hlavy chariots receive a bonus of +20% to all
Heaq (or war) chariots can rake three. or more. If rhe Slabilily rolls (as long as rhe driver purs some of his skill into
pas$c~ge~s are seated. stacked like cargo, me
absolute maxi- keeping [he chariot stable). Contriving is sometimes used to
enhance chariots as described in the relevant sectio n of me
mum 15 stx.
Encyclopedia Conjuratoria.
C ha r io t Styles Noles on Harnesses
MoS! of rhe chariors in are based roughly on Roman The lighter chariots may be pulled by eirher rwo or four
models. wirh large shields ar the front, a solid base, and an horses. bur rhe heavier kind almost always require four. The
open back. . . . . ho rses arc usually connected ro a central rig, a long T- shaped
Chariors 10 rhe World of rhe FIVe Planes fall into rwo basic pole with a horseon eitherside. In the caseof four-horse char-
categories: Ligbt ~d HfllV)"Light chario t~ areused where speed is iots the outer horses are attached to the center horses, rather
important- racmg, messengers, or basic transport. Huvy mar- rhan ro the rig direcrly - four-horse chariors are nor like orher
iors are almost always used for warfare - smashing rhrough four horse vehicles, as the horses flank each other abreast,
troops of infantry or running down foes. These wac chariots rather than in ranks of two.


THESE ARETHE STANDARD Gl ARIOT TYPES used in the various lands of the Five Planes. Owners often customize their c har-
iots, including using Contriving to enhance their properties. Races other than Mabden do not generally produ ce
chariots, instead preferring to ride horses or (as in the case of the Vadhagh) to travel in carriages .

Bro-an-Mabden Bro-an-Vadhagh versions of these chariots are beaut i-

light Chariot (+20% Speed! light Chariot (+20 % Speed) fully wro ught, enamelled and
Wheels: 9/9 Body: 17 Wheels: 12/1 2 Body: 20 enc rusted with gems and precious
Steeds: 4 Barbarian Ponies Steeds: 4 Barbarian Ponies metals.
Weapons: None Weapons: None
Crew: 1 Dri ver, 1 Passenger Crew : 1 D rive r, 1-2 Passengers
Notes: These are chariots used by Notes: A heavier version of the Bro- light Chariot (+20% Speed)
the barbarians for raiding. They ca n an-Mabden Light Chariot, this o ne Wheels: 8/8 Body: 14
carry a cargo eq uivale nt of SIZ 40, used by the so uthern Mabden. It has Steeds: 2 Riding Horses
o r three prisoners stacked in with slightly la rger cargo capacity, SIZ Weapons: No ne
the crew. 50, and can accommoda te two Crew: 1 0 river, 2 Passengers
crew. Notes: These chariots are used for
Heavy Chariot (+20% Stability) riding around large cities or journeys
Wheels: 1S/l S Body: 2S Bro-an-Nhadragh over good roads. They normally
Steeds: 4 War Horses Heavy Chariot (+20 % Stability) have room for passengersand
Weapons: Wheel Spikes (206 dam) Wheels: 14/14 Body: 20 luggage and are eq uipped with an
Spiked Chassis (306 dam) Steeds: 4 Riding Horses inner frame for holding the luggage
Crew: 1 Dri ver, 1-2 Warriors Weapons: None tight.
Notes: The standard barbarian wa r Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Warrior
chariot, also used in Bro-an- Heavy Chariot (+20% Stability)
Notes: Used by Mabden con querors Wheels: 12/12 Body: 18
Vadhagh. Hea vily armed and of the Nhad ragh civilization, these
armored, it includes short spikes on Steeds: 2 War Horses
are like those of the ancient Ce lts. Weapons: Whee l Spikes (206 dam)
the underside of the body to lacerate The cha riot body is reversed, be ing
any enemies the chariot might run Cre w: 1 Driver, 1-2 Wa rriors
open at the front and closed at the Notes: The civilized nation of
Over. A favorite barbarian tactic is to bac k. The center poles and yokes of
pull prisoners be hind the chariots, tywrn-an-Esh uses this as a wa r
the tack a re strengthened, allowing chariot. The wa rriors in the chariot
secured by ro pes to the frame . If the warrior to cl imb out on them,
they fall they are dragged. use long spears or javelins to attack
poised to combat enemies from this other chariots or infantry.
precarious position. Civilian


,"'. in whiclt tile reader willfind a warm tea/com e and an
;ntroducl;on to the h;story, geography, cosmology
and anthropology 0/Corum's world
/. /"
I. ;.1(:


In cluding a briefrecitation 0/the saga 0/ Co rum ]hae/en lrsei, the Prin ce in the Scarlet Robe

N THE ANC1El'IT DAYS. when the world was round. Lord The Chil dren of Chaos
Arkyn and the Lords of Law ruled over all. Arkyn created In Arioch's realm. the Mabden were favored. and they came to
, the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh. two races of such culture dominate the land as the power of the elder races of Vadhagh
and refinement, such elegance and civilization they were and Nhadragh decayed. T he older of rhe Mabden peoples
the very embodiments of Law. They ruled the Fifteen Planes respected the elder races and came ro emulate them in arts and
and cultivated the artsof music. poetry. painting andsculpture. in culnrre, often almost equalling them. But the newer Mabden
and finally. war. Thus the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh began ro peoples were roughhewn and ignoranr. Instead of the high
learn enmity and to do battle one against the ocher. But always learning and sciences of the Nhadragh and Vadhagh, Anoch
it was for them an aesthetic exercise and they crafted beautiful gave these M abden fear and superstition, reliance upon the
ships, and even cities, which could worship of gods. and ultimately,
careen through their planes, taking sorcery.
their warfare with them. For many years their fear
As the Nhadragh and Vadhagh extended co the eider races, who the
tired of their war and began to more ignoranr Mabden believed
settle in isolation in their cities and were shifallbow, or demons. Finally.
castles. the heavens erupted in when the Mabden learned they were
violence. With this conflict came no such rhing and could be killed,
Chaos. and the beginnings of the almost in a fury of disappointment
Mabden, or human peoples. the more barbaric M abden set our
T he Lords of Law and of Chaos to slaughter the elder races.
did war upon each other - Arkyn
and his allies fought against the - - ... The Coming of the Prince
Sword Rulers: Arioch the Knighr. The two Kings of the barbarian
Xiombarg the Queen and Mabe- Mabden lands conspired against rhe
lode the King. Law was crushed and elder races. King Cronekyn-a-Drok
in defeat. banished from the Fifteen of the continent of Bro-an-Mabden.
Planes. Anoch claimed the Five rhe land from which the Mabden
Planes. one of which was the home peoples originated. and King Lyr-a-
of the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh. Brode of Bro-an-Vadhagh. the cool
Wh en he became ruler.he set about and lovely lands of the Vadhagh.
altering the realm to correspond ro the tenets of Chaos. joined forces. Th eysent rheir agenr. the vicious Earl Glandyth-
Anoch made the world flar and created Chaos Lands. where a-Krae against the two elder races.
the landscape conscamly altered at the whims of its master. Firsr the Nhadragh were taken into slavery. a final srep in
And he made the Mabden powerful so thar they began to me degeneration which had begun with their first contact with
dominate the land. the Mabden people. for they had been more welcoming and
At the same time, Queen Xiombarg seized the next five tolerant than the Vadhagh.
planes and subjugated them to rhe whims of Chaos almost Next Glandyth and his men. the Dmkdhyssi (meaning
wholly. cruelly desrroying her enemies with the power she. as murderers). went against the Vadhagh and killed them all. save
Queen of the Swords. wielded. one. The Prince in the Scarlet Robe. Corum Jhaelen Irsei, was
Finally. Mabelode, in the lasr five planes. created a seething the lase of his race. or so he believed. Captured and mutilated
massof chaos stuff, where creatures sprang up and died wirhin by Glandyth, his righr eye and his left hand removed on the
minutes. landscapes rose and fen with a breath. and everything butcher's block. Corum was rescued by Arkyn and his agents.
was possible.
Brought to Moidel's Mount. the last outpost of the Sinking Corum found the Lost Gods, Kwll and Rhynn, and their
Land L)"vm-an-Esh - a country where the more cultured missing parts were rescored to them. They slew the Lords of
Mabden lived- Corum was nursed to health by Lady Rhalina- Chaos at the time of the Conjunction of the Million Spheres,
_AIIomglyl who became his love. bur also slew the Lords of Law, leaving the men and women of
a When Earl Glandyth attacked Moidel's Mount, Prince Corum's plane to forge their own destinies, without the inter-
C rum and Lady Rhalina escaped through the aid of Shool- ference of gods.
; Jp'aIl. an ambitious so rcerer who wi.shed Coru,m to battle
\ ioch on his behalf. Corum hated Arioch, blammg the god Contentme n t a nd the Cold Gods
for what had happened to his people, and agreed ro take For a time the land was in peac~ and a new period of hannony
Shool's terrible gifts, The Hand of Kwll and The Eye of brough[ fo[th by Corum's deeds. But soon Rhalina died, her
Rhynn. mortal lifespan no match for Corum's near immortality,
Corum then undertook to answer a summons to the future .
The Bane of the S wor d Rulers where the Mabden people worshipped him as a demigod. Here
The Eye and the Hand were ~arts of the Lost Gods. Corum Corum again came into conflict with gods, for he was forced
could see into another realm With m eEye anddraw aid from I t to battle the Cold Gods, beings of Limbo who sought to
with the Hand. But the gifts were horrible, for the denizens of devastate the plane. Corum once again journeyed with [hary-a-
this realm were those slain previously by the Hand. Corum Conel. finding more kin in the form of [he Sidhi who were
embarked on a quest a~ainst Arioch in the compmy of Jhary- much like his own Vadhagh folk. Once again he encountered
s.Conel, a strange waytarer who seemed [0 know much about Prince Gaynor [he Damned.
destiny and the construction of the Multiverse. Ultimately Corum succeeded in his tasks but finally mer his
Manv were Corum's trials. He first slew Arioch with the aid doom at the hands of his new love Medhbh, a Princess of the
of the Hand of KwUand later journeyed ro Xiombarg's plane Cremm-Croich, the people of that time.
whenshe challenged the n ewly restored Arkyn'sr ower over me
Five Planes. Here he encountered a lost city 0 the Vadhagh,
and though overjoyed to find his people still survived, had to
journey back to his home plane and battle Mabden sorcery This supplement presupposes the roleplaying campaign using
and Prince Gaynor the Damned, Champion of Chaos. Corum is set in that time after the coming of the Mabden, and
Ultimately Corum slew Xiombarg by tricking the goddess before the final doom of the Vadhagh. Camemasters may
wish to follow the Saga of Corum and have their adventurers
into defying the Balance. Then he was forced to undertake a meet with similar fates, but this earlier period offers the rich-
final quest against the last of the Sword Rulers. Mabelode, est and most diverse assortment of peoples and beliefs. The
when Glandyrh-a-Krae gained the Chaos King's aid in bringing gods are astride upon the land, the forces of Law machinate
strife to the Five Planes, through the sinister Cloud of to gain ascendancy over Chaos, and heroes of all kinds may
Contention. answer the call to adventure.


fD",jCllcw;ns ;.Jrom a laf"""l! hans;ns n!"'n II.? "",II. eJ'f1Tc;def.'fiT.nnt fj)", I"f"""l!;' an
ancien' and Mlllcd source 1'lcyends andIJliJcnes in 'he landtj' ..e;u",ron.:<Csh.

The !legend 01 mag-an-mag

Mag-an-Mag WiS agreat heroof the: land, a popular folk figure, well loved amoDg the Mabdee of Lj wm-ee-Esh, bad many great quests with his companion Jhukor-Neclus.
Once. the two were captured by pirates and Mag-ao-Mag was dismembered. his pu ts cast into the sea.
Jhukor was beheaded and his head tossed away_ Castaways. they were rescued by a sorcerer who replaced Mag-
an-Mag' s limbs.But the magician could not locateJhukor-Neclus' head. so instead used that of a bird. a crane.
This suited both [harker and Mag-an-Mag well. In return they slew the sorcerer' s enemies and left his
company. greatly rewarded by him for theirefforts.

lIlllItn _

Including discussion 0/the peoples and lands 0/the World 0/ the Five Plan es

t HE GEOGRAPHY of the Wodd of the Five Planes is

rich and diverse. So ( 0 0 is the assortme nt of peoples
who populate the lands. Below are descriptions of the
countries and their inhabitants.
worshipped are those of Chaos: Arag (or Arioch as he is
known elsewhere). and the foul. bestial Dog and Horned Beat
in one form or other.

The Coast
Along the coasts of Bro-an-Mabden great cliffs rear, inter-
BRO-AN-MABDEN spersed by a few rocky beaches of dark sand and shale. There
are few welcoming bays on this C035t, so those which do afford
good access to the sea are highly
THIS GRlM, ROCXY LAND is the prized and have been intensively
original continent from which the serried.
Mabden races sprang. It is a coun- These coastal towns are the main
try of thick dark forests. hard cliffs access Bro-an-Mabdcn has ro the
of scone and deep. desolate valleys. world beyond. They are combina-
It is a land of hard people who are tion village, trading center, pirate
brutal and pitiless. Its cities are lair. port and circus. No visitor can
lime more than fortresses though come [0 Bro-an-Mabden without
some of the coastal towns are passing through one, and thus they
rough and sprawling. home to are the most likely places on the
pirates and raiders. The villagers con tinent to number foreigners
and farmers scrape a thankless among their populace.
living from the unyielding earth.
The climate too is bleak. with Coastal Towns And Places
frosted. cold winters, summers of Of Interest
withering heat. and spring and fill Klan-a-Dor
mere blurring in between. More sheltered than irs neighbor
Gor-an-Clu. Klan-a-dot provides a
The People strong harbor and is favored by the
The cultural level of Bro-an- warships of King Kronekyn's forces.
Mabden is barbaric, and even that term is perhaps flattering. The town is full of barbarian sailors drinking toasts to the
The people are srrong and hardy and their society feudal, like King from mugs me size of buckets. Press-gangs rove the
most Mabd en societies, though without the refinement o f streets with club and net seeking "willing servants of the
other lands. Th e King, Kronekyn-a-Drok. is a crookbacked Kingdom."
half-idiot who holds his people in thrall by the steeland fireof
his warrior-lords. The lords call themselves Dukes. Earls and Gor-an-Clu
Barons in mimicry- and perhaps mockery- of those of the See the detailed description, startingon page 39.
civilized Lywm-an-Esh, whom the barbarians view with suspi- Gri-nan-Slyl.e
cion and some fear. Bro-an-Mabden is closely allied to Bro-an- Th e most multiculrural of Bro-an-Mabden townships, Gri-
Vadhagh. and the kings of these lands are in open agreement. nan-Slyke boasts whole suburbs of denizens from Lywm-an-
Only Mabden peoples live here. Any others are treated with Esh, Bro-an-Vadhagh (one has to look hard to spot the differ-
suspicion, terror or outright hatred. The Mabden sailors hold ence to natives). a Brikling settlement and even a few tame
this in check when they visit other lands, bur even so, most of shifanlxr.v in the form of debased Nhadragh captives.
them come openly as raiders or pillagers. T he gods

Clor-an-S!as save th ose lower, safer areas near bays arc rarely frequented
A pirate township. this place also has a thriving slave market except by thos e desperate to make secret land ings upon the
which not only caters to sea ro bbers, but to those barbarian shore. T hus are eagle-eyed youths prized among the crews of
nobles who have ru n Iow an peasants owing to the hard Bro-an-Mabden pirate vessels, for they are as able as those with
winters and their own brutality. No honest business is run sorcerous enha ncement and not nearly as much trouble.
from Clot, but for th e hard-hearted this is the [Own to visit for
genuine bargains and exotic treasures from far and wide. The Pira tes of Bro-an -Ma hden
Un iqu e to this northern land arc the pirates of Bro-an_
A rag's Beaco n
Mabden. T hese seagoing thieves often make their raids with
A hill of stone which eons ago was volcanic. N ow cooled and
official governm ent sanction, being a useful rool of oppression
dead. the oute r rock resembles pumice while the inner is qu ite
and destruction for King Krone kyn-a-Drok.
shiny. T here are eno ugh cracks in rhe rock that when the locals
lower lantern s into the hill. the resulting amplific ation on the Pirates use small sailing vessels like sloops which have shal-
mirror-like inner walls of Arag's Beacon creates pin-po ints of low drafts for slipping in and out of coastal waters. Some more
light thar illumin ate who le stretc hes of the coast. On clear ambi tious pirate leaders have been known (0 ply their trade in
nights during a full moon, no lant ern is needed, as the glow massive battle ships. bur such titanic vessels are far too ostenta,
from the nigh t sky is eno ugh for the beacon to send dazzling tious for effective piracy and such pirates arc usually destroyed,
beams of reflected mo onlight along the coast. The barbari ans albeit in a blaze of glory, by the fleets ofLywm-an-Esh.
hold a num ber of superstitions about the place, A watchman Despite their thir st for blood, pirates adhere to strict rules
tends the lanterns and makes occasio nal supplicat ions to the of conduct among themselves. T hese rules or ..articles" usually
rock, in the name of Arag. Local sailors use irs light to navigate call for equal shares among pirates (with double for captain
safely th roug h the rocks off the coast of Bro-an -M abden. and officers), no gambling or fighting among themselves on
board ship and no drinking except in allott ed amounts and at
The Crumhling Coast stric tly regulared rimes. T he penalty for violating the articles
Much of th e sheer coastline of Bro-an-M abden is unstable. of piracy is deat h, or marooning on the Chaos Coast of Urde,
Massive slabs of shale or chalky rock are likely at any time to which amounrs (0 the same thing.
plummet into the ocean, smashing ships un fortunate eno ugh
to be in their way. There are few ways to actively avoid such a The Shark
catastro phe, but those familiar with these waters always post a Pirates worship Arag and Chaos through the creature known as
sharp-eyed look-out in the craw's nest of the ir ships, to signal The Shar k. T he Shark, like the Dog and the Bear, may send to
if the slightest tremor of the cliffs is detected. The best worshippers or sorcerers creatures from the Army of the
metho d of avoiding being crushed is nor to be und er the cliffs Shark - giant sharks with ruby red teeth. For statistics use the
at all. For this reason the coast al waters of Bro-an-Mabden. Army of th e Bear (on page 121, in the Inhahitants chapter),


Pirate Princes of Bro-an-Mabden
Captain Skidd Hak-nan-Iasker
Ship: The Silver Prince Ship: Bone Sucker
Appearance: A bea rde d giant barb arian in a co nica l Appearance: Three foot nine inc hes ta ll, ugly as a hat
Vad hagh helm. full of portho les.
Hab its: Thinks he is descended from the Vadhagh and Habits: Wea rs a mask made from a dea d dog and barks
has t1em on ic powe rs. (Fo rtunate ly for Skidd his Q uar- at o nco ming ships. Likes to nam e individua lly the flies
termaster is Hie l-an- Shak, a ferrety sorcerer who uses that co ngregate around his head.
his magic to keep his capta in's illusion s intact ).
The Nameless Pirate
One-Legged Mhike Ship: Ebb Tide 's Return
Ship: The Greasy Gullet Appearance: Black clothes, blac k cloak, closetl helm of
Appearance: Tall, e lde rly, silver-ha ired, red -eyed a nd sc arlet.
sca brous. Hab its: No ne known - he is a mystery of the sea.
Habits: Attach ing a marl in spike to his leg-stump and Wh ole eve nings ca n be spent in goss ip abo ut this enig-
having himself pro pe lled in a whee led cha ir to run his matic sa ilor who has never ta ken a prison er and whose
e nemies throu gh. c rew appea r d rugged into nea r insensibility.
Nance-a-Dayl Mister Moongrip
Ship: Harridan's Curse Ship: The Bloody Duck
Appearance: A colossal wo man, with a nose ring and Appe arance: A skinny, tattooed, feral barbarian with
fearso me and graphic tattoos of demons d isembowe l- headlice an d a missing right eye.
ing men. Habits: Co llects the right eyes of his victims, goes
Ha bits: Imitating the actions o n her tattoos. na ked into batt le believing his hideou s tattoos frighten
his enemies into surrende r.
I 'ng me run and walk movement with a Swim skill of
d . I ' h
120%. . al
Shark \\o'Orshlppers. arc . mos t ex us~ve r.
ptrates. T e~: THE ACCESSION OF
J r hI in making their capm'es and encnnes walk rhe plank THE TOAD KING
. c I~er ro feed me ravening sharks whim always follow pirate
'"hoc ~ These beasts arc almost to tem animals to th e Mabden
pipecs, who adopt favori hi ,
3 \'On[('5 as S 'P 5 IJL1Scot. So HIDEO US WAS THE INfANT who was to become the
king of all that, upon his birth. the entire population
Typical C o astal E ncou nters of the City Regal recoiled in horror. They treacher-
ously arose and expelled the babe and his royal
Wn.-ck parents from the City, bestowing on that municipality
A vessel has been smashed by the crumbling coast. Panics a state of anarchic violence which infested the place
arc being organized for rescue or salvage or both. for twenty-four years.
The former king and queen exiled themselves and
Gull Swann their child on a lonely crag in the foothills of Mount
A flock of chaos gulls has descended on a coasral rown and Drok, far from any contact with humankind. There
Kronekyn learned to ignore his deficiencies under
settles in, cawing ceaselessly and occasionally ana cking the lovmg care of his parents, who told him nothing
rownsfolk. until driven oft Use Chaos Crows (on page of his royal lineage until he had reached the age 01
122. in me lnb.bitants chapter), sixteen and had become a man in all but stature.
Vowing 10 expunge the wrongs set in train by his
5(.',) Battle birth, Kronekyn sel out for the very peak of Mounl
Our ro sea a Lywm-an-Esh trader and a Bro-an-Mabden Drok, where he dwelt in prayer, fasting and isolation
for eight long. lacerating years, further disfiguring
pirate hulk do battle ro the death. himseff while beseeching the god to intervene.
Sa nkcy's Gut During this time he became known as the "'Beloved
of Arag".
An epidemic of Sankey's Gut has hit all coastal settle- Meanwhile in the hidden byways of the Cily Regal
ments. Named afier me pirate chieftain Sankey-an-Suss, a lowering. cloaked figure was said to hold whisper-
this perilous stomach ailment is as unpleasant as it is pain- ing converse with all the families whose evil
ful. Lasting twenty-four hours, me complaint makes all ambitions kept the city inperpetual conflict. This so-
called Faceless Prophel offered arcane proofs that the
suffers expel from various orifices any food or drink no t source of the Clry's misery was located in the inno-
fully digested. while their skin exudes a putr id, greasy cent couple whose issue had heralded its descent
sweat. No fatal cases have been recorded among victims of into violence and criminality. But the former king
and queen had disappeared. How 10 discover themf
the disease. though there have been some amo ng onlookers. The City hil upon an insidious plan. It sent oul an
Con voy
appeal 10 its fonner rulers 10 rescue Ihe City Regal
from the mire of degeneracy into which it had sunk.
A convoy of trading ships has arrived from anomer land. When the king and queen heard of the appeal, they
There is much celebration and good trading op pnrrunities. knew that Arag had finally answered the prayers of
their son; and rejoicing they set out on their return.
As Ihey neared lhe City, a tall shrouded figure
Inland ap.peared and motioned them 10 the lop of a barren
hlll within sight of the City walls. Expecting a cere-
The interior of Bro-an-Mabden is alremately rocky and mony of welcome, the royal couple were instead
barren. and heavily forested. The main forests lie well in from grappled by the Faceless Prophel lfor it was indeed
the C035t. formin g an almost circular barrier between the fie) and hurled screaming 10 the rocks below, while
the Cily's populace, gathered on the walls, jeered
coastal areas and the towering M ount Drok in th e center. and celebrated,
Peasants scrape a living from the hard so li between the But then a miracle occurred! The Faceless Prophet
forests and the coast. driven on by their feudal overlords, the seemed to melt away - and in his place stood
Kronekyn, so abysmally ugly and so redolent with
barbarian chieftains of King Kronekyn. Jr is here that me chiefs rage that all the clamor of City Rega l was hushed.
have erected their mud castles and thei r teeming towns. "You traitorous scum! What foulness have you made
Dominant among these sett lements is Castle Kronekyn, a here?" the Toad Prince shouted, "Murdering your
massive castle-city which sits on the borders of the Unbroken rightful rulers! Have you no shame? I have come too
tale from my holy mountain fastness. Now I shall
Forest. and from where me half-idiot King rules over his land. surely leave you forever to writhe in your sins!" And
Beyond the Unbroken forest lie me mounrains and foothills he tumed to depart.
of Mounr Drok. Mounr Drck is made up of many smaller "No!" implored the populace with one voice, "Do
not leave us, Kronekyn, Beloved of Arag! Save us
mountains. all of th em ignored by map-makers as mere "!Tag- from what we have done! Be our Toad King and rule
menrs of Mount Drok". The forbidding place is said to hold us forever!"
many secrets and strange treasures for those foolhardy enough And in this way, relUctanlly, and only because he
[0brave its slopes. owed it to the memory of his parents, was Kronekyn
persuaded to assume the throne he sits upon to this
Inlan d Towns And Places of Interest From the Chronicles of Callis-nan-Slor, historian by
Castle Grimspike appointmenr to his majesty. King Kronekyn, Beloved
Th e home of Baron Grorr-an-Drodd. vassal and Warmaster of orArag
the King. The castle is constructed of me dark. hard mud of

:trz... _
the region and stands brooding over the small township which pen for peasants, vagrants and prisoners where they live out
serves it. their short lives awaiting the dire pleasure of the King of Hate.
Visitors to the Castle must undergo the Test of the Spike
TIle Un broken Forest
before they are deemed worthy to stay within its walls. T his
This beltof thick, benighted forest runs in an almost unbroken
ritual is said to involve having an iron spike driven through the
ring around Mount Drok. In the north it is covered in snow
body parr of one's choice without screaming.
most of the year; in the south certain hardy peop les find refuge
The peasants here arc especially cowed, since recalcitrants beneath its canopy.
are made join the troop of Grott's Irregulars. which stage regu-
The forest is deep. dark and dangerous. Home [0 giant crea-
lar "festive" combat against the Kingdom's elite barbarian
tures, wandering insane sorcerers and chaos manifestatio ns. it
warriors. These combats are always to the death.
is a place avoided by all save the mos t desperate. T here arc
Foss ~n an-S tape rumors that rare and beneficial plants grow in this wild place
T his small town lies over one of the rare rich mineral deposits bur since ir is so singularly ugly and bereft of any living rhing
in the land. V igorous mining has turned the township into one save the most noxious, these tales seem a little far fetched.
of the more thriving inland merchant centers, whose profits
Monnt Dro k
so metimes rival even the coastal towns. Foss is the place for all
Said to be barren and lifeless. the reality ofMounr Drok belies
kinds of weapons. armor and shields. T hough the craftsman- the lore. Its slopes are a teeming hive of dangerous creatures,
ship is crude. the metals are rougher rhan the usual low grade from mountain cats to rock snakes. The upper regions of the
materials employed by barbarian smirhs. mountain are snowbound and there are rumors of a primitive
King's Bonnty Hill tribe of beings distantly related ro Briklings who lurk in rhe ice
A towering escarpment so-named because it was where goo d caves on these inhospitable slopes. Unfor tunately no visitor to
king Kronekyn conferred the bounty of his rule upon the the mo untain's upper reaches has ever returned, let alone found
people. afrer having besred the evil Faceless Prophet and proof No explorer has managed to scale Mo unt Drok, since
almost rescuing his aged parents from a cruel death. That date the once-and-fu ture Toad King. Generally those attempting an
has become a holy day. During th e ascent are slain by the barbarians
festivities, slaves or other captives of before they get anywhere near it.
the barbarians are dressed as the Especi ally superstitious Bro-an-
king and queen regent. treated to a Mabden (abour 97% of the popu-
day "in state" and th en hurled down lace) believe that people attaining
onto the rocks to their death at the summit of Mo unt D rok can
sunset to the cheers of the onlookers. speak directly ro Arag.
At oth er times visitors may read its
hisrory inscribed in Mabden and T ypical In la n d E n cou n ters
crude pictures on brass plaques set Kin g's Champions
inro th e high stone wall. A volatile bunch of drunken
Castle Kroneleyn semi-morons is challenging every·
(formerly Tbe City Regal) one ro Skullbash. a game where
The castle and the city around ir heads are knocked until the win-
comprise the capital of Bro-an - 1III!!!!!II!!II!!II!!II!!II!!II!!II!!II!!II!!II!!!!!!::::!II!!II!!II!!II!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!==='9~5 ncr is merely unconscious and
Mabden. T he Toad-King regularly - probably brain-damaged and rhe
sits upon the Groaning Battlement, a massive throne shot loser is dead.
through with fissures in its rock which make a low moan ing Purge
when the wind is strong. This throne is placed on the highest Everyone who is no t lo cal or is otherwise different is bemg
tower, where the diminutive King may survey his castle and the en~laved or killed in one of the regular outbursts of para-
city beyond. nota.
Th e Castle is a dread place of hard, srinking mud and
Feast on tbe Hoof
misshapen gargoyles. It is Kronekyn's pleasure to surround
Th e death of an entire village has meant the wildlife in the
himselfwirh things uglier than his own visage. thus making the
area has boomed. Hunters are eagerly sought.
castle a repulsive place indeed.
Th e city beyond is a typical barbarian city. only larger. Sbefanbow
Some of its bustle is dampened by the rigorous security A crime (murder. robbery. anything) has been committed
checks wirh which Kronekyn's Secret Soldiers - a band of and a sbifanhow is blamed. A band of barbarian warriors
slinking assassins in his employ - keep their monarch safe now seeks the villain for trial by execution.
from rhe designs of others. including his own nobles. Di re Storm
Gamemasrers may use the plan of Kalenwyr on page 48 for A severe storm is passing. During the deluge barbarians are
this city dropping the Arena and replacing ir with a dismal seeking sacrifices to appease Arag and avoid being swept
Gor-an-Clu quieter, cleaner and less rowdy than their D ockland counter-
parts, though a brawl or a murder victim may still be
The Swaggering City discovered on the best of nighLS.
As (0 the merchants. these are of all kinds, boasting more
Gor-an-Ou is a typical Bro-an-Mabden coastal ciry. Ir has a ,-ariery rhan any town this side of Lywm-an-Esh. There are
little more dash "."d elan rhan most , perhaps because of irs Tailors, Armorers, Builders, Bankers. Milliners, Sellers of
association With pirates . Wares from plates [ 0 tables to pets. Tattooists, Stonemasons
and Haircroppers, all jostling for space and business
in this thriving section of (Own.
This secrion of the ciry is heavily walled and forti-
fied. enclosing the Duke's Court. where the ruler of
the town presides.
4. Duke's Court
Duke Bragg-a-Gor himself resides here. in whar
passes for splendor in barbarian sociery. as do rhe
nobles of his courr: Earls. Counts and Lords. All pay
homage ro him and attend hisevery command. They
spend the remainder of their time oppressing the rest
of the city and surrounding countryside.
5. Scumville
The area in which low-class (a relative rerm) barbar-
ian residents live. The crime rate is high and so is the
morraliry rate, bur it is by far the most populous
residential area in the city. since so many barbarians
arc denied the riches of the Duke's toadies. Midnight
curfews apply here. rhough there are few brave
enough ro enforce them, so rhey go largely ignored
I. Dockland
Dockland covers an area of almost three miles along the most 6. The Festerings
eastern section of the coast. Docks and piers crowd the harbor The poorest of rhe poor neighborhoods. A dangerous and
like a ragged set of teeth. Ships of all kinds are moored here, disease-ridden place where only the lowest of Mabden refuse
the most common being the wallowing warships and trader congregate. Aside from beggars. outcasts and the maimed, it is
vessels of Bro-an-Mabden. These vessels ate always broad of home to unusually vicious criminals, andthe terminally insane.
beam and deep. created ro carry as much cargo as possible,
legal and illegal.
Jusr beyond rhe docks themselves is rhar part of the rown
which caters almost exclusively [0 matters nau tical. There are BRO-AN-N HADRAGH
taverns for pirates, like T he Bloated Rogue, or places where
men of culture (such as rhey are in rhis land). may partake of (THE N HADRAGH ISLES)
more civilized repast. Big Nancy's Eat Well is a good example.
Many of these places double as hotels or inns for travellers and [Nott: Moorcock does not deal wirh rhe Nhadragh
their conditions range from clean to downright dangerous. culture in depth. only in passing. Th e following
Some businesses have set up qU3ncrs here rather than in description, then, is one of the more extreme liberties
Tradertown proper, mostlyShipping Agents. Warehouses. Fish this book takes wirh the Chronicles of Corum. See also
Markets. Usurers, and purveyors of boaring equipment. T here Th e Nhadragh, in the Runn ing tbe Game chapter. start-
are Some boat-yards here also . Th e most famous is owned by ingon page 107.]
Korod-a-Klagg. a one-legged ex-pirate who is rumored ro be
the besr shipbuilder in Bro-an-Mabden. A BEAlJnRJL Q-lAIN OF 1SL\."lDS in the east. the Nhadragh
Isles are borh bounteous and splendid. The largest and central
2. Tradertown isle is Maliful. whereon once sat rhe ciry of as, capital of the
Along with a thriving merchant quarter, the Trad ertown Isles. Os was a magnificent creation known as Os the Beautiful
section also boasts many inns, hotels and bars. Since this is a throughout rhe civilized world. Other Nhadragh towns.
part of town which caters to those who have travelled from villages andcastles were once scattered across all the isles. Now
faraway lands. there never seems to be enough accommodation there are only ruins. All art overrun by hordes of barbarian
even during calmer periods. On the whole, businesses here are Mabden. and no trace of the Nhadragh civilization remains.

The climate is sub-tropical, the lands verdant and lush. with

glorious beaches, deep forests and wildlife abounding.
The Nhadragh
The shorte r, more physically powerful, dark skinned NHADRAGH
N hadragh people once rivalled rhe Vadhagh in learning and
TH IS is WHAT SAiLORS KNOW of the once-mighty
culture. In many ways the N hadragh werethe opposite of their N hadragh, spanners of oceans and rulers of the
age-old rivals. While both were creatures of Law, and thus waves.
rationalists, th e N hadragh developed a culture vasrly different The Nhad ragh not only fished the sea - they also
from rhe Vadhagh. They wereas unlike in their ways as in their hunted on it. Fishing was done in large fleets,
looks. communally-based, w hose crews competed and
T he N hadragh who remain in these isles (and there are very co-operated on journeys that lasted for several
few). are utterly desolate. Their once-powerful and beautiful days, even wee ks. Ocean hunting was less
society has been completely shattered by th e M abden barbari- common and the small groups w ho engaged in it
ans. Every vestige of it has vanished. Os itself is said [Q have we re co nside red foolhardy by other sailors. They
imploded in some fashion, along with its entire population. ventured alone in small craft, far out to sea, seek-
ing the Giant Murex, Great Sha rks, Deep Serpents,
No trace of th e most magnificent ciry on th e World of the
and the feared l eviathan. Th eir principal weapon
Five Planes remains. was a huge harpoon launched by the entire crew
in tandem. The best crews of ocean harpooners
The Mahden Conquerors we re said to achieve an uncanny accuracy and
Bro-an-Nhadragh is mainly populated by barbarian Mabden. pow er.
There is no order here. Would-be rulers constantly war with The Nhadragh thought of knowledge as some-
one another. Every kind of social and political organization thing to be pu rsued, caught, and brought back for
has its practiti oners somewhere in the Isles, and every social all to share. They were not averse to sending their
and political organization will be overthrown tomorrow by ships on missions of exploration or study designed
some other.This is not anarchy. It is chaos. to last for years or even centu ries (it w as this activ-
Chaos is dangerous. but it is not a continual brawl. ity that inspired the Mabden of Lwym-an-Esh along
Hundreds of rag-tag bands of barbar ians espousing hundreds similar lines).
In the war between the e lder races, the Vadhagh
of different ways of doing things live day-to-day in various
used fearful Sky Cities, but the Nhadragh were not
states of preparedness, making ready fat war, guarding terri- without mighty ban le engines of their own. They
tory, glorying in a fugitive victor y, brooding over an equally possessed a fleet of G reatships - war-craft so large
fugitive defeat. Most exist by hunting. fishing or scouring the they were like entire floating duchies, comprised
jungles for edible ftuirs and tuber s. Since almost all the of villages, w ar towe rs and vast pasture and farm-
Mabden now here are not native [0 the islands, nutritional ing lands. They also used thousands of ships of
mishaps are common. many different sizes and designs for specific tasks
There are quite a few settle ments dotted over many of the during sea battles. These we re launched in
larger islands. although all construction is makeshift at best massive fleets that wo rked in unison like flow ing
andmost barbarians haven't the slightest idea of town planning tidal waves and became the stuff of glorious and
fearsome tales for countless generations of hard-
beyond fortification. Among the conquerors are a scattered
ened sea dogs.
elite of Mabden who lived here before th e conqu est began. Rumors ci rculate amongst old sea-hands that
Some of these people actually know somet hing about the one of the legendary Nhadragh Greatships still
geography and resources of the region. A handful have more, sails among these countless isles, never needing to
or less, accurate stories to tell of the Nhadragh civilization. make landfall, a floating home for a tiny remnant
One or rwo even regret the conquest. of its original crew. Ho w it could have remained
hidden for so many hundreds of years is a deep
Maliful is the central and foremost of the Nhadragh Isles, once
home to the Nhadragh capital Os. Like all the Nhadragh isles
it is lush and tropical, a green jewel in a setting of oceanblue. having here. T he rubble is inhabited by desperate bands of
outlaws, the insane, and tho se who have lost all hop e.
The coast of Malifu l is dotted with barbarian settlements. Roark - A strange area in which many different groups exist in
These are transitory places, created to serve immediate needs. dose proximity, bound by a kind of a truce in which each
The best known settlements of Maliful seem to be: constantly skirmishes with all the oth ers but no single band
ever seems to gain the upper hand,
Os - The ruins of what was once acknowledged the most
beautiful city on the World of the Five Planes are surprisingly Gyn - Situated on a tiny promontory connected to the main
sparse and uninspiring. N o one would rake this place as the island by a pitted causeway. this place is easy to defend,
site of a superior civilization. Today there is nothing worth

--. ..,-
~ .....::'IO;

aI[hough the leadership is conscantlr changing hands because Other Islands

of internal srrife, murder and subversion. Th e other islands of the Nhadragh chain are now nameless
ibaragb - A bustling settlement in a goodharbor. consequently and are all similar in their makeup. They have beaches of sofr.
boasring a high population of foreigners. A target for any white sand occasionally broken by high, rugged cliffs. Inland,
powerful band, the settlcmem itself nonetheless tends to light scrub gives way to increasingly thick jungle peppered with
remain relanvely stable. perhaps because of the Income It can swamps and lagoons. This jungle thins and eventually disap-
generatC' for rulers who allow "business as usual". pears as the landrises along a central spine or single mountain.
The islands are long dormant volcanoes, but Garncmasrers
Thc}ungle seeking the spectacle of an explosive climax to an adventure or
A reerning trackless jungle broken only by the occasional
campaign may elect to use the encroachment of Chaos to
jutting (volcanic) mountain. See More Bro-an-Nhadragh
precipitate an eruption. T he
Encounters. below, for more
weather remains balmy and
ideas about jungle exploration
mild the year around, except
and adventures.
for a high season of torrential
The Jewelled Bay rain and thunderous storms.
A beautiful crescent bay where Some of the islands have
it is said gemstones o f great rivers running from the
beauty and value used to be mountain lands, often cours-
washed up. Many, many barbar- ing down beautiful waterfalls
uns bands stake out territory on their journey [Q the coast.
around the bay in order to The islands are largely
profit from the fabled bounty uninhabited aside from the
of the sea. Th ere is constan t odd Nhadragh hermit or
strife and pillaging. It is diffi- madman, and an occasional
cult [0 know wheth er there are bands of marooned (or fool-
acrually any gemstones , or hardy) Mabden. Ruined
whetherthere ever were. cities that predate the
Nhadragh can sometimes be found deep in the thickest of the
Typical Maliful Encou nters jungles, their great libraries and laboratories rotting into
~lahden Chanot Race obscurity. Occasionally these once proud edifices may be
A race is held for the entertainment of a barbarian band. tended by superstitious lunatics fanning the fires of their own
Strangechariots are used, which the Mabden clearly do not destruction with a mania for me Chaos arts ofsorcery.
fully understand (see page 29). Gambling. drinking and
brawling are the order of the day. Nore Bro-an-Nha.Iragh E n coun ter s
Slavery Ancient Nhadragh
The adventurers are captured and ensla·ved by a minor bar- A Nhadragh hermit. old beyond measure, has sealed in the
barian warlord. They muse find a way to win theirfreedom. jungle.Such an isolated beingshould suggest countlessrid-
dles to the adventurers about the nature of the past and the
Insane Genius?
present. Lost in contemplation and meditation of far-off
A mad Nhadragh sorcerer has apparently escaped from his
worlds, the hermit may be drawn out of reverie by med-
Mabden "patron". He approaches the adventurers for
dlers. Angry, philosophic or senile, she or he might aid or
assistance, with promises of sorcerous secrets as payment.
hinder, according to whim.
T rackless Jungle
Brave but foolhardycriminals have made off with a barbar-
T he adventurers have stumbled into a belt of jungle as
ian leader's treasure, and the adventurers know where they
dense as it is humid and hostile. It takes 1D3 days of wan-
are. A chance for some easyloot?Or a way to gain the grat-
dering to get any kind of bearing without magical or scien-
itude of a barbarian chiefrain?
tific forms of navigation (e.g. flying above the jungle or
The Prophets possessing a lodestone).
A smallband of Nhadragh roams the land proclaiming the
Chaos pocket
doom of the Mabden and the triumph of the Nhadragh.
Chaos has begun to alter the beauty of this island A small
But Nhadragh cannot stand each other's company any
inner area, like an oasis in a desert, has begun me process
more. How can such a band exist? Wherever it appears,
of transforming inro a Chaos waste. For further inspiration
some disaster befalls local Mabden. Ate these Nhadragh
see Urde, on page 59, and apply this on a minor scale.
crazy? Do they have eldrirch powers?
Such an area may produceeffects beneficial or deleterious.
Swamp Fever
A strange disease infests this island. It might seep into any
open wounds by exposu" . be transferred by monkey or

insectbite, or emanate hom a fetid. moldering swamp. T he The Vadhagh

effecrs are as a Major Di"as, (found in the Spot Rules for Bro-an- Vadhagh takes its name from the Vadhagh. the elder
Combat section of the Stcrmbrin~r rules). folk of which Prince Corum is one. These strange people are
Stann descendants of the same race which brought forth the Melni,
A gigamic tempest lashes the vicinity. Within the hour the bo neans of the Young Kingdoms. T hey spend their time in the
ocean's placid beauty is tur ned into a raging to rren r of abstract pursuit of art and learning, wisdom, andsubtle sensa-
crashing water, cracking lightning. and black and thunder- tion. T hey area people dedicated to Law, supreme rationalists,
ous skies. Vessels should make all haste to reach the nearest eschewing gods and superstitions as uniquely Mabden
coast and batten down. unless they are piloted by the pastimes. They think of the Mabden around their castles as
damned or the mad. rather like intelligent beasts, though the civilized Mabden of
lands like Lywm-an-Esh impress them more.
Pirate Frenzy!
The Vadhagh live in isolated castles with their families and
A ship of Bro-an-Mabden pirares have been brought here
servants, rarely venturing out into the world at large. They have
by ill winds, rather than desigo. Now crazed with fear they
a hierarchy of Princes andPrincesses. but produce other classes
see most things as me work of slxjanbow. Little separates
as well. Most Vadhagh live to well over I()()() years. eventually
them from the animals of the jungle.
retiring nom their community to die quietly.
Vadhagh idemify each other by Name Robes, specifically
colored robes from which they draw the last part of their
names. A Vadhagh adopts a Name Robe as a heraldic emblem;
BRO-AN-VADHAGH Th e Robe is all one color and becomes part of the Vadhagh's
name. Corwn Jhaelen Irsei means in Mabden: Corum, the Ptirur
A SWEETANDVERDA!\'T LAND. Here are rich valleys and roll- in ,hr xa rU' Robr. Robes are fashioned from the skins of animals
ing hills. deep rivers and tall snow-capped mountains. It is a from another plane. For their game effecrs. see Esotic Trea-
land of great contrast and great beauty. The Forest of Laahr is sures on page II 5.
located in the northwest of the continent. In it strange crca- Vadhagh have an innate ability to see into the Five Planes at
rures roam, nor least the Giant of Laahr and his servant, the will. With extremeeffort they mayalso move into those planes
Brown Man. Vadhagh castles dot this forest and range further (for more information on these abilities see Plane Shifting
south. beyond the Plain of Broggfythus. In the centre of rhis Abilities. in the Conrriving chapter. starting on page 96). They
broad grassy steppe lies a great Sky City of the Vadhagh, crip- are a mysterious and unique people, little understood and
pled and deserted after ir plummeted to earth during the last widely feared
battle with the Nhadragh. It is encrusted with weeds and Vadhagll Customs and Attitudes
appears to flicker as it shifts constantly between the Five The Vadhagh are a courteous people, given to elaborate rituals
Planes in its eternal death agonies. A high range of mountains of etiquette. Yet their politeness seems "emotionless" to the
separates the eastern coast from the remainder of the land. more volatile Mabdcn. They are withdrawn - but isolated and
Here is the natural wall which shuts in the brutal King Lyr-a- self-involved rather than anti-social. Vadhagh tend to say vety
Brode's glowering stone city of Kalenwyr from the rest of his little in almost all situations, but they are also liable to blurt
land. The climate of Bro-an-Vadhagh is temperate and. aside out the baldest truths without taking account of the reactions
from the mountains, comfortable even in the harshest of of others. Most Vadhagh pursue solitary hobbies. like collect-
seasons. ing. researching. or creating. and spend most of their days
engaged in such activities, serenely disconnected from any
The Mabden
other beings. Perhaps this is why rituals of etiquette have
Th e Mabden of the continent live in villages, settlements and
towns spread throughout the land. Many who live near the
Vadhagh castles are tolerant of the sbifanhow. T hough they may CORUM'S HOUSEHOLD
fear the inhuman lords. they trade openly with them for grain
and goods. T he King in the east loathes the Vadhagh. as do AM ONG CO RUM 'S HO USEHO LD are Prince Khlonskey,
most of his lords, who control the people in a feudal system in head of the family. and his wife. Colatalama, who
all ways like that of their northern cousins in Bro-an-Mabden. appears much younger than her wizened husband;
Prlnce Rhanan, Khlonskey's brother; Sertreda,
But the King's hatred of the elder race is kept in check by his Khlonskey's niece; and Khlonskey's children, a son
feat of them. Still his Denledhyssi scour the land and punish namedCorumand twin daughters, llastru and Phol-
those friendly to the gentle Vadhagh folk. T he Mabden here hinra. In addition five retamers share the castle.
Though these are distant cousins of the Prince they
worship Chaos in the forms of Arag, The Dog and The Bear. have no title and so take on the duty of household
Allied to the eastern barbarians, but not part of Lyr-a- servants. Vadhagh keep no Mabden servants, their
Brode's kingdom are the Pony Tribes. primitive warriors in contact with th ellUman race isthrough hearsay and
brass beast masks who hate and fear anything they do not legend mostly. except for the Isolated cases where
some indulge in minor trade with Mabden villages,
know. usually in secrecy.
become so necessary [0 their dwindling numb er of social change shape with the whims of the casrellan. Colors can also
interactions. alter. Corum's castle has its shape attuned to the d ements and
At the same time. the Vadhagh are "family-oriented". Quite its color to the wind. Th us a castle visited in summer might be
Luge extended fami lies live in Vadhagh castles. and these f.uni- a ver), different affair inside to the one seen in wintertime.
liesarc pron~ (0 some of the same ties and srresses one finds in Music appropriate to the- castle's mood. or even that of an
other families. There are tensions and factions and family poli- individual chamber. is sometime-s piped around the edifice. A
tics whose effeCtS are visible even behind the rituals to one list of some potential Vadhagh chambers follows, though it is
sensitive in such matters. not exhaustive. No castle will contain all of these chambers,
Vadhagh pride themselves on their individual idiosyncrasies and most only a few. for the Vadhagh in general arcspecialists.
and their "ivory rower" existences. Believing the world flawed. Although many of these rooms mayseem familiaras they have
many have become vain about their sterile artcmpts at self- been described. all are decidedly odd by almost any save
perfection. Indeed. conrcr;npt for the rest of existence, an~ Vadhagh standards.
especially for other races, IS an all-too common character trait
among the Vadhagh.
Vadh.~h Beliefs
The Vadhagh consider the practice of magic mere superstition
and the worship of gods ignorant fear. T heir culture has
evolved beyond such things. T hey achieve the results of magic
through the application of science. To some their science
resembles sorcery - it involves ritual and incantation, and its
purpose is the creation of wondrous artifacts.
Vadhagh are fatalistic. and some worry, with justification.
that their race is dying or degenerating. Yet they do little about
it. saveto philosophize in their abstract, distant and withdrawn
manner. Even their famou s war with the Nhadragh. the orher
elder race of this plane. was conducted with a sense of aesthet-
ics and, some believe, with no hatred on eirher side.
Th e Vadhagh of Bro-an- Vadhagh believe theyare the last of
their race. In their utter isolation they know nothing of the
Vadhagh of the Flamelands or their kin in the City in the
Pyramid on Queen Xiombarg's plane. or others like them.

The v.dhailh Castles

Castle Erom. Corum's Castle, or more correctly his father
Prince Khlonskey's, lies on the northern coast, but other
castles exist in Bro-an-Vadhagh. Many have lived in isolation
from one another for up to thousands of years at a time. Th e
Vadhagh mentioned in the Chronicles are:
Prince Shulag
• Prince Opash of Castle Sam in the East - a natu-
ralist and collector of Mabden Armory: Vadhagh have long since given up the art of war. but
their castles may still retain its implements. like museum exhib-
• Princess Lorim of Castle Crachah in the South
its. Vadhagh swords are usually contrived of metal ftom other
• Prince Faguin of Castle Gal in the N orth planes. and they favor long-hafted war-axes of delicate and
All appear to be kin of KhIonskey. Lorim is considered beautiful design. Most weapons have some ornamentation -
Corum's aunt and Opash is first cousin to Khlonskey. jewelled pommels or engraved blades.
During their war with the Nhadragh, the Vadhagh suffered Art Gallery: Herein may be found paintings on marble, exotic
terrible losses, nearly two thirds of their race. Many empty fabrics or glass, and sculptures made from metal, gem stones or
castles now dot the countryside of Bro-an- Vadhagh, ideal as strange substances ftom far-off planes. Or Contrivances that
potential adventuring sites. produce exquisite sensations impossible to describe.
Inside a vadh.~h Castle Chamber of Vapors: A soft chamber of sweet-smelling
So long have some Vadhagh castles stood. they might be part fragrances where the Vadhagh go to die when they have
of the original landforms. Indeed this is often how they are become (0 0 ancient to continue with life. Th e fragrances kill
seen by Mabden. Late in the Chronicles when Corum visits his them gently. Chambers of this sort can also have a more recre-
OWn future, his castle has become a natural mound. Vadhagh ational function. The fragrances can impart visions. or simply
castles usually have moving walls. T his allows the interior to be used as relaxants or stimulants. Every castle has one.

~-- - ~.

Conjuraroriuec The stark, triangular chamber where the kitchen as much an artist's studio as a functional area. Almost
Vadhagh creat e their wondrous contrivances. Almost every rvery castle has one.
castle has one. For details see the Contriving chapter, srarcing Library: May conrain many ancient Vadhagh works in manu ,
on page 93. script and bound form. very rarely a Vadhagh transcription or
Conservato ry: Usually attached to a garden. for the breeding translation of a vanished Nhadragh t ext - or perhaps only One
of arcane and exotic plants too delicate to grow outs ide. Also or two recent works by the castle's inhabitants.
may contain beds of seedlings awaiting further cultivation. Museum: Artifacts from Vadhagh culture and history. ranging
Oddly. some castles co ntain conse rvatories but no gardens. from ancient Contrivances beautifully shaped to pieces of what
The Contemplation: A room enhanced with soft light, music most people would call pure junk.
and rippling walls to aid meditation and contemplation. Most Observatory: This space, always an adjunct to a planetarium,
castles have one. works somehow like a giant telescope, allowing observation of
Garden: All manner of strange flora may be cultivated here, the movements of the stars.
T he temperature alters in different sections of the garden to Planetarium: Giant replicas of the planets in the Vadhagh
best suit the kind of plant gtowing there. From many of these cosmos revolve around each other in wondrous precision.
plants the Vadhagh con coct dishes for their delicate and Ch arts, tables. books and treatises concerning astrology (in irs
discriminating palates. po tions for the stimulation of various incarnation as a science) and astronomy reside here.
senses and herbs for surgery. Th e garden is also usually
designed as a work of art and th rough replanting and tending Surgery: H ealing poultices in sculpted borrles and learned
undergoes frequent metamorphoses. Most castles have one. treatises on Vadhagh and Nhad ragh anatomy line the walls.
Brilliant lights and mechanical contrivances can be brought to
Gymnasium: A chamber bedecked with snange constructions bearon the central tables for the treatment of the injured.
which allow the Vadhagh to mainrain the fitness of their long,
supple bodies. Also allows for the exercise of the mind. with
abstract puzzles projected in various colors for the mental The Forest of Laahr
enjoyment of the Vadhagh while exercising physically. The Forest of Laahr is a great expanse of woodland stretching
Kitchen: Far beyond the normal meal preparation of the across the northern and western part of Bro-an-Vadhagh. The
Mabden, the exquisite culinary arts of the Vadhagh make the forest is home to many mysteriesand its temperance of climate


O N THE NORTHERNMOST SHORE of Bro- He also came to believe that these new and his kin swooped upon the castle
an-Vadhagh there are five settlements of animals, the Mabden, would rise far and slew Prince Brade. Tar then person-
a singular nature. This loosely affi liated
above their bestial beginnings. If the ally journeyed to the remaining four
group of castles could only have sprung Vadhagh were to meet this challenge castles, bringing with him "Prince
from the distinctive Vadhagh mindse!. head on they would need to prepare - Brade's severed head. Soon afterthis Tar
They are bound by a common goal: to co-operate. Plainly Prince Tar had and the four other Families came to an
understanding. For separate Vadhagh become insane. agreement. Clearly he was insane, but
families to have a relationship beyond The Prince sent forth a proposal to the tlie four nobles were most impressed by
civility is unusual. For them to work five families with which Castle Wheal- hiscommitment to his cause.
activelytogetheris unheard of. reen had the closest ties. He urged them Now, hundreds of years later, the
The inhabitants of the five castles to meet with him, to discuss wfiat might Castles of The Covenant and their
refer to themselves (when they bother to be done to redirect the Vadhagh inhabitants will still most often be
think about such things)as the Covenant tendency towards introspective isola- encountered individually. Although the
of Conception, or more simply The tion. He suggested a Study of All Things member families of The Covenant are
Covenant. The ignorant Mabden, with an eventual view to a Treatise and not exactly sworn to secrecy, they are
hobbled by fear, sliy away from the perhaps even a Document of Direction not given to idle chatter about their
inexplicable happenings around these for the Vadhagh people. goals or methods. It would take some
uncanny monuments. In their base Atfirst there was only one, cautiously effort on the part of the uninfonned (that
tongue the castles are called Solens-an- positive, reply - from Kestel Saddarn. is to say most people outside The Five
Pentach or The Five Shadows. For many years there was only silence Castles) to find much evidence of The
from the other families, until eventually Covenant at all.
The Cont ract another missive came. It requested that The alliance of the five is loosely knit:
When the last of the wars with the the Prince and his family refrain from there are no obligations ortreaties. It is a
Nhadragh wound to a close, Prince Tar ever contact ing the inhabitants of Castle simple case of shared direction. On
of Castle Whealreen was an empty Trendrenen aga in. occasion, if the situation suggests, one
wineskin containing a trickle of his Day after day the Prince stood in his family may send reta iners arid even kin
fanner self. The conflict had stolen his Contemplation, viewing his lands to anothercastle.
only and beloved son Tam for no good through rainbow crystal windows.
purpose that he could see. The Pnnce When he came forth at last he was Castle Whealreen
fell into a dark introspection and after apparelled for war. Taking with him his At the heart of a vast lake stands a seem-
years of brooding, he came to an under- remaining fa mily and retainers, he ingly dormant volcanic island, jagged
standing of the folly of the elder races. struck out for Trendrenen. The Prince arid shattered by numerous ancient
continued next page


d deep seclusion make it an ideal habitat for the secretive Largely hunters and warriors, these Pony Tribes band
;::'ny Tribes, the mysteriou s Vadhagh and the legend ary and rogerher in small groups o f twenry or thir ry. They live in skin
enigmatic Giant and Brown Man of Laahr. tents and can be found almost everywhere in the vast fores t.
The Pony Tri bes are not unified. Each Tribe has a chieftain
TI,e Gian t of Laah~ . . and a shaman who promote inter-tribal conflict. and the tribes
The Giant of Laahr is Arkyn. Lord of Law. ban rshed from rhis
lane and allowed only this form. He uses his servant, Th e actively war upon each other. The constan tly shifri ng bord ers
~rown Man, to furrher th e causrs of Law by aid ing any agenrs
of trib al holdings and loyalties are so compl ex as to baffle any
of UW in the vicinity. The Giant can assist injured or crippled outsider. Pony Tribesmen know every inch of their part of the
forest and to whom that inch belongs at any given time. They
people. or those in danger. bur he does not interfere actively in
are also given to both secret and overt territorial incursion.
disputes. Th e Giant can sometimes be summoned from the
Pony Tribe hunters prey on the wolves of the forest for
forest bv skilled Priests of Law, bur th is is rare. For additional
winter furs. The warriors wear iron helms with brass visors
inform;tion see Arkyn Of Law on page 61.
The local Mabden barbarians. especially the Pony Tribes.
beaten into the form of wicked, barbaric faces.
are deeply suspicious and fearful of the Giant, although they
These faces are said [Q come in dreams to the men, sent by
do not know his true idennty.
theirshaman, and represent spirits and demons which aid them
in their battles. They are also intended to terrify enemies. To
The Brown Man [his end [he warriors also beat metal drums when going into
Serwde, the Brown Man o f Laahr is an ape-like. pre-Mabden combat.
creature. Gentle but strong. he is devoted £0 the service of the Those familiar with th e Pony T ribes can tell one tribe from
Giant of Laahr. Arkyn never allows th e Brown Man to get into anoth er by th e style of th eir masks and the rhythms played on
danger. but the creature is likely to turn up to lend a hand. For these discordant drums.
more details refer to The Brown Man on page 129. The Pony Tribes get th eir genetic name from their shaggy
Like the Giant of Laahr, the Brown Man inspires his share moun ts, bred for barrie and for wandering. Each Tribe marks
of fear among the natives. It is possible that others of his race irs po nies individualIy. Like th e other habits of Pony Tribes-
may survive in me deeps of th e Foust. men, these marks are obscure to outsiders, but of blazing
The Pony Tri hcs clariry to any Tr ibesman.
Tribes of nomadic Mabden barbarians long ago moved into Th e Pony Tribes worship Arag but in a primitiv e form ,
the Forest of Laahr. almost that of an ancestor spirit. T he Dog and the Bear are

eruptions. Set in the side of the caldera Castle Nangitha actually a gigantic Contrivance that can
isCastle Whealreen, home to Prince Tar The Castle of family Lewam e sits upon a move under its own pow er, Only the
and the family Loshi. Castle Wheal- crate r created when the body of one of family Morrai is aware of this.
reen's goal is the study of plant life and the fallen Law-lords impacted upon the Family Morrai is responsible for the
its relationship with the planet. The land. II is suspe nded above the basin by study of the sea and its creatures. Some
current pattern of Prince Tar's research three curved and buttressed walkways. of their study is directed from the castle
hasled the local flora in some... uncom- Through the glass floor of the baseme nt itself but much isconducted from Prince
mon directions. In the past few decades ballroom one can gaze down upon the Kiem's ingenious sampling boat, The
the lush plant life on the island has verdant forest that now fills the crater to Curious Murex. Shaped lil<e its name-
taken what might be described as a overflowing. sake, this massive ship makes sea-bed
puckish turn, as"has the very land itself, The inhabitants of Castle Nangitha inspect ions using bathyspheres and
It is as though these mindiess things had have made their study the creatures of scoops up surface samples using a jaw-
acquired sentience. Disease-bearing the land and sky. Through their tele- like apparatus built into its prow.
spines cannot be distinguished from scopes and aetherchannels they observe Kiem's sampling technique shows
those that induce healing or hallucina- and on occasion direct the existence of little discrimination and on occasion has
tion. Cool mudpools can cause the animals (including a group of taken Mabden ships in addition to sea-
fearsome burns and treacherous blind- Mabde n) that live in anaabout the sanc- life. It is rumored in certain circles that
falls lead to bosky dells. On e would tuary of the crater. the blood y war between the warlords
swear that paths and vegetation alter Prince Cunik fought beside Prince Tar Raigin-a-C1u and Korb-a-Shov was due
whenever one looks away. in the wars with ihe Nhadragh. They in part to the inexplicable disappear-
Prince Tar still rules his house and were as close friends as Vadhagl1 nobles ance of a number of thei r war-ships into
guides the Covenant he founded. His can be. Yet, unknown to the other the jaws of theCurious Murex.
bald and war-scarred head has the members of the Covenant or even his Within the castle are a number of
appearance of a cracked egg bo iled for own family, Cunik harbors an abiding storage facilities, many of them partially
too long. II is said in Vad ~agh that he (although civilized) haired for Ptince open to the sea. From the Curiosity
has the eyes of the god s upon him". He Tar. He finds the Prince's denigration of Room where seafarers and their ships
is rumored to have entertained lord the great war offensive and sees The are preserved in situ to the frightening
Arkyn in his private chambers. It is in Treatise and The Study as a potential Large Specimen Chambe r, it is bere that
this Contemplation, a spherical sane- betrayal of the future of the Vadhagh. Family Morrai pursues their studies.
torum that circulates about the castle on Prince Kiem is known as a being of
cu nning tracks, that Tar can most often Castle Porthpean culture and sophistication. He has an
be found. It is here also that he takes Squatting off the shore of Bro-an- abiding love of anc ient Vadhagh musi-
council from his adviser; the head of Vadhagh is the castle of family Morral. cal compositions and a soft spot for
Prince Brede, which he keeps upon his This varicolored tower has the appear- ocean predators. He is extraordinarily
lap, stroking its lush white hair. He ance of an ordinary coral castle of the passionate about aquatic life, believing
certainly acts crazy enough. Shalafen, somehow misplaced. It is thaI the future of the World of the Five
continued nextpage

- ~.

also deeply feared and regularly appeased by rirual and sacrifice Pony Packs
of goats, captives and ill-starred children. Pony Tribes arc on the move to the Plain ofBroggfythus to
T he tribes also share a fear and hatred of sbifallhow, and the allow their mounts to graze. T here arc rumors of war
land of Lywm-an-Esh across the water. This includes their between two rival tribes.
near neighbor Maidel's Mount (see page 56). They fear the The Giant's G emstone
land because ir is being swallowed by the sea; rhey hate the A weird gem has been found, believed to be the property of
people because they are different. T he warlike Pony Tribes the Giant of Laahr, The area is shunned by all locals- only
respect only force and brutality, The concerns of King Lyr-a- shifanbow would dare traverse it.
Brode's men are obscure co them - those of the civilized
Mabden of Lywm-an-Esh appear downright dangerous. Streng-til of Anus
Loose bonds of loyalty exist between the Pony Tribes and A new chieftain has come to lead one of the Pony Tribes.
the barbarians of Kalcnwyr. So far only certain tribes have been He begins open hostilities against neighbors to prove his
exploited by the barbarian leaders. It must fall to a leader ro manhood.
co me to un ite all the tribes. Mound of Mystery
A strange verdant mound is d iscovered in the middle of a
Typical Forest of L aahr Encounters dearing. Perhaps it turns our ro be a Vadhagh castle. Is it
Rogue Wolf inhabited?
A wolf is marauding in the area. Pony Tribe warriors and Unseen Guardian
hunters are pursuing it after some of their child ren have A raIl shadow flits through the rrees. An exquisitely crafted
been taken . They are likely to view any stranger as evil, the arrow whispers by the party and kills a snake about [0
source of the wo lf's madness. strike.
Brown Footpri n ts Jus ti ce!
Strange footprints are seen. Ir coul d be th e Brown Man o r A Mahden village is in rurmoil. A dispute has arisen and
a sbifanhow. Pony Tribes are keeping to their tents. some of the younger folk seem to think rhar the sbifallowof
Mcn from thc Mount the nearest Castle are the proper ones to resolve it. Not
A small group of Mab den from Mo idel's Mount have everyone in the village is convinced that this is the best
come across the causeway to forage. They are nervous and course of action.

Pl anes lies on (and under) its oceans. tipped tentacles that disperse a fi ne on a gentle moun d within a cosy
The intensity of this commitment often white soporific dust. Victims of the dust garden.
proves unsettling to strangers, and even are ingested by the tentacles and depos- Princess Dew is chief among
to members of his own family. ited in torture rooms, where the limitsof Irevethow's inhabitants. Under her
tolerance are explored. leadership Family Greville have been
Kestel Sa ddarn Prince Sawel avers that he has little entrusted with the study of philosophy.
The job of investigating the dark soul of control over Kestel Saddarn's actions. In the past century or so, their avenues
the universe fell to Family Maradd. The He claims it declared its sentience a of investigation have led them far from
members of the Covenant were so unea- number of years ago and after some their original brief. The Princess' inquir-
ger to take on this subject that in the end initial discussions he and the edifice are ing and Insightful mind has brought her
the ancient Vadhagh Law of the Straw not currently on speaking terms. The to an understanding, she claims, of the
Draws was ernployed to determine lower room s are a crumble of crooked interconnectedness of all things. This
which family would pursue the study. passages and dead-ends, choked into has led in turn to some surprisingly un-
Little is known about the family disarrav by the fragments of things the vadhagh conclusions. The folk of
Maradd's method of investigation, castle has crushed in various locations 'Irevetfiow take responsibility for their
although it appears to entail the close on various planes. In many sub-base- actions at all times. They exhibit an
invol vement of their dwelling place. ments undigested casualties still bleed unnatural concern for all creatures and
Kestel Saddarn hascome to be kn own and scream - or so it has been reported they practice a policy of "redistribution
as The Spider. Like a huge beast the by usually reliable sources. of resources". There was an incident,
structure squats in an unnatural swamp Prince Sawel claims the personal still spoken of, when Princess Dew and
that extends in a perfect circle around its protection of a captured Demon from her family traveled to a Mabden
walls. The Spider is possessed of the another plane that calls itself Baron encampment and distributed sweet
ability to Plane Shift, and it does so with Samn-a-DaL No one living has ever cakes to the poor.
alarming frequency. There can be few seen this creature and some malicious The Princess is not renowned for her
things more frightening than having this tongues have noted that Demons are a physical beauty; she isshort, quite wide
skewed and spiked monstrosity appear form of Chaos. for a Vadhagh, and shaves her head. She
suddenly in the middle of one's town or is, however renowned for her martial
one's living room, its massive cracked Trevethow prowess, being adept in ancient
black exterior glinting ominously. Trevethow is certa inly the most modest Vadhagh combat techniques and the use
"The apparition", as the Prince and of the Castles of The Covenant and of a pair of poisoned hat pins of her own
his retinue call it. is actually the first possibly even the most unpretenti ous of devising.
stage of Prince Sawe!'s field study all Vadhagh castles. A small two-story Family Greville does not experience
program. Wherever it has appeared, the affair with a thatched roof, it sits quietly good relation s with the other members
castle then begins to extrude hollow- of the Covenant or indeed any Vadhagh
families except, strangely, Prince Sawel.
The Barbarian East vaJha~h T raJ er
A Vadhagh. alone or with a small band. has come to trade
Kalenwyr with local villagers. The furthet east the village. the more
Kalenwyr. the Stone City of the Barbarian Mabden, is the seat hostile the reception.
of King Lyr-a-Brodc. For a detailed description sec page 48.
Trial by Slrcn~lh
The River Two barbarians have disagreed over a matter of women,
The river is called Ki ng's Rivet by those under Lyr-a-Brode's land or goods, T heir planned combat - with axes. to the
rule. Others use the ancient, and purportedly Vadhagh name death - has brought many merchants and traders to ply
of Hlaine-nan-Ryc. Irs source is high in the mountains which their goods among the numerous spectators.
separare the barbarian lands from the gentle home of the
Vadhagh. Crystal clear. wide and strong. the river runs past A murderous war party of Denledhyssi ate scouring the
Kalenwyr and down to the sea o n the eastern coast of Bro-an-
land in chariots. killing everything and everyone who gives
Vadhagh. Many villages dot its length neat the coast, but in the
them the slightest excuse,
mouncain fastness irs current is too swift to be diverted to
settlements .
The Nameless Villa~es The Plain of Broggfythus
By decree of King Lyr-a-Brode no town other than mighty A vast plain stretching across the center of the continent. Irs
Kalenwyr is permitted to bear a name. All vinages are thus single feature is unnatural: a great sky city lies broken here. a
known by physical location (Twe Mountain Town. Oak Forest relic of the ancient war between the Vadhagh and the
Village) or some notable personage who inhabits it (Fat Nhadr.agh. Its constant shifting between planes causes it to
Mundiss' Placeor KarnBearkillcr Town) - or often byseveral shimmer like a mirage. T he weeds and grasses which entangle
different names (Silted Brook Shire is the same as Mad Twill's it remain fixed to this plane. further heightening its surreal
Village is the same as Hump)' Down, and so on). Eccentric appearance. This city is kin to The City in the Pyramid,
naming of this kind makes the country doubly confusing for Gwlas-cor-Gwyrs which tests in Xiombarg's realm.
outsiders to navigate. a fact King Lyr-a-Brode surely had in
mind when he passed his decree.
Most of these villages arc small, holding less than one
hundred people. The occupants are generally peasant farmers
and hunters. though most villages boast a few craftsman of
various kinds. whose skills run rapidly ftom enviable to
The villages ro the west of the mountains. ncar the Vadhagh
Castles, often actively trade with the Vadhagh for food and
goods. Some western villages even seem to have attained a
kind of symbiotic relation with a neighbating Vadhagh castle.
Villagers rend to hold the Vadhagh in a kind of awed tegatd
bordering on fear, but have none of the hatred of the eastern
barbarians. Such villages are sometimes the targets of raids by
the easterners, both in reprisal for their association with sbifan-
bow, and as a means of obtaining Vadhagh goods.
Typical Eastern Encounters
A warband of barbarians has decided some person or
township has transgressed against them. If a person. the
victim is taken to Kalenwyr for torture and execution. A
whole town so accused might be razed, and the villagers
made slaves. The Mountains
Cart of Pain The Eastern Mountains provide a natural barrier between the
Enemies of Lyr-a-Brode are being paraded aboutthe coun- lands dominated by the barbarians and those in which
tryside in a cart. Th ey arc guarded by barbarian warriors Vadhagh Castles still stand. T hese peaks are passable only at
and Denledhyssi. All have been mutilated in some horrible key places, known by locals and certain travellers in Kalenwyr.
way. even those who pull the cart, The Cart handles have Otherwise the Mountains must be skirred. a journey of some
been pushed through the flesh of their torsos and sewn weeks. to allow access to the gender lands ofthe greater parr of
into place. and their hands have been removed. Bto-3O-Vadhagh.
• t

Kalenwyr 5. Arena
The palace aside, the arena is the crowning glory of Kalenwyr.
The Stone City Its walls are the same dark rock as those around the city
proper. T he arena is an enormous circular construction . It
Kalcnwyr is the capital of the barbarian Mabden lands of the consists of seating for 2,000 spectators, a royal box set high
South-East of Bro-an-Vadhagh. The seat where King Lyr-a- above the stone scats of the masses, central gladiator pens and
Brode sits. Kalenwyr is a grim stone city in perfect keeping a gigantic chariot racetrack. Th is track is capable of fitting ten
with th e dou r and warlike peop le who comprise his strongest (cams of horses abreast. One lap around the track is half a
and staunchest followers. mile. T he staging ground for the most appalling
barbaric entertainments the Mabdcn can devise,
the arena is lin ed with brands, for shows may go on
day or night. In the very center of the racetrack,
with pens on either side, sits a cyclopean statue of
Arag in all his hideous glory. Carved by countless
slaves over many years the statue is the crowning
gloty of batbarian sculptural art.
6. The Palace - Castle Kalenwyr
Dark. gtim and massive, the palace of King Lyr-a-
Brode has not a curve in it. Instead it is all harsh
angles and jutting slabs of granite and stone. The
main feature of Castle Kalenwyr is its Great Hal l,
wherein the King's granite throne sits upo n the
dais of unpolished obsidian. The throne itself is
studded with quartz. It is here, guatded by the
Asper Guard - giant, insane warr iors who protect
the King's person - that the King holds court, The
court itself is a raucous, boisterous affair, full of
brawling, boozing, barbarian no bles.
Elsewhere the Castle is full of narrow stone
passages and cold chambers. A tem ple exists for
the worship of Chaos by the King's guests. The
common rabble worship in their own temples in
1. River the residential areas.
See The River on page 4 7. T he river at this po int is wide, slow
and clear. Occasional craft bearing trade goods and passengers 7. Merchants
dock at the Stone City, but these are generally crude and their The merchants are confined with in a specific area of Kalenwyr.
owners tough barbarians. brin ging with them lirtl e in the way Barbarians have a natural distaste for those who make their
of culture. living by buying and selling, practices which they view as
intrinsically dishonest, regardless of how personally scrupulous
2. Gate the merchant in questio n may be. Merchants come and go
The twin sto ne gates of th e city stand open except in time of often in Kalenwv - a barbarian who feels cheated can be a
attack. T ho ugh the barbarians are suspicious and warlike, they deadly foe - and' their stores are as likely to be hastily pitched
are also braggarts and smug in their position of power. W hen tents as prop er trad ing premises. Tattooists, stonemaso ns and
they are closed, however, they are able to withs tan d consider- wheelwrights do particularly well, with weaponsmiths and
able punishment before being breached. fur riers rurming second.
3. walls 8. The wallow
Dull basalt walls dwarf the buildings in the city, save the few Inh abitants who are neither merchants nor no bles live in The
castles of the nobles and the brooding mass of Lyr-a-Brode's Wallow. This is also the area in which visitors can find an inn
palace. T he walls appeat designed more to hold city dwellers or another place to stay. In Kalenwyr, those who are neither
in than to keep enemies outside. merchants nor nobles are very poo r, and T he Wallow is a very
4. RoaJ of Vi cto ry pOOt neighbothood. T he people who live here are largely
T his road is used for Grand processions of th e King and his servants or slave tenders. Some are craftspeople, peddlers, scav-
entourage to and from the Arena. At night this street, like all engers. even warrio rs. Some are full-time criminals . None have
the main streets in Kalenwyr, is lined with guttering brands. much respect for the King's (or anyone else's) rules. The
On occasion the crucified or hanged bodies and the severed Wallow is a rabbit warren of passages, alleys. decaying build-
heads of the King's enemies also line this avenue. It is paved ings, sewage and foul odors. Mosr of the area is dangerous
with dull black stone. duting the day and lethal after the sun goes down.

-- . ,
9. Grim Hill . . . . . tradition. Others shelter sly villains and may be dangerous
Nobles inhabit Gnm Hili and spend much of their time In the places in which to spend the night.
alace toadying to their King. The structures of Grim Hill are Th e priests of Cor-Ark are the onlygroup in Shalafen soci-
~ascles rather than houses, each one separated from its neigh- ety not directly connected to one or ano the r of the family
bor by moat and rampart. Structurally the castles follow the castles. There are between thirty and fifty such priests of Law,
formof the King's palace, all harsh and crude angles. including a small number who specialize in ritual tattooing
The foul banners of the noble barbarians compete with each (see Elemental Tattoos, in the am/riving chapter. on page
other ostentatiously in bad tast e: the most tasteful depict 10I). Shalafen priests have no homes. Th ey spend their lives
despicable atrocities. alternately tending one of the magnificent Coral Temples
whose majestic spirestower from the sea, or travelling endlessly
10. Slave Pens
on pastoral duties from castle to castle in coracles designed to
These vast pens are patrolled by armed barbarian guards, who
are in turn overseen by Denledhyssi, the elite murderers wh o
hold three or five.
serve the King's nobles. A noisome stink rises from the filth The Coral Temples
the wretched slaves are forced to live in. Slaves do all the Travellers to the region of the Shalafen will have seen what
<laneerous or degrading work in the city and are used by the appear to be dusters of extraordinarily beautiful coral spires
military as shock troops to gauge the strength of opposing jutring up from the sea. These are the sites of the Shalafen
forces. When slaves oud ive their usefulness they are sacrificed Coral Temples. There are three temples, each marked by spires
to the foul gods of Chaos. more fantastic and breath-raking than the last. But the true
magnificence of the Coral Temples is found beneath the
surface in elaborate coral structures - vast caverns, awe-inspir-
ing runnels, exquisitely modelled recesses, and gracefully
THE CORAL CASTLES rwining passageways offering ever more entrancing visions of
the never-ending creativity of the ocean's Law.
The Coral Castles
FAR TO THE WEST of Lywm-an-Esh lie the castles of the sea Th e region in which the Castles lie, in a circle of coral whose
folk. the Shalafen. They number fewerthan five hundred. these circumference is roughly rwo hundred miles, is the only one
people, and live in their castles as the Vadhagh do their own. the Shalafen know. Consisting of blue waters, bright coral and
Like the Ragha-da-Kheta of Khoolocrah. the Shalafen are a myriad shoals of fish, this beauriful land is the home of the
folk older than human who have nor attained the wisdom or Shalafen people, and they have never considered leaving it,
culture of the Nhadragh or Vadhagh. Th e people are mostly except briefly and for the most pressing reasons.
farmers, reaping the rich harvest of the sea instead of the land, Visitors to the area must have very accurate charts of the
mough some brave few venture [0 other lands. Sometimes this hundreds of coral reefs or risk tearing out the bottoms of their
gentle folk are targets of attacks by Chaos, as are any non- boats. Within the circle of Castles, there is a Shalafen coral
Mabden race, but their isolation saves them from disaster. The
castle roughly every forty miles.
Shalafen worship Arkyn in the form of Cor-Ark, the Green
One of the Sea.and are close [0 aquatic mammals in their abil- Typical Coral Castles Encounters
ities within the water.
Whale Pod
The Shalafen A group of whales is visiting the area. Shalafen treat these
The Shalafen are a society of small free-holders. Each castle is creatures as equals and enjoy exchanging information with
a family holding. All members of the family cooperate in wer them in their own tongue, which the Shalafen can speak by
farming, fishing, maintenance, decoration and the otheractivi- blowing into strange twisted shells. Shalafen consider any
ties necessary to life and well-being. Thus a Shalafen "farmer" mistreatment of whales a hostile action.
may actually be especially adept at bargaining, for example, Fishing' Expedition
because trading is whar she does as her primary duty for the
A Shalafen pair are fishing in one of their small. rwo-per-
f.uniIy. As a matter of pure pracricaliry, most castles ate led by
son coral crafts. They acr with curiosity bur considerable
One individual (not always the oldest or even the wisest). but
suspicion towards any strangers. especially those who
there are some administered by two or more family members.
frightenaway fish.
and one or two which are governed communally.
Castles barter with each other and engage in all the kinds of Festival of Cor-Ark
relations one can imagine between small homesteads. Disputes During this week-long festival beautiful little boars made
and other relations that cannot be worked out informally of coral are garlanded with sea flowers and paraded
between families are held over to be serried at an annual mo or between the Shalafen castles. Th e priests of Cor-Ark
(and fesrival) to which each castle sends one representative. receive alms for their Coral Temples. The coral boars are
. Some castles are especially prosperous; others barely scrape a laden with treasures. Consequently the priests arc verysus-
h\lIlg. Some are home to renowned heroes or boast a proud picious of any strangers.

Storm Shalafen do nothing to dispel.

A storm whips the Coral Castles for a full day. Anyone at
sea must make Sailing rolls to keep their crafts from cap- Sea Gates
Grear co ral-encrusted gates open to allow the sea to flood the
sizing or being otherwise lost or wrecked. T he walls of a
castle chamber can be broken and the sea may flood in. underchamber of the castle. When the underchambcr is dry.
Perhaps there is danger of drowning. Something valuable Shalafen ships and other equipment can be dry-docked and
may be washed up on the shore. repaired. When the gates arc opened. the underchamber is
flooded. providing a haven for tame dolphins and seals they
Salvage keep.
A large ship has foundered or a castle has collapsed. Th ere is also a small dock in here which always has enough
Shalafen salvagers are investigating. Th ey may hire the water at irs base to take the Shalafen's coral-decorated craft.
adventurers to bulk up theirnumbers co frighten off com- Th e craft rarelyhold more than four Shalafen. and thus can be
petition , or simply try to drive the newcom ers away. easily accommodated here beneath the castle.
Coming of Age Th e sea gates are backed with an elaborate sluicing device
A coming-of-age celebration is to take place in a prosper- for dearing the underchamber of water when the need arises.
ous Shalafen castle. The owner of the castle is wealthy and Flooding and d earing take only half an hour each to
has thus decreed that the celebration will last for as long as accomplish.
his beloved daughter can endure the pain of her first Ele-
Wet Farms
mental Tattoo . Tattoo ists, castle dwellers, minor nobles
Just beyond the castle lie oym r pens and weed farms. They are
and neighbors ear. drink and make merry while the poor
protected by a judicious planting of aggressive, poisonous
subject o f the ceremony bleeds for weeks.
Do lphin Pen
The Coral Castle Th is small area adjacent to the wet farms are the good weather
of Falden Jy Quallac housing for the tame dolphins and seals which the Shalafen
employ as riding beasts, guardians and domestic animals.
A Shalafen farmer and warrior. Falden lives with his small W hen bad weather strikes, the creatures are sheltered behind
family in a typical castle of his people. His interests lie in his the sea gates.
oyster and weed beds. though he may be ready to abandon
farming for more martial pursuits, if the cause is right. Salt Cham],er
"Coral Castle" is something of a misnomer, since these A rock chamber with a circular in-ground pool of saltwater.
structures are built inro the coral, rather than constructed out this room is the leisure center of the castle. Swimming and
soakingare what people do here. Th e north wall is made from
of it. Nevertheless the intertwining of the coral and the castle
is thorough enough that strangers tcnd CO believe the edifices sea sponge, and murals are often created on it - tiny flecks of
are carved from enormous masses of coral itself, an illusion the shell, impressed inro the sponge which adhere for two days.
Like the ocean. the sponge wipes away traces of Shalafen hand-
iwork by expelling the shells from itself after this time. The
Shalafen find this most aesthetically and philosophically
Spring House
The living area of the family. These private quarters are thus
called because theyare decorated with all the beautiful flowers
of the sea, softeningthe utilitarian sparseness of the rest of the
T urret
The uppermost tower of the castle, the turret is combination
study and observation post. Th e windows allow vision in all
directions, ensuring a good vantage co observe any movement
on the ocean. In times of peace - and these are many sincethe
Shalafen do not war among themselves - the turret serves as a
weather observation post.
A small shrine to Cor-Ark srands in all but the most pervers<
Shalafen households. This om is enamelled with shell to
reflect the small candles made from fish oil which stand in its
"'!lR~ central alter. The room is big enough to fit seven people at
their devotions.

wander the Flamelands riding hideous beasts indigenous ro rhe
DROONHAZAT place, eternally seeking another way out of the land, and
revenge upon the Chaos Lords.
A vAST, TRACKLESS DESERT, Droon hazat is entirely waterless
and supports no life. A bleak yellow and brown world whose
barrenness is match ed only by irs eno rmity. To tread on its
sand is to expire. ICE WILDERNESS
Some say that a herd o f roarin g crimson cattl e whose shoul-
ders touch the sky and whose refulgent horns arc lost in the THE ICE WILDERNESS is, as its name suggests, a land of snow
douds roam the desert. Some say mat what rhey leave behind,
and sleet and ice. Th e whims of Arioch have placed it along-
if onlyir could be harvested. would be worrh a god's ransom. side the Flamelands although ir is in all respects the opposite
of thar fiery kingdom. Some forests survive here, and though
the land is con stantly frozen th ere is sufficient game to sustain
The Briklings
(THE FLAMELANDS) Those of the Ice Lands are called the Briklings. They are a
practical people. Th ough they might seem callous ro those of
THESE Q-lAOS LANDS border rhe desert wastes of Droon- more civilized society. th ey are fiercely protective of th eir own.
We Unbearably hoc, full of flar obsidian. rivers of lava and The leaders are often the women of th e tribe. Women are also
slippery rock, rhis entire land is afire. The only way in is ro likely to be religious leaders and wield magical power. Th ese
somehow breach rhc barrier of fire which surrounds the coun- women worship another aspect of the H orned Bear. a great
try, the only way our is rhrough a gare shaped like a lion's white snow bear with giant yellow horns.
mouth. Thi s massive structure is a gigantic yellow rock. the last The Brikling are a proud race and, while insular. lack much
remains of the ciry which once srood here. This gare rhough, of the rampant xenophobia of other barbarians of the World
leads to the throne of Arioch. of th e Five Planes . Neverthel ess they reacr to strange rs with
suspicion. They respect might. but also wisdo m, and distrust
The vedagh blaranr shows of magic (which rhey believe is the province of
Miraculously there arc people living here, in caves beneath the their wise women) or technology. BrikJing society maintains a
Lionrock, where some water runs. Though srill hot, rhe place complicated system of oral law th at requ ires a lawbreaker to
iscoolenough to supporr life.These people are the "Vedagh", make amends to his victim. either through mon ey or labor.
led by Queen Oorese, an ancient and proud lady who plucked T his includes the crime of murder. T hey know no ruling caste
our her own eyes ramer than see what Chao s and Arioch have except the ir headwom en, who art chosen for their insight,
done ro her once beautiful land. The folk number jusr over wisdom. magical understanding and sometimes even might.
fifty and are Vadhagh, as their name suggests, and arc in all
other ways like their kinfolk. The Queen's warriors
T Ile Forests A Brikling Stead
The most densely populated region. the forests of the lee
Wilderness, differ markedly from the rowering hardwoods of The Brikling stead is made up of a longhouse, a barn for carde,
Bro-an-Mabden and the softer, more lush forests of the south- a small slave pen and the farmland itself. The farm below is
ern continent. Bro-an-Vadhagh. Stands of pine and fir are inland bur many are on the coast or by a river or lake so that
common, and exist in dense bur isolated parches. rather than fish and blubber may sup plement the diet of the inhabitants.
the great runs of trees that can be seen elsewhere in the north.
Some of the forest has been cleared by the Briklings, who use
the wood for boats and buildings. hue the trees are respected as A mud enclosure with stout walls and roof for keeping cattle,
necessary to the survival of the tribes for the shel ter they sheep. goats or pigs safe.
provide and the animal and plant life they harbor. Longhouse
Snow foxes, hare and geese inhabit these regions. the latter in T he main house of the Brikling clan, its central living quarters,
the lakes and steep bays that dot the area. Summer and spring meeting halland place ofworship all combined under one roof
are short. confined [0 hue a quarter of the year. Winter nights of stout wood. Th e folk sleep in cubicles that are quire large
are long with daylight averaging only three or four hours. and blocked off from rhe main area of the hall by hanging
animal skins. Always kept warm. the longhouseis the center of
Typi cal Fore s t E nco unt ers
a social unit that is quire cosy - if one is accepted into BrikIing
Storm of the End Time society. (And if not. there is usually plenty of room in the Slave
A terrible and unrelenting storm has set in. Local wise Quarters.)
women fear the wrath of the Horned Bear. Human sacri-
fices are sought. Shrine
A small shrine ro the H orned Bear exists in all Brikling long-
Feud houses. T hese have a clay pot burning with herbs before a
A blood feud rages between families. Strangers are seen as rendition of the Bear. In lonelystark spors between steadings, a
imported warriors brought in by the opposition. larger version of these shrines may be found. Locals make
pilgrimages ro them ro refill their herbs, light them and sacri-
The Iceland. fice an animal- usually a pig. Sometimes this is done at regular
A massive expanse of snow and ice, the Icelands of the Ice feast days. but it is more often confined to phases of the moon,
Wilderness are home to only the most hardy of cream res. or times when disaster seems to threaten the community and
Walrus and some seal exist on the coast, as do some bird life, the blessing of the H orn ed Bear is deemed necessary.
such as penguins, but ice bears dominate. The few Briklings Slave Q ua rters
who wander hereare lunatic outcasts from the tribes. The land T he slam of the Briklings are moscly hapless barbarian
has been known ro shift at the whims of Chaos. which causes wanderers. Legends tell of southerners, even Nhadragh, being
greater alteration of landforms than any natural thawing or made captive. but they are probably exaggerated. Rarely do
seasonal change. This hardly matters, since occupants are so slaves come from within the Brikling communityitself if they
few and since the landscape is monotonous in any case, covered do. it is usually for a fixed term to pay off a debt or rome.
in ice. snow and cold. Sometimes hunting parties venture herr Briklings are not as brutal to their slaves as other barbarian
from the forests, for the pelt and meat of the bear are prized Mabden. They may be stern and require much hard work, but
and furnish the sacred ceremonial gear for the worship of the eventually a slave becomes part of the household and is often
Horned Bear. Bur such parties are rare and comprised of the rewarded with freedom after long service. In the summer slaves
stoutest, bravest warriors, bound to their quest. sleep in pens isolated from the family. but in the winter. for the
sake of survival, they too come into the longhouse. The pens
Typical Icelands Encounter. are small, and constructed of mud and wood, not much better
e lmo. Flow, than a cowshed. Like the longhouse, skins and furs of herd
T he whims of Chaos rearrange the land. A great ice sea beasts and forest animals serve as bedding. The slaves are nor
springs up and the Briklings rush ro make use of its bounty confined, and their freedom is not otherw ise curtailed. Escape
before it closes again. is death. either by the unfamiliar elements or at the hands of
Thaw kin who hunt down the escapee. In the matter of slaves, as in
A sudden thaw threatens an early breakup of the ice. Fish- all things, the harshness of the Brikling land demands pragma-
ermen and their companions are torn between taking tism: captives who are useful arc enslaved. Othersare sacrificed
advantage of the extra bounty and the dangerous condi- to the Horned Bear.
tions of shifting ice and hungry ice bears. Tomb,
The Hunt T he Briklings construct tombs for their dead. The dead are
A Chaos Creature. one of the Army of the H orned Bear. buried in family groups, mirroring the way a family shelters
has wandered into the Ice Wilderness after devouring irs rogerher in life in the steading. Th e tombs are shallow and
summoner and her kin. A hunting party journeys ro pla- consrrucred of stone, with a large stone cover. Three strong
cate it. or drive it off. people might lift the covet-stone, though anyone other than

the immediate family would rake such an action as an insult. settlements are found less ofte n, as the capital of Arke absorbs
The dead arc sometime s buried with possessions, and some of mo st of the nearby popul ation .
rhese are quite valuable ( perhaps even magical in the case of
possessions of BrikIing heroes). But grave-robbery is frowned Typical Hills Encounters
upon, attracti~g swif~ punishment. V isitors should embark Mig ration
upon it at their own At the tombs arc large stone,s whose A herd of wild beasts. kin to <he tiding animals of the
script bears the stones of the heroes of the family thus Ragha-da-Kheta, sweep across the arid landscape. They
entombed. Such a family tomb is situated close to the steading. attack if provoked, but prefer to flee. For their statistics. see
page 120, in the Inhabitants chapter.
Hunting Party
A party of Ragha-da-Khera hunting a herd of <he roaming
KHOOLOCRAH beasts mention ed above. In search o f additional mounts,
they view o utsiders as an unfavorable omen, perhaps even
THE LAND OF KHOOLOCRAH is hot and hilly, bordered by abandoning their hunt. If encountered at night, they may
coasts of black, high cliffs. It is partially protected from <he tty to drive off the party or kill them. both stealthily.
Mabden lands by the Thousand League Reef, which few can Sandstorm
cross. Khoolocrah is home to many strange beasts not found in A dust-storm has blown up, lancing in from the desert. All
the lands of the south. travellers must seek shelter. Locals erect tents made of hide,
but are wary o f sharing their refuge
The Raglta-da-Kheta with strangers.
The people of Khoolocrah are the Ragha-
da-Khera. Th ey live in cities and villages,
A pilgrimage of mad cultists, follow-
their buildings are dome studded, flanked
ers of a deranged version of the fatal-
by minarets and covered in glorious mosa-
istic beliefs of the general populace
ics. Enthroned in rhe capital of Arke. their
has come down out of the hills. They
King Temgol-Lep embodies all the best
and worst tra its of his subjects. T he
seek a place <hey believe is favored of
Arioch, a landfotm of peculiar shape
Ragha-da-Khera are a strange. cowardly.
or rare variety. Their fatalism predis-
fatalistic people - archetypical victims of
poses them to interpret everything as
the two-dimensionality common [0 most
an omen, including chance meetings
allegorical figures. T hey are not Mabden
with adventurers. T he omen may be
and believe rightly that Arioch means [Q
good or bad, the pilgrims may react
slay <he non-Mabden races. They are
resigned to their demise, yet combine this
amicably or with hostility, depending
on the gamemasters whim and the
with fear and cowandice. T hey worship
adventurers' Luck.
Arioch in <he vague hope of forestalling
<heir fate, a hope <hey can barely bring Assassin's Burial Ground
themselves to ente rtain. The people wear The adventurers stumble on the secret
clothes sown with a multitude of feathers. underground burial ground of a soci-
They carry large bird-claw clubs, unique in ety of assassins. Th e place also holds
all <he Five Planes. T hey speak their own everything the society's victims were
language, relared to Mabden bur sharing carrying hidden among irs labyrin-
certain features with the tongue of the thine chambers. T he society considers
elder races. the possessions of victims of assassi-
nation to be impure. As for the bod-
The Mabden ies, they have been buried, ironically,
It is rumored that a small number of with som e ceremony out of fear of the
Mabden long ago founded an inland city gods. Fanatical guards and cunning,
in Khoolocrah, far away from the coastal dwellings of the deadly traps dot <his necropolis, making it far from easy
Ragha-da-Kheta. Their culture is said to reflect the elder folk pickings.
with whom they are most familiar, just as Lywm-an-Esh
mICrors the Vadhagh.
C ities
T he cities of Khooloccah are its lifeblood. Perhaps because of
The Hills their arid setring, the Ragha-da-Kheca are an urban people. Or
Khooloccah's hills at first appear arid and lifeless, but pockets it may be fear that drives <he Ragha-da-Kheta together to find
of settlements can be found, small rowns occupied by those whatever comfort they can from the withering whims o f the
who prefer not to live in the cities. Towards the coast these Chaos Gods. Th e cities are very old, as are the people,

although they arc properly referred to as cider folk, for they ate Typical KllOolocrah City Encounters
neither as ancient nor as pure as the N hadragh and the
An annual pageant makes irs way down the broader. main
T hough comparatively youthful the Ragha-da-Khera are
streets of the city. A hushed crowd flanks the procession,
still highly cultured. Their arts of mosaic and dome building
fearful of making any noise that might sound like an upris-
are marvelled at even by one such as Corum. Arke. the major
ing. and alarm the servants of me always nervous King.
city of Khoolocrah, is both example and epitome of the city-
builder's craft. Deserted streets
Because of the fear and the resulting ruthlessness of its An ominous warning from me Wise Ones has been cried
inhabitants. the cities of this land can be dangerous to the Outover me city. It might never happen or it rnay be imrni-
natives and lethal £0 strangers. Most strangers - indeed most nenr. The foretelling could be anything from a storm of
events out of the ordinary - are seen as being directed by the dust and ftogs to the arrival of the adventurers. Conse-
hand of Arioch, and thus carry the baggage of some ominous quently the streets are utterly bereft of life. expect for me
meaning known only to the wise ones. odd stray chicken, or mindless beggar, desperate to find
Shopping in the cities of Khoolocrah can net adventurers shelter.
many exoric and ingenious items. This is the one place in the Potentate
World of Five Planes where objects imbued with sotcery can A rich man or woman is travelling with a large entourage,
be boughc fetishes crafted by Ragha-da-Khera sorcerers ftom swanning through market places, snapping up the best of
decal,ing and dead materials. Bur buyers must beware. Ragha- everything. making the adventurers outlandish offers for
da-Khera fetishes have very limited life spans and it is by no any treasures or unusual items they might obviously carr)'.
means unknown for them nOC to function or even to produ ce Or the marvellous entity is incogniro and being hunted by
effects that actually harm their purchasers. a rival family.
Major Cities Fakir
A sorcerer-performer is peddling his act on a street corner.
Arke Most of his act is faker}'but a little reveals genuine magical
Th e Royal capital. See the detailed description. below. knowledge. and of a kind unknown to the adventurers.
Seld Does he know what he knows? Might he be persuaded to
An ancient trading port from the days when the Ragha-da- partwith his secrets?
Khera were a vigorous race. N ow its spires and minarets decay General Alert
and irs embittered folk look enviously south ro the new city of The King believes. yet again. mat assassins have been sent
Elveand its Mabden allies. Some suggest a great war will erupt against him. Th e city guard detains and questions anyone
if Seld can lure enough brave Mabden mercenaries to their unusual. including the adventurers.
cause. Others say that the Pashah of Seld has set killers on the
ruling family of Elve.
Known as the night city. Because of a reading of the Wise The capitol of the Ragha-da-Khera, Arke is a walled desert
Ones no-o ne ventures in the streets by day. since it is now city glimmering with mosaics and minarets. From a distance it
believed this is an afftont to Arioch. At night. of course. all appears shimmering white. but on closer inspection irs build-
manner of crime and vice can flourish. ing surfaces are mosaics constructed out of thousands of
Elve multicolored stones. Nowhere else in the World of the Five
A port city. new and brash. It boasts of irs rivalry wich the Planes is such decoration employed.
older Seld. Th ose few Mabden who are trusted by the Ragha-
da-Khera thrive here. It is said a Mabden named Kroll-a-Khly
1. The (Iate, wall.s and Entrance
Entering the city requires passing the guards at the single tall.
has discovered a way through the Th ousand League Reef and
narrow gate which breaks irs high wall pamrn in geometric
profits tremendously by the trade he alone can bring. It is also
said that he will murder any stranger who claims to have found designs. A set of walls within the gate acts as a maze to
confound attackers sweeping into the city, but trusted visitors
this or anyother way through the reef
(those admitted by Royal decree) are blindfolded and guided
Valde through the maze by city guards. The main road beyond is
A mystery city. The oldest of the cities of this land. now it has broad and lined with trees and leads directly to the Palace.
lost contact with me o the rs. Once known as a center of learn-
ing. it is now only a rumor. The tales tell that the place has 2. The Bastion
degenerated into a cesspool of deranged infidels who slaughtet Thi s walled inner courtyard, the size of three city blocks,
anyone who comes near. Owing to their abject fear of the contains the public riches of the city. Glass statues, mosaic
unknown, no Ragha-da-Kheta has ever tried to test the rumor. walls. golden lampposts. exotic Flora and fauna. pathways of
gems are but a few of its treasures. The area is for the pleasures
of the King and his favoured few. The guards here are fanatics.
and the penalty for trespassing is instant death. As a further
5. Th e Finger of Arioch
T he only minaret in the city. Within its imposing
white rower reside the Wise Ones, srr.mge priests
and priestess who art said [0 communicare wirh
Arioch. and who relate the god's will [ 0 the people
of Khoolocrah.
Wise Ones are chosen from birth. Th ey usually
have an innate power co plane shift and rhus to see
into Arioch's realm in one of the ocher Five Planes.
Wise Ones only give their pronouncemenrs on
designated Holy Days. Fifteen of these exist in [he
annual Khoolocrah calendar. roughly one every
rwenty five days. The pronouncemenrs are always
given in song - a ululatingwail sung from the top of
[he rower by one of the city's Appeasers, None dare
ignore or deny the pronouncemenrs of the Wise
Ones on pain of death, from the King to the most
j • humble beggar.
The Appeasers. who sing and also perforrn the
sacrifices ro Arioch, live separately from the Wise
Ones and are invariably men. Despite their religious
significance they are considered essentially impure.
Since they are already damned. they can perform[he
deterrent traps are laid throughout the area, both mundane and blasphemy of giving public utterance to the thoughts of
magical in nature. The centerpiece of the Bastion is a golden Arioch. and undergo the impurity of slaughtering humans and
mosque. Unused for anything bur the funerals of Kings. it is animals for the sacrifices necessary [0 appease the Lords of
filled with jewels and treasures of all kinds - and the most Chaos. Th e Wise Ones wear only black. the Appeasers only
deadly traps of all. red. The Appeasers also have ritual tattoos, often patterns of
dots, on their skin. Appeasers are the last born sons of last
3. Merchants and Mabdcn
born sons of the poor. Only from this rank are they chosen.
The merchant quartet is filled with fixed shops and transient
stalls. The din of yelling, haggling and barteeing always drowns 6. The Garden of Stone
out even the cry of beasts in their pens. The stink o f animals. A mosaic garden whose pathways tell [he story of the Ragha-
rare perfumes and scented o ils, and exotic food s can over- da-Kheta and the fall of the Lords of Law and rise of the
whelm all but the most hardened shoppers. Unluckily for the Sword Rulers of Chaos. All of the trees and plants are replicas
Mabden of the city the residential area allotted ro them backs in white marble of now long-dead flora from the days when
onto this merchant quarter. A circuitous, drab hodge-podge of Khoolocrah was a fertile garden SpoL
buildings. with apartments crowded upon each o ther, the
Mabden area is both tiny - less than a block - and poor. No
7. The Oasis of King.
Th e Palace itself, which stands in the centre of the city. The
Mabden is allowed to reside elsewhere. and specially desig-
walls of [he palace are decorated with mosaics of predomi-
nated guards patrol the area constantly. Th e Mabden of
nantly blue. white and gold. Th e craftsmanship of the palace is
Khoolocrah are usually outcasts from their own people and
sufficiently fine [0 earn the begrudging admiration of a refined
generally pitiable. Anyone roo brash is perceived as a threat and
Vadhagh like Prince Corum. King Temgol-Lep rules here.
almost always ends up dead.
comporting himself in a massive high headdress of peacock
4. Residential feathers. a brightly-feathered cloak and a kilr of gold. He sits
The residential sector is for local inhabitants only. The streets under an awning in the top of [he palace, in a courtyard.
are allnamed poetically and not always accurately, though they complete with fountain, reached by an enclosed walk. H is
oftrn contain a descriptive: The Street of the Fifey Olive Trees throne is of gold, decorated with a design in rubies.T hree key
(where there seem to be only three) or The Avenue of the flagstones in the courtyard open on dungeons beneath the
Blmd Leper are examples.The living quarters range from pala- Palace where those whom the king sees as threats are kepr, T he
tial residences with fountains. gardens and mosaic walls to flagstone rrapdoors are activated by a lever in the doorway
smallee. more modest houses. to crumbling brick buildings beyond the throne.
J~.ed with many apartments on multiple stories. The rich Th e rest of the Palace is given over to servants, warriors and
bu.Idmgs are placed on the city's hills. the poOt quarters lower hangers-on. The King's quartees lie behind the courtyard and
down. Th is is because the richer places catch the breezes and he rarely leaves them. foe fear of his enemies or simply of the
thus the stink of the mort crowded quarters is carried away. wrath of Arioch.
LYWM-AN-EsH T he duchy of Bedwilral-nan-Rywm is one of the most beaur],
ful realms of the land. Its capital Llarak-an-Fol is not walled.
and irs houses are of stone and timber, brightly painted. Duke
A LUSH AND TEMPERATE LAND, Lywm-an-Esh for the mosr
Gwelhen of Bedwilral is ruler here. The Duke's m en are knOWn
parr boasts a climate as civilized as its people. The fields and
by their blue livery, in contrast to the brown and purple worn
vales are bedecked with glorious colored flowers, the winters
by the City Guard. Duke Gwelhen himself is somewhat shon
are moderate and much of the land settled into acreage tended
of stature, bur compensates with a commanding nature. The
by Mabden farmers. To the south lie high mountains. from land also boasts a gorgeous plain of blossoms thatgreets visi-
which runs the RiverOgyn. traversing much of the country on tors from the east.
its way to the sea. Th e architecture of the land varies from the
thatched-roof houses of the Mabden villages to beautiful cities Gal-a-Gorow
with few walls and broad, sweeping avenues. T he continent A small county bur one which makes up for its lack of size in
itself is gradually sinking beneath the waves. a slow process intrigue. Count Davvys, his sister Lady Elinyor and their
whereby the coast line is slowly eroding as the oceans over- respective families are some of Lywm-an-Esh's most cunning
whelm it. Many of the more ignorant Mabden view the land plotters. The Count spends a great amount of money sending
with some suspicion because of this. In Corum's future he ships to gather information from all parts of the world. No
finds Lywm-an-Esh has sunk to a small island. the waters tidbit is so small that he is unable to turn it to a political
finally taking their toll. advantage at some futurejuncture. Gal-a-Gerow is on the east-
ern coast, and occasionally suffers raids from the Mabden
The Mabden barbarians of the north. though less ofren than Gal's neighbor.
Th e people of Lywm-an-Esh answer ro a group of Dukes. Aruth-a-Col. Th e main settlement of Gal-a-Gorow is Jalyg-
Counts and Earls who serve the King. Th e society holds to the nan-Hyk, a small walled city famous for its fine steel swords
same feudal pattern s as o ther "civiliz ed" Mabden communities and the foppery of its nobles, all pitifully vying for the favor of
on this plane and the nobility inspire grear loyalty among their the conniving Count.
soldiers and citizens. The culture of Lywrn-an-Esh is a some-
times uneasy mix of Vadhagh and perhaps (who knows?) Haun-a-Gwyragh
Nhadragh sophistication with Mabden superstition. Th e land A d ose neighbor of Ornyn-nan-Calwyn, this county is unlike
itself is broken into a number of Counties or Duchies under the other duchies and counties of Lywm-an-Esh in showing a
the King. The people are unused [0 the arts of war, even those strong bias towards Chaos. Its ruler. Count Alidak fmds the
who pursue it under me aegis of their Chaos gods. strictures of Law stifling and is known as something of an
Th e lords of Chaos and Law are both worshipped here by adventurer, lover, and poet. His current companion is a power-
various sections of me community, though the nobility rend ful Priestess of Chaos, Winaa-nan-Haun. Th e county is
perhaps most famous for the Mad Peers of Urleh, a group of
towards Law. Chaos is represented by Urleh, vassal god of
bards who sing rather than speak, and have a sinister reputa-
Arioch and Law by Ilah. vassal god of Arkyn. Th ese two exist
tion as an order of murderers hiding beneath their comic
side by side in an atmosphere of fierce but friendly rivalry. A
special place is reserved in the hearts of Lywm-an-Esh's people
for the artists, singers and players for whom the land is Kernow-a-Laun
famous. Th is duchy stretches between the lands of the southern moun-
Th e people represent the finest flowering of Mabden life, tains and Lywm-an-Eshs capital Halwyg. Th e River Ogyn,
combining the learning and artistry of the elder races with the Lywm-an-Esh's major rivet, flows through this duchy and its
energy and forthrightness of short-lived Mabden. neighbors Palantytn and Haun. Its ruler, Duke Yogin, is
perhaps the best loved of Lywm-an-Esh's rulers after the King
himself A gentle man, he likes to think of himselfas an adher-
The Duchies of Lywm-an-Esh ent of science and logic. Despite tolerating, even encouraging,
Each of the duchies and counties of Lywm-an-Esh are the Church of Chaos within his borders he still sponsors
described below. Th e map on page 35 uses dotted lines to Scientific Contests. Advances in the arts of Contrivance are
show the borders between these political areas. rewarded with a castle workshop. a steady supply of crystals
(an average of 12 annually), apprentices. and helpers, as wellas
Aruth-a-Cal a small stipend from his court. Th e competition, understand-
A county on the eastern coast, often the victim of pirate insur- ably, is fierce. Last year's winner incinerated herself in her
gence from Bro-an-Mabden. Its major city is Dowish-an-Wod tower workshop after requesting that it be rebuilt: some have
ruled by Count Wydlin-nan-Aruth, a hardy warrior who suggesred that the hand of Chaos played a part. though the
suffers few fools or interlopers in his city. Of all Lywm-an- trusting Duke will hear none of it.
Esh's cities Dowish is perhaps closest in spirit to a barbarian
[Own. The city watch are constantly on the alert: for barbarian Moidel's Mount
spies, sent by their masters to report when the county's coffers T hough hard off the coast of Bro-an-Vadhagh. separated by a
andsilos are at their fullest. mere causeway, Maidel's Mount is in fact an outcrop of

b"m-an-Esh. The land between it and irs mainland has now Perngarde's ruler is Count Perno a wizened and scholarly man
~k beneath the sea. Hardly large enough to be called a who prefers to leave governing to his two sons, Allonyve and
~Duchy". the Margra\'ate is a grassy projection of mountain Annyne. who are altogether more aggressive and warl ike in
upon which sirs a slender stone castle, home of the Margrave theiroutlook.
of AJlomglyl and his wife Rhalina. Beneath the island ate great
SC.1 caves where giant bars live. tamed by the Margrave's men to Typical Lywm-an-Esh E n co u n t er s
serve as mounts in battle. The neighboring Pony Tribes of the A Contest
Forest of Laahr fear this island, and rhus the Margrave holds Priests of Uah and Urich have met in a public rest of their
would-be enemies of his sinking kingdom at bay. respective Temple's abilities. The entire affair has the
aspect of a religious carnival and att racts citizens and mer-
O rnyn-nan-Calwyn chan" from nearand far.
This duchy is in the high and rugged country of rhe Southern
mountains, though it is nor so precipitous as irs immediate A Recital
nrighboring duchies, and certainly mild compared to Bro-an- Poets from many coun ties have gathered to present the best
Vadhagh. Recrndy the seaside rowns have had ro be rebuilr of their works to the populace. Though the poets are
upon the coastline's rocky cliffs, the tide has been steadily somewhat condescending and more interested in scoring
rising and never rcrrcanng qUIte as far as It should. Whether points with their elite patrons than creating enduring
the process of the continent vanishing beneath the waves is works of art, the recital is well attended and politely
accelerated in this location, or this is some bizarre manifesta- regarded. The event might be disrupted by the unruly
tion of Chaos, none know. Th e rising waters are nor enough to
poets of Urleh.
imperil the towns in the near future. bur certainly sufficient [Q A Perlonnance
s'o\o'alIlP the lower neighborhoods within a few decades. Now A group of travelling players are presenting "The Fall of
only transients live in me lower [Owns, and moneyed landown- Shalod" about the triumph of Xiombargand the fall of the
ers are happy to have them for the rent they will pay on Lord of Law, Shalod. The play is performed as either com-
otherwise doomed land. The ruler of the duchy, DukeEden-a- edy or tragedy, depending upon the audience. (Before
Lowwen is rumored to be suffering from a similar decline: an mixed audiences things get pretty strange.)
incurable disease is slowly robbing him of his faculties and A WedJi ng
eroding his looks. His predatory twin sons, Evyn and Elden T he son or daughter of the local duke or counr is gerring
practice stricken expressions, mimicking concern for their fast- married with much pomp and splendor. All visitors to the
dwindling sire. land receive flowers to wear upon their breasts and free
lodgings for the three days of wedding celebration. Those
I'alan tyrn-a n- Ken a k not wearing flowers are said to be insulting the wedding
This western duchy is the cocnrrys largest, extending from parry.
Enyn-an-Aldarn in me north to beyond the southern moun-
rains. Its natives are more insularthan others in Lywrn-an-Esh. An Intrigue
Its ruler is Grand Duchess Myllu who maintains the duchy Tension exists between a town's city guard. and its duke's
until her son, the young Duke Abnos comes of age. For most men. The adventurers are approached by an emissary of
of the year guards stringendy patrol the borders checking on one of the factions to spy on or act against the other. A
strangers, for the Duchess suspects the plotting of family large sum of money is offered.
members. Forbidden by tradition from raising a hand against A Slou,h
the young Duke themselves, she fears they might import A local war has developed over some stretch of land
foreign assassins to harm him. The duchy opens its borders between counties or duchies and the peacemakers, even the
willingly to outsiders once each year for the occasion of the Royal ones, have failed. Raiding and violence erupts with
Spring Blessing, when both Law and Chaos compete with each side claiming hisrorical and moral justification.
spectacular ceremonies and parades to bless me crops of the
coming spring, Law and Chaos encourage any and all to join
the ranks of their orders.
Near the shores of the beautiful Lake of Calenyn lies Lywm-
an-Esh's most ancient city Enyn-an-Aldarn, capital of Pem-
garde. The library of Enyn-an-Aldarn contains a vast store of
knowledge concerning the early history of the Mabden of
lywm-an-Esh and many tomes of Vadhagh and Nhadragh
lore, though most of it is unrranslared from High Speech.

Halwyg-nan-Vake carriages ply [heir way along <he streets. Like much in HaI\\}'g
they are more for show than they are for use, often ado rned
The City of Flowers with fantastic shapes and artwork or decked in flowers.
Carriage fare is expensive and unlikely to be used by locals in
Halwyg is the capital of Lywm-an-Esh and lies at irs center. their day [0 day business. unless deliberate ostentation is
T he ciry is reached by four major [horoughfares called Grear required ,
Ways. broad whitt roads that radiate far (0 the north. south,
east and wesco Halwyg is a walled ciry, but irs blockades and 4. Hcrcantile NcighborllOod
bastions are moredecorative than fimcrional. Corum finds it a This is [he busding commercial heart of Halwyg, all manner
poor retreat during a siege. Halwyg is an old cicy of soaring of business is conducted here. In the course of a single thor-
spires and pale stone. Its rulerduring Corum's time will be old oughfare one can find offices of [he grand houses of finance,
King Onald-an-Gyss. On <he king's death his young son, artisans o ffering quality products as diverse as poetry and char-
Onald. succeeds. iors. as well as the more mundane likes of smiths and
washermen. The mercantile neighborhood never
rruly closes: <hose tradespeople who do close up arc
replaced by ochers who only open at nigh[, like
innkeepers and hoteliers. Visitors will find prices
are slighdy more expensive in Halwyg than else-
where, bur rhe quality of the work is generally
worth the extra cost.
5. Lower Residential
This residential neighborhood is for [he poorer
citizens of Halwyg, a1<hough poor here is a relative
rerm: Halwyg has lirtle in [he way of an underclass.
Despite the city's reputation for gende whimsy. this
disrricr is srricdy policed by <he ciry guard, and
those without sufficient means are quickly evicted.
Like all Mabden lands, Lywm-an-Esh has a crimi-
nal class, but [he Ciry of Flowers is home co
relatively few lawbreakers. The rare exception are
me LOI'e Thieves, who make <heir living by black-
mailing indiscrete members of the ruling families
caught in unwise liaisons.
6. High Temple of Law
The Lower Residential section houses <he High
Temple of Law, a plain, one-scorey building with-
out ostentation, prominently displaying over its
portal [he single srraigh[ arrow of Law. T his is [he
1. Gate most important temple of Law on the World of <he Five
Some half a mile from Halwyg all four main roads meet. An Planes.
equallybroad thoroughfare leads frorn here [ 0 <he main gace of
Halwyg-nan-Yake. The gace is unguarded and irs doors stand 7. Upper R",,;dential
open. Around [he walls are depictions of mythical beasts bril- The residential section for [he ciry's dice, Halwyg's nobility
liandy worked in SCone. and wealthier merchants live here. Grand carriages ply [he
streets of this district. delivering merchant princes into the
2. walls Mercantile Neighborhood foe me day and rerurning <hem in
The walls of Halwyg arc low. Guards parade [hem, bur <his is <he evening.
mosdy for show. The watch mainlyfocus on what is happening
within [he city, in case drunkards or criminals should be ar 8. Palace
large, rather <han worrying abour threats from without. Th e From a distance the palace appears to be a castle of flowers.
City Guard can, however. muster over 200 men at a pinch. Flowers, plants and vines cover every surface, from its paths [0
Though civil unresr is virtually unknown, <he coming conjunc- its towers.
cion of the million spheres brings with it an increased tension 9. Gardens
between [he adherents of Chaos and <hose of Law. Beaurifid gardens screech either side of [he palace. They ace
3. Avenue substantial in size and each section takes the better part of a
A broad avenue cues through <he ciry from <he gare [0 <he day [0 walk through at a leisurely pace. To properly examine
palace. The o ry is simple in drsign, and from <his central <he wealth of flora and fauna on offer here would cake at leasr
avenue all of irs disrricts may be easily reached. Horse drawn a week. The gardens include a zoological section, as well as
many £rte-roaming birds and animals. In the west ern sector lies nenr may hold other elder races, or elder folk, as well as losr
the Maze of Hearts, a gigamic labyrimh consrrucred in [he tribes of M abden . whose cultures may be different from those
shape of a heart, ":ith ~horns and roses . intertwined. It, is a of the known world, but who bear sufficienr similarities for
f<1\'oo te place of assrgnanon for lovers. It IS popul arly believed them to be considered kin. Thus even if th e history of Corum
that lovers who enter from differem gates of the maze and find is followed and some races are destroyed or degenerate, the
each other within will know true love and happ iness: those adventurers may find strangers here who can cont inue to make
who find another exir before [hey find their beloved arc a doomed race a viable player choice, without sacrificing the
doomed ro rragedy, integrity of the world environment.
F urtllcr Lands
Moorcock has nor included in the World of the Five Planes
SVI-AN-F ANLA-BROOL many of th e cultures and races which go to make the generous
diversity of our own time. Gamemasters who wish to send
adventurers to lands which reflect Asian, African. Islamic or
ROUGHLY lRA NSIXITD as The H ome of [he Gorged God, any other culture nor paralleled in Corum. may populate The
this small island will one day be the home of a grear sorcerer, Land of the Distant Sea with just such areas.
Shool-an-Jyvan, whose power will come direcrly from Arioch
himself. For the time being, however, there is no one here.
An empty castle. fully apportioned. and a garden where [he
The Thousand League Reef
planes are alive and first caress, then devour, their victims, can T HIS MASSIVE REEF acts as a natural barrier between the lands
be found nested near the [Op of the island's central , once volca- of the Mabden and the Chaos dominated lands of the north,
nic. peak. This mighr provide a comfortabl e place ro sr.ay and realms of ice and fire and worse. Some experienced sailors
make one's home, if the landlord's name weren't Arioch. know ways through the reef. but th ey number few. There is
something unreal and unnatural about me reef, which is often
tinged with a pink mist and is sometimes the wandering place
of The Wad ing God.
T HE CHANGING LAND, as ir is also known, suppo rts no life.
I[ constantly shifts wirh rhc whims of Chaos and its master ETERNAL TANELORN exists on Corum's plane. as ir does on
Arioch. Sometimes an inland sea with a crus t of coast, other all planes, in one form or anoth er. On this plane however, irs
moments solid land. this weird and warped place is but a him location is a great secret. Later. in the furure of the world,
of what those planes dominated wholly by Chaos arc like. Tanelorn takes the form of strange standing stones in Bro-an-
Vadhagh, but in the Five Planes of Corum it is a gianr blue
metropo lis. Silent and almost sinister, the Blue City is of so
many differing hues of blue as to seem wholly new colors. The
OTHER MYSTERIOUS beauty of Tandorn is breathraking and its peace eternal, The
god KwH resides here as a statue, unable to leave or to act until
LANDS its missing hand is return ed. T hough the city appears empty,
that is simply because ofTanelorn's isolation. Locating Tane-
lorn for Co rum adventurers would require a great quest, since
The Land of the Distant Sea Corum himself had to visit many planes before finally locating
the still blue city. Gamernasrers may place Tanelom wherever
FAR TO TH E WEST. beyond the known lands, lies The Land they wish, provided it is inaccessible and remote. It could be in
of the Disrant Sea. For rhe purposes of this supple ment game- the Land of the Distant Sea, on a strange uncharted island. or
masters may consider the lands whatever they require, and they even reachable via ocher planes of the mulriverse alone - as
arc rhus left blank on [he map. Corum finds others of his own Corum had to fmd ir - and nor physically accessible from rhis
race, the Vadhagh, in far off lands, so it is suggested this conri- plane.

Including some prioileged glim pses 0/ti,e gods 0/tI,e Fioe Planes

t'Y1 ANY OF THE GODS of me Five Planes will be

familiar [0 denizens of m eYoung Kingdoms.
yet. even with those gods whose names chime
notes of recognition. there are differences here.
A discussion of gods, their spheres and cults follows. For
information on Alltgianct, Sf' Allegiance (on page 19, in the
Ad",n'ur"., chapter), and Allegiance Rewards (on page 112, in
silver. Regardless of his fonn he wields a jet black sword carved
with peculiar designs, a sword which could be me brother to
Stormbringet itself. Arioch has defeated and banished Arkyn
from these planes, and may be destined to be slain by Corum
u rleh
A vassal god of Arioch, Urleh is worshipprd by those people
the Running Caw chapter).
of Lywm-an-Esh who follow the ways of Chaos. Urleh is
depicted as a Sword Bearer - a squire in the service CO his
master, the Knight of the Swords.
Cr~=====::::;;;:=======:::;l Urleh reflects the benign, and
perhaps more useful. side of
T HE GODS Chaos, and his priests in Lywm-
an-Esh often aid the communi-
CORUM'S WORill is one of five ties they serve. Yet he is still
planes whose fate and destiny are a Chaos god, and thus
interlinked since they are ruled by frequently encourages both
the same god. Beyond th ese five violence and destruction.
planes are rwo further groups of five, The Dog
dominated in their turn by a god per This revolting god mirrors
group. These gods are Th, Sword well the people who serve ir, A, me lordsof Chaos. The !Mils foul god of me eastern barbarians
oj lAw are in the process of being and a vassal of Arioch- this time in
banished from all Fifteen Planes, the form of Arag - The Dog is a
although their influence can srill stinking beast which stan ds upon
sometimes be felt, and their worship its hind legs and feasts on human

l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
occasioned. In addition to these.
there are vassal gods of me more or, .....- ' flesh
its devotees in a harsh.
for its sacrifices. guttural
It speaks to
powerful deities and the Lost Gods, voice. It is indeed a dire and diffi-
two great entities whose power has cult master.
been apparently neutralized.
The Bear, or The HorneJ Bear
Another vassal of Arag, this creature is brother to The Dog
The Pantheon of Chaos and god to the Mabden barbarians. It has the form of a grear
Arioch, Knight of the Swords (also known as Arag) black bear with enormous horns curling out from its head.
Arioch is the Sword Ruler most familiar to those of Corum's Ofren The Dog and The Bear give sorcerous aid to their
followers, in the fonn of hideous creatures patterned aftertheir
plane. Arioch rules this plane and me four planes which inter-
sect with Corum's own. He resides in a great castle upon a own shapes and known collectively as The Army of the Dog
mountain at one edge of me world, reached only mrough the and The Army of the Bear.
Lion's Gate in the Lands of Flame. Barbarians knowArioch as Xiom1arg, Queen Of The Swords
Arag, a huge filmy giant Mabden, acrawl with humans who act In Corum's Fifteen Planes Xiombarg is a beauteous woman
like lice upon his cyclopean hide. To civilized peoples, he is with rich auburn hair, wielding a sword which shines like me
Arioch, his form a man of gteat beauty dressed in black and sun. She governs five planes and is more powerful than her

brother Arioch. Her realm is one of increasing chaos, with of his body refuses Iighr, and though in outline manlike. no
rirers of milk white and a plain of dried blood. Most of her other detail of it is certain. Arkyn is served in this form by the
enemies on those planes have been destroyed. However, th e Brown Man of Laahr and sometimes communicate'S through
Vadhagh of Gwlas-cor-Gwrys , the City in thc Pyramid. remain his temples co his Priests and Seers.
her mortal foes. Corum is eventually responsible for the Later, when Arkyn is restored to power, he takes the form of
desrruecion of Xiombarg when he tempts her onro his own a handsome man. tall and comely. dressed as a noble of Lywm-
plane in defiance of the Balance. and she is slain by irs cosmic an-Esh. He aids Corum in the fight against Chaos in the other
judgement agamsr her. ten planes. but is finally slain by the Lost Gods when they rid
Corum's world entirely of such beings.
Mahelode. TlteFaceless. King Of Tlte Swords
As the mightic" of the Sword Rulers Mabelode dominates a Cor.Ark
realm of utter chaos. Huge lakes of excrement give birth co Cor-Ark. is an aspeer of Lord Arkyn worshiped by the
raging beasts: landforms and animals spring to life only to be Shalafen. and usually depicted as an enormous man made of
obliterated a second later. Even things which may be acciden- swirling water and wcaring the coral lands of the Shalafen as a
tally pleasing - a farm. a landscape. beautiful creatures - are crown.
spawned and wiped away a moment later. Mabelode himself is
a massive humanoid being with long, flowing hair and a face IIalt
with no features at all. Mabelode wields a golden sword from A vassal of Arkyn and the "native" deity of Lywm-an-Esh. Bah
whicha thousand shadows bursts forrh. writhing likesmoke ro is often in competition with his Chaos opposite Urich, He is
dance in the air. Corum incites the Lost Gods. Kwll and depicted as a wise old seer wirh kindly eyes and the robes of a
Rhynn. to slay Mabelcde. Priest of Law. Often he aids his followers with their day-to-day
problems, providing them with the science they require co meet
"[eer, Duke Of Hell theirneeds.
A disgusring vassal of Mabelode. Twice as big and twice as
broad as a man, Teer has huge porcine rusks and a repulsive Sltalod of Law
leer. He lives in a shimmering castle built entirely of blood - Once Shalod was Queen Xiombarg's most powerful opponent.
me blood of men, women, even gods. Teer welcomes all visi- her opposite number. as Arkyn is the opposing deity to
torsand will bargain for their blood. or ar least for thar of their Arioch. Now he has fled her plane. his armies destroyed by
companions. His foul-smelling and revolting castle resides on T he Q ueen of T he Swords. It is nor clear where he may be.
Mabelode's plane. as docs his foul-smelling and revolting nor what powers. if any. he may have now. His lawful worship-
person. pers like King Norcg-Dan. the King Withour A Co untry,
recall him well. He is little known on Corum's plane bur those
who do remember him either as a symbol of the futility of Law
THE SWORD RULERS' PACT (if they follow Chaos) or as a figure full of tragedy. represenr-
ing the sacrificeof Order ro Entropy.
EACH OF THE SWORD RULERS. Arioch, Xiombarg and
Mabelode, have had their hearts removed from
their bodies and stored in places banned to them. The Lost Gods
No god is able to enter a place banned to it. None Kwll and Rhynn are rwo brothers. gods lost in the mists of
of the Sword Rulers can touch their ow n hearts time. They owe allegiance to neither Law nor Chaos nor even
and thus can never replace them in their own
ro the Balance. only to each other. The y are nevertheless bound
In the Corum books. Arioch gives Shool the
by rules of their own choosing. One of these rules was that
Sorcerer sufficient pow er to send mortal wa rriors they never fight each other. On e day rhey forgot this law and
to try to steal his heart. Arioch hopes to have one fell to barding: Rhynn knocked off Kwll's hand. and Kwll
succeed so that he may take his heart back from carved out Rhynn's eye. At this they were punished. each
that wa rrior and thereby gain the power to move to banished co a semi-sentient state until the Eye and Hand are
planes other than his ow n and conquer them. somehow reclaimed by their owners.
Tlte Statue
Kwll has been Iefi to stand in the city of Tanelorn until his lefr
The Lords Of Law hand is given back to him by its bearer's own free will. KwH is a
dazzling greenish being with four arms. four legs. and a block-
Arkyn o f Law like torso. He has a large human headbut no nose, just nostrils
In the period covered by this book. Arkyn has been banished ser inro his head. In this statue form two of his arms arc folded
by Arioch. Yet even in banishment Arkyn retains a nebulous and two lie at his sides. One of the arms at his side is missing
presence and his worship goes on - as does that of his vassal irs hand. H is eyes glittet. resembling clusters of jewels.
god Bah. Arkyn inhabits the Forest of Laahr. where he is
known as the Giant of Laahr and viewed with much supersti- Tlte Wading God
tion. In this form he is twelve feet tall and ten feet broad. He Rhynn became T he Wading God. a creature fared ro wander
hasa dark face, revealing sadness, concern and doom. The rest the Fifteen Planes dragging behind him a giant ner with which


he searches the oceans for his lost eye. However, he canner see and falls in favor of the Lord of Law, slaying Xiombarg for her
the eye whenever it and Kwll's hand are together. transgression. Those who serve the Balance usually do so
unwittingl)" believing themselves faithful to tither Chaos Or
Corum finally releases the Lost Gods nom their bondage by Law, until the truth of the results of their actions arc revealed.
giving KwH back his hand and flinging Rhynn's eye, unaccom-
panied by the Hand at last, out into the seas. The gods "pay
him by slaying his enemies. the hosts of Chaos led by Mabe-
lode, but they also slay Corum's allies, the Lords of Law.
No worship is offered the Lost Gods.Their names and feats
arc legendary, but that is all. Much legend has built around the
Wading God, though none relate him to Rhynn. and all believe THE FIVE PLANES currently ruled b), Arioch are those most
him to be a being who searches for his lost soul. Many an familiar to denizens of Corum's world. itselfreferred to as The
adventurer of Corum's time can relate a tale of being swept up Wotld of the Five Planes, for its symbiosis with the neighbot.
by the Wading God and deposited, unharmed, miles nom ing four.
their destination. KwH and Rhynn act as agents of fortune for Because of Arioch's dominance. or perhaps because that
Corum throughout the Scarlet Prince's quests. Many times he dominance is so recent. the five planes have a closer relation-
is helped by the seemingly random acts of the Wading God, ship than others of the mulriverse. There is a tenuous link
and by the Hand of KwH, which acts of its own volition, often between them. This results in the process of plane shining
saving his life. To any adventurer seeing the Wading God it is a being easier within these five planes than those planes ruled by
portent of great and momentous things. an ominous sighting. Xiombarg, Mabelode. or the spheres of the Mulriverse beyond
a harbinger of triumph or doom. the Fifteen Planes.
Other Vassal Gods of chaos and Law T he Other Planes
No gods other (han these are mentioned in the Chronicles of Moorcoek gives little information about the other fourplanes,
Corum. However, this does not mean that there are no ocher except ro say thac physically they bear a strong resemblance to
gods among the Fifrcen Planes, particularly vassal gods. Corum'shome plane.
On all these planes Chaos and Law are on the same relative
state as in Corum's. Gamemasters may wish to base campaigns
The Cosmic Balance on these planes but they musr remember that each plane
Th e Balance appears as a giant set of scales, weighing one side presupposes a different gaming environment. no matter how
against another in reaching its cosmic decisions. It appears on physically or cosmically similar they all rna)' be.
behalf of Arkyn and Xiombarg during the Battle of Halwyg

The Conjunction Of The Milli on Sph eres great and sweeping change, the reversal of all hitherto taken for
A momentous time is approaching in the realms of Corum. the granted. The Conjunction sees Corum's world bereft of gods.
Conjunction of the Million Spheres. Already signs . of its with the fates of morral beings left suddenly in their own
coming are evident: movmg between the planes by cerratn cnn - hands. Although it is some way off, the coming Conjunction
ties has become more frequent and threats from beyond the lends a cosmic strangeness co adventuring in Corum's world,
wall of the planes ate also abounding. Th e coming Conjunc- where all things may soon be possible, and doom and rriumph
tion. long predicted in Corum's world. is said to stand for walk hand in hand.


WORSHIP OF THE VARIOUS GOD S of the Five Planes is mote commoners' sympathy often lies with Chaosonly because their
or less formalized in mos t o f the cultures which revere them. rulers support Law.
However. members of one religion may well nor be aware that
another culture o ffers tribute to the same deity und er a differ-
TI.e Priesthood
entname, and in a very different manner. Th e priests of Law in Lywm-an-Esh spend much of their time
supporting and aiding the spiritual needs of the communities
which they serve. Priests are usually also seers. and can move
The Worship Of Law into other planes mentally, in order to commune with their
The gradual triumph of Chaos has banished the Lords of Law god lIah. Training for the priesthood of Law is arduous. One
from these planes. As a result, formal and codified worship of must spend at least ten years fasting, wandering and learning.
the gods of Law is largely unheard of in the World of the Five For this reason most priests are more elderly- though better
Planes. There is a church of Law in Lywm-an-Esh, and the trained - than the Priests of their Chaos rival, Urleh.
Shalafen revere Cor-Ark, bur there is little else. The priests wear grey or white robes. plainly made, and
bearing only the straight arrow of Law as adornm ent. Their
The Beleaguered Gods temples ate rriangular in shape and sparsely decorated.
The church of Law in Lywm-an-Esh is essentially the Church Temples of Law exist in most towns of Lwym-an-Esh, and a
of Ilah. vassal god of Lord Arkyn of Law. Through lIah's inter- central H igh Temple stands in Hahoyg-nan-Vake.
vention Arkyn is worshipped. but for the time being has been
banished to the Forest of Laahr (see page 44 in the Gtogmphia The Law of the Sea
chapter) and cannot be Summoned. T he Shalafen of the Western Ocean are also followers of Law.
Much of the nature of the church in Lywrn-an-Esh derives Their formal practices are less "civilized" but their belief is
from the narure of the counrry itself Reasoned and civilized, more immediate and intense than is the norm in Lywm-an-
its people worship Law in precisely the same way. They toler- Esh. Th ey worship Law in the form of Cor-Ark, an aspect of
ate the activities of the church of Chaos - indeed, healthy the Law god, Arkyn. The Shalafen do not have organized
competition for the spiritual leadership of communities exists devotional services, but do have shrines within their castles
between these two groups - and only frown upon adherents of dedicated to the god. The head of the household usually serves
as a kind of priest, and there is in addition a small sect of the
Chaos when they come in the shape of Mabden barbarians
from the north and east. religion whose followers undertake the ceremonies and rites of
passage usually found in traditional societies (birth, initiation,
The Church of lIah is one of knowledge, sagacity and
marriage. death, casting out, etc.) as well as the practice of
aesthetics. It has none of the warlike aspects many other Law Elemental Tarrooing (see page 101 in the Contriving chapter).
worshippers adopt. It is ill equipped to stand against the more T he Shalafen are the target of attacks by Urleh of Chaos,
brutal ravages of Chaos. ~houg ~ so far they have managed to survive against such
. The Church also lacks a cohesive plan. It appears to react to mcursrons.
Situations rather than initiate them, something that drives
more aggressive initiates into the arms of Chaos. The Un1elievers
Ilah's Church and its priests are heavily patronized by the While the Vadhagh follow precepts of Law and are instinc-
rulmg nobles of Lywm-an-Esh, including the King's house tively sympathetic to the cause of Law upon the World of the
Itself. The Church of Chaos makes capital of this, agitating the Five Planes, they arc rationalists and do not subscribe to any
poorer members of society and promoting class bias. The religion. Th ey believe that gods are a Mabden creation and the
product of superstitio n and warped sclen~e. In this .sense they
are the ultimate children of Law. eschewing devotion to any
go ds inme cause o f supreme rationality. . .
It is said by some Vadhagh that the world rs fast becommg
" 3 Mabd en dream" and they arc trapped within it. H ow true
this is willbecome clearer after the genocide of the Vadhagh by
the Denledhyssi and the beginning of Prince Corum's saga.
Alas. for the Nhadragh it is already too late. With their culture
destroyed. they no longer know what to believe.

The Worship Of Chaos

Chaos. in its many forms, is worshipped in many ways across
the Five Planes. While the same gods are honored. the style of
the offerings and rituals varies widely.
Temples [0 Chaos dot the countryside of all lands in which
it is worshipped, though in the civilized countries they arc
exquisite works of architectural an, while in barbarian lands
they are hovels wi th fearsom e d ecorations and ghastly services.
Chaos Exquisite
The Church of UrIeh in Lywrn-an-Esh represents everything
that is positive and artistic in Chaos. A vital part of the
community. Chaos in Lywm-an-Esh fills a gap often felt by
citizens dealing with the more aloof priests of Ilah of Law.
The Church sometimes sponsors political agitation and is
more grounded in the daily reality of life than is Law. Its
Priests enjoy fomenring the local populace fot one reason Ot
another and delight in scoring points off Law. making its
causes look weak or hopeless and irs practitioners foolish.
The Church of Urleh recognizes Arioch asthe Knight of the
Swords and Lord of Chaos upon theit plane. but distances
itself from the practices of barbarian Chaos-worshippers. It
believes that Chaos and Law should actively strive against each
other but not in open hostility. for it is also a great believer in
the aesthetics of Chaos. and thus prefers subtlety and finer)' [0
coarse brutality.
Urleh often appears to the priests of Chaos and makes his
whims known. At times it is difficult for the priesthood to
justify irs pacifistic posturing. as Urleh's. and by extension
Arioch's. demands run contrary to this, and must be fulfilled.
their worshippers. The cult is dedicated to the task of wiping
This disparity between policyand action is one of the reasons
out every non-Mabden race upon the earth. Currently the
the nobles distrust Chaos.preferring the certainty of Law.
barbarians are fearful of the Vadhagh. but soon their courage
C h aos Bar baric will be bolstered. and bloodwill flow across the land.
While the Church of Lywm-an-Esh presents Chaos at its most Members of the warrior elite who worship Arag's vassal
benign. its worshippers among the barbarian Mabdenshow the gods can summon them through use of sorcery and much
ugly. twisted side of Chaotic nature. Arag (a brutish aspeer of human sacrifice. Cult members who follow the Dog are called
Arioch). the Dog and the Bear are foul and pestilent gods who Brothers of the Dog. while adherents to the Bear style them-
demand rites of utter depravity, something their rancid devo- selves Sons of the Horned Bear. No women worship either of
tees are only too happy to perform. these gods. preferring Arag.
These rites rake less the form of ritual worship and more a
T hose Doomed to D ie
kind of placating and wheedling on the part of the barbarians.
T he Ragha-de-Khera. the elder folk of Khoolocrah, are the
as they try to convince their gods to aid them in some way or
only eldergroup who do not worship or follow Law. Cowardly
people that they are. they have sunk to the worship of Chaos
Members of the cult of Arag are always barbarians. Arag is
and hope to placate Arioch in his hatred of them. at the same
widely worshipped. while the Dog and the Bear are exclusively
time as they are resigned ro the fact they will all be slain. This
deities of the murderous killers under King Lyr-a-Erode. The
kind of craven fatalism is unique to the Ragha-da-Khera.
gods of the barbarians instill fear and hatred of others into

The Church of Chaos in Khoolocrah is dedicated to fawn- their murders as th e will of Arioch. The)' are among the
ing over Arioch. Ragha-da-.Kheta are rarely contacted by mosr deadly killers in Corum's world.
Arioch, and no vassal god exists to serve the land. Thus the)'
must always second-guess the whims of their master. This
sometimes leads (0 hilarious as well as tragic contradictions on Non Cult Gods
the part of those conn ected with th e church. The Lost God s, Kwll and R hynn, do not have funerioning
Cults on the Five Planes. It appears that Xiombarg and Mabe-
Priests of Chaos lod e are also unknown here.
Priests art often sorcerers, but this is not mandato ry. In
barbarian lands the preference is [ 0 use an expendable sorrer-
I n vokin g Deities
oUS go-between, and latd)' the N hadragh have seemed In the world of Con,m, the Lords of Chaos and Law are
especiall)' well-suited to the task. Invoked using the same chances as in Stcrmbrin,grr. 1% for those
• Priests of Chaos in Lywm-an-Esh dress in outlandish fin- with allegiance, or POW x 3% for agents. The procedures
try. especially on state o ccasions, often trying ( 0 outdo and outcomes. ~re precisely the same - except that there is
each other in the extravagance of their robes. For day-to- always an additional chance (determined b)' the gamemasm )
day wear the usual garb is black. with a decorative silver that any deity o f Law is to o weak to respond even to a success-
sword, to show allegiance to the Knight of the Swords, ful Invocation. Ind eed, the best chances for invoking a deity of
and the eight arrows of Chaos radiating from a single hub, Law ar something like its full strength are to be found on
stitched upon the breast of the garment, It takes two ),ears planes other than the fifteen most directly conn ected to
of successful stud)' (and two years of la), teaching) to Co rum's world.
attain priesthood . A knowledge of sorcery is certainly
looked on as an advantage.
• Priests of the barbarian lands, Bro-an-Mabden. Bro-nn- BARBARIAN PRIESTS
N hadragh and Bro-an-Vadhagh, are generall), deranged
spit three times whenever l aw is
psychopaths who dress in hideous garb of dr ied entra ils
mentioned, observed, or just believed to be
and sack-cloth. so as to instill as much fear as possible somewhere lurking around.
into their worshippers - fear being one of me few things
all Mabden intuitively und erstand and accept. The)' are ... hop on one leg e ight times before the ir
sometimes sorcerous, though they may hide these prac- warriors enter a battle, trusting that this
tices from their brethren, who have an innate d istrust of pious observance w ill summon good w ill
from the Sword Rule r.
things the)' do not understand. Usually sorcerous barbar-
ian priests like to affect that their magic is the work of the ... wear a tonsure as a mark of their priest-
gods, and nothing to do with them. This threadbare trick hood, the front part of their sca lps being
continues to work because this is what the people truly shavedto the crown.
want to believe. .. .urinate on the threshold of thei r property
and others (if desired) to prevent the
• The priests of Ragha-da-Kheta wear flowing robes of
scourge of law from creeping in
purp les or blacks and speak in whispers, always, so as not unbeknownst.
to offend the gods. Their often futile services generally
last for hours , and man)' have undergone The Ritual of ... weave the knuck le-bones of Law believ-
the Debased Form , to alter their shapes into more servile ers into their stinking beards.
postures. Th is ritual is reserved for senior priests, which it ...are firm believers in alcohol as the tonic
takes five years of stud)' and grovelling to become. Priests of Chaos .
in Khoolocrah regularly train as assassins, rationalizing

in which arc set forth tl", skills ofconjuring: thc

. arts of Summoning and Sorcery and the
cunning of Contriving and Science .,
A discourse on e; basic principl"s und"rlying tl,,, wond"rs ofLaw and Chaos

t HE MAGIC OF 1HE FiVE PUINES is in sharp contrast srand against the forces of Chaos. They also seek to duplicate
to that of the Young Kingdoms. While some of the the innateability of the Vadhagh to see and move among other
effects may be similar. the philosophy behind them is planes. Manipulators of science in the Five Planes are often
quite different. There are no elementals, and demons called seers, asa sign ofa mystical approach to theircraft. The
are rare and usually limited to the Greater breeds. Sorcerers term scientist is used only by those enlightened races who
summon Chaoric Effectsor Chaos Creatures. The seers of Law furthertheirknowledge in this area without recourse to gods.
Contrivt. using techniques of a scientific nature, but strange Perceptions of Nagic
enough to be considered magical bymost. As in the Young Kingdoms, SOtceryis viewed by Mabden with
Plane Of chaos, Plane Of Law pathological superstition, panicu-
Though ArJ.cyn is banished fiom lasly among the barbarians. Some
this plane it must be remembered Mabdcn, however (including King
that Arioch, who rules this and the Lyr-a-Brode's Denledhyssi) have
adjoining four planes. is the weak- overcome suth irrational fears. and
est of the Sword Rulers. Arkyn still nowemploydegenerated Nhadragh
has some influence as long as his sorcerers ro further theirends.
creations. the Nhadragh and the Conversely, many ofthe Vadhagh
Vadhagh. exist upon the earth. who have had little contact with
Thus the balance of this plane is Mabden are so ignoranr of the
the same as the Young Kingdoms, ""rkings of Chaos thar theybelieve
though for very different reasons. sorcery is no more than Mabden
11.e Sorcery Of Chaos . - superstition. They believe that the
Chaos, through the intervention of : '
Arioch and his vassal gods. gives its
devotees fantastic powers through
I' \
'i~'" -'.
,,! , ~
~ \ , ~ )/~
'><;; ij'-

,~ '. I
J.~ ""rkings of the Five Planes can be
,j, :\~ explained through structured scien-
!~~" tific inquiry. Ironically, to the
the ability to cUI magic into being.
Some Giaoric Effects are as simple

~: 0', J
'l ~ ( i\'~n ~- I
I1F(\f . 1,) ) k. ~1\ ignorant Mab?en the ~cien~e of the
tltI ~. ,,\ .if, ' l Vadhagh IS vircual1y mdistmg=h-
as a gust of wind. othersas complex i~· ~~, ~~";j., I i~ ,\ l l . . able fiom the sorcery employed by
as a thunderous storm of acid. All ~~ ~......."- "'-="V~ --_ )~ 'J followers of Chaos.
are"summoned" in much the same way that those moreskilled Nhadrat
The have. of course,
in sorcery cUI upon Chaos Crearures, Demons, or even the had ample contact with the Mabden, an some of their race
Dukes ofHell themselves. have been pressed to pursuesorcerous knowledge. Very few of
A dark penalty is exacted for the constant use of Chaos. the remaining Nhadragh harbor any illusion about the imagi-
Practitioners run a high risk of becoming creatures of Chaos nary nature of Chaos sorcery, and none. it would seem, devore
themselves. shambling mockeries of hwnans. Good sranding themselves to whatever Lawful science their once matchless
with the Lords of Chaos has its price: they are quick to exploit civilization may have pursued in the past.
the servitude of mortals. The Ragha-da-Khera - as an elder race in the Five Planes -
were previouslyaligned to Law. but having desperately adopted
11.e Science Of Law the worship of their would-be destroyer. Arioch, they have
Those surviving peoples who worship Law in the Five Planes wbole-hearredly embraced the practice of sorcery. Sorcery is
do not summon orherwoddly help. but apply a kind of tech- generally employed by Ragha-da-Khera priests to find ways of
nology, so weird as to be practically sorcery when compared to delaying the inevitable demise of their race. There are also
the science of more lawful planes (like our own). They use those in theircities who rruck in Chaotic trinkets.
Conniving to craft wondrous creations [0 aid them in their
TIre metltods and madness ofcall;ng upon Chaos for magical effect

N CORUM'S WORlD, the forces of Quos arc not bound Memory Lllnits
by tradition, as is the case in the Young Kingdoms. H ere a As in Stormbringtr, INT plays a part in limiting che amount of
, sorcerer calling on the forces of Chaos is swnmoning wild magical knowledge a character can keep in mind. Once you run
magics and attempeing to bend them to her will, much as out ofmental space. you need a grimoire.
demons are summoned in Elrics world. Creatures of Chaos, Individual Chaotic Effects occupy 1 INT of mental space.
and even D emons, can be summoned here, but so too can the No one keeps completeSorcerous Melds in mind - char would
raw magical stuff of Quos, the infmitely varied Chaotic Effects be an open invitation to occupatio n by the forces of Chaos. an
that can be woven together by the canny sorcerer into a sin gle unhappy prospect - instead Melds are created by combining
m troltl MAd. those simple Effects the sorcerer keeps
But even as this stvlc of Quos in mind.
sorcery holds the potential to be Chaos Creatures and Demons
more varied and perhaps more each occupy 2 INT per entity ( nol
powerful than its counterpart in breed). It would be highly danger-
the Young Kingdoms, it is also ous, not to mention foolish, to
fraught with a lot more risk. In the maintain the knowledge of too
World of the Five Planes (and many of these powerful entities,
beyond), Quos has a nasty since each one demands a separate
tendency to dig its hooks deep into pact - it is better to trade with one
its servants, warping their flesh and exclusivelv until it dies or becomes
tearing at their so uls. tired of You, then move on
Sorcery in a Chaotic World Readying and Dismissing
In Moorcock's multiverse, Chaos in Cernm sorcery relies upon the
often expressed in randomness and concepts of readying and dismiss-
uncertainty. We have decided that ing magical knowledge from
the Chaotic art of sorcery in Stormbringn-; Chaotic Effects are
Corum's world must surely be shot brought to mind as though they
through and through with those were spells of as many points as the
qualities. If sorcerers always knew most basic kvtl of inlemity (described
exactly what actions wouldproduce their below) required, ..;nch is usually only
desired ends, they wouldbe actingaccording to some peinciple one, and thus takes only a single round. When readying
of law. In the world of Corum that should not happen summonings of Quos Creatures and Demons, allow ten
Sorcery is the practical side of Quos and, sad as it may seem rounds per rank of Quos Creature, and ten minutes for
to some, Quos is whatsorcery is designed to produce. Demons .
Any sorcerer who complains "that's not j = i,!' clearly has
a lot to learn about Quos. Enchanted Items are Rare
The creation of fixed items of great power is generally the
Note: The rules for Resistant Targets, Resistance Table
province of law and their Contrivances. Sorcerous enchant-
Procedures, Magic Point expenditure and recovety, spells cast
ments on items usually run to the temporary and expedient;
on objects, discarded weapons, maximum attack damage, and
for example. a Sorcerous Meld cast on a weapon or mundane
spells cast on persons all conform to the ones in Sto,mbringtr, as
item. Gamemasters may introduce enchantments, as in Stmn-
does the advice for those who do not themselves use magic,
bri,1§' but such magics should be strange. ancient, and rare.
although in Conlin they may congratulate themselves more on
Alternatively, desperate, if foolhardy, adventurers may set such
that decision, if they witness the fate of friends who do.
a thing as the pact price with Demon or Creature (although


such requests may be overruled by the gamemaster). Theserare The Process of Sorcery
itemshave a permanentsingle or melded Chaotic Effect within When using Chaos for magic, a sorcerer sununotJS one or mort
them. Expecta fearsome price. aaotU: Ffftet'. and combines them together into a single S07ltT_
Learning Sorcery A Catalogue of Chaotic Effects is provided later in this
Th e only characters who can learn sorcery are those with a chapter: ir is a register of what Chaos can do for the sorcct<t
POW of 16 or over. Those electing to begin as sorcerers or who knows how to ask. While it is possible to use a single
Priests of Chaos begin with knowledge of 1DB Chaotic Effects
Effect, greater powcr can be evoked when a few Effects are
and/ or Chaos Creature summoning>. at their discretion.
used together. either to provide a novel delivery method for
Th ose who have. or attain. the requisite POW of 16 but do some means of damage. or to enhance the impact by cornbie,
not begin their adventuring life with swnmoning knowledge
ing different typesof Effects into an entirely new "hole.
must seek such knowledge QUe. There are several avenues to
explore when seeking knowledge of Sorcery. any of which Focal Points
might (or might not) help both beginners and more advanced A Sorcerous Meld cannot spring out of mid-air. Summonings
devotees. must be done through focal points. Sorcerous Melds always
.M en to r manifestthrough somesuch focus. The focal point is usually a
Adventurers can learn or expand their sorcerous knowledge Chaos symboL For example, you might have a focal point cut
through the agency of a mentor or master. Barbarian mentors into one of the walls of your room When a thief you do not
tend to be Priests or shamen dedicated to one of the Chaos know enters. you release the Dazzle Attack you have prepared
entities.Civilized mentors might be Priests of Chaos or sorcer- against just such an eventuality - and it flares up brightly over
ers, either wandering o r ensconced in ancient rowers . there on the wall, distracting the thief as it scuffs up her vision.
Remember though the caution about being taught in Storm- Some sorcerers elect to use carefully prepared and stable
br;np - mentors and teachers charge stiff prices and in Corum foci. while others might scratch a symbol in the din before
generally have some hidden motive in raking on a pupil. them. Many sorcerers opt to have Chaotic symbols worked
into their clothingor jewelry, for easy access.
Grimoire Some wily sorcerers like to use Guos symbols worn by
Grimoires contain lists of Chaotic Effects. and Chaos Creature others as focal points. whith usuallyadds to the overall impact
and Demon summonings. Grimoircs need not be books or of the magic. Acid suddenly pouring from your throat jewel
scrolls. Mabden pirate Priests ofien have grimoircs inscribed can be quite disconcerting. To achieve this sort of fear. the
on shark skin; shamenof the Bro-an-Vadhagh barbarians are as
liketo havesummonings carved in bakedtablets ofdried dung;
the civilized lands of Lywm-an-Esh boast grimoircs in tapes-
tries. effigies and friezes. Grimoircs ..nich contain the secrets
ofthe summonings of Chaos Creatures and Demons are gener-
ally separare fi:om regular books of Chaotic Effects. and well
guarded These forbidden tomes are not discussed or idly
displayed in polite society. The <>ponents ofChaos in civilized
lands fool themselves that their understanding of Chaos has
eliminated foul creatures and dislike being remindedof Chaos'
darker side. In barbarian society• where fear rules. summoning
grimoircs are far too precious for their possessors to rake the
chance of tempting assassins and thieves.
Scholarly Research
The rules governing scholarlyresearch in Con,m are the same as
those of 5tormbringrr with the exception char spelIs are not the
products of diligent research. but individual Chaotic Effects.
Th e best l.tbrary in the Five Planes is in Halwyg-nan-Vake, the
City of Flowers (see page 58). Others dot Lywrn-an-Esh but
libraries in the barbarian lands are strictly private affairs. jeal-
ously guarded. A Vadhagh castle may or may not possess a
useful library. All Nhadragh libraries haveutterly disappeared.
A pact with a Chaos Creature or. more usually a Demon. may
involve the transferal of sorcerous abilities and knowledge of
summoning>. The price of suth an agreement will always be
high and potentiallysoul destroying; the foul things of Chaos
offer few bargains. For more derails consult the Demon and
Chaos Creature summoning entries in this chapter.

rrer must successfullv overcome the victim's POW on the Levels of Intensity
;;:: ranee Tabl e. The vi;nm is aware that some sort of magi- The power ofeach Chaotic Effect is expressed in terms of ltwls
cal tussle is taking pla ce, but not necessarily anything else. of intmsity: Sorcerers usually decide "hat level is likely to be
Successfullv using sorreones own Quos symbol as a focus also required to achieve a given result and then invest sufficient
means that' you do not need to make any further roll to hi t that Magic Points to summon an Effect of that intensity.
pa>"n. In th e five planes that Atioch rules, 3 Magic Points are
requ ired for each intended level of intensity - so that an Effect
Chaotic Effects of level 4 int ensity would require an expenditure of 12 Magic
Sorcerers know how to summon different Chaotic Effe cts. Points.
When crearing a Sorcerous Meld. a sorcerer fitst selects th e What "intensity" means varies with, and even within, differ-
Effects to be summoned. The Effects are summon ed one after ent Effects. The description of each Effect in th e section
another, before they are all combined together into a single belowcontains an indication of what "intensity" might signity
Sorcerous Meld . in th e case of tha t Effect, but it is poss ible that inventive
It rakes 108 rounds to summon each Chaotic Eff<ct. adventurers will come up with alternative aspects o f the Effect
The descriptions attached to each of the Effects listed in A to "intensify", and the gamemaster should be open to reason-
C=!ogue of Chaotic Effects (starting on page 73) derail th e able suggestions.
nature of each Effect, and how the investment of Magic Points Damage is one sort o f power tha t is expressed in the idea of
affects its in/msity (for example, how much damage the Effect intensity. Normally, damage in an Effect like Darts is 1D8 pet
can do). level of intensity. A level 4 intens ity Darts Effect would do
Once the intensity of an Effect is decermined. the so rcerer 4D8 dama ge. Things co uld get messy.
makes a Luck roll 'for that Effect to ensure that it has been In some cases th e sorcerer may have to choose between
summoned as intended. A Failed roll means the Effect will not different kinds of intens ity when :.J..e is pUtting togethct her
happen and all Magic Points invested in that Effect are lost. Mdd. Is the intensity o f that Air Effect going to reflect the
(Ho" t'Vet, time permitting, one can aIwap try again.) A dama ge done by a gust of wind. or what mass the wind can
Fwnhled roll takes the sorcerer to the Sorcerous Disasters move? It can't do both at once - and if you want both, you'll
table below, and is pretty embarrassing, to say the least. just have to summon the Air Effect rwice.

A SORCERER SHOULD Ill' IIffiY CAREFUL abo ut what she is doi ng, and needs a gene ro us he lpin g of luck on her side at a ll
times. If any of the Luck rolls required for creating and casting a Sorcerous Meld are Fumbled, a disaster ensu es, and
she is probably caught in the middle of it. All of the expected Magic Points are lo st, and a D100 is rolled on the
following table (unless the gamemaster has a more appropriate fate in mind):
01-05 VIOlent explosion at focus, somewhat peeved Chaos Crea- 88-93 IvIental Corruption:
accorrpanled by much dense ture . Consult Summoning summoner's player must move
and acrid smoke. Iffocus <haas Creatures (starti n~ 106 points of INTto one other
with in one foot, sorcerers are page 84)for the grimier ils. characteristic.
deafened and choked with pre-~enerated creatures are
94-95 Summoner and bystanders
stench. avai ab le there.
disa~ar, all drawn to one of
06 Random Chaotic Effect arrives, 56-64 The sunvnonervanishes the panes of Chaos rarroant,
or opposite of summoner's completely, only to reappear in Xiombarg's or Mabelode's, as
intended Effect. exactlt the same place 1DB the gamemaster chooses.
hours ater.
07-29 Effect a'J:ars as desired but 96-97 A Demon appears, eager to
acts on e sorcerer (oron 65-70 Summo ner vanishes, drawn to pact. See Summoning Demons
innocent bystander). a ran dom land from whe re he on page 90.
or she mustget home alone.
3041 A gate to another plane of the 98 Enter The Dog or The Bear
Multiverse opens. Use the The Roll 106: 1 Lywm-an-Esh; 2
Bro-an-Mabden; 3,4 Bro-an- hunlllfor appeasement.
Multiverse Generator, o n page Nei will leave before
113, or simply invent a plane. Vadhagh; 5 Bro-an-Nhadragh; satisfied.
The summoner and friends can 6 Khoolocrah. Gamemaster
ch ooses precisely wbere, 99 Arag or Arioch appears, wh ich-
enter it, but for every day it evercaters to the su~ s
stands, roll 1DOO: 1·50 it 71-80 Chaotic Corruption: two rolls concepL
closes; 51·99 something large are instantly made on the
and curious comes out of it; 00 <haas Trait Table (page 92). 00 Summoner turns inside out. All
it begins to devour the home skills fall to base chance. His or
81-87 Astral Corruption: summoner's
plane . player must move 106 points
her disgusting ~ continues
to function normal y, though it
42-55 Instead of an Effect the of P(NoJ to one other
terrifiesonlookers. APP iszero.
summoner has ca lled forth a characteristic.

Sorcerers have a greater amount of control over the level of In generaL a Sorcerous Meld manifests instantaneously ar
intensity of an Effect in a Meld than they do on other aspects the focal point (that is, it has no appreciable duration or
of it, like its range and duration. Most of the time their inten- range). H owever, some Effects ace not so obliging. For example
tions in matters of intensity arc met in the final sorcerous a sorcerous Boat wouldlikely be no use at ill if it just winked in
product. H owever, occasionally Chaos may be rolling the dice and winked out. Mosely, you would want it to stick around ar
behind the screen, and in that case even the best laid plans ... least long enough to get lOU across the stream- so the Boar
has a built-in duration ofa couple of hours.
Mallie Points Limits The adventuring sorcerer may wish to (or rnay have to)
In Corum's world 3 sorcerer may only invest a number of spend additional Magic Points to add range or increase the
Magic Points equal to twice their Chaos Allegiance in any duration of a specific Meld. From I to 5 additional Magic
~\'en Meld. Tha t means that Shelik-a-Bukie, a slow and slimy Points may be used to enhance range, and the same can be
beginning sorcerer with only 5 in Chaos Allegiance, can only spent for extra duration, for those interested in a relaxed day of
make Melds using IO Magic Points, maximum, whereas his punting on the jolly old river without getting wet.
sister, Sheel-a-Bukie, who has been at the game for many years
and has the carapace to prove it, regularly invests 120 Magic Supposeyou want a DazzleAttack to surpriseintruders at the
Points in her over-the-top displays. door rather than emanating from the focal point incised on the
will. You will haveto put some rang< in the Meld.
Chaotic Modifiers
The maximum possible range of a Sorcerous Meld is as far
The Anrount of Chaos in tl.e World as the sorcerer can sec. Ranged sorcery is limited at night and
Some planes ace more Chaotic than others. The Chaotic level for those who ace visually chillenged. To achieve the maximum
of Arioch's planes pales by comparison with those of Xiom- range the sorcerer will haveto use 5 Magic Points in addition
barg. or Mabelodehimsd£ to those already in the Meld. Fewer points will result in a
The Magic Point cost per level of intensity is different on shorter range.
planes more or less affected by Chaos than Arioch's. On the How many points for how much range? Well that's hard to
five planes of the Queen of the Swords. Xiombarg. sorcerers sav for sure. Chaos rolls the dice fot sorcerers, and Chaos is,
invest only 2 Magic Points for each INti 0/ intmsity they hope to ~ll, chaotic. Most of the time the sorcerer (with a little help
produce. In Mabelodes realms, it is a one-for-one deal: I INtI 0/ from the gam=er perhaps) will invest just as many points
intemity for I Magic Point. On more Lawful planes where as needed - or even a bit more. (It should usuallv cake about a
Chaotic sorcery is yet possible, the costs ace likely to be much point to get that Dazzle across the room to the door, shouldn't
higher than on Corum's "odd. it? Maybe I should put in 0 \0 just to be cercain). Ultimately,
In Arioch's realms (including the Wodd of Th e Five the garncmasrcr's assessment ofthe situation, perhaps bolstered
Planes), sorcerers can call on up to twice their Chaos Alle- by an additional Luck roll, will determine how ",II the
giance in Magic Points for any single Meld. H owever, on the sorcerer has met the range requirements of Chaos- this time.
planes ruled by Xiombarg, SheIik-a-Bukie would be able ro do Striking distant targets: If your Sorcerous Meld is to be
Melds involvingup to 20 Magic Points, twice what is possible fired or thrown at a target, your skill at firing or throwing
for him under the rule of the Knight of the Swords - and it is things comes into play. Suppose you want that Dazzle
said that there is no limit at ill on Mabelode's five planes. Attack to manifest itself way over there just at the edge of
The Sorcerer's chaotic Allegiance the forest. You mix 5 Magic Points in, just to be sureyou've
For every 5 points of Chaos Allegiance they possess, sorcerers got the range- and then you let go! - with a 23% chance to
acquirean additional I Magic Point fire (fiom the air or what- hit corresponding to your putrid Bowsk.iII - and it lights
ever) to use in any Effect in a Meld. Shdik gets just one up the scarecrow in the whear field to the left whenyou fail
freebie, but his sister gets twelve, almost equal to her personal your missile attack roll. Hmmm - there is a ChaoticEffect
stock of Magic Points. No wonder she is such a horror. called Skills which you might want to learn some time to
These free Magic Points cannot be deployed in excess of mix into fucuce ranged Melds.
the limit imposed by the sorcerer's Chaos Allegiance. No Duration
matter what, Shelik can only make Melds of 10 points. tops. The chaos of Chaos is exquisitely incarnated in its impcrma-
The only other limit on the usc of these free points is that nence, Most of the products of sorcery on Corum's world ace
they can only be employed to enhance an Effect. not to create unIikdy to endure for more than a couple of minutes.
it, That is. the sorcerer must have spent at least on e point of That is, 5 Magic Points usually buys you only a few
her O\VO on the Effect into which any fire points are invested. minutes. How many minutes? You haven't been paying atten-
tion, have you? Sorcerers have to make more or less informed
Meldinll Sorcery guesses when they try to fool with the duration ofa Meld. just
When ill of the Effects of the Meld have been crafted sepa- as they do when they fool with the range. They can be prctry
rately and ill the Chaotic modifiers in play taken account of, certain, almost positive . . . bur Chaos is Chaos for a chat.
the sorcerer is ready to blend them together into a whole. Now Suppose you want that Dazzle Attack to cover your escape
the ra,~, Juration, and a complete .uscription of the Sorcerous through the back window with a brief mini-fireworks display.
Meld come into play. A point or two ought to be ill that is needed for sucha modest
",quest of Chaos, and in most cases that would certainly You make a final Luck roll for the Meld as a whole. As
suffice. But today being Thursday, and the cat being a tabby before, Failure means you lose all Magic Points invested in the
and all .. . Meld. but you ate free to start all over if you have the time -
and a Fumble means you must roll on the Sorcerous Disasters
Conflicting Durations: A clever sorcerer may decide to
table and take the consequences.
Meld a sorcerous Boat with a &.JJk Attack. The Boat has a
One more rOWId must pass,and then the Meld is ready.
default duration of some hours. The Baffle Attackgoes off
The Meld remains ready to launch fot up to a number of
fot only an instant, What about the Meld? Wcll, the first
hours equal to the largest numberofMagic Points used by any
answer is that the sorcerer decides whether she W3l1CS the
single Effect in the Meld.
kind of Bafflc Attack that pops up a Boat for a confusing
The Meld is launched instantaneouslv - that is, in DEX rank
moment or the kind of Boat thar Baffles all boarders for a
order in most combat situations. (If ~ur DEX is I I and your
full hour. And the second answer is that she gets "flat she opponent's is 10, the Meld goes off first; if the reverse, the
gets. Both ate true.
opponent's attack comes off first). Obviously, if you ate
Description ambushed or otherwise surprised or distracted, you may not
The penultimate step is to describe the nature of what you have a chance to castthe Meld when youshould.
intend to produce - just so the forces of Chaos(and the game- Finally, at the timeof unloosingyour Sorcerous Meld upon
master) ate clear about what they are abetting in this instance. the world, you must roll on your Chaos Allegiance to see
If at this point the gamernaster determines that you ought to whcther you havc been "blessed" with a Chaos Trait (see
have done things differently, there may be a chance to recrify Chaos Traits on page 91).
matters - or at least to learn what your Meld is actually going
to produce as distinct from what you thought it would Repeated Uses
produce. A Sorcerous Meld mav be used repeatedly by paying the same
Each Sorcerous Meld successfully Iaunched gains the Magic Point cost on the next round and making only the final
sorcerer a point of 0Ia0s allegiance. Further, each time you Luck roll to launch the Meld again. However, if the sorcerer
come up with a new Meld, one you haven't used before and allows the Chaotic forces to dissipate for even one round. or
consequently one with a new description, you gain an addi- wishes to change any aspect of the Meld, the process must be
tional point of Chaos allegiance. What an incentive, eh? started afresh. The sorcerer gains no Chaos allegiance points
Indeed. (baas is a real mother of invention. for repeated immediate uses of the same Sorcerous Meld and
need only roll to check for a Chaos Trait at the initial casting.
The Casting of the Meld
Now that you have determined all of the attributes of your
Meld, you have to make it all work.


Air Intensity: depends upon intent, with most crusty hide, shimmering light - even
This effect can create a whispering simple tasks requ iring only a something ludicrous.
breeze or a raging hurricane. Wmd can single Level, as suits the game-
master. Consider thefollowing Intensity: 1DB protection per Level.
knock missile weapons aside (though a suggestions, though: Duration: 10 8 rounds, by default, to a
Critical attack always ignores such parry missi les at 20% per Level; maximum of a few hours.
attempts); shift objects, even quite heavy may move 1DB SIZ per Level;
ones, although not usually with fine forceof 1DB STR per Level; Attributes
control; may produce air for breathing 1DB damage per Level, etc. The sorcerer can increase or decrease his
underwater (depending upon the dumtion or her own attributes, or those of any
of the Sorcerous Meld); with sufficient Arm.or companions. Each Chaotic Attribute
STR, it can even cacry a person, allmving Creates Armor equivalent to the Demon Effect affects only a single attribute.
flight at their maximum land-based Armor in Stormbrillg<r. The Effect is Instantaneous multiple attribute changes
MOV; and of course focused gusts of dispelled when either the duration is up, can be achieved though the melding of
wind may batter foes. or the wearer is killed. As a magical several instances of this Effect at the
Note: Other elementally-based Effects protection, this can be cast even on same time, eachwith a different target,
(Earth. Fire. Ot Wtter) may be used to clothing. If cast on exisring armor, If the sorcerer wishes to alter the
neutralize Sorcerous Melds that usc this adventurer gains this protection in addi- attributes of a targetwho resists(shrink-
Effect, provided they ate of an equal or [ ion to the armor's rated protection. The ing the SIZ Ot STR of an opponent, for
greater intensity. appearance of the protection is up to the example) then the sorcerer must first win
sorcerer. It might be scales, a thick and a POW vs. POW challenge. The alter-

-,;:? .?~
'- "',~


arion of attributes may well lead to Duration: by default lastsa scant few host. A POW vs. POW confrontation On
changes in figured values, like Hi t Points moments before it evaporates, the Resistance Table is in order for
and Damage Bonuses. leaving its stench behind. unwiIIing hosts.
If additional Hit Points are gained. Blessin g'of Chaos Bythemselves, foreign parts like wings
these magical points are the first to be Aftlicts the recipient with a random arc not functi onal when summoned onto
lost. the target's tru e H it Points not temporary aberration from the Chaos a non-flying being. For ,vings that genu-
being reduced until all of the sorcerous Trait Table. Targets ,,",0 are not inely fly, or spider legs that go up w.ills,
ones have been consumed convinced o f the benevolent nature o f and the like, sorcerers should look to
Not" Attributes are not skiIIs. Players this process may force a Magic Point vs. melding in additional Effects.
" i shing to alter the latter should turn Magic Point challenge on the Resistance No'" A new body part summoned
their attention the Skills Effect. Table. onto one that already exists. supersed es
Intensity: 1DB added to attribute per Intensity: 1 roll on the 01a0s Trait Table the original part only in appearance. If,
Level. per level. for instance, 3. sorcerer replaces some
Duration: 1 DB rounds, by default, to a Duration: 1DB rounds, by default, to a Mabden nose with a pig's snout, the new
maximum of a few hours . maximum of a few hours. part MIl only smell things like a human
nose, but it MIl look (and sound) like a
Baffle Atta ck Boat swine's.
This effect might take the form of a This Effect creates a saiIable craft. The Intensity: from 1 to 5 leve ls perbodypert
confusing series of images and/or SIZ ofthe boat indicates the total volwne (gamemaster's detennination),
sounds, or perhaps a narcotic poison. of passengers and/or cargo it can dependingupon size.
Regardless of the nature of the attack, contain It commonly resembles a weird Duration: 1DB rounds, by default, to a
metallic craft, although other forms have maximum of several hours.
the victim must match their CON against
the Potenev of the attack. If the victim been known to manifest, and it is always
fails to ~ist the POT, all skiIIs are clearly of Chaos design. Boats usually Bonds
reduced by an amount equal to twice the have smaII saiIs and gain their momen- This Effect is only useful for restraining
POT, for several hours. There is no effect tum from the wind. although sorcerers beings that have Magic Points. It creates
if the victim resists. may wish to stipulate otherwise, if invisible magical restraints. The victim
becalmed. cannot sigoificandy move a limb, finger
NOlt: The duration of the Sorcerous
Meld refers to the presence of the A sorcerer may summon the Boat over or anything while the Effect lasts,
method of attack, and not the time that a cart, box, or even the remains of a although breathing and other life-
the target is affected - once the attack smashed boat. In such situations, the SIZ sustaining functions are unimpaired.The
has taken place, the baffle effect itself is from the Effect is added to the original target may attempt to break out by
not really magical in nature. SIZ of the item In this wav; a sorcerer pitting their Magic Points against the
may transform a large crippled craft into Resistance of the Bonds. Each suth
Intensity: 1 DB POT per level.
a fairly cheap Chaos vessel, but the attempr costs the bound target a Magic
Range: may attack a yard or two away,
bydefau lL Quos mark MIl always show. In these Point.
cases the boat is usually a lumbering Intensity: 1 DB Resistance per Level.
Bile perversity, unlikely to please most salty Duration: 1DB rounds, by default, to a
maximumof a few hours.
This vile and potent corrosive liquid sea dogs.
might be used as part of a formidable Intensity: 10 SIZ per Level Bug' Eye
weapon, but it can also be used to burn Duration: some hours, by default, to a
maximum of several weeks. A Bug Eyeeffect temporarily replaces the
through substances wluch bar the sorcerer's own orb. The eye is a large
sorcerer's path. The damage the bile Body Part multifaceted orb. The eye can see in an
inflicts should be measured against the Body Part is used to replace parts of the I8O-degree hemisphere.
armor points of any object it touches. If sorcerer lost in combar or through Intensity: the basic Bug Eye described
any damageexceeds the object's defences, stranger causes. The replacement part above requires 2 l evels;
the bile has eaten through. works in all ways like the owner's genuine additional l evels might add
In the case of personal armor, damage 20%to Search, if the gamemas-
one. The replacement part is commonly ter is feelingagreeable.
in excess of the target's armor are temporary - a new leg to aid a recently Duration: 1DB roundsby default, to a
inflicted upon the wearer. Bile is usually crippled person to escape immediate maximum of a few hours.
poured directly through a focal point. To danger, for instance. Entire heads cannot
be used as a weapon, bile is most often be replaced. but must be dealt with part Chain of Being'
melded with another Chaoric Effect by part (eyes, eats, noses, throats, and so Allows up to eight people to pool their
providing a method of delivery. Remem- on and so on at th e gamemastcr's whim). 1v1agic Points for immediate use in a
ber this is sorcerous bile. not an acidic Perverse individuals may even wish to summoning (including another Sorcer-
product of Law or Science - it hisses add temporary extra limbs or parts with ous Meld). Unlikc Sorcerous Battery
green and renders up an effulgent stink. this EffeCt. A focal point of some sort (see below) this is a very temporary
Intensity: 1DB damage per level. must be projected ot attached onto the EffeCt. The Magic Points pooled are
stored in the sorcerer's focal point, where Darts does not affeer what the Ears are able to
they must be used to power another This creates th orns, spikes, erc., which "hear".
SoKcrous Meld or summoning that is fire simllltallloffsly outwards fromthe focal Intensity: one target per Le vel.
,carted immediarely, or th ey arc lost. point. The small Darts are quite pO\\'Cr~ Duration: a few moments, by default, to a
The participants in th e Cha in of Being ful at close range, or may be used to maximumof a few hours.
musr have agreed on th e usc of the Magic blanket an area and affeer a number of
Points they arc do nating. In some cases targets , a combination which makes them Demon Sight
rhev may simply granr the sorcerer tartc useful in a variety of situations. Allows the target (often the summoner)
b/J,,~he, but it is po ssible to stipulate what The damage don e by th e D arts may be to see, and determine the nature and rela-
can be done with the magieal energy, if split evenly between as many targets as tive power of. Effects and magieal
the participate knows something of how the sorcererwishes, as lon g as they are all entities. The Effect can be used to detect
such things work. Wi thout some sort of in the same general area. the aura of Chaos Creatures, Demons,
agreement (however uninformed) non e Note: The sorcerer uses her Dart skill to and Champions of both Law and Chaos,
of the Magi c Points are available ro th e aim th e projectiles, but only a single roll It is also useful for detecting Field of
sorcerer - thi s doesn't preclude th e use of must be made, regardless of the n umber Chaos. Usually Demon Sight can deteer
coercion to force consent. of targets in the area. the presence of Co ntrivances but nothing
Note: the Sorcerous M eld with the Intensity: 1D8 damage per Level. is revealed abo ut the devices. It can be
Chain of Being is separate from th e M eld Range: a couple of yards, by default, to used to discern whether a sto ne is actu-
or summ oning in wluch th e Magic a maximum of perhaps 100 ally a Crystal, and even roughly how
Points are to be used. yards. much PO W it can contain (see Crystals,
Intensity: 1D8 Magic Points may be in the Gmtrivi'[t; chapter, on page 1(0).
stored per Level. Dazzle Attack Note: the ,a,lS'" of the Sorcerous Meld
Duration: by defau lt, the Magic Points This attack creates some so rt of visual
only determines how far from the focus
must be used immediately, but disturbance that automatically blinds or
it ispossible to postpone their the target(s) of this Effeer may be, and
oth erwise distracts its target .'mIess there
use by a maximum of up to a does not affect how far th e Eyes are able
is an opaque barrier in the way. It is
few minutes. to see.
reasonable to allow the target to attempt
a Luck roll (and thereby avoiding the Intensity: one target per Level.
Color P rojection Duration: a few moments, by default, to a
Multi-col ored lights temporarily cover attack by having closed her eyes) in any
maximum of a few hours.
the intended target, crafted by th e situatio n where she might be at all wary.
sorcerer's will to make whatever shapes If Dazzled. the mcget is treated as th ough Dust Cloud
are desired. This Effeer may seem innoc- in darkness for th e duration of th e Meld.
This Effect generates a swirling cloud in
uous at first, but it can be very helpful Note: the railS'" of the Me ld derermines
a hemisph ere around the focal point. All
Sorcerers often use it to con found the how far from the focus th e Dazzle mani-
creatures within the cloud are blinded for
superstitious and fearful (of ~ch th ere fests, but it is only able to affeer targets
as long as the cloud remains.
are many), to create magical messages. or within a range of a few yards for each
Level of Intensity. Intensity: covers a few yards per Level.
to projeer Chaos symbols at range which Duration: 1D8 rounds by default, to a
can then be used as the focal points for Intensity: one target per Level; if more maximum of about an hour.
summoning further Chaotic Effects (thi s people are affeered than explic-
itly ide ntified, choose randomly
Effeer should be part of the Sorcerous between all other bystanders, Earth
Meld which th e sorcerer intends to includingthesorcerer. A mass of earth is called into being in
projeer from th e new focus), Duration: an instantaneous flash, by 'whatever form the sorcerer desires: a
The target of this Effeer cannot resist default; if the duration is sturdy wall, or some more complex
its effects (which are simply coherent increased , the Luck roll to shape; a platform or outcropping.
light), although they can move away once avoid may be ca lled for ea ch
perhaps intended to lift something; a
rou nd.
they know a projection is present ( which hammer or fist shape used to smash foes,
is not soon enough to prevent a Sorcer- Artistic sorcerers might sculpt the
D emon Ear
ous Meld from talting effeer). earth int o a clay creature, The Art skill
Allows th e sorcerer to be heard by, or
Note: Col or Projeerion is not blinding. of the swnmoner determines how
hear (separate effects, requiting separate
even when summoned onto a target's face successful such representatio ns are when
summonings of the Effeer in a Meld) a
(indeed it enhances the features rath er compared to reality.
target who is at some range - intervening
attractively)' For blinding. see the Dazzle M ost often, the Earth has an associ-
barriers to sight block the Effect. The
Attack EffeCt, below, rarger may be either m end or foe, and no ated SIZ, which is used to represent th e
Intensity: 1 square foot cove red per
resistance is possible. since it is simply a mass of the earthworks, or how much
matter of audib ility. can be carried by it. This SIZ may be
Note: the range of the Sorcerous Meld summoned into being or taken from
only determin es how far from the focus nearby free earth. or some combination
the target(s) of this Effect may be, and of the two.
Sorcerers may wish to simplymanipu- Fear: flee in panic from all living things. gamemaster. This Effect does not work
late existing earth (to burrowthcough it, If cornered, roll 1D6: 1-3 indicates total on creatures which lack emotions, such as
for examplc). In general such fears are collapse, sobbing in terror; 4-6 indicates animated statues, or on any being with
twice as easy as creating earth - double a terrified berserk attack. INT 4 or less. The sorcerer can read the
thc amount of earth affected ror each Hate: fosters an intense hatred towards emotions of only one subject at a time.
Level ofIncrnsity. one person or object. The victim acts Intensity: 2 Levels required for the basic
Note: Other elemenrallv-based Effects emotions, to a maximum of
maliciously when the object of hatred is around 5 Levels for deeply
(Air, Fire, or Wtter) may be used to nearby, often slandering the person or
neucralize Sorcerous Melds that usc this twisted and complex
objectwhenever possible. personalities.
Effecr, provided they are of an equal or
greater intensity. Hunger: the targ<t attempts co rat
Field of Chaos
Intensity: depends upon intent, with most anything that looks '':lgudy edible. In A Chaotic Field is a dangerous place to
simple tasks requiring only a some situations dangerous items such as
single Level, as suits the game- glass, rope, nails etc. mightlook edible. .. call upon the magical forces of Otaos.
master. Consider the following Insane Lust pursue the nearest animate When within such an area, Cluotic
suggestions, thoug,h: Effects which are summoned target the
1DB SIZ perLevel; being (or prthaps even object) with every sorcerers, rather than their intended
burrow at 1DB MOV per Level; intent of .. . well, you know . .. even if victims. Chaos itself is powerful within
1DB damage per Level, etc. the target might not be .. . fUlly the Field, changing the Level of Incrnsity
compatible. as well: coli 104 to determine how many
Rage: attack the nearest animate being in Magic Points are required for each Lcv~1
Sa Air, Eanh, Fire and JffJur.
a berserk rage. (see The Amount of Quos in the
Emotional Control Intensity: 1DB POT per Level. World on page 72); this can really mess
This Effect allows the sorcerer to manip- up a Sorcerous Meld in a big way.
• The cloud of contention in Tbt King Unlikemost Chaotic Effects, Fields of
ulare the victim's emotions. The victim oj Iht Swords might be a powecfuI Chaos lie donnant after they are created,
resists the attempt using PO W vs. the summoning of the Rage Emotional until someone attempts a Sorcerous
POT of the Effect. If the victim fails, he Control, granted through the aus- Meld within their confines. At that point
is unable to resist the force of the pices of a Demon the Field is triggered and its
emotion the sorcerer has chosen
for him Once the Effect's Jura- ~-.~
tion has passed, the victim may
.. ~~_.~.:;.=~
"i . dura/ion begins.
It is rumored that there ate
attempt to throw off the false naturally-occurring arras which
emotions every five minutes ~
behave in the same way. The
with an INT vs. POT challenge. gamemastet should experiment
Multiple castings of the with these concepts wherever
Effect do not cancel each other suitable.
out, or cause an emotional Demon Sight is able to spot
breakdown, Instead, each round both Fields of Chaos and their
roll 1D6 for each Emotional naturalcounterparts.
Control (rcgacclless of the rela- Intensity: covers a yard or two
rive intensities) - the Effea per Level.
Duration: note thatnatural Fields
with the highest roll shapes the may last considerably
victim's responses fortheround. ~I' longerthan summoned
When two or more Emotions ~ ones.
are tied for the highest result,
the victim is confused, and thus Fire
immobilized, for the round. Sorcerers often use Fire to
When resisting multiple Effects attack. but it is also useful to
(aficr the durations have provide light and heat, melt
passed), a single INT resistance metals, ignite fuet or even line
is made against the average POT invisible objects with flame so
of the Effects, and success , that they may be seen.
negates them all at once, For attacks, the sorcerer may
Somesample Emotional Controls, and Empathy project the flame burst from a focal
The sorcerer must succeed in a Magic point, or combine it with the Weapon
suggested reactions, are listed below.
Point vs. Magic Point challenge CO Effect. Clever so rcerers may work out
Depression: victimmopes around,obliv- uncover the emotional state of the target. other ways CO usc Fire in attacks, but
ious to any outside stimuli. and initiates Increased intensity allows for a deeper sorcerous fire actslike normal fire for the
no activities. understanding. as adjudicated by the purpose of igniting and damaging items,
including mundane weapons. There are of the wounds - cach new wound knits partially negated. Thus sorcerers may
spot rules in Stormbring<r for this sort of over, using as many Levels of the Effect have some protection against Dust
thing· as arc required: this may appear to be Cloud, Dazzle Attack, Mist, Shadow
No'" Other elementally-based Effects some fonn of regeneratio n. but it is not Void. and similar Effects. not to mention
(Air, Earth. or Wou:er) may be used to really, and once the duration has been phys ical attacks on the eye- The exact
neurralizc Sorcerous Mdds that use this exceeded. any unused H ealing is lost- nature of the partial negat ion is some-
Effect, provided they arc of an equal Ot Used in this way, the target gains a point what variable. as well as dependant upon
grearer intensiry, of Chaos Allegiance for t.llh wound the situation. Effects mighr be entirely
Intensity: depends upon intent, with most healed. negated with a successful Luck roll or
sirrole tasksrequiring only a Intensity: 1DB damage healed per Level. the penalties reduced (perhaps in line
single l evel, as suits the game- with darkness rather than blindness), for
master. Consider the following Insect wall example, as the gamcrnaster sees fit-
suggestions, though:
light a few yards per Level; The so rcerersummons a seething wall of When damage is involved. the
1D8 damage per Level, etc. horrible extra-dimensional insects. They membranes provide 1 DB armor for the
chew on any orgmic substance within the eyes, the value for which is rolled when
Freezing Attack mass. Once the wall is erected it is first needed, and treated as fixed from
This Effect allows the summoner to immobile, but subject to standard Jura/ioll that point onwards.
projecta field or cone of intense cold. In rules. Intensity: one eye per Level.
addition to doing damage, those whose Intensity: 1DB damage per Level; also, Duration: 1DB rounds by default,to a
"capons are exposed to such a blast must covers roughly a yard per addi- maximum of several hours.
make a Luck roll at the beginning of the tional level.
first combat they enter after suffering a Duration: 1DB rounds by default, to a Loathsome Stain Attack
Freezing Attack. Failure results in the ma ximum of several hours. A Stain may be used to mark a path,
Mapon snapping. Magical weapons, and trail, object, or creature. As a useful side-
all armor and shields, arc unaffected.
Knowledge effect, any invisible or intangible crea-
"Through the agency of this Effect, the tures hit by the Stain become visible-
Intensity: 1DB damage per Level.
Range: a yard,by default to a maxi- sorcerer is able to tap into vast amounts Those hit by the stain have their APP
mum of around a hundred of knowledge in specific areas. The reduced by 1DB until the it Mars off
yards. information is in very specific spheres
Intensity: one Level is required, although
like "myths about Tancl om", "striped additional Levels might allow
Gore creatures of World of the Five Planes" or the markto glow in the dark, or
The sorcerer adds a claw- or hom-like "desert songs from the nomads of make it noticeable using other
Mapon to any appendage. This Effect is Khoolocrah". The Effect cannot reveal senses, perhaps.
often melded with the Skills Effect- privateor one-of-a-kind information like Duration: 1DB rounds by default,to a
Multiple Gore weapons arc achieved by "the location of KwiII's hand?" but onlv maximumof aboot a month.
meldiing multiple Gore Effects. general matters such as might be covered
Intensity: 1DB damage per Level. by a scholarly tome or an encyclopaedia, Make Whole
Duration: 1DB rounds by default, to a and defirutelv nor the details from a While this Effect cannot be used to
maximum of several hours. gtimoire or ~ther any other description repair enchanted items or Contrivances,
of the specifics of the magical workings it can be used to repair most other inani-
Healing of Law or Chaos. mare items. Any item affected in this
This Effect allows the sorcerer to hcal An INT x 3% roll is required to make manner retains so me indication o f the
any damaged organic being. One casting sense of the informacion received. The touch of Chaos, whether in the form of
works on a single wound only, and multi-
Knowledge Effect does not add to the an obvious warping, a coveting of odd
ple uses on the same wound are not
summoner's existing knowledge (orskill) scaleson the affected portion, or just the
possible. Physik may be used on wounds
of, say, the NaJllral Hbr/J, but instead appearance that the object is not quite
MUch have not entirely healed through
supersedes it in matters relating to the complete.
sorcery. The reinforcement afforded by the
specific knowledge consulted.
lli targetofa Chaotic Healing Effect Intensity: usually 2 Levels are required for Chaos in this Effect is somewhat short-
usually gains one point of Chaos Alle- each piece of information, lived. but sometimes the item in question
giance, and the result is alwa)~ at least an although sometimeseven that retains its fixed stare after the Effect has
ugly scar with seemingly melted flesh. is not sufficient (at the game- worn off. The sorcerer should make a
Often mere is anunpleasant smell associ- master's discretion). Luck roll for each item to see whether
ared with such Healed wounds, and the the effect is permanent.
sensation of Chaos crawling through Lens
Intensity: 1D8 SIZcan be repaired per
your body is decidedly uncomfortable. A transparent membrane MUch attaches Level.
By adding duralion to the Sorcerous itself to the eves ofthe sorcererand ocher Duration: several minutes, by default to a
Meld. particularly clever sorcerers have, targets. Any 'attack which affects vision maximum of several days (or
on occasion, provided hcaling in advance by harming or hindering the eye is permanent, with the Luck roll).

Menilirane of Chaos will lie dormant until brough t in contact Intensity: a single Quill, doing 1D4
This Effect sununons a thin organic with a target. 10 this way. a sorcerer with damage, per Level.
Range: 1D8 yards by default, to a
tissue that covers anopeninglike theskin a Ch aos symbol on her hand might
of a drum. The area which can be so charge up and then set o ut tohit an Duration: maximum of about 100 yards.
as long as requiredto discharge
covered is many yards, as the membran e opponent wi th a "stunning palm" using allof the Quills. and no longer.
stretches quire extraordinarily. Enormous her Brawl skill. A weapon with a Chaos
openings. though, might require more symbol carefully inscribed on it might be Seeing Eye
than a single use ofthe Effeer. used in a similar fashion. although a Creates an eye ofsome sort, often a spar-
Creatures other than the sorcerer are Luck roll would be in order to ensure the kling jewel-like object, but at other times
able to pass through the membrane in symbol comes in contact with the viaim. a gnarled and moist knuckle-mass, or
one direction. but not the other. as Intensity: 1D8 Potency per Level, and an something less familiar. The sorcerer is
decided by the sununoner when it is extra Level if to lie dormant in able to see through this Chaotic orb, even
created.The summoner can pass freely in the focus before activating, when it is some distance from her. The
both directions. viewable area is a function of the inten-
Path of Planes sity of the Effect. as is the maximum
Attempts to force through the living
This Effed allows a powerful sorcerer to distance from th e sorcerer. Alteting both
wall march the person's Magic Points
against the membrane's POW Success travel the planes of the Mulriverse. The aspects from their basic values requires a
allows passage. and a Critical success
Effect is usually cast onto an existing Meld with includes a couple of instances
dispels th e wall, entirely. The Split
crafi of some sort; it is possible travel of this Effect.
without such a vessel. although it is said The orb lies dormant until activated
Chaos Effect can also be used ro dispel
the membrane. that the sensation of f.illing through the by the sorcerer(something she maydo at
cracks in reality is quite unpleasant (the range). afire which time it lasts only as
Intensity: 108 PCJW per Level.
gamcmaster might require INT x 1% long as the duration of the Meld, or until
Duration: many minutes by default. to a
maximum of several days; rolls to avoid losing one's mind for a the sorcerer gets too far away. The
however. sacrifice 01POW time)' sorcerer must remain in a trance-like
equal to the Level of Intensity The Path can only provide transport state to see through the Eye. oblivious to
makes the Effect as permanent to planes aIrcady known ro the sorcerer.
as a thingof Chaos can be. her immediare surroundings. Once its
The nip is srricrly one-way (although a work is done it melts.
rerum journey can be attempted, of Intensity: a viewable radius of a few
Mist course)' and takes an random amount of
Generates a cloud ofdamp gaseous mate- time. The travellerfs) appear anywhere yards per Level;
the sorcerer may be severa l
rial which obscures vision and deadens within a radius of 1D8 miles from the yards away per Level.
sound within its radius.The Mist usually destination nominated by the caster; Duration: 1D8 rounds by default, to a
radiates from the focal point equally in luckily it seems char they never material- maximum 01several hours.
all directions. The Mist follows the focal ize within a solid object. If no specific
poin t, so if it shifts. so too does the fog. destination is chosen. the crafi appears Seer of Chaos
Inside the Mise. bowstrings and slings near a large source of Chaos. be it a This Effea allows the summoner to see
stretch and rot within a round of exp0- temple. some hidden enchantment, or into the distant past of the location
sure. People caught within it lose visual perhaps a sorcerer's lair. at the gamemas- where she stands. If she wants to see the
alld wrbal contact with anything that is ter's discretion. past at some other location, she must
not close enough to be touched. Those travel there. Watching a year of the past
Intensity: the equivalent of 1 SIZ may be
so affected lack the ability to co-ordinate transported per Level (a large takes an only hour and shows all of the
attacks, whether melee 0; missile. number01which are required <Vents which occurred there. but nothing
Intensity: a radius of 1 D8 yards per Level. to move even a single person). which cannor be seen, includingsounds.
smells. thoughts, and motives. A Luck
Paralysis Attack Quills roll is required to clearly observe the
If the Poten cy of this Attack overcomes Creates nasty barbed Quills which are details of a particular event; a Fumble
the CON of the target. then he is para- launched from the focal poinr towards a shows something cryptic, or dangerously
Ivzed at least for its duration. The single nominated target. 011( '!fttr allothtr. misleading.
Paralysis freezes up the victims muscula- using the sorcerer's Dart skill, at a rate of Nott Range and duration are usually
ture. usually leadiog to a fall. The 4 per combat round. Quills auromari- of little use with th is Effeer.
victim's ability ro think is unimpaired, cally penetratcs anv non-magical armor, Intensity: watch about a year per Level.
but any movement or action is imrssi- making substantial holes (reducing its
ble. On ce the Sorcerous Mel has defensive power bv I unless the wearer Shadow Void
expired, the target may move again with a makes a Luck roll). On ce inside. Quills A Shadow Void is devoid of any light at
successful CO N x 1% roll, which may damage the target and completely evapo- aII. When sununoned. such a Void is
be attempted every fiveminutes. rate. Magical armor does not stop the usually centered upon the focal point,
It is possible to sununon this Effect Quills. but such armor is undamaged by and extends equally in all directions. Any
into a focus point or symbol where it their passage. who are caught in a Void are unable to

sec anything. even if it is right in front of Sleep Attack Snout
their eyes; oth er senses an: unaffected Use of this Effect causes th e target to fall Confers on the target an animal-like
Intensity: a few yards per Leve l. into a deep slumber. The target may Snout that grants the ability to Track by
Duration: 1D8 rounds by default, to a resist th e Potency with his POW on the smell with a skill based on CON. The
maximum of about an hour. Resistance Table, and if he is successful. same value also replaces the Sam skill for
the Effect cannot be used against him for the d urat ion of the Effect. The Snout
Shape Change another hour. gives a broader cange of smell than
With this Effect, th e target takes on the no rmal scent. ( 0 the extent ofeven allow-
Once asleep. the target will not awake
likeness of another creature and its
for 20 - CON ho urs, with a minimwn ing th e cradUng of gold or diamonds.
appropriate attacks, but retains the
of an hour. Intensity: CON x 2% per Level.
tJtget's original SIZ and Damage Bonus.
Intensity: 1D8 Potency per Leve l.
In this MY' a Shape-Changed human Sonar
becomes a big. strong mouse, but a The ability to see in the dark
small, weak bear. The Effect lasts for by use of a bat-like sonar abil-
nonnal dUralion but can be ity. While the Effect is active,
dispelled by th e touch of a true
= of the adopted fonn.
Intensity: one target per Level.
the focal point emits a high-
pit ched squeal and the target is
able to interpret the echoes to
Duration; 108 rounds by create a rough picture of che
default, to a maxi-
mumof an hour. surro undings. Sonar does not
givc incredibly detailed images.
Skills so it would be difficult to
This Effect grants sorcerers distinguish between a tiger and
skills abilities they have not a black bear on all fours. but the
learned Virtually any skill on Effect docs allow the user to
the Conan character sheet is o perate in conditions where
available to the sorcerer, and vision, but not hearing. is
specialist skills which are
CI'Ct1 hampered ( including the effects
not widely available, includ- of Dazzle Arrack, Dust
ing Million Spheres. Distant StaJ, Cloud, or Shadow Void, but
and most ot the more cultur- not Mist and Sound Void).
ally-specific skills. Intensity: "see" a few yards
Some Chaotic Effects may per Level.
be temporarily enhanced by
Sorcerous Battery
melding them with a Chaotic
Skill Effect. The chance to hit for an Like Stormbringtr! Brazier of Power,
Smoth er
this Effect is designed to store Magic
Effect like Color Projection, which is This Effect creates a mask of slippery
Points for later use. The Sorcerous
based on one of the sorcerer's canged flesh which clings to the victim's face.
attack skills, might be boosted by meld- Battery allows the sorcerer to use any
and tries to crawl into any and all open-
focus to stockpile magical energy for
ing with a summoned Throw Skill of ings. The mass of flesh makes it almost
larcr usc. Magic Poin ts an: spent twice
appropriate Intensi ty; or the chance for a impossible to see, heat, or breathe. Every
during the process, once while assem-
successful releportarion could be round the victim must roll a multiple of
bling the Meld, to establish how many
increased by melding the Traversal his CON or start to suffocate. The basic
Effect with a special T raverse Skill. muUipk is 10, but increasing th e Level of points th e focus can hold, and then,
when the Meld is finally cast, the sorcerer
Another pop ular combination is that Intensity lowers that value. Once suffoca-
of Unseen Hands melded with a SkilL
expends the points as they are stored in
tion has started, resistance is no longer
the Battery.
Using suth techniques, a sorcerer might possible. and the victim takes 1D4
Unforrunate~" a Battery is not perma-
make it possible fot her Boat to seem- damage per round.
nent, and eventuallv the points sto red
ingly pilot itself. for example. The Smother soon dissipates, but
within it begin to a" "y. As long as
The sorecrously-created Skill docs not many targets an: unwilling to wait for
some still remain, however, it is possible
add to the recipient's current skill but that to happen "naturallv" - it vanishes
to recharge it bad: to its set potential
replaces it. So, if a soreerer calls upon when it takes any damage' at all. However,
three Levels of Potion Ski1L she gains the without resummoning the Effect - a
only magical weapons Ot othe r Effects
round of concentration is all that is
Potion skill at 60%. If her original skill can harm the hideous mask.
required. It is possible to use the same
was 6S%, it drops to 60% for the dura- Intensity: lowers the CON multiplier by
one per Level after the first. focus for a new Battery, bur any existing
tion of the Meld, the soreery overriding
Duration: 1D4 rounds by default, plus stored Magic Points an: lost, and the
the native skill she already possessed
1D4 per Magic Point (up to Sl. focus's potential is determined anew.
Intensity: +20% skill per Level.

It is only possible for the S tinger

sorcerer to put her ann Magic With this EffeCt, a SOtcerer
Points into a Battery, although swnmons a prehensile rail,
many have tried (and failed) to complete with a barb that can
create a Meld with the Chain deliver a powerful venom.
of Being Effect. There are no The tail can reach up to 2
such linurations on the USt of a yards, and attacks using the
Battery - ""}"ne who knows sorcerer's StitWT skill (a Meld
there are points sto red in a with Skills is tccommended
Battery can draw upon them for the neophyte). When it
for any sununoning (either hits, the Stinger does 1D8
Chaotic Effects. Crearurcs, or damagc, and anyattack which
Demons). wounds the opponent has a
Intensity: isable to store 1DB chance to poison him. March
Magic Points per the POTofthe poisonagsinst
Level. the victim's CON on the
Duration: about an hour by
default, to a maxi- Resistance Table. If the
mumofa few victim doesn't resist. the
months. venom does damage equal to
its POT. If the victim does
Sound Void resist, he rakes damage equal
A Sound Void is devoid of all
SOWld. When summoned. such
a Void is usually centered upon
- to half the venom's Potency.
but he is now immune to the
poison from this Stinger.
the focal point, extending Intensity: poison of 108 POT
equally in all directions. All per Level.
caught in a Void are unable to ..." Duration: 1D8 rounds by
hear any noise at all.made if a
eventight 'f. default, to a maxi-
cacophony is being '--'=- ..J mumof aboutan
ho ur.
in front of them; other senses are unaf- Split C h ao s
fecred, but those relying upon Sonar are Quos is unpredictable, and it doesn't Telepathy
unable to function within the Void. It is take much ro destroy what little cohesion This grants the summoner the ability to
worth noting that sounds made within is present in a Sorcerous Meld. Split speak directly with other minds. It is
the Void are inaudible to those outside as Quos is just enough to ruin the day for easier to communicate with creatures
well. any sorcerer; by injeaing a bit more
Chaos into an existing Meld, it is often that understand a Lmguage you know,
Intensity: a fewyards per Level. and others (including most beasts)
Duration: 1 DB rounds by default, to a possible to make it all f.ill ap=
The Effect caIIs forth a vortex of raw require twice the intensity to contact.
maximum of aboutan hour.
Chaos energy and sends it out to inter-
To successfully use Telepathy on an
Spider Clim!, fere with an indicated Meld (no unwilli"g target, the sorcerer must over-
This Effect causes the target's hands and additional ranged weapons skill is come the tatget's POW with her own,
feet to exudea substance that adheres to required for this EffeCt, as long as it is using the Resistance Table.
any surface, permitting movement across within ra'l("). The sorcerer who called up Those the sorcerer wishes to contact
walls, ceilings and other obstacles. The the Split Quos vortex pits her tcmaining must be within range, and apparent to
tatget uses her Climb skill (and may want Magic Points against the Magic Points one of the sorcerer's senses (e.g. vision).
to consider a meld with the Skills invested in the Meld she wishes to undo. Telepathy allows two-way conversations,
Effect). Any obstacle with a SIZ less than Success dispels the Meld. and Failure and doesnot permit the sorcerer to plun-
the Climber's can be crossed without means it remains. A roll of 99 or 00 (a der the other person's mind for thoughts
even making a roll. Spider Oimb also Fumble) adds ID8 Magic Points to the or images. It is also important to realize
allows the target to hang from ceilings or intensity of one of the Effects in the that Telepathy does not act as any form
tree branches (even upside-down, if Meld. or to its Juration or raJW. of hypnotism.
desired) for the duration of the Effect. Any Sorcerous Meld may be undone When multiple tatgets are used. the
Intensity: 1 DB MOV per Level, to a maxi- in this way. However, summoned entities, sorcerer decides who can talk to whom.
mumof twice normal land (Chaos Creatures and Demons) cannot Intensity: one similar mind per Level, or
MOY. one dissimilar mindforeach
be dismissed usingSplit Quos. two l evels.
Duration: 1D8 rounds by default, to a
maximum of about an hour. Intensity: one Sorcerous tv1eld per Level. Duration: 1D8 rounds by default, to a
Range: a few yardsby default, up to as maximum of less than half an
far thesorcerer can see. hou r.

. -.
Tentacle Chaotic Traversal Skill. Failure on the Not« Reducing STR, CON, or POW ro
111e sorcerer manifests some sort of TriIVtrSal skill roll sends th e travellers to a o kills the victim Anything with charac-
tentacle-Iik< appendage. It might be a destination of the gamemaster's choice. teristics can be the victim of the Vampire
prehensile scaled tail, a sli~y sucker- With a successful Luck roll, the travellers Effect.
ripped tentacle, or perhaps animate halt. are onlv there for I D8 rounds, before Intensity: 1D4 from a single characteristic
There are many possible uses for such an being drawn back to th eir starr ing point, for every 2 Levels.
appendage. and the sununoner must and whatever situation they were first Range: never more than the wearer or
bearer of the focal point.
select a single aspect to be affected by the trying ro escape. ..
Duration: 10 8 rounds by default, to a
inrensity of th e Effect, although several Intensity: 3 SIZper Level. maximumof a few days.
Effects can be melded together ro build a
general-purpose Tentacle. In arrack the U n seen Hands Vapor C lou d
Tentacle grapples and crushes, ignoring The titular Hands in this Effect can be This Effect summons a toxic gas cloud.
the o pponent's armor. used to carty out a number of simple Beings caught in the cloud must match
Intensity: 10 8 damage per Level; or a tasks, from basic lifting to more complex the Potency of the gas with their CON
reach of several yards per tasks (when melded with th e Skills on the Resistance Table. Failure results in
Level; or 108 STR per Level. Effect). The Hands are not bound by damage equal ro th e Vapor's Potency,
Duration: 108 rounds by default, to a
maximum of about an hour.
conventional restraints, and may. for
example, lift an object high inro the air,
and even those ""0 succeed rake half
that amount of damage. Only one aspect
Transmute or manage all the stations required to of the Clo ud can be intensified in the
This Effect manipulates the molecules of steer a boat at the same time. Meld ( its Potency or radius), and only a
a substance, temporariIy changing it into The major limitation on the H ands is single Cloud may be present in a given
something else enrirely. Common exam- that once swnmoned for a particular task Meld. The cloud lingers for the duration
ples include: Lead to Gold. Stone to they cannot be redirected, nor can they of th e Mel d, bur dissipates ar the end of
Water, and Flesh to Iron. communicate in any way. So, Hands any round in which it does damage.
If the caster attempts to Transmute a which are called upon to "sail this boat" Intensity: 108 Potency in 108 yard
living target (or even something worn by cannot be later given updated directions radiusfor 1 Level; additional
108 Potency, or 108 yards
a living being. like armor) the sorcerer (" avoid that rock!" ) or alternate orders
radius, per Level.
must overcome the target's POW on the ("tip those boarders into the seal"). Duration: 108 rounds by default, to a
Resistance Table. When moving objects, th e Hands are maximumof a few minutes.
When th e duraJion of the Meld has able to maintain the speed of an average
passed. the substance reverts to its true walk. around MOV 4. It is also possible Ward
fonn. Canny merchants often require ro instruct the Hands to Tbrow items, Summoning this Effect requires a set of
that transactions are conducted over a although th eir chance to hit is no better Chaos symbols which serve ro ourline
period of at least an hour, to avoid find- than Base, by default; damage is calcu- the area covered by the ward. SmaIl crea-
ing their payment has turn ed from gold lated using the Hands' STR and the tures tend ro avoid Wards instinctively,
back into day. object's SIZ on the Damage Bonus table. and intrusion by anything Iatger causes
NOIe: D espite some of th e rather Intensity: 108 STR per Level. the Effect to raise the alarm (th e nature
extreme transformation possible, this Duration: 108 rounds by default, to a of which is determined by the sorcerer
Effect never kills its target. maximum of aboutan hour. when she is summoning the Effect) for
Intensity: 1 SIZfor evel)' 2 Levels. the duration of the Meld. The \v.u-d is
Duration: a few moments by default, to Vampire dormanr unriI it is triggered. and may
an hour, at most. TIlls Effect has the ability to drain char- last in that state for several years.
acteristics from a target. The Vampire Sorcerers frequently meld Wards with
Traversal Effect make a summoner's hand (or other hosriIe Effects, with the intent of
Traversal allows the sununoner to effec- other likely appendage) into a deadly discouraging any fiirther incursion.
tively teleport herself and others over magical weapon - if th e affected limb Intensity: covers a radius of roughly 5
great distances, instantly The Effect is touches an opponent's skin and the yards per Level.
limited ro sorcerer's current plane - sorcerer wins a POW contest, a number
those ";'0 need to travel to other planes of characteristic points are siphoned off Wasps
should look into the Path of Planes for use by the sorcerer. Only a single The Effect summons an angry swarm of
Effect. While Traversal is not quite as characteristic is affected. and it must be b=ing, st inging insects. The swarm
expensive as that Effect, it will still tax chosen when the Effect is being automatically hits all th ose within it each
most so rcerer's resources. summoned. The Effect can only be used round. doing 10 8 damage. Normal
Traversal has a significant chance to go for a single arrack (regardless of whether armor affords protection, but other than
wrong. When the sorcerer first uses the the POW contest was won), before it fire, or inunersion in water, most weap-
Effect, she starts a Travm al skill at her must be summoned again. The drained ons are useless. Those under arrack by
POW x 3%. While it can be increased characteristic points. however. remain for the \¥.>sps suffer a -20% distraction
with experience, many simply meld in a the full duration of the Meld. penalty to all skills. M ultiple overlapping

swarms do the same damage. and cause (using the wielder's skill - this Effect wantsto arty. The speed with whichthe
the same penalty, as a single swarm, so docs nothing to improve the sorcerer's Wmgs can arty chis load is somewhat
the Effect is rarely present more than abilities). Missile ""'pons arrive with hard to predict, although the sorcerer an
once in a Meld. around ten missiles. increase the intensity to gain speed.
Intensity: a radiusof 1D8 yards per level. Weapons are often melded with the Adding ro both the speed and the carry_
Duration: 1D8 rounds by default, to a appropriate Ski1Is to increase the user's ing capacity, however, requires that the
maximum of a few minutes. chance to hie. If the sorcerer wishes the Effect be included at least twice in the
weapon to act on its own volition, the Meld.
Water Weapon should be melded with Unseen The chance to Fly begins as a skill
Warer may be useful in a variety of ways: Hands. An enhancedWeapon is possible equal to the winged character's Agility
it might be poured on enemies. used to through melding with other Effects, Roll. The Fly skill an raise through
flood places. or melded with Air to most often one of the Elements. experience, and regular users may SOOn
create a torrential storm, The Effect can Intensity: most one-handed weapons find themselves to be capable flyers (Ot
also be used to control existing bodies of require 1 level, and most two- veryfrustrated and sore)'
water; it is even possible to conunand handed ones require 2 leve ls, Intensity: carry 16 SIZ at 1D8 MOV for 1
water to keepafloat those who are unable at the gamemaster's discretion. l evel; add 1D8 SIZ,or 1D4
Duration: 1D8 rounds by default, to a MOV per additional l evel.
to swim. \\!tter an also insranclv rust maximumof several boors.
mundane meral weapons and ~r, Duration: 1D8 rounds by defauh, to a
doing damage to their Hit Points. \\!tter maximum of several days.
may also be directed as a high-pressure Thi s Effect generates a small ncr of Zap
spour, ausing normal damage to a target sticky strands of webbing, much like An electrical charge which discharges
(with a successful ranged ""apon skill those spun by spiders. whichis propelled from the focal point, Thi s charge has a
use). from the focal point. Beings hir by the chance equal to the damage rolled as a
Note: Other elernenrally-based Effects Webbing (which requires a Ntt skill roll) percentage of magnetizing (or demagne-
(Air, Earth, or Fire) may be used to are immobilizeduntil the\' an break free tizing) any iron object it hits,
neutralize Sorcerous Melds that use this (or the Meld runs out of duratioll). To Note: Wichout rall,gt this Effect is only
EffeCt, provided they are of an equal or = pe, the target must cut the snare by able to target whatever is rouching the
greater intensity. attacking it, eliminating its STR in hit focal point, A ranged ""apon skill roll is
Intensity: depends upon intent. with most points. Those outside the Web an help requiredto hit the target.
sirrple tasks requiringonly a the targer, bur damage those aught in it,
single l evel, as suits the game- Intensity: 1D8 damage per level.
unless they rake ar least as many rounds
master. Consider the following as STR remains in the net. To cover a
suggestions. though:
may move 1D8 SIZ per l evel;
Iarger area. sorcerers often include this Other Effects
force of 1D8 STR per level; Effect a few times in a given Meld. Virtually anything is possible. as long as
1D8damage per l evel, etc. Intensity: 1D8 STR per level. your gamemasrcr approves. Chaos is, of
Range: just surroundingthe focal point course, incredibly varied. The above list
Weapon by default, to a maximumof should provide a decent starting poinr
less than 100 yards.
TIlls Effect creates a magicalWeapon for Duration: 1D8 rounds bydefault, to a for those designing their own Effects.
the sorcerer. The Weapon type must be maximumof several hours. Effects char are too spectacularly
specified during the summoning. and successful. however. may prove impossi-
even rare styles are available. All damage Wings ble to summon more than once. Donr
done by the Weapon is magical. as it is Wmgs allow their wearer to fly. The blame the garnernasrer though: you arc
sorcerous in nature, but it is wielded in Wmgs must be able to support the SIZ subject to the Balance just like everyone
exactly the samefashion as a real version of their owner, and anything else she else.

THE ONLY COMMON EXCEPTIONS to the rule that Chaos Missed Me!
c;llU10t be bound into items arc the fetishes made and sold by Thi s fetish is made of dried toe jam and sparrow feathers.
Ragha-da-Khera sorcerers. When worn, it confuses those who would arrack the
These fetishes only produce a limited range of effects, all of wearer. The fetish has a two month life-span.
which arc in some way related to the Ragha-da-Khera's over- Embedded Chaotic Effect: Baffle Attack.
arching paranoid fear, and their craven dissembling. Addsl pointof Chaos allegiance.
Each fetish takes 1D1 0 hours to make, and requires certain Not T here!
o~c materials and at least one successful Luck roll to Thi s smelly fetish is made from rat urine, decaying toad's
complete, in addition to a successful Fetish Craft roll (not all eves. andmold" straw. It renders the wearer invisible - or at
Ragha-da-Khera Sorcerers are fetish crati:ers). A Failed Luck least veryhard'to see- for several minutes fot each wi oj
rollmeans a wait o f the 10 10 hours until a new attempt can ltlttllsity (see page 7I) the sorcerous crafter puts into it, and
bemade. A Fumbled Luck toll meansthat the fetish cannot be requires "'" successful Luck rolls to complete. Once the
attemptedagain for 1 Dl 0 weeks. time limit of a Not Ibm' fetish has been reached, it disinte-
A fetish usually contains a single Chaotic Effect, but not a grates into dust.
complete Sorcerous Meld (or, not usually). The fetish maker No equivalent Chaotic Effect.
must pay the cost in Magic Points for whatever Effect is to be Adds 2 Chaosallegiance points.
embedded in the fetish (referred to as the Embedded o,.olic Fff«t I Know what You Did!
in the descriptionsofthe sample fetishes below). Some fetishes For each w i oj Inttllsity the sorcerer puts into it, this fetish
exhibit Effects peculiar to the Ragha-da-Khera (examples of lime twigs, cock's combs, paper bark, and dried skunk-
below); the gamcrnaster determines the cost for such oddities. weed adds 20% to the wearer's Paranoid AnalySiS skill The
Each fetish takes a toll on both the maker and the wearer, by fetish has a 10% chance of disintegrating each time it is
increasing their Chaos allegiance by one point (for those used, but does not have any other fixed life-span.
which make use of Embedded Chaotic Effects) or two (for Embedded Chaotic Effect: Skills (Paranoid Analysis).
those which arc unique to the Ragha-da-Khera). For the Adds 1 Chaosallegiance point.
maker, this is in addition to any Chaos allegiance gained by
summoning the Chaotic Effect embeddedin the fetish. Something You Ate !
Fetishes usually cost a great deal to buy. In addition, they Enables the wearer to poison the food or drink of others
have limited lifespans. And, to makematters worse, Ragha-da- by touch (with a Potency of 1 DB per wi oj lntmsity the
sorcerer has put in the fetish, which requires two Luck rolls
Khera sorcerers have been known to sell fake fetishes, or at
least fetishes that do something other than what the buyer to complete). The fetish is a duster of nuts infused in an
essence of deadly nightshade and crew's guts. When worn,
expects. These latter are sometimesforged to look like a popu-
it is always on. although the poison does not affect the
lar fetish such as Love Me, Do!
wearer. The fetish lasts one day.
A fetish must be worn to be used- that is, it must be next to
the wearer's skin So long as a fetish is not worn. it is not No equivalentChaotic Effect.
Adds 2 Chaosallegiance points.
subject to disintegration (thus it is possible to come across a
perfectly preserved hundred-year-old fetish that causesa loath- Your Worst Nightmare!
some disease when it is picked up, and subsequently dissolves Suffuses wearers with a fearsome aura, causing all who per-
into dust). ceive them to be terrified, but not quite to the point of
flight. Can help in gaining information, and even in win-
Some Popular Fetishes ning fights. The fetish itself is just a dead mouse. Best of
LoveMe,Do! all, it lasts a whole week.
Fashioned from sperm. saliva. salt, and sweat, this fetish Embedded Chaotic Effect: Emotional Control (Fear modified).
Adds 1 Chaosallegiance point.
adds CHA (up to species maximum), when worn. The
fetish lasts for two weeks before f.tlIing apart.
Embedded Chaotic Effect: Attributes (CHA).
Addsl point of Chaos allegiance.

CHAos CREAl1JRES playa more important part in the Con,m T he First Sununoning
setting than theydo in the Young Kingdoms. In Con,m often a
threat to an adventurer's safety can come fiom some hideous 11,e Ritual
monstrosity native to another, Chaos-ridden, plane. (Also, see It usually rakes quite a bit of time and preparation when a
An Ill-Considered Thought on page 87.) Chaos Creature is first summoned (but see An llI-Considered
Thought on page 87). The details of what should be an
The Pact elaborate, even picky, ritual are left up to the
Chaos Creatures must be sununoncd from gamemaster and players. Here is what
other planes and then negotiated with. happens in game terms.. .
The resulting agreements are called Initially, the sorcerer commits the
PadS. The Chaos Creature extends equivalent of 2 bvt/s oj Intnuity
regular service, on call. to the (usually 6 MP; see page 71)
sorcerer, and in return the to the sununoning. In
sorcerer agrees to gJ\'e rerum for those
the Creature some- Magic Points, the
thing as a fee each summoned
time it is Creature

Paeting with
Chaos Crea- will have
tures gives the 3D8 points
sorcerer access to the in each of its 7
often formidable pom:rof Characteristics. a skill
the creature. but is a danger- at 50"10 (usually an Arrack
ous undertaking. The brutes are Skill), and two skills at 30"10.
unpredictable when summoned and The Wish List
merciless in demanding their pact price The summoner may opt to spend
from their so-called masters. more than the basicMagic Points. In deter-
Chaos Creatures cannot terminate a pact, nor mining how many additional Magic Points to
can swnmoners. The Chaos Creature is alwavs theoreti- spend, the sorcerer should be guided by the knowledge
cally on call, even if it has been yeatS since'the sorcerer last that each Magic Point can add an additional 108 to one of
desired its aid. the Creatures Characteristics. There is no limit to how many
Characteristic points a Chaos Creature may have, and thus
The Nature of Chaos Creatures there is no limit to how many Magic Points the summoner
Chaos Creatures are usually gross. foul impatient and cruel may sacrifice. Alternatively, each Magic Point can be used to
There are exceptions, though generally only in outer appe;rr- buy a 10% increase fOr one of the Creature's skills. Chaos
ance, A Chaos Creature may act churlish or morbid or Creatures usually have only a limited number of skills, as
sarcastic. Underneath it will still be gross. foul impatient and shown in the Chaos Creature Creation box on the nextpage.
cruel However. Chaos Creatures really do desire to perfonn The summoner should note down the number of DBs
their paeted service and, especially. to receive their pact p.rice. assigned to each ofthe sunnnoned creature's Characteristics. as
Only inflicting misery alleviates the otherwise constant 11l1Set)' well as which skills are being sought and the percentages
in Mlich they exist. assigned to each.
Chaos Creatures are highly individualistic. A pact is made Novice summoners may be under the impression that they
with only with an individual, and not with any of its brethren. are able to entirely """",I the appearance, Characteristics. .and
Each Chaos Creature considers itselfthe onlyrepresentative of skills of the Chaos Creatures they summon. However, this rs
its kind. This may well be the case. Rumors persist, however. not the case - Chaos is not subject to that kind of control
that there are at least some breeds of Chaos Creatures. Why. These notes are more like an advertisement for the kind of
no one knows .

Q,aos Creature you want. What actually shows up for the jo b H",\t"V[[, if the summoner's Luck resulted in a Critical, th e

is a different matter. Chaos Creature arrives with m.u:'d out stats, and in a generous
n'e Fonn o f !.he Creature mood.
Once th e sorcerer has assigned all of the Magic Points she A Fumble on the Luck roll indicates that none of the
desires, the garnemasrcr (standing in for Chaos) secretly deter- summoner's requests are likely to have been respect ed. and the
mines the Creature's form. as described in the Chaos Creature Creature has just been waked from a really nice dream.
Creation box, below, to bu ild a picture of what th e sununoned The A1ilWes of th e Creature
crearure looks like. In any case, the gamernaster alone rolls the appropriate number
The Luck o f Chaos of D8s (3 D8, plus 1 D8 for each Magic Point sacrificed for the
Alter th e general appearance of the creature has been deter- Ouracreristic) and notes down th e actual number for each of
mined. the summoner musr succeed on a Luck roll in order for the Characteristics. There is no reason for th e sorcerer to ever
the creature to possess the configuration of Characteristic dice knowthe Creature's actual statistics.
and skill percentages th e summoner requested and sacri ficed The gamernaster also assigns the skill percentages for the
creature at the same time ( 50% to a skill, 30% to two others,
If th e sorcerer's Luck roll Fails, Chaos ( in the person of the plus an additional 10% to a skill for each Magic Point
gamemaster) assigns th e di ce and percentages to whatever assIgned to skills ). Optionally the gamemaster may distribute
Characrerisrics and skills seem interesting. The garncmaster another 50% among whatever creature skills seem interesting.
can do almost anyth ing in thi s situa tio n, but must use only the Note: If th e sun:uno ner is on an unfamiliar plane. it is possi-
number of dice and the percentages established by the ble tha t she has invested more (or fewer) Magic Points than
summoner. required to meet the initial sununonin g cost (two levels o f


Skills attack, bite attack , po ison bite 13 ELEPHANTINE

This tabl e lists all the skills that Chaos attack, c rush attack El eph ant skin, eleph ant head ,
Creatures usually know. The sorce rer 3 INSECTOID trunk attac k, trample attac k
may select a skU from the list, or it can Carapace armor,six legs, mandi- 14 SAURIAN
be used to randoml y generate the skills ble attack, poison sting attack Scale armor, runs on back I ~,
for a new Chaos creature - roll 1010. 4 MOLLUSCOID claw attack, bite attack, kick
1 prima ry Anack Skin armor, water-breathing, attack
2 Clirrb tenta cle a ttack , beak attack, 15 PRIMATE
sec retio n attaoc Ape fur, ape hands, ape feet,
3 Dodge daw attack, bite attack. throw
4 Hide Fish-scale armor, water-brea lh- attack
5 Jump ing. spine attack, bite attack 16 RODENT IVESPERTlLOID
6 Move Qu ietly 6 ARACHNOID Rodenlibat fur, roden tbat hea d ,
Spiky hair, multi-eyed, eight legs, claw attack, bite attack, flight,
7 Swim blood-drain attack
bite attack, poison bite attack,
8 Throw web attack 17 SERPENTINE
9 Track 7 EQUINE Scale armor, no legs, bite attack,
10 secondary Anack (or something Short fur, horse legs, horse head, poison b ite attack, con striction
unexpededi bite attac k, kick attack, trarrole attack
Fonn 8 BOVINE Big b lack eyes, cuddly (if s0me-
VVhen crea ting a creature, the form is Short fur, bull legs, bull head, what rancid) ~arance, tai l,
almost always random (unless the butt a nd'or gore attack, kick leap ing. p'ouch containing small
gamemaster lias a particular creature in attack vers ion Of self. kick attack,
mind ). Two 1D20 rolls should be made poison Sfl.Ur attack, claw attack,
9 FELINE butt attack
INhen ea ch Creature is sumrooned. The Striped fur, ca t head , claw attac k,
first roll det erm ines the dominant form b ite attack 19 VAPOROUS/ FLUIDIC
of the creature. The creature la!,&ely Gaseou s, liquid, semi-sold,
appears as described. The second roll 10 CANINE poi son attack, gas attack, acid
gives an additional Chaotic blend . This Dog furr dog head , droo l, bite attac k, alkaline attack, vomit
means limbs, one or more features, or attack, knockback attack attack, spray attack! injection
some other aspect of the creature is 11 ANNALID attack
determined by the second roll. Segmented body, ca rapace 20 DEMONOID I UNDEAD
1 AVIAN armor, mandible attack, bite Demonic appearance and some
Flight, fea thers, scales, claw attack abilities, OR·Risen dead , weapon
attack, beak attack 12 URSINE attack
2 REPTILIAN Bear fur, bear head , hug attack ,
SCale armor, cold blooded, claw claw attack, b ite attack

intensity in costs 6 M1gic Points in Corum's world, but only4 "Dragging off' can leave the summoner alive, but only after
in any of Xiombarg's planes, for example)' In such cases, the unspeakable torture, and facing at least 1D 10 weeks of mental
gamcma.ster apportions the excess (or subtracts the deficit) and physical recovery.
Magic Points to whatever Otaraetensrics or skill seem appro- One might try to charm such an angry critter, Roll
priate or interesting, (APP + POW) I 2 against its POW on the Resistance Table.
T he Arrival of the Creature If the summoner Crilitals, then the d:unned thing thinks the
SW1U11OncT is roo cute. or too cool, and leaves peacefully. If the
Then the summoned Chaos Creature appears.
summoner merely Slfaads, some Conn of persuasion can be
The Name of the Creatu re attempted, with the gamemaster the judge of its effeeriveness
The Creature introduces itself by name (another aspeer deter- (but a price must be paid for a deal to be struck). If the
mined by the gamemasrer). Ibt malu,,' 'Ulmt is txlrtmtly summoner Fails, it's on for real, as alreadv described above. If
important,p that is what binds tf" malu" to tht5ltmmO,ltT. Each crea- the summoner Fumb/t" there is no ~ce to even defend
ture has its own individual name. That name alone, uttered against the creature's lnitial onslaught. No matter thi rtsub this timr,
aloud in conjunction with the expenditure of a single M1gie II" bolld bttwan matll" and 5lImmo,ltT ran never bt &rob (except,
Point, will suffice to summon this creature again, later. preswnably. by magicks yet unknown). which means both that
The Price of the Creature the sununoner can again call upon the Crearurc using is name
The creature now names its pact price. In fact, the summoner and a MagicPoint, and that the Creature's price always remains
has already agreed ro paythis price, merely by sununoning the the same (and it is furious ""'Y timt it is called and the price is
crearurc and hearing its name. Creature pacring is truly a not paid).
seller's marker. Chaos Crearures are somewhat reasonable; they (usually,
Since the creature acruallv does not have a voice of its own, often,sometimes) understand that one mightnot have the pacr
ir is the gamemasrer, agall{, who determines the foul thing's price ready in one's purse - at least not the first time. They
price. Usually (bur nor always) the pricerefleers howtough the allow what they deem to be a reasonable amount of time for
Crearurc is- tougherChaos Creatures tend to demand higher the sorcerer to get the price (a matter of minutes for a bit of
prices - but, since it is Chaos we are dealing with here, it is the sorcerer herself; days for the fresh body of one of the
possible that some very tough creatures work cheaply, and that sorcerer'senemies, and so on)' HWKV<r, tbis grnnosity ( f!VtTS Oldy Iht
some pretty wimpy ones demand the head of the summoner's first summoning; ~ that, fix (fflUHrt expttts instant gratification and ts
beloved, or something. not liktly to Q(upt anything &.s.
Detennining the Pact Price Some summoners think they are smarter. more persuasive,
The paer price demanded by a Chaos Crearurc can be and just generalIy badderchan a Chaos Creature. Local burial
conceived of as a n;ng taken froma VICtim. grounds are full of really smart,really badass summoners.
Thin gs The Service of tile C reature
Roughly in ascending order of value, the Things a Chaos Once swnmoned and paid ror, the creature awaits instruc-
Crearurc might want are: tions. One cannotexpeer a Chaos Creature to do just anyrhing.
A facial fcarure, a digit, a random meaty chunk, a single though - each isa specialist (mostly theyspecialize in destruc-
limb, a dispensable organ, upper Ot lower or right or left tion. but there are some who can do other stuff, like seeing
halves of bodies, an indispensable organ, an entire dead into other Planes)' Well-preparedsununonersknow in advance
body, an entireliving body, Charaereristic points. what they want done, and have planned for a crearurc capable
Creatures often wear sacrificed Things as trophies, serv- of accomplishing the deed(mostly destruction, as we said).
ingas a grisly reminder of the summoner's pact. Chaos Crearures who are told to do something they reckon
V ictims they cannot do, simplywon't do it, even though they have been
Roughly in ascending order of value, the Victims from paid. However, they do hang around until they grt a job they
which Things are taken are: feel they can accomplish. The stupider Chaos Creatures are
A minor enemy ofthe summoner's, a stranger. an acquain- both more likely to undertake impossible tasks, and also less
tance, a friend, the summoner, a more powerful sorcerer, a likely to do things they could do. Most Chaos Creatures, even
ruleror other powerful person, a major enemy, a loved one. very dumb ones, have an instiner that warns them against self-
Generally speaking. minions of Chaos are not likely to be destruction, The frantic command: "Wipe out that ravening
included as Victims; however, rules aremadeto be broken. horde!" is most likely to impeI the averagr crearurc to wipe out
onlyone or two of the enemy before reruming whence it came.
Summoners who do not agree to pay the pricedemanded, face
the wrath of the sununoned creature. Chaos Creatures don't Calling on the Creature Again
fool around: they attack immediately. And, of course, the Paer with the creature is for life. At any
To begin with, this involves a full-scale, no-holds-barred time that the Creatures name is uttered by the summoner
physical anack. Ibtn it tries to nab body pans. Characteristic and one of the summoner's Magic Points is voluntarily
points, or to simply kill or drag off the cheating summoner committed to the task, the Chaos Creature will teappear,
(no matter that the original Paer may have specified, say, a demanding its price and ready for service in exchange.
scalp from some stranger. the beast wants the summoner's Somever), friendly, or very eager, creatures have been known
scalp now- and, it must be admitted, withsome justification). to show up even when they have not been called for. Experi-
enccd Sorcerers say that unswnmoncd creatures have no right Binding
to a Pact price and an: not actually able to arrack if the price is Chaos Creatures (all be bound into items, It costs 3 pennancnt
not produced on demand, no matter how much they threaten. POW, just as an eternal Demon binding in Stonnbriwr, alter a
nut is what experienced Sorcerers say. POW vs. POW srruggle with the brute on the Resistance Table
(no Cha os Creature is dumb enough to "ulI/ to be bound).
Binding in no way mitigates against the need to pay
the pact price. The creature still arrives when-
ever summoned by name, demanding its due
price and ready to arrack if the price is not
granted. However. the item can be used by
anyone to gain the Creature's services. as
long as rhcv know its name.
Thus binding in Corum is always
for an eternity. Evil sorcerers or lack-
eys of Chaos have bern known to
leave such items around, temptinglr
labelled with the bound Creatures
name, that hapless fools may be
drawn into a relationship with the
foul minions of Chaos. ("What's this?
FAA . . . ZER ... OOTH .. . BHAPT-
Ulp!"), Such an item, if broken. frees its
bound Creature, who may then appear to
thank the person responsible or ro devour
him, at whim or according to the liberator's

Salllple Creatures
Some sample Crea tures an: provided here for the reader's delec-
An Ill-Considered Thought tation. Gamcmastcrs may choose my of them. or simply use
"It "''as a time or ... nUAShapen creatures ",t.o could be these ideas asguidelines for their own efforts, or C\'a1 combine
.ummoned. ~. an ill-<OllAidered thou~ht " two or more for a walking perversion. Remember, Chaos Crea-
- 11.. F..... BooI.ofc..~ tures an: individuals, and not bmdr:. Possibly this is because
they are all infertile.
Ax any time that any character (player Ot NPC) throws "'"
Fumbles in a row, a Chaos Creature has beensummoned by the BIrr.cct (Fe/;neM sper6/;o;d)
luckless roller. This frail appearing creature has strung armor to protea it. A
The Creature rakes 3D8 Magie Points from its unwitting feline with leathern bat-like wings, it likes to s"""p down on
summoner, and these Points are used in its creation. It is its victims. It is stupid and stubborn, and it squeaks and
impossible for this to result in a loss of more Magic Points cannot purr, making it a thoroughly unpleasantcompanion. It
than the adventurer's currently has (but remember that 0 enjoys toying with its prey.
Magic points means unconsciousness). No Magic Points an: STRI7 CON 7 51Z 14 INT7 POW 9
required for the involuntary summoning irsdf - and the DEX 12 MOV HP 11
summoner has no control over what has bern called up. The Damage Bonus: +104
Crearure is entirely thegarnemaster's creation. Abilities: Annor, I D1 0 leatheryskin
The garnemasrcr may roll the appropriate dice, as described Bite45%, damage 1D8
in Chaos Creature Creation, on page 85, using the snatched Claw60%, 108 (+ 104)
Mag ic Points as seems fit, or may scan our mt'IfI( de digustation. Wings, fl ight at 50rnph, ability to carry things up to 51Z 9
below, for a suitable beast. Ski lis: Navigation 40%, World of Five Planes 50%
Such a newbie definitely wants its pact price - otherwise it Pact Price: One entire living strangerof foreign race to the
turns nasty - and it will perform a service. However. it doesn't summoner.
announce its true name (even if requested as its service). and
thus cannot usually be summoned again. (A wry stupid crea- Bhughhatt (In..,doid/Vesper6/;oidj
ture might be cricked into giving its correct name.] This creature has a sturdy carapace of armor and resembles an
upright cockroach with a bat-like face. It drains souls if it
succeeds in touching its opponent with a successful Brawl Otherwise it relies on bru te strength and it jabbers ceaselessl)'
Bhugbhatt is suspicious and withdrawn. in a long- forgo nen to ngue.
STR 19 CON 16 SIZ 20 INT 15 POW 18 STR 24 CON 16 SIZ2 2 INT 10 POW 13
DEX 14 MOV run-lO HP 18 DEX 18 MOV l eap-1 2 HP 19
Damage Bonus: +1D8 Damage Bonus: +2D8
Abilities: Armor, 2D l0 carapace Abilities: Annor 1D6 greasy fur
Drain Soul, POW vs, POW, drains 1D8 magic points until Claw60%, da mage 108 (+2D8)
zero , then 1D8 POW until dea th.
Leap, automatica lly 3 yds high and SO yds long, carries passen-
Skills: Brawl 50%, Climb 40%, Swim 40%. gers to SIZ total 24 .
Pad Price: An en tire living enemy of the opposite sex to the Skills: Climb 90%, Throw 40%.
summoner's own.
Pact Price: An entire stranger, living or dead, of the same sex as
B owdg'ie (Avian /Canine) the surrvnoner.
Bm,,:lgie is a giant hawk with a great dog's head, The creature
G rool1ahk (Urs;ne/Cani"e)
enjoys swooping down on prey and bieing, taking what is left
Groolbahk is a foul hybrid servant of the Dog and the Bear.
back to some lair to claw apart. Aggressive and unfriendly,
STR28 CON 26 SIZ 27 INT 5 POW 26 Often it acts as a go-ben\ttIl for the pair. Lacking powers it
DEX 22 MOV F1y-l 0 HP 27 uses brute strength and fonnidable figheing skills, when not
Damage Bonus: +208 otherwise busy toadying to its Chaos masters. Jovial but suspi-
Abilities: Annor, 101 0 da nk feathers cious, Groolbahk is an unpleasant companion.
Bite 120%, 2DlO STR26 CON 32 SIZ 28 INT 12 POW 40
Claw60%, damage 1D8 (+2D8) DEX 37 MOV run-7 HP 30
Wings, SO mph flight, can carry things. Damage Bonus: +2D8
Skills: Dodge 40%, Navigate 110%, Five Planes 60% . Abilities: Annor, 2Dl0 greasy, matted fur
Pad Price: One dead elder race member (Nhad ragh o r Vadhagh Bite 150%, damage 3 DlO (+2D8)
only), killed by the summoner in the last e ight hou rs. Full Shield 90%, damage kb+104 (+2D8), 22+9 hit points
Skills: Art: Message Reca ll 90%, Dodge 100%, Hide 50%.
Frhegg (Elcphantin, / Avian)
Pact Price: li mb from a loved one.
This stunted. gnarled elephant has enormous win gs. It flies
through th e air and drops on opponents crushing them under
HiissiL (Serpcntine/ S crpMtinc)
its mass. Guaranteed to inspire hilarity right up until the final
H issiik is a strange sn ake creature. Walking upright it attacks
crunch. Silent and ta citurn in personality.
STRll CON1 9 SIZ16 INT1 8 POW1 6 with a poisonous bite. Yet it Ius a sinister persuasiveness and
DEX 20 MOV Fly-8 HP 18 em often coax stupid opponents into dangerous situations.
Damage Bonus: +1 04 Outtning and elegant.
STR30 CON 28 SIZ 23 INT 11 POW 14
Abilities: Annor, 101 0 leathe ry skin DEX 15 MOV Run-6 HP 26
Core 40%, damage 1D8 (+104, if charging)
Smash 90%, kb+1Ol0+8 (+104) Damage Bonus: +2D8
Wings, fly at SO mph Abilities: Armor, 1DB sca les
Skills: Jump 50%, ScentlTaste 30% Stinger 70%, 1D8 (+ 2D8), and poison POT 28
Pad Price: Scalp of summoner's acquaintance. Summoner must Skills: Dodge 50% , Fast Talk 50%, Oratory 80'/~
have known victim more than 24 hours. Pad Price: The feel of a man killed by the summoner in the last
eight hours.
GlJeap (Sau,ian/A,achnoid)
This Chaos horror is a krge upright saurian monster with PachyJor {E!cphan6ndSau,ian}
spider legs. It can climb up sheer surfaces and bite its foes. Its
A giant mammoth-like monster with a great saurian tail this
personality is morose and 2loomy.
creature uses both tail and tusks in combat. It also has a most
STR 21 CON 12 SIZ 16 INT 5 POW 16
DEX 14 MOV 10 (run) HP 14 sensmve nose and can track prey. By turns cheerful and
Damage Bonus: +108
STR1 8 CON32 SIZ 29 INT1 0 POW 21
Abilities: Armor, 1D6 leathery hide DEX 18 MOV HP 31
Bite 50 %, damage 1010
Climb 90% , ca n cling to ceil ings etc. for up to 9 hou rs Dama ge Bonus: +3 D8
Skills: Dodge 50%, Move Qu ietly 40% Abilities: Armor, 1Dl 0+1 D8 shaggy hair
Core 40%, 1D8+ 2 (+3 D8)
Pad Price: One entire stranger, living or dead.
Smash 110%, damage 201 0+ 102 (+3D8)
Grandis (primate/MarsupialoiJ) Snout, track recent scent trail at 160%, 99,00 loses trail.
This terrible, ugl)' ape-thing is capable of bounding over hu ge Skills: Insight 60%, ScentlTaste 50%.
distances . Its dank, greas)' fur help s protect it in combat. Pact Price: 1 Characteristic point from summoner.
Shaakal (Sc"",ntine/Bo. ine) SproJfhorg fRoJ. nt/FluiJic)
A gigantic walking snake with the mass ive homs of a buffalo. This noxious creature is to all outward appearances a giant rat.
Biting and gonng are what It does best. and It has a p rehensil e H owever it also carries a deadly flammable liquid ,,;.nch seeps
[Ongue with which it can dra g prey into its mouth. Totally through its filthy hid e and bums like fire. The creature's ingra-
jnscrueablc. tiating obsequiousness makes it, if anything, even more
51R 21 CON 37 SIZ 41 INT 10 POW 24 repellent.
DEX 31 MOV run-6 HP 39 STR 24 CON 31 SIZ 24 INT 9 POW 30
Damage Bonus: +3 08 DEX 26 MOV wa lk-7 HP 28
Abilities: Armor, 1DIO+ 1D2 sca les Damage Bonus: +2D8
Bite SO%, damage 1 D8 Abilities: Armor, IDlO spiky fur
Gore 120%, damage 1D8+2 (+3D8) Bite 100%, damage 2Dl 0
Tongue 70%, STR vs. STR or pulled towards mouth, 7 yards Gout Fire, 80%, damage 1D8, 8 yds range
Skills: Dodge 90%, Move Qu ietly 100%.
Skills: Dodge 40%, Move Qu ietly 60%. Pact Price: A sorcerer, killed by the summoner in the last 8 hou rs.
Pad Price: One friend of summoner.
Vasdajaag (Vcspcrl;!;o;d/Denumo;Jj
Snarlus (Feline/V""",ous) A demonic bat creature which never
This cat-like creature is sheath ed in a poison- engages in hand to hand combat,
oUS mist. Anything it touches has a chance but uses its demon fin: power to
of being paralyzed. It has a weird sense of sco rch its foes at range . A cheerful
humor, and likes to perform whar ir and vulgar fellow.
chinks of as practical jokes. 5TR19 CON14 SIZ 21
51R 11 CON 13 SIZ 16 INT 19 POW 12 DEX 17
INT 11 POW 16 DEX 9 MOVfl y-l 1 HP 18
MOV 14 (walk) HP 1S
Damage Bonus: +1D8
Damage Bonus: +1 04
Abilities: Armor, 1D8 red leath-
Abilities: Claw 60% , damage ery skin
ID8 (+104), and Paralysis Gout Fire 70%, dama ge 1D8,
Fog, automatic, exudes a stink- range 7 yards
ing cloud 8 yds wide by 16
yds high. The smell makes Skilis: Art: Bad Jokes 20%,
Dodge 50%, Fast Talk 30%.
those exposed to it eas y to
track for the next 24 hours. Pact Price: One blue eyeball,
Paralysis, on touch orsuccessful plucked by the summoner in
claw attack, temporary pa raly- the last 12 hours .
sis, ends when target rolls
CON x l o/~ Whonne (AnnoliJoiJ/Equine)
Skills: Track 40% A caterpillar with a horse's head
PactPrice: A digitor simi lar morsel which delivers a fearful bitt. This
of flesh belonging to creature is also excellent at tracking
summoner. and can follow almost anything. It
laughs with a braying whinny at any
Snyydal (Demonl);J/Dcmcmoid) violence perpetrated on Mabdcn or elder races.
A more philosophical Chaos Creature than 5TR 7 CON 20 SIZ 19 INT 12 PaW 10
most. The thing resembles a flayed man excep t its skin DEX 8 MOV 3-creep HP 20
looks like green marble and its eyes black onyxs. It serves to Damage Bonus: +1D4
heal, to impart knowledge and occasionally censure. Its arrack Abilities: Armor, 1D6 carapace
is its ability to drain so uls, which never does in combat, always Bite 90 %, damage 1Dl 0+8
waiting for a quire moment to slip it to anopponent. It exudes Skills: Move Quietly 50% , Trac k 90%.
cvnical charm and an urbane, if mordant, wit. Pact Price: Ole entire enemy of summoner.
s'rR 15 CON 24 SIZ 11 INT 25 POW 34
DEX 24 MOV wa lk-S HP 28
Damage Bonus: +104 chaos C reatures in Yo ur G ame
Abilities: Drain Soul, POW vs. POW, drains 108 magic po ints Different styles of gaming will treat th e summoning of Chaos
until zero, then 108 POW until death. Creatures quite differently. A great deal of leeway has been
Knowledge, 75% chance to answer reference questions. allowed h ere for g:unernasrcrs to make summoning a relatively
Suture 100%, restores 10 hit po ints, but leaves repulsive scars . commonplace. and even slapstick. occurrence - or to make it
Skills: Dodge 100%, Insight 80%, Move Qu ietly 1200/~ so terrifYing and catastrophic that no sane advenrurcr attempts
Pact Price: 1 Characteristic point of summoner from APP, INT or it. This is deliberate. Both gamcmasters and players are
DEX. cautioned not to ruin their game by misusing these rules.

SUMMONING GREATIR DEMONS - the onlvkind available to Petty Tasks

adventurers on this plane - is both difficult ~d dangerous. A gift of some valuable item or rmgical tool for a negoti_
Th e proceduresarc the same as those described in the Storm- atcd period of not more than one year; a tcrnporary
bri,lg<' rules. However. Demons summoned to the world of affliction on some other person; a temporary enhancement
Corum tend to subscribe. more or less roughly. to the princi- of some Characteristic (exact number of points determined
ples ofexchange outlined below in Servicesand Prices. by the Demon).
In very Lawful places Demons ClI1 only intrude 0\'Ct sacri- Pritt, rum a neutral person to the service of Quos. This
ficed life forms. essentially taking the place of the sacrifice. In might be done by persuading such a person to call upon
the Chronicles. Erril summons the Demon Y vrkoon to take Demonic help. to pact with a Chaos Creature, or in some
the place of a crucified monkey after the Lo;n. of Law are other way to acquirepoints of Quos allegiance.
dominant on Corum's home plane. For each summoning he
docs, Erril also loses a ycar of his life. However, during the l-Iundane Tasks
recommended time fi-amc for the game the World of A pennanent rmgical artifact; a pennanent affliction upon
the Five Planes the sacrifice of a living being is unnecessary. a rival or foe; or a pernunent small advance in a Character-
since Chaos is still dominant. istic(not over5 points. and determined by the Demon)
Pritts: the defeat or destruction of some minor menace to
Services and Prices Quos; a Lawful temple active in the name of Arkpn, or a
It would seem that in the world of Con.m each Demon Champion of Law; ruming to Quos a Vadhagh or a nota-
summoning takes a year offofthe life ofthe summoner (add a bly Lawful Mabden; prosecution of a war against a small
year to the summoner's age). Lawful state or race on one's home plane.
The service a Greater Demon is to be asked to render Extravagant Tasks
should always be determined in advance (because bored Death to my enemy; a particularly potent Chaotic Effect as
unbound Demons can become vety impatient vcry quickly). an abibty for one ycar; a position of power; instant travel to
One could ask for some arcane knowledge (a summoning or an enemy or love; a permanent increase in a Characteristic
ritual). an enchanted item, transportation somewhere (a far-off (not over 10 points. and determined by the Demon)
plane], or someother marter ofvital import to the adventurer.
Theoretically it is in a Greater Demon's power to do almost Prim: defeat or destruction of a major menace to Chaos.
anything. but all Demons are perverse and will rarely directly For example, the summoner rmy be expected to raise an
accomplish what is asked. If the adventurer demands "Kill my army againsta Lawful countryor raceon another one ofthe
enemyl" then the Demon rmy produce some dire weapon suit- Five Planes. Aid in teaching a far-off plane might be given.
able for doing just that and consider the bargain struck; or but always begrudgingly.
arr.mge for an accident oventy years in the future. Irnpossilile tasks
Lerhally impatient without something to occupy them, Immortality. inculnerabiliry, massdestruction, three wishes.
many Greater Demons happily spend any amount of time etc., erc.
bargaining. until they sense that their summonershave become Prius: impossible. Over the millennia, Demons have become
stubborn - at which point they simply vanish. Ultimately. the extremely adept ar working out payment that nullifies the
onus is on the summoner to make the best use of what the boons that thinking beings appearto value most, Immortal-
Demon offers. ity may entail a life lived infinitely slowly. invulnerability life
The service of a Demon is genaally a once in lifetime busi- lived as a mist. Or the price of an impossible task rmy be
ness. because of the severity of the price demanded in return. one or another form of eternal misery. Whatever it is, most
Some Demons - expecially those who agree to perform sane beings will not think the boon is worth ir,
instantly and exactly what the sorcerer asks("grant me eternal
life") - do not reveal the nature of the payment they will exact The Curse of Chaos
(changing the sorcerer into a cockroach). giving the summoner The curse of Quos is the price exacted if a summoner has had
only one chance to change her mind. recourse to the same unbound Demon for the same or similar
In most cases, however, the Demon's price must be paid service more than once. Demons dislike serving someone
first, before the service is granted. twice: it implies the dolt ill-used their aid the first time. In
Demons are very good at giving sununoncrs the impression rerum for the repeated service. the Demon now requires the
that whatever is asked of them has been misconceived. They summoners themselves become demon pawns. This entails an
divide tasks into four categories; 1'<tty. MJlIIIJ",~. Extravagant and immediate threerolls on the Quos Trait Table. applyingthem
lmpos'iblt. The first two are not worth their attention. and the all. and then sm:aring servitude to the Demon for life. Those
second two contain services that no one in their right mind in servitude can becalled on to do tasks at 3. moment's notice.
could expect any Demon to accomplish. Once they die they become(Lesser) Demons themselves,

THEI-DGH POWER of Chaotic Effects, and the ability to nego- El uding the Emhrace of Chaos
tiate with powerful Chaos Creatures and Demons, may give Some may wish to defer their inevitable fate. and may be will-
Con"" summoners the idea that they have things all their own ing to pay any price. For them two ways exist to avoid the
way. TIUs is not the case. In Comm there are high costs for corruptionof their chosen life, at least for a time:
those who consort with the PO\VCts of Chaos.
Increasing acts of Chaos are reflected in the accumulat ion of Other Allegiances
Chaos allegiance points. But it does not take an Apotheosis to So long as the adventurer has moreallegiance points in Law
become a. Chaos horror. That option is available far earlier. or the Balance than in Chaos. there is no need to make a
Chaos Trait roll. as the adventurer has not fully given herself
Each Chaos allegiance point "'luates to a 1% cumulative
to Chaos, Thus someone with a Balance total of ten who
chance to gaina C1>.w, Trail through a roll on the table overleaf:
These traits are physical and mental disfigurements much gains a rise in Chaos allegiance from seven to nine need not
reflect the deterioration of the adventurer through the corrup- make a roll - allegiance to the Balance has saved them hom
tion of Chaos. Since the chance is cumulative. a sorcerer who corruption.
has gained 10 Chaos allegiance points has a 10% chance of Eventually. however. this balancing act is going to fail
gaining a Chaos Trait. Those committed to Chaos lack the opportunities, and
usually the will, to seriously commit to the Balance or Law.
Checking' for Chaos Split allegiances generally displease sununoned entities
A Chaos Trait test must be made whenever and may even drive them away before any paaing
the adventurer's gains on e or more Chaos or bargaining takes place. Any significant
allegiance points, and the resulting alle- other allegiance demands explanation
giance is greater than her allegiance to from the jealous pom:rs of Chaos,
Law or to Balance (not to their whose near total victory on this
combined total). Th e allegiance point plane means that they have no
gains for the sununoning of Sorcer- use for followers of doubtful
ous Melds. Chaos Creatures, and loyalty.
Demons are reviewed in Allegiance , Divine Invocation
Rewards (on page 112, in the Running f Another way to avoid an
the Gz"", chapter). unwanted Chaos Trait is
If the unfortunate adventurer tolls through the successful invoca-
under her Chaos allegiance as a percent- tion of a deity. When it is
age. she instantly develops a Chaos Trait. indicated (by rolling under her
the nature of which is determined using Chaos allegiance) that an adven-
the Chaos Trait Table on the next page. turer must acquire a Chaos Trait,
• Gamemastets may. if their bookhepinll she may attempt to invoke a god.
is up to it and they feel kinclly enough. \ with the usual (often slim) chance
discriminate between allegiance points for success. The deity in question
gained by SOtceryand other ways: but the mayor may not be interested in the
chronicles mention non-sorcerers who fall petty problem of a Chaos Trait.
prey to the corruption oftheir Chaos mas- If a Chaos deity is called upon, it is
ters. Thus the awful truth is that any who likely that it will demand some fabulous
follow Chaos are in line for these"rewards". service or some other equally high price
in return - and that the Trait will only be
• Gamemastets may also wish to apply all...
removed ajUr the service is performed. Of
giance points to willing recipients o( Chaos
course. success in the service of Guos
benefits. those who have Chaotic Effects cast
usually means that the adventurer earns
upon them, for instance.
more Chaos allegiance points. and thus
Busy sorcerers, and others who fuquently acquire another (and greater) chanceto gain a Trait,
Guos allegiance, will soon find some of the Traits Thus do the Lords of Chaos ensnare those who
doubling up. The process eventually changes them into would be their allies.
shambling mockeries of their true selves. The pom:rs of Chaos
are great, but so too is the price of acceding to those powers.
Once sorcerers have established the have earned a Chaos Trait, they roll 1D20 on this table to discover the natureof their
new affliction.
Hand is altered to hoofor claw drone of Chaos for the duration bringer rules asan innate ability,
of animal. Lose 2 DEX and 1 of the scene. Friends and foes are to the valueof the person's
APP. Roll further 106. 1-3 is left forgotten; only the will of the POW. Gamemaster's choiceas
hand; 4-6 indicates right. Chaos Lords is followed. to abilityor figure randomly.
2 FOOL as above, with DEX loss 9 Foul stench from person. Lose 3 16 Chaostonr,ue. Can only speakin
only (as foot can usually be APP. gibberish except for chants
concealed). 10 Take a step towards becoming neededto implement Sorcerous
3 Tail sprouts. ugly, but prehensile mindless Chaos drone. Lose 3 Melds). W itingand cornprehen-
and useful. Gain 1 DEX and lose INT. sion of both ~ken and written
1 APP. texts are una ected.
11 ~i rd persona. Under stress or in
4 Featurestake on animalistic cast. combat personalwaysadopts 17 Bitte<heart. Become utterly cyni-
Lose 2 APp. another personality utterly at cal and destructive to selfand
odds with their regular one. others.
5 Body becomes misshapen. Lose
1 DEX, 1 CON , 1 APP. 12 As above, but the new personal- 18 Chaos attractor; Jinxed. Any
ity dominatesduring the ~nity for ill luckalways
6 Soreson body - inanimate. Lose be ails those around person (or
1 APP. nighttime hours.
self, if alone).
7 Soreson body- animate. Sores 13 Lethal beauty. Gains 10 APp, but
also Poison Touch POT 15, 19 Body rot Begin to disint~te.
roam over the body altering Lose 4 CON and 3 APP. n
color and gibberingand drooling which is alwayson.
halts until the same Trait is rolled
like mouths. Lose 3 APP. 14 Randomness. Unable to make a another time.
8 Personality damage. When in decision without resorting to a
random method. (Tossing a coin 20 Chaos horror. Apply 3 Chaotic
combat, or otherwise under Effects the sorcerer favours as
stress, attempt an Idea roll: Fail- permanent abilities.
ure meansperson forgets 0'vVIl 15 Demonic feature. Apply one
identity and becomes slavish demon abilityfrom the Storm-


Sto"nbringer Magic in Co rum they gee a vicious slathering Demon as well as whatever Effects
Stormbring<r adventurers are in for a shock in the world of were desired. The Demon has to be dealt with. Pacred Quos
Corum. They cannot cast their spells. They cannot summon Creatures may appe>r as they should. but are apt to be moody
Lesser Demons , Elerrenrals, or Beast and Plant Lords - and and demand renegotiation at a higher pace price. As in the
the things that can be summoned are intent on deadly bargains. reverse situation, some tutelage might ameliorate the negari\'C
Their bound objects behave wcll enough, but sorcerers do nor consequences of the translation.
know that they risk changing into Chaos horrors until the
moment of reckoning (the acquisition of allegiance points) C o ru m Magic in Other Planes
arrives. Some tutelage may prepare the newcomers for some or As in th e Young Kingdoms. Corum sorcety is usually less
all of these differences, and may even instruct them in how to effective on other planes. apart from the designated fifteen
convert their spell casting to the swnmoning of Sorcerous planes which make up this part of the Multivcrse. The game-
Melds. if the garnemasterdesires. master sho uld privately work out how many Magic Points are
required for each Level of Intensity - a crucial piece of infor-
Corum Magic in th e Youn g Kingdoms mation only revealed by (often deadly) trial and error. Quos
Comm adventurers are in for some nasty surprises if they visit Creatures already pacred with can be called forth, but no first-
the Young Kingdoms. That plane is not quite as thoroughly time summonings may be made. Those Chaos Creatures who
steeped in Chaos as Corum's own. thus affecting the Magic do appe>r, are unpleasanrly surprised and insist on a higher
Point cost for each Level of Intensity purchased fot Chaotic pact price for the extra effort involved. Their abilities, however,
Effects (and Chaos Creature swnmonings). It is suggested that are unaffected.
perhaps 5 Magic Points are required for each level but the For more derails regarding travelingto other planes,see The
finaI detennination is left to the gamemaster. On top of this, Mulriverse (starting on page 1I3).
every time sorcerers attempt to SWTUTlOn a Sorcerous Meld.
An examination 0/tlJe a rts 0/ scien ce an d tile L a IC

1.. AW IN THE 'M:lRlD OF THE FIVE Pu.NES differs

grearly from Law in the Young Kingdoms. Seers (or
scientists) in Corum's world wield the powers of Law
by Contriving implements. This is a semi-mystical
process not to be confused with science as we know it.
Seers learn certain Prarpu, but also the appropriate chants,
and they must work in triangular spaces upon triangle-shaped
devices or servirors. Implements of this kind are ofrm frag-
ile (unl ess combined with Quality) but can run indefinitely.
Mechanical Contrivances are also any complex implement
which goes beyond the day-to-day understanding of the
non-seer. The Precept may also improve performance and
range in some circumstances.
Plane Shift
benches, Even the rationalist Vadhagh work this ""y, they Havinglearned the Precept of PlaneShift, seers are initially
simplyeschew the references to deities. able to gaze inro other planes. Later, those who thoroughly
The process of Contriving is long and arduous, bur reward- understand the Precept learn to step into the other planes
ing. for those who make a stand using only the power of their
against the hordes of Chaos need will. The Vadhagh are born with
strong weapons and the aid that these abilities. More knowledge-
greater knowledge brings. able and powerful seers learn to
confer Plane Shifting abilities on
Three Precepts of Law
implements. A Plane Shifting
Law, bounded by the triangle, works
cloak is to all purposes a cloak of
in threes. Thus there are three main
invisibility (Prince Corum has
Precepts of Contriving. each on its
one in The 0& and fbi Ram). like-
OM} the basis of simple Contriv-
wise, a Plane Shifting spear can
ances. Once all three Precepts are
neither be seen, nor dodged. nor
learned they may be combined into
blocked - until it strikes.
complex Contrivances that are as
J"""'rlUI as magic, and feared as The Science of Com1ining
such by the superstitious. The use Eventually the seer learns to
of Law rakes longer and requires combine all ofthe Precepts in single
perhaps more dedication, but its items. This is a difficult cask. and
magic is as J"""'rlUI as Chaos, and must be facilitated with the aid of a
its products well nigh eternal. Crystal of Law (see Crystals on
Quality page 1(0).
The first of the Precepts is Qual-
ity. With this Precept, seers learn ro Contriveobjects which
are of superb quality; Armor Contrived in accordance with Learning Contriving
this Precept protects for its maximum points and a Quality- Mabden or Nhadragh who "Quid Contrivemust have at lease
Contrived weapon does rnaximwn damage when it hits. But 16 INT to undcrsrand the principles involved. Y.ldhagh. on the
weapons and armor alone are not all that may be Contrived: other hand, are born with an innate sense of the mindset
a Quality ship's hull maintains its integrity except in the behind Contriving. Even the stupidest Vadhagh can be taught
most unusual circumstances. as does a Quality chariotwheel how to Contrive.
or body. An adventurer wishing to learn, needs someone or some-
thing to do the teaching. A reacher might be found among the
Mechanics seers of the Church of Law, or any Vadhagh who knows the
The second of the Precepts is Mechanics. A seer who Precepts. However, folk willing to act as teachers are rare, espe-
knows this Precept can Contrive mechanisms of clockwork cially among the insular Vadhagh, but they can be found by
(or srranger) design that become riding beasts, functional those who are sufficientlydevoted to the search.

Scholarly tomes of Precept learning arc also tare, since pyramidal thought structure, attached to the previous one
access to such material is usually guarded by the OlUrch of through a conunon Combining apex. Or, at least, that is how
Law No one knows for certain whether there are written the seer DcIu-fou-da used to explain it to his students- when
Precept texts among the Vadhagh or not (they certainlydo not he had any.
need them). Books of Precepts arc never found for trade or
sale, but some enterprising adventurers may wry occasionally find
such relics in ruins or stranger places. No bookcontains more The Art o f Contriving
than one Precept (or knowledgeof Combining,). Think of Contriving as the art of making useful things \\ith
unusualproperties. The forces of Chaos can produce spectacu-
The Learning' Process lar Effects, but these tend to be fairly short-term. Law,
The aspiring seer must spend (40 minus her INT) weeks in however, can craft devices that can function productively for
uninterrupted learning activity to master the first Preceptshe eons.That is what Contriving is all about.
tries. This means no advenruring, no other learning. no A Chaos sorcerer can cause quite a bit of destruction pretty
friends, no sex, just bread and water: total physical, mental much at a moment's notice. The seer of Law, on the other
and emotional isolation. hand. needs many days ro Contrive even the simplest of
At the end of that time, non-Vadhagh adventurers may devices. It is also the case that although the Effects of Chaos
attempt a roll of INT x 1%. If the roll Succeeds. the Precept seem well-nigh infinite, the Contrivances of Law can do only
is learned. If it is Failed. the adventurer must begin again. what the three Precepts and their Combination allows. Thus
takingthe same number of weeks, and making the same roll ar the seer of Law must always plan ahead and act cautiously to
the end of the time (this process may repeat SC\naI times counteract theimpetuosity of Chaos,
before the aspirant gives up or succeeds). If a Critical success
is arramed. the period for learning the next Precept will be the T he M aking' P r ocess
same as for this Precept(rather than the longer time indicated Contriving something is a long and painstaking process. The
below). Ifthe roll is Fumbled.the adventurer must begin again seer must first have the required implement nom which the
with a new teacher or a new book, for the ones used have Contrivance is to be made. Thus if a Quality sword is to be
proved incompatible with this adventurer's inner being. Contrived. a normal sword must first be procured. Then the
In the same position, an aspiring Vadhagh seer attempts a implement is altered ro pcrfonn the function of a Contrivance
roll of INT x 2%, and otherwise is held to the same general of Law If Combining is ro take place there must also be one
outcomes. H owever. Success also grants Vadhagh students an Crystal (see page 1(0) for each Precept in the Combination.
additional 5% chance when learning the next Precept. All Contriving work must be done within a triangle, either
the bench on which the seer works, or the chamber that holds
The second Precept attempted requires (40 - INn x 2 weeks the bench and apparatus.
of continuous isolated study. Th e same rolls arc attempted and Seersspend a fiall day in Contrivance lOr each Magic Point
the outcomes are the sameas for the first. the device is ro contain. The number of Magic Points needed
The third Precept takes (40 • INn x 4 uninterrupted weeks for a device to be successfially Contrived depends on the
to learn, ending with the same rolls and outcomes. Precepts used and the size ofthe item. Noernally the seer must
invest all the required number ofPoints in a Contrivance at the
Learning the principals of Combination takes (40 - INn x 6
beginning of the process. The length of time is fixed and
weeks of continuous lonely study. once the other three
inIlexible: there is no such thing as instant Conrrn-ing.
Precepts have been mastered. All students of Combining add
However. desperate seers may shorten the time a Contrivance
10% to their chance to learn it. but otherwise all rolls and
takes by using up a Crystal and expending permanent INT in
outcomes remain the same.
addition to Magic Points, as discussed below.
• Vadhagh already know Plane Shifiing and do not have to Once the time has been taken, and the Magic Points
learn it. H owever, in order to adapt this Precept to Con- invested. the Contrivance is complete. No die roll is required.
triving. they need to study the Precept just like anyone Such is the strength of Law
else, spending a numberof weeks equal to (40 minus their Contriving is tiring. even on the minor level the Vadhagh
INT) going over the principles. At the end of that period employ when they look into other planes. The cost in Magic
they have only to succeed on an INT x 5% roll to have Points gives a rough impression of the fatigue induced by the
understood how to fabricatePlane Shifting Contrivances. intense concentration required to produce a ,",rlung Contriv-
Precepts and Practice ance. Seers arc not be able to do much immediately after
Principles arc learned through the Precepts. Contriving any Contriving.
specific item is merely a matter of properlyapplying the appro- Quick Co ntrivance
priare Precept(s)' Quick Contrivances arc unstable and againstthe philosophy of
The basic, or simple, Triangle of Contriving involves the Law. Manv hardliners eschew them as dabbling in Chaos, The
seer, the object and the Precept as apexes. Triangles of higher on~'s allegiance to Law, the more likely it is that this
Combining. or second-degree triangles, extendthe basic trian- kind of work is scorned.
gle into three dimensions, as a pyramid, with Combiningas the Any Crystal suffices to create a Quick Contrivance. For each
fourth apex. Each additional Combined Preceptinvolves a new 10 Magic Points required for the Contrivance, the seers invests
l iNT, permanently. into the Crystal. The Contriving is then Cost fo r Quality Contriving'
,,l1011y fuelled from the Crystal. However, the time of Contriv- Trying '0 codify everything in the Gm"" universe with a 51Z
ing in this Woly is only one day for each point of INT in the statistic would be ludicrous. The follO\ving examples (and
Cmtal. rather than for each Magic Point. The Crystal is some common sense) should guide the gamemaster: a Quality
wholly consumed in the process. After the Contrivance is item the size of a sword uses 10 Magic Points in its creation;
finished, the seer makes a Luck roll. Failure means the one the size of a suit of armor uses 20; a Quality Contrivance
Contrivance non', work anyway; a Fumble results in the explo- as big as a chariotrequires 50; ships range from 50 for rowing
sion of the item and 1 D l 0 injury ro the seer. All INT and boats to 200 for battle craIi:.
Magic Points are lost with the Crystal, rcgardless of the
outcome. Exam p les of Quality
• Creating a Quick Connivance earns 2 points of Quos F;"elooth, the Contrived Long Sword
allegiance for perverting the intentions of Law A shimmering sil\'CI)' long sword, FillLtootb always docs I I
points of damage when it hits, and can only be broken by a
Memory Limits , E ncyclopaedias single blow doing 40 points of damage. I, took ten days.
Like the Chaotic Effects of Quos, the Connivances of Law and thus 10 Magic Points. for the legendary seer-smith.
usc memory. The knowledge for crali:ing each individual Teyr-Nan-Broban to Contrive Fillftootb.
Contrived irem occupies liNT in Mabden memory. even for The GoodShip Slead!"-",,
Combined Connivances. Elder race members can remember The hull of this merchant ship has been Contrived. Super
how to Contrive items twice as efticiendy (that is, each item strong. it repels anything the ship strikes or that strikes the
takes up .5 INT). Once her memory limit is exceeded, a seer ship. Only a Critical success allows a projectile to pierce the
must resort to the use of an encyclopaedia. Use Stormbrin§"s ship. It must have taken an unknown saltyseer a' least 100
grimoire rules for encyclopaedia storage and recall except that days (and MagicPoints) '0 Contrive sucha sturdy vessel.
entering information in the encyclopaedia is time consuming.
Hoi Wluzefs
Allowa day for each entry.
Hot II'baIs is the popular name for a Contrived chariot
created by Horsedusr, a renegade seer and racing fan who
Quality Contrivances has dedicated his life '0 the need for speed. In a once-in-a-
Quality enhances objectsso that rhey excel in performance. No lifetime fluke involving a bonanza of Magic Points he won
object may be Quality Contrived more than once. Anything in a side bet and the consumption ofa greatdeal ofdistilled
crali:ed can be Contrived into an item of Quality. Most non- potaro juice. Horsedust worked out a Woly '0 modilY a heavy
combat Quality items are unbreakable except in the event of a war chariot into a speed demon. Hot Wbffls actually adds
finnbled Luck roll or an Impale by opponents. A Quality 30% '0 the Speed component of its driver's Drive Charioe
Contrivance docs no' replace its user's skill, rather improves skill, while retaining its Stability modifier of 20%. No one
the results. Thus a Quality lute even when plajed unsuccess- knows how this impossible task was accomplished, whar
fully sounds more beautiful than any ordinary lute. although time it rook. or its Magic Point cost (and no one on the
listeners may still hate the tune. regular circuit races against Hot IJIba/s anymore anyw.>y).
Weapons. armor, and vehicles of war warrant more specific
discussion: Mechanics Contrivanc e s
Weapons Those who understand the Precept ofMechanics can fabricate
Melee """pons of Quality always do maximwn damage the most amazing machines. What such machines can do.
when they hit. Missile \\'Capons double their rate of fire. however. is limited by the level of technology in the world of
Double the armor points of all \\'Capons. Corum. It is no' possible to Contriveflying machinesor biolog-
ical """'pons. for example. But if the seers of GmUll cannot
make garling guns. they can make heavy bows that fireconrinu-
Quality armor deflects damage at a fixed rare, always the ous streams of arrows which burst into flame upon impaer.
highest possible rolled amount for its type. Thus Contrived
Many of these complex constructions can work unsuper-
Quality half plate always deflects 9 points. and soli: leather vised. A Mechanical boar continues to row without sailors; a
always deflects 5.
staircase may raise andIo\\U those who stand upon it.
Chariots In most cases the reason for applying the Precept of
Chariots employ hi, points like \\'Capons. Double these for Mechanics is to add a skill to a device. Only one skill can be
both the body and the wheels of Quality chariots. while Contrived into =y singledevice. Such skills always opera'e a'
halving the number of steeds needed to draw the chariot. 90%. This skill percentage alWolYS "PIa'" the abilityofthe user.
Thus a Quality Heavy Chariot requires only <no steeds '0 A Mechanical lute will always playa' 90%. even when used by
draw it, in spite of beingtwice as resistant ' 0 damage. a musician whose skill is 100%. because the lure plays itself
Anotherway of Quality Contriving a chariot adds 10% to Any ranged Mechanical Contrivance doubles the normal
its SpaJ or Stabibty modifier (sec Chariocs. starting on page range for such an item, even \\'Capons. Thus a Mechanics aid
26), but this is a separateoperation to the one that increases for the eye mighrallow the viewer 90% on Search, and double
its resistance. the range of sight. much like binoculars (another kind of

Mechanical eye might function like a ""apon, it had a tendency to break,

microscope); a Bone Bow would have a Once . it began to beat poor Petal
skill of 90% and a range of270 yards. unmercifully and Fwyll finaIIy had to
These things. however, arc fragile. They dismantle it. The original arm took
have a 50% chance of breakage alter Fwyll20 days ro Connive, but it took
extended use or rough handling. and once only a few minutes to take it apart.
broken the item may have to be Contrived Unnamed Naviga tion Ai d
anew. A Fumbled skill result during use This navigation aid consists of a
requires such a roll for breakage. Consult chart and compasses. The chart is
the Mechanical Breakage Table below to
made from interlocking plates of
determin e the extent of th e damage. metal and multiple pairs of
C,mbillillg Quali ty with Mechanics reduces
mechanical compasses fit into it
the chance of breakage to 25%. Perhaps The entire Contrivance is Mcchan~
this fragility is an effeer of the Chaos prev- ical The navigator turns the
alent in the World of the Five Plancs. chart's interlocking spheres by use
of a handle on the side. When he
Cost fo r Mechanics Con triving
wishes to plot his next course and
Contrived Mechanics require twice the
distan ce, he rotates the appropri-
Mag ic Points that a similar Quali ty irem
ate charts, sets the compasses to
would. Thus a Mechanical hand uses 10
where he wishes to go. then places
Magic Points. an item th e size of a sword
compasses in the points where he is
20. a suit ofannor 40, and so on
beginn ing. ending and stopovers. The
ExaInples of Mec hanics Connivance opcrares ,vith a Naviga-
tion skill of 90% . While it finds the
Petal's Ann
way, Salty Hog. a rather dim and dirty
The Mabden seer Fwyll-pin-Mowar man who knows no thing of navigation
had a companion. Petal, who lost her
and thinks he has lucked upon an
right arm in combat. Fwyll Conmveda enchanted item, sits back and brews
Mechanical replacement. Not only did some herbs, colleering top wages from
the arm work of its own accord, obe)ing th e muscle ends of every captain in Gor-an-Ou. Sorely it would have taken an
the owner's severed t:'art. but Petal's Throw and Brawl were accomplished seer ar least 10 days (and a similar number of
enhanced (to 90% ) because of the arm's Mechanics. Magic Points) to create the wonder.
H owever any time her arm was jarred or used to block a

plalle Shift C o n triva nces

MECHANICAL BREAKAGE TABLE To und erstand Plan e ShiJi:ing Connivances, one must first
understand Plane Shifting itself, and how it can be used by
THIS TABLE can be used by the gamemaster to discover the those who und erscand its Precept.
nature of the breakage in a Mechanical Contrivance. The
gamemaster should e ither select an appropriate result, or
roll 1010: Abilities
Some aspeers of Plane Shifting are naruraI abilities for the
The Contrivance isslightly broken. 5ix ho~rs of
skilled repair fixes It. No further Magic POints v..dhagh. Other seers learn these abilities as skills in the course
need be expended. oflearning the Precept of Plane Shift. .
The abilities of Shift VISion and Sh,ft Self arc the first
2 The Contrivance isseverely broken. One week of
repair is needed . An investment of ~a l~ the origi- things that Ma bden and Nhadragh seers learn when srudving
nal Magic POints must be made again, In orderto the Precept of Plane Shift (no, this does not mean that .( ~"U
make it work like new. f.UI your learning roll you have learned these abilities 3O)'vayl).
3-7 The Contrivance is destroyed. A new one must be v..dhagh are born with both of these abilities and It IS said that
created to replace it. the Nhadragh used to be born with them too, although that
8-9 A hidden malfunction which is undetectable does not seem to be the case now
except in use. A lute that locks its Mecha nics so shift Vision . .
that it will not stop playing once It has bee n The ability to see into other planes. The seer must mamtam
plucked, Mechanics that become dan gerous, etc.
fidl concentratio n, and cannot perform any other action
10 The Contrivance exp lodes and does 1D10 . while using Shift VISion To see into any of the Five Planes
damage to the person holding it•.or nea rest to It.
that make up Corum's world rakes a single Magic Point pet
The victim may apply armor against the damage.
If item is held In hand Considera Major IM:>und minute. To see into any of the ten remaining Fifteen Planes
to blow the hand off. costs 5 Magic Points per minute. To see into farther planes
requires 10 Magic Points pet nnmJ.
Shifi VISion llUy be employed to discern whether a given ShiftOthen
stOne is a Crystal and. if it is. the POW it can contain. Ir is possible for seers ro rake quire large items, including
Any Contrivance based on more than one Precept (that is. people. with them (briefly) inro other planes. This rakes
any Combined Contrivance) can immediately be seen in all extra exertion as well as further knowledge of the Plane
of the Fivc Planes by those who use Shift Vision. Shift Shift Precept - even for a Vadhagh. To Shift Self and one
Vision may even be used [0 work o ut some of what such a Other to one of the Five Planes costs 10 Magic Points per
Contrivance can do. and its relative power. Thi s usuallyonly round. 20 for a swift round-trip for two ro any of the
cakes one minute of Vision, costing 5 Magic Points. remaining ten of the Fifteen, and 50 for the temporary
geraway of a liferimc ro planes unknown. Only one person
shift Self or person-sized objeer can be moved in this wav by a seer.
The ability ro move one's self inro ocher planes. Concentra-
As in the case of Plane Shifting one's self, rhe consump-
tion has to be maintained ro the exclusion of all else. To ger
tion of .Magic Points is continuous once the process has
to and suy in any one of the Five Planes consumes 5 Magie
scarred. and is not be haired until the seer returns, No one
Points per round. 10 are required for any of the remaining knows whar happons to things dropped on another plane
ten of the Fifteen Planes, and 20 for access to yer further
during these brief visits. They are never there when you go
planes. And at these rates, no one can come with you.
back. even if ir is immediately alter you have dropped them
Once Plane Shifting has scarred. the consumption of
Magic Points cannor be halted except by returning ro the P lane Shift Co ntriving
original plane. This happens when ir is willed by the seer. or A Plane Shifting item appears ro vanish when the item moves
when the Magic Points run our (which also results in into ocher planes. A lure char has been Plane Shifted may make
unconsciousness). Plane Shifting through one's ability alone music invisiblv (or mighr make invisible music); a Plane Shift-
is always rcmporary. For trips o£longer duration a Contriv- ing vehicle a!iOIVS its passengers to escape certain destruction;
ance is required (or elsea turn ro Chaos), such a weapon can strike without warning. In combat, Plane
• Any use of the Plane Shifting ro travel ro a designared Shifting hand to hand '\'Capons halve an opponent's Dodge
target plane requires a successful MjlJjon Sp},",s roll unless and Parry skills. The Vadhagh. and some devotees of Law,
the seer is already familiar with the plane. If the roll Fails. occasionally manage to see inro the planes and dereer Shifting
ir is simply not possible to work our which plane is the objects. bur usually not fasr or reliably enough to avoid the
one desired. penalties in combat; they could spor a Shifted boat, though.
All Plane Shifting objects larger chan a person's size can
• Moving inro far off planes without looking into them
firsr has its dangers. The garncrnasrer may requesr a Luck
carry people with them This is true for of cloaks which Shift
and thus obscure those beneath cheir folds. SIlUIIer Contriv-
roll which if Failed. indicates the seer has Shifted into
danger;a Fumble leads ro extreme danger. perhaps Shift-
ances may allow pans of the anatomy to Il1O\'C into another
plane alone. usually the eyes or hands.
ing between ferocious combatants, or onro some
Demon's dinner plare.


ADVENTURERS ARE SURE to rely on the possibilities that Plane Shifting presents for escapes, adventures and avoiding
trouble. The following points may help make clear the process of Plane Shifting.
Fixed Position plane and want to move a few paces berter pa rt 0,1 valor that person Shifts,
Delu-fou-da said: "Imagine two adja- ilorth so as to ambush some unwary and. rlepef1!ling on temperament and
cent planesas two rooms next doni to villain, but find that directly north on how it IS done, does or doesn't take
one Other. By Plane Shifting you are this plane is a chasm billOWIng smoke; anxone else. 'Mlere do such people
stepping through one room into or someone waitingfor you. eod up? They may only wantto remain
another. The p1anes alwa~ remain a rrorreot, so an entire \YOr'Id and
relative to one another. If the north-
New Planes to Explore culture isinappropriate. The gamemas-
west coast of Lywm-an-Esh allows It is most likely adventurers will not be ter makes a Luck roll for the
access to a forest ;n the nextplane, that simply revisiting the sameJ'lanes, but adventurer. VVith a Critical, a positive
forest will always be there. The excep- journeying afar to new an wondrous event is impending; with a simple
tions are the Chaos-ridden planes places. For planes that are going to Success the place is unoccupiedor the
which are constantly in flux. On those figure prominently in the edventuier's adventurer's reception is likely to be
planes you cannot step into the same fUture the gamemaster may wish to use otherwise neutral: a Failure indicates
river twice. H
the The Multiverse Generator (starting that something untoward is about to
Walking one hundred yardsnorthon on page 11 3). take place; a Fumble means the situa-
one plane will bring you one hundred tion is pretty dire: occupants are
Spur of the Moment Excursions hostile, outnuinber theadveriturers, are
yards north on anoiher. This is a good Imagine the situation: a horde of howl- Demons - or all of the above.The
way to sneak up on someone, or sneak ing barbarians descends on the gamemaster decides on an appropri-
away. Unwelcome surprises llUy be adventurers, one of whom can Plane ate - or even wildly inappropriate -
physical - one might step into anOther Shift. Deciding that discretion is the event,
The duration of the Plane Shifting effect in a Contrivance is A special instance of Mechanics and Plane Shift Combina.
a single hour for each Magic Poinr invested in the Plane tion allows for the Contrivance of devices that can be Disglli'd
Shifting aspect ofthe Contrivance. (90% ofthe rime) from the prying eyes ofShift VISion -that
The useof Plane Shifting Contrivancesrequires no skill. but is. devices whose inter-planar abilities cannot be spotted.
a successful Milliotl Sphrm roll must be made in order to locate Combining all three Precepts in a single Contrivance is a
any specific plane the adventurermight be seeking. fotmidable task that requires long weeksof endeavour. Pethaps
Becoming separated from a Plane Shifting device usually the strange ". apons deployed by the forces of the Gty of the
means the person is stranded when the rime runs out and the Pyramid, " fUch kill without touching. arc some form of Tri-
item Shifts back to the plane of origin (which it docs regatd- Preceptual Contrivance (a Quality weapon which Mechanicallv
less of whether it is close to its users). spraysa poison that Plane Shifts until contact). .
• There are rumored to be one or two extremely rare Plane Combining also allows the possibility of adding additional
Shifting items which arc somehow bonded to beings skills, through Mechanics, to a single device.The extraotdinary
rather than to their planes of origin. The arcane skill to Bone Bow described earlier might be made self-repairing in
Contrive an item of this sort seems to have been lost in this Woly (although ofcourse its owner would have to, er, feed it
the mistsoftime. che bone, and other components it would need to fix itself).

Cost for Plane Sluft Contriving Cost for Comhined Contrivances

Like Mechanics, Contrived Plane Shifting takes twice the
Sinnply add togecher the Magic Points for each individual
Magic Points that a similarly-sized Quality item docs. Thus a Precept functioning in the Contrivance. This total is also the
Plane Shifting cloak requires 4{) Magic Points, a small Plane numberof days needed to complete the Contriving. A further
Shifting rowboat 60, and a Plane Shifting tower 400. complication is that Crystals must be used. All Combined
Contrivances require a Crystal component for each extra
Examples of Plane SIufting Precept crnployed in the fabrication. They also use a Crystal
for each additional Contrived skill Combined into the device.
Entrance Portal To Contrive a Quality lute to produce extraotclinary music
A Contrived Plane Shifting slab placed before a ""IJ allows invisibly anJ which is usually disguised as a stuffed rabbit to
entrance [0 the room within, not through a door. bur via those who look between the planes requires 10 Magic Points
another plane, allowing only wanted guests through, and for the Quality. 20 for the good playing. 20 for the ability to
leaving otherslost among the spheres. The Lady Corwellyn disguise itself. and 20 for the Plane Shifting - and takes 70
Contrived one of these using 50 Magic Points stored in a days of continuous work to manufacture. Three Crystals are
Crystal It took her fifty days of constant secret labor. needed for the Contrivance, which should ensure the lute (and
Planar Vision Devices the rabbit) is quite attractive.
These rather common Contrivances usually take the form
of two Contrived Plane Shifting lenses set into a hehn. The Examples of Comhination
lenses arc intended to be used to follow the movements of The Planar Walker
those who would shift planes to avoid attack, Each of these The Mad seer Oberus has created a Contrivance likea chair
lens takes 10 days (and Magic Points) to Contrive. with enormous human-like metal legs for walking about
and controls on the chair's right arm. This Contrivance can
Combination Contrivances Plane Shift; thus set in the center of the chair's back there is
whatseems to be a sinnple decorative Crystal Passengers (or
!heft' is no Precept of Combination. Combination victims) sit in the chair, which then walks them into another
exlend. tl.., Tn""lli. of Law into the world of three plane - without any effort on their part. Of course, if the
dimellfiiollS. ~ ~ Law in the real 'world is I~ 'work chair receives a jolt in the other planethere is a 50% thance
and taka a long time, S tudy han! and work hard and the passenger is stranded thereas ".11 as a 50% chance that
learn lh e Precept of Combination... the chair itself is brokenand can'tShift back. Oberus spent
- lLe _ r Delu-fou-da 80 days(and Magic Points) Contriving this.
Combining the Precepts of Quality and Mechanics usually The Flapping Kite
results in a Contrivance whichoperates supremely " .11and has A seer working for Duke Yogin of Kernow-a-Laun has
only a 25% chance to break in usual circumstances, due to its Contrived a kite which he says can fly itself (Actually it
stutdy nature. requires a pilot, but provides a 90% skill.) The kite has a
Combining the Precepts of Quality and Plane Shifting release to drops bricks or acid bombs on its targets. The
usually results in a Contrivance which functions to its maxi- missiles Plane Shift so that the craft docs not appear to be
mum effect invisibly (through other planes). attacking until the missile impacts. The Quality missiles do
Combining the Precepts of Mechanics and Plane Shifting maximum damage. The seer wants to make the missile
into a single Contrivance usually results in something that release Mechanical, to lessen pilot error. The kite is a
automaticallymoves into other planes. at a given signal or sign, simple Contrivance, but the missiles arc complex - each one
or one which can locate whichever plane is desired (with a takes 15 da),s (and MagicPoints) to Contrive. One wonders
90% chance using its own Million Sp},",' skill). -my the Duke continues to fund the project..

THIS IS A US[ o f some of the most conuno n Contrivances set used to ignite things, cook smaIl portions of food, warm weary
out in the form of a catalog, to remind entrepreneurial seers travelers. or C\'CDt to provide light. It is useless as a weapon
that there arc business opportunities here. Other examples can unl ess someone happens to try to pick it up while it is in oper-
be found in the previous sections rdaring to the individual arion, when it can give a rather nasty bum. (Sorry! No refund
Precepts, and Combining. All Contrivances are based upon an for burned customcrsl]
item that already exits. Seers then apply the Precepts they have Cost: 20 Magic Points & days.
learned to the mundane item to Contrive
it inrosomething rare and fabulous.
Where'sthe ~een?
Our Plane Sirifting
Our Big Bargain! Throne
Quality Light chariot Perren for rulers with enemies,
This BigBargain last chance sell since the entire seat can Shift
out item looks like a standard into another plane, carrying its
Lywm-an-Esh light chariot. occupant with it. An d egant
But when you lift the hood. silver and brass throne
vou find that it has been encrusted in jewels. The Ext'"
Contrived so that it now has Grandt model is, of course,
2S HP in its body and 16 in muth bigger.
each wheel Tlr-va-voom.' This Cost: 40 Magic Points & days
fabulous chariot could be (50 for the Extra Grande model).
pulled effectively by onry 0"' Top of the Line!
1>0"" if there are any horses Co;.J,ined Mechanical,
with the training for the job. P lane shifting, Qua.lity
Cost: 50 Magic Points & days. Sword
Our House Brand This sword, an d eganr long
Quality Barding sword with room for a pair of
This metallic armor, made gorgeous Crystals and a
cxdusivdy in house for our Mechanical device in the hilt,
customers only, fits perfectly delivers I I points of punishing
over a standard horse's head damage and can take a cosmic
and back. It is made of a 40 hit points before it even
special shimmering silvery looks any the worse for wear!
metal thar we obtain at great The Mechanics bestow on the
expense, and is very, very very worst swordsperson an
light. Bestof aIL this barding arracking skill of 90% - let
protects for 9 points of your arm relax and the sword
damage day in, day out! Only will do the work for you! This
while stocks last. amazing sword also Plane
Cost: 30 MPs & days. Shifts consrandy in combat. halv-
ing your opponent's parrying and
Steel Bite Surprise dodging abilities. (JVe cannor guaranree
A trudy fine Quality Mechanics this iremagainstbreakage beyond 25%.)
Contrivance that is set on the ground and locks onto some - Cost: 50 Magic Points & days;
one's leg when stood upon. It has 90% skill in its chosen also requires two Crystals(not included).
weapon, Serrated Teeth, which do 1D6 damage per chomp.
Once it strikes a viccim it automatically opens and resets for The Hollow Man;
the next bite. The victimmust srand in precisely the place the Combined Quality and Plane Shifting Armor
You could be wearing this suit of exquisite Vadhagh armor,
trap has been set. The Steel Bite Surprise rardy maIfuncrions.
whith protects against 9 points of damage and allows its
(Sorry, no refunds!)
wearer ro Shift planes at will! Imagine what they'll say when
Cost: 30 Magic Points & days.
they lift the visor and there's nobody home! A powerful item
The Little Wonder. and much prized, with a beauriful Crysral housing wroughr
Our Most Popular Mechanical Firemaker into the breastplate.
This iron machine is the size of a helmer and produces on Cost: 60 Magic Points & days; and one Crystal (not provided).
command a fire large enough to fill its opening. The fire can be

IE, YOU HAVE READ CORRECIl.Y. The seer pretty much powerful in Corum's world. maybe Contriving isn't what it
defines the Contrivance and. as long as the Lawtizl rules are used to be,
followed, is guaranteed to produce what has been defined.
A pp ropriate Teclmology Gunernasters should remember that very powerful Contriv,
The basic rule is that any object can serve as the basis for a ances - and some sorcerous items as well- can often be seen
Contrivance, but that no Co ntri vance can be made that exceeds simultaneously on all Five Planes at once. This is true of the
the technical expertise of its Contriver. Thus a seer from the Shifung city near Corum's home which the Prince can admire
World of Five Planes might use a blunderbuss, if she found in many aspects on manyplanes.
one, as the basis for a Contrivance for sucking up dirt, but not
for anything that used gunpowder to shoot projectiles. Contrivances on Other Planes
This is a simple rule. but it couId prove contentious. Some- Contrivances do work on other planes, but they cannot be
one may argue. for example, that the physical principles of replaced if damaged beyond repair unless an exact match for
Corum's worldcontain all the technologiCal possibilitiesofour the original baseequipment is there and the technological 1"",,1
own - and thus thar a flying machine can be Contrived. ofthe planematches or exceeds that of Corums.
Indeed. there are flying objectsin the Corum saga itself Otber Plane Forms for Contrivances
For the purposes of this supplement we have determined
The technology of otherJ lanes can extend the kinds of
that the technology behind the flying ships from the City of devices which can be us on Corum's world, Moorcock
Pyramids exceeds what any ordinary inhabitant in the setting
employs such Contrivances (a flying ship and the weapons to
would know (at least at the start of the campaign). Your
destroyan army) at the climax of I1r 9~m of rlr SwcrJs, but he
setting need not mirror ours absolutely. however, neverallows the major characters to use them regularly.
Mishaps We suggest the following rule fot each day away from its
The temptation of a world in which there are Contrived home plane, an interplanar Contrivance has a cumulative 10%
mishaps is very greaL Imagine the absurdity of Contriving chance to deteriorate and no longer work. Of course, such a
gone awry. Perhaps there is a chance of failure and the game- device cannot be repaired on the World of the Five Planes
master intervening [0 produce a bwmy lute that only plays one because the technology of that plane is not as advanced as the
vet)' stupid tune over and over and over. Alter all, Chaos is technology ofthe plane rhar produced the Contrivance.

CRYSTAlS ARE CONfAINERS for POW and Magic Points. or 100 Magic Points, which could be placed in the Cryscal
They can be used by a seer to provide additional MagicPoints, over time and regenerated as usual Most CryscaIs are around
or to fuel a Quick Contrivance. And. as we have seen, they are POW 2 or 3.
essential components of Combination Contrivances. Demon Sight and Shift Vision are both able to identiry
Seers intending to Contrive an inter-planar bwmy lute like CryscaIs and their POW capacity.
thar described in Combination Contrivances are not likely to
have 70 Magic Points in their head, as it were. However, even a The instructions in Quick Contrivance (page94) explain how
seer with only 5 POW (5 Magic Points away from oblivion) to use Crystals to fill rush orders - but this technique is not
who has been able to latch onto a couple of CryscaIs ( PO W 4 only Chaotic, it also burns up CryscaIs entirely.
and POW 3, let us say). can Contrive the bunny lute without The deft Combining Contriver knows how to use Cryscals
using up a single point from of that precious personal supply. both for extra Magic Points and as physical elements of the
Crys tal Power resulting Contrivance. Those PO W 4 and PO W 3 CryscaIs
Crystals are ranked not by monetary value but by the amount used to fuel the bunny lute above will probably be crafted into
of POW and Magic Points they can hold. Cryscals attune the lute itself. alongwith a third Crystalof any POW whatever
themselves to those who concentrate on them and make a in order for that wonderful (and cute) instrument to work as
successful Luck roll, and at rhar time their POW capacity is intended.
learned. A Crystal stores ten times that capacity in Magic Once a Crystal is committed to use within an item it cannot
Points. Thus a POW 10 Crystal could hold either ten points be used for some other purpose. Removal from its Contrivance
of a seer's POW , which wouldbe permanently lose to the seer,
[UfOS the Crystal to an ordinary stone - valuable, but no .. A Crystal used to store MagiePoints need not contain all
longer a conductor of Lawful energies. the points needed fot a Contrivance. A seer might have 20
Crystals ate priceless items, and seers hoard them accord- points in a crystal and put ten points ofher own into a 30
ingly. They do not appeat in open markets, but may fonn patt point Contrivance.
of the rrcasury of great nobles, or lie in sorcerer's lairs and • Any Crystal can be used in a Combined Contrivance, pro-
seer's citadels, protected by who knows whar. Some say that vided it is POW 1 or more.
Q\,stals are more easily procured on other planes. But. as we
ha~e noted before. some say a lot that is not true. • Although Crystals ate inherently things of Law, they can
be, and ate, employed by the servants of Chaos.


A VERY SMALL GROUP OF SHALAFEN ate keepers of the skill roll fur each week of incision. A Failed skill roll means
secrets of Elemental Tattooing. They ate nomadic, ttavelling chat the tattoo has been completed at the level attained by the
the seas of the ShaIafen in groups of three or five. When they week of the failed roll, and cannot be further enhanced. A
aPl"'at neat one ofthe Castles of Coral,suchgroups ate always Fumbled skill toll means that the tatroo has been spoiled and
invited as guests, and treated WIth gencroslry and respect. The will never function.
Tattooists are oft en skilled in traditional shamanistic crafts Any Elemental Tattoo takes a long time to incise and is
(hcrbalism. medi cine, forms of divine worship and communi- quite painful A person who is being Tattooed cannot do
cation), but their defining trait is that all of them know the anything at allstrenuous - physically, mentally or psychically -
skill of Elemental Tattooing - more or less well. and is in prettymuch constant pain.
This sect of Elemental Tattooists is the closest thing the Elemental Tattooists arealso able to remove tattoos, requir-
Shalafen have to seers, if only because theirs is a skill based ing the same time and the same amount of painas the original
upon Law In point of fact, anyone withsufficient allegiance to incision, and leaving a lot ofscarring in its place. It is rumored
Law could learn the range of skills associated with Elemental that some Elemental Tattooists areable to incise curses as well
Tattooing. The skill gives the Tattoo its properties, not the as blessings, but this may simply be a sailor's yarn.
Tattooisr. And anyone who could figuse out the long. complex,
and bloody process of incision, obtained the correct ingredi- All of the known tattoos ate in some way connected with the
ents, and used authentic patterns would be able, in time, to oceanic lifeof the Shalafen. Some of these arc:
incise at least some Elemental Tattoos. In practice, however, Tattoo of Direction
knowledge of the skill has never passed outside the sect (but Adds5% per of incision to the recipient's NI1V~ion skill
see the Exotic Treasures chapter, starring on page I 15).
Despite the great expense, time and suffering involved in Tattoo of the Wayof the Sea
being Tattooed. many ShaIafen desire Elemental Tattoos as a Adds 5% per of incision to the recipients lIiry of tht Sea
mark of the favor of Cor-Ark, although it is rate to find any, skill
even among the Tattooists themselves. who have more than Tattoo of the Breasted Wave
one or two incised on their flesh, and it is populatly supposed Adds 5% per of incision to the recipient's Swim and Surf
that any more would kill the recipienr. The sect of Tattooists skills.
depends upon the income it derives from Tattooing, which is
shared equaIIy among all sect members in an annual gathering. Tattoo of Water Breathing
For each wtt k oj incision, allows recipient I minute under
The Nature of Elemental Tattoos water. A six-month tattoo allows the recipient unlimited
Elemental Tattoos are very large, each occupying at least one time under water.
quarter of a ShaIafen's body surface. Intricate patterns ate Tattoo of [Ocean Sp.,c;esl
slowly cut and pricked into the skin, and the wounds ate
Adds 10% skill in communicating with and understanding
tubbed with compounds made from powdered coral and sea
the behavior of a given oceanic species for each v.rtk oj inci-
herbs whichproducean extraordinary range ofrichand vibrant
sion. The bond with the torem species is obviously quite
colors. Skin is not the only medium that can be Tattooed in
strong, but it never makes the species' fleshtaboo.
this way. Any surface that can be moreor lesspermanently cut
or pricked can be Tattooed. On any surface, Elemental Tattoos Tattoo of Favoring Winds
appear as elaborate abstract patterns of amazingly vivid tones. Incised on a vessel, adds 1 MOV for each "",k ofincision even
The power of the Tattoo depends upon the number of in a dead calm No matterhow many weeks o( incision, one
weeks it has taken to incise (see examples below), and each cannotexceed what would be a reasonable oceanic speed for
Tattoo requires that the Elemental Tattooist make a successful the incised vessel (or else the vessel breaks apart).
wherein may be found elucidations and clarifications
for flu.? kc ea9uc ~J!d gamemaster
. -
A true accounting of the way things are in the Corum seH;1l9

DYENTURES IN 1HE WORLD OF CORUM can This can be most easily done in COnlm by making certain
~ create an atmosphere that is quite different every so ofien there is an adventure set before the adventurers
~ from adventures in Elrics world - an atmo- that has large and tangible consequences and allowing them to
sphere which goes beyond the mere feel the repercussions of the things they do.
geographical and cultural differences in the environmcnt of the
Worldof the Five Planes. Thwarting' the Gods
With the Conjunerion of the MillionSpheres looming, any All of Corum's adventures concern his battlingwith one deity
and everything is possible. The adventures of Prince Corum or another. In the first trilogy his enemies are the Sword
himself take place on a rruly cosmic scale and gamemasters Rulers, in the second the Cold Gods. This reflectsMoorcock's
should seek to capture a little of this if they want to adhere to concerns with free will and the nature of humankind. and
the spirit of the chronicles of the adventures within this category
Prince in the Scarier Robe. touch the very heart of the Corum
On Corum's world the threats Chronicles.
can be quite strange. They often It might be counter-productive
originate on other planes of the for gamemasters to allow adventur-
Multiverse. The stakes are enor- ers to slaythe gods of Chaos (in the
mous, and the adventure high. This sto ries. after all. this role is reserved
does not mean every Corum session for the Scarlet Prince) but there are
need be earth-shattering, simply other options to be explored.
that there is a "fateof the cosmos" Destroying Minor Gods
dimension more pronounced in the This option mirrors the actions
saga of Corum than elsewhere in of Corum in miniature and
Michael M oorcock's writings of the allows players to recreate some of
Erernal Champion. the cosmic triumphs of theScar-
Gamemasters should feel free to let Prince. Corum is only able to
let their imaginations alone dictate best the gods he faces by being
what can or cannot happen in a both clever and inventive (and by
COnlm roleplaying session. This having incredible luck). Proba-
said. there are certain categories of bly the most satisfYing god-
adventures which can aid in striking destroying scenarios will also
a gaming note in harmony with the adhere to the this time-honored folk tale tradition.
adventures of the Prince in the Scarlet Robe himself
Battling Superstition
Much of what the Mabden gods, especially the Chaos
Heroic Roleplaying Lords. represent in Corum is fear and superstition. which
Comm belongs to that genre of fantasy regularly called High can often result in terrible trials for humankind. The Lords
Fantasy. High Fantasy deals with characters who are instru- of Law are the embodiments of more srable and ordered
mental in deteernining the fate of a world. In the saga of religions, though in the end even these are dispelled from
Corum, the Prince in the Scarlet Robe is the prime instigator Corum's world. Adventurers may battle against the forcesof
of the banishmentof all gods from his realms. superstition, fear, ignorance and even blind faith in Law
While it may be impossible - or simply undesirable - to The most innocuous object or person can become the fo~
allow your adventurers such grand and far-reaching influence of a great adventure if many believe that objeer or person IS
over their world. gamemasrers should tty to make the adven- even an unconscious so urce o f divine power. Adventurers
turers feel they are a significant force in this environment. who advance the cause of reason and conunonsense [0 the
detriment of Chaos. Law (or even the Balance) may be said An Extraplanar Voyage
to be preparing the ooy for what the Prince of the Scarlet Last comes the voyage to other planes. This kind of advcn-
Robe will eventually albeit lUlwirringly, accomplish. turc should be used very sparingly. Constant voyaging to
other worlds rakes the novelty and enjoyment our of it for
Defeating the Plans of the Gods both the placers and their adventurers. On the other hand,
Thegods cannot act overtly. even in Co rum's world. They there are any number of reasons for having to make an
cannot hann living creatures directly and must do so
extraplanar journey: fInding some rare or precious item or
through the agencies of their followers. So says the Law of
substance nor found on the World of the Five Planes;
the Balance. When the adventurers thwart these agents they
retrieving somebody from some other plane; coincidenrally
are thwarting the whims of the gods themselves. Garnemas-
coming in contact with a strange portal or vehicle that
rers in a Comm session may wish to make explicit the desires
allows inrerplanar access.
of the gods, through dreams, portents, powerful agents like
PrinceGaynor the Damned,. or the word of priests of those The scenario A City That Is Not (scarring on page 148)
deities. Th us the most ordinary task can be charged WIth is an example ofa very limited extraplanar sojourn
meaning. if it stands in the ooy of, or advances the cause of,
Cham p ioning the U n derdog
the gods themselves.
Prince Corum ofi:en finds himself on the side ofthose who are
The Cosmic Quest outclassed - in numbers, power or position - by their enemies.
A cosmic quest involves so me aspect of the other planes. This
A rendeney to side with the outsider is a hallmark of the
does not necessarily mean interplanar travel, just that other
Moorcoekian hero. Corum rakes this one step further by
worlds of the Multiverse impinge on the adventurers' own. always siding with the disenfi:anthised or the disadvantaged.
Should the adventurers have no such inclinations, gamemasters
Cosmic gamemasters sho uld strive to make the adventurers
feel their own world is just one tiny facet of the enormity that can connive to place them in positions where they have little
is the Multiverse itself. A cosmic quest liberates adventurers choice.
from the narrow day-ro-day activities that might engage them Side bySide
otherwise. and allows them glimpses of their own existence The adventurers are accused of the samething as the under-
from genuinely cosmic perspectives. Some examples of this dog. Accusations range fi:om rhefi and other crimes to
kindof adventure follow. social trespasses, like being shtjanhow or outcast or simply
An Extraplanar Object different. Or the adventurers find that they have become
Some objects may grant more or less limited access to on e
lUlderdogs themselves.
Ot more planes. Other objects may be grand cosmic inter- Financial Persuasion
sections. The item in question can take many forms, from Th e adventurers are hired on to aid the underdog, In this
anancient Contrivance somehow saved from a lost civiliza- case they needn't have overdeveloped consciences, but their
tion, to a seemingly normal objeer which aetually exists on employers might. Advenntrcrs might develop sympathy for
all fiveplanes at once, suggesting latent power unseen on the their charges by being consrantly in their company and
Worldofthe Five Planes. having to look out for their interests, even for stricrly
Such items easily become the focus of people's desires. mercenary motives.
Mabden barbarians may wish to destroy them. or the schol-
ars of Lywm-an-Esh and the elderraces maydesire them for 11,. Enemy of my Enemy. . .
study, And who knows why the gods would want such Th e adventurers and lUlderdogs find they have the same
things? goal When this occurs, the adventurers are acting for those
The scenario Jewelled Destinies (starring on page 137) is less fortunate simply by following their own desires.
designed to introduce adventurers to just such an interpla-
oar object. Quests and Services
Let the rules help. The quests and services required of adven-
An Extraplanar Being turers in rerum for the aid of Demons or Lords of Chaos
A person - or other entity - from another plane dropped provide some comparison when gauging when more cosmic
into the adventurers' life is guaranteed to cause consterna - adventures should come into play, and give ideas for the kinds
tion. Sucha person might be adversary or friend, a helpless of adventures these could be. An avatar of Lawmight request
figure in great need or a neutral catalyst to the actions of the adventurers' services - at first through a priest to test their
others. mettle, later in person for more serious business. When the
Beings from other planes can have valuable or forbidden adventurers have the power to summon or invoke powerful
knowledge; can be fleeing from tyrants; can be determined entities, they are undoubtedly ready for the major leagues.
to wrealc havoc upon the World of the Five Planes in order
to further their own desires. The G r and Design
Such entities might include members of elder races, A major charaereristic of heroic fantasy is the greatness of the
Demons, devices with the semblance of life, or complex quest- the feeling that all ofthe heroes'actions are being bent
Sorcerous Melds imbued with the life-force of Chaos. towards some major outcome. In the works of Michael Moot-

hr.... _
cock that outcome is sometimes a doomed one. but an when thoseachievements canbe depictedas positive and bene-
overriding sense of destiny exists none the less. ficial. A fewpossible consequential adventures are:
Gamemasters can evoke this feeling without making the
Aiding t1.eThreatened Race
players feel "shoe-horned" by allowing characters to embark
The Vadhagh are constantly under threat in the World of
on adventures that have many obstacles to overcome before a
the Five Planes. Helping any member of this beleaguered
final objective is met, or have major consequences wirhin a people is a forestalling of the fated day when they all must
more closely-defined area.
tall beneath Atioch's heel. Seeing them tIu-iving and surviv-
Many Paths to One Goal ing. and allo\ving such aided people to be stalwart non-
Adventurers should sometimes encoun ter scenarios which player character supponers of the adventurers, makes for
are but a part of a burgeoning whole. the great picture genuine satisfaction.
coming closer and closer with each subsequent adventure.
Destroying Tyranny
This cumulation of incidents lends to a simple group of
Despots thrive in Corum's Chaotic world. Ridding a popu-
scenariosa new grandeur - perhaps the actions of fate. lace of such a person shouldresult in the township or village
Big Fish in a Small Pond tIu-iving. and becoming a place where the adventurers are
Since gamenusters should avoid allowing adventurers to alwaysmade welcome.
dictate the course of their entire world history, it might be
Rescuing or Saving an Important Personage
appropriare to allow them to have considerable influence
If the adventurers themselves have not attained some signif-
overa relatively small community (a town or a ship~ group
icant tank. then aiding those who have done so already
of people. or even county.
brings, aside fiom the obvious rewards, the satisfaa ion of
Forging Champions watching the beneficent nature of a good leader or priest's
Eventually the players are likely to crave greater things, actions. or the discomfit of witnessing the horrors a power-
higherideals or somelofty ambitionon behalfof their play- ful evil character might perpetrate.
ers. In this case only the genuine epic quest suffices and
garnemastcrs should pull out all stops to render a suffi- The Pleasures Of Mere Existence
ciently grandiose adventure. Such things should still have Finally, there are those adventures which mirror the daily life
their limitations, but threats to the Multiverse, the Balance. and activities of the adventurers. A life spentlurching from one
or quests for Tandem are the order here - or see the mate- major catastrophe to another saps the energy and patience of
tiaI on The Nhadcagh, statting on page 107. the greatest heroes. Even Corumhad moments where no great
calling bid him and he could relax and get on with his life.
The Consequences of Heroism These are the rimes in a Corum campaign where more
By portraying the repercussions of their actions, garnemastcrs mundane adventures and goals can be pursued. In no way
can warn adventurers who tend to act thoughtlessly and should these be boring. simply more tangible and less cosmic
callously by making them live with the consequences of what exploits than the grand quests that lie behindand before them.
they have done- or encourage players to feel good about what Such scenarios might also be used at the stan of a campaign.
their adventurers have achieved over the course of a campaign. before the heroic destinies of the adventurers have become
fully apparent.
These scenarios may be motivated by the
adventurers being hired. wishing to expand
personal fortune or knowledge. or aiding other
patty members in these aims.
The scenario The Prince Who Cried For
love (statting on page 142) is a fairly frivolous
example of this son of adventuring.
Many places in the World of the Five Planes
known. Even dose neighbots some-
are little
times remain ignorant of one another. largely
due to xenophobia. Scenarios which explore
unknown cities, lands and places could be the
most common kind of early adventure in the
world of CO",m.
Th e need for adventurers to swell their coffers
is often sufficient for them to undertake the
most perilous adventures. These can be as
modest as finding a job to keep the wolf from
the door to looting an entire fabled kingdom. Trading Parties witlt Elder Race Members
voyages and caravans also come under this heading. Mixed-race or eld er race parties will be treate d as outs iders or
worse by Mabden in most circumstances. The world of Conlm
R" 'eni/<' is one of strong ethnic tensions exacerbated by a long history
Many adventurers act to redress wrongs done against them
or others. Taking revenge upon against enemies- or foiling of interracial violence. Thus even che rational Vadhagh are
their enemies' attempts to settle accounts with th em - can unlikely to be comfortable in the company of a mixed group.
uhtle away many hours of game play. Feuds can sometimes Interpersonal obstacles will need to be overcome within a
lend an elemenr of implacable destiny to a simple act of mixed adventuring party as well. Players need to know this in
,-engeance. advance, so chat they can make informed choices about their
fictional futures.
power If a decision has been reached to opt for a racially-mixed
Often mon ey is not enough. adventure rs crave the company group. players need to devote some serious thought to the
of those elite who rule the society in which they live. Such reasons "b)' their characters are ,villing to risk the hatred and
ambitions take much energy and sometiroes many years ro scorn of their peers to teamup with those ofother races, and/
fuItiIl or the circumstances which can lead to their personal recogni-
H inor Rescue
tion chat the patty's interpersonal bonds o urweigh all others.
The person in question is not really very grand or unusual,
but important to the adventurers and/ or their personal
Bonding Scenarios
ambitions. Here are some hooks for a new multi-racial party, designed to
give the characters reasons to bond with one another. It is even
Ninor Quest possible to combine two or more of these together int o one,
The item sought for is not so much vital to the interests of long introductory campaign.
the world at large, as it is something which the adventurers
CI3VC for whatever reasons.
Some or all of the adventurers witness an injustice perpe-
trated on one or more of the soon-to- be party.
Background Reading Wages of Fear
Michael Moorcock's novels about Corum are the obvious A job no one in their right mind would do creates a ragtag
source material for a Con,m campaign. A list of the books is in group of loners, outcasts and opportunists who find they
the introductory chapter. But other material exists. Any book work well together.
ofMoorcock's whichdeals with the Eternal Champion and his
incarnations, or any facet of the Multiverse, can be useful for Heldfor Ransom
getting a feel for the cosmic dimensions of the wider frame- The scenario begins as the last member of the party is
work in which Connn adventures take place. Beyond even these, broughtto a pirateship or bandit campwhere the others are
Michael Moorcockcites his own sources for the Corum books also held captive. The captors are trying to extort money
as the tales of Cornish legends, " hich might be of interest to from communities by kidnapping the unwary. The adven-
garnemasters who would like to follow in a fine author's foot- turers may be harassed. even tortured - and must find a way
out of their conunon predicament;
steps. He mentions the following booksas dealing particularly
with the mythical side of his material: Busting Out
Tbt Whirr CcJJtss by Robert Graves The adventurers are imprisoned. They plan and execute an
escape together.
MJths ""<tuls ojfht Ob, byCompton Mackenzie
Tbt Ki,W ojI"land', 51", by Padraic Colum
The Nhadragh
Tbt CoLi", Strangm and Tbt C",o Uptains by Henry Treece In Michael Mooreock's books, the Nhadragh are pretty much
These books are worch findingand consulting. though one or a blank page. We know that the Nhadragh were also adherents
tim may require a little detective workto crack down, And any of Law, chat chey boasted a civilization to rival chat of the
book on the old Celtic legends can be revealing about the Vadhagh. that the two races fought a long and debilitating war
bedrock on which this wonderful fantasy sequence is built, which ended in victory for the Vadhagh. and chat the
Nhadragh were later totally overwhelmed by hordes of
Mabden barbarians, inspired by the Lords of Chaos,
Lack of knowledge in this case can be turned to the advan-
Elder Race characters tage of a gante set in the worldof Corum.
In the first instance, this book has determined to treat the
Some players are going to want to create adventurers from the Nhadsagh as a people without a history or a culture. The basic
elder races, and there are no pressing reasons to prevent this. assumptio n is that the Mabden conques t has in some way
Such characters should pechaps be limited, if only to perpetu- entirely destroyed both the physical and the mental elements of
are the mystique chat surrounds thesedyingpeoples (although whatever gave the Nhadragh what we would tall an echoic
a whole patty from a given race might be quite interesting). identity.
This assumption may be played out in Nhadragh characters it, and did it in ships. The onlyconsistent talesof the past civi,
who ate nothing more nor less than physical beings. With no Iization of the Nhadragh ate those the sailors rell (sec page
past and no future. a Nhadragh might be the archetypal exis- 40). and they areall about ships and sailing.
tential loncr.
But it can also allow the gamemaster. working in conjunc- NhaJragh psychology
tion with players, to create what the Nhadragh have lost. The The gamernaster will know more about r-.'hadra~ pSfchology
possibilities are endless and, we say with all due modesty. very than those playrng Nhadragh characters. and at runes It will be
"Moorcockian". up to the gamernaster to communicate with players about what
What appears in therest of this section is the outline of one they may be feeling. Thi s is a touchy business in running a
such explanation of the Nhadragh. Clearly it is offered only as game. and probably the best rule ofthumb is to keep this kind
speculation. for Moorcock says nothing about any of this. At of interference to a minimum ("get out of my head!"). H ere
the same time, it would seem that che rediscovery of the are some ideas about how Nhadragh psychology may have
Nhadragh might well provide the basis for just such a epochal, worked. You ClI1 sec (or create) some practical illustrations in
heroic campaign as would best suit the world of Can"" the scenario A City That Is Not, statting on page 148.

The Civili:<ation of the Nhadragh The Community

In spite of the overwc=ing importance of the group.
The lost civilization of the Nhadragh was based on expanded
Nhadragh civilizarion was not a case of "hive mind". Instead,
PD""rs of the mind. This is the reason that so little - virtually
individual Nhadragh behaved much as individuals in other
nothing - of the materials of that civilization can be found
civilizations behave: there were crirninaIs and saints. hypocrites
today. For. llrrl \W'T1 no mmffliJls - or, at least. no materials as we
and truth-tellers. lazy sods and workaholics. and C\~g
understand them. Illtb tlr importallt carptiOIl 0/
between, The unique Nhadragh group
jooJ, solid things were in faa made psyche simply "flowed around" each
literally from the air through psychic individual's actions, creating a
Nhadragh powcr and disappeared pattern of communal action in
back into the air when that power
which each specific act had a place
no longer fueled them.
(SUIl Oasillg, a sport intended to
Moreover, the maintenance of
reflect this principle in action, is
this material-mental world
briefly described on page 159, in A
depended upon the power of group'
City That Is Not)' In some ways.
of Nhadragh, The larger the group.
then, there was nothing totalitarian or
the larger and more complex the
utopian, or C\'<Il particularly unusual.
structures it could generate and
about this civilization. It was just
support. In game terms, this means
another way that people acted in
that the Nhadragh fueled their world
by pooling Magic Points. A groups.
Nhadragh were, of course, deeply
Nhadragh community is definedbya committed to their comm unities -
constant ebb and flow of rna/Ill. Indi-
but this dependence tended to show
viduals can drawupon the community's
itself in positive rather than negative ways. That is. Nhadragh
J'O'ver as the community draws upon individuals. This, and
were not fearful about their group's survival or paranoid about
this alone, is what "economics" meant to the lost Nhadragh
proteaing it. Instead, they may have suffered from too much
faith in the abilityof their groups to overcomeadversity. They
In a very limited sense during this time there was no such
dwclt on the good points about their group and ignored the
thing as an individual Nhadragh- that is. a Nhadraghwithout
bad.The peculiar Nhadragh time-sense even allowed groups to
a community. When an individual Ot a srnaIl group of
break up temporarily and re-form later without unduly
Nhadragh for one reason or another left the community, they
distressing any individual member.
brought with them Crystals suffused with J'O'",r which
The Nhadraghhad utterly no notion of personal excellence.
sustained their separate existence and provided a means of
Individual acrions mayor may not have been norable, but the
communicating and. more importantly. commullillg with those
idea that: someone who won more chariot races than anyone
whom they had left behind.
else, for example. deserved special menti on or was a special
Such a civilization, based almost enrirelv on energy rather
being"Quid have seemed really stupid to the Nhadragh. Group
than matter, had onlyar best a tenuous hold on what we would
~eellcnce now - community excellence - that was something
call "history". For the Nhadragh, all time was one. What had
been and what were to be were always confused in an eternal different. The larger Nhadragh cities even produced something
likea "gang culture". the vestiges ofwhich may perhaps still be
becoming which was always already there.
discernible in the contemporary Nhadragh underground.
A Realmof Sailors
The Nhadragh were once the greatest and most eagersailors of The VaJhagh-NhaJragll Contrivances
the World of The Five Planes. Whether it was exploration, At some point, cons before the tension between Vadhagh and
settlement, fishing. hunting. wac or trading the Nhadragh did Nhadragh erupted into wac, the two elder races knew a brief
period of harmony and collaboration. During that time certain But something else, farmore precious. was destroyed in the
devices were made thar combined the Vadhagh raIent for destruction of Nhadragh communities: the communal genius
Connivance with the psychic pom:rs of the Nhadragh. Some itself. WharC\TI the Nhadragh had known that bound them
of these items are described on page I I 8. in thc Exotic Trea- together and created their unique ~ vanished as their
sures chaprer. These items are a kind of material link to what communities were ripped apare leaving a race of bewildered.
the Nhadragh once were. because they work through drawing demoralized beings who are aware that they have lost some-
Magic Points &om Nhadragh. However, no Nhadragh has thing. but have no sense of what that might be.
known of these devi ces since some time duringthe w..r of the No Nhadragh remembers even an instantof what their civi-
elder races. when the Vadhagh svsremarically destroyed all lization once was - and no Nhadragh ever will The memory
J;no\m examples and suppressed the knowledge that had made of the entire race has been wiped away forever. Individual
them. Th e true use of these special Connivances can only be Nhadragh shun each other. as i( driven by a compulsion they
discovered by accid ent, cannot control (,.ruch may be indeed the case), Their lives are
empty. or rather, filled with longing for something beyond
Nhadragh-InspireJ Items dreaming. beyond feeling. Many are mad by now. and many
Mabden who lived in proximity to the Nhadragh &om rime to more will descend into madness in the coming years. For
time copied the designs and the materials, suth as they were
today. they follow occupations that can be pursued in isola-
able. of Nhadragh items. This accounts for the exist ence of tion. within the dregs or on the fringes of the sociery of their
"Nhadragh" ships. chariots. weapons. and even some rare and Mabden conquerors. The Mabden usc many of them as slaves.
exotic jeweley. and the most powerful barbarians lure or coerce promising
The Destruction of Nhadragh into becoming sorcerers.
Nhadragh Civilization The Underground
Just as we are not really well- From time to time one hears whis-
equipped to understand how the pers ofother Nhadragh - a band of
psychic energy based civilization of survivors living outside. or possibly
the Nhadragh acrualIy worked, it is somehow within, the anarchy of the
not really possible to discover what isles of Bro-an-Nhadragh. No
cxacrIy caused the destruction of reasonable person considers this at
that civilization. all likely. It is a pitiful story. obvi-
It seems likely. however, that the ously concocted to soothe the pain
seeds of its ultimate disappearance ofdegradation and inevitable doom.
were planted ages before the But. of course, it is true.
Mabden invasions began. A scholar Quite bv accident, several
of rare accomplishment and inde- Nhadragh ~ve made the indepen-
pendent mind might hypothesize a dent discovery that it is possible to
connection between the Vadhagh's ease the torment of their current
almost h)~terical destruction of existence by concentrating o n a
C\-erything connected with the CrystaI. Still others have learned
Vadhagh-Nhadragh Connivances that in some way CryscaIs can forge
and the subsequent Vadhagh a bond between individuals. and chat
victory in the elder race war. ..::....- ---' such CrysraI-bonded people can live
Suppose some machine had been built which somehow communalIy. seemingly healing the despair and disorientation
disrupted the communal connections which gave the that are all they rcmcmber of life.
Nhadragh their power and their identity. Slowly and insidi- Individuals with this knowledge have shown some aptitude
ously weakened by they knew not what, the Nhadragh finally in recognizing others like them. and in this way an under-
capitulated. But once started. the process could not be ground of resisting Nhadragh (and even some mi>ed)
reversed, With horror (one hopes) the Vadhagh responsible comnumities has been created. Some groups within that
warched for centuriesas the ultimate weapon ran its genocidal underground are acriveIy working to drive out the barbarians.
course and the barbarians of Chaos rode in to daim the last Some others. including a group caIIing themselves only "The
blasted fruit of the triumph of Law over Law Comnumity of Tomorrow". are attempting to discover whar
they can about the civilization that seems to have vanished so
The Nhadragh Today completely. Still others have begun to learn some unusual ways
For the Nhadragh everything that was not mere survival was to to use their minds.
be found in communal living. Th e final destruction of their
communities by the Mabden was the destruction of their civi- The Phantom Greatshi p
lization. The ~ of the Nhadragh had created even the There is another stoey that might also be true. It tells of a
physical elements of that civiIization: its buildings, weapons. Nhadragh Greatship that somehow survived the epic wars and
works of arc written records. kitchen implements - in short. remains hidden in the islands wairing for the tight rime to
tvtrythi"g. All this is gone now.
reveal itself and its crew again Herearc some stats for a fabu- Alternatively, a Vadhagh-Nhadragh Contrivance might inad.
lousGrcatship anyway: vertenrly trigger the beginning of Nhadragh awakening by
fueling itself with a Nhadragh's Magic Points - or even with
Greatship / Battle Barge: (no source of motive PO""'; 160
Gystals embedded in the structure: room for up to 10,000 Magic Points taken from the group with which thc Nhadragh
people; 8-32 war engines standard). Such a ship can be kept had (unconsciously) bonded. A Nhadragh might - or mighr
operational with a crew of 7-10 bonded to each other and not - have some kind of instinctive understanding of " nat has
the ship. The most advanced Nhadragh Grearships had occurred.
been crafted with watcrtight population areas so as to allow After a time no Crystals or other devices would be needed
them to sink like sto nes in minutes [ 0 avoid detection and The Nhadragh would draw at will on the Magic Pointsof the
then to resurface at will.
others. Later - on all their knowledge and skill Later still_
shating all of this with all the others. Effectively, the group
Goin g UnJerground would have become something like a Nhadragh communi",
Although the underground is always seeking new recruits, operating through a single nodal being. This would ,-crY
underground members are also pragmatically paranoid. There quickly physically and psychically exhaust rhac node, so that
is also some rivalry between different underground groups. It the communion could only function for a very short space of
should take considerable time and several conspicuous deeds nme.
before Nhadragh adventurers and! or their companions are Ocherabilities- "mental" or "psychic" powers - might also
"qualified" to be approached to join an underground group. be acquired over time at the gamemaster's discretion. However.
In fact. the most effective strategy for treating the under- the key thing about Nhadragh abilities in this "~y of under-
ground is not to menti on it in }'our game at all. After all. an standingthem is that they are tied to communities. A band of
effective underground is an invisible underground. If the first (mixed) adventurers should only awaken a very tiny fraction of
time that the adventurers hearof the underground is when one the power rhar a whole civilization of pure Nhadragh once
oftheir Nhadragh number is approached to join. the impactof had.
thisclandestine group will be all the stronger. The life-span of a Nhadragh who has awakened becomes
the equivalent of a Vadhagh's life-span. The age of an awak-
Nhadragh in Adventuring Groups ened Nhadragh is ten times her age before awakening (thus a
It is reasonable char Nhadragh in their current conquered state sixteen }'Car old becomesone hundred and sixty)' This new age
might, in the right circumstances, be able to bond productively produces no physical change, nor are any skills increased
with a group of beings who were themselves not Nhadragh. thereby. H<TWtVer, an awakmd NhaJragb tan kam tbr skills oj Shift
Bonding would depend on a growing sense ofmutual trust and Tw on and Shift Stlffrom anyont vJx, knows tbrm witbin a Jay (see page
interdependence. This bond mightdevelop slowly over time or 96 in the C.ntriving chapeer).
might manifest itself suddenly. The Nhadragh would move Ir is possible that as Nhadragh adventurers begin to shake
ftom moody loneliness to the beginnings of \'a}' positive feel- off the psychic trauma of conquest, they may develo p tastes
ings about the group and its members and would feel more and talents for the sea and sea-faring.
and more secure and even happy within the group. (Such a
character would be great for keeping the parry together!) A NhaJragh Campaign
It would be the business of the gamemaster ro keep those Two of the scenarios in this book might be used near the
playing Nhadragh in this situation apprised of their changing beginning of a campaign based upon d;e rediscovery of the
attitudes- until finaIIy the group becomes the most important civilization of the Nhadragh. Such a campaign would 01>.;-
thing in the lives ofthe Nhadragh. ously seem to require at lease one Nhadragh player rharacrer.
The quest eo discover what has been so utterly lost surely
Nhadragh Awakeni"li shouldnoe meeeIy be the fantasy equivalene of an archeological
How will Nhadragh characters begin to sense what they may expedieion. It should have world-shaking consequences. It is
be? What pouers should they be given? What impact should even possible that the restoration of the Nhadragh could be a
thishave on the party of adventurers? feat to rank with Corum's own. Adventurers should be
A Crystal makes a handy mechanism. A Nhadragh might expected to have to voyage between the planes, to encounter
discover an unusual sense of peace and well-being by gazing peoples uninugined. to confront and even oucwie gods known
into its depths, and thus become bonded to the Crystal, and unknown. to ally with or defeat Champions of all sorts.
Suppose a Crystal-bonded Nhadragh were also a member of The final restoration of the Nhadragh will not be achieved
a strongly-bonded group of various beings. It might happen in the span of one campaign. It will take thousands of }'CatS of
that, quite inadvertently; the Nhadragh would discover the despair and struggle before it is accomplished. Youradventur-
abilityto use the Magic Pointsof the others- to store them in ers will only be ableeo mourn the loss of what has gone before
the Gystal perhaps. This ability would extend only to the as they lay the groundwork for what they hope will be the
members ofthe Nhadragh's "primary" group- presumably the future.
band of adventurers. And it could only happen in char one At the end of the first Chronicles of Corum. the Prince
group. the group of which the Nhadragh fd t she was an essen- discovers char although he has been striving co re-establish the
tial parr. A Crystalustdfor this kind ojbonding t Ommnmti"g') tannot gods of Law, what he has done banishes all gods from his
br usrdfor any other F"'P"st, tvtn trmporari/y. plane. Perhaps this unexpected result is produced pardy
because of the actions, unknown to Corum himself of those
"he sought for and found the wellsprings of the Nhadragh.
Coins and GeIllS
PethaPS what your adventurers do will ultimately insure the For the convenience ofgamernasters and players. the monetary
triumph of the Balance. sysrem of Stormbringn' has been left largely intact for the World
ofthe Five Planes. H owever, because ofche cultural differences
in the various lands, the kind of money available is radically
NaIlles in Corum The basic units of currency remain che same. as does the
purchasing power, bur the foll';"oing changes apply.
Corum character have distinctive and charming names. Th ese
names are often tri-partite (in three parts). though often the Barbarian Lands
person is known only by the first or, ar least, reguL:u:1y called Th ere are no silveror gold coins indigenous to the barbarian
only by that one. A Cornish-English. English-Cornish dicrio- lands of Bro-an-Mabden and Bro-an-Vadhagh. Some travelers
nan' may help provide inspiration for the names of both bring them, but the coins are likely to buy much
ciWacrers and places, since the more than their actual worth because of the
Cornish legends were Moot- higher value placed upon the actual metal
cock's own source. Strangers who flash this kind of money
Nalxlen Names • "tt~~~ around indiscriminately are likely to
be robbed very soon. All bronze
Mabden names are always sepa-
coins are in ready eircularion and
rated by -a- / -an- / or more
the barter system of goods for
rarely -~-. ?~ -~; and -an- goods, goods for services, and
stand for of , from . or some-
times "with", In this case the
services ror services. thrives.
latter name of the three stands for Lywm-an-Esl,
the place from where the adven- All the coins of Stormbrillgn' are avail-
turer hails. as ir is for both able here, with the obvious exception
Glandyth-a-Krae and Jagin-a. of Melnibonean currency. Th ere is
Barg. There is no hard and fast also the Royal currency of the realm.
rule for this. however, and players This consists of the Kbeun. or note -
should adopt what sounds righL a paper note backed by the Royal
Gamemasters should beware: this House and worth 5 large gold, and
kind of naming convention has a the Brass Gem. a beautihuiy wocked
propensity for attracting joke com with a gem set into its middle.
names. always a diamond. Th ese coins are
worth 5,000 large gold and are the
E1c1er Race Names
equivalent of Melrubonean money. The Brass G:ms of LVMtl-
The Vadhagh have three disrinct and separate names bur are
an-Esh, sometimes known as "Lywms", are highly prized else-
eonnnonly known only by the first, thus Corum Jhaelen Irsei.
where. bur the paper money is considered useless by those who
This was once true for the Nhadragh as well However. with
do nor trade with them. Barbarian pirates have been known to
the loss of their culture, the Nhadraghnow tend to be known
burn entire shipments of paper money in fury at finding
by only one name. signifying their debased, rootless condition. Lywm-an-Esh ships "empty" ofvaluables.
1bis name has often been bestowed in oonrempt by their
Mabden conquerors. Bro-an-Nhadragh
The Ragha-da-Khera use two names hyphenated: (King) The Nhadragh neverhad any use for money. All ooinage here
Temgol.Lep. oomes fi:om someplace else. In the period during which the
Conan game is set, the ranges of coins available in the
County, Duchy and Town Names Nhadragh Isles is the same as that in the Barbarian Lands,
These should reflect the habit of naming which the peoples above. At the same time, quite a lor of oounterfeiring goes on
themselves have adopted. Mabden towns rend to have -a- or - here. It is rare to find a coin that would be worth its face value
an- or -nan- in them, and Vadhagh castles mosr often have if melted clown, Most of the time. this makes no difference to
only one name. Going on what is known now, it appears that monetary transactions. bur sometimes the situarion can be
the Nhadragh adopted a highly variable naming practice in exploited by sharp traders.
MUch a major citymighrhave been known by only one syllable
{Os, for example), where a tiny viIIage might havea name that The Vadhagh
could be translated as "You Graze On This Side Of The The Vadhagh also do not use moneyof anysort. Th ey trade in
Meadow While We Graze On The Other Side Of Th e gems when they must, or barter with the Mabden near their
Meadow And The Middle ShallNor Be Grazed At All Except castles.
In Tunes Of Drought".
The Ice wilderness
Barter only. Coins arc usually regarded with suspicion, magical
talismans of wealth that the Brilding 1u''C not learned to CHAOS, BALANCE & LAW POINTS
master. Some Briklings horde them, and the paper money of
Lywm-an-Esh. for the good fortune that they are supposed to THIS TABLE SHOWS possible allegiance point rewards for
various deeds. On ly a single alfegiance should increase
bring. but would never consider using such items for trade or for each deed, and the gamemaster is responsible for
exchange. adjud icat ~n g. which force is appropriate where more
than one IS l isted.
Other LancL. In Corum ~ssjonate commitment is i ~nt -
All other lands may be considered to use bronze coins and actions taken half-heartedly or under duress should
barter, with the exception of Khoolocrah. wherethe full range never be rewarded with allegiance points, no matter
howgloriousthe outcome- onlyactions taken with the
iD of currency is available. entire mind and soul behind them should be
recogn ized.
The gem types of the Young Kingdoms arc also available here, The adventurer... chaos balance law
with the samerelative exchange rate, depending of course upon accepts Chaotic healing 1
the counrry where the gem is being exchanged. Vadlugh arc the aids someone of anotherrace 2 2
bests someone in skill 1
most likely people to us gems as rurrcney under anything more brings item from other plane -1
than exceptional circumstances. learns contriving 2
learns sorcery 2
Crystals makes a new Contrivance
The Crvstals of Law arc rare minerals which arc used in pacts with a Chaos Creature 3
Concm';'g. These O)'>tI1s correspond in color and value to pacts with a Greater Demon 5
the Eight Great Gems of Stormbri'W', except that the base value performs a disgusting act 1
of each crystal is ten times that of the corresponding colored slays shefanhow 2
slays Chaos Creature
gem. In a rare handful of those books a few Vadlugh scholars uses a Sorcerous fv'\eld 1
have confessed themselves particularly baffied by the uses to uses a new Sorcerous fv'\eld +1
wluch the Nhadragh may have put Crystals. Unfortunately, it
would seem that whatever those uses may have been, that
knowledge is no longer available to those Nhadragh who have
survived the destruction of their civilization. Allegiance Rewards
Although Chaos dominates the fifteen planes, this Ius no
THEMONEY-CHANGER'S CREED effea on the wav in which adventurers' actions determine their
allegiances to the forces of Clues, Lawor the Balance. When-
AoIllCEHANDED DOWN by Glabnik-an-Conn, a
merchant \\ol1o regularly trades with the barbaric ever Maalaf-ap-FenaIIan, a perfectly ordinary market trader,
peoplesof Bro-an-Mabden; out-bargains someone else in a nose-to-nose contest of skill he
*'Never give paper money to barbarians gains a point of allegiance to Law. Wheneverhe does whatever
'* Nevertakea coin that weighs less than its it is he does with piglets that causes them to run squealing
when he appears, he gains a point of allegiance to Chaos. If he
*' Always save shefanhow money for shefanhow were to bring a piglet here fi:om another plane, he would losea
*' Never swap gold for coins of any sort point of Balance.
One who dutifully servesChaos may compromise herself by
*' Always wash mone y from Khoolocrah aiding Law. This occurs most often in the mundane world
*' Carefully'
weigh each coin from Bro-an- rather than the realm of the metaphysical, but that is not
always the case, and it is possible to win the disapproval of the
"' Never believe the following:
gods. The gamcrna.ster and players should be guided by
• The money is stillon myship circumstance, conunon sense, and acivenrurer intention.
• My promissory notes have been accepted A followerof Chaos who drags a priest of LawaWolY fi:om an
by the King
• 1 deliver it in the morning
111 onrushing cart is doing a natural and humane thing. Few
remark upon such acts, other chan to praise the adventurer's
• lt's a new kind of currency
bravery. Yet a barbarian warrior who sides with a Vadlugh or
• lcan give you a map that reveals the loca-
tion of a vasttreasure Nhadragh may be ostracized, or even killed, for the transgres-
• Let's do thedeal at my place, its safer sion of the customs and loyalty to Clues. Such happenings can
• It's okay, they're just relatives never be properly measured in simple game rules, bur alle-
giance points should certainly be awarded in those situations.

SPACE DOES NOT ALLOW for a detailed discussion o f rhe 4 Revenge. An mortal foe has escaped to th is plane, but will
man\" many worlds of rhe Multiverse - nor could ir ever. not escape the adventurers' justice.
M~reock's Million Spheres are beyond rhe sco pe even o f an S Allies. The adventurers seek tempora ry a llies against a
encyclopedia. However, Comm gamemaster5, more than their creature, device or magic frompotential ally'shomeplane.
Sto';',brillg<f countcrparrs. may find th ems elves con ducting Ally armies are impossible to tra nsport - individuals only
may make the trip, and may be trapped. Another adventure
advcnturts set beyond rhe planes o f rheir heroes' home sphere. might be wrung from effortsto return them .
To get around rhe dilenuna of having an entire M ulriverse to
6 Tanelorn. Some clue of the way to find Tanelorn lieshere.
fill, the garnemaster may wish to explore a number of pos sible
Should not be definitive unless gamemaster intendsto
solutions. retire heroes involved.
other Works byMoorcock 7 Information. Somevital knowledge ca n be discovered here
The Tale of rhe Eternal Champion is a long one and encom- that can aid the adventurers at home.
passes many worlds, some merely mentioned. orhcrs richly 8 Resurrection. Perhaps a fallen lover ca n be brought back to
derailed. There are plenty more ideas to work wirh in M oor- life by an item or a ritual practiced here. [This quest is
cock's other Eternal Champion books; and he's still writing doomed. Such a thing is impossible] .
Step T wo: Dominant Power
Siormbri"ger Worlds It is crucial to determine which. is the dominant force on the
One obvious foreign plane is rhe Young Kingdoms. Indeed. if plane. In Co rum's world Chaos is d ominant. If you don't have
advcnturtrs were not aware of th e geography of rhe Young a pre -existing impression, to ll 1D6:
Kingdoms rhey might visit Elric's plane multiple times befo re 1-3 Chaos
discovering it is in fact the same place. Imagine someone visit- 4- S Law
ing Pikarayd. Vtlmir and rhe Unknown Eas e rhey could easily
6 Equal (i.e. the Balance)
mistake rhem fot separate planes.
There is also a Hawhnccn supplement; at least; to be Step Three: Antagonists
published by Darcsyde Productions following rhis volume. Even if outright war is not being fough t, some menace is
Other Game Products sinunering under rhe surface of apparent stability. Who are
Many fantasy worlds are detailed in role playing garnes. Most destined to be rhe antagonists in rhis battle? One side is most
of these would make excellent foundations for one of rhe likely Law and rhe orher Chaos, with a few brave adherents of
worlds of the Million Spheres, provided rhe garnemaster is rhe Balance trying to set rhings right. But is it human against
human as in Hawkmoon's Tragic Millennium? Or is it elder
conscious of rhe overall Moorcockian setting.
race versus human as in Co rum's Five Planes? Or is it even
There are going to be some situations where either none of elder race versus elder race, as in rhe early history of rhe Fi\'C
these options are available, or rhe garnemaster cannot afford Planes? A 1 D6 roll helps to establish this:
the time to locate or translate material. At <hat point a method 1 Elder Race versus Elder Race
of rapidly outlining a new plane might be useful...
2-5 Human versus human
6 Human versus Elder Race, roll a further 104:
The Multiverse Generator 1-2 Elder Race follow; Chaos (like Meln iboneansl
Here is a down-and-dirty merhod for generating rhe basics ofa
3-4 Elder Race follow; Law (like Vad haghl
new plane. No set of tables can ever replace garnemastct inspi-
ration, but it may help to enhance it; or to ho ld rhe fort when Step Four: Technology Level
invention flags. So, get your dice out. The level of technology on rhe plane is of great import. Roll
1D lOon rhe following table.
Step One: Reason for Journey Not" Weapons brought back from rh e Early Modern and
Roll 108, or choose one, or combin e two, of the entries below. rhe Modern7Post-EnIightenment periods simply do not work
Once rhe adventures finally reach rheir goal on rhis plane, in places like rhe Five Planes and Young Kingdoms, nor can
obstacles like guards, puzzles or rivals should beset rhem. the y be duplicated or created by Contrivin g.
1 Rescue. A friend or enemy hasbeen moved into another 1-3 Stone or earl y metal techn ology. Tribal c ultures. Cities built
plane and muse be brought back. around central temples. Some extraordinary monumental
2 Item. A critical item needs to be retrieved. structures.

3 Betrayal. The adventurers are forced or tricked by a foe to 4-8 Medieval. Similar to Carum and Stormbringer.
get something that will aid that enemy. 9 Early Modern. Firearms are new, as in the Elizabethan age.
10 Modem' Post-EnlightenmenL The gamemaster must 8 A coasta l fortress where things come out of the sea and the
choose how modern. Is it equivalent to the days of the Brit- weather and temper of the lands have been radically
ish Empire? Is it similarto early in our century, OUf 0Vv11 altered by high forces.
time, or even thefuture?

Step Five: Setting Running an Interplanar Campaign

The setting is the backdrop against which the adventure takes Adventuring on another plane should not be merely an excuse
place. The adventurers are wUikely to have the time or the to book a tour to strange new places and encounter weird and
inclination to explore anentire world. A succinct anddramatic alien peoples. Moorcock has his heroes journey beyond their
backdrop is more important. Roll 108, or select an appropri- own worlds for crucial reasons. most of them life-threatening.
ate enrry. Some of these ideas are really onlv going to work in many world-threatening.
the Medieval period of the Young Kingdoms and Corum's Do not mistake the randomness ofgenerating a quick back.
World. You might want to revise the technology of the plane ground as a replacement for a weII-thought-out adventure
in such situations, or use this list simply as a springboard to ";'ere the rhalIenge lying on a m-off plane bears some relarion
other ideas of the same kind. to the one encountered at home. For this reason, the Multi-
1 A strange isolated city, crumbl ing into decay. verse Generator does not seek so much to define the phj~iraI
and technological realities of new planes as to suggest their
2 A powerful ruler holds court where champions try to defeat
an insidious foe. political, philosophical and metaphysical dimensions. With
rare, well-considered exceptions, most planes should probabh'
3 A group of smaller communities with their QIM1 internal
be on the same or earlier technological level as the Young
enmities arestrugglingto defeat a foe froma dominant
neighboring land. Kingdoms or the World of the Five Planes. The best-known
adventures of the Champion Erernal work themselves out
4 A land of nomads and exotic cities perched on the edge of
a vast dese rt and beset by demonic forces. against a low-tech fantasy background. and it would seem that
the spirit of the Corum game may be most effectively evoked
5 A gigantic flying vessel, the size of city, is being besieged against a similar background.
by thecreatures or machines of an enemy, as it seeks a
promised land. Adventurers should be seeking some definite goal on
another plane. They may get sidetracked into local affairs, hut
6 The rulers of an anc ient and physically isolated continent
they sho uld never go into other planes merely on a whim or to
feaned by all plot against their enemies.
sausfy their curiosity. Nor should they undertake an inrerpla-
7 A land totally created by artificial means , magic or science, oar quest Iighdy. Three such adventures in a hero's lifetime is
is nowthreatened by d issolution and destruction.
Telling of tile marvelous, tIle s tup end o us and astounding artIfacts of tile five planes,
tl,e like 0/which set ad.enturers 0/all kinds at remble

;rl ANY TREASURES ABOUND on the Five Planes.

Certain of the rarest attifaas possess enor-
mous fX>\\U; some are even fragments of gods
themselves. Below arc some exotic treasures, a
few of which are mentioned in the Chro nicles of Corum, The
first three are intended for Co rum himself. so garnemasrer s
jewelled and faceted. Its colors are blues, blacksand deep reds.
Resemblingnothing so much as the orb ofa giant alien insect,
the eye has a jewel-encrusted patch..hich fits over it.
The err can see into an area of space and time neverbefore
observed. Whether this is a shadowv reflection of the Fifteen
Planes, a strange kind of Limbo, or both. is open to conjecture.
might wish to keep them away from adventurers. (Ibis is not Whatever the place is, it is inhabited by dark figures which live
c!ifi;rult, they are forbiddingly hard to claim). The others are a kind of malevolent half-life. The hand of Rhynn's brother,
more commonplace. but are still strange by KwII. maysummon these creatures.
everyday standards and may be some- In order to function when worn bv
what more easily obtained by a mortals, the jewelled Eye of Rhynn
party ofadventurers. must replace one of their eves. The
patch CO\= the C)~ and allows the
The Heart of Arioch person to see as though both C)'CS
The Hem of Arioch is kept in a were notrnal. Only when the patch
thamber within the god Arioch's is raised is the strange dark place
castle in the centerof the world (see accessed.
page 60 in the Cosmology chapter)' Corum is given the Eye by Shool
The chamber is reached through a and though he wears it for a time, he
vast hall and lies behind a massive eventually casts it back into the sea
door, which ten warriors would have for the lost God Rhynn to retrieve.
diffirulty opening.
The jewel-like heart is a soft deep The Hand Of Kwll
blue and quite small Shining like a Like the Eyeof Rhynn, the Hand of
gem in the shape ofa heart, it bears, Kwll eventuallv finds itself in the
emitting rays upon each throb. temporary ~ing of Shool-an-
It sits upon a plinth on a dais on 1:.'6:~~ ..~ [yvan, The Hand is simiLuly jewel-
a platform at the edge of nothing- ~....:::td,,~:9....~ Q led. It is a lefthand, with five fingers
ness. The way to this platform is and a thumb.
along a massive ramp over a gulfof terrible emptiness. Those The Hand of Kwll can reach into the place that the Eye of
ullO would seize or destroy the hem mustface the obstacles of Rhynn reveals. The Hand then draws aid from that place. The
this ramp: searing and freezing winds. spectral voices. faces shadowy, unspeakable figures who inhabit it come foeth to
..hich seemto be familiar staring out of the void. Finally the battle for their summoner; each claiming as pact price one of
rays which the heart shoots forth transfix those who try to the summoner's foes. The paeted foes in turn become undead
grasp it. Around the dais stand many Mabden, frozen in minions awaiting their turn to win death by seizing another
~ ofr.eaching for the heart, their eyes alive and screaming life, and so the terrible cycle continuesad infinitum.
silent wanung. The Hand also possesses great strength and the will of the
Only Corum, with the Hand of Kwll, canwithstand this. god KwII. Thus it often saves Conun from threats that it
senses, but of which he is not aware. Conun wears the Hand
The Eye Of Rhynn until he returns it to Lord Kwll who stands in the Blue City of
The eye of one ofthe Lost Gxls (see page 61 in the Cosmology Tandom.
chapter) winds up in the keeping of'Shcol-an-jjvan, The eye is
Books of tile Precepts of Law possessor gains a Luckroll increase of 10% per sprite each day
Books containing full instructions in the various Precepts of that it is still alive (and one Chaos allegiance point if you arr
Contriving do exist, but they are extremely rare. There may be heartlessenough not to free them immediately).
only one, ot at most two, such books for any Precept in the
whole of Corum's world They an be recognized by their Dirty, Musty, scruffy ScrolL.
titles: The Book of the Precept of Quality, The Book of the Some nasty old scrolls might contain recipes for powerful
Precept of Mechanics, The Book of the Precept of Plane Ragha-da-Khera fetishes - and ir is possible that any Sorcerer
Shifting. and The Book of the Precept of Combining (this would be able to make the fetish by following the recipe.
latter is apparently nonsense to anyone without knowledge of Recipe for Shela-kra.Krow's Fetish
all of the other Precepts)' Each volume is also a Contrivance Makes the wearer complerely invulnerable for I minurc per
itself. with properties ofthe gamemasrer's choosing.
10 Magic Pointspur in bythe fcrish maker (sec Ragha-da-
Bounty of tile Crimson C at tle Khera Fetishes. on page 83). Disintegrates afi:er rime limit
Th e fabled crimson cattle of Droonhazar are the source of at exceeded. Requires rail feather of one of the so-called "iron
least two natural treasures encountered only by the very lucky crowsof Khoolocrah", a palace-protected species, as well as
or the most worthy. thousand-year-oId swamp mud and some of the potential
wearer's fingernail parings. Increases the maker's Chaos alle-
Cheese giance by4 points and user's Chaosallegiance by 2 points.
The milk of a crimson cow is thick and viscous, briIIianclv
white with overtones of pink. It is supposed that drinking Recipe for N olk-na-Braw's Fetish
this milk fresh fi:om the udder wiII grant eternal life, and When brushed against base metal, turns all of it that is in
some aging persons of means may want to organize expedi- one contiguous piece to gold (one link in a chain, for exam-
tions to test the rumor firsthand ple. or one elephant-sized lump of lead). Each 10 Magic
Suth people mayor may not know that a rare delicacy Points put in the fetish allowsone use of it (sec Ragha-da.
found only very occasionally among a trader's treasures is Kheta Fetishes, on page 83). Disintegrates after last use.
acrually cheese made fi:om that milk. Th e cheese is dark Requires narurally flaming sand (for cooking it). a pint of
pink in color and extremely hard (it seems as thoughit isall venom fi:om the purple-and-yellow adders found in the
rind). It has no universally recognized name and may be island jungles of Bro-an-Nhadragh, a species of dried
called almost anything. Many of the traders who happen seaweed ("fissoyamu") native to the northern shores of Bro-
upon the cheese have no idea of its real power. For even the an-Vadhagh, eleven slug corpses and a handful of common
smallest nibble will grant 10 8 years of immunity from hemp. Increases the maker's Chaos allegiance by 4 points
disease and poison. A word of warning. though: the cheese and user's Chaos allegiance by 2 points.
is easily forged and quite a lor of what is claimed to be the
real thing is actually fake. Sharkskins
Dw-.g Dried and treated skins of large predatory fish, each containing
Crimson earcle pars are immense. They are roughly circular what look like visual instructions and a pattern for incising a
and at least the diameter of a persons height. Before they very elaborate tattoo, designed to cover half the body. With
harden in the pitiless sun, the pungent-smelling dung in about 6 weeks for study and practice anyone with skill in
them an be used as protection against che deadly sands of tattooing would be able to reproduce the tartoo with a chance
the desert of Droonhazat, The protection lasts fOr 1010 of success equal to their skill in Lv/ooing, although it is dear
hours, which may perhaps be enough time to find another that to do so could rake many weeks and would be bound to
fresh dropping. Dried dung is very good as manure, and be vetypainful for the recipient.
there used to be a lively trade in supplying the sruff for There is nothing at all on any of the sharkskins to indicaee
VadIIagh and Nhadragh agriculture. Only a handful of precisely what, if anything. these tattoos are. To anyone who is
people in the world, however, are aware of the protective not a Shalafen, they are likely to appearto be mere decoration.
properties of the fresh stuff. Shalafen will recognize them as Elemental Tattoos, but will
not knowwhat kind of Elemental Tattoos they are.
Captive Sprites The Elemental Tattooists of Shalafen already knowall that
Barbarian forest dwellers have been known to capture the these sharkskins an teach, but although the skins represent
sprites who dwell in numbers near the rivers. Captured sprites knowledge stolen fi:om the sect; members are very unlikely to
an be kept in pottery or wooden vessels, wheretheydie within admit char to any outsider. Apparencly the sharkskins were the
a few days for lackof food No one knows what they ear. The work of one renegade apprentice, perhaps her notes. Only five
barbarians believe char a living captured sprite increases one's are known to have been made and ofthose five the contents of
chances for good luck. This is the case, for the sprite is jusr three are known to the ElementalTattooists.
attempting frantically to bribe its captorwith the onlything of
value char it possesses. Sprites an be bound into objects by Wind Raiser
those with the spiritual power and the arcane knowledge to do Enables the recipient to control the force and direction of
so (a handful of sorcerers). but they die in those objects too the wind in any visible area for 1 04 hours before filling
within a few days. Sprites live 1 D4 days in captivity. The unconscious for 101 2 hours. Takes 2 months to incise.
(When mastered. gives 10% in Elrmmtal Tattooing. or
+15% [0 an existing Ennmtal Lmooi'll skill).
Stonn QueUer
Enables the recipient to aim natural storms but
sends him or her into a corm for 1D4 days inunedi-
arelv rhereafrer, Takes 3 months [0 incise. (When
~rcred. gives 10% in Elnnnltal Tattooing. or +15%
to an existing Elnrrnttal Tattooing skill).
The!'larkof Joon.AI.
Brings consistently bad luck to whatever or whomever
it is incised upon. Those experienced in the derection
of Chaos can sense that there is something seriously
"TOng with this sharkskin. Takes 2 weeks to incise.
(When mastered. gives 05 % in Elnnmr.J Tattooir~. Ot
+20% [0 an existing Elnrrnlta/ u.ttooi'll skill. In addi-
tion. incising this tattoo on anything adds 3 points of
Chaos allegiance to the Tattooist; incising on a person
adds 5 points)'
Shield of Arkyn
Docs such a thing really exist1 For eons scholars have
speculated that there must be a shield whose power
would be proof against Arioch's jet black sword, but
perhaps this is just wishful thinking in a world doomed
to Chaos.
TheTear of Cwyllch
(or the Globe of Future Nations)
Each place Otgroup of places has its own version of the
Globe of Future Nations firsc mentioned in the Elric
novel, Rtverrge oj tlx RD". In Corum's world, it is known as
the "Tear of CwyIIch" and is said to be possessed by
King Maligaunt che Screarnieg, rulerof a place known as
the Sundertd Isles, which can be reached through certain
sacred places across Lywm-an-esh,
C"}'IIch was a giant who once carried the Multiverse
upon his shoulders. doomed by the Lords of Chaos to
this dury for his insatiable curiosity. C"}'IIch's torment
was such thathis tears absorbed some of the scuff of the
Malriverse, and fell upon the earth in all its myriad
The tears solidified and became perfect globes of a
pale blue crystal. the size of a man in diameter. Those
\\110 are pure of heart (i.e.• Balaoce-a1igned) rmy g.=
into the heart of the Tear of C"}'IIch and see how the
earths of the future grow and prosper. Those of impure
nature (i,e., aligned to Law or Chaos) see onlythe death
and misery caused by their aligned force in the future.
People witnessing such misery are plagued forever
with some of the weight of the Multiverse carried
bv C"}'IIch (manifesting in any number of
doom-laden ways - depression. insomnia, nighr-
mares, failed dreams. irreconcilable loves. etc.).
Formost, then. this is a dolefultreasure indeed


Treasures of Tl,e Vadhagh Tl,e Cunning Copper Parrot

Among the treasures of the Five Planes are certainhabiliments Someone somewhere O\VUS a one-of-a-kind beautifullv fash-
and devices of the Vadhagh of such alien strangeness as to ioned mechanical copper parrot that can manifest 'a verv
confound all explanation. These items arc gained only upon useful pm,cr. It is not likely that the owner is aware of this
the death of the Vadhagh possessing them. In vcry extraordi- power, though. If. however, the parrot were held in the
nary circumstances a Vadhagh might gili: such an item to hands of a Nhadragh, it would automatically draw Magie
someone, otherwise they can only be found amidst the plunder Points from its holder at the rare of I per hour. During this
ofthe Vadhagh-hating Denledhyssi and their like. period it would verbally translate any language used on the
World of the Five Planes spoken in its presence into a
Vac!hagh Cloaks language understood by its holder. It wo uld do this in a
The name robes of the Vadhagh arc always one solid color. parrot-like screech unless the holder was aware of how one
Each cloak is made from the skin ofa certain kind of beast rwisred its head to raise and lower the volume, and we can't
from another plane. The Vadhagh are moscly not interested imagine how al1)"ne would know that.
in what these beasts are called, but they know that they are
odd bar-like things whose soli: wing membranes provide the Pathfinders
substance ofthe cloak. There are several Pathfinders in existence. Most folk take
Vadhagh cloaks provide points of 2 armor, and arc never them for talismans or brooches, since each has a Crystal
themselves ruined. Something may cut through them. and embedded in it and is of a size to fit comfortablv in the
injure the wearer, but the cloakitself reknits searnIessIy. palm of one hand. They are ornately creficd of various
metals and no mechanism is apparent in them. except to a
Vac!hagh Anns anc! Armor Vadhagh skilled in the art of Mechanics. Even suth a
Even if they arc not Contrived, Vadhagh armor and weap- Vadhagh would not know what these things are for. When
ons are superior co those ofMabden manufacture. Vadhagh held by a Nhadragh, the Crystal beginsto glmv sofi:ly. Ifthe
armor is genecaIly silver and consistsof conical helm, byrnie Nhadragh consciously plans to go somewhere, the Crystal
and gaunclets. Because of its superior quality it protects for glows more brighcly when the bearer moves in the correct
1Dl O. Though givingthe same protection as Mabden Plate, direction This is true even for places whose location the
the armor weighs the same as Mabden ring mail. Because of holder does not know;
the body form ofVadhagh, however, only a vcry fewcall and
slender Mabden can effectively wearVadhagh armor. Mother's Comforts
There is only a 25% chance a Vadhagh weapon will break Onceoneknows what to look for, it is really surprising how
on a Fumble that indicates weapon breakage. (Thi s chance many of these useful Connivances can be found in Bro-an-
increases to 50%. of course, if the m:apon has been used as Nhadragh (we arc talking about the clifference between rare
the basis for a Mechanical Contrivance). and scarce, mind). They appear to be intricately carved
beads. The carvings, however, are very unusual - unlike
Vadltagh Contrivances anything known, Their origins, reach back into the golden
The Cen/riving chapter contains descriptions ofa number of age of cooperation between the Vadhagh and Nhadragh
Contrivanceswhich may be considered exotic treasures. races. At that time for a few years there was a fad for these
beads among the mothers of the Nhadragh. who had their
Unichorn Horns children wear them so that they might always be found. For,
For a full Unichorn (si<) description see page I2I. These smaII once attuned to an adult Nhadragh (held briefly in the
anirnaIs have a single horn in the head. Mabden have allowed hand), the bead can guide that adult to it by means of a
much folklore to grow up around these creatures. Belief exists
sweet musical VIbration, apparent only to that adult. Within
that unichorns can guide people co treasure and that their a year or so, of course, the children had taken to "losing"
horns are magical Such things arc not true. However, unichorn their beads with such regularity that the fad disappeared as
horns arc still valuable arrifacts.
quickly as it had started. It is even possible that particularly
Ground clown. horns yield an opiate which grants visions of gifted Nhadragh kids may have"re-programmed" certain of
the Fifteen Planes [similar to the ability of Vadhagh, only the beads in misleacling ways.
more wild - flashing images and strange sensations). Especially
fine powder also grants visions ofthe planes beyond those. Bafflers
It is quite likely that the Vadhagh carne to regret the collab-
Vadhagh.Nkdragh Contrivances oration which produced Bafflers, Nowadays only a very few
Vadhagh-Nhadragh Contrivances arc machines made by arc still in existence. They manifest thcmselves as invisible
Vadhagh that make use of the lost powers of the Nhadragh. (i.e., Plane Shifi:ing) Contrivances of no known use. Each
They are testimony to collaboration, and perhaps friendship. Baffler is flat and irregularly shaped. Once excited by the
between the oro elder races in the dim far-gone years before touch of a Nhadragh, J,e Baf!ler grabs 5 of the Nhadragh's
they made war on each oth er, Although these itCU1S arc them- Magic Points. It is then "set off" if the one who excited it is
selves rare, far tater is any knowledge of what they can do. Still, drawn into cornbar nearby. A "set off' Baf!ler emits a high
they fimeeion when they arc in contact with a Nhadragh. frequency sound for 5 combat rounds, giving evCl}" ne
perhaps hoping, if machines can hope, thar one day they will within a 10 metre radius, except the one who excited it.
be of use again. excruciating headaches that make any action impossible.
A cornucopia ofcreatures, co m mon folk, and respected persons, both friend and foe

i: XCURSIONISTS in the World of the Five Planes will

encounter strange beasts both natural (Lawful) and
unnatural (Chaotic) as well as beings of various races
from all walks of life and - if the journey is especially
blessed or cursed -larger-than-life personalities from the pages
of Corum's saga itself What follows in this chapter is only a
sampling of what one might meet along the highways and
The deep forests and high mountains of Bro-an-Vadhagh
sustain Apes, Eagles, Bears, Hawks, H orses, Barbarian
Ponies, Unichorns, and Wolves. The plains give rise to
Dogs, Horses and Snakes.
The gcnrle lands of Lywrn-an-Esh have little in the way of
seaways of Corum's world
ferocious wildlife. What animals
do live here, besides the domes-
tic, are Dogs, Eagles, Hawks,
Natural and Wolves.
AniInals Khoolocr.h
All animals native to the Young Aside from the Riding
Kingdoms are also found in the Five Beasts the Ragha-da-Khera
Planes. The following descriptions have trained Khoolocrah is
give gamemasters a breakdown of inhabited primarily by Bears,
where those animals are most Dogs, Hawks, Horses, and
commonly encountered in Corum's Snakes.
Some animals are included which Ice Wilderness
arc not given statistics in SUm n-
These snow-swept lands are
fumed for their Mastodons,
bringtr. If this is the case, their
descriptions follow, overleaf Polar Bears (use Bears with maxi-
Aside from those creatures mum size), Snow T igers (whirer,
MUch require statistics, there are bulkier, and a lot shaggier than
their southern counterparts: use
many other kinds of (unmen-
tioned) flora and bona in the Five Lions, adding 2D6 to SIZ and
Planes, with most of the smaller STR), and Wolves.
animals and most plants represented T he O ce. ns
Beside the Dolphins, Whales (both of which are derailed in
The rocky northern lands are home to Baboons, Bears, Sailing 011 the Seas '!f Fat,), Murex and Sharks, the oceans ofthe
Dogs, Eagles, Forest Bears, Horses, Mules, Pumas (use Five Planes teem with all kindsof aquaticlife bigand small.
Lions), Poisonous Snakes, and Vultures (use Condors). Otl,er Lands
Many of the other lands and islands of the Five Planes are
too Chaos-warpedto give rise to indigenouslife. Exceptions
These more tropical islands contain abundanr bird and
insect life, as well as other animals. Here may be found to this general rule include the Crimson Cattle of Droo-
hazar and the Beasts of the Flamelands, but little is known
Crocodiles, Jaguars (use Lions), Monkeys, Tigers (use
about the more remote lands of Corum's world, and
Lionsagain, addinS 1 D6 to SIZ and STR), and Snakes (both
perhaps there are more creatures than have been catalogued
poisonous and python types). Not all of thesecreatures co-
by this generation of scholars.
exist on the same islands. Gamemasrers should place the
animals as they require.


Beasts of Gra-an-Ven!, Riding tures as such, th eir nature is chaotic, and thus they arc
l1lCl-r were about a seore of litem. mounted. on beasts sometimes diffirult to press into service against 0=.
whose bodies were covered in t1ieL:. sealy skin reAemblin~ Bats attack by claw and bite. If a claw attack is successful the
plate annor. They had {our SllOrl 1~8 and cloven fret. a bat may try to grapple and carey small opponents aloft so as to
nest of h O lTl8 jutted on hends and snouts and small. red drop them from a great height. Victims may attempt STR vs.
eyes (:Ieamed a l them. bat's 5TR to break fice.
- TJ.e Knight of the Swords Some 10% of tropical bats arc vampires. and drain 1D4 CON
per round after a successful bit e attack. The CON returns if
N aturally aggressive. th ese alarming looking creatures have the bat is detached and bite healed before death. Unlike other
been trained by the Vedagh of the Flarrelands as riding bats, th e vampires arc found only in the tropical Nludragh
animals. The beasts make up for very poor eyesight with Islands and cannot be tamed.
powerful hearing and sense ofsmell. They can survive the most
intense heat, including open fIamc. STR 106+1 2 lavg. 15-16) CON 306 110- 11)
SIZ 406+24 (38) INT 206 (7)
STR 406 lavg. 14) CON 606 121) DEX 206 (7) POW 306+3 113-14)
SIZ 606+8 (2 9) INT 206 (7) MOVfly-9 Average Hit Points: 24-25
DEX 206 (7) POW 2D6 (7)
Average Damage Bonus: +206
MOVwa lk-S, run-T O Average Hit Points: 25
w,apons: Bite45%, damage 3D6-t<lb(vampire: +1 D4 CON)
Average Damage Bonus: +206
Claw 55%, damage 506+db
w,apons: Head Butt 55%. damage 206-t<lb Grapple 25%, damage special
Trample (on ly downed foe) 75%, 3D6-t<lb
Armor. Leathery skin (1 D2+1)
Armor. Scales (108+2)
Skills: Dodge 75%, Fly 100%, 5cent/Taste 55%, Search
Skills: Listen 90%, 5cent/Taste 95o/~ (Radar) 65o/~

Beasts of Khoolocrah, Ridin g Crimson Cattle

Corum had travelled les. than a mile before the bizarre 1h.ue were hen:ls of crimson caltle that roared and "-'ere
cavalry came raci n{: Wwardli him - warriors mounted on tsller than"""ties.
lon~neclted JlpetlJcJ be.as18 ",~th t"ur1in2 h onus and - TJ.e Knight of Joe Swords
wattles lik those of a lizard. The spindly l~s moved
quickly. however.... These fiightening. but bo untiful. beasts can be found, in herds,
- The Knight of the S words in the deserts of Droonhazat. Crimson Cattle have no reason
not to be peaceful, since there is little in this world that can
These creatures arc aggressive. but trained by the Raglu-da- harm them. and almost cvccyone is terrified of a red roaring
Khera as mounts, perhaps that race's only act ofbravery, cow the size of a cathedral. One way to venture out on the
STR 306 lavg. 10-1/} CON 306 110-11) deadly desert is on cattle-back. Travelling this way Ius its
SIZ 306+12 122-23) INT 206 {7} perils, however. That rail can reach almost anywhere on the
DEX 406 (14) POW 306 110-11) animal. . . and what sort offlies must there be that can torment
MOVru n-ll Average Hit Points: 16-17 such eattle?
Average Damage Bonus: + 106
STR 2006+200lavg. 270) CON 40D6+200 (340)
w,apons: Bite 55%, da mage 306-t<lb SIZ 2006+300(270) INT 306 110-1/}
Armor: Leathery skin (104-1 ) DEX 406 (14) POW 406+50 (64)
MOVamble-100 Average Hit Points: 305
Skills: Dodge 45%, Jump 65%, 5cent/Taste 75%.
Average Damage Bonus: +3206
Cave Bats 'M>apons: Gore 20% (lIS. man-s ized), damage 606-t<lb
Nnw Corum saw a darb shape hoverin~ 0 = him. It had Trample 400/0 (lIS. ma n-sized), damage 1OD6+db
Tail 100% (things on body only), 3D6+db
~ reet wi$ thst spread four times the I~th of the 1"'"1>-
est eaqle's. But it waa not a bi.nI and. th~ h i.ta ",i ngs Armor: No """'pon has ever penetrated crimson bovine hide.
lad a reptilian appearant"e. it 'WllA not a reptile. Conon Skill: Roaring 90% (deafens those 1Mlo hear it for 1010 days).
~nized it (or what it was. 'lht" u~ly, apdike face with
ita white, thin fan(ts was the face of a giganbt" bat. And M on1ey
the bat had a rider on it. Now Erti.l ~ave the monkey sornetlullg to sniff and the
- The Knight of the Swords beast became quiescent. Ertil positioned it &(tainst the
frame and loob nail. and a hammer from hi. po uch.
Giant cave bats arc sometimes ridden by the Mabden of
Methodieal~" he ~an to eruei~' the monbey wlUl. it
Lywm-an-Esh. They make stunning mounts in service against
~ihbe...J and squawked and blood ran out of the holes in
enemi es. The riders speak to the creatures in a shrill. strange
its littl. hands and f",t.
hnguage all their own, which th e bats understand and o bey.
The animals live in caves beneath the sea cliffs in Bro-an- - The King of the s..-orJ.
Vadhagh, though any underground environment might house There arc many kinds of monkeys in the Five Planes, most in
them. They sleep during winter and though not Chaos Crea- th e isles of Bro-an-Nhadragh. Small er and less aggressive than
Baboons. th ese creatures are generally nimble climbers. Below foreheads . They are hunted relentl essly for this hom . which is
are statistics for an average monkey. If a smaller more agile said to have great magical powers.
creature is requ ired, remove one po int of 51Z for eath point o f STR 106+6 (evg. 9) CON 206 (7)
DEX add ed. and vice versa. 51Z 106+6 (7) INT 406+6 (20)
STR 106 (avg. 3-4) CON 306 (lV-1IJ OEX 306+6 116-17J POW 306 11 V- II)
51Z 206 (7) INT 106 (3-4) MOV run-18 Average Hit Points: 8
DEX 306+12 (22-23) PaN 306 (IV-II ) Average Damage Bonus: None
MOVc1 irrD-6 Average Hit Points: 8
"""apons: None
Average Damage Bonus: - 1D6
Annor: Hide (1 po inr)
w,apons: Bite 45%, d amage 10 3+db
Throw stuff55%. damage 103+d b 5kills: Hide 95%, Move Qu ietly 200%, Scent Danger 190%.
AnnOr: Fur (1 point)
Giant Cre ah tres
Skills: Climb 95%, Dodge 85%, Hide 65%, Jump 90%, Some giant creatures are mentioned in the chronicles of the
Screech 900/~
Prince of the Scarlet Robe. They are offsptings of the chaotic
Hurex tendencies of this land, but are not of themselves Chaos Crea-
tures, being more like natural animaIs - Cave Bats, Crimson
A ~ real. spined klmet with a jutt~ peal. had. lik the
Cattle. and Murex, for example. At the garnernastcrs discretion
helmeu of the otlu~r warriors of ~1oidel'A Castle. kn
other giant beasts may lie elsewhere in Co rum's world, but care
manufactured (mIn t11e Jlhell of the (tian t murex..
should be taken chat they are rare and strange.
- 77.e Kmal.t ofthe 5.'OrJ.
As a general rule when ercating giant creatures, garnemasters
Like the Cave Bats Murex are a giant species peculiar to the shoul d find the equivalent size of the thing in S,onnbri,,§, (a
ClJaos-d ominared planes of Conun. A giant shellfish. Murex Mastodon, Cave Bear. even Dragon) and assign the statistic for
prowl all of the oceans of th e Five Planes . Murex are some- 51Z. 5TR and CO N will grow at the same ratio, but INT. POW
times aggressive. especially in their hunt for food. and OEX ( which is relative to its 51Z) remain the same.
Murex are highly prized in Lywm-an-Esh for th eir shells.
which provide excellent armor. being the protective equivalent
of plate, only much lighter. The shell is genetally pink or
purple with very delicate patterning. The Murex are so me- Creatures A n d Monsters
times actively hunted for this, but th ey are d eadly foes.
If successful in grap pling with th eir tentacl es M urex crush The following creatures are primarily Chaos monstrosities.
their capti ve. Use 5TR vs. 5TR to break free. Chaos Creatures are always expressed in 08 statistics. while
Murex's can also spurt purple dye. The dye sticks to an natural animals, like those in the previous section, are given 0 6
opponent's skin and gives off powerful stench. halving all statistics.
skills. There is also 50% chance th e victim is also blinded for
1010 rounds. A r my of the Bear
STR 606 (avg. 21) CON 506 (17-18) There was the Anny of the Bear - caeI-. meseive bear
51Z 806 (28) INT 206 (7)
walkin~ upn~I-.t and eanyin~ a .lUeldand a dub.
OEX 106 (3-4) PaN 206 (7)
MOVswim-8 Average Hit Points: 23 - 77.e Queen ofthe 5.",rJ.
Av. Damage Bonus: +206 The Army of the Bear do no t fight like no rmal bears. except in
w.apons: Crush 35 %, damage 7D6+db emergencies. Generally they employ clubs and shields and walle
Grapple 35%. damage special upright like MaIxIen warriors. These creatures are even fiercer
Armor. Hard shell (108+2. but on Critical hit, opponent has hit than the Army of the Dog, and will fight to the bitter end.
unarmored squ ishy segme nt) They fonned part of Gaynor's army during the siege of
Skills: Move Qu ietly 85%, Scent/Taste 55%, Search 50%, Halwyg.
Swim 100%. STR 30 8+8 (avg.21-22) CON 408 (18)
51Z 30 8+8 (21-22) INT 108+8 (12-13)
Unichorn DEX 108+8 (12- 13) PaN 208+8 (17)
11,., tiny. ho"",lik beast of ~'<'Y and yellow willeI-. had a MOVwa lk-5, run-14 Average Hit Points: 20
hon> ~""'~ from its forel-.ead and was no I-.;~r than a Average Damage Bonus: +206
d~. """apons: Bite 90%, damage 1OJ O+db
- 71>< Kmaht ofthe 5.'OrJ. Club 85%, damage 306+db
These shy. timid creatures live in th e Forest of Laahr and are Full Shield 55 %, damage 1D4+db+kn ockback (22 hpl
grey and jellow in col or. They have the shape of a horse bu t Armor: Matted pelt (10 8-2)
are no Iarger than a d og, with a white hom growing from their Skills: Dodge 120%, Scent/Taste 65%, Track 900/~
Army o f th e D o g
Tllere was th e Army of t.he Do(t - hu~ lopin~ bea.'JU! tile Demoralization saps the adventurers' will to fight and halves
size of hONlC8. more vulp ine UUl1l canine . their attacking, though not defensive. skills.
- The Queen <be s.vrJ. STR 108
51Z 4
(evg. 4-51
CON 108
These repulsive \\OI6sh creatures serve The Dog. god o f the DEX 3D8 (13-141 POW 2D8 (91
Mabden barbarians. Essentially large canines. th ey can walk MOVfly-6 Average Hit Points: 4-5
upright though prefer to lope. They are bigger. more vicious, Average Damage Bonus: -106
predatory and cunning versions ofa real dog. ~s: Claw10%, damage 1D6+db
STR 3 D8+12 (avg.25-261 CON 3D8 (13-74) Peck 10%, damage 1 D4
51Z 3 D8+12 (25-261 INT 2D8 (91 5creech*l00%. damage special
DEX 3 D8 (13-1 41 POW 3 D8 (13-74) Annor: None
MOVwalk-6. run-15 Average Hit Points: 19-20
Skills: Dodge 50%, Listen 65%, Search 85%, Track 65o/~
Average Damage Bonus: +206
* All within hearing range must pit theirPOW vs. the 75 POT
w,apons: Bite 55%, damage 4D8-t<lb noise (the attack cannot be dodgedor otherwise avoidedI.
\M:>ny* 100%, damage 1D8 Those who Fail are demoralized - theirattackskills are
Annor: Foul, matted fur (8 points) halved. The Chaos Crow flock can only use this once per
Skills: Dodge 65%. JUrJ1l 80%, Scent/Taste 105 %, Track 95%. combat, and does 50 as a single creature.
* Once bitten, the dog makes a 5TR vs. 5TR on the resistance The Chaos Pack
table against the victim. If dog is successful it shakes the
victim for extra damage that round, ignoringarmor if it was fV1ons trou8 lumberin~ eluu-iou drawn by reptilian beasts
pierced by initialbite attack. were beginnin~ to ~* from the mist, They 'Were filled
bv a varietv of ereeturee, some C\'Cn mounted on others'
Chaos Crows keb. Eaeh bea.t was a travesty ofa human be~ - each
And tb. bi..ds eireled lo~-er- 80 tbc), could see tbeir leath. ",-a.clad in annor and bore a weapon of some Lind. here
~. win~s and bodies. their tin)-, ~reedy eyes . Uteir lon~ ~-eee piglike. doglike. co~liLe. fn,gliLe. horaet Le tlUngs.
vicious beab. so me more deformed than others - ani mals warped into
- The Queen of tlJe Swords parodies of humanity.
Large, scrawny. ugly black birds. Chaos Crows inhabit th e or
- The Queen <be s.vrJs
plane of Xiombarg, but can be called into service upon Once men of Queen Xiombarg's plane. these hideous mocker-
Connn's plane. While they make a foul sight, their screech is ies are now virtual animals raaining littl e of their previous
\\0= still, and can make the bravest cower. Cowardly them- identity. Brutal and stupid, the creatures of the Chaos Pack
selves, the birds prefer to arrack their viairns by night. Corum have been rransfonned by their dealing with Chaos, into the
slew some of them and in cum summoned them to slay the unspeakable mockeries they now are. The Pack drive chariots
Ghahn at the Abyss. p ulled by giant reptiles. and togecher are a grunting. howling,
Crows best attack m masse They gain +1% to th eir attacks leerin g mob. Their Ieader, Polib-Bav (see page 134) was once
for every crow in the flock. The average flock has 30-50 crows. to marry the daughter of the King of Xiombarg's plane. King
Chaos Crows have a terrible ghastly screech. So hideous is Noreg-Dan. N ow he is a vicious horse-faced horror, capable of
this screech that it can demoralize opponents. They may tt)' it only vi olence and brutality in the service o f his Chaos mistress.
only once pa combat on any opponent. Arrf perso n hearing All Quos Pack members resemble some kind of animal
the Chaos Crow must make a POW vs. the 15 POT Screech. They generally have hooves or some kind of animal feature.
For the base animal gamemasters should use the Chaos Cree- GhanI.
rut< creation rules on page 85. If th e animal is intended to be Ilnew upon hillowing crimson wings and its grinning face
bigger than human size, horse erc., add 12 to SIZ. In such a was that of a shark. It loolred t lte something d Ull should
case the poor creature is ridden by another of its fellows. have inhabite<1 the sea rather than the air and this was
STR 308 (avg. 13- 14) CON 30 8+3 (/6-17) confirmed by the wa,., in which it flew - "'~th slow. wldu-
SIZ 30 8 (13-14) INT 108 (4-5) laling wings as if through liquid_ Row upon row of .harp
OEX 208 (9) POW 20 8 (9) fangll filled its red mouth and its body was the size of a
APP 108-4 (0- 1)
MOVrun-6 Average Hit Points: 15
lar(:e hull. its wing-span nearly tlurty feel.
Out of the fri(llllful pit it came, its jaws openi.r~ And
Average Damage Bonus: + 1D4 closing as it already anticipated. its [ea st , Its golden eyes
w,apons: Brass-studded Club 75%, damage 108+1 +db bunled. with hun~r and with rage.
Round Shield 65%, damage 103+db+knockback (20 hpj - The Queen of tiJe Sworcl~
ArmOr: Any Mabden armor
A favorite creature of Xiombatg and denizen of her plane. the
Skills: Drive Chariot 75%, Listen 55%, Search 35%, andany
three skillsfrom previousexistence 45%. green-blood ed Ghanh sometimes leads Polib-Bav's Chaos Pack
inro bartle, The Ghanh was slain by Corum with the aid of the
Abi l ~ies (lack of): Although many of the Chaos Pack may have
been powerful in their previousexistence, they are now Hand of Kwll, bur Jhaty believed he had seen ir slain before.
slack-mouthed, dull-eyeddrones of Chaos with neither the suggesting there may be more than one, or that it has secret
wit nor the Magic Points for sorcery or otherspecial powers. powers unravelled in the chronicles.
STR 508 (avg. 22-23) CON 20 8+8 (17)
Chaos Pack ReptJes SIZ 208 (9) INT 608+8 (36)
Contm inspected the chariot. T he reptiles seemed passive OEX 308 (13-14) POW 30 8 (13-14)
enough. MOVfly-8 Average Hit Points: 13
- The Queen of the 511'Orcls Average Damage Bonus: +1D4
Natives of Xiombarg's plane. th ese essentially passive beasts Weapons: Bite 90%. 8D6+db
have been pressed into service by the mockeries who are the Crush with wings60%, damage 5D6+db
Chaos Pack, to haul their chariots and wagons. These things Armor. Leathery skin on body and wings (6), but with a Critical
attack, the head (withonly 2 points of armor) has been
would have to be persistently goaded before they attacked.
Th ey are simply to replace more normal mounrs for Polib-Bav
Skills: Dodge 40%, fly 100%, Scent/Taste 75%.
and his pack, since none exist in Xiombarg's realm and if they
did they would be frightened off by such hideous masters. Hounds of Kerenos
STR 308+12 (avg. 25-26) CON 108+12 (16-17) Corum Iuul no' expected the hound 10 be white. A glo~
SIZ 308+18 (31-32) INT 5 (5)
ing whiteness ".Juch was somehow disgusting to look
OEX 208+3 (/2) POW 308 113-14)
MOVrun-4 Average Hit Points: 24-25 upo n. Only the ears of the hound were dar ker than the
rest of its boc:Iy and these ears were a glistening red. the
Average Damage Bonus: +306
eolor of fresh blood.
w,apons: Bite 30%, damage 4 06
Higher and higher up the hill raced the while hound.
Claw30%. damage 2D6+db
the first arrow bouncing apparen tly wmoticed in its side,
Armor: Scales (l 04+2)
and its howl seemed almo.1 10 be a howl of obscene laugh-
Skills: Oraw Wagon 100%, 5cent/Taste40%, Search 40%,
Track 55%.
ter- as it anticipated sinki~ ita fan\':s into Conun's throat. and live only to d evour cheir prey. These logic-defying entities
Tle-e '\\'DS g;1~ in the ,.'ellow e,-es. also sing in a di scon ccrringly harmonious fashion ';' they feast.
- 11.. Bull andII,e Sp<~ They strike terror in the hearts of all
No statistics exist lOr chese terrors, for they are so dreadful
These creatures arc encountered by Corum when he journeys
into the future of th e Five Planes. Servants of th e Co ld Go ds, th ey cannot be beaten and should never be engaged in combat,
and pro perly part o f th e later Chronicles o f Co rwn of th e
Because of this their appearance is the rarest of phenomena.
Silver Hand, th ey arc induded here because they might be Garncmasters should usc them only with grcar reservation.
sununoncd to th e Five Planes. The H oun ds arc the size of
Loatlrings of N abeloJe
ponies. They have coarse white fur. bright, blood-red inner
cars and feathery rails. Their eyes arc a shining yellow. and full Hu~ wing s beatin\':. stran(re cries 8Oundin~ in the
evenin~ air~ cries which were fief'« and yet full of melan-
of hatc. These rank dogs hunt in packs, usually, and arc formi -
dable foes. cholY, llie eriee of damned soul•. '~l lI.... were bea....
Lon~neckd bea... wbo", head. wnllicd al the end of
The dogs give off a foul stink of POT 306, which oppo-
their staib. staring this way a nd that. seannin(t the
nents must resist against their CON on the resistance table. or
~round aa ba"j,. mi~hl scan foe p"")', Lon~. ll>in head.
halve all skills while in proximity to th em They arc also able
\\ith long, thin fant\s projecting from tlleir red mouths.
to jump as high as a castle wall, and an withstand the most
int ense cold.
BlanL. miserabl e eyes. Despairin(: voieee cried as if for
STR 408 lavg. lBI CON 4D8 l IB) - TI,e King ofti,e Sn-orcls
SIZ 308+8 12/-221 INT 2D8 (9)
DEX 408 l IB) PON 308 113-14) These black creatures have broad backs Iargc enough to carry a
MOVrun- l 1 Average Hit Points: 20 full chariot upon. They arc d enizens of th e plane ofMabclode,
Average Oamage Bonus: + 106 where they arc used to convey servan ts and agents of Guos.
~: Bite 8S%. damage 3D6+<lb Inky tendrils of some horrid oily substance which issue from
Claw 3S%, 2D6-+<lb their mouchs arc cheir main weapon; with them the y are able to
ensnare th e limbs of their rargers, and drag them d ose enough
Annor: Shaggy fur (104+2)
to be damaged by th eir savage teeth.
Skills:Ambush 6S%, Dodge 3S%, Jump 90%, Move
Quietly 55%, Scent/Taste 95%. STR 508 (avg. 22-23) CO N 308 113- 141
SIZ 408+24 1321 INT 208 (9)
Karmanel of Zert DEX 308 113-14) POW 30 8 113-14)
MOVfly -11 Average Hit Po ints: 23
-The Kannanet of Z,rl arc ind""buetible. Bolli La,,·
and Chaos have~ in tlleir time. takn steps to do awo)' Average Damage Boous: +206
with them - they are CiclJe ereeturee ",-Ix, licht for one w,apons : Bite 50%, dama ge 406
side or anothu without apparent reason." Uha.ry-a. Tongue Tendrils' 60%, dama ge 2D6+entangle
Anror. Leathery hide (1 02+2)
- The Queen of Ibe s..vrds Skills: Fly 100%, Listen40%, Search 75%, Track 65%, Shift
Plane 200% (at will)
Natives of Xiombarg's Plane, the Karmanel are massive
hopping chings on several legs, with a dozen tentacles sprout- • Thetongue tendrils of the creatures have a range of fifty
ing from their bodies. Their huge eyes and dashing fangs give yards. The tendrils havetheconsistency of smoke andcannot
be cut. They are nevertheless strong, with 14 srR. On a
chen a hideous appearance and they are said to be enemies of successful hit the victimmust match S7R vs. srR against the
Chaos and Law, both of whom have tri ed to do away with tendril, or be drawn to the creature. Thebeastsget +20% to
them, The Karmancl have no true souls or genuine existence their Biteattack against entangled victims,

THE FOLLOWING a-lARACIER5 might est, H 2S a few famih· membe rs to whom she is Armor. Soh Leather (1 0 6-1)
be met with some frequency depending d evoted in a distr.l.~ed way. but otherwise is Skill" Brawl 89%. Crah (Wheel) 60%.
almost comp letely intro spective. Dodge 54%, Drive Cha riot 10 5% ,
on how adventuresome a party is. Fed Jump 5 5% , Natu ra l World 73%, Repair!
STR 12 CON 11 SIZ 16 INT 24
free to use characters from rhe Storm- POW 19 OEXIS APP 18 HP14 Devise 67%, Throw 71%, Wrestle 69%.
brinp Digest, with appropriate ehanges Damage Bonus: + 104
in background for the World of the Five Weapons: Quality Long Sword 65%, damage Charioteer (Gv;I;:~J). Age 25
11 1+104), 40 hi' po ints A messenger to a. nobl e's court , or convt"yor of
Planes. Qua lity Dagger 65 %, damage 6 (+ 104),30 passengers to far ends o f th e kingdom. or even a
hit points warrior. This chario teer prizes style above .all
Aristocrat (Cin;I;'~J), Age 3 5 Quality Full Shield 65 % , damage kb+4
~r be ch.mning or sinister bur is always and keeps th e horses always groo med and. char-
(+104). 44 hi' points iot gleamin g. H e or she is also articulate.
scbde, despite his or her appun nct: and appar- Vadhagh Bone Bow 4 00/0, damage 206+2
eat disposition. A skilled muigu tr and (+ I D2) frimdly and knowledgeable abo ut th e local
outrageous show-off who nurugrs to have one Armor: Q ua lity Vadhagh ha lf-plate an d ma il Lond.
00 po ints) STR 14 CO N 13 SIZ 11 INT 13
compliment th e other. by war of camouflage. POW 14 OEX13 APP ll HP 12
May have a sorcerous item or a Contrivance or Skills: Avocation (Structura lism) 350%,
Da mage Bonus: +1 0 4
rwo as an aid t o survival Concea l Obje ct 50%, Dod ge 76%,
Evalua te 69<'>/<.>, Insight 9 2%, Million Weapons : Whip 90%, damage l D4/e nta ngle
STR ll CON 10 SIZ9 INT1 6 Sbonsword 80% , damage 106+1+ 104
POW 14 DEX 13 APP 14 HP 10 Spheres 5 6% , Na tu ra l World 87%, Ot her
Language (Middle Speech) 90%. Own Javelin 100% , damage 106+102
Damage Bonus: no ne Net 75 % , damage entangles
language 200% , Phys ik 89 % ,
Weapons: Rapier 75%, damage 1D6+ 1 Potions 53% , Ride 66% , Scent! Armor: Half-Plate (1 08+1, helm on)
Dagger 60010, damage 104+2 Taste 76 % . Skills: Art (Travelers Tales ) 45 % , Climb 50% ,
Concea lable Knife 50%, damage 104 Dodge 65 %, Drive Chariot 120% ,
Possessions: Contrived weapons and armor
Annor: none as above. Jum p 65 % , Natural World 4 5% , Navi-
Skills: Art (Sa rto ria l Pan a che ) 99%, Abilities : Plan e Shifting (Shift Vision a nd Sh ift ga te 60% , Phys ik 55 % , Repai rl
Dodge 65%, Drive C hariot 27%, Evalu- Se lf as natural abi lities). De vise 70%, Search 60'%, Th row 55%.
ate 74%, Fast Talk 78 % , Five
Plan es 33%, Insight 25 % , O ratory 69%, Co nt river (VadJ.agh). Age 500
Ot her Lan guage (Middle Speec h) 52% , This Vadhagh is con sidered a sorcerer by the
Own Langu age 84%, Ride 93%, villagers who live near th e castle. but she or he is
Sailing 84%. Scent/Taste 62%, unaware o f what th ey think. All attentio n is
Scribe 77% .
bent to the painsuking creation of Contrivances
Aristocrat (B arba";a..). Age 3 0 according to the precepts of Law. Every now
Brooding and self-important, this nobleman and th en. th e Contri ver comes to th e village and
believes clue might is right and th at his own gives away devices. some qu ite useful (which th e
strength and ruthles sness nuke his kind th e villagers usually keep) and others tha t no one
natur al leaders of th e world. Arrog ant and cruel can figur e out at all ( which th ey try to sell at
he likes to surroun d himself with his armies md neighboring mark ers and fairs).
ill th e clumsy pomp of barbarian culture at its STR 13 CON13 SIZ10 INT 21
POW 2S OEX 13 APP 10 HP 12
most self-conscious. H e expects servitude and
Damage Bonus: none
obedience from all who art not his UUStt:rS, Weapon: Battle Axe 3O'Yo, damage 106+2
hates what he cannot control and. despis es what Skil ls: Avocation (Pla na r SpecialisttPlane
he does n ot understand. Stud y) 660"", Conceal O bject SS%.
STR 13 CON 12 SIZ 13 INT 12 Charioteer (Ba rba";a..). Age 24 Dodge 30%, Eva luate 98%, Insight 72%,
POW 10 OEX 12 APP 11 HP 13 Brcral and rugged with a single-minded loyalty listen 63%, Millio n Sphe res 127% ,
Damage Bonus: +1 04 to his lord. thi s barbarian charioteer is bo th Na tu ra l Wo rld 30%, O the r l an guage
Wea po ns: Long Swo rd 115% , damage warrio r and equestrian. H e has SCMS. tattoos, (Pu re Anc ien t Vad hagh) 22%, Ot he r
l DIO+1 (+104) Language IMiddle Speech) 43%, Own
scalps and trophies fro m whi ch his entire life
War Axe 6S%. dama ge 206+2 (+1D4) langu age 64 % , Phys ik 34% , Pick
rail Spear 101 %, da mage 101 0+2 1+1 0 4) stoI}· might be gleaned. H e cares for his horse l ocks 47% , Potions 71 %.
Full Shield 105%, d ama ge kb+1D4 team more dun his human retin ue. H e drives a Possessio ns: Among other Contrivances, a
(+104). 22 hi' po ints barbarian war chariot and worships the Dog or Q uality/MechanicavPlane Shifting jewel-
Annor: Half-Plate an d Ma il 0 08+2, helm the Bear. led sku ll which sees into other planes
o n) STR 17 CaNIS SIZ 13 INT 9 a nd offers information and insight in t he
Skills: Dodge 60%, Drive C ha riot 75%, POW 10 OEX 14 APP 8 HP 14 pu rest a ncient Vad hagh ton gue , which
Insight 35%, Navigate 4 5% , Damage Bonus: + 104 a lmost no o ne no wada ys un derstan d s.
Oratory 50%, Ride 65%, Sailing 35%, Weapons: Wh ip 110 % , d amage 1 D4! Abilities: Contriving (Quality, Mechanical,
Thro w 40%. e nta ngle P lane Shifting and Combl nlng), Plane
Broadsword 55 % , damage 108+ 1 (+ 10 4) Shift ing (Sh ift Vision and Shin Self as
Aris tocrat (VaJ I.agl.). Age 300 rail Spear 60% , damage 1010+2 (+104) natura l abilities).
An elegant V adha gh nob le who wishes to , Handed Spear (thrown) 70%, damage
106+1 (+102)
remain ensconced in her castle, onl y venturing
N et 75%, damage e ntangles
out to examin e th e locals out o f scientific int er-
Denledhyssi, Aile 30 Lickspittle (Rag /u,.da.Kl.ela), Weapons: Long Sword 78 %, damage
The DUd warriors of King Lyr -a-Brode and his 1010+1 (+104)
Aile 34 Dagger 67 %, damage 10 4 +2 (+ 104)
line. these vicious killers live only for th e ple..- All of chis race art friendly and obsequ ious to a
Half Shield 70%, damage kb-e10 2 (+104 1,
sure of the conquest and hoard ing th eir spo ils. fault. and th is individual is no exceptio n. They
15 hit po ints
They give and ask no q U3ttCC in combae. Off cannot do enough for you - until rour hack is N hadragh Co m posite Bow 8 9%, 101 0+1
the battle field they par homage ( 0 their leaders turned. This Ragha-da-Khera might seem to be (+102)
and their gods and prepare for the next fight. If almost m ything - a trader , 2Jl ambassad or, a Armor: Barba rian l e ath er (1 0 6)
one is met out of comb at he is likely to be tourist - but is inevitably obeying the whim o f Skills: Braw l 56% , C raft (Vv'heel) 68% ,
provoki ng violence. some superior unti l the day when that superior Disgu ise 34%, Dodge 71%, Drive Char.
STR16 CON13 SIZ 16 INT 9 lets down his guard. This one would make an iot 94%, Hide 4 6%, Insigh t 29%,
POW 9 DEX 12 APP7 HP I S excellent thi ef or assassin. but a treacherous allv. li ste n 64 % , Move Quietl y 73%, O ther
Damage Bonus : + 106 STR11 CON 11 SIZ16 INT1 0 ' Language (Middle Speech) 50%,
WeaJX>Os: Denledhyss;Axe 1200/0, damage POW 11 DEX9 APP14 HP14 Throw 36% , Trac k 5 7%.
30b (+l D6) Damage bo nus: +1 04
Ta ll Spear75%, damage 101 0+ 2 (+1D6) Weapons: Khoo/ocrah Club 52 %, damage Outcast (Nluulragl.), Aile 23
Nl!l85% , damage entangle 2D6(+104) Ragged, inremally-tom. withdrawn. this is a
Armor: Ba rbar ian l e at her (l 0 6+1 , helm on) Cord 60%, d ama ge stra ngle (use dr o wn in g typical rep rese n ta tive of the NhadDgh peopl e
Skills: Dodge 35 % , Drive Cha riot 75% , rul es) d uring th e years in which Ccrum is set. This
Hide 45 %, Liste n 6 5% . Ride 4 0"k . ShOrfSWOrc/ 5 3% , d am age 10 6+ 1 (+ 1 0 4) person has no memo ry of anythin g before till:
Sea rch 45% , Thro w 4 0% , Track 55 % , Sm a" Shie ld 7 1% , damage kh+ 10 3
Mabden conquest of th e Nhadragh homeland,
Trap 55%. (+ 10 4), 20 hit points
excrpt due everythi ng precious is now fORver
Armor: Soft l eather (1 0 6-1 )
Exp lorer, Aile 25 lost. Emotionally numb, possibly homeless. the
Skills: Climb 53% , Co nc eal Object 60% ,
Yaung. energetic and dari ng, he or she craves to Disguise 5 5%, Dod ge 90%, Drive Cha r- ou tcast knows instineti'lrdy what to do in order
know whar wonders th e wi d e world holds. iot 46%. Fast Talk 86% , Hide 6 2%, to survive, but that seems to be th e limit of the
Despite the wishesof parents (and often sqwn- liste n 6 5%, Move Quietl y 84%, Para - skills of this once ali-powerful race.
dering an inheritance) this \-iSiO~I}' has a ship. noid Anal ysis 58% , Pick lock 35%, STR 10 CON 14 SIZ 9 INT 12
Pot ions 73%, Scribe 26%, Self POW 16 DEX 11 APP 6 HP 12
.1 crew and a gleam in the ere of far-o ff places.
Protecti o n 96%, Trap 63%. Damage bonus: no ne
Or else the ship. crew and mo ne}' art' ali gone. Posses sions: Missed Me ! fet ish (worn), Some- Weapon: Length of chain 43%, d amage
Ion in some catastroph e, and th e explorer is thin g You Ate ! fet ish (ca rried - actually, 104+l /e ntlngle
now a castaway. th ou gh with undiminished this o ne is a forge ry and d oes nothing). Skills: Conceal O bject 27 %, Craft (l eather-
enth usiasm. work) 46 %, Fast Talk 23%, H ide 56% ,
STR 14 CON 13 SIZ 12 INT 14 Insight 41 % , listen 6 7%, Mo ve
POW 12 DEX 11 APP 14 HP 13 Q uietly 44%, Othe r language (Middle
Damag e Bonus: + 10 4 Speech) 48% , Sea rch 37%.
Weapons: Long Sword 85 % , damage
lD1 0+1 (+1041 Outcast (Shala! cn) , Age 19
Hu nting Bow 70%, d a mage 106+1 (+ 1D2) This Shalafm is a man or woman warrior and
Small Shield 90%, damage kb+1D3
explorer. far from the coral castles of their
(+104), 20 h it points
Annor: Sea l e ather (1 0 6 , hel m on)
homeland, Driven out because of crime or
Skills: Climb 65% , DOOge 75%, Drive Char- perhaps personal tragedy. she or he seeks to find
io t 50% , Five Planes 3 0%, Jump 5 5%, a new life. Alremarely aggressive and timid.
Na tura l Wo rld 4 ook , Na vigate 75%, dtptnding on mood and individual personality.
O ther l an gu age (Obsc u re Dialect ) 30%. STR 13 CO N 13 srz 11 INT 12
Sailing 75%, Scribe 300/0, Sea rch 4 5% . POW 14 DEX 16 APP 15 H P 12
Dam age bonus: none
Lady of tlte Courts (Civilized), We apo ns: Trident 68%, damage 10 6+ 2
Aile 25 Thro w ing Dagger 41 %, damage 104
Beacnfcl, eltg3l1t and sir. thi s lady is ti ther Ne t 73%, damage e ntangle
newly married to a noble of Lywm-an-Esh or a Mercenary, Charioteer (Nhadragh), Armor. l e ather and Coral/Rings (1 06+1)
single dau ghter. waiti ng for a husband with Age 3D Skills: Climb 69%, Craft (Boat Build ing) 29%,
hope or deead, In either cast she is ind ependent Undergrounders art likely to look and act Distan t Sea s 3 3%, listen 45% , Natural
c:x.actlr like Outcasts (q.v.). with somewhat World 34%, Ride (Do lphin) 26%, SaB-
and headstr ong but cunning in th e exercise of
higher, and we ll-concealed. skill levels. In thi s ing 61 %, Swi m 98%, Wa y o f the
bo th traits. H er fencing ousters have educated Sea 67%, Whale Talk 17%.
ClSC'. however. an underground er Nhadragh has
her as adtptly as have her tu tors and lovers. She Possess ion (sort 00: Elemental Tattoo of the
managed to attain a high po sition and mu ch
is a formidable oppo nent and a valuable aJlr. prtt}. power by being extremely good at
Way o f the Sea (3 week inci sion; has
Like th e Lady Rhalina, she mar even have added 15% to Way o f th e Sea skill).
winni ng chariot t3. CCS for 2 Mabden barbarian
learned some sorcery'.
chief. The und ergrounder is using th is position
STR 9 CON 13 SIZ9 INT 16 Peasant (Barbarian) , Aile 35
POW 16 DEX 14 APP 18 HP 11 to obtain infonna cion and even material goods H e or she owns th e strong back and hard hands
Da mage Bonus: no ne to aid th e und erground C2USe. She or he acts tha t keep th e barbarian kingd oms alive.
Wea po ns: Quality Rap ier 10S % , d ama ge 7 outwardly like an archetypal ccllabcrarc r, Co nstantly fe.arful of strangm, th e m2JlY mani-
Dagger 55% , damage 104+2 disdaini ng everything connected with th e elder festations of shtjanbow, and th e wrath of the
Armor. Soft Leather (1 Db-I) races, but would rather die than betrav th e
master. these folk live lives of terror. supplia-
Skills: Art (S;nging) 55%, Art (Love) 150%, underground. .
tion and brutal work. Some b rave specimens
Bargain 55 % , Disgui se 600/0, STR 13 CON 15 SIZ 13 INT 16
Dodge 900/0, Insig ht 10 5% , might know a local shtj.tnhcw and aid them: most
POW 22 DEX 14 APPI2 HP 14
O ratory 7oolo, Po tions 55%, Scent' Damage bonus : +104 fear the chariots of the barbarians too much for
Taste 40% such courage.
sIR 11 CON 11 SIZ 8 INT10 weapons: Cavalry Lance 90% , da ma ge Chaotic Effects: Armor, Attributes, Chain of
POW 10 DEX 11 APP10 HP10 10 8 + 1 (+db of horse, if c harging station- Being , Co lor Projection , Knowledge,
Damage Bon us: none ary target) Sorcerous Battery, (In Grimoire: Demon
Weapon s: Rusted Spade 45%, damage Hunting Bow 50% , d am age 106+1 Sight, Path of Planes , Seer of Chaos,
l D4+2 Shonswo rd 40% , dama ge 106+ 1 Unseen Ha nds .)
Bent Hoe 30%, d am age 10 6 Armor: Barbarian Le ather (1 0 6+1, helm o n) Pacts: Has pacted w ith a Chaos Cre ature for
Armo r: non e Skills: Art (Drumm er) 5 0%, Craft the cost of an entire stra nger per service
Skills: Hide 60% , Nat u ra l Wor ld 75%, Tug (Me ta l) 5 0%, Dod ge 40%, Jump 60% , re nde red . The c reature is essentia lly a
Foreloc k 90%, Run Scream ing in Liste n 45 %, Natu ral Wo rld 5 5% , bodygua rd. Co nsult the list of pregene r-
Terror 65%. Ride 14 0 %, Track 400/0. ated c rea tures fo r an appropriate o ne , o r
roll up a new one.
Peasant (Gv ;/izedj , Age 30 Priest of Ilah, Age 50 Chaos Trait: This sorcerer has a reptilia n tai l,
Less servile and feanuI dun the barbarian peas.- A devoted priest of the god Ilah, the favorite well-hidden.
ant, thi s rroman ten an t farmer is as ready [0 god of Law in Ljwm-an-Esh, N o religious
take up arms to defend the bod as till iL Ofiec bigo t. but an urbane individual striving to better Retainer (l'o Jhagl,j, Age 600
forms cht' backbone of the militia of civilized his or her community and the lot of its inhabit- A 10\-aI retainer of one of th e castles in Bec-an-
lands like Lywm-an-Esh, Exfllbiu oUI the traits ants. En joys a friendly ri\-aIr)" with th e nearest V.adiug h. th is V adhagh has exquisite taste and
of the classic good rustic: stro ng. faithful and a Pri est o f Chaos. While th is priest leans towards riming. With duties hardly onerous most:eOl:rg)'
fool of plain wisdom. followers of his or own sect, no one in need will is bent towards matters artisti c or philosophical
STR13 CON 15 SIZ 11 INT 14 ever be tu rn ed away, regardless of belief. Such a retainer might be encountere d on a
POW 10 DEX 10 APP 13 HP 13 STR 8 CO N 9 SIZ 8 INT 17 "special mission" (usually a shopping trip) to
Damage Bonus: non e POW 22 DEX 10 APP 11 HP 9 some place where rare items can be found
Weapons: Military Pike 50%, 101 0+2 Dam age Bonus: -1 04 STR 10 CON 12 SIZ 15 INT 19
Kindling Axe 400/0, 10 6+ 1 (some times Weapons: Dagger 55 %, damage 6 {- 1041 POW 20 DEX 14 APP 17 HP 14
thrown) Armor: none Damage Bonus: + 10 4
Armor. Sea Leather (l 0 6. helm o n) Skills: Art (Theologica l Discourse) 110% , Weapon : Tall Spear 82 % , damage 1010+2
Skill s: Craft (Wood) 65%. Dodge 55%. Drive Barga in 4 00/0, Five Planes 5 5% , (+ID4)
Wa go n 60%, Eva luate 4O%,Insight 65%, Insigh t 90%, Million Spheres 65 %, Na tu- Large Shield 64%, damage knockback
Natu ra l world 80%, Track 45% , ra l Wo rld 60%, O ratory 1200.k,
Armor. Vadhagh Half Plate (1D8+1)
Trap 40%. Physik 70%. Scribe SO"k.
Skills: Avocation (Artist/Textures) 8700/0,
Pos sessions: Q ua lity da gge r, Pla ne Shifting
Barga in 32%, Co nceal Object 78%,
Pirate (MaJ,den or N hadrag/,j, c rysta l sph ere for seei ng into other
Dod ge 62 %, Eva lua te 9 O'Y0, Insight 81% ,
Age 2 7 planes.
Millio n Sphe res 36%, Na tu ral
A sea-roving warrio r and thief, he or she is Wo rld 27 %, Ot her Lan gu age (Mid d le
occasionally a swashbuckler but more often a Speech) 110% , Own Language 178%,
sociopath or a brutal realist bent on accumulat- Physik 58%, Potions 13%, Ride 8 8%,
ing a new pile of beery and fresh sacrifices to Scent/Taste 65%.
the Shark. Sometimes covered in ta ttoos mel Po sses sio n: Contri ved Qua lity/Mecha n ica l
outlandish clothes and with a missing arm, leg, pen capable of automatic and ceaseless
w riting which tra ns lates the owner's
hand or eve.
ancie nt Vad hag h thoughts into the writ -
STR 11 • CON 12 SIZ 10 INT 13 ten words of Low Speech (a gift for loya l
POW 12 DEX 9 APP 10 HP 11 service) .
Damage Bon us: none
Abilities: Plan e Shifti ng (Shi ft Vision a nd Shift
weapons. Cutlass 6 5%, da mage 10 6+2 Se lf as natural a bilities ).
Hook o r Iron Claw 50'0/0, d am age 104+1
Half5hield 60%, kb+1D2.15 hit poi nts
Harpoon 300/0, d amage 2 08+4 Shaman (Borba";a"J, Age 40
Armo r: Sea Leather (1 0 6, he lm o n) TIlls shaman is also a Pri est of Arag, th e D og
Skills: Craft (Tattoo) 45% , Climb 4 00/0, Craft and th e Bear. Already eccentric, shamans know
(Shipwright) 65%, DOOge 55% , their survival depends upon walking a fine line
Evalu ate 6 5% , Insight 45% , Na tural between engrodering fear and provoking need,
Wori d 45% , Na vigate 55 % , Repairl Priest of UrIeh, Age 35 so they hide their secrets behind a screen of od d
Dev ise 50% , Sailing 1()()o.k, Search 300/0, A satu rnine but e1~ant figure represenri og behavior and non sequiturs, Th ey prefer to
Sw im 4 00/0. some of th e dark elm of Cha os. Inevitable hail- minister to their own cc mrn uniries. but if ther
mg from Lywm-an-esh, where Chaos is 'yet to think th C')' will not get in trouble for it, nuy aid
Pony T rib. Barbarian, Age 20 be syno nymous with depravity, b ubuit}' and strangers, If uncertain , the)" may consult a bird's
A hardy brure mort at home on horse th.m on d estruction. H e or she is comfortable serving a
foot, th is Po ny T r ibesman is as fearful mel local conununity or striking a po se at court.
gizzard or two to work out which war th e)'
should act.
scpersririous as he or she is loyal to th e tribe. STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 11 INT 17
STR9 CON 10 SIZ 11 INT 18
Th e Ponv Tribe sense of hon or d oes not POW 22 DEX14 APP 15 HP1 0
POW 17 DEX 12 APP 12 HP 11
preclude ill ying with barbarians, bu t only under Damage Bonus: non e
Dam age Bonu s: none
extreme circumstances. Like thei r sometime Weapons : Rapier 50%, damage 10 6+ 1
Parrying Dagge r 60%, d amage 10 4+2, 15 Weapons: Sharpened Dog 's Bone 35%,
a1li« th ey an happi est in groups and ding to damage 104
hi t poi nts
the unity of th e tribe. Insul t th e hon or of the Armor: none.
Armon Soft Leathe r (1 0 6-1 )
tribe and expect to fttJ th e Pon y T nbc Skills: Ba rgai n 55 % , Dodge 3S%,
Skills: Art (Met aphysica l Discourse) 110%.
member's wra th, Injure a Po ny Tribe member's Evaluate 60% , Five Pla nes 30%,
Co nceal Object 45% , Dodge 40% , Fast
horse and gain a mortal enemy. Ta lk 55 %, Five Pla nes 65 % , Insight 75 %, InSight 6QOk . listen 500/0, Million
STR 10 CON 15 51Z 10 INT 11 Mill ion Sph eres 4 0010, O ratory 80%, Spheres 10%, Natu ra l World 110%,
POW 12 DEX1 6 APP 12 H P 13 Phys ik 60%, Scribe 55 %. O ratory 75% , Physik 45%, Potions 65 % ,
Dama ge Bonus: non e ScentITaste 40%, Trap 30%.
Chaotic Effects: Baffle Attack, Bile, Demon STR 10 CON 10 5tZ 9 tNT 18 Warrior (Barbana,,) , Age 22
Ear, Fire. Heal. Skills POW 23 DEX12 APP7 HP10 A relentless marauder for his liege. this warrior
Pacts: Woopht (pactprice: 1 digit of Damage Bonus: none is happiest fighting in brgt numbers where the
summoner). Woopht is little more than a Weapon: Knife 58%, damage 104
presence of allies bolsters confidence. Alone
hideous mockery- capable of frighten- Armor. none
ing, but not of hurting. lay folk. Those barbarian warriors arc no cowards, but Me less
Skills: Concea l Object 39%, Craft
w ho see Woop ht must make a POW xl (Basketry) 42%, Five Planes63%, likely to pick a. fight. They hate and ftar
roll or sta nd paralyzed with fear for 106 Insight 57%, O ratory 61 %, Other all)1.hlng strange. and will arrack str20gers if
minutes. The creature isotherwisequite Language (Middle Speech) 40%, they thinks ther stand a chance of winning.
jovial and a good drinkingcompanion. Physik 35%, Potions 28% 5TR 13 CON 12 StZ 14 tNT8
Chaos Trait: Under stress, the shaman must Chaotic Effects: Blessi ngof Chaos, Bug Eye, POW 11 DEX 11 APP 10 HP 13
succeed wi th an Idea roll or become a Chain of Being. Dust Cloud, Insect Wall, Damage Bonus: + 1D4
mindless thrall of Chaos for 10 8 rounds. Shape Change, Smother, Transmute, Weapons: War Axe 90%, damage 206+2
Webbing, Wings. (+104)
So~erer OVhaJm9h),Age200 Pacts: Wharpt (pact price: 1 Mabden organ), Knife 35%, damage 104+2 (+1 D4l
A captive of the Mabden . this unfortunate has Fazerooth-Bbapt (bound into a book Hunting Bow 75%, damage 106+1 (+ 1D2l
bene gRat natural Went to the sorcerous arts, bearingthis title in a hard-to-read script; TaI/ Spea, 75%, damage 1D1Cl+2 (+104)
Now a virtual slave to the barbarians and their pact price: the left leg of a passi ng Ful/Shield 85%, damage kbe 104 (+104),
Chaos gods, the sorcerer'$ skills ace: ~nning acquaintance). (These creatures are left
22 hit points
to deteriorate .along with his or her mind. for the gamemaster to creare.l
Annor: Barbarian Leather (l 06+ 1, helm on)
ChaosTraits: Foul Stench, Randomness
Skills: Dodge 55% , Drive Chariot 45%,
Hide 40%, listen 55%, Search 60% ,
Track 45% , Trap 35%.


Aleryon-A-Nyvish Bolorhiag
Sincere Priest to Ilall of Law Crazed joumier Among the Spheres
"'I am Aleryon-a-Nyvish." said the priest. ..] W88 awak.- Bolorhiag Ix.-gan to elluclJe as he 84W Uteir expressions...]
ened early lhi. monUnll by - by- my masler'. master, He have few pleasures," he said. "but my favorite is to terrify
lold me many Lhinll" bul ended by naming lhe names of my passengers. It is, in part. what I regan:l as my just
you three travellers and Aayrng that you would soon be at paymenl. I am not mad, I lhink. genLlemen. I am me.-ely
lhe court of lhe Inn(::. He said I m usl bring; you here..... desperate."
..,~ur mas~rls maaler?" Conun said. - The Kmg ofthe Sword•
"The Lord Arkyn him.elf. The Lord Arl.yn. Prinee
Connn. None othu.'" Several thousand years old, Bolothiag is a small man wizened
- The Queen of the s,...,,.J. with age; his large head on top of a smaII. frail body, Bolorhiag
waIks with the aid of a wooden staff. H e wears a priest's gown
A1erynon is a pale. grey man with long grey hair and shore grey and speaks in a high. querulous voice and is probably at least a
bean:! to march, His eyes are dark and brown and alive. H e little insane, certainly cantankerous. H e travels the time
wearsthe mute robes embroidered with a single straight arrow streams in a small boat. This strange old man, who knows
of Law that is the mark of Priests of llah. H e serves at the ]hary-a-Cond by the name of T uneras, seems currently to
Temple of Law in Halwyg-nan-Vake. serve Lady Jane Pentallyon.
A1erynon aids Connn by being his go-between with Lord
Chaos 8, Balance 304, law 155
Arkjn in the battle against Queen Xiombarg. Later, he is slain
in the unrest caused by GIandyth' s G oud Contention.
STR 9 CON 10 51Z 7
DEX 11 APP 8
INT 34 PON 48
Chaos 0, Balance 37, law 207 Damage Boous: -104
STR 10 CON 11 51Z 12 INT24 POW 24 w,apons: None
DEX14 APP15 HP 12
Damage Boous: - Armor: None
w,apon: Quality Dagger 88"10. damage 6 Skills: Art (Deranged Philosophizing) 201%, Evaluate 77"10, Fast
Talk 55%, Insight 85%. Million Spheres 11 2"10,
Armor: None Navigale 109%, Sailing 167%, Scribe 90"10.
Skills: Five Planes 75"10, Insight 1000/0, Million Spheres 83"10, Possessions: The Boatthat Sails the lime Streams - A small boat
Oratory 75"10, Other lang uage (Middle Speech) 90"10, Other with a high curvedhull made not of wood or metal but some
Language (Vadhagh) 65"10. Own language 115"10, alien substance, much scarred with use. Its mast and yard
Physik 75"10. Potions 53"10, Scent/Taste 81"10, Scribe 99"10. stand empty and are filledonly with a strange sail created by
Abilities: Aleryon knows all three Precepts of la w. He uses his manipulating the boat's sole means of control, a globe on a
abilityto ShiftVision to communicate with his god llah, and pivot in the centre of the craft. Passengers of the craft must
learn what is the god's will for Aleryon's city. endure a wild, tumultuous ride full of danger, especiallyof
becomingstuck in some solid matter through being Prince Corum spent many j = as an isolated, intellectual
becalmed on the seas of time. semi-mystic before realizing his destiny as th e Champion Eter-
nal. At first quite naive. Corum grows in knowled ge and
The Brown Man mettle. Aftet his mutilation at the hands of the Mabden
Prinlllive Agent of Law Corum becomes a haunted, brooding figure. capable of
It was abeast no t unlik tk i\labdcn in ~neral shape. violence as easilv as intellectual abstraction. Yet he remains
but it wholly cO\-d in ita own Cur. Ila (ace was
steadfast in his I;"e for Margravine Rhalina and his loyalty to
brown and se:unecI and ap~nt.I,.. Vel')' QIlcient. Ita his companions and to the Lords of Law He is a finn friend
features we re Oat. It had ~ eyes. round like a rat's and and a dangerous. implacable enemy.
~apin~ no.triI. and • huw mouth [;lIed M,h old. yellow
tedh. Chaos 37, Balance 301, law 42 7
5TR 14 CON 15 51Z 15 INT26 POW 22
- n e Knigl.t of the Suvrd. OEX 16 APP 23/20* HP 15
Also known as Serwde. this primitive creature is the hub Damage Bonus: +104
around which many legends of the Forest of Laahr rum. He is Weapons: Vadhagh Long Sword203%, damage 11 (+104)
an agent of Ad:yn and serves his purposes. Early in Conun's iMlrAxe 175%, 206+2 1+104), 0« +102) when thrown
adventures the Scarier Prince is rescued by the Brown Man. TallSpear 15[J'/o, damage 1010+2 (+104)
Later the poor creature is killed by Glandyth at the siege of Vadhagh Bone Bow 112%, damage 206+2 (+10 2)
Small Shield 217%, damage kb+ 103 (+104), 20 hit
Moidel's Mount. points
Serwde speaks Mabden but with difficulty. He is qu ite Hand of Kwll ** l 000% 606+special
gentle except where the will of Arkyn is defied. The Armor: Vadhagh Chain and Cloak (1010+2)
Brown man is devoted to his master. Lord Atkyn.
5kills: Avocation <Art/Mood) 470%, Bargain 54%,
Cbaos O. Balance 18. law 101 Clirrb 52%, Conceal Object 46%, Dodge
STR22 CON 21 51Z19 INT 15 POW 17 75%, Drive Chariot 25%, Evaluate 163%,
DEl< 18 APP 12 HP 20 Hide 83%, Insight65%, Jump 45%, listen
Damage Bonus: +206 86%, Million Spheres 103%, Move
Weapons: Brawl 267%, damage 10 3 (+206) Qu ietly 86%, Natural \'\brld 72%, Navi-
\llTestle 188%, damage spec ial gate 55%, Oratorv 76%, Other
language (low 5peech) 50%, Other
Annor: Hide (2 points) language (Ancient Vad hagh) 87%,
Skills: Concea l 89%, Dodge 56%, Hide 99%, Own language (Midd le Speech) 95%,
Insight 67%, li sten 65%, Move Qu ietly 88%, Physik 118%, Potions 55%, Ride 89%,
Other language (low Speech) 20%, Other 5oiling81 %, Scribe 101%, Search 74%,
language (Midd le Speech) 20%, Own Throw 53%, Track 59%, Trap 43%,
language 85%, Scent/l'aste 83%, Track 75 o/~ Westle 30"/~
Abilities: Can Shift Vision and 5hift Self as natural • After Corum's mutilationhislower APP
abilities. reflects his wounds.
**See The Hand Of KwlJon page 71 S.
Connn Jhaelen Irse!
Note: Corum does not use Contrived Weap-
Prince in the Scarlet Robe ons, but his long 5word is of metal of
.nd Eternal Champion another plane and ca n be considered
But m.,ead of • ,;~h, the equivalent of a Quality weapon .
hand be h.d an objed Iik He is, however, as interested in
the jewelled eye of a fly the arts and philosophy as any
and in.'ead of a lef, hand Vadhagh seer or scientist.
be bad wha, appeared be a'0 Ertil
six-fin~red gauntlet of similar
Debased Nhadr. gh Sorcerer
deeign. eneruoted Mth dar), jewel•.
U pon his badt he wore a scarlrt robe and he was
Ertil . humed the o,her .ide of the
Conun Jbaelen Iraei. who had . Iain god. and had been dome and look one of the monkq'B from ita
ca~. 1he e reatuee ~.Jumprrul in ttho or Ertil's own
m.lrumenW in othe.... wbo<J nothing
bu' peace bu' could nottruet the pea " be had. who ha,ed ..-bimpenngs. Although it looked at the Nhadra~h in fear
it clung to himfor aafd)" finding aeeunly nowhere doe in
hi. alien eye and hi. aten hand. thou~h they bad saved
his life many tUnes...
the room. Next Ertil 'oo~ an X-.haped fran>e from a
- 11,e King of the Suvrd. earner and he stood thi" in a spttially made indentation
in tbe .earred .uriace of the lable. All the while be . hud.
As one of th e Vadhagh Corum personifies the race. TaIL slen- dere<!. All the while be moaned.
der. with almond C)'<S having yellow centers and purple - ne fGng of the SuvrJ.
surrounds. His full-lipped mouth and slender skull give him
an alien handsomeness which even th e grotesque Eye ofRhynn
A Nhadragh enslaved to Earl GIandyth-a-Krae. this poot crea-
does little to diminish.
run: is SO utterly debased as to barely resemble a member of the
noble race from which he came. ErtiI has bent his vast learning
to accommodate his new masters and is oneofthemostskilled Gaynor cannot be killed, only banished. He was banished
practitioners of sorceT)'. H e has the Jx)wer [0 swnmon from the Five Plan es and the Battle of Halwyg when Corum's
Demons, and even gods. like The Dog. Hand o f Kvll opened his visor. exposing him. Beneath the
ErtiI is finally th e victim of his own sorcery. killed after his visor was a }"ung face writhing worms, The face changed
exertions to SlUTUTlOn Y rkoon - himself a Demon - onto the constanrlv as Corum watched. and each showed such wretched
Five Planes atter Law hastaken controL misery Grum was moved to """PO
Chaos 109, Balance 21, Law 61 Chaos 1001, Balance 205, l aw 17
STR 13 CON 15 51Z 12 INT 19 POW 30 STR 25 CON 25 51Z 18 INT20 POW 25
DEX 17 APr 13 HP 14 DEX 17 APP 12 HP19
Damage Bonus: +104 Damage Bonus: + 106
Weapons: Brawl94% 1D3 (+104) - mostly biting and scratching Weapons: Broadsword 145%, damage 4D10+1D8 (+106), 30
in an insane frenzy hit points, and see below
Armor: None Full Shield 123%, damage kb+ 1D4 (+106), 22 hit points
Skills: Bargain 54%, Dodge 44%, Fast Talk 101%, Annor. Full Plate (25, helm always on), and see below
High Speech 95%, Insight 66% , Million Skills: Art (I ronic Discourse) 103%, Bargain 11 0%, Dodge 76%,
Spheres 165%, Other Language (low Speech) Fast Talk41%, Insight 88%, Jump 62%, listen 49%, Million
77%, CMm Language (Middle Speech) 88%, Spheres 975%, Navigate 43 %, Oratory 88%, Other
Physik 109%, Potions 112%. Language (l ow Speech) 101%, CMm Language (Middle
Abilities: Erti l can summon any Chaotic Effect, Speech) 76%, Potion 32%, Ride 90%, Search B9%,
or creature, or Demon, or even The Dog, ThrowB4%, Trap 39%, 5cribe41 o/~
and can make any Meld he des ires untif Abilities: Gaynor rarely uses sorcery in the conventional
Law begins to tip the Balance in its favor. sense, but such is his standing with Chaos that he
Possessions: Ertil keeps several monkeys in generally gets anything he req uests from his masters,
cages, but they are not really pets. since he serves their everywhim. Often at the head
of Chaos armies or forces, or wieldingmassive-
G aynor the Damned thoug h tempo rary - powe r given him by the
O1a05 Lordsfor specific reasons.
Sardonic. DoomeJ Champion of Chaos
His vo ice was vibrant and. o n th e
Possessions: Gaynor's armor and sword are
enchanted . \.\brking together, they can dazzle
sUI.fnce, am us ed. But Were was a bleak
opponents into temporary blindness (50%
quality u"derlyin~ it, a tragic sadn ess. cha nce eac h round ; blindness lasts 1Dl 0
"\VJI you fi(:hl me alone , Prince rounds). Both are exceptionally
Ga)nor?" Conun as~ed. tough, as reflected in their hit points.
1he Prince of Chao. Iau~hed. "Why The extra damage Gaynor's Broad-
should [? It is lon~ since ] subsuibed to sword does is a gift of Chaos as
your idtaa of chivalry. Prince
COnJrn.. : Glandyth-A-Krae
Jkn )'Ou will eet your ",ohole hos t Naster of Barbaric Hordes
u pon u s?"
Earl GIandvth'. red.
"Whv . hould I no'? If YO U arc fool.
en~u~h to ent er 111)" ~wer•••"
- Thr Qucen thr s,.'OrJ.
Judd<n ~. I..
a<ned f"",,' was hsif.
beard and laced with
The Eternal Champion of Chaos and ribbon. just aA his lor~.
Corum's counterpart. the Prin ce of the blar~ hair was braided.
Damned appears as a tall warrior clad from head Hi. ~rry <yr' Junted at
to foot in a dazzling suit of plate which constantly an inner disease, just as
changes colors - sometimes gold, sometimes silver. I Ju. fa', red I;p• • u~.,ed
sometimes bluish steel, His helm is top ped by a yclIow corrupted offal. Earl
plume and the eight arrowed Arms of Chaos an: embla- Glandyth .narled. "\\ 1"" of
zoned upon his chest. H e carries a sword of the same m etal Prinrr Conun? And the othrn who brfrirnded Jum?
and rides a white chatger. Wha, of all the Shrfanhow who rarne from the ma~ir
Gaynor once served Law but through misguided love threw rityT"
his lor in with Chaos. He was punished - many say by the - Th« IGnIi orthr s,.",rJ.
Balance - and became an undying wretch. always serving his Earl of Krae and Leader o f the Denledhyssi , Glandyth is
horrid Chaos masters. An ironic. civilized man, Gavnor has Corum's mortal foe. It is he who, with his foul barbarian kill-
little taste for the baebarians with whom he must side but is
ers in tow. slap Corum's family and tears out Corum's hand
fearful of breaking his pledge to Chaos. H e claims no absolute
and ey" on a his butcher's block. When Co rum escapes.
qualities save fear - no pride. no honor, no courage. Glandyth vows revenge. First he lays siege to Moidd's Mount.
then tracks Corum to the Gty of Rowers and lays siege to it
,,;th the terrible Anny of the Dog and Anny of th e Bear. only later realizing Arioch. through Urlch, still had control of
Finally he is responsi ble for the dread Cloud of Co ntention. In poot Hanafax.
their last duel toge ther Corum slays Glandyrh, though the Chaos 219, Balance 34 , Law 27
fierce barbariancomes dose to ending Corum's life. 5TR 14 CON 16 SIZ 15 INT 18 POW 19
Glandyth is a burly man, his face is pitted and scarred with DEX 14 APP13 HP1 6
disease, though he has much ptesence and authority of bearing. Damage Bonu s: +104
Gland yth ofien wears a brass and gold winged helmet and a """apons: Scimitar 72%, damage 1D8+1 (+104)
bearskin cloak. H e is fearful, superstitious and full of hate. Dagger 54%, damage 104+2 (+104)
The Earl of Krae is a terrible foe. Armor. None
Chaos 32 1, Balan ce 0, Law 98 Skills: Bargain 58%, Climb 64 %,
STR20 CON 19 SIZ 19 INTI S POW 14 Conceal Object 61%, Fa51
DEX1 6 APP 10 HP 19 Talk 49%, Five Planes 88%,
Damage Bonu s: +106 Fly Kite 86%, Jump 68%,
w,apon: Braw/ 105%, damage 1D3 (+1D6) Natura l World 88%,
Denledhyssi Axe 131%, da mage 306 (+1D6) Navigate 77%, Oratory82%,
Broadsword 89%, damage 1D8+1 (+1D6) Ot her Language (Low
Tal/Spear 75%, damage 1Dl 0+2 (+1D6) Speec h) 92%, Own Language
Hunting Bow 73%, dam age 106+1 (+1D3) (Middle Speec h) 100%, Pick
FuI/ShieldI 24%, da mage kb+ l 04 (+106), Lock 32%, Physik 65%,
22 hit points Sailing 55%, Scribe 52 %,
Search 71%, Swim 66%, Trap
Armor: Half-Plate and Mail (1D8+2, helm 34%.
Abilities: Sorcery (Bonds, Demo n Sight,
Skills: Climb 82%, Dodge 58%, Drive Field of Chaos, Healing. Lens, Skills,
Chariot99%, Five Planes 66%, Hide 69%, Insight42%, Ward). Hanafax relieslittle on his sorcery
Jump 43% , Listen 80%, Move Qu ietly 37%, Natural because he isuncomfortable with his relation to Chaos.
World 55%, Navigate 55%, Oratory 65%, Own Language
(Low Speech) 75%, Physic 25%, Search 73%, Throw 58%, Possession: A wonde rful co llapsible kite that responds to its
Track 75%, Trap 61%, W estle 97%. own er's summons, can carrypassengers, andflies by itself,
making its own breez e and going where it will.
Pact: At the end of his life, Earl Gland yth strikes a pact with
Yrkoon, a Demon, asthe result of which he isable to Lady Jane PentalIyo n
unloose the Cloud of
Contention on the Elellant Seeress of a
world. Distant Plane
She was an old. beauti.
Hanafax ful woman, her lon~
Friend. and Betraye r hair pure while and
Hanafax hummed to braided, a mantle upon
himseU while he chopped her brow. She wore a Oow-
al hi. hair and ioy gown of li~hl hlue .iIk,
until D handsome, youngish with wide .leeve. and gold
face was revealed, Apparently embroidery at neck and hem.
without concern he discarded JIuuy .poke 10 her in her
his ra~s an d. cIrew on a clean tonyue, but she smiled then.
douhlel and pair of hreehs he had Sh e spoke in the pure, ripplin~
hnmllhl will, him in hi. bundle. •peeeh ofIhe Vadlmllh.
... feel a thousand times improved, • ... lmow who you are," she said.
thank you, Prince Conun. for visiting the ..\\~ have been wai~ for you here at
C;ly of Arke before I had entirelv >-oiled the l\1anor in the Forest."
aw~yl" Corum had diseovered thai Hanafax ~''H - The KIng of the Sn.,nl.
eould not sustain his moods of introspection but A sorceress and seer from a Celtic plane, Lady
'was naturally of a chee:rful disposition. Jane aids Corum, whom she believes to be an elf
- The Knight of the Swvnl. In her youth she had learned the arts of magic from a friend
An Explorer/ Priest of Lywm-an-Esh. Hanafax is sent on a and had summoned a Vadhagh by accident, thinking it was a
crusade by Urleh. his Chaos Lord, to slay the ShaIafcn. H e demon she called as part of a game. The Vadhag h, Gerane.
decides against it, and jo urneys upo n his giant kite to th e lands became her lover for a while. Out of jealousy the friend with
of Khool ocrah. There, imprisoned by King TcrngoI. Lcp he whom she had played the game of magic summoned creatures
meets Corum in the same state. They escape and journey to of Chaos, whom Lady Jane believed to be devils, to destroy
the Flamelands, but before he can betray Corum, the Hand of Gerane. For the sake of thi s memory she aids Corum by guid.
Kwll slays him. Corum chinks himself to have killed a friend, ing him to Bolorhiag. whose lovalty she commands. Her quest
is to learn the arts of the Vadhagh and find th e home of h er
love. JIury-a-Conel suggests lady Jane is an incar nat ion o f th e Skills: Art (Dilettante"} 110%, Art (Story-telling) 220%,
Lover o f the Champion Eternal Bargain 55%, Conceal Object 66%, Dodge 89%, Drive
Char iot 38%, Fast Talk 93%, Hide 79%, Insight 92%,
Chaos 131 , Balance 68, Law 26 Jump 88%, Listen 92%, Million Spheres 399%, Move
STR 8 CON 12 51Z 11 INT 19 POW 21 Qu ietly 60%, Natural W:>rld 100%, Navigate 57%,
D£X14 APP 16 HP1 2 Oratory 82%, Other Language (Any, including Cat) 99%,
Damage Bonus: - Persuade 93%, Potion 95%, Physik 9 1%, Ride 82%,
""'apo ns: Dagger 86%, damage 1D4 Sailing 33%, 5cent/Taste 67%, Scribe 44%, Search 71%,
Armor: None Swim 41%, Throw 89%.
Skills: Art (Cou rtly Love) 85%, Evalua te 76%, Insight 99%, , fhary 's Art: The Dilletante skill confers a smattering ofknowl_
Million Spheres 74%, Natural W:>rld 66%, Oratory82%, edge in a wide varietyof arts of all kinds. 'Mlile never
Oth er Languages (High Speech & Vadhagh) 550/..'69%, knowing a 10/ aboutanything, he knows a little about most
Physik 102%, Potions 67%, 5cent/Taste 89%, Scribe 90"/~ things. An expertwould soon, however, find him out.
Abilities: Lady Jane knows some fonn of sunvnoning un known in Whiskers
the fifteen p lanes of Corum's cosmos. She has also taught
C OIn panio n to Companions of Champions
herse lf the Precept of Plane Shifting in order to gain the ab ili-
ties of ShIft ViSIon and Shift Self to aid the quest for her lost "I ha,,~ neva seen 8uc=h an animal," Beldan mutterrd.
love. "And I have never attn anot1er like it in all my tra\Ocls,..
Jhary a~.-eed. 'II ;. a friendt;- creature
Jhary-A-ConeI and has oflen aiJee:I me. Somdimea
Companion to Chantpions our ways part and I do not see it for
"Jhary-a-Conel at your an a~ or two. but W~ are often
eervaee, rna
. ,
Bill. together and he always remembers
"How came )"OU to beep me. I eall lurn Whi.krs. Nol an
)"Our hat willie swi~ 80 on~inal name, I {ear. but he seems
far throu~h Ihe .oa?' to like it well enough.: :
Beida.. ae hed. "And your - 77.e Queen of the 5..urds
sack . {or that matter?"
A small black and white cat, Whiskers is
Jhary••.Conel aebow!.
remarkable in that he is not only highly
edoed the queotion. ",th
intelligent but also can communicate with
a winll . ... never lose my
hAl and I rarely 108< my his friend Jhary, and has a Iargc pair of wings
and thus can fly.
Melt. A traveller of my
sort learns to hold on Chaos 99 , Balance 1001, Law 99
few possessions _
to his 5TR 2 CON 10 51Z 2 INT 17 POW 15
DEX 34 APP 17 HP 6
no malta what circum-
Damage Bonus: -106
dances he finds
lu""",U in.' "","pons: Bite65%, damage 1 D4 (-106)
Claw55%, dama ge 1D3 (-106)
- 77.e Queen of the Rip' 85%, 2D3 (-106)
s..'OrJ. Armor: Fur (1 polntl
The eternal Companion to Skills: Dodge 1000% (never fails to dodge),
Champions, a short, slim man Fly 100%, Listen 94%, Move Quietl y 87%,
in a floppy hat with a small winged Navigate 72%, Other Language (AnyU) 75%,
black and white cat upon his shoulder, JIury is the most Own Language (Catl 100%, Scent/Taste 99%,
knowledgable of all Eternal Champion Companions, since he Search 89%, Track66 %.
recalls his various incarnations as Moonglum, D'Averc, and , Ripattack occurs if car hit5 with both claws.
others. A cheery, chatty fellow, a dandv who feigns not to be U 'Mliskersunderstands all languages fairly well
muth help in combat, but is ready ~th sword and dagger but can speak only Cat.
sho uld it be needed. His car WhisI=s is his constant compan-
ion JIury sometimes flits in and out of Corum's long life, bur
King Lyr-A-Brode
is generally there when trouble is afoot. King of Barbarians
Now ~ L)""'-Brode plaeed Ius handa on the anns of
Chaos 99, Balance 1001, Law 99 Ius throne and I...eoed lumsclf .I",,~y to hi. feel. In.rantly
STR 12 CON 16 51Z9 INT 22 POW 18
D£X 17 APP 20 HP 18 five hundred anns raised ~Iels in A toast,
Damage Bonus: - 'LYR OF TI-lE lAND!'
""'apons: Poignard 172%, damage 106+1 he relun>ed the toeet, rnumbl;n.. "And
Armor: Non e, or Soft Leather (106-1)
the land i. Lyr...' He loohed around him. almost <!
lievin.~Iy. starin\l for a long 8«Ond at one of the ~ir18 as
though he reeognized her for oometl>ing other than .he Chaos 0, Balance 67, l aw 97
waB. He frowned. 5TR 13 CON 14 51Z 14 INT 14 POW 12
- 77", Queen of the Swonl. DEX 11 APP 12 HP 14
Damage Bonus: +1 D4
King of th e Barbarians of Bro-an- Vadhagh. Earl Glandyth's w,apons: Quality Broadsword 107%, damage 9 (+1 04)
master. Lvr-a-Brode is almost seven feet tall and wears a crown
Armor: None
of pale ic'on over matted long hair. plaited at the front. In his
Skills: Dodge 104%, Insight 63%, Million Spheres 15%, Natural
south the hair had been vellow N ow it is streaked with whi"" \o\brld 68%, Navigate 79%. Oratory 88%, Own language
Hi s beard also is yelI~. and grey. H is face is haggard and (Midd le Speech) 96%, Physik 54%, Ride 102%. Scribe 82%,
covered in broken veins. H is eves are bloodshot .md blue in Search 77%, Xiorrbarg's Realm 71%,
deep sockets. They are filled with hatred. cunning and suspi- ContrivancesandAbilities: King Noreg-Dan's lone weapon is a
cion. the only emotions King Lyr knows. The King dresses in Quality 8roadsword, wh ich is also the regal sword of his lost
plund ered Vadhagh and Nhadragh garments. kingdom.
The King hates th e cider raccs and is inrent on systemati-
cally destroying them. H e is surrounded at all times by his di re King'Onald
Grim Guard. insane warriors who live to protect him. Lyr-a- Ruler of Lynun-an-Esh
Brode leads his forccs at the Battle of Halwyg and is "'lour peo ple must be wantcrl oftheir peril." said Rhnlinn
killed by Corum who uses the Vadhagh ""apons given urgently.
him by the people of the City of the Pyramid. "Of eo uree, " ...,plied the lung. -We will re-<>prn the
Chaos 113, Balance 0, law 45 aJ"M'naI. and re-ann r\"O"V man
5TR21 CON 17 51Z 20 INT 12 POW 15 thnt we can. But even th~n..."
DEX 16 APP 13 HP 19 "''Ou ha,,'c fO$ tten how to
Damage Bonus: +206 figh,?" .u~.,ed Jhary.
w,opons: Brawl 87%, 1D3 (+206) ne lung nodded. "',u
Iron Creatsword 191%, damage 2D8+2 (+206) have read '")' thoughts.
Tall Spear 103%. dama ge 1010+2 (+206)
FullShield 150%, damage kb+1D4
- The Oueen of the
(+206), 22 hit points - s..vnl.
Annor: Half-Plate and Mail (1D8+2, helm
on) King of Lywm-an-Esh and ally
Skills: Dodge 43 %, Drive ChariOl88%. of Corum. King OnaId has his
Five Planes 65%, Insight 600/0, palace in the beautiful Halwyg-
Oratory 65%, Own language nan-Vake. City of Flowers.
(low Speech) 600/0. Search 87%, A small, handsome young
Trap 89%, man, with delicate features and
hands. the King is the nephew of
King'Noreg'-Dan the previous King 0naId, who
King Wi thout A Country died without issue. Young King
lhev saw that tlte rider. OnaId is slain in the Battle for
dre.:..t in pa'ehed and hallered Halwyg and succeeded by his young
leather. was as leep in his son, Analt. Onald's mother. Queen
..ddte. a broadO'VOnI hangi"l! by Crief becomes regent over her grand-
a thong from hi. ,.;gh, wriet, hi. lef, son, since King Onald's wife died in
hand g";pping the reins of the hone. H e had a childbirth.
haggard face which gave no indication of his a{:e. a
Chaos 15, Balance 29, law 78
g=' hookd nose and untnmmed l>air and branI. He
STR 11 CO N 13 51Z 11 INT 15 POW 15
seemed a poor mat), yet han(:ing on his saddle pommel DEX1 5 APP 18 HP 12
was a crown which. though roated with dust. was plainly Damage Bonus: -
of gold . ' udded with many gerno. w,opons: Long Sword72%, damage 1D10+ 1
- The Queen of the s..vnl.
Annor: Half-Plate and Mail (1 D8+2, helm on)
King Noreg-Dan was once King of a country in the realm of Skills: Art (Courtier) 84%, Five Planes 77%. Insight 82%, Natural
Qu een Xiombarg whith turned to the embrace of Chaos. H is \o\brld 66%, Navigate 57%, Oratory 77%, Other language
wife. his children. his land were all destroyed by Chaos. Noreg- (low Speech) 74%, Own language (Middle Speech) 100%,
Dan is seeking the City in the Pyramid as a potential ally when Physik 28%. Scribe 61%.
he encounters Corum upon the same qucsr. Afi:er their defeat
Q ueen Oorese
of the barbarian hordes at the Battle of H alwyg. and the
destruction of Xiombarg, King Noreg-Dan bids Corum fare-
Doomed Queen of the Flamelands
well and returns to tebuild his land. now in the hands of Law. "'I am bIrnd through ehoier. Ratl.... than witness wha,
had become of my land. ( plu<kd my ey<s from my head.
I am Oorese. Queen of Cira-an-Venl. and m)' people Polib-Bav resembles a man with th e lopsided face ofa horse.
number twenty, s: His large yellow reerh and forelock are also horselike. Almosr
Conarn's lips were dry. "I have slain your people. I~·. comp letely m oronic, he has forgotten much of his past. What
That is why I weep ... shreds ofmemory remainserve only to torment him.
Her face did nol alter. "TIley were doomed." sl le said. Polib-Bav is a resident of Queen Xio mbarg's plan e. H e
"lo die . It is belter lIIat tlley are dead. I tlm.nb: yo u. captures Co rum when th e Scarlet Prince visits chat terrible
8trnn~r. for relcasin~ thCIlL Perhaps you woul d care to place and is slain by Corum's sword in combat.
release me nlw.....
Chaos 156, Balance 0, Law 10
- T/.. KrUght of the Swords STR 16 CO N 15 SIZ 14 INT 3 POW 10
Queen o f the Vedagh, the Vadhagh peoples of th e Flamelands. DEX9 APP4 HP1 5
once O crese ruled over a country of unsurpassed beauty. Damage Bonus: +104
When Cha os came, it turn ed her realm into the F1amelands, a Weapons: Braw/89%, 1D3 (+104)
living hell. Ten th ousand years old, the Queen and the few Long Sword 109%, dama ge 1Dl 0+1 (+104)
'Nhip 78%, damage lO4+entangle
Ioval soldiers she has Iefi,
~ in caves beneath Armor. Barbarian Leather (1 06+1, helm o n)
the Flamelands. Corum Ski115: Brawl 55%, Dodge 32%, Drive Chariot 86%,
m eets the Queen, a hand- Listen 65%, Scent/Taste 58%, Track 44%.
some, grim Vadhagh
Margravin e Rhalina-A-
woman with flowing grey
hair and dressed in a grey
cloak, when he slays her
Beloved of Prince Conun
remaining men, after they A woman stood. there.
have attacked him. Queen S he seemed quiet
Oorese leads Co rum to andseU-contained
the Lion's M outh and had a
through which he may ~ntIeness
pass to Ariodi's castle. about her.
Her lon~
She and revenge
Arioch, thus aidsonthe ~~~~~~~~~~ ~"""'f. blaeb hair
Prince in the Scarlet Robe. was soft
Once she has delivered him, she kiIIs herself by riding and fell to
her Beast into the living flame. A brave and no ble woman, below her
she retains her dignity to the end. .houlde....
She was
Chaos 12, Balance 58, Law 163 wearin~a
STR9 CON 13 51Z 13 INT 19 POW 17
DEX 10 APP 19 HP 13 gown of
Damage Bonus: - embroidered
Weapons: None
Armor: None
Skills: Five Planes 115%, Insight 98%, Listen 99%, Million multi
Spheres88%, Natural V\brld 11 2%, Navigate 90%,
Oratory 74%, Other Language (Middle
Speec h) 89%, Own Lang uage (Vadhagh) 201%,
Physik 83%, Ride 70%, Scent/Taste 91%.

Bestial Dupe of chaos tude of rich colors. She smiled at him.
"00 you no t recognize me!" cried. King Noreg-Dan. ..Greetings," she said. "I am Rhalina. \Vho are you,
The horse-thing ..,ratehed at ite foreloeb and peered sir?"
at the King Without a Connby. "Why .hould [
etupidjy "[ am Connn ]haelen [,...,;," he replied. Her beauty
recognize youf" 'w asno t that of a Va.dlmgh. but it alTected him none the
"Because 1 recognize you. 1 see the traces of your ori~i. less. "The Prince in the -"
nat features.. ." -, Searlet Robe?" She w.. pla;nly amused. "[ speal. the
- Th~ Qu~1I of the Swords old Va.dlmgh to~ue as well as the common speech .....
Leader of the hid eous Chaos Pack, Polib-Bav was once the - The KrUg/,tof the Sword.
Co unt of Tern and betrothed to the daughter o f his liege, King A commanding beauty with long black hair and handso me
N oreg-Dan. H e threw in his lot with Chaos and has now been features , Rhalina is th e love of Prince Corum. Yet she is rare
rewarded with his current state. among those loved by the Eternal Champion, in chat she lives
(0 an o ld age, happily with him after their adventures. Of Chaos 409, Balance 33, l aw 9
course her Mabden life spans means Corum long outlives her, STRVar CON Var SIZ Var INT24 POW 45
and still endures great sorrow ar her passing. bur their union is DEX Var APP 14' HP Variable
Damage Bonus: Variable
a comparatively serene one. Rhalina is also more poised, self-
relianr and accomplished than many of the other lovers of the Armor: None
Oumpion Eternal. \A.eapons: None
Once th e wife of the Margrave of Moidel's Mount, RhaIina Skills: All 100%.
stays on after his death wh ere she meers and aids Corum. She Abilities: Sorcery (anything he wants).
accompanies Corwn on many ofhis adventurers. • This is in Shoo/'s (ann as a handsome male or female youth.
Chaos 95, Balance 175, l aw 63 Hisotherforms arewidelyvariable.
STR 13 CO N 15 SIZ 11 INT 19 POW 18
DEX 14 APP 23 HP 13 Kin g Te mgol-Lep
Damage Bonus: - CowarJly King of Khoolocral,
w,apons: Long Sword 111%, damage IDI O+I Kin(!' lem~ I-Lcp seemed to be more familiar with the
Dagger 94%, damage 104+2 Knight of the Swords and hi. plana than anyone Conun
Hunting Bow 66%, damage 106+1 had yd met, Ln.-ing. 80 much cl~r to his domain.
Half Shield 120%, damage kb+1D2, 1S hit points perhaps they had seen him.
Armor: Half-Plate (1 D8+1, he lm on) " H .. Anoeh . pok n to you himseII'!"
Skills: Art (Poetry) 5S%, Conceal "He has spob:en t.hrou~h OUT wise
Object 44%, Dodge 108%, Drive ones.
Cha rlot 35%, Five Planes 75%, ""And. the wise ones - thev are eertein of
Hide 56%, Listen 72%, Arioeh's ",,-ill?" .
Dratory 59%, Other language
(Middle Speech) 48%, Own "Thev ~ tt1'tain."
language (low Speech) 100%, Con.a~ ai(tlled. "\\~ I. I intend to resist
Persuade 73%, physik 91%, hi. plana. I do not find them a4reeable."
Potions64%, Ride 000/0, - 71re- Kn;ght orthe Sword.
Scribe 66%, Search 78%,
Throw 58%. King of the Ragha-da-Kheca, Temgol- Lep has
Abilities: Rhalina does not know all the feature s of his race, thin and tall with
sorcery, although she is ab le to round head and eyes in a perpetually surprised
work out how to sorcererously look. H e wears a high head-dress of peacock
summon her husband back from feathers and a kilt ofgold d oth.
the dead . This ca n be treated as a Cowardly but fatalistic, the King waits for
Demon sumrooning. if need be. Arioch to destroy his race, In the meantime he
offers hospitality to all strangers at his court,
and then poisons them with their welcoming
Demented Sorcerer and Avatar
of Arioch
cup of wine. Those who do not succumb. like
Hanafax, are tossed into his dungeons to rot,
"Wbt pow"", I bve. ...laster
The King is slain when he offers Corum the
Conun! I bve made """"If a poisoned wine and the Hand of Kwll k.iIIs the
God and I bve mad; you a
trea cherous monarch, saving Corum's life.
denn(to<1. They will bve u. in
their le(lends soon." Chaos 96, Balance 6, law 30
"'ouare already in their legends.~ STRl1 CONI 0 SIZ 14 INT1 2 POW13
DEX14 APP 16 HP 12
Conun t~ed to confront Shool w~o had Damage Bonus: +104
appeared in the room wearinQ an elaborate
\M!apons: Khoo/ocrah Club 89%, da mage 206 (+1 04)
plumed helmet and trews, "An d for that matter 80 are the Half Shield 120%, dama ge kb+102 +{104), 15 hit points
Armor: Ha lf-Plate (T D8+1, helm o nl
- n e King orthe Sword.
Skills: Art (Dissembling) 101%, Art (Deterministic
Sorcerer of the Isle of th e Gorge d God and pa"n o f Arioch, Theo logizing) 120%, Bargain 64%, Concea l Object 87%,
Shool's power comes directlv from Arioch h imself, for it suits Dodge 64%, Fast Talk 88%, Hide 82%, li sten 65%,
the Duke of Disorder that he have a sk.iIIed opponenr, Shool Oratory 32%, Other lan~uage (low Speech) 20%, Other
does not acknowledge this, thinking himself a rival and enemy language (Middle Speech) 55%, Own language
(Khoolocrah) 9S%, Parano id Analysis 100%, Potions 186%,
of Arioch, Shool assumes what form he wishes, thus his statis-
Self Protection 123%, Trap 99%.
tics are In a constant stateof flux. His favorite appearance is as
a youth with old eyes and a yeIIO\\' robe, one of Arioch's own Prince Yurette Hasdwn Nury
preferred appearances in the Elric saga. Shool never engages in Prince of th e City of th e Pyramid
combat in any case. Such vast powers are at his disposal he n,r the steersman of the ship oft.he air was quite plainly
could easily eliminate any morral enemy should he choose. of no other reee but Conun'.. H~ "'as a Vad.ha~ll. Hi.
IIkull was lon~. Ius slantin~ eyes purple and ~Id. Ius ean had seen in Limbo nicke~ and framed tile Ilwnpen
pointed llnd his body slender and delicate but eontaining . hap< ofVoilodion GI",~naodi ah - • dwarf. ovenlre.oed in
a (treat deal of ene~·. silks. ermineand satin. a mini ature sword clutched in his
"\\~Ieome. Corum. in tile Searlel Robe." he !laid.... coarse hand. a hnnd50me head upon hi. liny shoulden,
have come to take you to (M.~ll5-COr-~T'''S. the one bria1lt eves beneatl, tluck blaclt brows ".fuch met in the
bastion this Realm ks against that Chaos ;reat~ you middl., 's ~nn ofwelrome likethe onn ofa wolf.
IUl\"e just met." . - Tl» Kin~ of the s..."rJ.
The Vanishing Tower shilts between planes, never in one for
Prince Yurene commands Gwlas-cor-Gwrys, the City in the longer than an hour or two. Its master is the evil sorcerer,
Pyramid in Queen Xiombarg's realm. A long-rime enemy of Voilodion Ghagnasdiak. who lures people into the tower and
Chaos, he proves a valuable ally to Corwn when Corum allows keeps them there until he tires of their company, when he, his
his city to escape fiom Queen Xiombarg's realm. Yurene jour- magic, and his minions slaughter them The Tower entraps
neys to Corwn's realm and uses his arcane Vadhagh weapons Jhary, and Corum must find th e Three Who Ate One in order
to destroy the barbarian Ma bden besieging Halwyg-nan-Vake, to save him. Voildion Ghagnasdiak's magic is sorely hampered
A thin. ancient Vadhagh of straight and noble bearing. when Whiskers latches on to his face, blinding him. The
Prin ce Yurerre is living proof for Corum that the Scarlet Three are then able to save Jhary by joining their power
Prince's race does not survive only in him. Alas, this hope, like together. The rescue destroys the TO"<f, but the fute of its
the ancient Prince himself is to prove short-lived, Those of nefarious master remains uncertain,
th e City of the Pyramid are driven to slay each other by the Chaos 886, Balance 201, law 174
Cloud of Contention. STR 10 CON 11 SIZ S INT19 PaN 30
Chaos 34, Balance 60, law 154 DEX 13 APPB HP 8
STR 13 CON 12 SIZ 16 INT 24 PaN 26 Damage Bonus: ·1 04
DEX 14 APP 19 HP 14 w,apons: Miniature Sword (short sword) SS%, 1D6+1 (-104)
Damage Bonus: +104 AnTK:>r: None
w,apons: Quattef5taff 107% , damage 1D8 (+ 104) Skills: Art (Fashion Sense) 11 %, Bargain S6%, Conceal
Anno r: Qua lity Robe (2 points) Ob ject 88%, Dodge 7S%, Fast Talk 64%, Five Planes 30%,
Skills: CraftMetal 9S%, Craft Enamel 92%, Craft Stone 91%, Hide 45%, Insight BOO/o, Jump 35%, Listen 68%, Million
Craft Gem 77%, Five Planes 99%, Insight l S1%, Million Spheres 406%, Natural W::>rld 77%, Navigate 90%,
Spheres 107%, Natural W:Jrld 86%, Navigate 11 0%, Oratory 69%, Other Language (Any) 76%, Physik S7%, Pick
Oratory B9%, Other Language (Middle Speech)91%, Own Lock BO%, Potions 99%, Scribe 103%, Search 60%.
language (Vadhagh) 100%, Physik 97%, Potion l1S%, Abilities: Sorcery (anything he wa nts)
Search 78%, Scribe 93%, Xiombarg's Realm 109%. Possessions: 1. The Vanishing TOW'er is a Sorcerous Battery, hold--
Abilities: Shift Vision and ing 100 Magic Points.
ShiftSelf as natural 2. A pack of creatures, each
abilities. Prince Yurette with a ti~er'~ head,
does not follow an gorilla's txxty, rhino's hide
Avocation asthe and great, black wings.
Vadhaghon Corum's Within the Tower, these
world do. Instead, he is creatures are as good as
accomplished in invulnerable - and are
several crafts. He has extremely dangerous. of
never leamed to course.
Contrive, although 3. The vault of Iobilodion's
others of his civiliza- Tower holds a great many
tion are adept extraordinary treasures.
Contrivers. However. the only power
Possessions: As the ruler of that can break through its
his realm, the Prince lockeddoor is the
can corrvnand the use combined strengthof three
of whatever he wishes. EternalCha"l'ions doinga
kind of line-dance of
voiloJion destruction.
Macabre Master of the
Vanishing Tower
Bn4htn... like the
40lden bn4htn... he
I" wl,ic!, our /'eroes dive deep, climb l,ig/', a"d ac/,ieve a net gai"

or snuCTI.Y SPEAKING introductory. this battle a host of Chaos horrors during the banishment of the
scenario should allow adventures to forge a group gods of Law from the Five Planes. He brought with him a
alliance that may have been tentatively formed in Contrivance that could draw knowledge from other planes.
earlier adventures. Along with the second adven- This device had been made secretly using both Vadhagh skill
ture. Th Prina Who Cried Ii>r Lcvt, it gives the adventurers and Nhadragh energies. the first such fusion of elder race tech-
experience of some of the tensions ofthe Five Planes: berwecn nologies. He slew the minions of Quos, but was himself
civilization and barbariry. Chaos and Law gods and humans. mortally wounded. Dying. he crawled into a grotto wichin the
The scenario also may serve as the introduction to a campaign rock, and somehow used his innate psychic power to rum his
based on rediscovering the lost Nhadragh civilization - a body to stone. ameliorating his pain and concealing his last
thread which is continued in the final scenario, A Cry Ibat Is resring place from the Chaotic forces that would have dese-
Not. crated his flesh. The unique Contrivance remained with him.
JrwtlM Destinies is set in and around Gor-an-Clu, one of the The technology chat had fashioned the Contrivance had
barbarian cities of the northern continent, Bro-an-1v1abden. insured that once the mental energy of Nhadragh was no
Notes and maps for that riry appear on page 39, in the longer a powerful force in this plane (i.e.. once the last great
Geographia chapter, and can be used to give the adventure source of Nhadragh power was destroyed), it would send forth
more weight, should it be desired. A possibility exists for the a call to be taken up again in the cause of Law or the Balance.
adventurers to move elsewhere during the story. The most This is the explanation for the strange light - an explanation
likely destination is Dowish-an-Wod in Lywm-an-Esh. Notes the adventurers may never hear. Three days ago, perhaps by
for chat culture and area canalso be foundstarring on page56. accident, perhaps deliberately, the last significant source of
in the Geographia chapter. Nhadragh mental energy disappeared. How or the energy
disappeared might be the subject ofanotheradventure.
T he Story E n ca psulated
To allay the fear of barbarian locals the adventurers must inves- A dven turer's Introduction
tigate the appearance of a strange light on Erlek'stower, a spire Whacevcr reason brings the adventurers to Gor-an-Ou they
of rock off the coast of Bra-an-Vadhagh. Although no one soon lind themselves aware chat a reward is being offered to
who lives in the area knows it, the tower holds a mysterious any hardy hero willing to lay the demon of Erlek's Doom to
Contrivance of great antiquity which the Lords of Chaos rest. The notice is put up around the townand bellowed from
would seeremoved from the Five Planes, and the odd light isa every third comers by enthusiastic criers.
signal from the device. calling for someone to rescue it from For the past three nights btight green light has coruscated
destruction. Even as the adventurers set out to lay Erleks around the rock called Erlek's Doom. The astounding display
doom (wharecer that is) to rest, lackeys of Chaos converge can be seen from the shore but also has been noted by many
upon the site. passing vessels on the first night. Now shipping has stopped
E rIek 's Doom and the display looks to continue. Terrified, Mabden sailors
One mile out from the coast of Gor-an-Oue lies a single great will not go out into the water. Th e leaders of the town fear
starvation or worse and offer the handsome reward of 5,000
rock, a jutting spire towering eighty feet above the water-line
and some one hundred feet below. Th e rock is called ErIck's bronzes in booty (plates, cups. jewelry) for anyone who can
make the weird light cease. So far. none of the fearful Mabden
Doom. Mabden legend has it chat an early hero. ErlekDemon-
bane. threw himself from its top to save the world from the barbarians have taken up the cause.
Hungry God. a fearsome entitythat mayor may not be Arag. • Any Nhadragh feels irrationally and urgently drawn to the
Now the truth of the matter is on this wise. One called light. Th e impulse can be controlled. but only when the
ErIck did meethis "yn1 upon the rock, but he was a Nhadragh adventure has been committed to willit really let go. 1bis
Prince. not a Mabden hero. and the tale is older than the impulse may even offer Nhadragh adventurers willing to
oldest Mabden legend. ErIck and his retinue came there to give in to it some guidance through the physical obstacles
the party must overcome - nothing too easy, mind. For Grimm-nan-Ja1e: a half-wit, would-be barbarian hero who
example, a Nludragh might be able to row a boat to the fancies he has the ability to tum into a giant duck in
island, a journey no sane seafaring type would everunder- moments of severe danger. (He doesn't). H e is quite mad
take. but actually knows the tru e story of Erick's doom from his
early life as a teller oftales. Unhappily it sharesroom in his
Getting to the island probably requires a ship or, for the strong
brain with more fanciful yarns, utterly unreliable in nature.
and the desperate, a boat. If the adventurers have not already
arrived on Bro-an-Mabden in their own vessel, they are going Raylann.•.Nylc: a sell-sword and warrior, she wishes to buy
to snuggle to convince hard-headed captains and pusillani- her would-be husband Nerib back from pirates off the
mous sailorsto risk everything in a foolhardyventure. A really Bro-an-Mabden coast.
successful Oratory or Bargain is needed (not to mention some
acrual cash: at least 100 bronze a head) to interest most
captains. The Voyage Out
The only ship whose crew is desperate enough for anything Ships usually set sail in the mornings from Gor-an-Ou. since
is Th II~ite Rav"" a smaIl run-down Mabden trader with a the rocks and rip can be perilous. The adventurers' era/i is no
motley crew of only ten, whose captain, the barbarian self- exception. The trip to the Erlek's Doom takes a full day in a
proclaimed ex-pirate Lmya-an-Hossoth, is both down on her proper ship, twice or three cirnes as long in a mere rowboat.
luck and in need of an infusion of some spending money to The time is required because of the tticky navigation and
keep her creditors at bay. She pretends she would rather not go, treacherous shoals. The vessel is in constant danger and the
but indeed she is not averse to making the trip. What she is work is non-stop. A wreck would not be out ofthe question if
averse to is acrually setting foot on the rock - thar is the job of Captain Lanya fails too many rolls.
the advenrurers. A successful Insight reveals this arritude. By sunset the light show has begun. coruscacing green fire
flickering and dancing around the rock. turning the black
Lanya-an-Hossoth water a bilious shade in reflection. Any who examine the rock
Fonner (?) Pirate Captain, aged 26 through Shified Vision see that it existson all Five Planes. The
Captain Hossoth is a skilled sea dog. who is a mite too S<JUea- appropriate sorcery also reveals this.
mish and a sight too outspoken for her own good. There are Of course the island is surrounded by a considerable
some things as a pirate that she willnot do (slaughter innocent expanse of parricularly nasty rocks, many of which lurk just
folk, for example). She also has a reputatio n for telling impor- beneath the surface. Th Whitr Ravm has a smaIl dinghy which
rant people where to go (and how). These character flaws may Captain Lmya sells to the adventurers if they want to get any
account for why she is so often scuilling to provide for herself closer to Erleks Doom. The ship approaches no closer than it
and her crew. would to land, necessitating a good twenty minutes of rowing.
Chaos 19, Balance 34, Law 15 This boat, or any other rowboat, reaches a point where it too
5TR 13 CON 14 SIZ 11 INT 13 POW 12 must be abandoned. and the rest of the journey involves clam-
DEX 14 APP 15 HP 13 bering over and swimming amongst slippery rocks bathed in
Damage bonus: - flickering green light. At least there is no dangerous marinelife
Vlkapons: Cutlass 78%, damage 106+2 around. . . right?
Dirk 72%, damage 104+2
Harpoon 68%, damage 2D8+4
Other Interested Parties
Armor: Sea Leather & Rings (l D6+1)
Chaos has informed two other parties that there is a powerful
Ski lls: Brawl 56%, Carouse 76%, Climb 66%, Craft Contrivance signalling for someone to bear it which must be
(Shipwrightl 43%, Dodge83%, Evaluate 93%, Insight 7S%, destroyed, lesr the cause of Law is furthered upon the Fifteen
Natural 'M>rld 48%, Navigate 97%, Oratory 72%,
Sailing87%, Search 77%, Swim94%. Planes.
Possessions: The l'I1!ire R3ven (owned in commonwith her Vinn·nan-Varg,
crew). Captain Hossolh gets 2 sharesof any piratical loot, High Priest of the Shark, aged 29
and 3 shares go towards ship mai ntenance. The rest of the Vum is a big man who has risen high in his chosen profession:
crew get 1 share each - best sharingdeal on the coast. that of monster. H e now commands Th Dalliing ;rrrer, a Pirate
Ship of yowling cur-throats, and communes regularly with
hideous servants of Atag. Tall and broad, he wears a kilt made
If it is wished, other characters may be included in Th Whitr
from rough sacking, barbarian armor and a helm with a bronze
RaVlII'S compliment to help or confound the adventurers. They
shark holding a severed arm in its jawsas its crest. H e is given
too have found this craft the only one willing to make the to nautical oaths and much brutal language. A sometime
dangerous voyage to Erlek's Doom. No Stats are provided for cannibal, he enjoys torture and the humiliation of the weak.
these bit players. though terrified of anything he does not understand or
Niml.on-a.DraI: a wily thiefand cutpurse fiom Lywrn-an-Esh. control. Full of cunning and guile, he is yet quite mad.
down on his luck and determined to return to his home- Vum-nan-Varg received the information about the Contriv-
land something more than a pauper. ance in a mystical vision while mutiIacing his flesh with a
shark-tooth dagger. H e now exhorts his crew to find and Chaos 74 , Balance 3, Law 8
destroy "the vile Law-thing" . 5TR 12 CON 14 SIZ 10 INT 16 POW 16
DEX 15 APP7 HP 12
Chaos 8 1, Balance 5, Law 15 Damage Bonus: -
5TR 17 CON 15 SIZ 16 INT 17 POW 21
Vlkapons: Rapier90%, da mage 1D6+1
Damage Bonus: + 1D6
Hunting Bow 60%, damage 1D6+ 1
Armor: Soft Leath er (1 D6- 1)
Vlkapons: Cutlass83%, damage 1D6+2 (+1D6)
Half Shield 65 %, damage kb+1D2 (+1D6), 15 hit points Skills: Art (Self-recrimination) 100%, Dodge 86%, Insight 75%,
Armor. Barbarian Leather I'l D6+I , helm on )
Natu ral W:>rid 75%, Million Spheres 66%, Scent/Taste 88%.
Skills: Craft (Tattoo) 34%, Dodge 74%, Oratory 90%, Abilities: Sorcery (Blessing of Chaos, Demon Sight, Mist, Shadow
\Mestle 90 %. Void, ValTVirel.
Abilities: Sorcery (Anmor, 80dy Part, Emotion Control, Freezing Pact: Eldjark, see below
Attack, Make Whole, Membrane of Chaos, Seer of Chaos, Chaos Traits: Kyron' s left hand and arm a re those of an ape, but
Smother, Sorcerous Battery, Tentacle, Water). do not hinder him much, and he wears ga untlets whenever
he ca n. His face has a slightly animalistic east, jaws thrust out
KYJ:on-a-Brode, and heavy brow, wh ich tends to look accentuated when he
Failed Agent of Chaos, age 35 gets angry.
Kpron-a-Brodc seeks to be an agent of Chaos, but has thus far
only succeeded in turning himself into a shambling mockcty of
Creature of Chao s, Paeted to Kyron
his earlier self H is evil has been increasing with the pain of
Eldjarlc is a foul hybri d of Bull and Dog. It is massive and
beholding what he has become, so that now he is a ruthless
lumbering. but its appearance belies it manner, whichhas some
monster. H e is of average height, gaunt and harried. H e
wit, and is abrasive and sarcas tic. Black sh ining horns glisten
favours black clothes of a good cut from th e best Lywm-an-
from its head. and a mass ive claw has repla ced its right hoo f. It
Esh tailo rs, but his latest su it is in bad need o f repair and since
generally stands up right, only dropping ro all threes to charge.
he lefr his last place o f abode with enemies screeching at h is
Irsmovement m e is the same in either case.
heels, it is his only one. H e wears his hair cropped shore and 5TR 26 CON 19 SIZ 22 INT 11 POW 12
affects good manners to offset th e increasing bestiality o f his DEX 9 MOV Run-6 HP 21
features. H e is a desperate individual, as his haunted blu e eyes Damage Bonus: +2D8
ringed with sha dows, attest. Abilities: Annor, 1D8 matted hair
H e travels alone to the tower in a small boac. aided only by Claw 50% , 1DB(+2DB)
sorcery and the promise o f aid from his foul pact-mare th e Core 70%, 1DB (+2D8, if charging)
Chaos Creature Eldjark, also known as Krron 's Burden, for Skills: Art (Sarcasm) 50%, Dodge 50%, Million Spheres 50%,
,.hich he has paid the pact price in advance. Track 80%.
Pact Price: An entire man under 25 years old, not known to

The Tower of Erlek

The tower is smooth and high. all angles and d:uk basalt rock.
The light thar flickers from ir docs not appear to come from
any particular place. It docs, however, also flash from beneath
the water, where the rock extends another hundred fecr dO\\11.
In facr the light is acrualIy more intense below the water. A
crirical Search sees a smalI, glowing patch in the rock under the
water, suggesting an opening.
This smalI patch, a passa ge into the rock. is th e only way in
andout. Th e secret of Erlek's Doom is that one must go inside
this underwater crevice to find the entrance to the tower. The
advcnrurers must Swim down to the entrance or else sink down
with the help of a heavy, heavy rock and a deep. deep breath.
Once inside the rock, they have ro change di rection and go up
until they reach water level, where they find some stairs extend-
mg further up. Ch eck th e drownmg rules m Stormbringtr for
those who Fail Exiting the grotto can also be accomplished by
successful Swim rolls and/ or the use of heavy objects. Good
swimmers can help bad ones.
• Adventurers on the wro ng track may wish to climb th e
face of the rock. Equiprncnt and excellent Oimbing rolls
are necessary since, given the dark and the sheerness ofthe
rock surface, hazards run high. There is, of course, no themselves. Consult the Contriving chapter for a discussionof
entran ce to th e tower up th ere. inrerplanar artifacts. The Net could be effective in combat; for
it disappears as it whirls rhrough the air. However, when it
The Grotto reappears it always contains an item from another plane, which
Inside rhe rock is Erlek's Grotto, a small basalr cavern which is might be broken by rhe force of a combat rhrow.
rhe resring place of Erlek and of rhe desperately signalling Unique to &Iek' Net, a product of the combination of
Contrivance. It is reached by the passage under rhe warer rhar Vadhagh and Nhadragh science, is its ability to ensnare items
comes up in an air-filled chamber ar the rop of a f1ighr of pertaining to knowledge. The Net always finds someching
smoorh sreps. The grotto is lir spasmodically by the strange from which useful knowledge may be obtained, alrhough at
green lighr. The walls of the chamber are bedecked wirh a times such objects may baffle the Net's Casrer. As a general
striking frieze of painrings in an alien style. They rell rhe talc rule, it ensnares the object most useful to the Caster's current
of ErIck's D oom. On a successful Idea roll an adventurer may concerns first - but at times rhere may be no object that really
be able ro piece togerher rhe true tale, as told above, from the suits the purpose vety well. (If rhe Caster wants to know how
pictures (but noching of rhe strange device). Who or what to make a hasty escape from rhe tower, rhe Net is likely to
created thes e pictures remains a mystery. retrieve a map showing what rhe party already knows, or a trea-
Dominating rhe grotto is rhe jade statue of a Nhadragh, tise on swimming underwater, for example]. Fromtime to time
warrior holding in one hand an inrricarely-worked net which the garnemaster may require a Luck roll from the Caster. Criti-
crackles wirh a dazzling display of swirling green lighr. The cal success should ensnare a really juicy source of knowledge.
statue is magically charged ( POW 20). Make a POW vs. POW However, even Critical success cannot pull the salmon of
resistance roll for any adventurer <;0(((1" aNhadragh (sabelow) who wisdom from a barren stream.
touches th e statue. If successful. that person becomes the new Each use of rhe Net in rhe hands of a Nhadragh Caster
Caster of&lek's Ncr. draws a Magic Point from all the members of the Caster's
Any Nhadragh who touches rhe statue also makes the sameroll current community (patty). In rhe handsof a non-Nhadragh it
on the Resistance Table, but wirh different results: the garne- rakes halfthe Caster's usual Magic Point total. That is, ifMoo
master calculates how much more POW rhe Nhadragh would rhe Mabden Stargazer currently has only 4 MPs out of his
have needed to succeed, given the roll which has been made, usual 10 when he casts rhe Net, he falls overunconscious even
and Magic Points are used to make up rhe difference - Magic as his companions discern whatever it is he has fished from rhe
Points taken equally from rhe Nhadragh's party only, beginning other planes.
with a minimum ojOnt Milgic Fbill! f rom (lUh other advmWrtr. (1bat is, • The Net does not allow the user to move into another
rhe first Nhadragh who rouches it will become the Caster of
plane. nor can using it allow interplanar vision.
Erleks Net, but at the expense of some of her party's Magic
Points). It is intended that this is a rather traumatic event for • The Net is bound to its Caster until death do them parr.
everyone involved.
The light show ends when a new Caster assumes the role, The Aspiring Agent
and rhe grotto is plunged into darkness, wirh only the faint, far Kyron may arrive at any rime during the adventurers' explora-
glow of the ocean to show the way out. tion of rhe grotto. H e could be a useful light source. H e is
likely to try and threaten the adventurers wirh his hideous
The Jade Statue appearance ("do you want to look like rhis? Well, then, give
The jade statue is acrually all that remains of Prince &lek that ching to me." ) and sorcC'}". If he threatens them wirh his
Kahn Solus, a now-forgotten hero of rhe Nhadragh. Its resem- Chaos Creature, successful buight reveals rhe twitch in his eye
blance to rhe man in the pictureson the walls may, or maynor. and his general distaste at having to mention rhe brute.
be striking. Once rhe Net has been removed, rhe statue appears Kyrnn may fight, but is wary of rhe odds. Also, he does not
quiescent. However. a successful POW x 2 roll detects a vague know how he is going to get back to land (his boat is lying off
impression of remaining power. rhe rocks in sevetal farhoms of water wirh rhe bottom sroved
Moving the statue might be an option for a patty of four or in). Still, he is a fanatic and is a little mote frightened offailing
more. It is not bolted down or anyching and it could be worth Chaos rhan he is ofbeing bested In txtranis he calls on E1djark.
heaps. Kyron won't destroy the Net outrighr. He rhinks he should
It is extremely unlikely that rhc adventurers will ever come take it to his Chaos masters and bargain wirhir.Thus he might
across anyone who can tell them more than they now know even become an ally against Vinn, a1rhough ultimately an
about rhe statue and the events that brought it into being. untrustworthy one.
On rhe other hand, the statue does havesome kind of power. Ifhe escapes (someching he might be good at), Kyrnn goes
What is that power?What does it portend? first to the coast of Lywm-an-esh. to a temple of Urleh or
Aricch. He may even be desperate enough to try a journey to
Erlek's Net the Chaos Lands. The Net never accepts Kyron as its Caster,
This net, which once belonged to rhe Nhadragh Prince Erlek no matter how long he carries it.
Kahn Solos. is the weighted kind that might be used in combat
or to ensnare rabbits or large birds. It is encrusted with fine Getting Away, Part One
multi-colored jewels. When swirled and tossed, it has thc abil- The adventurers evenrually leave the grotto, probably after
ity to move into other planes, even beyond rhe Five Planes their encounter wichKyrnn. They have to go down in rhe water
and up again, reversing what they did to get into the grotto. whatever he thinks firs the description from his vision) down
They emerge on the cramped rocky shore where they started. the horror's gullet. To make the destruction successful he
If the emerging party is not quiet, it is spotted by Vmn and believes he must soak the oceanwith the blood ofeightpeople.
his crew, alerted by the f.tding of the green light. Vmn " <mrs The adventurers would make a good start. and then the cabin
~'One alive(for now), bur will settle for less in order to get boy, and up the ranks from there. Of course, he has no
the 'I...1w thing" he has come for. compunction about sacrificing Kyron.
If, on the other hand, they remain silent and arc careful, they The ritual is p.ainsraking. and it rakes half an hour beforehe
can locate I1r H~itt Ravm, or whatever vesseltheyused to get to even begins the slaughter he needs to appease the servants of
the island. Tlus may rake some doing. for the vessel is not his god. He leaves the Net (or whatever) in the hands the
"i,erc it was. It has been replaced by I1r Dangli,~ J"tN', Vmn- Caster out of fcar of touching it until necessary. Then he
nan- Varg's brutish pirate vessel. At the foremast a skelcron in intends to chop off the Caster's hand and let the thing fall into
jester's suit and cap of bells dangles in irons, tribute to the the jaws of the swimming abomination he will have
haplessfool who gave his life to name a ship. summoned, rather chan handle it himsel£ (This won't work:
In fact the adventurer's ship is not far off. laying downwind the Net srays with the Caster from now on).
(since ships can be located by their stink). irs lighrs put out. Gi,'C the adventurers ample opportunity to escape their fate,
waiting for the moment to strike or to run. Captain Lanya, but keep the tension up. It is hardly the point of the scenario
with the feral caution that characterizes her, hid TIr Whit, RJr."" to have thernall butchered by a mad pirate.A swinging lantern
as soon as she saw the adventurers safely on shore.The pirates and a barrel of pitch in the room where the)' arc held; the
do not know she is there. timely arrival of E1djark COh, if you insistl"} or Captain
Laova and her mates; the adventurer's own magie or skills -
Getting Away, Part Two an)' of this might be used by the adventurers to get a""y. A
Fight or flight? It may all depend on Captain Lanya, She prob- small boar attached to I1r Dangling J"'" is useful for escape,
ably knows something of I1r Dal# ng J"ttr, her crew, and her and their own ship. whether they know it or not. stands by to
reputation. Does she think I1r Il~itt Ravm has the measure of rescue them
the pirate ship in a chase on the high seas? Does she think her The Net never accepts Vinn as irs Caster, even if he decides
raggrd crew and a handful of adventurous whelps has the [ 0 carry I t.
muscle to defeat fifty Chaos pirates?(And is she right?)
In these dangerous waters, no ship will set sail in the dark: Using l1e Net
it's a one way trip to the bottom. The adventurer's vessel will It is not likely that the adventurers will have much idea of
get underway if (or when) it is day. what the Net docs while chis adventure unfolds. If they try
This means flight and pursuit. The pirate ship is bound to to use it against one of their foes, It may bring back any
see them fleeing and set off afier them, A sea chase and/ or number of "useful" items: a formula for some kind of
some kind of barrieis likely. dazzle powder (what? no ingredienrs?), the recipe for a
In a chase the most likely haven for the adventurers is the particularly potent Sorcerous Meld, a copy of Ii>rty W'!Ys to
coast of Lvwm-an-Esh, in Dowish-an-Wad, where barbarian Havt Your niry with Oao, (a pamphlet char, if read, adds 20%
pirates arc immediately attacked by localsships. to Oratory vs. Kyron. but zip vs. Vmn), a map showing a
secret exit from the grotto, or a book on fire safety with a
A10ard The Dang/;ug Jester whole thapter about how inflammable pitch is...
If the adventurers arc caught by the pirates, they arc taken on
board the Jts/N', where Vmn demands the Object of Law. There
arc fifty pirates here, so outright combat is probably suicidal
(Use Sailor stars fi'Om StormbrinJ!' and/or the Pirate stats on Aftennath
page 127). But the adventurersmaygain some advanrage fiom
the Net (see Using the Net, below). or Kyron and Eldjark If the adventurers elude or delude him, Vmn remains a tren-
("Who? Me? You must be joking!")' If a fight docs breakout chant enemy, one who may return to make their lives miserable.
and their ship is undamaged, I1r Whitt Ravm will close for the Kyron definitely puts his survival before running any real
battle. Captain Lanya has a soft spot for damned lubberly risks. He's not the type to nurse a grudge - and not the type
fools, after aIL you would want to look up either.
Th e Priest has been told in a vision that he must destroy the Captain Lanya just might rake a liking to the party - and
I...1w thing. To do this he intends to summon one of the Anny their money.
of the Shark [for statistics use the Army of thr Bear (on page In any case, the eerie lighr has been stopped, and the adven-
121, in the InhabiOlnts chapter). replacing the run and walk turers may consider themselves a success on that count, and
movement with a Swim skill of 120%] and hurl the Ner (or thus claim the reward.

In which ou r heroes loarn the real m eaning of romance

J-f EARTS AND FLOWERS are the order of the day

for this adventure. which rakes place in Lywrn-
an- Esh, near the City of Flowers, Halwyg-nan-
'vake. Use the background material on page 58.
in the Qograpbia chapter, for the setting. TIlls story is intended
to presentas many opportunities for roleplaying, meering indi-
viduals, and exploring character. asit does action and violence.
T"""ty five ye= have passed since then. Suddenly. the call
has come. burning its eldrirch message into the mind of the
Prince. Uncertain of the life span common for Mabden, the
Prince is convineed his love needs him, and heads to the Castle
of Gorwn. the Lady's home in Lywrn-an-Esh. to effeer their
reunion. (Fot the truth behind the signal. see the sections
BehindThe Signaland Amodarin. below).
A TaleOf Two Lovers
In years gone by. the Vadhagh Prince Bah! Yarv Naraine lived Meeting The Prince
in his castle in the forests of Bra-an-Vadhagh. south of the The adventurers meet the Prince on the high road. journeying
Plain of Brogglythus. There he pursued the usual intcllecrual on whatever business or pleasure rakes them upon the Great
and artistic pursuits of the Vadhagh until one day he decided W.lVS of Lywrn-an-Esh. He is being held above the road in a
to srudy that which he never understood: Mabden love. After wicker basket and taunted by a bunch of villagers brandishing
much srudy. he recognized char practical experience was neces- crude pole arms and farming implements.
sary. and in due course he met and became fascinated with He has offended the local populace who are now debating
Lady Carwcllyn. daughter of a powerful Lord of Lywrn-an- whether to murder him. They fear murder might bring the
Esh. She returned the complimentand for a time they lived as wrathof Law downon their heads. A localPriest of Chaos. on
lovers in his castle. until one dav she declared that honor and his wav to the same destination as the Prince, believes murder
duty demanded she return to' her f.tther's homeland. She is a ~ idea in the circumstances. Sec the derails for Logosto,
promised she would call the Prince when she needed him and on page 145.
that theywould be together again. The peasants are easily frightened by anyone showing any
Whether or not this was truly love on the parr of either ability witha "capon. Theydon't especially like the priest,and
parry cannot be known. Prince Bah! rends to dramatize and his arguing for the v"dhagh's death is one of the major faerors
romanticize what he feels because such behavior is explicitly keeping their captive alive. Their gripe with the Vadhagh is
described in the romantic Mabden texts he has studied, For char their crops have spoiled this year; and in seeking some-
her parr. Lady Canvcllyn was a follower of 01a0s and used the thing to blaroe they hale serried on this stranger. Th e Prince
Prince's vast library and conjuratoria to further her ambitions desperarcly calls out for help. "in the holy name of the human
in the sorcerous arts. though ar the same time. she did sayshe heart", as they ride up. If this does not move them, he offers a
really loved him. She returned to her homeland. however. not reward of I()()() bronzes, but entertains serious doubts about
as a matter of duty. but to set herself up in power. And she their chivalry ever after.
never called, The scenario pretty much depends on the adventurers'
Years passed. Lady Carwellyn married Baron Gorm of Gal, a rescuing the Prince, so lees presume they do. The Priest won't
d~Pi' overlord whom she had in her complete thrall stop them, although he is put our. (Think Vincent Price). He
Together they built up a small empire of wealth and land. Lady departsswifi1y in a fit of pique.
Carwellyn, now the Baroness. bore the Baron a son and a The Prince has a horse, which wandered off to crop the
daughter. but in giving birth to the latter.she died without ever grass when he was set upon by the peasants. It is a mild-
sending that message to recall her love. mannered Vadhagh pony. but the arrack has obviously spooked
ir. Nothing caninduce it to move untilthe Prince calmly walks
around to its rear and twists its tail, atwhich it rears its head Skills: Avocation (Artist/Mood) 260%, Craft (almost anyth ing into
and moves around in position to be mounted. At this. the heart shapes) 98%, Dodge 70%, Insight 93%, Million
Prince begins to ""ep. This is, he explains between sobs. Spheres 84%. NaturallM>rld 68%, Physik 105%,
Potions 210%. Ride 77%, 5cent/Taste 90%, Scribe 180%,
something taught him by his lost love - a little secret, a Iirrle Search 76%.
joke theyonceshared. in happier times "hen it seemed that.the Abilities: Shift Vision, Shift Self as natural abil ities. (Bohl does not
summer of their passion "Quid never end and the world lived know Contriving, although the Lady Carwellyndld.)
allits davs under the sign of the humanheart . .. blah .. . blah
Possession : Portrait of Lady Cornwellyn in heart shaped frame.
.. . sob .'.. bur nowshe is gone sob (clutches browand stag-
gers back) ... gone . . . gone (collapses gracefully in tears). Courting R oman ce
Having rescuedPrince Bohl, the adventurers arc rather sruck The adventurers and the Prince journey to CastleGorum. The
wirJ.t him. He offers ~cm whatever It rakes for their company. Prince accurately knows its "hereabouts from calculations he
advice and aid on the JOurncy to the castle he seeks and back made to trace the call from his lostlove. Somehow those calcu-
This might be money (he has many gems). a sorcerous or lations were based on the heart shaped frame for the portrait
Contriving rome, knowledge of some romanti~ kind, or even of his love that he always carries with him.
an inrroducrion to some Vadhagh scholar of his acquamrance. The journcy to the castle rakes three days on horseback,
It is clear he needs a guide and help in Mabden lands. He G:unemasters may create wham", encounters they like on the
explains his quest in his own f1~ terms, to road. Parr of the fun of this adventure can be the naivete of the
mention how much time has passed stnce he last saw hIS 10\'e. strange Vadhagh prince and how che adventurers deal with
ashe is really not sureabout things like that. him. The Prince is not a fool, even if he understands little of
Prince BoIJ Yarv N araine Mabden behavior. He can be brurallv frank ignoring Mabden
The Prince Who Cried For Love, aged 209 touchiness, completely self-absorbed'to che point of rudeness.
Prince Bohl has the classic fearurcs of the or as over the top romantic
Vadhagh. the long skull, the as he misunderstands he
srrange eyes, the lean and grace- should be,
ful form. His name robe is a The Pleasures of
deep vermilion. He wears no Atmosph ere
armor, only Vadhagh cloth- For extra effecr garncrnasters
ing of exquisite cut. may wish to play the movie
The Prince is, like other director by having the envi-
Vadhagh, far advanced in rons of Lywm-an-Esh and
learning and science. But Cascie Gonnn minot the
rather likeCorum at the start moods of the Prince. When
ofhisad~rures. PrinceBohl he arrives the castle grounds
is naive about che ways of a are sunnv and resplendent with
world that has become thieflva flowers; :.. he is thwarted rain
Mabden place. Thus the actual sets in and che landscape rums
W,lV' of love and its attendant
gloomy; if things rake a rum
passions and duties in the real fat the better the wcarher
world arc complete mysteries brightens up; etc. In a light-
to him. So too is most of the hearted W,lV, this is intended to
bustling Mabden society, but hi~ . . .. parallel Moorcock's own (Romantic) concern that the physical
active scientific curiosity makes him eager to parn~pate m It. environs of a fantasy srocy reflect the characters' inner rurmoil
Most of the rime, especially now in the absence of his love, the
Prince is acting out what he thinks is required of him as a
lover. He usually errs on the side of over-dramatizing, being Intrigue In The Castle o f Love
much given to melancholic sighing and regular outbursts of The Crude plot of young Lonna"
(bad) verse. And he has a particular thing about the impor- The old Baron is now dying. locked in a room with mumbling
ranee of what he calls "the sign of the human heart" (heart priests attending his last hours. His young. ruthless son,
shapes).. All this makes him. if nothing else, an "interesting" Lorman, wishes to have his sister Wynna married off and out
compamon. of his way. To this end he has chosen a particular Chaos Priest
Chaos 9, Balance 54, Law 63 to be his sister's intended.The priest haspromisedhim sorcer-
5TR 10 CON 9 51Z 14 INT 21 POW 19 ous aid and the help of the Lords of Chaos in conquering his
D£X 18 APP16 HP12 neighbors and carving a smaller kingdom out of his cornerof
Damage Bonus: - Lvwrn-an-Esh in rerum for the }Qung woman as his bride.
w,apons: Quality Long Sword 109%. damage 11 . Trouble is, Lorman has no say in whom his sister marries.
Dagger 8 1%, damage 1D4 Family tradition decrees that a woman shall wed "he who
Armor. None proves most worthy of all her suitors". Lorman is in the
process of manipulating family tradition to his own ends. The First Night of the Festival
With his sister's fUll co nsent, he has proposed a contes t to There is a saying, "the Balance favors lovers". Whether this be
determine her most worthy suitor. true or no, certainlynothing could be more BaIaoced than the
For three days a Festival of Love is being held at the Castle. Prince and the adventurers arriving at Castle Gorum on the
Entertainment by romantic bards and poets, an abundance of very first day of the Festival of Love - just in time for the
flowers, and feasts of heart-shaped foods are provided for all Prince ro see the woman he believes is his lost love, the Ladv
the populace. During this time, all those who register and are Canvcllyn, and to determine to make her his by being the fi';t
above peasant status may seek the hand of the Lady \Vynna. to find her Golden Heart.
Th e way to win her hand is to find a Golden Heart hidden by Once he is a suitor. the Prince and his retinue arc entitled to
the Lady. The Heart is hidden somewhere in the castle. accommodation at the Castle. Whatever else may happen on
Lorman has rigged the contest by telling the Priest where it has this day, the Prince is expected to join the other suitors in the
been hidden. Th us none can accuse him of dirty work - at first evening's Banquet of Love, at which heart shaped food of
least not to his face. ' all kinds is served.
Suspectinghis clever sister is somehow pIercing to favor her The Lady Wynna is the Banquet's guest of honor, of course.
true love, Count Nyv, Lorman plans to have that srainless But she leaves abruptly afier only a half an hour, and she seems
Count kidnapped on the first night of the Festival, taken to a distraught. Apparently she was expecting someone who never
nearby hut and tortured to fmd out what is going on so he may showed up. That would be Count Nyv - and now that you
infonn the Priest. Then Nyv is to "have an accident". mention it, it is strange that he is not here. H e has made no
secrer of his love for the lady and you would expecr him to be
The Clever Counterplot of Lady Wynna in the competition for her hand.
Now why would a presumably clever woman like the Lady Unbeknownst to the lady (and most eveC)'One else), Nyv has
Wynoa agree to a no-braincr event like this? As you might been waylaid on his way to the Banquet. kidnapped and taken
expect, she has a plan of her own. She loves Count Nyv, hand- to a squalid, well-concealed hut deep in a forest near the
some, full of shining honor and a bitter enemy to her dim- Castle, where even as the last course is beingserved he is being
witted. brutal brother. Foreseeingsome treachery on Lorman's tortured with hot irons to tell what he knows. (Which he will
part, she has moved the Heart from where Lorman thinks she never do, of course).
hid it in the backof an ornate tapestry of herselfhunring, and
placed it where she has told Nyv it is: in the heart of the maze A Castle of Charaders
her mother had constructed in the grounds of the castle, in a
hidey-hole under the base of a statue of her father; Baron Conn's son, age 21
Ironically this is also the entrance to the secret chamber of A treacherous, rather slow-witted rogue with stunning delu-
the late Baroness, Lady Carwellyn, Prince Bohl's lost love, sions of grandeur, the young Baron-co-be is in his early
which lies on another plane. The effect of inadvertently twenties and while smalland slight, makes up in obvious guile
putting the Golden Heart at the border of this plane has been and ambirion what he lacks in stature. He affects clothing all
to preserve a perfect three-dimensional illusion of the Heart of black and mutters constantly to his companion, the raven
on this plane. while the physical Heart itself is on the other. MCl'lltgast, which sits on his shoulder. Rumor has it the raven is
N o one will discover this interplanar anomaly until someone a sorcerous familiar of considerable Chaotic power. The rumor
tries to acrually touch the GoldenH eart. is completely false: the raven is stuffed.
The Woman in the Miniature Chaos 11 , Balance0, law 08
One last complication is that Lady Wynoa is the spitting STR 9 CON 7 SIZ7 INT 8 POW 10
DEX 13 APP 12 HP 10
image of her mother. Prince Boh! will probably refuse to
Damage bonus: -
believe she is a different person, and the adventurers too may
be deceived, since they have the evidence of the Prince's minia- Weapons: Rapier 46%, damage 106+1
Dagger 27%, damage 104+2
ture portrait to tell them whatthe Lady Canvcllyn looked like.
There is no portrait of the late Baroness in CastleGorum Armor: None
Skills: Conceal Object 62%, Fast Talk 47%, Oratory 17%,
The GoldenHeart (part One) Potions 36%.
Three guesses who was the original owner (and Conniver)
of the Golden Heart, which evet}'One in the Castle thinks is The Dying Baron
just a pretty bauble. Hint: Prince Bah! helped her make it. Upstairs, the Baron is dying of scarlet pox, a repulsive but
thankfi..Uly, not contagious. disease. Most of the time he is roo
BehindThe Signal delinous or weak to talk, even if you could get in to see him
The late Baroness's call to Boh! was acrually sent by Amodarin He dies on the third night of the Festival, pretty much no
the Governess, in the hope that Elder Folk would come and matter what anyone does. Because the Baron truly loved the
thwart the Baron's son, leaving the way open for a marriage Lady Carwellyn, he could find his way through the maze she
between Lady Wynoa and young Count N yv. Burthe Govern- creared in the garden (see Lady Carwellyn's Maze, below). He
essexpects an army of Elder Folk- nor the lone, romanric and has never attempted it. however, because he thinks mazes are
somewhat foolish, Prince BohL foolish frippery.
Lady Wytma-a-Gonn 5kills: Art (Courtly Arts) 87%, Craft (Teaching) 96%, Five
Baron Gonn'. dau gl,ter, age 18 Planes 86%, Insight85%, Listen 88%, Move Quietly 74%,
LadyWynn;> is beautifuland clever; but unwise- a headstrong Natural \i\brld84%, Ride 35%, Search 66%, Throw 33%,
eighreen years of age. She defies her evil brother, believingtrue
love and wit can best brutality and ambition. In her own way The Suitors
she is as much a romantic as Prince Bohl - a trait she may have No statistics are provided for any of the suitors except
inherited ffom her mother. While she may find the Prince's Logosto. This is a space saving measure- and besides, our play
misguided attentions interesting, her heart belongs to Nyv.She test didn't need them.
remains faithful to the last. She is quite tall and rather well-
muscled, being better at sword-play thanher brother. and has a Count Nyv
shock ofthick black hair. The absent Count Nyv is the most likely successful suitor, and
the certain winner of the contest since he already knowswhere
Chaos09, Balance 0, Law 13
the lady's Heart is hidden. She has, after aIL told him. Unfor-
STR 16 CON 11 51Z 10 INT 15 POW 13
DEX 12 APP1 7 HPll tunately. he is kidnapped and tortured beforehe can even make
Damage bonus: +1 04 it to the opening night Banquet. His captors are as many surly
thugs as there are adventurers (usc the \v.lnior stars on page
Weapons: Rspier 67%, damage 106+ 1 (+104)
128). Sadly for the adventurers if they rescue him. his horrid
Dagger44%, damage 104+2 (+Id4)
treatment renders him insensible until the end of the third
Armor: None night and the completion of the Festival of Love. This may be
Skills: Art (Courtly Arts) 79%. Climb43%, Conceal Object 72%, a blessing in disguise, for the Count is a bit of a sop.
Dodge 62%, Evaluate 56%, Fast Talk57%, Hide 34%,
Insight 73%, Jump32%, Listen 44%, Move Quietly 53%, Najak-an-Worl
Oratory 51%, Ride 76%, Throw 63%, W cstle 77%. Majak is a burly youth of nineteen wh o fancies himself a
warrior, scholar and troubadour. He has little abiliry in any of
Arnodarin the above callings. but his pompous bragging might acrually
A Governes., age 57 (maybe) convince somebody sometime that he is actually as good as he
TaIL severe, and constantly wringing her hands in anxiery. boasts. H e has long hair, wears a massive suit of gleaming
Arnodarin is loval to her beloved late Baroness and to the crimson and silver armor exceptwhen asleep. and addresses all
Baroness's wish that her daughter should find true happiness. men as "Sirrah" and women as "Mdam".
Moreover. she roo is a Compleat Romantick. She believes in
true love- specificallyin the true of love Wjonna and Nyv and Brevin Kalen Dhal
in the secret true love of the late Baroness, whoever he may The quietly spoken and gentle youngestson of a warrior line,
have been. Brevin is used to casual brutaliry being meted out to him by
The Lady Carwellvn had a premonition that she would nor the physically powetfuI. H e is utterly resigned to a miserable
survive the birth of her Iasr child, whom she fervently hoped life. This quiet pessimism means he is resigned to losing the
would be the daughrer she had always wanted Before she went Lady Wynna. although he dotes on her utterly. She, in her
into labor. she gave Arnodarin a piece of parchment folded in a turn, uses his calf-like passiviry ruthlessly. Brevin is tall and
complex fashion into a perfect three-dimensional heart. She fair, with veryted skin and moist blue eyes.
told the Governess (then Nanny) that if ever her daughter Logosto
needed someone \\be would scIf1ess1y serve her. Amodarin Underhanded Pries! of Urlelt. age 39
should burn the paper under the light of a full moon. When A Priest ofUrleh. vassal god of Clues, Logosto is tall, stooped
Arnodarin did this last week, it triggered the call and bald H e wears yellow and gold and is fond of the word
The lAdy also told her of a secret hiding place beneath the 'inoontestable', whichhe often uses inappropriately. His magic
statue of tIle Baron in the Maze she had constructed in the is limited, but he favors Chaotic Effects of the spectacular
castle grounds (sec lady CarweIIyn's Maze. below). In her visual kind He has acquired quite a lot of secular power,
turn. Arnodarin passedthis knowledge on to the Lady Wynna. though his position in the church is a relatively modest one.
The Governess is uncertain of what is afoot but determined He is a co-conspirator with the Baron's son. Lorman, [ 0 find
to stop Lorman's plotting. She would make a good ally for the the Golden Heart. marry the Lady Wynna. have his foul way
adventurers. although she doesn't know the original. or new with her and make her remaining life a 1iving hell lt is possible
location of the Golden Heart. nor that her late mistresses' chat he is smart enough to realize that lady W:,nna may have
secret chamber is located in the secret hiding place (see In My other plans and that she is fully capable of moving her Golden
lady. Chamber, below). Despite her disappointment that H eart from its original hiding place. Certainly he is smart
Prince BoW is not an entire army, she sees the adventurers as enough to appreciate how stupid Lorman is.
the last chance to avertdisaster. She should cajole them to find
Chaos 59, Balance 23, Law 17
the H eart - and after the fitst night. the miissing Count Nyv. STR 12 CON 11 51Z 10 INT 14 POW 15
Chaos 0, Balance 12, Law 56 DEX8 APP 9 HP 11
STR 10 CON 17 51Z 14 INT 12 POW 14 Damage bonus: -
DEX11 APP 12 HP16 Weapons: Dagger69%, damage 104+2
Damage bonus: - Throwing Dagger 72%, 104
Armor: Elaborately Decorated Soft leather (1 06+ 1) simply taking all the left hand turn s (or whatever strategy
Skills: Art (Sophistry) 84%, Conceal Object 47%, Dodge 54 %, usually worksfor you in mazes) docs not work here- although
Fast Talk 81%, Five Planes 63%, Insight 74%, Million it docs lead you out very quickly. Ultimately almost everyone is
Spheres49%, Oratory 64%, Physik 58%, Potions44%, defeated by the Maze ( each successive roll is at minus 10%),
Scribe 75% except those who truly love her. The Lady Wynna doesnr
Abilities: Sorcery (Baffle Attack, Bug Eye, ColorProjection, know this and neither docs Amodarin (since neither of them
Empathy, Loathsome Stain Attack, Make whole, Sleep has ever had any problem in finding their way inside). If the
Attack, Transmute, Webbing).
Prince enters the Maze, the gamemaster may have to decide
Cavraen-a-Gowyll whether he truly loves the Lady Canvellyo or not. Those who
A brutal swordsman, and devotee ofthe most repressive side of truly love the Lady are also able to lead others to the heart of
Law, Cavracn is constantly on the look-out for a reason [ 0 the Maze, of course.
challenge someone to a fight. He is ofaverage height, very lean, In the veryheart the Maze stands a statue of Baron Gorum.
and sports numerous duelling Seats. Cavraen wears bright Below it is the secret entrance to Lady Corwellyn's chamber.
colors, a quilted vest and a beaded ponyrail. H e is very, very Tb.Statu.
good with a sword.
The statue of Baron Gorum shows him astride a rearing
horse, sword extended. It is not a very flattering image. The
A Castle of Hiding Places Baronseems overweight and pompous. The horse is almost
Castle Gorum has the usual array of castle rooms - bedcham- overcome, and is frothing at the mouth. The face of the
bers, kitchens, training hall, armory - as many as your game marble Baron is dominated by a rather large wart on the tip
requires. Feel freeto invent others if the challenge becomes too of his nose - somewhat larger, if anything, than its real-life
easy. As a rough rule-of-thumb, it takes one day or night to counterpart. If the dying Baron were to see this statue, he
fully search four rooms. might well expire on the spot.
The statue can be movedaside by twisting the horse's tail,
Grand Hall which triggers a mechanism that slides the whole statue to
The largest hall of the Castle, and its major entertainment one side, revealing an opening beneath. For obtuse adven-
area. This is where the first night's Banquetof Love takes place. turers, a Critical Starch roll may be needed to locate the
The hall is bedecked with suits of armor, tapestries and works mechanism (although both Amodarin and Wyona knowthe
of art. A tapestry on the west wall woven by the Lady Wynna trick, of course). Finally, the SIZ of the statue is 32. Marth
depicting her hunting a stag was the original hiding place of this on the Resistance Table against the combined STR of
her Golden Heart. This is also where Lorman has told the those wishingto slide it manually.Movingit this way breaks
Priest Logosto it still is. the mechanism.
TropbyRoom For more on the hole underneath the statue, see In My
A long hall crammed with the booty of war mar Baron Gorm Ladys Chamber, below.
has collected overthe years. All manner oftreasures are here, as
arc strange and unique items. The room is guarded day and
night by two soldiersofthe castle. They allowsome reasonable
The Festival of Love
searching for the sake of the contest but watch anyone who During the three days ofthe Festival of Love, the Castleand its
docs so very closely indeed. grounds are decorated with banners, ribbons and streamers.
Flowers are everywhere and songs of love are on every lip. On
Skin. to Url.b the grounds are as many colorful tents as the gamemaster can
A small shrine to Urleh is a sign of this family's loyalty to imagine, each displaying some carnival event newly tailored to
Chaos, Some secret hiding places exist in this room in which the Festival's theme: the archery contest has the competitors
articles have been hidden in the past (see Heartfelt Clues, shooting arrows into heart-shaped targets; the fortune-teller
below). During daylight hours the Shrine is protected by a only predicts the fortunes of love; all of the sweetmeats and
shaven-head acolyte of Chaos who allows only those loyal to scarves for sale are etched with silly verses and amorous senti-
Chaos to enter and frowns on active searching. contest or no. ments; and handsomeyouths and pretty maidensdart through
the crowd bestowing kisses and hugs on all and sundry.
Lady Carw.llyn's Maze
A maze of hedges is one of the principal features of Castle There may be contests of versifying and music-making -
Gorum's gardens. It was constructed under the late Baroness' perhaps even a contest to find one's way through the Maze
( whose true shape is not known to th e revellers) . or contests at
orders and it is shaped like a heart. although most people
arms in which the suitors can take out their frustrations on
would need to observe it from above to notice this fact, and it
cannot acmally be seen at the proper angle from any of the each o ther and anyone else foolish enough to enter.
Castle windows. Thi s is no accident. The Baroness did not
want anyone to know the shape of her Maze, and to this day, Things To Do
no o ne does. • Make new friends! Wynna. Amodarin and Brevia seem
It takes an Idea or N«I!ig>/ioll skill roll not to get lost in the like nice people, except mar Wynna keeps mooning on
first five minutes. Forsome reason that is not easily explicable. about that no-show, Nyv.
• Let's explore! You keep an eye on the corridor while I just in front of it in the nonnal way and is suddenly fully able to
rifle through this shrine. .. oops! Hi there,your reverence! apprehend it (thar is, they will have been Shi/i:ed onto the
• A chivalrous deed! We can help the Lady in distress by plane on which it exists). The 90 degree lureh does not bother
fmding her lost love. Forget the soppy Prince! the Prince, but it might make othersa bit queasy.
The door is the entrance to the chamber of Lady Corwellyn,
• Follow your heart! Where is the damn thing? Maybe the It is not locked. The room inside is smaIl and dark and lit by
silly Prince knows. (Indeed. the Prince may display an gen>s glittering in a bracket in the walls. The gems are Crystals.
uncanny abilityto deal with heart-shaped phenomena. his The Lady's chamber is strewn with the impedimenta of magi-
particularobsession.) cal experiments: racks of powders, rows of scrolls, stuffed
Heartfelt Clues animaIs and a scarred trianguhr worktable.
Lady Corwellyn 's ability to combine Vadhagh science with
• Overheard nearthe sick room: "Sht has her father'shean- Chaos sorcery allowed her almost complete security in her
would ht had hers!" What does this mean? (Nothing work, Even her beloved companion Amodarin was told only
much). that there was a place to hide beneath the Baron's statue in the
• Ox-heart stew: a special dish that takes threedays to pre- Maze, but nothingat all of the chamber.
pare, preoccupying the kitchen staff. At the garncmaster's discretion. this chamber can be le/i: by
• A room occasionally referred to as "the heart of the cas- anotherdoor at the opposite sideof the room which leads into
tle": the GrandHall a castle that lies on the unknown planewhet'< the chamber has
been Iocared, (The Lady Canvellyn led fur more than just a
• Th e outline of a heart, faintly etched on one of the waIls do"hIt life!)
of the shrine (takes a long time of uninterrupted Starthing
to discern). The pointed base of the outline, if pressed, Contained in the chamber are:
reveals a shallowalcove within which one finds ... • Lady CanveIIyn's Grimoire. For those that way inclined.
• The plans of L.dy CanveIIyn's Maze drawn in her O\\TI there are 9 ChacricEffects here, derails of the summoning
hand. with notations of the Contriving that makes the and paer prices for two Quos Creatures, and the true
maze unsolvable save by those "no truly love her. These nameof one Demon.
plans also confirm that the maze is shaped like a heart, • Plans, Crystals, ere. of use to anyone interested in Con-
but it may take quite a lot of effort to figure them out in triving. (At the gamenuster's discretion).
the first place. • An apparition. In her dying hours the Lady created an
In My Lady's Chamber apparition of herself. designed to appear if Prince BoW
were ever to find her chamber (which she reckoned he
Beneath the statue of the Baron in the heart of the Maze there
is a hole about the size of a small closet. Steps have been cut would). Th e apparition sa)~ that she loved him truly and
into one ofthe waIIs of the hole, leading down, thathe must nowlook mer the happiness of herdaughter
It is likely that when the adventurers discover this space they Wynna. If nothing else has done so heretofore, this appa-
will see "nat appears to be Lady Wynna's Golden H eart at the
rition should disabuse the Prince of the idea that Wyrma
is her mother - as well as reduce him to tears once more.
bottom of the hole, where the Lady herself has put (well,
dropped) it. The Prince recognizes it right away as something (Cynicalgamemasters may decide that an Insight roll sug-
that he and his lost love Contrived together - and he breaks gests that perhaps, but onlyperhaps, the apparition's sen-
down, of course. timents cannot be wholly nuseed.)
Attempts to grasp the Heart The Golden Heart (part
fail Someone who has the abil- Two)
ity to see into other planes and You do remember that there
the wit to try to do so (like the was this Golden Heart outside
Prince if no one else thinks of the chamber door, don't you?
it) sees that the acruaI Heart is Someone should really pick it
on another plane, in front of an up. since there are not all that
exquisite door made of many Contrivances that have
Cannine Ash from the Forest the propertyof existing on one
of Laahr decorated with solid plane while projecting an illu-
gold studs in the shape of two sion of themselves on another.
hearts entwined. (This sight Perhaps in time someone will
could well provoke another even find a usefor it. Why did
flood oftears from the Prince). no one discover this property
Disconcertingly, this door of the Golden Heart before?
lies on the bottom of the hole. And d~t anyone want to
An?ne who grasps its (invisi- give it to Count Nyv?
ble) handle is Shifted to stand
In wl,icI, our I,eroes go to pot and take a plane trip

REPARE YOURSELVES now for the tale of a lost Day is to be a relic that is supposedly some kind of key to a
city. nestled on another plane. The adventurers treasure hidden somewhere, although few of the traders actu-
must first lind the city. then learn its significance. ally believe this to be the case.
and /inally,playa part in "flat it will become. If the characters inquire as to who owns the special relic or
Setting "flo has summoned this particular Day of Uncovered Items,
The action could take place in several regions of the World of they are directed to an oversized caravan at the center of the
the Five Planes: the place where the adventurers first learn of chariots. It is a strange vehicle hung with manypennants and
the city. the place wherethey learnhow to lind it, and the place banners covered in arcane writings. The flags are wards in
where the entrance to the city itself is located. Either B1'O-an- languages from all over the Five Planes. This is the caravan of
Mabden or Lwym-an-Esh seem well suited as locations for the Kanagh-Dor. but she is not receiving visitors right now.
Day of Uncovered Items and the coastal town. Th e Serpent Do-d,agl,
Ousm might be located in B1'O-an-Y.1dlugh or in Khoolocrah, There is a Nhadragh within the crowd of traders. Do-chagh is
,,;uch also seems like a likely spot for A Cty That Is NOL a man of high learning. He is serene and somewhat austere, in
H owever, the entrance to the city may be located anywhere, as many ways a surprising bearing for one of the doomed
long as that place is relatively isolated and boasts a mountain Nhadragh. He is dressed in travelling leathers. a simple cloak
range in which such a gateway might be concealed. A lost city, and riding gloves. Do-chagh seems to know something of
after all, needs to be lost in order for someone to lind it; Nhadragh history. More than that, he actually seems proud to
be a Nhadragh. and he can regale the adventurers with tales
of Legends And Relics and legends of glory. [In point of face, he is one of the Commu-
The adventurers art on the road again. Perhapsthey are return- nity of 10m""",,! an elite section of the Nhadragh underground.
ing home from Castle Gorum or &Iik's Doom, or art between but he would gladly die rather than reveal that, or anything
locations on some other adventure. Perhaps they have been about the underground mocemenr.]
hired by a bureaucrat of some description to establish whether
The Auction
rumors of Mabden raiders wrecking havoc on certain trade
routesare tru e. After the auction of v.u10US artifacts - perhaps a Composite
Bow chat shows Nhadragh influence, a Contrivance that no
A C h ance Encounter onecan figure out, and a beautifully workedmcdalIion, all sold
Parr way through the adventures' journey, they come across a at prices chat make the adventurers blanch (even if they are
gathering of assorted peoples. It seemsas if members of all the flush with cash from their most recent adventures) - the
sapient groups of the World of the Five Planes are here. Beasts moment arrives where the Day's featured item is to be sold. By
of burden stand tethered in tall grass feeding while their this time, night has fallen and the only light comes from the
owners are grouped around a central fire within a circle of giant campfire in the middle of the circle of wagons.
battered and roadworn chariots. Now at last, Kanagh-Dor descends form her caravan, Lit by
These people art traders, or representatives of traders. They the central fire she holdsalofi the handle of an ancient vase. It
have come together because of an auction of artifacts. Appar- is the size of a large animal's tusk and heavy enough that it
ently such auctions are not uncommon, and they are known as requires two hands to raise it up. It is made from a dark stone
"Daysof Uncovered Items". The centerpiece of this particular veined with purple and peppered with so many sa"age shards
of the same purple crystal chat would it would seem to be
impossible to grip the handle as K.lIlagh-Dot is doing without attempt, the other raiders turn their attention to killing
cutting oneself Indeed, there are a tinytrailsof blood dripping and looting the traders. If they arc thwarted by, say. the
downher arms, adventurers grabbing some of the pieces, the fight may
A storm is growing as the bidding starts. Its winds lick at well turn into a bloody version of Pass the Parcel Per-
the flames, encoW"aging them higher. The characters may actu- haps the most desirable result of this of the fight
ally want to bid for the piece themselves. Keep in mind that would be that the raiders take some shards of the handle
many ofthe traders gathered here will stop at nothing short of and the adventurers are left with some others.
actual violence to get what they want. including threats and 2 No matter what the result of the battle for the handle
intimidation. bits. the adventurers are likely to be the principal faeror
Th e light fiom the fire swells and falls with the gusting of in ftnally foiling the raiders' plans to loot, kill. and maim
the wind, casting weirdshadowsat the edges ofthe camp. Or is all these peaceful (and well-heeled) traders.
that movement? If the adventurers in\"CStigate they may catch
fleeting sight of figures moving around out beyond the camp Effects of the Stonn
in the dark. The following modifiers can be applied to the traders and
Do-chagh is prominent among the those bidding. and may the adventurers during the course of the battle. Th e fetishes
even be the one to make the last, highest, bid. carried by the Mabden raiders make them immune to the
Ar the peakof the bid, the 'goingonce.going twice' stage. a effects o f the sorcerous storm,
javelin hurtles out ofthe darkness and pins Kanagh-Dor's ann The powerful wind and rain give these modifiers to
to her caravan. The handle falls fiom her hands and is shat- combat:
tered on the ground. In this instant the full fury of the stonn • -20% to missile fire
bursts upon the camp.
• -10% to arrempts to Dodge in the mud. Fumbles result
The Raid in the character slipping over; it takes 103 rums to rise.
Mabden raiders have surrounded the camp. They begin to • Successive Dodges and Parries are at -40% less rather
arrack as the storm hits. The garnemaster should make sure than the usual -30%.
that there are just enough raiders to make for an interesting.
challenging and victorious fight - and that some get away. The Raiders Flee
When the raid begins, Do-chagh fades into the crowd and Once it is dramatically valid. or the adventurers have cut down
disappears. H is survival is more important than obtaining a several raiders. the remainder (probably including their leader.
broken artifact. the Ouos sorcerer TO\'Iat) flee. and the storm almost immedi-
T"" thingsshould be made clearin the course of the battle: atdy dissipates. Kanagh-Dot uses Physik and Chaotic Effects
to help herself and the wounded, The matri.m:h then asks to
I The raidersare mer the relic. Two attackers run to scoop speak to the characters directly.
up pieces of the fallen handle, while the others distra ct
the crowd by spreading mayhem. If they succeed in this
A Proposition from Kanagh-Dor Anno r: None
Kanagh-Dor invites the adventurers into her ward-en crusted Skills: Bargain 55%, Dodge 25%, Evaluate 70%, Five
caravanand offers them rca that contains a mild relaxant. If the Planes 70%, Insight 55%, listen 60%, Physik 60%, Move
adventu rers have saved some of th e handle (and if they deter- Quietly 50%, Natural \f\.brld 55%, Navigate 45%, Unknown
Kingdoms 15%.
mine to t ell Kanagh- D or of thi s), she thanks th em bu t
explains ruefully that such an artifact is worthless on the MaI.den Raiders (akut 20)
market unless it is intact. These guys are hardened sold iers driven by th eir sense that all
At any rate, she is grateful to the adventurers fo r their inter- peop les everywhe re are their enemies (which is quite poss ibly
vention and she says honor demands that she offer them the case). They fighr without honor, only to win. Barbaric and
something in exchange for what th ey have d one this night to purely decorat ive symbols have been burned into th eir chests
save th e lives and fortunes o f th e tra ders. What she offers them and the ir armor is ma de so thar these marks are clearly visible.
is the best trading opportunity that it is in her po wer to give. They are carrying Ragha-da-Kheta fetishes given to them by
Kanagh-Dot came to th e D ay Of U ncovered Items as the the ir lead er, Tovlar, which prorect them from th e effects o f his
agent of a certain merchant, charged to sell just that ancient bit of weather manipulation (see Tovlar, below)' These fetis hes
handle. Th e merchant wasanxious to see what such anartifact. dissolve into murk when Tovlar's sorcery wears o ut.
unknown to thi s tim e, would fetch in the markets ofthe world. Chaos 28, Balance 0, Law 0
H e ha d made a deal with her that, once the handle was sold , STR 11 CON 11 SIZ 16 INT9 POW 13
Kanagh-Dor would undertake an expedition to th e place where DEX 11 APP 13 HP 14
it had been found and bring back any other treasures that Damage bo nus: +1D4
might be th ere. w,apons: Light Mace 45%, damage 106+2 (+104)
She thi nks the merchant will be even more convinced of the Small Shie/d51%, damage kb+1D3 (+104)
item's value when he learns of this night's adventure. She offers Annor: leather & Rings (l 06+1)
the adventurers the oppo rtunity of undertaking the expedition Skills: Dodge 40%, Hide 40%, listen 60%, Move Qu ietly 40%,
with h er and splitting her proceeds down th e middle. (This Ride 60%, Track 50%, Search 50%.
m eans that they stan d to realize about 25% of the total, since
Possessions: A fetish of roned sea urchins and cactus needles,
the merchant rakes 50% off the top). which protects aga inst the effects of violent storms. (Some of
If they agree to her offer, she suggests that they wait for these may be duds, of co urse).
morning and travel separate ways in a leisurely manner to a
particular coastal town to throw off any suspicion. Tovlar theDefiled
MaLden .M erce n ary Sorcerer, ~e 4 1
Plotlines for Opportunists Tovlar is a tall lean pale being with viciously sharp features and
Of course, some adventurers will join the raiders instead In dark, black eyes. H e is a auming leader and warrior, usin g his
this case, the raiders succeed in obtaining a large, but worthless sorcery t o increase his mens fighting capability and advantage
and useless chunk of the handle largely because of thc help of in battle, Tovlar is a classic Chaos villain - cruel in the
the adventurers. They are willing to form an allianc e. Kanagh- extreme, proficient and n ot afra id of forsaking his soul or
Dor and other elements of the traders in the camp. however, those of his men to achieve glory. H e wishes to take the handle
undertake to pursue the adventurers to the death. so that he can sell it for fabulous riches, and he means to find
The raiders know where to fmd the sailor who originally where it came from because he believes there must be more
found the handle (see below)' and they have ways to make him treasure there.
tell them exactly where he found it. Chaos 69, Balance 0, Law 0
5TR 16 CON 16 51Z 17 INT 14 POW 14
SOIne Characters DEX 15 APP 15 HP 17
Kanagh-Do r Damage bonus: +106
Kanagh-Dor is a canny and resourceful trader, something like a Weapons: Decorated Khoo/ocrah Club' 72%, damage 206
Romany matriarch. Long ago, she escaped from a barbarian (+106)
harem. She can engage the characters in intellectual conversa- Throwing Axe 13J 62 %, damage 106 (+1D3)
rion if that is their bent, and it is clear that she is a cultured Armor: l eathe r & Rings (106+ 1)
woman. There is no reason for her to treat the adventurers Skills: Craft (Torture) 55%, Barga in 65%, Dodge 60%, Hide 50% ,
dishonestly and her sense ofdebt to them is real, but she is also Listen 60%, Move Quietly 60%, Natural V\brld55%,
an efficient and even ruthless nomadic trader with a talent for Physik 60%, Ride 70%, Track 60%, Trap 50%.
exploration and an eye for the main chance. She dresses in Abilities: Sorcery (Air, Bile, Cha in of Being, Dust Cloud, Gore,
practical clothing and bears a scar on her left cheek, earned Heal ing, Qu ills, Snout, Water, Zap, and Storm of Demon
whil e gerring out of that harem. Spittle, see below).
Storm of Demon Spittle. ThisChaotic Effect isone of Tovlar's
Chaos 37, Balance 51, law 43
OVvT'l creation. It takessome time to take hold, but within 20-
5TR 9 CON14 51ZlO INT16 POW 16 30 minutes of beingsummoned, it causes a powerfu l storm to
DEX 12 APP 8 HP 12 converge around a focal point. The effects of the stormon
Damage Bonus:- combatants areoutlined above. Controllingthe weather,
w,apons: None eve n on th issmall scale, usually takes about 210 Magic
Points, 200 of which come from Tovlar's raiders in a Chain of • Another informant recalls such a chasm. As a child she
Being. travelled near it in a small sailing ship. The chasm cas-
Possessions: 'Iovlar's club has a foca l point inscribed on its head, cades with sea water. The crew called it The Serpent
which is what makes it lookso decorative. He hasa long- Chasm, The informanr can tell what coast the chasm "as
termdealwith the Ragha-da-Kheta sorcerer \\oho soldhimthe on and indicate on a map about where she remembers it
club to supply himwith bulkquantities of "Dryzabone!"
protection-from-storm fetishes, which he passes out to the to have been.
raiders before he summons one of his Demon Spittle Storms. • Legend says some chasm o n this coast was split ope n to
release Demons into this world by a dark-hearted sor-
cerer. It is dangerous place and many who live close ro ir
Towards the Serpent Chasm have lost loved ones ro Demon kidnappers. (Perhaps this
The adventurers journey to the coastal town suggested by star}' is heard in a town o n the coast where the chasm is
Kanagh-Dor. Are the)' followed? Do they know it? Can they locared.)
throw their pursuers, if an)', off their trail?
In the town they rendezvous with Kanagh-Dor in whatever • A chasm shaped like a snake? Thatd be the Wreckers Cer-
degree ofsecrecythe gamemasterdeems appropriate. Whether vice. It's a place inhabited by wreckers who use lights to
they aerually meet the merchant or not is unimportant. lure ships to the rocks and salvage the bounty. (perhaps
Supplies for the expedition are adequate. The merchant is this sto ry is heard in a town on the coast where the chasm
good for anything they need within reason, but he and islocared.)
Kanagh-Dor believe that it will be in their best interest to Kanagh-Dor should be amenable to any suggestion fiom the
appear to be a modest, unambitious trading venture. adventurers. but she is not stupid and won't be stampeded into
Kanagh-Dor can give them some background. She sa),s the precipitous action . Once the information seems good. she is
merchant has boasted to her that he obtainedthe handle in this willing to set sail.
very town from a drunken sailor who traded it for a bottle of
bad green wine. Before he passed out the sailor chimed he had Getting There
found it in the Snakt Pit. No such place is known and the Once the expedition has made it to the correct coast. if the
merthant did not think that he ought to be around when the adventurers determine to travel on [ 0 the chasm by sea. any
sailorwoke up on the morning after. captain experienced in the area can tell them that there is no
Kanagh-Dor thinks other sailors may be able to help locate place to make a landfall anywhere near the place itself They
this mysrerious Snake Pit. She assigns the adventurers the task will have to be put o n shore at some distance, climb the steep.
ofseeing whatthey can find out about it. windswept cliffs. populated with large, fierce, predatory birds,
and jowney across them for somerimeto the Serpent Chasm
Asking Around In truth the chasm is not inhabited by wreckers or Demons.
Discovering accurate information should prove difficult, as the If the expedition makes a Iandf.ill as suggested and travels for
place they are looking for is dangerous to approach by sea, some days. it eventually comes across a violent landscape of
isolated, barren and rarelvvisited. crags and pointed rocks. Cautious travel is required through
If the adventurers ha";' made an ally of Captain Lanya-an- this terrain, for it is almost as dangerous to approach the
Hossoth (see Jewelled Destinies)' she may be able to help Serpent Chasmby ~d as by sea. It is.Fssible that the charac-
them. but it will probably make for a better game if they have ters may slip aod 1l1Jure themselves (Luck and C1lmbing rolls
to spend some rime and effort to piece together information may be ealIed for). It is evenpossible that Kanagh-Dor herself
worth a<ring on from the various tales they are told. maydie, at the garnemaster's discretion. The expedition has to
camp for a night amongst the crags. A few hours journey into
• It is not called the Snake Pit. No one ever heard of the the morning they find the place theyhave been looking for.
Snake Pit (except as a means of torture)' Probably there The gash throughthe earth is deep and several miles long. It
are pits 6IIed with snakes somewhere, but who would writhes like a serpent fiom the ocean inland. \'hrer from the
want to knowwhere? Sounds just like the kind of thing a waves crashes over it> lips, making it dangerous to stand
dnmk would imagine. anywhere near the shore.
• There was a sailor who had some kind of valuable thing
he said he got from a Snake Pit. No one has seen him for Searchin g the Place
a long time. Old Gnarly remembers he saw that sailor First the party must descend. hopefully at a point where the
with some fellow had a brand on his chest, seemed to be waves are not a serious problem. There they find that the
something really important they "as talkingabout. chasm is not as impossibly deep assome have reported. In facr.
withinan hour's careful descent, the characters find themselves
• When the idea that perhaps the snake part of the name in the dimIy lit, sea water-filled base. The water reaches their
has something to do with its shape is suggested. an infor- knees, and extends the length of the chasm. After yer another
mant may recall that he once passed by a jagged and rocky hour's walk inland, the characters discover something most
stretch of coastline, in which a deep winding gash unusual.
stretched for some miles. The informant can give a vague
location for the chasm ("north a ways - due north", that
kind ofthing).
TI,. Idol crystalline veins rwming across its surface. Carved onto this
A headcarved from rocksrares forward. severed from irs crum- surface are hundreds of srylized images of mountains, valleys.
pled body, wluch lies in pieces in the watersof the chasm floor. weapons and creatures - roo many. and apparently in too
There is whar appearsro be wriringacross irs forehead. random an make any kind of feasible map.
The Miring is in no script known [0 the adventurers or to There are as many handles on this vase as there are parry
Kanagh-Dor, bur she believe ir is vcryancient indeed. It seems members presenL That numberdocs not correspond to any of
to consist of simple shapes and picrographs. Th e pictographs the images of vases like this in any of the reliefcanmgs in the
seem related ro designs on the handle arid some seems to show temple building. Like the relic, these handles are ridged with
humanoids praying. a crumbling ciry. and a thin crack opening sharp accretions of the crystal veins.
in the ground. Successful Ir~igbt roIlsindicatethar the Idol is of Despite the sharp protrusions and despite irs weight and
a Mabdenspirit or god. despite the precarious situation of the tcrnple irsclf, Kanagh-
Dor is vet)' likely ro want this artifact,She may even point our
The Last of a Ruin ed City char destiny means for them to have it, since there are just
Beyond the idol is a huge chamber that opens up and faIls away enough handles so char everyone can do his or her fairshare in
beneath the adventurers' feet, In the dark depths below there carrying ir of£
appear to be ruins of buildings, now hardly more than rubble.
except for one structure that lisrs dangcrousIy, recrcring on the Solving the RidJ.I. of the Vase
brink of an even deeper abyss. It is as though ar this poinr the When each parry member has taken hold of a handle, the
earth opened up and swallowed a city. (It may now appear char sharp ridges of crystal imbed themselves into their hands,
the crevasse irsclf may have originated here. sending irs causing blood to flow quite ~ely (the characters each
serpentine branches inland and oceanward from loose 2 HP during the blood lerring) and
the ciry)' making it impossible to break the grip. The
The leaning structure may have been a blood fills the crystal veins that glow dark
temple. It is quite precarious. and the purple. merging into a single flow. It Iinks
adventures' approach and exploration landmarks on the surface of the vase,
may well cause its stones to shift and making a single trail through the
walls to crwnble even more. Skele- images of rivers. cities and the like
t.1I remainsspill out of hundreds that deco rate it.
of shattered tombs carved in the The blood traces irs way to a
collapsing walls. In the center of final point, a mountain, char
the largest space in the building appears to glow with greater inten-
there is a giant vase of similar siry than the other highlighted
proportions to the handle displayed landmarks. The mountain suddenly
on The Day of Uncovered Items. burns white hot, sending a shuddeting
Relief carvings inside the temple are as pain through the parry's hands. The pain
difficulr to make sense of as the writing on is acute (another 3 HP). Luckily, now the
the carved head. However, an Idea roll parry members find they can ler go of the
imparrs the impression that some figures may vase's handles. However, each now has one
be Mabden and others.. . Nhadragh! The two part of the highlighted map burned into his or
groups appear to be living together in peace and her hand. By arranging their hands together
harmony. The Mabden seem to be worshippers in they can form the entire map. dewy showing the
the temple, the vase seems to be a gift to them from route to the mountain. (This unique brand is not
the Nhadragh. One sceneshows a numberof Mabden and permanent and disappears afi:cr some weeks).
Nhadragh around the vase, each grasping a handle. This
There is nothing else of interestin the chasm. The journeyout
number(and thus the number ofhandles on the vase) is differ-
of the crevice should be no harder than their descent, even if
ent from the number of adventurers present, there are either
they are lugging the stupid '<lSC with them. It docs not prick
fewer or more figures - but there is no need for the gamemas-
them in this way again. and their blood is soon absorbed inro
ret to draw attention to any such comparison.
ir (crccpy!). leaving no traceofthe map. However, the shardsin
The vase, and perhaps some burial jewelry and other like
the handle are still sharp and will cause somelacerations unless
items, are the only things undamaged in the burial chamber.
precautions are taken
Pbysik roIls indicate the skeletal remains ro be both Mabden Kanagh-Dor's reaction to all of this is ar the gamemaster's
and Nhadragh.
discretion. Perhaps the simplcsr solurion would be for her ro
Examiningthe Vase insist on raking the vase and other tomb artifacts back ro the
The vase is huge, oversized, baroque. It is filled with stagnant merchant, bur to offer the adventurers a substantial advance on
water. that in combination with irs size will make it vcrydiffi- the anticipated profit to finance their search for wherever it is
cult to lift. Like the relic the characters have seen, the entire that the map is showing.
vase has been carved from a strange fragile stone with purple.
An Ancient Secret PaUl B attle in the Empty Cllam1er
One of the markings on the map is a stylized skull, like the The deeper into the mountain the characters travel, the thinner
carved rock face in the Serpent Chasm. It is placed by a styl- the air becomes. Their breathing should be quire labored as
ized ocean suggcsring that the skull may be representative of they reach a Iargc chamber, along the f.rr wall of which there is
nameless place in which they have just been. From chis point a thick slab of stone incised with the muge of a maelstrom.
the characters can locate their position in relation to the route The massive, heavy stone does not yid d to pressure - and
shown on the map. Other landmarks will be useful in helping banging on it is partirularly fiusrraring since fist on stone
the characters remain on track. Of course the vase is several makes no sound.
thousand years old and much of the landscape has changed. The adventurers may want to search for secret catches, levers
Thev fmd nothing to indicare that an)"ne has ever regularly and doorways, none of which can be found. H owever. the tinse
used this pathway even countless cons before. This is indeed, spent searching allows the raiders to catch up with them.
an ancient secret road. if road it ever was.
Landmarks Am1ushed!
Tovlar's Raiders have been tracking the adventurers with
A Forest which has been cut down and replaced by farm land sorcety, which has also keep them concealed nom prying eves.
in ages gone by has len no trace. Perhaps thej- killed Kanagh-Dor, stole the vase and learned Its
A River although long since dried up. proves a more reliable secret, Or perhaps, haling been beaten to the vase. they have
aid. The characters can follow its dried course north for been following the adventurers since.
four days which will bringthem within a few days travel of At any rare, Tovlar has decided that this isa perfea time and
a vast desert. place to rid himselfof the adventurers forever.
A Stylized Flame flame represents this desert, now f.u- larger Fondling his Chaotic mace. Tovlar thanks the characters for
than shown on the map. which must be crossed in order to their assistance in finding the destination marked on the map.
In a saccharine voice he offers themthe choice of really painful
reach the mountains.
deaths or the straightforward guts and goreof willing sacrifices
An Old Barrlefield, indicated by a crossed sword and spear, toArag.
sriII exists, now sired deep in the desert. The only visible The adventurers have a battle on their hands if they wish to
signs that armed conflict once took place are a few bronze live.
shards of \\Capons scattered in the sand. H owever, from The statistics for the Mabden raiders are provided earlier in
this location a single, rail mountain peak can be seen. and the scenario, on page ISO. There are ten of them- or just as
that seems to be the mysterious endpoint of the journey manv as the gantcmaster thinks will induce the adventurers not
charred by the map. to s~der but should sriII make for serious opposition.
Oth.. Mouneain Ranges, symbolizcd by the all-too-common Tovlar seeks out the sorcererously inclined among the defend-
peaked-hac shapes. still do exist, providing both verifica- ers, and if there are none of those, moves against the strongest
tion of the adventurers other C3rtological interpretations fighrcr.
and more orientation
An Unexpected Rescu e!
A Wmg<d Serpent and a number of Strang< Lrrge-Headed The activity in the chamber has been monitored by an anned
Humanoids are ptetty much incomprehensible to 3n)"ne group who are stationed behind the decorated stone slab. A
alive now. passionate debate has ensued amongthe members ofthe group
W hat the Mo untain Hide. in which the strong fcclings of the youthful majority have
Close inspection of the mountain design on the map reveals a prevailed over the cool reason of the leading officer.
small sun design at midpoint within it, All the adventurers Just at that moment when things are looking most dire for
need do is climb the mountain to approximarely this point, the adventurers, a truntpet blast rings out, the stone cracks
where they find two standing stones, carved with runes almost open. btight light streams into the chamber, and thirty
entirely wo rn a"",y by wind and weather, that flank a cave Nhadragh "w ars charge into the room to do barrIe with the
entrance. raiders. These warriors use huge bronze shields. spears. and
swords against the raiders, although they are not heavily
armored. With these Nhadragh on their side, the characters
should make short work of their attackers.
The Old Ways City Soldiers,
Once inside the cave the adventurers find themselves in a As- c. 200-500
tunnel that gradually slopes upward, The darkness is total, of These are earnest, capable young male and female Nhadragh
course. Although it has been cleverly feigned. a very astute who fight with preternatural coordination. each seenting
observer maybe ableto discern that this tunnelis not a natural exacrlv to anticipate the actions of the others. This ability
one but the work of sentient beings. incrca'.scs the effcaivcness of each individual when fighting in
the group. One of the soldiers is older than the others (in faa
about 650) and seems to initiare some actions (including
contact with the adventurers), While this person is dearly the
group's officer. in combat she acts as one with the rest. The Once the characters hit th e curtain they feel th emselves
weapo ns and armor of all th e soldiers are made of bronze. (At washed over by a cool, tingling sensation - not pain but a fresh
the time of the adventurers' arrival, the City knows nothing of invigorating feeling. as though they have been splashed by
iron ). water, or caressed by a cool spring breeze. This rakes only
Chaos 0, Balance 21, Law 45 seconds.
s TR 15 CON 16 sIZ 11 INT 13 POW 24
DEX 19 APP 15 HP1 4
Damage bonus: +104 A City In A Waterfall
Weapo ns: ' Long Spear 45% (65%), damage 1DlO+1 (+104) Immediately thereafier they find themselves inside a giant
'Sholtsword 55% (75%), damage 1D6+1 (+104) conical structure, ringed with thousan ds of empty seats which
' Sling 60% (80 %), dama ge 1D8 (+1D2) arch above them in an unsettling manner, seemingly detying
' Large Shield 50% (70%), damage knockback the laws of physics.
Armor: Plate (1Dl 0+ 2) The warriors lead the party outside, where th ey can see that
Skills: ' Brawl 55% (75%), Climb 45%, 'Dodge 65% (85%), they are in a marvellous city beneath a warm purple sky.
Hide 35%, Insight (appli es to fore igners only) 25%, Strangest ofall is the horizon. For fifty miles up, all around the
Jump 40%, Listen 30%, Move Qu ietly 50%, Natural World city. a massive waterfall cascades down from above. The Wolter
(or Way of the Sea) 45%, Navigate 65%, ' Physik 70% (90%). seems to do no damage, but a faint fresh spray tingles th e air.
Sailing 75%, Swim 90%. The city itself is an architectural wonder. Canals filled with
, The second percentage in each markedskill reflects the indi- water allow light skiffs made from delicate silver wires and
vidual'sabilities when acting in the group. (See the material gossamer sheering to carty lightly dad Nhadngh fi:om build-
on the Nhadragh in the Runningthe Game chapter, and ing to building. The buildings appear to be made of marble
some of the marvelsof city life describedbelow: foran expla-
nation of why this should be so). and sandsto ne. They have ope n windows and tiled roo fs and
are surrounded by extensive gardens. Frescos and statues,
As some raiders flee the chamber one of the soldiers raises a tapestries and bann ers - artwork o f every kind - can be seen in
gleaming cornet and blows a ringing blase A soun d o f falling abundance.
ro ck and screaming attests all-too-well to their fate. [perhaps The soldiers escort the characters to skiffs which take them
t oo weII - this device is intended to give Tovlar the D efiled a
a sho rt distance to a hrge domed building. All the way along
way out if the garnernaster wants to make future use of him.]
their short journey th e city's Nhadngh inhabitants stop to
Once the battle is over, the Nhadragh warriors bow to the gaze at the passing strangers, their faces filled with delight and
adventurers and indicate that they are welcome to enter behind
the cracked stone.
The city dwellers appear to dress in very little. Their skins
The language they speak is a strange, and entirely unfamiliar,
are copper-toned. their faces angelicand their hair varies from
musical tongue that strikes the adventurers' ears as somehow
rith gold to sienna black. They do not wear beards: their
almost unfini shed. A Nhadngh adventure r may be suddenly
bodies, like those of the Vadhagh are smooth and hairless.
struck by a sense of loss and longing, like an image from the
They travel barefoot, gold bracelers and rings ado rn ing their
past that will not crystallize, but even other Nhadngh cannot
ankles and toes. Light skirrs are worn abo ut th eir waists and
understand what is being said.
sho rt capes o f various colors hang from their shoulders. Men
A certain t ension between the older officer and his younger
and women dress identically.
companions may be percept ible to the adventurers.
Th. Curtain of Light A Meeting
When all are gathered behin d the cracked slab ofstone, one of The huge d omed building has only the one room, defined by
the Nhadngh warriors places two hands on the waIl to one the walls that surround ir, The adventurers may be reminded
side. With a harsh graring sound. the stone d oses again into a of the interior of th e temple in th e ruined city - only this is on
seamless surface. The adventurers are in an austere antecham- a far, far grander scale. Inside hang richly colored tapestri es.
ber, dearly used by the soldiers. It is well lit and ventilate d, On reed mars along one of the walls o f the room nearly a
although no source o flight or air can be discerned. hundred Nhadragh - male and female, dressed in long flowing
Along the far waIl of the antechamber there is a shimmering robes with extensive trails. One of these peo ple stan ds as the
curtain of purple light about the heighr of a person. Three of party is escorted to the center of the room.
the soldiers salute the rest and approach the curtain of light in The Nhadngh po ints to hims elf and says ''Aedor - ." H e
single file. They appear to burn white as they step into it, An then points to the adventurers and encourages them to intro-
adventurer with the Plan e Shifi: or Plane VISion abilities may duce themselves. From the moment that th e adventurers
have a strong sense that there is nothing to fear from this light announce their names to Ar dor, every inhabitant of the city is
curtain. able to address them by name.
Gentle gestures by one of the younger soldiers invite the Ardo r gestures to th e map-etched han ds of th e adventurers.
adventurers also to enter the curtain o f light, Although the Then he holds his fists togeth er, making a crashing noise as he
Nhadragh soldiers behave with grear counesy and understand- moves the knuckles apart so that they reveal a crack of sorts,
ing. they will even tually throw the adventurers through one-by- Aedo r is trying to indi cate thar he kn ows the adventurers have
one if they have to. come from the ruined city.
Ador on the ocean floor. H e says that he rejoices chat Tregolow, the
Menlor, Age 8 50 once ruin ed city in which Nhadragh and Mabdcn lived so
Aedor \ 'VaS picked at random for the task of acting as a mentor happily has been rebuilt and can once again send ambassadors
for the visitors. H e is Wlfailingly patient and courteous - to A Citv That Is Not. what he can of what is asked of him and remaining The advenrurers who have undergone the ritual are ablenow
striccly neutral in his accounts of the grmving division between [0 converse with the inhabitants of the city in their own musi-
yo=g and old in the city. On the other hand, he volunteers no cal tongue. What they say and how Acdor and others respond
information beyond what might be needed by a tourisr [what is up to them. These Nhadragh are a civilized. peaceful people
to see. what to eat, erc.). As a matter of personal preference. at with no evil intent and their responses, channeled through
almost any time of day OT night Aedor would rather be weav- Aedo r, should reflect chat.
ing exttaon:linarily colored f..brics from th e sea flax and rare The name of this city really is A City That Is Not. Adven-
fibers sheared from denizens of the surro unding ocean. H e is rurers \\iII recognize chat "Trcgolow", the name Aedor calls
touchingly susceptible to praise of his work, which he secretly the ruined city, is an awkward, probably very old. wayof saying
believes has gone unrecognized in the community at large. The Town Of The Light.
Chaos O. Balance 67, law 80
STR 14 CON 12 SIZ 13 INT 15 POW 26
Damage bonus: +104
A NtwJIlAGH AD\otNTlJRBI has no privileged
\'\\>apons: "Loog Spear 55% (75%), damage 101 0+1 (+104)
· Shol15word50% (70%), damage 106+1 (+104) knowledge of the language nor, at this point, has
· Sling 40% (60%), damage 108 (+102) any immediate sense of overwhe lmingly direct
•Large Shield 30% (50%), damage knockback kinship with these Nhadrag h. Clearl y, what is
happ ening is like ly to be an extremely e motiona l
Annor: Plate (1 010+2)
experi ence for an y Nhadragh of the World of Five
Skills: Art (Group Singing) 80%, · Brawl35% (55%), Oimb 35%, Planes, and clearl y the inhabitants of this city are
Craft (""'aving) 90%, "Dodge 55% (75%), Evaluate 60%, likely to be perplexed by the spiritua l desolation
Hide 35%, Insight (applies to foreigners only)30%, of Nhadrag h from Corum's world - but there is no
Jump 30%, Listen 40%, Move Quietly 40%, Natural \.\br ld instant knowledge of and no miracle cure for what
(or Way of the Sea) 65%, Navigate 65%, "Physik 60% (80%), has happened to the Nhadragh ava ilable in A City
Sailing 80%, Swim 70%. That Is Not.
• Thesecond percentage in each marked skill reflectsthe indio
vidual'sabilities whenacting in thegroup. (See the material
on the Nhadragh in the Running the Game chapter, and
some of the marvels of city lifedescribed below, for an expla-
nationof why thisshouldbe so). A City That Is Not
Ibt nst of this sanario has ban vaittm with tl" assumption thas tl"~""­
The Rite of Acceptance mast" has ahsorbtd tl" i'!fOrmation 01J tl" Nhadragh IJith appiars
Acdor docs his best to communicate to the characters the city thnmgholll this "'[11"" (and tspttially "ar1i,~ Oil JXlgt 107). Ibt dwtlJrrs
dwellers' desire chat they Wldergo a Rite of Acceprance. H e of tl" O ly ThaI Is Not ar,Nhadragh injuII JXI=ion of their rtmarkabk
does this by establishing the won:ls for and Irnking reference to psychic f""'K".
'community' and 'speech.' Once he is satisfied that th e adven-
The party can stay as Aedor's guests. His house is a Typical
turers understand what he wants and are willing to do it, he
Residence (see below)'
leads them to th e Temple (see A Gty That Is Not, below).
The following is a guide to certain customs and to what the
It is enrircly possible chat some may not wish to Wldergo the
city dwellers think about certain things as well as to places of
ritual fOTvarious reasons. The citv dwellers are cool with chat.
SuccessficI Insight roles reveal chat' Aedor means only th e best,
his motives genuine. Culture
In the Temple a giant golden brazier thirty feet wide burns
sweetly scented incense. Acdor ushers the adventurers towan:ls Belief.
the brazier. Out of the darkness of the Temple a priest steps The Nhadragh of thi s city do not believe in an afterlife and do
forwan:! holding a number of small clay pots. not worship gods. Rather they insist chat th e souls of the dead
The priest casts the pots into the brazier and a dense smoke are reborn and reinregrared into the community. It is not
fills the room Its scent is not unpleasant. However. the smoke uncommon to hear comments like ' has the sword arm
feels as though it is Pt}ing open each adventurer's mouth. of Thol-a-Rag' or :Aemor shows the wisdom of Andorra.'
tongu e and throat. Like a living being it slithers deep into the An ocean of fresh water SUITOWlds the city (see The
IWlgs, seeming to open each organ out with a sense of unfold- SWTOWlding Ocean, below). This body of water, which also
ing. [Adcenrurers who are weak may lose consciousn ess at this sustains the city's inhabitants, is of particular significance to
point, roll CON x 3% to scayawake.] them. They do not deiIY it, but th eir lives are dependent on
Aedor seeps forward through the dense clouds of smoke. As and intertwined with it, as the lives of other peoples are upon
he speaks, the adventurers who have Wldergone the ritual th e land on which they live. The citizens of A City That Is
understand him. H e welcomes them to A O ly ThaI Is Not, built Not refer to the ocean as they might to a friend or an enemy,

to a servant or a god. In this way it is constantly, and Form time to rime parries of fishers set off to trawl the
consciously. perso nitied - but no one believes the ocean is a ocean. Paths behind the fountaining horizon of water allow
living thing, much less a divinity. What they do believe is that treacherous access to the ocean's surface. Immense comm unal
there is no clear division between themselves and the ocean in psychic power must be exercised to pull the fishing c:rafr away
whichthey dwell. from the vortex created by the city and toward more normally
navigable waters - and to return home again without mishap.
DailyLife Fishing trips rake many months and are only undertaken by
Fish, "domesticated" crustaceans, sea vegetation, and bread(of groups that have been psychieally trained to form viable little
flour ground from the carcasses of dried fish and yeast communities "bonded" to particular ships that are "crafted"
captured from the air) make up the majot part of the (if one has to have a name for the process) to include severaI
Nhadtagh diec, Fruits, vegetables and herbs taken from the Sea Crystals. Th ese ships sustain their bonded group and act
gardens also plava role. No land mammals exist in the city, the as focii for the group's mental and emotionalenergies. It seems
only domestic food animals are various types of giant crusta- likely that onlv a very little of how such groups operate could
ceans that roam freely about the city and swim in the canals, be understood by most adventurers.
These are fed, cared for, slaughtered and otherwise used for
food (some are "milked" and some lay eggs) by everyone. Crailing
much like communal goats or chickens. Which being crusta- The psychic power of the Nhadragh community expresses
ceans, someare ruppy. itself in all manner of physical things: buildings. clothing,
The average Nhadragh citizen rises at dawn and sleeps at tools, weapons, chariots and so on. Most of these items are
sun set, the cycle of the sun being seen as a convenient indica- quite ordinary things. A few may well have properties similar
tor for a proper life. At nights almost the entire city sleeps. to those of items Contrived on Corum's world, like the hom
City dwellers spend only about 5-6 hours a day in their given whose blast seems to have caused a cave-in when some of the
occupations, the remaining time divided between contempla- raiders tried to escape. Others are Iikelv to appear quite alien
tion, going to the amphitheater or socializing. Games of and outlandish. Still others will have functions which no one
chance and riddle c:rafr are common diversions. "Sun hoops". a can properly explain to the visitors, no matter how much they
variant of quoits, is very popular. All the city dwellers can try. Among all ofthem - ar the gamemaster's discretion - there
swim and do so in the canals throughout the city. From time to may even appear one or two which would be extraordinarily
time singing arise spontaneously through the city. useful back home. Obtaining such itemsshould be as difficult
Many tasks are shared among the entire community. For or as easy as the gamernascer wants it to be.
example, all city dwellers spend a parr of their 1i\'CS in military These goods are " crafted" (at least that is the word for it in
service. Although no one can remember when last they faced the language of the city dwellers). Since there appear to be
an enemy. tradition has it that they must be prepared and that specialist crafie rs throughout the city. the visitors may not
the invasion will come from the world beyond the curtain of think to enquire too deeply into how things are made. Ali:er
Iigh~ All citizens train with spears, short swords, and Iarge they have been in the city for some rime, it is possible that one
shields, learning to work in units of five and to coordinate Ot another adventurer may notice that some of the }'Ounger
tactics in largergroups.The synchronization and coordination
that thesemilitary groups can achieve is quite remarkable.
The adventurers find that manyof the youngeradults residents
rake a great deal of interest in everythingabout the new arriv-
als. They are asked questions about where they comefrom and
warrior/soldiers now have weapons and armor made of imn
and steel instead of bronze.
The r.larket
The market is central to the exchange of goods and services in
the city. A barter system operateshere: the value of an item or
what they have done and what other peoples are there, and so
service determined by quality. availability and need (the more a
forth Also anything that the adventurers say is likely to be
person needsan item. the less is demanded in exchange).
treated by these citizens as particularly interesting, worthwhile
and inrelligcnr. Older city dwellers are not quite so easy to It has been a good year for both crafis and the oceanharvest,
impress, and at times may even display a somewhat superior and as a result A City That Is Not is experiencing a time of
great ease and relaxed living. Learning and education are
bartered in the marketplace. For the cost ofa loaf ofbread and
The Surrounding Ocean three fish a young warrior may be able to purchase half a day's
A City That Is Not is entirely surrounded by a wall of tutoring from an old veteran.
constantly falling water. The water belongs to a fresh water The markethas no set location, traders gathering in front of
ocean. Somehow the city nestles on the ocean floor, as though Morva (see below) one day, in the gardens on another. or by
it were in the bottom of a pit. this or that canaI. Somehoweveryone seems to know where the
How this has happened is not something that can be easily marketis being held, and most, if not all, visit it at somestage
explained to the adventurers, sinceit is basedon psychic energy during the day.
which the Nhadragh control communally and about which the If the adventurers come to the marker, they find themselves
adventurers are likely to have no clue. For the inhabitants of the subjects of a great deal of attention. Younger traders are
the city. this is just the ways things are: the city is where it is likely to offer them all manner of extravagances in exchange for
because that is where they want it to be. Th ey treat it and items they carry about themselves. Anything that the city
think of it as a natural phenomenon. dwellers are not familiar with is of great interest to these trad-
ers,Older traders, however. disdain whar the visitors have filigree ofgleaming wire. Thcy lie lowin the water and can seat
brought from outside. up to two people.
The Curtain of Light and the Juncture of Two Worlds The Amplutl,eater
The adventurers gained access to the city through a curtain of This is where the characters first arrived. The shimmering
light. The curtain of light is an inrcrplanar portal , of course. curtain of light is a constant presence here, in the side of the
The city dwellersare quite aware of this and not at all averse to wall that faces Morea (see below) and surrounds the perform-
talking about it. They understand that two worlds arc ing area. Three times a day a contingent of 5 soldiers exits and
connected by this curtain. It has long been accepted that the enters the curtain. changing the guard.
world from ..+tith the advencurcrs have come is hostile to A In this amphitheater the walls of seats appear to curve
Gty That Is Not - with the shining exception of Tregolow, inward. gi,oing the interior the appearance of an inverted cone.
destroyed by a natural disaster ages ago. Some of the younger Advencurcrs may expecr to fall, or feel disoriented at least. if
people think that perhaps the traditional belief is wrong. they mount to the highesr seats, but chis is no r the case. Some-
perhaps the other plane is not hostile and perhaps their destiny thing has altered the sense of balance and even the point of
lies there. (See Resolution & Retribution, below). view. The highest seats offer the best view. that is aIL Of
course, no one can properly "'..plain how this works.
What no one knows is where they carne from or what else The amphitheater is used mosrly for theatrical perfor-
may lie on this side ofthe curtain besides the city on the ocean
mances. S"" OJasi~ (see below), and military training. The
floor. These arc questions which have not occurred to the city city's theatrical art, called "the cresting wave" by citizens, is
dwellers to ask. Strangely, when they arc forced to confront highly stylized. imagistic and allegorical. Most of it seems to
these questions the city's inhabitants soon casually change the rake place in a world of dreams and visions - and almost none
subject. They seem unable to concentrate on such topics. of it can be understood by the visitors, no matter how thor-
Within minures of their having been raised, they arc utterly oughly it is explained(in faCt. explanations only make what is
forgotten. (See Unresolved Issues. below)' going on more confusing). This is true even for the simple-
minded "silly ripple" performances featuring broad physical
Places of Interest comedy and staggering acrobatics. Impossible to cell when to
A Typical Residence laugh or when to applaud - exhiIarating, though.
The architecture of A City Thar ls Not is based around a
repeated form - the single room This is true for residences This domed building is the one that the characters were taken
as welL Large open windows with heavy doth curtains allow to first. It is the main meeting haIl and the largest building in
much natural light inro the room revealing a compaerand effi- the city. A series of 20 marble stairs tun up to Marva which is
cienr living space. Often indications of the occupations raised high above the city. Large windows, 15 metersabove the
("crafu") of residents can be seen in the houses - pottery floor, allow natural light to flood in, illuminating its huge
wheels, weaving looms and smithing tools are common, Reed meeting chamber. Like all the archicecrurc of chis city, Morva
beds, simple wicker furnishings and pottery containers make comprises one room. Its domed ceiling is painted in abstract
up the rest of an average city dweller's belongings. Food prepa- designs. Fifry tapestries hang on the walls, each with a symbol
ration and cooking rake place in the open air and often in upon it which indicates one of families ,,110 originally founded
communal spaces Ot "gardens" between the houses. ("Throw the city. A single stretch of stairs ar the back of Morva lead
another Crusty on the barby mare!") down to the City Library ["Morva" means "placeby the sea".]
The Gardens The City Library
The gardens of A City That Is Not arc communal property. Beneath Morva lies the City Library, Lit by a thousand small
Each house extends to a garden conneered with others, result- holes. almost unnoticeable in the floor of Morea, the City
ing in an expansive variety of lush, semi-ttopical plants into Library is dingy at best. Anyone is allowed access to the
which the residences seem embedded like plants themselves. Library The records of the city. housed here, are written on
The gardens follow no boundaries and arc not cut back. As a some kind of papyrus made of fish skin and rolled into scrolls.
result they grow almost everywhere. Many colorful beetles Advencurcrs who have undergone the Rice of Acceptance can
dwell in these gardens and are considered "protected by the read what is written in theserecords without any help.
community". To deliberately rake the life of such a creacure is There arc thousandsofscrolls pertainingto many aspects of
considered a grave crime indeed city life. However. most knmvledge among the Nhadragh is
not preserved in scrolls but in the conunon mind of the
The Canals community. There is nothing here about those matters that
The canals arc not vety deep. They arc filled with fresh water, city dwellers rake for granted (like the power and importance
drawn from the ocean. The floor of the canals are intricately of community and how the wall of ocean is maintained). nor
tiled. Fish and crustaceans swim their lengths and are ncreed about Nhadragh who exist on other planes (it is assumed that
every day for food. (Living things tend to be cooked alive by there are none). Nothing suggests how the city got its peeuliar
the city dwellers, a habit some visitors may find a bit off- name.
putting). The skiffs that skim the canals are apparently made One scroll describes the history of relations with Tregolow
from transparent stretched fish membranes. stretched over a in much the same terms that early English explorersmight have
described relations with a kingdom of West Africa. Even the flower into the well will sec the face of her next lover in the
closestof readingsof what is in the Library(a reading inspired rippling water; Although the water is no longer there, young
by InsiiN), em discover nothing of real signifiemce to the women still cast flowers into the we ll in the belief char the
Nhadragh ofthe World ofThe Five Planes. gcsrure em ensnare a desired lover. Many young men gather
nearby ro spy upon the women and occasionally one is brash
The Temple
enough to try to snarch a blossom as it is thrown.
The characters were brought to the Temple for the Rirual of
This is also a clandestine meeting place for youth. They
Acceptance. It is a large structure bearing a stylized skull and
gather here at night, when evetyone else is asleep, to discuss a
SWl motif above it's archway entrance. Inside it is dark in
plan to leave the city which has taken hold of their imagina-
comparison to most of the other buildings in the city. Incense
tions since the adventurers have arrived
burning in braziers casrs flickering shadows about the room
and sends plumes of sweetly scented smoke into the air (nice TI,e Towers of the Sun
ro smell, bur you em't get off on it)' The Priests ofthe Temple Five Towers of the Sun lie on the perimeters of the city. They
(both men and women] serve in rotation, ""eking in their arc each singularly impressive structures towering about the
given occupations for most of the year and spending thirty rest of the city. Each tower has climbing holes cut into irs
day> living in the Temple. Only one Priest is in the Temple ar inside walls to allow the ascent of the '$un Heralds.' These
any one time. No deities are worshipped here. It is in fact a men and women rise before the sun eath morning and climb to
place of communion, used only when especially strong the top of the towers. Fromhere they singas the sun rises. The
communal power is needed (as, for example, when fishing song comprises five pans (one for each singer) and traces a
ships are sent out on the ocean)' series of ascending chords. Characters who have any apprecia-
tion of music realize the skill of the singers, although the song
Houses of Living Souls irsclf is both quite alien and strangely serene. The "Sun
A belief thar death is only one stage along the path of life has
Heralds" change each day, although there seems to be
resulted in the Houses of Living Souls. There
no duty rosteror other means of keep-
arc about thirty of these scattered through-
ing track of whose
out the city. They are emptyexcept for
turn it is.
hundreds of four inch bv fOur inch
alcoves carved into the inside
walls. The inhabitants of the city
believe that a soul or "life'
essence" is quite small. about
the size of a child's fist. The
alcoves are resting places for the
souls of those who have died
There is nothing material in any
of the alcoves, of course.
The Maiden's Well
The humble-seeming
Maiden's Well is a
tribute to the
enduring nature
of Nhadragh
oral poetry.
The M:!I itself
if is a small
stone structure
in the main
gardens. It has
long since dried
up. but remains
a focus of
courtship, /
Poems claim
that a maiden
who casrs a
.' - / /
Sun Chasing There are no ctiminals in the city. Violent and unjust acts
The sport of Sun Ousing is something of an obsession in the do occur (so rarely that the adventurers may never witness
city. Ou tsiders can only partly understand it, any). but somehow the consequences of the ace are contained.
Whar is clear is that this is a chariot sport. USlng a track that Deception on any significant scale is impossible in a function-
runs right around the amphitheater. Most of the time there ing Nhadragh community and the desire for ,'<ngemce never
"ill be a nwnber of chariots lined up at the start, each with a gets our of hand. somehow absorbed into the communal ebb
driver and a "chaser". The latter wields a long handled nee. A and flow.
bright yellow-gold ball is dropped ahead of the chariots some- There are no further specific stars provided for the inhab-
where on the track. and when it hits all th e chariots go itants of th e city. The City Soldiers may be considered as
charging for it. The chasers cry to scoop up th e ball and then templates for ),ounger cit)' dwellers and Acdor for the older
to keep it in the net, while other chasers attempt to dislodge it people.
and to secure it in theirown nets. Sometimes the ball is delib-
erately passed from one chariot to another. Sometimes there Things to Do
are two chasers in each chariot. (And there may be other varia- There are several actrvmes in which the adventurers may
tions yet)' become involved. They may be tempted to cry their hands at
The contest goes on for a short or a long while, with various Sun Ousing. They ma)' be invited to accompan), an ocean
moves greeted by deafening cheers andl ot jeers and much fishing expedition. They may want to train with the military or
excited. passionate interest. Then. suddenly. for no reason to join a clean-up part}' to check on th e fare of the raiders.
obvious to any visitor, there is even greater cheering and the They may become involved in a romantic intrigue at the
contest is over. Everyone in the crowd finds these endings Maiden's Well.
exrrerelv s3risfiring; and the major topic of conversation after The adventurers' presence has precipitated a crisis. YOlUlger
a day otSun chasing is which contest was that day's best and people have become veer attracted to the world from which the
whv. adventurers have come, while the older generation is uneas)'
tit\' dwellers will find the idea of winners and losers hard to abour that world. The adventurers may exercise a powerfuI
unddsCUld. What they want is a sensational event and their attraction upon some of the )"unger people. strongly opposed
appreciation is for the ways in which all the actions (and acci- by th eir parents. Almost an)' activity in which th e characters are
dents) of the contest are melded togethet. This standard may involved will be colored by the attitu des of the young and the
be the reason that on rare occasions the sport turns violent, old, which are rapidly building towards a flashpoint.
even "dirty". Players have been known to die during long and
dramatic contests. But even when this happens. no one in the
CIO",:l, or anywhere else in the city. is anything less than satis-
fied with th e outcome. crrv THAT Is NOT
Of course there are no stars in Sun Chasing, although it is
something "hith is only undertaken by those dedicated to it, THELONGERlHE ~ STAY in the city, the
not by all cit}'dwellers. Anyone with the skill to drive a chariot; more any Nhadragh among them are likely to be
or to usc a spear or lance, or to throw could prove quite good both buoyed up and cast down by the exper i-
at the spore. People with high DEX would make excellent train- e nce. They should be pleased a nd proud to see
what Nhadragh have done on this other plane.
ees. No one who wants to participate is barred from the
But they may also be upset by the sense that they
contest, which flows around them, seeming to respond in some themsel ves are ex cluded from participating in
mysterious fashion to whatever they do. thi s achievement.
The city dwellers seem to expect something
The Inhabitants from the Nhadragh adventurers that they cannot
As the adventurers interact with the inhabitants of the cirv, supply. (The city dwellers e xpect to establish a
they may make friends and enemies among them. ~t bond of communion, but no Nhadragh from the
happens will depend most of all on the gamcrnaster - or in World of the Five Planes is likely to have the
other words on the sort of city dwellers encountered in this or ability to establish such a bond) . Moreove r, city
that situation. Some of the young people are oafs or hot-heads, dwellers - particularl y the o lde r o nes - do not
some of the older people are hidebound or arroganr, Others in believe that there are any othe r Nhadragh in
ex istence, and thus they cannot acco unt for any
both camps are the kind of people to whom you'd give the
Nhadra gh among the adventurers. They may
shin off vour back. even consider such Nhadragh imposters or
All cirY dwellers of any age practice military skills and take a membersof another race entirely.
rum at being a "Sun Herald". and their abilities are signifi-
candy increased when acting within the group (add 20% to th e
relevant roll). Most inhabitants practice an art or a craft of
some sore. Some are fishers (these also harvest the fibers from Resolution & Retribution
sea that others weave into fabric), Some devote themselves to Over several days the characters are likely to become aware of
Sun Ousing or some other spore. Some are market traders or tensions throughout th e city. There is some squabbling and
reachers or priests. and so forth. even an occasional fight among city dwellers in public places.
A n U rgen t Meeting preparing supplies for the journey. Within a day after leaving
When the rime seems right to the g:unemaster - perhaps the the city, someofthe youths act dispirited. All become progres-
day before the part)' Ius determined they will leave - Aedor sively more disoriented and despairing. Afier three weeks none
explains to the adventurers that they are wgently needed at even remember A City That Is Not or their lives there. They
Morea.The patientman's brow is lined and he uncharacteristi- have, in effecr, become as the Nhadragh of the Wodd of the
cally runs to meeting place, tripping and srumbling a few Five Planes. (The city too perishes and only ocean remains
nmcs. where it once was on that other plane.)
At Morva there are many, many city dwellers. The older If the younger people are to stay, they accept the adventur-
ones among them arc sternlyconfronting the yotmger ones. ers' decision resentfully but dutifully. It is possible that one or
One of the younger citizens speaks to the adventurers: "We more may succeed in sneaking out with the adventurers ( in
want to leave with you. We no longer wan t to be a part of a which case, they will suffer the fate outlined in the previous
backward race. We want to go out into your world and livereal paragraph).
lives like you. We wantto find our lost brethren, ro help them In anycase, as the last traveller leaves the curtain of light, its
and perhaps to bring them back here. We want to learn the glow dims and withina few seconds it has entirely disappeared.
marvellousskills of)"ur kind. We wantto ear food that is not On the way out the adventurers may come across the place
just fish and bread." wherea majorsection of the tunnel Ius collapsed. blown up by
An older citizen replies: "We cannot permit this. If you a puissant hom blast sounded by one of the rescuing warriors
leave, )"u willbe taking»''''y the future ofour city. The test of to capture escaping raiders. Perhaps there is evidence that at
us will perish without our children. We will not be able to do least one raiderescaped the blast. Perhaps not.
the tasks we have to do to keep the city alive. Without )"ur In any case, thereis no way backto A City That Is Not.
young energies, our old bodies and minds will falter, the city
will fall into ruin. There will be nothing to live for, no reason U nresolved Issues
for the city. All happiness will go with you and only grief will A great deal in this scenario is not resolved. It Ius been written
follow." in the spirit of suggesting mysteries, not of resolving them.
The situation is tense. Clearly the adventurers are expected The g:unemaster and the players may never have any contact
to do something. with A City That Is Not again. and these mysteries maynever
The young people simply no longer believe what they have trouble anyone any further.
been told about the world beyond the curtain of light - and On the other hand. the g:unemaster may find it enjoyable to
they have extended their disbelief to include warnings about bring the players and the city back together again, and even to
what their departure will do to the city. The adventurers may resolve some of the mysteries. It may be that the adventurers
side with them. Certainly the old folk seemto be Ia)ing it on a learn more of whatthe Nhadragh are capable ofand that what
bit thick. they learn gives them insight into what they have experienced.
The older citizens are principally interested in insuring the Here are some of the questions left deliberately unresolved
survival of the city and. as they believe, of the Nhadragh race. in this scenario:
They do not believe that there are any other Nhadragh
anywhere and cannot be convinced otherwise. (Any Nhadragh • Where do theseNhadragh come 6<>m?
with the adventurers merely proves their point, because those • This City may be found in other versions on ocher planes.
Nhadragh aredemonstrably unable to do what true Nhadragh What are those versions like?
can do). The older people cannot rationally Ot coherently
explain '\l-oy they "know" their city will be destroyed by the • What else is there, if anything, on the plane in which this
departureof the younger ones, but theyare passionate about it. version of the City exists?
The I'\VO groups, after some days (weekst) ofbickering, have • What unknown talents are evidenced in such buildings as
agreed to abide by whatever decision the adventurers reach - the amphitheater?
and whatever that decision is, the adventurers must leave A
• Why ate the city dwellers uninterested in and unable to
City That Is Not inunediately, never to return - either taking
focus on certain topics?
the city's youth with them, or banned forever because of the
dissension they have, however unwittingly, caused. • Why does the sun crop up so olien in this oceanic and
Give them rime if theyneed rime. rationalistculture?

Outcomes • What was the exact nature of their relationship with the
There are a gtC'at many ways in which this conflict might be city ofTregolmvand howdid that relation begin?
resolved. and we are sure that we haven't chought of all of • Is the curtain of light a naJural juncture beeween planes or
them. However, it seems likcly that eicher the wishes of the was it Contrived (and if so, by whom)?
young people or those of the oldies will be enacted by the
adventurers' decision. • Why was the harmonic balance of their community so
If the younger people are to leave, the older ones accept the
drastically upset by exposure to the adventurers?
verdict with resignation and deep sadness. Everyone joins in • What are "Sea Crystals"?


To Learn 5 Describe the desired resu lt of the Meld to SUMMONING CHAOS

the gamemaster.
POW must be 16 or grea te r. Sorcery must be CREATURES
learned through mentors, grimoires, or 6 Make a Luck roll for the Meld as a wh ole, 1 Summoner commits 2 level s of intensity
research. Onceeven the first t iny' element of Critical means the Meld takes effect (usually .6 MP) to an initial summon ing
sorcery is learned, the learner gains 2 points instantaneously. Success means the Me ld ritual. This will summon a Chaos Crea-
of Chaos a llegiance. takes one more round to manifest. Failure ture with 308 in each Characteristic, 1
means there is no Meld and all Magic skill at 50% and 2 othe r skills at 30%
Memory Limits Points invested in the summoning are each. If wanted, summoner commits as
1 individual Chaotic Effect costs 1 po int of lost. Fumble requi res roll on the SOrcer- many addition al MPs as desired , 1 MP
INT to keep in memo ry. Knowledge of the ous Disasters Table. per additiona l 108 Characteristic po ints
summoning of Chaos CreaturesancfDemons 7 The Meld is rea dy to laun ch for a nu mber an<Vor 1 MP per addition al 10% skill (see
costs 2 poin!? per e ntity. No Sorcerous Me lds of hours eq ua l to the la rgest number of Chaos Creature Skill Table).
can be kept In memory, ever. Magic Poin ts used by a ny single Effect in 2 Gamemaster rolls twice o n the Chaos
It. Creature Fonn Table to determine the
Readying and Dismissing 8 When launched, the Meld ta kes effect on Creature'sform,
Use the Stormbrin/ier rules , but compre- the sorcerer's OEX strike rank
hending a Chaotic Effect found in a grimoire 3 Summoner makes Luck roll. Critical
takes one round per level of intensity of the 9 Immediately after the Meld is launched , means that the Chaos Creature arrives
Effect Dismissing is instantaneous. the sorce rer mu st roll on Chaotic alle- with max'd out stats and in a generous
giance. Critical is the same as Success. mood. Success means Crea ture has the
Success means no Chaotic Trait has been configuration of Characteristics and skills
MAKING A SORCEROUS MELD acquired. Failure meansthata 01a0s Trait the summoner originally assigned Failure
has bee n instantaneously acquired (see means that the Gamemaster assigns all
1 Determine the desi red final outcome. Chaotic Trait Table). Fumble is the same values within the limits establishedby the
Determine the components of the Meld asFailure. MPs the summo ner has assigned. Fuirble
(individua l Chaotic Effects, their level s of mea ns those limits are not ~ed and
intensifY-, the range and duration of the 10 Exactly the same Meld ca n be laun ched the Creature is reall y a nnoyed about
Meld). Check to see that the total Ma~ic aga in In the ne xt round by paying the full
having bee n summoned
Points required does not exceed 2 x the N\agic Point cost again and making
sorcerer's Chaotic allegiance. another successful Luck roll. Allowing the 4 Gamemaster rolls the Creature's Charac-
N1eld to lapse for even one round or teristics and assigns its skill po ints. The
2 Summon ea ch individual Chaotic Effect making an y change to it requires that the gamemaster always has the option of
desired in the Meld. Note: even a single whole summoning processbeginsagain. aistributinganother 50% to the Creature's
Chaoti c Effect must be summoned and skills. None of the Creatures's statistics
then Melded in o rder to actua lly do 11 Each Me ld successfully launched gains
the sorcerer 1 pointof Chaos allegiance.
need ever be shown to any player.
an}'lhing in the world (but see Fetish
Crafting-bel ow). Each new Me la created gains the sorcerer 5 Gamemaster announces the name of the
an additional 1 point of Chaos Creature as it arrives. lhe Creature's
2a Effects - and final Melds - must focus allegiance. name will be used benceforward by the
through a Chaos s~1 - painted , summoner to summo n it (plus 1 Magic
inscribed, eve n projected magica lly. Binding Point).
2b Sorcere r determines des ired level of Sorcerous Effects a nd Melds are not usua lly
intensity of the Effect (see Effect bou nd by adventurers. Permanence is the Pacting
descri ptions in the Catal'?!iue of province of Law. 1 The Gamemaster announces the Crea-
ChaotiC Effects). On Ariach s Five ture's Pad price (see Detennining Pad
Planes 3 tvtagic Points are required Price).
for each level of intensity expected FETISH CRAFTING
from the final Effe ct. 1a This price must be paid within a time
1 Fetishes are the except ion to the rule frame determ ined oy the Creature, or
2c Chaotic fv\odifiers. Xiombarg's Five about bound Chaotic Effects. They are else it will attack a nd exact that price
Planes: 2 Magic Points per level of usually o~ly made by Ragha-da-Kheta or itsequivalentfrom the summoner.
intensity; Mallelode's Five Planes: 1 sorcere r/pr iests.
tvtagic Point per level of intensity. Service
Plus I Magic Point free to use in any 2 Each fetish requires:
1 Having paid the price, the summoner
Effect For eve ry 5 points of Chaos 2a Spec ific material s outlines the service wanted from the
allegiance. Creature.
2b 1010 hours of work
2d A Luck roll is mad e. Critical means 1a The Creature is obligated to perform
instantaneous Effect. Success means 2c Successful summoning of the individ-
ual Chaotic Effect to be cra fted into this service only to the extent that it
the Effe ct takes 108 rou nds of c ha nt- seems possible to do it without seri-
ing to manifest. Failure meansthere is the fetish (only one Effect per fetish).
ously e nda ngering itself.
no Effect and all Magic Points 2d Successful Fetish Craft roll
invested in the summoning are lost. Summoning It Again
Fumble "''Ju ires roll on the Sorcerous 2e Luck roll. Critica l is same as Success.
Disasters Table.
Success means the fetish is properly 1 The O eature may be summoned again by
made. Failu re mea ns that arother the summoner's mere ly speaking its name
3 Determine the desired range of the Meld. 1D1 0 hours must pas:; before another and sacr ificing 1 MP.
o Magic Points requ ired (no range). 5 attempt ca n be started. Fumble means
1a In all subsequent summonings the
Magic Points obtains furthest possible that 10 10 weeks must pass befo re Oeature will expect the same price
range (as far assorcerer can see). another atterrot can be started. determined at the first SUrlYTlOning
4 Determine the desired du ration of the 3 Each fetish adds 1 (or 2) to Chaos instantly and will attack if this is not
Meld. 0 Magic Points requ ired (insta nta- allegiance . the case.
neous). 5 Magic Points, the maximum
poss ible, usually obtains only a few lb In all subseq uent summonings the
Creature will perform what is asked

of it within the limits outlined under Chao s Allegi ance Points 3f If the same Demon is evoked for the
"Service" a bove. Each time a Chaos Creature is pacted with, same or a similar task, it will exact
2 The Pad with the Creature is for life. the summoner gains 2 Chaos allegiance The Curse of Chaos on its summoner
po ints. (see the Sorcery chapter for details).
An III-considered Thought
1 \Aohenever two Fumbles in a row are
rolled a Chaos Creature w ill a p""ar as if SUMMONING DEMONS CHAOS TRAITS
summoned by the luckless die roller. 1 The only Demons in the V\brld of the
Five Planes co rrespond to greate r G a inin g
1a Gamemaster rolls 3D8 to determined
the nu mbe r of MPs immed iately Demo ns j n Stormbringer. 1 Every Chaos allegiance point also repre-
sac rificed by the unwitting sents a percentage chance for gaining a
2 Summon ing. Use the rules for summon- Chaos Trait (1 Chaos alleniance point =
summo ner, ing (Greater) Demo ns in Stormbringer. 1% c hance, and so on).
1b All aspects of the summoned Creature 3 Paeting
a re at the Ga me master 's discretion . 2 One must roll to gain a Chaos Trait on ly
3a Demo ns a rrive ready to negotiate, when the number of one's Chaos alle-
1c The summo ned Creatur e will wa nt its The prices they demand will almost giance po ints is weater than the number
Pad price a nd w ill perlorm a service, always involve their summo ners in of e ither of one s other allegiances, to
but it wi ll not g ive Its right name and tasks wh ich will take days, weeks or Balance o r Law.
thus ca nnot be summoned aga in. years to accomplish before the 2a Ifroll is under the percentage chance,
Demon wi II grant wha t has bee n a Chaos Tra it is gained.
Binding asked of it.
1 Chaos Creatures ca n be bound into items 2b Roll on the Chaos Trait tab le to find
at the cost of 3 pe rmanent POW after
3b Demons ca n pe rform Petty, wh ich.
Mundane, Extravagant or Impossible
victory in a POW vs. POW test against tasks for their summoners - in
the creature on the Resistance Table. Avoid ing
exc ha nge for pact prices o n the same
1a Such bound Creatur es must still be scale. 1 Chaos Traits ca n be avoided by keeping
given their Pact prices before they the adve ntu rer's other allegiances higher
3c Each Demon summo ning ages the than Chaos, o r by invoking and success-
will perform services. summoner 1 year. fully barga ining with a de ity.
1b Creatures bound into items ca n be 3d Each Demon summoning adds S
summoned by a nyo ne knows Chaos a llegiance points to the
the Creature's name. summo ne r's total. I NVOKING THE CHAOS LORDS
1c If the item is brok en, the Creature is 3e Demon summoning in Lawful areas To invoke a deity of Chaos, roll against a
freed from its b inding. requires the sac rifice of a living and percentage c ha nce dete nn ined by assigning
high ly sentient being (a human or a 1% for each allegiance point the Invoker has
monkey, for exa mple). in Chaos , o r 3% per POint if the supplicant is
a Champion or othe r significant age nt of


Learning Contriving S Vadhagh, at the e nd of their stud y period, Dagge'J glove-S points (Qua lity), 10
1 Non-Vadhagh aspirants must have INT 16 must succeed on a roll of INT x 2 to learn po ints lMechani cs, Plane Shift)
or better to learn Contriving. Vadhagh of Quality and Mech anics a nd a roll of INT
x S to ream how to apply Plane Shifting to Sword, lute - 10 po ints (Qua lity), 20
any INTwhatever can lea m it. po ints (Mechanics, Plane Shift)
Contriving. For each success a Vad hagh
2 The three Precepts of Contriving (Quality, add s 5% to the c hance for success on tile Annor, c hair - 20 points (Quality), 40
Mechani cs, Plane Shifting) must De next Precept However, a Vadhagh has points (Mechanics, Plane Shift)
learned, then the principal of onl y a 10% greate r c hance to learn the
Combination. principa ls of Combination, just like Chariot, rowboat -so po ints (Qua lity),
an yone else. 1()() points (Mecha nics, Plane Shift)
3 It takes all aspirants (40 - INn x 1 wee ks
to lea rn the first Precept attempted, (40 - 6 Once a Precept has been mastered , the Warships, town gates - 200 po ints
INn x 2 weeks for the second, (40 - (Qua lity), 400 POints (Mechanics, Plane
seer may Contri ve objects in accordan ce Shift)
INn x 4 weeks for the third, and (40 - with that Precept.
INn x 6 weeks to lea m Combinin g. 3 It ta kes a num ber of days eq uivalent to
Vadhagh, however, need only take (40 • 7 Each Precept learned (a nd the principals the tv1ag ic Points invested in die ob ject to
INn x 1 weeks to appl y the Precept of of Combining) give the aspirant 2 po ints make the Contr ivance.
Plane Shifting, whi ch they are bom of Law a llegia nce .
knowing, to COntriving. 4 Contriving. must take place within trian-
General Rules for Contriving gular wo rking areas.
4 At the e nd of the study pe riod non- 1 Contriving beg ins with a n object which is
Vadhagh must succeed on a roll of INT x 5 Contriving accordi ng to these procedures
1 for each Precept o r begin the study to be improved , always succeeds.
aga in. Aspirants wh o a re study ing the 2 The seer's Magic Points are first p laced in 6 Each Contrivance made gives the maker 1
principals of Comb inat ion roll (lNT xl) + the ob ject according to a roug h size po int of a llegiance to Law. Each new
10%. sca le: Contrivance gains the maker an add i-
tio nal poi nt of allegiance to Law.


7 For those who are not of the e lder races , (0 Magic Points) is reached. This Shifting is 2 W II attune tlhemselves to one who
the koowledee to make a particula r type always temporary. To reach a specifi c plane concentrates on them and succeeds in a
of Contrived' item (say a Quality lute) requires a successful Million Spheres roll. Luck roll, whi ch also reveals the Crystal's
takes 1 INT. Vadhagh and . Nh<idragh, Others can be Shifted temporarily using capacity in POW.
however, can remember twice as effi- the Shift Self abi l i~. The la rgest thing that 3 The capacities of Crystals are expressed
ciently as th is. On e's memory for can be Shifted in this way is a single perso n in POW. POW X 10 represents the Magic
Contriving items cannot exceed the limits or person-sized object . Shifting anyt hing
of one 's INT. There are encyc lopedias of substantial in this way consumes 10 N'tagic Points a Crystal ca n hold.
Contriving, containi~ usable instructions Points per round for one of the Five Planes, 4 Can store POW, lost permanently to the
for making items. Lopying instructions 20 for the ten rema ining Fifteen Planes and one who puts it in.
into an eflCYciopedia takes one day per 50 for other planes. 5 Can store Magic Points, lost temporarily
Contrived Item. Plane Shifting Contrivances can allow their to the one wI10 puts them in.
users to pass into other planes, thereby G Magic Points stored in Crystals ca n be
Q ual ity Contriving appearing invisible to oth ers. Some allow
The ability to create things of supe rior qual. used to fuel Contrivances.
the user to look into other planes or other-
iry. In most cases this will mean a more wise affect another plane without leaving 7 N. least one Crystal must be placed in
durable item. \oVeaJX>ns do maximum this one. A Plane Shifting Contrivance l a~er each Combined Contrivance.
damage when they hit A Quality item does tha n a person ca n carry people with it when
not invrove its user's skill with that ite m. 8 At least one Crystal must be used in any
it accesses other planes. Duration of the Shift Quick Co ntr iving, during which it IS
An Ilem ca n be Qua lity Contr ived o nly is one hour per tvtagic Point sacrificed and
once. entirely co nsumed .
any plane can be reached. To reach a
~ ifi c plane requires a successful M illion
Mechanics C ontriving ~esroll.
The ability to create Contrivances that work ELEMENTAL TATTOOS
indeoendently and at high skill level s. Combina t io n Contri v ing 1 Elemental Tattooing is the exclusive prOf':
tv\echanica l Contrivances ~ at 90% and Contrivances which combine one or more erty of the Sha lafen sect of Elemental
have doub le the range of norma l ite ms. The Prece pts a re possible once the prin cipals of Tattooists.
new skill level rep laces the user 's skill even Combination have bee n learn ed, In addi- 2 The tattooist first determines the desired
when the user's skill is higher. Mechanics tion, these principa ls allow additional skills effect of the tattoo to be incised .
a re fragile. There is a 50% Chance of break - to be~ ·nto !\1eChanicsdevices.
age in rough use, Consult the Contrivance A I must be placed into the final 3 The power of the tattoo ~ on the
Breakage Table or invent results. device or each additIonal Precept or skill number of weeks it takes to incise
Onl y one skill can be Contrived into any employed by the Contrivance. (usually something like a 5% skill
single device. ConiJined Contrivances consume a total increase pe r week).
numbe r of ~ic Points calcu lated by 4 For each week of incision, a successfu l
P la n e Shifting and Contriving add ing together the po ints needed for each roll must be made on the tattoo ist's
Leaming the Precept of Plane Shifting awak- of the Prece pts used (add ing the Mecha nics Elemental Tattooing skill. Failure mea ns
ens two abilities in non -Vadh agh peop les. Prece pt cost for eac h skill in the item). This the tattoo has been co mpleted a nd
The first ab ility is Shift Vision: the ability to tota l is also the tota l number of days needed cannot be furthe r enhanced . Fumb le
see into other p lanes. Using Shift Vision for fabrication. means that the entire tattoo has been
consumes 1 /Y\agic Point per minute to see spoiled and will never function.
into the FivePlanes,S per minuteto seeinto Quick Contriving S All (or almost all) Elerrental Tattoos have
the ten rema ining Fifteen Planes - and 10 Co ntriving ca n be speeded up by using a to do with enhancing Lawful relations
tv\agic Points per round to see into other Crystal, Which is consumed in the process. with the sea.
planes. Shift Vision can d iscem whether a one point of the seer's permanent INT is
stone is a Csvstal and the POW of a Crystal. placed into the Crystal for each 10 Magic G Each tattoo co vers about one quarter of
It can also detect Combined Contrivances, Points required in the Contrivance. The the recipie nt's body. It is extremely
but wo rking o ut wh at they ca n do takes one Crystal then fuels the Contrivance. The time unusual for anyone to have more than
minute ancf 5 tv1a:gic Points. Shift 'vision can of Contriving is now 1 day for each po int of one or two Elemental Tattoos. Receivinga
see a Contrivance tha t has bee n Shifted onto INT used. In add ition, a successful Luck roll tattoo is incapacitating.
another plane o nly if the seer is look ing at must be made if the object is to work. No
the plane to wh ich the Contrivance is matter the outcome of die roll, the INT and
ShiftIng. the Crystal are lost. and 2 Chaos alleg iance I NVOKING LORDS OF LAw
points are gained. To invoke a deity of Law, roll against a
The second ability is Shift Self. the ab ility to
move one's self into other planes . Shift Self percentage chance, determined by assigning
consumes 5 tv\agic Points per round to move 1% for each allegiance point the invokef
to one of the Five Planes, 10 for the remain- CRYSTALS has in Law, or 3% ~ point if the supp licant
ing ten of the Fifteen Planes, and 20 to Crystals are used in the creation of Contriv- is an Champion of l aw. There is still a
access planes further away. On ly retum ing a nces and for the storage of PO W or Magic c hance that the god of Law will be too wea k
to the plane at whi ch you started will stop Points. to appear or to pe rform wha tever may be
the consumption of Magic Points. one asked of it
1 Crystals are extremel y rare.
returns automatically INheri unconsciousness


HC~~Ej,," ~~:~eMt~tet S~t gLjg ~

- I I CttQ1Qde1lstlCS R
S vrnbcly Pcrrrai c

oo STR - -
CON _ _
DAMAc, Bo NUS N.m,
R."' 5~ _ _ A",, _ _

D INT _ _ XS.
ldea _ _ % -
Previous Occup,,uion

_ _ x s= luck _ _ %

o DEl< __ X 5"= Dextentv _ _ %

B APP - x,: Ch,,;. ... _ % Skills r+it paitttS B

R - A rt {05%1: 0 Fut T.llk hs%l
D l ''%1
0 Physil lJo%l lI<O'«lOUS
O 0 PI,kl.od 10,%1 Dead -2 -I 0 +1 +2 3 4

0 H;d. lw%1 0 Pee.... I~I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
AVOc.1cion lool: D lllsight lls%I 0 R.ep.lirlDcvi.seIDEXX 4%J _ 14 I S 16 17 18 19 202 1 22

Bolrg.lin 115%1
C limb (40%)
D lomp 1,,%1
0 listen 11s%J
0 MillionSphcre5 /ooJ
0 RJd. ",% 1
0 Sailinghs%J
0 SccntfT.utc /15'% 1
2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

R 0 Conl:Ul Object fl.s%J

Cr.1ft 105%1:
0 Move. Quietly 110%)
0 N atuu l World /15%1
0 N.tvig.ue 110%1
0 Scribe. /001
0 Search (10%)
0 Swim 11s%1
frla",ic paitttS
O D 0 """" 10,%1 0 Threw1,,%1 Uncon scious 0 1 2 3 4

D isunt Sus fool Other u ngu.t gc fool: 0 Tu ck flo"" 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
o (Is%J 0 0 Tup foj'%J 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
0 Dads. to ex x ,%1
o Drive Cluno' Iw%1
o Evalu.lU 115'%1
0 Own ung . jlNT x s%l

Sa1ce1'1 E Cattt1ivi"'t
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Crystals B
R Chaotic Effects & Pacts Precepts of Law R
~ .skill ~-. " -
lNeQt'atts E A1ma1
~,. ~ .;~, - - '"" ~- " ,".> "..,.,

R~ ~ R
~~;O~~ Copyright() :ZOO ! DiJrcsyde ProducriOlU Pry. Ltd. Permission griJnled to copy for persorwlUSE'
R P..f,,,;on. R
R H;"o~ R
Ho" ,

R - -- - - - - - - - - - Ac't"ait\tat\Ul; - - - - - - - - - - - -
Family Friends Companions


Damage Bonus HP_

Mon<yon P,,;on

lNea~~d R
R C~.<al. R
T, usurc

fi C"w
Cltal'iat q,.eat reatl; R
R Wc.apon~ & Notes R
R Ho",.
Damage Bonus


N~es Left
Body Right
1 2 341 2 345 1 2 34

R 5
7 8
11 12
15 16
7 8 9 10
12 13 14 15 9
17 18 19 20


7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 ~
21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24

Copyright 0 2001 D.1fC5yde Productions Pry. Ltd. PermiS5icm gro1nted to copy for personiJ11J~
Hawkmoon, a darkly sardonic Stormbringer supplement
from Darcsyde Productions in 2002
Adventurer Sheer 9 10, 165 166 Con,," (game) N PC templates
Allegiance 19, 112 compared with 5tontlbringt1' 8. 19,22,23,68, Moorcock characters 128 IJ6
Allegiance Points T able 112 92 mundane 125 128
Animals 119 121 historical background 32 33 Occupations 15 18
historical period 33 Occupation Table 12
map ofgameworld 35 Pact stt Chaos eTfalllm
sorcerous 73
Creamers and monsters II I 124 Phantom Greatslup 109
Avocation (defined) 20
Crimson cattle 51. I 16 Pirate. pirates 17,36 37, 127, 138
Briklingd I 53
Crysrals 100 101. 112 Plane shifring 96 97 ,97
Brown Man. the 45
Demons srrScrury Shift Self and others 97
Campaign ideas 104 105, 110 111, II 4
Elemenral tattoo 21, 10I Shifr Vision 96 97
Chaos Creatures
list 101 sorcerous 78
creation tables 85
summ ary 164 Sf( also Contriv;,~
Eldjark 139
Frhegg 88 Encyclopaedia95 Ragha-da-Kheca 11 13, 53 55, 64 65
lisr 87 88 Faun a Scenario hooks 4 1. 44 46,50,5 1. 52, 53, 57,
pacts 84, 86 animals 119 12 1 59, 105 107,107, 1I 3 114
summoning Sf( Sorctry unn atural creatu res 121 124 Shalafen 13, 49 50,63
Chaos traits 9I Fetish crafr 2 1, 83 Shark god. 5" Gods
cable 92 fetish list 83 Shefanhow (definer!) 32
summary 162
Chaotic Effects 7 I Ships 24 26
caralog 73 82 Fifteen Planes (dermed) 4 5 of me Fin Planes 25
Character creation 8 14 Five Planes (defined) 4 5, 62 Skills 20 22
Characrer Sheer 9 10, 165 166 Focal points (sorcery} 70 7 1 sorcerous 79
Chariot Fumbled roll, twice 87 Sorcerous Melds 72
skill 21 Gods Sorcery
Chariots 26 29 Chaos 60 6 1 duration 72 73
mishaps 27 28 Shark36 37 intensity 71
of the Five Planes 29 invoking 65 learning 70
Quality Comriving 95 Law 6 1 memory limits 69
speed26 Arkyn45 radying and dismissing 69
SpOt rules 27 O rher 61 62 range 72
srabiliry 27 G rim ioire 70 Sorcerous Disasters table 7 I
stru ct u re 28 29 Humans sa MabJm Sorcerous Melds (casring spells) 70 73
Conjuncrionof rhe Million Spheres (defined) Int ensity Set Sorttry summary 162 163
63 summoning Chaos Creatures 84 87
Languages 21 summo ning D emons 90
Contriving Level of Inrensiry stt Sorttry
combining 93, 98 Source material 107
Mabden II, 34 39, 40 42,47 49,53, 54,
contrivances 95. 96. 98, 98 Sprites 116
55,56 59
breakage table 96 Tanelorn 59, 113
Pony tribes 45 46
caralog 99 Vadhagh I3 14, 42 46,63 64
Vadhagh-Nhadragh 108 109 , I 18 Magical items 69, 87
treasures I 18
contrivingprocess 94 95 Map of Corum's World 35
Vedagh 5 1
learning 93 94 Money III 1I 2
mechanics 93, 95 96 Vedagh '" V"JJ",gb
memory limits 95 W eapons 23
gaming in the 113 114
plane shift 93, 96 98 sorcero us 82
generator I 13 I 14
quality 93, 95 Weapon Tabl e 23
N ames, naming co nventions I I I
sumnury 163 164 W orld of the Five Planes
the bunny lute 95 , 96, 97, 98, 100 Nhadragh II, 3940, 107 111,1 53 160 defined 4 5, 62
su dso Crystab Awakening 110 rnap 35
Underground 109 110


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