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1234567890-The Greenwood



They were six of them

Six out of many

It is highly rare that only six students became elected as prefects. The Health prefect, the Labour prefect and time keeper,
sports prefect, assistant sports prefect, head girl and the head boy.

The selection of six is strange and uncanny but in the grand scheme of things, everything is about to change forever.

I’m Farouq

I’m sixteen and I became head boy on my birth day .Pretty awesome coincidence, right?

I’m in sss2 science and I attend greenwoods academy. I draw and read and also crazy about science-fiction and the
supernatural and that’s pretty much all about me. I’m an extreme introvert and largly anti-social and my secondary school life has
been uneventful until the day I became the head boy

Hang on to your seats coz I’m about to launch you into the crazy world of the super naturals. Wana stop reading?
That’s a good idea, if not too bad.

The strangest thing just happened in my set. Just six! Students became prefects in sss2. That is like a new record in the
history of Greenwoods academy. There’s Kenny (she has a female twin in our class) who got the health prefect post, there’s David
(a.k.a bulldog because his name is udoh rhymes with that. He’s also my class mates) who gets the labour and time prefects post
(double posts that’s crazy), Olaitan and Ay who are the sports and assistant sports prefects respectively(both in arts
department),Seun (Head girl in my class) and yours truly, plain old Faruq.

We’re the worst set in the history of Greenwoods academy

Marvelous joked. He jokes a lot. He’s the comedian in chief of ss2 science and a great kidder. He’s a good friend. He is taller
than I am (and I am 5.5 feet) and lean like a grey hound. He likes wearing is tie down with his long sleeve shirt unbuttoned at the wrists.

“Prefects, you are to go and clear the debris in the store of the second building; the one on the same floor with the library “,
the school coordinator Mr. Boaz announced suddenly in further math class.

“Tod1ay? “ David questioned.

“No next Tuesday “Mr. Boaz answered.” Now let’s go back to the Differential Calculus…” and he droned on and on. Mr Boaz
class is always boring except occasionally and he has a unique students sleep in class in his class. His jokes are annoying sometime
and he has an habit of tapping male student’s head. I can’t wait for the class to be over.
35 minute later he announced “let’s call it a day, take this as your assignment “and he wrote some equations on the board.
Grinning he left the class.

“Let’s go check the store” David said as he moved to my seat.

“You heard Mr. Boaz, he said next Tuesday or are you deaf?” I answered him.

“Am I.? Am I your Mate?” He feigned anger and punched me playfully on the arm. “Have you that Mrs. Joan has left the left
the school?” Tomisin (A.k.a Obembe), a chubby male classmate of mine suddenly asked us (by us I mean me, David and anyone who
care to listen)

“No, when did she leave?” David asked. “Last two weeks they said she got a transfer and we are going to get a new
chemistry teacher. Just pray the replacement is not as wicked as she is”.

“Yeah, yeah you what? Let’s go check out the store” I told him. “I like that impulse” David replied and we left the class for the
second building of the school that had jss2, jss3 and ss1 classes. It’s a three storey building. The ground floor is the boys’ hostel and
the food vendor stays in front of the hostel to sell food. The first and second and second floors are for the classes while the third floor
is the computer and physics laboratories, the library and store.

It looks like no one had entered there in ages as dust and cobwebs abounded there. All kinds of dirt ranging from old
furniture to computer part lay scattered. Spiders and cockroaches had made the place their home and skittered across the floor and
walls. In the left corner of the store laid the old, discarded cupboard with its door off the hinges. Some burst and long forgotten balls
lay in the bottom desk of the cupboard. The middle desk of the cupboard contained some torn and water beaten old books while the top
desk empty (well not really, if you count the cockroaches and spiders in there).

“Ah God, this place stinks!” David muttered and cursed, screwing up his face in a revolting way. I just grinned and kicked
some broken computer motherboards to clear a path to the centre of the room. The brown paints in which the walls were painted were
peeling and revealed a black under layer.

There was something attracting about the cupboard, like it emitted it own gravity and pulls everything close to it like a black
hole. The store was dark and was looking ominous. Light filtered in the high window in the store. “Let’s checkout that cupboard” I
suggested to David and he gave me a look like I’m crazy? I said noting as I jerked my head towards the cupboard .David stifled across
and we moved towards the cupboard.

David began searching the bottom desk and I looked through the middle desk. An old physics textbook with a torn cover and
yellowing pages was on the top of all the books there. It had a name written on it but long period of getting beaten by water has erased
most of the name. I could only make out the words “… de H.G”. Loosing interest I put the book down and searched through the others.

There was one small blue jotter that had noting written in it except a page that said “July 7 th 2000 madea deal today. Have a feeling its
going to affect the future”the hand writing was slant and in blue ink. Noting more was written there and I put the book down. I was
about to take another book when david interrupted

“Jeez, Faruq, these balls all have the same signature on them: S.P” I looked down and saw the balls. David was right “mabe
the preson that seized the balls wrote his signature there”; I said and david shrugged. We where about to check the first desked when
david exclaimed “ its 11:35 allready I have got to go ring the bell the break is over “
So , we left the cupboard and went back to class. The day was uneventful after that until closing when we saw a short man
entering the principal’s office.

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