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*What are extrinsic and intrinsic properties?

Intrinsic properties are properties that cannot be taken away from something because the
essence of the object changes. Extrinsic properties on the other hand are the properties that
can be changed without removing the essence of something. Their relationship with one
another is the fact that extrinsic properties rely on intrinsic properties to exist. For example
when one says “the car is red” whilst it doesn't make sense if it were just talking about “is
red”, in this case the fact that the object is a car is an intrinsic property and that is red is the
extrinsic property.

*How do the references in the book work?

Through the novel the author attempts to show an autobiography which may be more
complex to understand if it weren't for the way in which it's structured. The use of external
sources not only helps Alison to better understand her life but it also serves as a way in which
the reader can associate the characters from the book to the ones from other novels or movies
to assist with the understanding of the novel, the way in which the novel is shown also helps
with how the author wants it to illustrate the story, in other words when the novel is not
shown through images there are more ways in which the story can be perceived by the reader,
on the other hand when a story is presented as a graphic novel the author wants the reader to
perceive the story in a certain way, in order to make the reader not only read the story but feel
the story.

* Focus

So what topic does the novel really focus on, is it homosexuality and her coming out or is it
the fact that Alison had a traumatic childhood? One may think that Alison coming out to her
dad really did have a huge impact in the story, not only for the fact that she found out her real
sexual identity but also because of how that affected when she found out her father was also a

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