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Hi, so today we’re going to be making the oatmeal honey cookies. The recipe is very, very simple.

ingredients are mostly delicacies. These cookies are the perfect healthy, everyday snack, because
they don’t contain any white sugar and contain delicacies that are very good for you.

So, what you’ll need is

The oatmeal flakes

The Brazilian nuts


Dried cranberries



Cashew nuts

And I also added some seed mix

You definitely don’t need to use all of them, you can basically use them by your own preference

Also, I forgot to tell you about wet indgriedients, which are

2 Eggs

And honey

And, of course you’ll need to use a large bowl and a cup for pouring the ingredients

So, first pour two cups of oatmeal flakes, then add a handful of every ingredient mentioned earlier.

mix all of the dry ingredients and add eggs. Lastly, put two spoons of the honey.

then mix it all together.

Now, leave the dough to sit for 15 minutes, so it could stick all together well.

In that time, you can turn on your oven, so it can heat up. Set it to 150 degrees Celsius without hot

After the time passes, start putting your dough on the baking tray. One whole spoon for one cookie is
enough. On my tray, I fitted 20 cookies and there was no more dough left.

Now it’s time to put it in a warm oven. Leave the cookies for 15, max 20 minutes, if you’d like some
more brownness.

And that’s how u do it. The recipe is really easy and takes almost no time. Enjoy!

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