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For the year ended December 31, 2022


The financial statements of Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) were

authorized for issue on February 14, 2023 as shown in the Statement of Management
Responsibility for Financial Statements signed by Acting Chairman Romando S. Artes.

MMDA is an agency established on June 8, 1996 and created under the authority of
Republic Act No. 7924. The mandate of Metropolitan Manila Development Authority is to
plan, monitor, coordinate and in the process exercise regulatory and supervisory authority,
deliver metro-wide services within Metro Manila without diminution of the autonomy of
the Local Government Units (LGUs) concerning purely local matters. These services are
grouped into the following key areas: Development Planning; Transport and Traffic
Management; Solid Waste Disposal and Management; Flood Control and Sewerage
Management; Urban Renewal, Zoning and Land Use Planning and Shelter Services; Health
Sanitation, Urban Protection and Pollution Control; and Public Safety.

Aside from the seven (7) basic services, MMDA implemented the Traffic Management
Improvement Components and Secondary Roads and Institution of Building Component
under the Metro Manila Urban Transport Integration Project (MMURTRIP), jointly funded
by the Philippine Government and the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) under Loan Agreement No. 7058 PH. The project ended March 31,
2010. In 2019, all account balances pertaining to the project was transferred to MMDA
General Fund books of accounts as specified under DBM- COA-DOF Joint Circular No. 2-
97 Sec. 4.1.12.

In 2018, a new foreign assisted was effected named Metro Manila Flood Management
Project. The objective of this project is to reduce flood risks in selected areas of Metro
Manila by constructing new modernizing existing selected pumping stations and their
supporting infrastructure; by improving solid waste management practices within the
vicinity of drainage systems served by the selected pumping stations; and by supporting the
resettlement of informal settler families affecting the proper operations of those selected
pumping stations. It is jointly funded by the Government, the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
(AIIB) under Loan Agreement No. PH-87840 and C1450-PH respectively

The Agency's registered office is located in EDSA cor. Orense St. Guadalupe Nuevo,
Makati City.


The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with and compliance with the
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) issued by the Commission on
Audit per COA Resolution No. 2014-003 dated January 24, 2014.

The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of historical cost, unless stated
otherwise. The Statement of Cash Flows is prepared using the direct method

The financial statements are presented in Philippine Peso, which is also the country’s
functional currency.


3.1 Basis of Accounting

The financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with the

3.2 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and cash at bank, deposits on call,
which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and are subject to
insignificant risk of changes in value. For the purpose of the statement of cash flows,
cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and short-term deposits as defined above,
net of outstanding bank overdrafts.

3.3 Inventories

Inventory is measured at cost upon initial recognition. To the extent that inventory
was received through non-exchange transactions (for no cost or for a nominal cost),
the cost of the inventory is its fair value at the date of acquisition.

The cost of inventories shall comprise all cost of purchase, costs of conversion, and
other cost incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
The MMDA uses weighted-average as its cost formula.

After initial recognition, inventory is measured at the lower of cost and current
replacement cost for a class of inventory held for distribution or deployment at no
charge or for a nominal charge.

Inventories are recognized as an expense when deployed for utilization or

consumption in the ordinary course of operations of the MMDA.

3.4 Property, Plant and Equipment

a. Recognition

An item is recognized as property, plant, and equipment (PPE) if it meets the

characteristics and recognition criteria as a PPE.

The characteristics of PPE are as follows:

i. tangible items;
ii. for administrative purposes; and
iii. are expected to be used during more than one (1) reporting period.

An item of PPE is recognized as an asset if:

i. It is probable that future economic benefits or service potential associated with

the item will flow to the entity;
ii. The cost or fair value of the item can be measured reliably; and
iii. the cost is revised from P15,000.00 to P50,000.00

Infrastructure Assets

These assets have the following characteristics:

i. They are part of a system or network;

ii. They are specialized in nature and do not have alternative uses;
iii. They are immovable; and
iv. They are subject to constraints on disposal.

b. Measurement at recognition

An item recognized as property, plant, and equipment is measured at cost or cash


A PPE acquired through non-exchange transaction is measured at its fair value at

the date of acquisition or recognition.

The cost of the PPE is the cash price equivalent or, for PPE acquired through non-
exchange transaction its cost is its fair value as at recognition date.

Cost includes the following:

i. Its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes,
after deducting trade discounts and rebates;

ii. Expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the items; and
iii. Initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and
restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity
incurs either when the item is acquired, or as a consequence of having used
the item during a particular period for purposes other than to produce
inventories during that period.

c. Measurement after recognition

After recognition, all PPE are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and
impairment losses.

When significant parts of PPE are required to be replaced at intervals, the MMDA
recognizes such parts as individual assets with specific useful lives and
depreciates them accordingly. Likewise, when a major repair/replacement is
done, its cost is recognized in the carrying amount of the plant and equipment as a
replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied.

All other repair and maintenance costs are recognized as expense in surplus or
deficit as incurred.

d. Depreciation

Each part of an item of PPE with a cost that is significant in relation to the total
cost of the item is depreciated separately.

The depreciation charge for each period is recognized as expense unless it is

included in the cost of another asset.

i. Initial recognition of depreciation

Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for use such as when it is

in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the
manner intended by management.

For simplicity and to avoid proportionate computation, the depreciation is for

one month if the PPE is available for use on or before the 15th of the month.
However, if the PPE is available for use after the 15th of the month,
depreciation is for the succeeding month.

ii. Depreciation method

The straight-line method of depreciation shall be adopted unless another

method is more appropriate for entity operation.

iii. Estimated useful life

The MMDA uses the life span of PPE prescribed by COA in determining the
specific estimated useful life for each asset based on its experience.

iv. Residual value

The MMDA uses a residual value equivalent to at least five (5) percent of the
cost of the PPE.

e. Impairment

An asset’s carrying amount is written down to its recoverable amount, or

recoverable service amount, if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its
estimated recoverable service amount.

f. Derecognition

The MMDA derecognizes items of PPE and/or any significant part of an asset
upon disposal or when no future economic benefits or service potential is
expected from its continuing use. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the
asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset) is included in the surplus or deficit when the asset is

3.5 Leases

a. MMDA as a lessee

i. Operating Lease

Operating leases are leases that do not transfer substantially all the risks and
benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item to the MMDA. Operating
lease payments are recognized as an operating expense in surplus or deficit on
a straight-line basis over the lease term.

b. MMDA as a lessor

i. Operating Lease

Leases in which the MMDA does not transfer substantially all the risks and
benefits of ownership of an asset are classified as operating leases.

Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating an operating lease are added to the
carrying amount of the leased asset and recognized over the lease term. Rent

received from an operating lease is recognized as income on a straight-line
basis over the lease term. Contingent rents are recognized as revenue in the
period in which they are earned.

The depreciation policy for PPE is applied to similar assets leased by the

3.6 Intangible Assets

a. Recognition and measurement

Intangible assets are recognized when the items are identifiable non-monetary
assets without physical substance; it is probable that the expected future economic
benefits or service potential that are attributable to the assets will flow to the
entity; and the cost or fair value of the assets can be measured reliably.

Intangible assets acquired separately are initially recognized at cost.

b. Recognition of an expense

Expenditure on an intangible item is recognized as expense when it is incurred

unless it forms part of the cost of an intangible asset that meets the recognition
criteria of an intangible asset.

c. Subsequent measurement

The useful life of the intangible assets is assessed as either finite or indefinite.
Intangible assets with a finite life are amortized over their useful lives.

The straight-line method is adopted in the amortization of the expected pattern of

consumption of the expected future economic benefits or service potential.

An intangible asset with indefinite useful life is not to be amortized.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives or intangible assets not yet available
for use are assessed for impairment annually and whenever there is an indication
that the assets may be impaired.

The amortization period and the amortization method, for an intangible asset with
a finite useful life, are reviewed at the end of each reporting period. Changes in
the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future
economic benefits embodied in the asset are considered to modify the
amortization period or method, as appropriate, and are treated as changes in
accounting estimates. The amortization expense on an intangible asset with a
finite life is recognized in surplus or deficit as the expense category that is
consistent with the nature of the intangible asset.

Gains or losses arising from derecognition of an intangible asset are measured as
the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the
asset and are recognized in the surplus or deficit when the asset is derecognized.

3.7 Changes in Accounting Policies and Estimates

The MMDA recognizes the effects of changes in accounting policy retrospectively.

The effects of changes in accounting policy are applied prospectively if retrospective
application is impractical.

The MMDA recognizes the effects of changes in accounting estimates prospectively

by including in surplus or deficit.

The MMDA correct material prior period errors retrospectively in the first set of
financial statements authorized for issue after their discovery by:

a. Restating the comparative amounts for prior period(s) presented in which the
error occurred; or

b. If the error occurred before the earliest prior period presented, restating the
opening balances of assets, liabilities and net assets/equity for the earliest prior
period presented.

3.8 Revenue from Non-exchange Transactions

a. Recognition and measurement of assets from non-exchange transactions

An inflow of resources from a non-exchange transaction, other than services in-

kind, that meets the definition of an asset are recognized as an asset if the
following criteria are met:

i. It is probable that the future economic benefits or service potential associated

with the asset will flow to the entity; and

ii. The fair value of the asset can be measured reliably.

An asset acquired through a non-exchange transaction is initially measured at its

fair value as at the date of acquisition.

b. Recognition revenue from non-exchange transactions

An inflow of resources from a non-exchange transaction recognized as an asset is

recognized as revenue, except to the extent that a liability is also recognized in
respect of the same inflow.

As MMDA satisfies a present obligation recognized as a liability in respect of an

inflow of resources from a non-exchange transaction recognized as an asset, it
reduces the carrying amount of the liability recognized and recognizes an amount
of revenue equal to that reduction.

c. Measurement of revenue from non-exchange transactions

Revenue from non-exchange transactions is measured at the amount of the

increase in net assets recognized by the entity, unless a corresponding liability is

d. Measurement of liabilities on initial recognition from non-exchange


The amount recognized as a liability in a non-exchange transaction is the best

estimate of the amount required to settle the present obligation at the reporting

e. Fees and fines not related to taxes

The MMDA recognizes revenues from fees and fines, except those related to
taxes, when earned and the asset recognition criteria are met. Deferred income is
recognized instead of revenue if there is a related condition attached that would
give rise to a liability to repay the amount.

f. Gifts and donations

The MMDA recognizes assets and revenue from gifts and donations when it is
probable that the future economic benefits or service potential will flow to the
entity and the fair value of the assets can be measured reliably.

Goods in-kind are recognized as assets when the goods are received, or there is a
binding arrangement to receive the goods. If goods in-kind are received without
conditions attached, revenue is recognized immediately. If conditions are
attached, a liability is recognized, which is reduced and revenue recognized as the
conditions are satisfied.

On initial recognition, gifts and donations including goods in-kind are measured
at their fair value as at the date of acquisition, which were ascertained by
reference to an active market, or by appraisal. An appraisal of the value of an
asset is normally undertaken by a member of the valuation profession who holds a
recognized and relevant professional qualification. For many assets, the fair value
is ascertained by reference to quoted prices in an active and liquid market.

g. Transfers

The MMDA recognizes an asset in respect of transfers when the transferred

resources meet the definition of an asset and satisfy the criteria for recognition as
an asset, except those arising from services in-kind.

h. Transfers from other government entities

Revenues from non-exchange transactions with other government entities and the
related assets are measured at fair value and recognized on obtaining control of
the asset (cash, goods, services and property) if the transfer is free from
conditions and it is probable that the economic benefits or service potential
related to the asset will flow to the MMDA and can be measured reliably.

3.9 Revenue from Exchange Transactions

a. Measurement of Revenue

Revenue shall be measured at the fair value of the consideration received or


b. Interest Income

Interest income from various bank accounts is recorded based on the amount
reflected in the monthly bank statement.

c. Rental Income

Rental income arising from operating leases is accounted for on a straight-line

basis over the lease terms and included in revenue.

3.10 Budget Information

The annual budget is prepared on a cash basis and is published in the government

A separate Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA) is

prepared since the budget and the financial statements are prepared on comparable
basis. The SCBAA is presented showing the original and final budget and the actual
amounts on comparable basis to the budget. Explanatory comments are provided in
the notes to the annual financial statements.

3.11 Employee Benefits

The employees of MMDA are members of the Government Service Insurance System
(GSIS) which provides life and retirement insurance coverage.

The MMDA recognizes the undiscounted amount of short-term employee benefits,

like salaries, wages, bonuses, allowance, etc., as expense unless capitalized, and as a

liability after deducting the amount paid.

The MMDA recognizes expenses for accumulating compensated absences when

these are paid (commuted or paid as terminal leave benefits). Unused entitlements
that have accumulated at the reporting date are not recognized as expense. Non-
accumulating compensated absences, like special leave privileges, are not recognized.

3.12 Measurement Uncertainty

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with PPSAS requires

management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reporting amounts of
assets and liabilities, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, at the date of
the financial statements and the reported amounts of the revenues and expenses
during the period. Items requiring the use of significant estimates include the useful
life of capital assets.

Estimates are based on the best information available at the time of preparation of the
financial statements and are reviewed annually to reflect new information as it
becomes available. Measurement uncertainty exists in these financial statements.
Actual results could differ from these estimates.


There were also other errors/adjustments in the recording of assets and liabilities in CY
2021. The financial statements of 2022 have been restated to correct these errors. There is
no effect in 2022.
Effect on 2021 FS
(In PhP)

Decrease in income 14,310,224.75

Increase in expense 157,718,184.36
Decrease in surplus for the period 172,028,409.11

Decrease in assets 112,311,381.52

Increase in liabilities 142,585,931.68
Decrease in net assets/equity 254,897,313.20

These errors/adjustments are summarized as follows:

in Surplus for the
Particulars in net assets/equity
(In PhP)
(a) Unrecorded prior year deliveries and (888,001.79) 1,832,258.95
issuances of supplies and materials; (b) Issued
tangible items below the capitalization threshold

in Surplus for the
Particulars in net assets/equity
(In PhP)
of P50,000 which were not reclassified from PPE
nor recognized as expense (c) reclassification of
various inventory accounts
Liquidation of prior year petty cash fund and (26,076,766.32) (26,697,061.43)
cash advances from Disbursing Officers (DOs)
(a) Adjustment of depreciation for transferred (30,322,420.53) (85,284,541.38)
and reclassified PPE; (b)Derecognition of PPEs
from prior years' disposal; (c) Recognition,
reclassification and derecognition of PPE
accounts due to reconciliation of books and
physical inventory (d) Recognition of prior
years’ donated PPEs; (e) Adjustment of prior
years’ depreciation in relation to change of
estimated useful life; (f) Adjustment of
erroneously capitalized flood control projects;
and (g) Derecognition of prior years’ PPE below
P50,000 threshold
(a) Recognition, reclassification of prior years' (147,881.40) (147,881.40)
intangible assets; (b) Adjustment of amortization
(a) Non-accrual of prior years’ obligations/ (114,845,472.01) (129,518,513.73)
payables including personnel services (PS) and
maintenance and other operating expenses
(MOOE); (b) Adjustment of accounts that were
already dormant for more than two (2) years
(a) Adjustments of dormant accounts; (b) 252,132.94 (15,081,574.21)
Applied guaranty to deposit to prior year
expense; (c) Recognition of prior year expenses
previously charge to receivables and (d) Other
Net Increase/(Decrease) (172,028,409.11) (254,897,313.20)


Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Cash on Hand 4,451,254.76 2,388,778.26
Cash in Bank - Local Currency 5,615,868,002.69 5,970,996,614.72
Cash in Bank - Foreign Currency 32,277,120.00 70,792,041.48
TOTAL 5,652,596,377.45 6,044,177,434.46

5.1 Cash on Hand

This account pertains to the balance of the Petty Cash fund account amounting to

5.1.1 Petty Cash Fund

This account is for payment of authorized petty or miscellaneous expenses

which cannot be conveniently paid through checks/LDDAP-ADA.

Petty Cash Custodian
(In PhP)
Abutan, Limuel Medina 4,864.59
Baculo, Felix De Guzman 267,236.66
Bautista, Pablo Jr Romero 64,910.32
Caoyong, Jhonmarie Gonzaga 199,200.00
Carnitez, William Vargas 50,000.00
Castaneda, Corazon Afos 68.30
Dadural, Roberto P. 292,496.36
De Guzman, Ronalyn Bigata 5,114.50
De Vera, Jayvee M. 113,849.19
Dela Cruz, Anna Liza R. 277,365.00
Delorito, Fidel Moreno 53,120.58
Enguerra, Melchor Estrellado 1,188.98
Espiritu, Pablo Jr. Payumo 251,277.62
Farol, Ma. Lucila Figueroa 11,934.90
Fernando, Dindo Castro 50,343.50
Gaw, Beverly Grace C 315,540.98
Gentalian, Sharon Melendres 78,846.00
Gepila, Noel Joe Kalagui 31,479.00
Igdalino, Nolly Abegonia 50,000.00
Mabuti, Lourence Simeon 33,029.18
Mallari, Rosalinda Cabigao 13,356.50
Manguiat, Araceli Ocampo 30,000.00
Martinez, Francisco Briñas 157,925.00
Mateo, Monica Marie M. 50,478.00
Mendi, Jesamine M 39,176.00
Miro, Emmanuel Villaluz 147,288.60
Montuno, Jeu Izah Campo 13,360.41
Navera, Irene N. 298,785.50
Novio, Caroline T. 50,000.00
Ombina, Annabelle Ramirez 49,971.15
Pagulayan, Antonio Jr Baluyan 108,169.98
Parafina, Arlene Narciso 669,140.28
Rivera, Ronezes Santos 150,000.00
Salinas, Ponciana Aguila 9,026.10
Salud, Joseph C. 30,000.00
Santos, Elison Bacani 43,783.98

Petty Cash Custodian
(In PhP)
Santos, Noel Antonio 11,384.80
Susano, Dante A. 25,887.02
Trinidad, Victor Pablo Cruz 201,059.99
Yao, Gina Rose C 90,850.00
Zaballero, Hanna Kathleen Hernandez 88,370.35
Zoleta, Ma. Salome L. 21,375.44
TOTAL 4,451,254.76

This account includes the petty cash under the Metro Manila Flood
Management Project-Phase I amounting to P1,135,576.94.

5.2 Cash in Bank - Local Currency

This account represents current accounts maintained with Land Bank of the
Philippines (LBP) and Philippine Veterans Bank (PVB). The agency maintains eight
(8) peso current accounts as authorized in Section 25 of Rule VI of Rules and
Regulations Implementing Republic Act 7924, broken down as follows:

Name of Balance
Bank Account No. Purpose
Bank (In PhP)
LBP CA 2882-1018-70 493,674,189.80 MMDA Trust Fund Projects
CA 2882-1019-51 3,026,936,507.51 - Deposit of MMDA
collections from traffic
fines, fees and
miscellaneous income
- Deposit of five (5) percent
contribution of LGUs thru
National Tax Allotment
(NTA) (formerly Internal
Revenue Allotment or
IRA) deducted by DBM
(starting July 2016)
CA 2882-1018-20 - Metro Manila Green Print
(P) 2030 Project
CA 2882-1020-10 376.69 Metro Manila Flood Mgt.
(P) Project-Phase I
PVB CA 0001-002810- 2,017,347,351.39 - Deposit of MMDA
001/00101-000471- collections from traffic
8 fines, fees and
miscellaneous income
- Notice of Cash Allocation
(NCA) received from
DBM representing share
from Internal Revenue
CA 0001-003143- 39,295,695.76 MMDA Trust Fund Projects

Name of Balance
Bank Account No. Purpose
Bank (In PhP)
001/00101-000491- – NGAS
CA 0001-003137- 38,240,530.57 - Trust Fund deposits –
001/00101-000291- Cash bond, bid
3 documents, and other trust
fund deposits
CA 0001-008221- 373,350.97 MMDA Trust Fund Projects
001/00101-002470- – Bloomberg
TOTAL 5,615,868,002.69

The balances of the following bank accounts were reverted to general fund in 2021

Name of Reverted Amount

Bank Account No. Remarks
Bank (In PhP)
LBP CA 2882-1019-94 30,067,250.00 - MMDA Housing
- The account balance
was transferred to
General Fund in May
26, 2021 and it was
subsequently reverted
to Bureau of the
Treasury (BTr) in May
18, 2022.
PVB CA 0001-008497- 22,338,184.74 - Deposit of collections
001/00101-002476- from MMDA Workers’
7 Inn
- The account balance
was transferred to
General Fund in July
12, 2021 and it was
subsequently remitted
to BTr in April 18,
TOTAL 52,405,434.74

5.3 Cash in Bank - Foreign Currency

This account represents balance of the deposited fund assigned as designated account
(DA) to an authorized government depository bank acceptable by the financial
institution granting the loan or grant. The agency maintains two (2) dollar savings
account, broken down as follows:

Name of Balance
Bank Account No. Purpose
Bank (In PhP)
LBP CA 2884-0077-58 ($) - Metro Manila Green Print

Name of Balance
Bank Account No. Purpose
Bank (In PhP)
2030 Project
CA 2884-0082-31 ($) 32,277,120.00 Metro Manila Flood Mgt.
Project-Phase I
TOTAL 32,277,120.00


Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Inter-Agency Receivables 95,027,960.32 95,603,477.80
Other Receivables 73,331,752.88 75,511,128.64
TOTAL 168,359,713.20 171,114,606.44

6.1 Inter-Agency Receivables

Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Due from National Government Agencies 17,297,266.89 17,410,784.37
Due from Government-Owned and/or
16,933,723.99 17,395,723.99
Controlled Corporations
Due from Local Government Units 60,796,969.44 60,796,969.44
TOTAL 95,027,960.32 95,603,477.80

6.1.1 Due from National Government Agencies

The balance of the account includes receivables from the following:

Agency Remarks
(In PhP)
DBM- Procurement 6,163,630.38 Payment under “Cash and Carry
Service System” for commonly used
Pasig River 11,133,636.51 Amount advanced by the
Rehabilitation Center Authority in connection with the
construction, fabrication of
tugboats, barges and installation
of garbage conveyor with boom
TOTAL 17,297,266.89

6.1.2 Due from Government-Owned and/or Controlled Corporations

The account balance comprises of the following:

Agency Remarks
(In PhP)
Home Development 16,933,723.99 Transfer of balance from Due to
Mutual Fund (Pag- Pag-IBIG from over remittance
IBIG) and erroneous recording in
1998, 1999 and 2000 which are
still being reconciled with
pertinent records. Reconciliation
with Pag-ibig Fund (HDMF) is
TOTAL 16,933,723.99

6.1.3 Due from Local Government Units

The balance of the account Due from LGUs amounting to P1,013,015,317.16

pertains to the accumulated outstanding obligations of LGUs to the then
Metro Manila Commission (MMC) / Metro Manila Authority (MMA) and
MMDA since 1997, pursuant to PD 824, PD 921 and RA 7924.

Effective July 1998 pursuant to Presidential Memorandum with the

implementation of IRA deductions by the DBM from the LGUs representing
the 5 percent contributions to the MMDA, the yearly contribution of LGUs is
settled 100 percent.

On May 04, 2010, the MMDA requested for COA’s authority to write-off
from the books the accumulated balances of LGUs outstanding obligations
and the same was denied to due movement of account balance. Another
request to write off those balances in the books will be submitted upon
completion of required supporting documents.

In 2021, re-issuance of demand and collection letters was made to concerned

LGUs for the collection of those long outstanding obligations and to establish
correct balance of receivables.

The agency has an on-going case with the City of Pasay involving the
interpretation of Agency’s share in the Metro Manila LGUs’ income.

An allowance for impairment was provided equivalent to 95 percent based on

the unconfirmed balance to reflect the fair value of the receivables.

Details of Due from LGUs are as follows:

Local Government Unit
(In PhP)
1. Caloocan 63,213,218.77
2. Las Piñas 131,238,559.51
3. Makati 88,328,911.33
4. Malabon 34,019,840.89
5. Mandaluyong 55,439,543.82
6. Manila 64,308,161.08
7. Marikina 10,411,479.32
8. Muntinlupa 6,671,567.28
9. Navotas 3,340,713.26
10. Parañaque 143,679,582.74
11. Pasay 34,791,830.29
12. Pasig 28,309,585.10
13. Pateros 2,874,608.42
14. Quezon City 264,914,663.20
15. San Juan 37,208,665.70
16. Taguig 7,190,998.83
17. Valenzuela 37,073,387.62
TOTAL 1,013,015,317.16
Allowance for Impairment - Due from
Local Government Units
NET BALANCE 60,796,969.44

6.2 Other Receivables

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Receivables - Disallowances/Charges 69,756,664.44 69,960,211.50
Due from Officers and Employees 2,646,942.01 4,085,524.92
Other Receivables 928,146.43 1,465,392.22
TOTAL 73,331,752.88 75,511,128.64

6.2.1 Receivables-Disallowances and Charges

This account represents the accountabilities of retired and separated personnel

for audit disallowances and other accountabilities.

The balance of disallowances under this account is broken down as follows:

Notice of Disallowance Amount

(ND) No. (In PhP)
Official Travel to Kalibo,
ND No. 10-002-101 500,000.00
ND No. 10-003-101 22,187,312.60 Payment of incentives to

Notice of Disallowance Amount
(ND) No. (In PhP)
(2005-2010) agency officers and employees
ND No. 2014-10-0010 15,000,000.00 2013 Intelligence Fund
ND No. 2016-003-101
2,516,935.40 Official Travel to Sweden
Design and Construction of
09-001-TF-(04-06) 22,341,658.55 Pedestrian Bridges in various
parts of Metro Manila
Design and Construction of
Pedestrian Bridges in various
2016-009-101 (2016) 6,989,248.92
parts of Metro Manila
(Retention Fee)
Disallowances before the e-
Various ND 221,508.97
TOTAL 69,756,664.44

6.2.2 Due from Officers and Employees

This account represents collectibles from officers and employees still in the
service with old GSIS loans advanced by the Authority through offsetting
against the proceeds of sale of land in 1999, advanced salaries to augment
employees needs before lockdown on March 2020 and lost TVRs from traffic

The lost Toyota Innova-E with plate no. SJN 725 has a carrying value of
P852,702.00 which was requested by the Accountable Officer for Relief from
Accountability to the COA. The said request was denied per Decision No.
2016-005 dated February 2016. The said loss and corresponding
accountability of the concerned accountable officer is recognized in the books.

6.2.3 Other Receivables

The net account balance of P928,146.43 includes the following:

(In PhP)
Lost Traffic Violation Receipt from 20 traffic enforcers who
are no longer in the service
Receivables from various MMDA employees representing
salary/ calamity loans paid by the Authority through 31,894,568.52
offsetting against proceeds of sale of land in 1999
Lost Service Vehicle (Toyota Innova-E with plate no. SJN-
Others 667,276.11
Total 33,524,796.63
Less: Allowance for Impairment - Other Receivables 32,596,650.20

Recognition of allowance for impairment equivalent to 95 percent of
receivable which remains uncollected for more than five (5) years was made
to reflect the net value of the account.

6.3 Aging of Receivables

As at December 31, 2022

>2 years and

Total <30 days 31-90 days 91-365 days >1 year
Accounts above
(In PhP)
Inter-Agency 95,027,960.32 6,146,917.22 16,713.16 88,864,329.94
Other Receivables 73,331,752.88 1,401.59 - 7,259,542.54 1,265,905.87 64,804,902.88
TOTAL 168,359,713.20 1,401.59 - 13,406,459.76 1,282,619.03 153,669,232.82


Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Other Supplies and Materials for Distribution 0.00 219,163.37
Total Inventory Held for Distribution 0.00 219,163.37
Office Supplies Inventory 29,331,577.06 3,848,187.76
Accountable Forms, Plates and Stickers Inventory 5,403,362.93 6,856,173.37
Non-Accountable Forms Inventory 69,264.24 108,289.24
Drugs and Medicines Inventory 858,352.21 1,897,920.07
Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Inventory 34,839,660.48 37,963,100.28
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Inventory 42,883,453.87 28,717,915.31
Other Supplies and Materials Inventory 102,419,291.91 63,239,136.64
Total Inventory Held for Consumption 215,804,962.70 142,630,722.67
Semi-Expendable Office Equipment 7,698,688.77 3,102,466.95
Semi-Expendable Information and Communications 758,252.79 442,490.03
Technology Equipment
Semi-Expendable Communications Equipment 12,767,911.31 0.00
Semi-Expendable Disaster Response and Rescue 404,680.00 392,700.00
Semi-Expendable Medical Equipment 1,893,213.83 244,834.00
Semi-Expendable Technical and Scientific
180,000.00 15,600.00
Semi-Expendable Other Equipment 823,883.00 118,000.00
Total Semi-Expendable Machinery and
24,526,629.70 4,316,090.98
Semi-Expendable Furniture and Fixtures 21,209,059.96 22,096.00
Total Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and
21,209,059.96 22,096.00
TOTAL 261,540,652.36 147,188,073.02

The significant increases of the following inventory were attributed to following

Type of Inventory Remarks

Office Supplies Inventory Current year’s procurement of supplies which were
remained unused in 2022.
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Procurement of automotive diesel, gasoline, diesel
Inventory fuel multigrade engine oil for regular usage and
preventive maintenance of various pumping
stations, Pasig Ferry River Service boats
Other Supplies and Materials Purchased supplies and materials for fabrication of
Inventory traffic road facilities including reflectorized
stickers, signages, aluminum composite panels and
construction materials.
Semi-Expendable Machinery and Procurement of equipment and furniture for the new
Equipment building contributes to the significant increase of
Semi-Expendable Furniture, these accounts. Increase of capitalization threshold
Fixtures and Books from P15,000.00 to P50,000.00 result to also results
to the increase.

7.1 Inventory Held for Consumption

7.1.1 Office Supplies Inventory

The account represents unissued supplies and materials procured for the needs
various offices such as ink, toner, ribbons, barcode stickers, cartridges,
envelopes, bond papers, loose folders, continuous form, stamp pad, file box,

7.1.2 Accountable Forms, Plates and Stickers Inventory

This account represents unissued accountable forms such as purchase order

forms, official receipts, Unified Ordinance Violation Receipts (OUVR),
Jaywalking Violation Receipts (JVR), Environmental Violation Receipts
(EVR), Postal/Mailing Stamps, Trip Tickets, Gas Coupon, ledger cards and
Ferry Tickets.

7.1.3 Non-Accountable Forms Inventory

This account represents unissued pre-printed forms such as employee leave

card, Report of Collection and Deposit (RCD), stock card.

7.1.4 Drugs and Medicines Inventory

This account represents unissued different drugs and medicine such as multi-
vitamins, anti-biotic, metformin (diabetes), mefenamic, amlodipine,
paracetamol to use for the daily consultation and treatment of MMDA.

7.1.5 Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Inventory

This account represents unissued supplies used by the Medical, Dental, and
Rescue group such as: alcohol, cotton, face masks, ointment, disinfectants,
suture (absorbable), disposable gloves, gauze, bandages, oxygen tank, linen,
bonding agents, pontics, googles etc. It also includes chemicals such as
permethrin, deltamethrin, diflubenzuron among others for the intensified Anti-
Dengue Program.

7.1.6 Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Inventory

This account represents unissued fuel and lubricants in various Pumping

Stations, Libertad Warehouse, TEC – Sta. Mesa, Pasig Ferry River Service,
Metro Parkway Clearing Group, Sidewalk Clearing Operation Group, Road
Emergency Group and Transport Division. It also includes unissued fuel and
lubricants for Metro Manila Flood Management Project (MMFMP) heavy
equipment and service vehicles.

7.1.7 Other Supplies and Materials Inventory

The account includes unissued supplies such as construction tools/materials,

cleaning supplies, painting supplies, electrical supplies, tires among others.

7.2 Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment

This account comprises of machinery and equipment that are below the capitalization
threshold of P50,000.00. It includes calculators, printers, laptops, computers, desktop
delegate speech/ vote unit, pruner, telephone units, routers, microphone, power
supply among others.

7.3 Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books

The account includes storage cabinets, office chairs, book shelves, locker cabinets,
window blinds, executive table and other furniture and fixture that are below the
capitalization threshold of P50,000.00.

Buildings and Furniture,
Land Infrastructure Machinery and Transportation Property, Construction in
Particulars Land Improvements Other Fixtures and TOTAL
Assets Equipment Equipment Plant and Progress
Structures Books
Carrying Amount, January 1,
61,425,558.44 1,179,607.21 10,766,907,606.84 104,578,164.32 656,965,975.38 298,952,332.22 1,226,602.80 46,673,863.37 2,740,228,994.95 14,678,138,705.53
Additions/Acquisitions 2,485,153,933.78 1,875,699,069.80 290,119,306.23 64,426,285.58 12,952,021.57 - 1,971,903,760.58 6,700,254,377.54
Total 61,425,558.44 1,179,607.21 13,252,061,540.62 1,980,277,234.12 947,085,281.61 363,378,617.80 14,178,624.37 46,673,863.37 4,712,132,755.53 21,378,393,083.07
Disposals (2,980,520.55) (2,592,286.26) (8,251.37) (7,545,129.75) (13,126,187.93)
Transfer (Completed Projects)
(3,376,126,276.48) (3,376,126,276.48)
Reclassification of
23,902,250.14 (24,607,322.46) (9,652,344.90) 2,200,939.49 (2,403,129.12) 202,189.63 (10,357,417.22)
Depreciation (As per
Statement of Financial (1,603,963.68) (1,204,104,699.41) (5,852,289.35) (119,839,397.49) (51,348,035.56) (416,233.33) (8,762,305.07) (1,391,926,923.89)
Impairment Loss (As per
Statement of Financial

Carrying Amount, December

31, 2022 (As per Statement of 61,425,558.44 23,477,893.67 12,023,349,518.75 1,964,772,599.87 826,466,303.06 309,438,295.98 11,351,010.55 30,568,618.18 1,336,006,479.05 16,586,856,277.55
Financial Position)

Buildings and Furniture,
Land Infrastructure Machinery and Transportation Property, Construction in
Particulars Land Improvements Other Fixtures and TOTAL
Assets Equipment Equipment Plant and Progress
Structures Books
Gross Cost (Asset Account
Balance per Statement of 61,425,558.44 55,129,597.82 18,954,342,140.24 2,226,235,313.86 1,598,267,807.73 595,949,218.20 12,918,960.34 80,251,851.23 1,336,006,479.05 24,920,526,926.91
Financial Position)
Less : Acc. Depreciation 31,651,704.15 6,930,992,621.49 261,462,713.99 771,801,504.67 286,510,922.22 1,567,949.79 49,683,233.05 8,333,670,649.36
Allowance for

Carrying Amount, December

31, 2022 (As per Statement of 61,425,558.44 23,477,893.67 12,023,349,518.75 1,964,772,599.87 826,466,303.06 309,438,295.98 11,351,010.55 30,568,618.18 1,336,006,479.05 16,586,856,277.55
Financial Position)

*Figures in PhP

Adjustments in the PPE accounts pertains to correction of misclassified accounts,

derecognition of PPE items for prior year’s disposal, recognition of donated PPE,
correction of depreciation of PPE, recognition of completed projects under Trust Fund,
and other adjustments affecting PPE accounts.

The comparative carrying amounts of PPE are as follows:

Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Land 61,425,558.44 61,425,558.44
Land Improvements 23,477,893.67 1,179,607.21
Infrastructure Assets 12,023,349,518.75 10,766,907,606.84
Buildings and Other Structures 1,964,772,599.87 104,578,164.32
Machinery and Equipment 826,466,303.06 656,965,975.38
Transportation Equipment 309,438,295.98 298,952,332.22
Furniture, Fixtures and Books 11,351,010.55 1,226,602.80
Other Property, Plant and Equipment 30,568,618.18 46,673,863.37
Construction in Progress 1,336,006,479.05 2,740,228,994.95
TOTAL 16,586,856,277.55 14,678,138,705.53

The increase in Infrastructure Assets account attributes to completed flood control

projects, parks, plazas and sewer system.

The significant increase in Buildings and Other Structures was due to the completion of
the new MMDA building in Pasig, transferred completed trust fund projects.

The increase in Transportation Equipment account due to procurement of service vehicle

to be use by various offices and receipt of donated vehicles from private individuals/

The increase in Machinery and Equipment, Furniture, Fixtures and Books accounts were
mainly due to acquisitions of new equipment and furniture for the new office of MMDA.

The decrease in Construction in Progress account pertains to the transfer of the completed
MMDA new building to Buildings and Other Structures account.

Increase of capitalization threshold from P15,000.00 to P50,000.00 per COA Circular No.
2022-04 and disposal of unserviceable property, plant and equipment thru public bidding
resulted to the decrease some of the PPE accounts balances.

Prior years adjustments related to PPE accounts which includes disposal, reclassification,
and other adjustments were already reflected in the restated 2021 balances.

8.1 Land

Land account comprises the following:

Area Amount
Location Remarks
(sq.m.) (In PhP)
Guadalupe, Nuevo 6,911 9,370,066.46 Mortgaged with the Privatization
Makati and Management Office (PMO)
and Department of Finance (DOF)
Doña Julia Vargas 5,832 3,499,200.00 From the original 14,580 sqm of
Bo. Ugong, Pasig land, 8,748 was transferred to
City Robinsons Land Corporation
(RLC) for a valuable
Tondo, City of 652.00 6,192,708.25 Land title is not yet transferred to
Manila MMDA. A request for restructured
title was submitted to Land
Registration Authority (LRA).
Subtotal – Still In Use 19,061,974.71
Barrio San Isidro 26,010 13,005,000.00 A topographic and relocation
City of Antipolo, survey was partially completed on
Rizal January 21, 2019 to determine the
boundaries of the MMDA property
and to clarify all encroachment
issues. Cylindrical markers or
“muhon” are not yet installed due
to serious threats from illegal
claimants. Two (2) encroachment

Area Amount
Location Remarks
(sq.m.) (In PhP)
issues were identified by Solid
Waste Management Office
(SWMO) wherein the MMDA will
file a case for the recovery of
possession and annulment of title
against the illegal claimants.
Barrio Kalayugan, 538,984 5,063,324.00 Balance after the donation of 12.1
Carmona, Cavite hectares, two (2) parcels of land
covered by TCT Nos.1327908 and
1327909 to the Municipality of
Carmona in 2014.
Barrio Rosario 13,085 24,295,259.73 Use as right of way of NAPICO
Manggahan, Pasig Home Owners Association. On the
City process of donating the land to
LGU of Pasig.
Subtotal – Idle/Unutilized 42,363,583.73
TOTAL 61,425,558.44

In January 2003, DPWH functions and responsibilities, as well as properties and

personnel, for flood control and traffic engineering center were transferred to

Included in the transferred properties were land wherein pumping stations, Effective
Flood Control Operation System (EFCOS) and Traffic Academy in Sta. Mesa are
situated which remained unrecorded in the books due to unsecured copy of TCT by
the Authority upon transfer.

In 2016, the Authority sent a letter to DPWH for records and documents covering
the turn-over assets and equipment. Unfortunately, DPWH cannot provide those
documents since the PMO then was abolished in 2013 upon the full implementation
of the DPWH Rationalization Plan.

As at December 31, 2022, FCSMO oversee the operation of 71 pumping stations

including the newly transferred Presidential Security Group (PSG) pumping
stations, 9 floodgates. The total land area and floor area of these properties totaled
to 118,098.56 sq.m. and 20,817.41 sq.m. respectively. It also manages the operation
of EFCOS and its stations.

On-going retrieval of documents and coordination with concerned agencies are

being made to establish the propriety of titling these lands.

8.2 Land Improvement

Land improvements include fully depreciated improvements in the following lots:

Cost Remarks
(In PhP)
MMDA Parking Lot 1,258,900.00
Construction of Reclassification from other PPE
Benkelman Beam accounts:
Deflection (BBD) ✓ Road Networks - P21,650,288.56
Perimeter Fence C ✓ Other Structures - P 9,887,165.07
Improvement of Perimeter
Wall of underpass at
Shaw Blvd., Cubao P.
Tuazon Aurora
Perimeter Fencing in
Baseco Beach, Baseco 9,887,165.07
Subtotal – Still In Use 32,796,353.63
Antipolo Sanitary Landfill 18,424,999.94 See indicated remark under land
Cell III account.
Carmona Landfill 3,908,244.25 This landfill has stopped operation
since CY 1998 resulted in illegal
settlers residing/occupying the
property. As of January 04, 2019, an
ejectment case was filed against the
owner of the encroached property
under Civil Case No. CC-19-01 to
Municipal Trial Court of Carmona,
Cavite. Meanwhile, a Feasibility Study
for the Safe Closure and Rehabilitation
Plan (FS-SCRP) was completed in
April 2019. The FS-SCRP identifies
three post-closure land use concepts,
namely, (a) Recreational Park, (b)
Residential Community and (c)
Industrial Park. The identified concept
will be implemented after the
environmental management and
monitoring and maintenance confirm
that there are no more risks and hazard
to human and the environment.
Subtotal – Idle/Unutilized 22,333,244.19
TOTAL 55,129,597.82

8.3 Infrastructure Assets

Infrastructure assets consist of the following:

(In PhP)
Road Networks 4,221,920,212.19
Flood Control Systems 13,845,897,984.60
Sewer Systems 351,279,123.18
Communication Network 50,358,819.98
Parks, Plazas and Monuments 234,038,689.77
Other Infrastructure Assets 250,847,310.52
TOTAL 18,954,342,140.24

8.3.1 Road Networks

This account includes completed projects for the design and construction of
pedestrian footbridges, building and upgrading of Metro Manila Traffic Signal
System, construction of loading/unloading bays, design and building of Bus
Management/Monitoring Dispatch System (BMDS), improvement of roads,
sidewalks, installation of solar-powered streetlights, pedestrian signals and
other projects to improve the traffic system in Metro Manila. This account
also included the completed World Bank Funded Project amounting to

(In PhP)
MMDA Projects – Regular Agency Fund
Pedestrian Footbridges 1,428,598,024.72
LED retrofitting of streetlights, Installation of solar- 594,641,822.72
powered streetlights, signal lantern and pedestrian signal,
Upgrading of Traffic Signal at 161 Signalized
Design and Build System for the Metro Manila Traffic
Signal System Upgrading Phase I
Supply and Installation of Road Safety Devices 269,624,682.93
Traffic Signalization System involving the installation of
50 New Warranted Intersections
Various Re-greening and Landscaping Project on 128,087,773.10
Road Widening, Sidewalk Improvement, Roadway 88,620,724.06
Excavation, Improvement of Perimeter Fence, Access
Roads and U-turn Slots
EDSA Busway Project (Waiting Shed and Footbridge 92,592,037.60
Bus Management/Monitoring Dispatch System and
Loading/Unloading Bay 39,978,429.66

(In PhP)
Bicutan Interchange and Line 3 Corridor-Mainline 3,668,543.42
Other Projects 2,806,200.34
Subtotal 3,632,334,529.94
World Bank Project - MMURTRIP
Bicutan Interchange and Line 3 Corridor-Mainline 397,548,640.32
Secondary Roads (Pasong Tamo St.) 109,144,023.01
EDSA LRT Line 3 Corridor (Secondary Roads) 82,893,018.92
Subtotal 589,585,682.25
TOTAL 4,221,920,212.19

8.3.2 Flood Control Systems

This account represents the completed flood control projects including but not
limited to riprapping and drainage improvement, construction/rehabilitation/
upgrading of pumping stations (large, small and relief), floodgates located in
the following Metro Manila Flood Districts.

(In PhP)
Pumping Stations 8,896,576,153.82
Riprapping/Rehabilitation/Improvement of banks, creeks,
drainages at various locations in Metro Manila
Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert (RCBC) 363,780,970.25
Construction/ Rehabilitation of Gravity, CHB wall,
retarding pond and bridges
Floodgates 44,075,020.50
Circumferential Sewage Interceptor at Baseco Compound,
Sewage Treatment Plant House with Solar Panel
Installation for Carbon Footprint Reduction and Water 74,986,892.05
Storage Tank
Other Projects in various location 21,379,180.55
TOTAL 13,845,897,984.60

8.3.3 Sewer Systems

This account includes construction of the sewerage treatment plant, waste

water interceptor, communal septic tank and sewer lines and other sewer
system facilities.

(In PhP)
Design and Build Scheme for the Establishment of
Sewerage Treatment Plant, Wastewater and Sewerage 269,165,042.06
Construction of Communal Septic Tank and Sewer Lines 59,361,656.41

(In PhP)
in various locations
Site Development for Sewerage and Easement
TOTAL 351,279,123.18

8.3.4 Communication Network

This account recognizes the cost incurred in the purchase or construction of

communications networks such as transmitters/transceivers and other
communications/telecommunications facilities.

(In PhP)
Network Switches & Transceiver Modules for the
Rehabilitation of MMDA Network
Underground fiber optic communication network for Phase
II 161 signalized intersections to be connected to the 38,601,320.00
MMDA command center traffic signal control
TOTAL 50,358,819.98

8.3.5 Parks, Plazas and Monuments

This account comprises of constructed friendship parks (daycare and courts),

landscape treatment, urban space and recreational parks including in various
location in Metro Manila

(In PhP)
Valenzuela Friendship Park 1-4 20,560,527.42
Proposed Construction of City Park (Phase III) at
Bulungan, Brgy. La Huerta, Parañaque City
Proposed Construction of Navotas Greenzone Park -
Phase 2 along R-10 Road, Barangay Bangkulase - NBBN 19,799,047.05
Navotas City
Proposed Landscape of EDSA-BUENDIA Sen. Gil Puyat
Park, Makati City
Proposed Landscape of EDSA-Magallanes Pocket Park,
Makati City
Proposed Landscape of EDSA-Pinagkaisahan Park,
Makati City
Proposed Rehabilitation of Catmon People's Park,
Malabon City
Proposed Landscape Treatment Pocket Park @ EDSA
Tramo Pasay City & Buendia Makati City Underneath 13,591,088.96
Flyover Center Island (Package No.1)
Proposed Rehabilitation of Hulong Duhat Plaza, Malabon

(In PhP)
Proposed Construction of Urban Green Space and
Recreational Park at Bayanan Baywalk, Barangay 20,850,849.54
Bayanan, Muntinlupa City
Refurbishment of Chinese Pagoda and Improvement / Site
Development of Rizal Park
Gatchalian Park, Las Piñas City 19,900,933.05
Redevelopment of Buting Linear Park 19,891,178.68
Construction of Urban Green Space and Recreational
Park, Taguig City
Development of El Polvorin Linear Park - San Juan
Elementary School
TOTAL 234,038,689.77

8.3.6 Other Infrastructure Assets

This account includes the transfer of the 14 Pasig Ferry Stations, 3 Interim
Ferry Stations, Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) bike service station, aluminum
composite panel, and construction of waiting shed.

(In PhP)
Fourteen (14) Pasig Ferry Stations 216,741,864.44
South West Provincial Integrated Bus Terminal 25,125,836.89
Aluminum Composite Panel 3,442,500.00
FRP Bike Service Station 1,440,000.00
3 Interim Ferry Stations (Quinta Market, Circuit Makati
and Kalawaan)
Construction of waiting shed in Simplicio Manila
National Highschool in Pateros
TOTAL 250,847,310.52

8.4 Buildings and Other Structures

Buildings and Other Structures are broken down as follows:

(In PhP)
Buildings 2,153,191,792.97
Other Structures 73,043,520.89
TOTAL 2,226,235,313.86

8.4.1 Buildings

This account comprises the cost of MMDA Building including the newly
constructed MMDA building, solar-powered comfort rooms and showered
facilities, installed elevator unit, four-storey MMDA Traffic Institute and

Theater, Rehabilitation of Traffic Academy Building (Sta. Mesa), EFCOS
Gauging Station, Field Offices and MMDA Warehouses.

(In PhP)
New MMDA Building including fit-outs 1,845,281,296.22
Solar Powered Comfort Rooms and Shower Facilities 30,303,106.58
Makati Hotel Building 183,207,726.20
MMDA Traffic Institute and Theatre 47,687,523.03
Nangka Rainfall & Water Level Gauging Station,
Brgy. Ampid, San Mateo, Rizal
Spine Field Office 2,028,270.04
TED Office 6,723,713.21
Housing Facilities for Waste Granulator and Brick
Making Equipment at Vitas Pumping Station
Renovation of Existing Metrobase 6,489,798.31
Reinstallation of MMDA Warehouses 4,575,418.80
FCSMO Equipment Management Satellite Office &
Emergency Quarters Napindan Hydraulic Control 5,907,758.69
Structure Compound
TOTAL 2,153,191,792.97

8.4.2 Other Structures

This account consists of the following:

(In PhP)
Gauging Station and Warning Post (EFCOS) 34,494,204.15
Manggahan Ecological Recycling Composting
Emergency Waiting Station 5,702,664.70
Emergency Quarantine Facilities and Shower/
Toilet Facilities
Rehabilitation of Traffic Academy Building at Sta.
Mesa Manila
5 units MMDA Traffic Management Office 3,107,287.50
10 MMDA Emergency Station (10 and 20 Foot) 3,020,884.82
Construction of Comfort Room at Kalawaan Ferry
Station 114,667.00

TOTAL 73,043,520.89

8.5 Machinery and Equipment

(In PhP)
Office Equipment 52,302,552.88
Information and Communication Technology Equipment 157,871,619.57

(In PhP)
Communication Equipment 104,236,416.54
Construction and Heavy Equipment 599,079,596.00
Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment 232,794,863.00
Medical Equipment 17,651,394.40
Technical and Scientific Equipment 226,369,322.39
Other Equipment 207,962,042.95
TOTAL 1,598,267,807.73

8.5.1 Office Equipment

The account includes various office equipment such as air-conditioning units,

copier machine, fax machines, cameras, LED TVs, cash registers, risographs,
printers, sound systems, projectors, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners,
microphones, video and audio-conferencing system camera among others.
This account also includes an office equipment from Metro Manila Flood
Management Project (MMFMP) Phase I amounting to P3,126,370.00.

Details of the acquired asset during the year are listed below:

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
LOGITECH video and audio-
3 70,950.00 212,850.00
conferencing system camera
WILSON Polisher 16'' with Brush and
4 59,775.00 239,100.00
1 CARRIER 10TR Floor Mounted Ducted 335,672.76 335,672.76
1 Airconditioner 335,672.77 335,672.77
SHARP Digital Scanner Copier Heavy
5 189,880.00 949,400.00
Duty Machine Copier
PANASONIC Air-condition 2.5HP Split
1 70,000.00 70,000.00
Type Wall Mounted Inverter
1 MURATEC Multi-Function System 72,495.00 72,495.00
1 KYOCERA Portable Copier Machine 64,640.00 64,640.00
KYOCERA Multi-Functioning Copier
1 with Document Archiving Digital 537,706.00 537,706.00
1 ACER Projector with Projector Screen 58,550.00 58,550.00
2 KYOCERA Digital Multi-Function 67,500.00 135,000.00
2 EPSON Multifunctional Printer 110,138.50 220,277.00
3-Axis Handheld Gimbal (DSLR)
1 78,800.00 78,800.00
CANON Digital Single-lens Reflex
1 152,000.00 152,000.00
NIKON Digital Single-lens Reflex
1 55,000.00 55,000.00
2 EPSON Projector System 65,000.00 130,000.00

No. of Unit Cost Amount
Units (In PhP)
FUJIDENZO 3TR Floor Standing
6 119,504.00 717,024.00
3 SAMSUNG Smart TV 75" 105,256.00 315,768.00
BROTHER Wired and Wireless
2 71,000.00 142,000.00
Document Scanner
7 Digital Audio Processor 57,941.85 405,592.95
Intelligent Digital Conference System
5 92,359.31 461,796.55
Projector WXGA Resolution white and
8 149,250.00 1,194,000.00
colour light output
1 KYOCERA Multifunction Laser Copier 178,550.00 178,550.00
TOTAL 7,061,895.03

8.5.2 Information and Communication Technology Equipment

The account consists of IT equipment such as laptops, computers, tablets,

telemetry equipment, Out of Bound Management Appliance, AVR/UPS,
fingerprint reader/scanner, Biometric Time Recorder, IBM System, Metro
Road Rules Enforcement System Hardware, projectors, printers, CCTV
cameras and control, etc. This account also includes an IT Equipment and
Software from MMFMP Phase I amounting to P41,041,066.76.

During the year, several ICT equipment were donated/turned-over to MMDA:

Donor Donated Item
(In PhP)
Ale Builders Construction 1 unit ASUS Laptop
and Development Corp.
AKN Construction 1 set ASUS Desktop
Corporation Computer
Red Matrix Builders and 1 set MSI Desktop
Trading Computer
TOTAL 191,809.00

8.5.3 Communication Equipment

This account is composed of handheld radio, two-way base radio, two-way

portable radio, Digital/Analog Mobile Repeater, MMDA Radio Station,
Digital Repeater System and Stations, speakers, microphones, base radio and
mobile radio. Additional acquisitions were made during the year amounting to

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
ACM SRL 2018sub, Brand: ACM
2 63,983.12 127,966.24

No. of Particulars Unit Cost Amount
Units PROEL Amplifier (4ch power
1 139,318.08 139,318.08
2 FBT Shadow 112CT Speaker 51,599.29 103,198.58
1 63,260.73 63,260.73
Standard Amplifier
2 Wall Mount Speaker 56,759.22 113,518.44
HYTERA Analog-Digital
2 111,789.80 223,579.60
Conversion Mobile Radio
2 Accessories: Dispatch workstation 202,497.50 404,995.00
Digital Two-Way Radio UHF/ FM
1 920,434.88 920,434.88
Digital Repeater
1 SENNHEISER Wireless Mic HD 51,599.29 51,599.29
1 ASP 110 DELL R240 Server IPO 830,292.86 830,292.86
TOTAL 2,978,163.70

8.5.4 Construction and Heavy Equipment

The account includes dumptrucks, backhoes, boom trucks, bulldozers, cargo

trucks, forklifts, excavators, payloaders, fire trucks, military trucks and other
construction and heavy equipment used by MMDA for its operations.
Additional purchases were made during the year amounting to

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
LONKING Hydraulic Excavator
1 4,700,000.00 4,700,000.00
(Crawler Type)
4 3,875,000.00 15,500,000.00
KIA K2500 Double Cab Light Cargo
2 1,670,000.00 3,340,000.00
2 LONGKING Payloader 4,000,000.00 8,000,000.00
Road Sweeper Schwarze A4 Storm
1 11,000,000.00 11,000,000.00
1 Forklift Lonking LG25DT 900,000.00 900,000.00
1 Truck Tractor Head Howo A7 420HP 5,100,000.00 5,100,000.00
Truck Mounted Manlift Homan
1 5,500,000.00 5,500,000.00
Engine Displacement: 2500cc
Truck Mounted Manlift Homan
1 6,500,000.00 6,500,000.00
Engine Displacement: 4000cc
LONKING Wheel Type Hydraulic
1 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00
Excavator with braker attachment
1 Water Truck Homan 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00
TOTAL 70,040,000.00

8.5.5 Disaster Response and Rescue Equipment

PPE used by MMDA for disaster response and rescue operations/activities are
classified to this account including firetrucks, tent with sidings, inflatable
rubber boats, ambulance, cutters, earthquake rescue equipment-shoring,
earthquake simulator, water purifier, search and rescue cameras, skid loader
among others.

Details of acquired equipment made during the year:

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
Search and Rescue Dog (Male and
2 Female) 50,000.00 100,000.00
PURE H2O Portable Water Purifier
50 with Solar Power System 374,500.00 18,725,000.00
TOTAL 18,825,000.00

8.5.6 Medical Equipment

This account includes BP apparatus, breath analyser, ECG machine, life

support training system, spine board, x-ray machine, fire ventilator, Self-
Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and other related medical equipment.
The Authority made the following acquisition in 2022 as enumerated below:

No. of Unit Cost
(In PhP)
RUNDEER Portable X-Ray
1 74,200.00 74,200.00
8 Fire Ventilator Fan (Mobile) 410,776.80 3,286,214.40
1 Oxygen Compressor (for SCBA) 870,240.00 870,240.00
10 SCBA Auto Donning Mask 397,194.00 3,971,940.00
TOTAL 8,202,594.40

8.5.7 Technical and Scientific Equipment

This account includes walkthrough metal detectors, electronic survey device,

flowmeter, frequency inverter, earthquake simulator, speed detector, eye proof
radar gun with tripod, laser gun, and victim locator device system among

Details of acquired equipment made during the year including equipment

acquired for the MMFMP Phase I:

No. of Unit Cost Amount
Units (In PhP)
DJI Phantom 4 RTK Quadcopter
1 with D-RTK 2 GNSS Mobile 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00
Station Combo
SON TEKPortable Nine-Beam
1 (Acoustic Doppler Profile/ 10,800,000.00 10,800,000.00
Discharge Measurement System)
Small Pyrolysis /Gasification
1 30,120,000.00 30,120,000.00
1 Digital Survey Instrument 170,000.00 170,000.00
Speed Gun LTI's 20/20 TruCam II
4 High Resolution Photo Video, 925,000.00 3,700,000.00
Complete with standard accessories
1 Float Type Water Level Gauge 1,490,653.92 1,490,653.92
2 Power Distribution Board 118,966.40 237,932.80
2 Pressure Type Water Level Gauge 167,612.48 335,224.96
3 Telemetry Equipment 548,464.00 1,645,392.00
5 Victim Locator Device System 4,052,000.00 20,260,000.00
TOTAL 69,959,203.68

8.5.8 Other Equipment

This account pertains to air compressor, blower vacuum, chainsaw, cut-off

machine, cutter/pruner, drill, fogging machine, and generator. Additional
acquisitions made during the year amounted to P44,297,832.00 including
equipment acquired for the project as shown below:

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
POWERSTAR Air Compressor
1 171,545.00 171,545.00
1 ISUZU Diesel Generator 220V 660,250.00 660,250.00
Bio-Gas Digester (Anaerobic
1 3,250,000.00 3,250,000.00
Digesterand Gas Holder)
1 Briquetting / Extruding Machine 1,290,000.00 1,290,000.00
1 Carbonizer 2,310,000.00 2,310,000.00
1 Multi-Purpose Grinder/ Pulverizer 645,000.00 645,000.00
Multi-Purpose Chopper Shredder
1 3,600,000.00 3,600,000.00
with Built-in Squeezer
6 Multi-Purpose Dryer (Tray Type) 2,260,000.00 13,560,000.00
1 Multi-Purpose Mixer 304,000.00 304,000.00
1 STC Water Treatment System 3,250,000.00 3,250,000.00
1 Heavy Duty Multi-Waste Shredder 4,770,000.00 4,770,000.00
1 Doosan Hydraulic Breaker 345,000.00 345,000.00
3 Tower light with Portable Genset 276,050.00 828,150.00
SANWA Remote Display Meter
4 54,600.00 218,400.00
with iFlex
1 BOSCH Combination Hammer 54,487.00 54,487.00

No. of Unit Cost Amount
Units (In PhP)
1 25KVA DENYO Generator Set 1,154,980.00 1,154,980.00
1 45KVA DENYO Generator Set 1,705,587.00 1,705,587.00
2 75KVA DENYO Generator 2,419,716.50 4,839,433.00
100KVA Diesel Generator Set,
1 1,288,000.00 1,288,000.00
Silent Type
Concrete Mixer 1 Bagger with
1 53,000.00 53,000.00
7.5HP Motor
TOTAL 44,297,832.00

During the year, AKN Construction Corporation donated one (1)

BLACKSTONE Diesel Generator amounting to P170,000.00.

8.6 Transportation Equipment

(In PhP)
Motor Vehicles 306,852,157.89
Watercrafts 288,234,440.31
Other Transportation Equipment 862,620.00
TOTAL 595,949,218.20

8.6.1 Motor Vehicles

This account consists of the motor vehicles purchased by and donated to

MMDA. It also includes motor vehicles from MMFMP Phase I amounting to
P 16,876,251.00.

Additional motor vehicles acquired and donated in 2022 are shown below:

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
NISSAN Navara VE Calibre MT
2 1,556,223.00 3,112,446.00
4x2 Pick-Up Truck
NISSAN NV350 Urvan 2.5L 18-
1 1,810,405.00 1,810,405.00
Seater Multi-Purpose Vehicle
NISSAN Terra 2.5 EL MT 4x2
1 2023 7-Seater Multi-Purpose 2,004,000.00 2,004,000.00
ISUZU Traviz L 10FTR Utility
15 1,315,000.00 19,725,000.00
1 2022 Mitsubishi Strada 944,500.00 944,500.00
TOYOTA HI-LUX 4x4 Diesel
2 1,302,200.00 2,604,400.00
1 1,221,200.00 1,221,200.00
23 KAWASAKI Bajaj Rouser 191,300.00 4,399,900.00

No. of Unit Cost Amount
Units (In PhP)
ISUZU Traviz L Multi-Purpose
1 1,350,000.00 1,350,000.00
Vehicle (EURO 4)
Subtotal - Acquired 37,171,851.00
Kawasaki Rouser RS200 with ABS
15 136,400.00 2,046,000.00
(Anti-lock Braking System)
1 Toyota Innova 1,039,200.00 1,039,200.00
3 ISUZU XL WAGON (Crosswind) 587,200.00 1,761,600.00
Subtotal - Donated 4,846,800.00
TOTAL 42,018,651.00

8.6.2 Watercrafts

This account comprises ferry boats, floaters, pontoon barge, marine boats,
inflatable rubber boats, trash boats among others. In 2022, the Authority
acquired the following watercrafts:

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
Inflatable Rubber Boat (8-man
4 996,400.00 3,985,600.00
capacity) with OBM and Trailer
Aluminum Rescue Boat with OBM
4 1,192,850.00 4,771,400.00
and Trailer
Inflatable Rubber Boat (12-man
4 1,288,100.00 5,152,400.00
capacity) with OBM and Trailer
Fiberglass Rescue Boat with OBM
4 1,350,000.00 5,400,000.00
and Trailer
BARGE with 4pcs Bins for
1 4,400,000.00 4,400,000.00
Hydraulic Excavator
TOTAL 23,709,400.00

During the year, RJM Construction and Development, Inc. donated one (1)
MANG ONDOY Flood Boat amounting to P51,000.00.

8.6.3 Other Transportation Equipment

This account consists of various motorcycle parts such as blinkers, jet sonic
light bars with siren and speakers, saddle bars, top box, mountain bikes,
saddle bags with brackets and spare parts of ferry boats.

8.7 Furniture, Fixtures and Books

(In PhP)
Furniture and Fixtures 12,918,960.34
TOTAL 12,918,960.34

The account balance includes blinds, sofas, chairs, plastic capsules, tables, cabinets,
etc. This account includes the cost of furniture and fixtures from MMFMP Phase I
amounting to P128,000.00.

Additional acquisitions in 2022 are shown below:

No. of Unit Cost Amount

Units (In PhP)
1 CABINETS Steel Filing Cabinet Gray 74,816.00 74,816.00
SAMSUNG 55'' Crystal UHD Smart
1 58,000.00 58,000.00
1 Sofa Bed (2-Seater) "Bianco Sofabed 59,700.00 59,700.00
1 Record Safe Vault Cabinet 54,590.00 54,590.00
4 Executive table with display shelf 189,591.53 758,366.12
3 Conference Table 277,649.77 832,949.31
7 Three-seater sofa 72,774.30 509,420.10
6 Vanity Table with wardrobe cabinet 172,970.80 1,037,824.80
Sofa Bed (L2060mm x W900mm x
5 98,490.08 492,450.40
Coffee Table (L1200mm x W600mm
1 50,098.25 50,098.25
x H420mm)
Conference Table (L2400mm x
1 92,549.92 92,549.92
W1200mm x H750mm)
1 Television 129,350.00 129,350.00
1 Conference Table, Slim (War Room) 167,169.95 167,169.95
Upholstered bed with mattress (queen
1 159,787.05 159,787.05
Conference Table (L1200mm x
1 317,549.12 317,549.12
W1200mm x H750mm)
Reception Table (L500mm x
1 464,891.86 464,891.86
W900mm x H1050mm)
Conference Table (L4800mm x
1 487,216.67 487,216.67
W1400mm x H750mm)
Executive table with display shelf
1 503,509.80 503,509.80
(W2400mm x D2000mm x H750mm)
Conference Table (L4800mm x
1 510,738.47 510,738.47
W1400mm x H750mm)
Conference Table (L7200mm x
1 532,170.77 532,170.77
W1400mm x H750mm)
Executive table with display shelf
1 599,555.40 599,555.40
(W3200mm x D2400mm x H750mm)
Executive table with display shelf
1 622,204.54 622,204.54
(W2800mm x D2200mm x H750mm)
Chandelier (L6000 x W3000mm x
1 H1000mm) 398,000.00 398,000.00

No. of Unit Cost Amount
Units (In PhP)
Three-seater sofa (L2200mm x
2 127,513.23 255,026.46
W810mm x H720mm)
SAMSUNG 43'' LED Ultra HD 4K
12 59,700.00 716,400.00
Smart TV Cinema Screen
Three-seater sofa (L2120mm x
4 85,114.29 340,457.16
W890mm x H750mm)
Outdoor 3-seater sofa (L2140mm x
8 98,087.10 784,696.80
W880mm x H700mm)
12 Smart TV 70'' Ultra HD 4K 124,948.26 1,499,379.12
Conference Table (L2400mm x
2 213,576.75 427,153.50
W1200mm x H750mm)
TOTAL 12,936,021.57

8.8 Other Property, Plant and Equipment

(In PhP)
Other Property, Plant and Equipment 80,251,851.23
TOTAL 80,251,851.23

This account comprises of mobile drinking water treatment plant, berthing flatform
fiberglass reinforced plastic, musical instruments, gym equipment, concrete cutter,
concrete mixer, jack, wrench, pullcarts, ladders, container vans, portalets, tents, and
PPE items not falling under any of the specific Property, Plant and Equipment

Significant decrease of the account was due to the disposal and increase threshold
capitalization in 2022.

8.9 Construction in Progress

8.9.1 Infrastructure Assets

a. Roads, Highways and Bridges

The account refers to the on-going projects including the upgrading of

Traffic Signal Field Facilities at various signalized intersections, solar-
powered streetlights, construction of footbridge, Road Safety Devices -
Phase V and installation of CCTV Cameras for MMDA's Non-Contact
Apprehension Program amounting to P805,324,082.30.

b. Flood Control System

The account refers to the on-going drainage improvement, riprapping

and rehabilitation of esteros and canals amounting to P66,543,659.66.

c. Communication Network

The account balance of P288,127,252.63 comprises installation of

complete fiber optic communication system for the traffic signalization
system to cover 205 signalized intersections and 100 CCTV sites,
installation of CCTV Cameras, Installation of MMDA Network
Infrastructure (Phase I and II).

d. Parks, Plazas and Monuments

The account balance includes on-going adopt-a-park program which

aims to rehabilitate and develop parks and plazas in various locations in
Metro Manila, MMDA Nature Park and development in Carmona,
Cavite amounting to P133,695,805.66.

8.9.2 Building and Other Structures

a. Building

The account balance of P42,315,678.80 comprises of the on-going

construction of warehouse for solid waste management tools and
equipment and water hyacinth processing facility at Tapayan Pumping
Station under MMFMP.


This account consists of the following:

Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Intangible Assets 148,920,772.41 100,452,387.22
Development in Progress 34,544,527.20 41,250,959.09
TOTAL 183,465,299.61 141,703,346.31

9.1 Intangible Assets

9.1.1 Computer Software

This account with carrying amount of P148,920,772.41 pertains to computer

and system software. Additional procurement made during the year resulted to
the increase of the account balance.

Carrying Amount
Particulars as of 12.31.22
Useful Life
(In PhP)
One (1) Lot Software Solution for the 9 years 39,637,734.32
Data Entry, Data Tracking and Data
Information needs of MMDA Human
Resources, Payroll Management and
Accounting Functions with PR# 20-03-
Supply and Installation for Design, 9 years 37,153,465.45
Development and Implementation of
Asset and Fleet Management System
Security Management Appliance 9 years 5,394,129.86
(Checkpoint Smart-1) and Next
Generation Firewall (Checkpoint 6600
1 Lot Tracking System Application 8 years 963,861.10
Software (HYTERA Smart Dispatch)
with 25 Terminal Software License
Innovative Document Tracking System 7 years 11,872,000.01
with PR# 18-11-1066
Geographic Information System (GIS) 5 years 755,993.43
Titanium PC-Based Time Recording 3 years 52,888.88
Software License
Vmware vSphere Upgrade and 12th 3 years 3,669,333.75
NAS with Cloud Back up
NTC Licenses and Roaming 3 years 965,620.05
Geographic Information Mapping 2 years 652,080.00
Hybrid Wide Area Network (WAN) 2 years 6,671,666.61
Solution-Software Defined WAN
Appliance for Datacenter 1 and 2 and
CISCO Core Switch Upgrade
Digital Dispatch Application System 2 years 445,238.06
One (1) Lot Video Storage System to 2 years 6,432,584.45
Expand the Existing Video Storage
Capacity of CCTV Cameras
Supply and Delivery of Electrical 2 years 5,195,666.69
Supplies & Materials for Improvement
and Enhancement of Existing Videowall
System (Phase I)
Innovative Document Tracking System 1 year 1,104,565.35
Milestone No. 5
Storage Server LENOVO SR550 (Non- 1 year 680,166.62
Contact Apprehension)

Carrying Amount
Particulars as of 12.31.22
Useful Life
(In PhP)
Data Governance Solution for MMDA 1 year 1,912,212.44
(Minimum 101 User License)
SIP Trunks with Connectivity (IPVPN) 11 months 1,560,939.60
Production Support Coverage Vmware 3 months 313,924.77
vCenter Server 7
AutoCAD License Various 5,169,553.04
Microsoft Windows, Office Home and Various 1,115,119.85
License Migration for equipment Indefinite 144,000.00
AVAYA IP Office (R10 and R11) Indefinite 17,058,028.08
TOTAL 148,920,772.41

9.2 Development in Progress

9.2.1 Computer Software

The account pertains to on-going payroll system with integration to the

monitoring system and personnel information system project amounting to


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Advances 13,740,509.22 8,450,760.45
Prepayments 293,421,363.58 187,870,074.96
Deposits 15,583,696.81 13,157,092.55
Other Assets 0.00 380,271,858.62
TOTAL 322,745,569.61 589,749,786.58

10.1 Advances

Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Advances for Payroll 1,561,916.50 1,576,916.50
Advances to Officers and Employees/SDOs 12,178,592.72 6,873,843.95
TOTAL 13,740,509.22 8,450,760.45

10.1.1 Advances for Payroll

The account balance includes the Cash Disbursing Officer account which
was reclassified to Payroll fund that had been dormant for over 20 years
amounting to P1,561,916.50.

10.1.2 Advances to Officers and Employees/Special Disbursing Officers

This account represents cash advances of MMDA officers and employees

for the following purposes.

(In PhP)
Special Activities 1,723,862.01
Intelligence Fund 6,250,000.00
Official Travel 100.00
Sub-Total – Active Accounts 7,973,962.01
No Longer Connected with MMDA
Special Purpose 645,860.69
Official Travel 419,126.04
Intelligence Fund 1,950,000.00
Others 1,189,643.98
Sub-Total- Dormant Accounts 4,204,630.71
TOTAL 12,178,592.72

10.2 Prepayments

Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Advances to Contractors 291,932,771.93 187,033,085.91
Prepaid Insurance 1,488,591.65 836,989.05
TOTAL 293,421,363.58 187,870,074.96

10.4.1 Advances to Contractors

The account represents the 15 percent mobilization fee granted to

contractors of MMDA for the implementation of various infrastructure
projects, broken as follows:

(In PhP)
Alexa Trading and Construction 1,934,388.39
All Asia Structures Inc. 416,101.65
Amigo Club Entertainment, Inc. 855,579.95
Armspeal Builders & Supply 4,479,561.46
A-Win Enterprise and Solutions Inc. 52,919,388.36
Bunah-Vita Green Garden 945,235.62

(In PhP)
Comclark Network & Technology Corporation 6,866,666.52
D.C. Sandil Construction and Realty Development Inc. 5,302,745.52
Dimax Technologies Center/Ntechnologies Corporation
& Net Pacific. Inc. (Consortium)
E.M. Cuerpo, Inc. 11,103,987.04
F.A. Guevara Surveying & Engineering 39,000.00
Fe S. Reyes General Contractor 4,348,911.75
Gembar Enterprises Incorporated 78,064,995.96
Infobahn Communications, Inc. 46,594,537.95
ITP Construction Corp. 10,522,582.26
J.D. Legaspi Construction 670,689.93
Kyro Builders, Inc. 5,356,475.18
Mig-Wells Construction Corp. 92,323.57
Mindanao Rock 2,856,244.47
MSV Construction & Supplies 13,552,524.51
Paogeline Trading 2,727,191.53
R.S. Superbatch Construction & Development, Inc. 805,238.37
Reed Steel Fabrications Inc. 184,483.28
Ron Daniell Construction Corporation 14,456,625.28
Steel Centre Phils., Inc. 1,210,236.72
Tuchar Construction Corp. 2,225,181.93
TOTAL 291,932,771.93

The contract with Prime Gigabuild Construction Corporation (formerly Ron

Daniell Construction Corporation) pertaining to the upgrading of traffic signal
field facilities at 155 signalized intersections including integration to the
traffic control system at the new command center (Phase III) was terminated
on February 17, 2020. This termination leaves a contractor’s liability to refund
the unrecouped 15 percent advanced and other charges in relation to the

Details of the claims from the Contractor are shown below:

(In PhP)
Unrecouped advances for mobilization fee
less collectibles (unpaid progress billings) 2,131,559.57
of contractor
Missing items of delivered and paid 13,404,642.56
Traffic Signal Facilities based on final
inventory and turn-over to the Authority
Liquidated Damages based on remaining
work of the Project
TOTAL 57,035,645.10

10.4.2 Prepaid Insurance

This account represents unexpired portion of GSIS insurance premiums paid

for MMDA vehicles, and group personal insurance (passenger and crew)
amounting to P1,488,591.65.

10.3 Deposits

The balance represents the following deposits:

Nature of Amount
Deposit (In PhP)
Manila Electric Company 13,561,677.87
Manila Water Co., Inc. 418,442.11
Maynilad Water Services, Inc. 95,230.00
Berkelly Residence Condo. Corp. 5,000.00
A.L. Yabut Management &
Security Development Corporation
Deposit Filsystem Towers 44,800.00
Robinson’s Land Corp. 12,078.83
JBANJ Properties, Inc. 150,000.00
SD Publication, Inc. 5,000.00
Cash First Choice Caltex Serv. Center 500,000.00
Deposit Lorped Service Center 500,000.00
TOTAL 15,583,696.81

This account includes the security deposit of P291,468.00 for the office space as the
Project Management Office (PMO) under the Metro Manila Flood Management
Project-Phase I.

10.4 Other Assets

10.4.1 Other Assets

The account balance represents the remaining balance of the valuable

consideration on the agency’s transferred asset (land) to RLC for the
construction of the new building.

The construction of the new building was completed in 2022 thus the
reversal of the account balance.

10.4.2 Confiscated Property/Assets

Due to rampant and repeated disregard of traffic rules on administrative

violations of out of line, colorum operations and tampering of official
receipt and/or certificate of registration pf public utility vehicles and/or
certificate of public convenience by owners, operators and drivers of public

utility vehicles, MMDA provided stiffer penalties under MMDA
Regulation No. 97-004. Owner/operator of public vehicle shall be penalized
by a fine of five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) per violation and motor
vehicle will be impounded for at least 24 hours upon arrival at the
designated MMDA impounding area.

MMDA Regulation 03-001 provided that impounded vehicles not

redeemed by the operator or owner within period of six (6) months from the
date of apprehensions shall be sold at public auction. Since MMDA has
limited area for impounding purposes, the Authority can hardly
accommodate the volume of vehicles towed and the maintenance and
custody of these impounded/abandoned vehicles causes unnecessary
expenses to the agency. MMDA recognizes the need to dispose these
vehicles in order to recover said expenses.

MMDA Regulation No. 12-21 provided the prescribed rules and procedures
implementing the disposition of the unredeemed and impounded vehicles.

Details of towed/impounded of vehicles are shown below as at December

31, 2022:

Impounding Area No. of vehicles

Tumana Impounding, Marikina City 1,361
HK Plaza Impounding, Pasay City 200
TOTAL 1,561


Particulars Non-
Current Current Non-Current
(In PhP)
Payables 1,357,162,208.01 0.00 1,810,095,531.21 0.00
Bills/Bonds/Loans Payable 53,116,318.73 0.00 70,116,318.73 0.00
TOTAL 1,410,278,526.74 0.00 1,880,211,849.94 0.00

11.1 Payables

Accounts (Restated)
(In PhP)
Accounts Payable 1,259,968,979.11 1,633,823,693.73
Due to Officers and Employees 97,193,228.90 176,271,837.48
TOTAL 1,357,162,208.01 1,810,095,531.21

11.1.1 Accounts Payable

These obligations represent expenditures charged against the agency budget,

for which goods/services/projects have been delivered/rendered/completed/
and recognized in the books as payables. It also includes payables from
MMURTRIP awaiting for the release of NCA & NCAA from the DBM and
Metro Manila Flood Management Project-Phase I.

(In PhP)
Regular Agency 1,207,218,148.31
MMFMP-Phase I 52,750,830.80
TOTAL 1,259,968,979.11

Accounts Payable pertaining to MMURTRIP was transferred to MMDA

General Fund books of accounts as specified under DBM- COA-DOF Joint
Circular No. 2-97 Sec. 4.1.12

11.1.2 Due to Officers and Employees

The balance of P97,193,228.90 consists of the liability of the agency to

various officers and employees for salaries and other benefits including
authorized expenses advanced by the officers and employees.

11.2 Bills/Bonds/Loans Payable

Current Non-Current Current Non-Current
(In PhP)
Loans Payable –
53,116,318.73 0.00 70,116,318.73 0.00
TOTAL 53,116,318.73 0.00 70,116,318.73 0.00

a) DBP Loan - P53,116,318.73

The loan from DBP which was originally intended for the conversion of
Makati Hotel into Regional Hospital to existing MMDA building. The loan
is payable annually for 15 years at 16 percent interest.
Administrative Order No. 14 Series of 1987 provides approval and
identification of and transfer to the National Government of certain assets
and liabilities of DBP and PNB. Supported by deed of transfer, DBP loan
was transferred to Asset Privatization Trust (APT) in 1987, then to
Privatization Management Office (PMO) as successor of APT in 2000.
Absence of statement of account/bill from year to year had precluded its
settlement, thus, cause the loan to remain dormant for 38 years and
continued running of the related interests, surcharges and penalties.

Details of the DBP Loan based on the confirmation to PMO as at December
31, 2020 are shown below:

Principal Penalties and

Interest Total
Particulars Amount other charges
(In PhP)
DBP Loan dated
4,875,026.72 12,228,528.33 176,556,237.23 193,659,792.28
DBP Loan dated
48,236,791.51 116,175,761.04 1,688,142,596.85 1,852,555,149.40
Custodia Expenses 640,357.94 640,357.94
Lease of Land in Jose
Abad Santos, Tondo
Manila per Contract of
4,776,574.63 6,027,136.86 9,099.80 10,812,811.29
Lease dated Feb. 4, 2008
utilized as MMDA’s
TOTAL 57,888,392.86 134,431,426.23 1,865,348,291.82 2,057,668,110.91

Non-recognition of interest, penalties and other charges of the loan was due
to the following reasons:

• The final amount of the obligation to be settled is not yet determined as

there was an on-going loan negotiation with DBP for the purpose of
repaying the outstanding loan balance on the basis of the current market
value of the mortgaged property

• MMDA has no sufficient fund to cover those obligations.

• The management will request for the waiver of interest, penalties and
other charges to the concerned agencies. This will enable the agency to
settle the principal amount of the loan.

In 2022, the Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) granted the request of the agency
for the full settlement of the loan principal amount amounting to P20,138,924.67
after waiving the interest and penalties related to the loan.

The LBP loan represents loans for Metro Manila KKK Livelihood Projects which
remained dormant for more than 36 years.

The principal amount comprises of P16,635,000.00 and P3,503,924.67 for Puhunan

Fund and Non-Interest Note respectively.
The settlement of the loan resulted to the decrease of the Domestic Loan Payable
account balance.


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Due to BIR 111,385,755.77 92,455,000.39
Due to GSIS 70,005,583.41 62,942,720.96
Due to Pag-IBIG 7,009,235.58 8,134,938.25
Due to PhilHealth 10,668,702.84 2,231,273.21
Due to NGAs 613,739,268.10 616,675,737.29
Due to GOCCs 0.00 1,520,170.02
Due to LGUs 43,013,638.67 161,806,676.86 F
TOTAL 855,822,184.37 945,766,516.98 o

12.1 Due to BIR m
The balance represents amount of taxes to be remitted on the 10th of the u
Nature of Tax 2022 2021 Remarks h
(in PhP) e
Compensation 8,382,296.56 8,808,282.25 This account pertains l to
unremitted balance at d year-end
of withheld taxes from
employees’ compensation
Franchise Tax 20,744.39 0.00 Pursuant to the granting of
legislative franchise, twater bills
will no longer be subject
r to 12
percent VAT but u shall be
subject to Other Percentage
Tax (OPT) which ist 2 percent
of the National Franchise Tax
and the actual ratef of Local
Franchise Tax o (LFT)
implemented by the LGUs.
Expanded 29,662,095.80 26,209,441.38 Significant increases of these
Withholding accounts pertains top increase
Tax number of projects,e programs
VAT 73,320,619.02 57,437,276.76 and activities implemented.
TOTAL 111,385,755.77 92,455,000.39 i

58 e

12.2 Due to GSIS

This account is composed of the following:

Particulars Remarks
(In PhP)
Life and 51,894,589.72 Government and employee
Retirement contribution which is 12 percent and
Premium 9 percent of basic salary
respectively. There was an increase
on the balance of this account due to
the 3rd tranche salary standardization
Employee 1,039,509.96 Government contribution for
Compensation employees’ compensation benefit in
Contribution the event of work-related injury,
(ECC) sickness, disability or death.
Salary Loan 16,243,632.09 Various loan given by GSIS to
government employees such as
Calamity Loan, Consolidated Salary
Loan, E-Card Plus Loan, Emergency
Loan, Housing Loan among others.
Policy Loan 827,851.64 Insurance premium of MMDA
properties, policy loan, optional
insurance loan, etc.
TOTAL 70,005,583.41

12.3 Due to Pag-IBIG

The balance of account pertains to employees withheld premium contributions,

loans among others.

Particulars Remarks
(In PhP)
Pag-IBIG 1,562,845.51 The account represents both
Premium government and employee
contribution. It also includes
modified Pag-IBIG II (MP2). The
significant decrease of the account
pertains to remittance of prior
years’ contributions upon
correction/ updating of
membership information.
Pag-IBIG Salary 5,369,633.66 Various loan windows availed by
Loan employees including multi-purpose
loan, calamity loan.
Pag-IBIG 76,756.41 The account balance pertains to
Housing Loan amount withheld from employees
who opt via salary deduction
arrangement with employer to pay

Particulars Remarks
(In PhP)
their housing loan amortization
TOTAL 7,009,235.58

12.4 Due to PhilHealth

This account pertains to withholding of employees’ premium payments for

remittance to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC).

Particulars Remarks
(In PhP)
PhilHealth Premium 10,668,702.84 The account represents both
government and employee
contribution. The significant increase
of the account attributable to the
increase of prescribed premium rate
from three (3) percent to four (4)
percent pursuant to PHIC Advisory
No. 2022-010.
TOTAL 10,668,702.84

12.5 Due to National Government Agencies

The account consists of payables to other NGAs and the remaining balances of fund
transfers from source government agencies as listed in the following table:

Source Agencies
(In PhP)
DPWH 133,500,000.00
DOTr 460,330,041.34
DENR 18,872,057.75
National Telecommunications Commission
National Mapping & Resource Information
Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) 403,679.01
COA 570.00
TOTAL 613,739,268.10

For completed projects with balance/excess amount, the agency will either
refund/return the amount to the source agencies concerned, or request to use the
excess for other MMDA’s projects. For the other balances, the agency is in the
process of preparing the report of liquidation for submission to the source agencies.

The decrease in the account balance pertains to the remittance of unexpended fund
transfers from various government agencies.

Fund received in 2022 from DICT for the NCR Fiber Optic Backbone Development
and Network Resiliency Project amounting to P1,100,000,000.00 was reverted to
BTr during the year due to disqualification of the lone bidder that consequent to
failure of bidding.

On-going projects are recorded to its proper account and not charged to the Due to
NGAS account.

12.6 Due to Government-owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs)

The decrease of the account was due to payment made during the year for all prior
and current obligations with GOCCs such as APO Production Unit, Inc. and
Philippine Postal Corporation.

12.7 Due to Local Government Units

This account represents cost of access road construction, repair and maintenance
and for social welfare and amelioration of the host local government unit.

Local Government Unit
(In PhP)
Navotas 4,358,120.67
Rizal 38,655,518.00
TOTAL 43,013,638.67


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Guaranty/ Security Deposits Payable 2,259,856.29 852,554.73
TOTAL 2,259,856.29 852,554.73

The account represents Guaranty/Security Deposits Payables pertaining to retention fee

from various contractors on infrastructure projects with details as follows:

Name of Contractor
(In PhP)
Bunah-Vita Green Garden 1,689,797.20
Netforce International, Inc. 187,673.93
R.M. Mangubat Construction 382,385.16
TOTAL 2,259,856.29


This account pertains to the unearned income from the loss of one (1) Toyota Innova-E
with plate no. SJN 725 in the amount of P852,702.00 which was requested for relief from
accountability but was denied as evidenced by COA NGS Decision No. 2016-005 dated
February 05, 2016.


This account consists of the following liabilities:

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Bid Documents, Bidder/Cash/Performance Bonds 12,876,338.18 16,006,024.71
Collecting Incentives 920.25 920.25
Donation - Salary from Chairman Francis Tolentino 0.00 200,317.30
NAPICO 0.00 30,067,250.00
Interest on Bank Deposit 584,278.47 828,558.28
Others 460,276.87 392,505.16
Retention Fee 0.00 151,284.72
Trust Fund Projects 245,975.31 795,626.20
Various Dues (Employees) 12,704,303.53 14,353,595.04
TOTAL 26,872,092.61 62,796,081.66

15.1 Bid Documents, Bidder/Cash/Performance Bonds

15.1.1 Bid Documents

It represents the payment of bidding documents of contractors and suppliers

who will participate in the bidding.

15.1.2 Bidder’s Bond (Bid Security)

It represents payment of the bidders that will serve as a guarantee that, after
receipt of the Notice of Award, the winning bidder shall enter into contract
with the Procuring Entity within the stipulated time and furnish the required
performance security. After the bidding, the said bond maybe refunded. It
shall be equal to percentage of Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)
which is either (a) two (2) percent for cash, cashier’s/manager’s check bank
draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit; (b) five (5) percent for surety
bond callable upon demand.

15.1.3 Cash Bond

This account pertains to payment of towing companies of surety bond/cash

bond for each tow truck requested for accreditation to answer for any loss
or damage incurred in towing vehicles. Towing company/agency shall be
required to pay a surety bond of P100,000.00 per tow truck.

15.1.4 Performance Bonds

It represents payment of the bidders to guarantee the full and faithful

performance under the terms and conditions of the contract. It shall be
equal to percentage of Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) which is
either (a) 5 percent for cash, cashier’s/manager’s check; (b) 10 percent bank
draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit; (b) 30 percent for surety bond
callable upon demand.

15.2 Donation - Salary from Chairman Francis Tolentino

The former Chairman donated his salary thru a Memorandum Order No. 20 series
of 2010 that will be distributed as follows: (a) Libertad, Pasay (45 percent); (b)
Vitas, Manila (45 percent); (c) MMDA Street Dwellers (10 percent).

The account was reverted to accumulated surplus or deficit account of the general
fund due to dormancy under Executive Order No. 87.

15.3 Ninoy Aquino Pilot Community (NAPICO)

This account was established for the MMDA Housing Revolving Project through a
MMC Resolution No. 14-07 dated March 19, 2014. The resolution authorized the
allocation of the portion of proceeds from the sale of MMC NAPICO properties as
revolving fund/ fund assistance to assist qualified MMDA employees to avail their
own house and lot.

A separate bank account opened specifically for the project in 2017. However, this
bank account has been unmoving for four (4) years as the management has no plans
to continue the implementation of the housing project.

In 2021, the balance was reverted to the general fund to be utilized for COVID-19
related expenses but it was subsequently reverted to BTr in May 2022 pursuant to
COA Circular 2015-001.

15.4 Interest on Bank Deposit

This account represents the unremitted interest income (remittance of the 4th quarter
will be done on the succeeding month) from all authorized depository bank of the

Authority. Earned income from June 30, 2017 to September 31, 2019 was remitted
to BTR in 2019 in compliance with the DOF Circular No. 1 2017.

15.5 Trust Fund Projects

This account includes fund transfer from non-government and private organization
like The Union/Bloomberg Philanthropies, John Hopkins University Bloomberg
School of P. Health, etc. Utilization of fund will be based on the MOA and
Working Financial Plan.

15.6 Various Dues (Employees)

This account comprises of deductions made to employees as collecting agent of

various organization or institutions such as SSS (Job Orders), Provident Fund,
SAKAMAY, Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, KOOPNAKAMI, among others.

15.7 Workers’ Inn (NAPOCOR)

The National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) and the MMDA entered into a Joint
Venture Agreement in establishing, developing, the PGMA Workers Inn Facility
known as “Tulugan Sa Bayan” for the benefit of the under-privileged urban poor
workers and homeless of Metro Manila. MMDA shall cause the reconstruction by
way of renovation and rehabilitation of existing NPC Building; undertake to
administer and operate the PGMA Worker’s Inn Facility; be responsible for the
safety and security within the building and its immediate premises; obtain permits
and licenses that maybe required; and pay all fees, utility services, real estate and
local taxes on land and existing facilities that may be applicable during the
effectivity of the agreement. MMDA and NAPOCOR both provided contributions
to fund its operations with ratio 51:49 respectively.

In 2019, the share of NAPOCOR of income from operations of Worker’s Inn was
returned to them as part of the Joint Venture Agreement. Subsequently the
management of the facility was reverted to NAPOCOR.

In July 2021, the balance of the account was reverted to General Fund for COVID-
19 related expenses.

In April 2023, the cash balance was subsequently reverted to BTr. The fund was
no used for the COVID-19 related expenses thus the reversion.

15.8 Other accounts

Other accounts were non-moving or any transactions were due to adjustments.

Some of these accounts have no supporting documents or have documents but not
sufficient to substantiate those claims.

Balance of the retention fee was also reverted to accumulated surplus or deficit
account of the general fund due to dormancy.


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Service Income
Permit Fees 4,518,992.11 4,203,592.69
Registration Fees 131,000.00 106,500.00
Clearance and Certification Fees 2,028,810.00 1,916,640.00
Supervision and Regulation Enforcement Fees 383,000.00 315,000.00
Verification and Authentication Fees 2.00 1,217.50
Other Service Income 22,274,979.42 4,211,893.24
Total Service Income 29,336,783.53 10,754,843.43
Business Income
Seminar/Training Fees 2,087,700.00 0.00
Fines and Penalties - Business Income 142,353,197.00 150,723,200.00
Other Business Income 961,205.78 6,554,004.02
Total Business Income 145,402,102.78 157,277,204.02
TOTAL 174,738,886.31 168,032,047.45

16.1 Service Income

16.1.1 Permit Fees

It includes the payment of securing permit in excavation and other

operations that needs permit from the agency.

16.1.2 Registration Fees and Supervision and Regulation Enforcement Fees

This income is demand-driven; hence, collection of income depends on the

number of applications received from towing services.

16.1.3 Clearance and Certification Fees

It pertains to payment of drivers and operators for the issuance of clearance

certifying that they have no pending traffic violations or any violations
were already paid.

16.1.4 Verification and Authentication Fees

This income arises from the Executive Order No. 2 Freedom of Information
(FOI) wherein the government agencies are required to disclose public
records, contract, transactions or any information requested by the public.

This request, once approved, requires payment to reimburse costs for
printing and reproduction of the requested information.

16.1.5 Other Service Income

It includes income from usage of agency’s facility such as pumping

stations, SWIPT and Gantry LED. It includes generated income from
utilities, rentals, telephone, etc.

16.2 Business Income

16.2.1 Seminar/Training Fees

This account pertains to payment made by drivers amounting to P300.00 as

seminar fee for the Road Rules and Safety Seminar in reference with
approved memorandum dated March 1, 2022.

16.2.2 Fines and Penalties - Business Income

This account pertains to traffic fines and anti-littering and anti-smoking

fines collected by MMDA thru direct payment, payment facility like SM
Bills Payment and Bayad Center.

In August 30, 2022, the Supreme Court issued a temporary restraining

order for the suspension of the No Contact Apprehension.

16.2.2 Other Business Income

This account pertains to liquidated damages charge by the agency to

suppliers which did not deliver the goods/services within the contract
period indicated on the contract or purchase order.


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Share from Internal Revenue Collections 759,095,759.00 554,082,991.00
Donations in Kind 392,891,791.14 1,034,339,938.20
TOTAL 1,151,987,550.14 1,588,422,929.20

17.1 Share from Internal Revenue Collections

The account represents the net of the Internal Revenue Allotment pursuant to RA
7924, which was withheld by the DBM from the LGUs IRA and released to the
MMDA for its operational use.

17.2 Donations in Kind

This balance pertains to the following donation:

Donor Donated Items
(In PhP)
JVOFI 15 KAWASAKI Rouser 2,046,000.00
✓ 3 ISUZU XL Wagon
E.M. Cuerpo, Inc. (Crosswind) 1,178,534.58
✓ TOYOTA Innova
✓ Vaccines
DOH 2,554,988.26
✓ Medical Supplies
AKN Construction Diesel Generator
Corporation ✓ 1 set ASUS Desktop
Ale Builders Construction ✓ 1 unit ASUS Laptop
and Development Corp. ✓ 1 unit Desktop Computer
✓ 1 unit Laptop
Dahl Construction Corp. 79,685.00
✓ 1 unit IDEC Airconditioner
✓ 1 unit BOSCH drill
Prime Pacific Marine & ✓ 1 unit BOSCH mini grinder
Industrial Services Corp. ✓ 1 unit YAMATO inverter
welding machine
Red Matrix Builders and
1 unit Desktop Computer 69,000.00
✓ ONDOY Flood Boat
RJM Construction & ✓ YAMATO Drill Press
Development, Inc. ✓ INGCO Chain block
✓ INGCO Bench Vise
Tuchar Construction Corp. Various machinery and equipment 96,850.00
DPWH ✓ PSG Pumping Station 32,778,482.62
✓ Roofing and Lightings of
existing pedestrian
✓ Construction of
DOTr 77,011,454.76
loading/unloading bays and
electrical works
✓ Construction of Pedestrian
✓ Mechanical Trash Traps for
DENR Napindan River Channel 276,623,966.92
✓ Desilting, Rehabilitation and

Donor Donated Items
(In PhP)
Landscaping of Line
Drainage Canal and
Centerline in Baywalk
✓ Construction of Communal
Septic Tank and Sewer Lines
✓ Establishment of Sewerage
Treatment Plant and
Wastewater Interceptor at
Libertad Outfall
✓ Two (2) solar-powered
comfort rooms and shower
TOTAL 392,891,791.14


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Salaries and Wages 1,078,521,727.42 979,874,437.43
Other Compensation 577,965,914.44 585,623,822.38
Personnel Benefit Contributions 164,508,079.19 143,632,078.17
Other Personnel Benefits 125,516,091.00 99,835,897.99
TOTAL 1,946,511,812.05 1,808,966,235.97

18.1 Salaries and Wages

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Salaries and Wages - Regular 688,487,153.64 696,409,621.98
Salaries and Wages - Casual/Contractual 390,034,573.78 283,464,815.45
TOTAL 1,078,521,727.42 979,874,437.43

The increase on this account was due to the 3rd tranche of salary standardization and
casualization of Job Order personnel.

18.2 Other Compensation

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Personal Economic Relief Allowance
120,724,607.63 111,648,360.70
Representation Allowance (RA) 4,221,000.00 5,161,750.00
Transportation Allowance (TA) 2,452,309.52 2,773,295.00

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Clothing/Uniform Allowance 27,292,000.00 27,434,000.00
Subsistence Allowance 136,285.11 440,337.16
Laundry Allowance 18,558.28 13,193.34
Honoraria 11,867,360.24 17,143,643.04
Hazard Pay 5,319,772.22 30,531,090.36
Longevity Pay 0.00 124,282.86
Overtime and Night Pay 121,263,997.62 100,130,827.72
Year End Bonus 92,221,764.24 82,123,782.36
Cash Gift 24,668,250.00 23,703,045.00
Mid-Year Bonus 86,101,389.22 80,906,342.74
Other Bonuses and Allowances 81,678,620.36 103,489,872.10
TOTAL 577,965,914.44 585,623,822.38

The Other Bonus and Allowances account includes productivity enhancement

incentives and collective negotiation agreement (CNA).

Increase of Overtime and Night Pay account is due to increase of salary as basis of
overtime and returning of normal activities which result to increase of personnel
required to render overtime.

A significant decrease of Hazard Pay account was relative to the decrease in

COVID-19 related activities such as vaccination and swabbing.

18.3 Personnel Benefit Contributions

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums 131,223,040.03 118,508,067.67
PAG-IBIG Contribution 6,060,200.09 5,626,250.00
Philhealth Contributions 21,156,545.25 13,878,254.32
Employees Compensation Insurance
6,068,293.82 5,619,506.18
TOTAL 164,508,079.19 143,632,078.17

The 3rd tranche of salary standardization and casualization result to increase the
account balances.

18.4 Other Personnel Benefits

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Terminal Leave Benefits 44,922,432.46 41,497,676.76

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Other Personnel Benefits 80,593,658.54 58,338,221.23
TOTAL 125,516,091.00 99,835,897.99

The Other Personnel Benefits account represents payment of leave monetization

to employees, financial assistance to employees and Service Recognition Incentives


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Traveling Expenses 5,286,278.30 687,606.28
Training and Scholarship Expenses 18,790,334.98 2,630,655.00
Supplies and Materials Expenses 300,002,113.98 254,489,790.15
Utility Expenses 135,567,260.01 134,142,679.23
Communication Expenses 14,750,453.28 13,677,577.47
Awards/Rewards and Prizes 2,345,250.00 1,113,400.00
Desilting and Dredging Expenses 695,533,892.87 628,938,546.40
Confidential, Intelligence and Extraordinary
20,255,810.00 25,738,000.00
Professional Services 61,119,546.05 79,479,764.34
General Services 3,430,546,304.49 3,312,874,866.98
Repairs and Maintenance 55,472,813.73 31,290,213.15
Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees 9,046,665.03 109,710,821.10
Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 677,483,419.52 767,889,481.50
TOTAL 5,426,200,142.24 5,362,663,401.60

19.1 Traveling Expenses

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Traveling Expenses – Local 725,837.28 687,606.28
Traveling Expenses – Foreign 4,560,441.02 0.00
TOTAL 5,286,278.30 687,606.28

This account pertains to the expenses incurred in the movement/transport of

government officers and employees within and outside the country which includes
transportation, travel per diems and other related expenses.

Increase of the account was mainly due to foreign travel such as attendance Asia
Pacific Rail 2022, 8th World Cities Summit and its Mayors Forum, JICA

Counterpart Training for the Comprehensive Traffic Management Project, Hitachi
Zosen Waste-to-Energy Facility Study Tour and others.

19.2 Training and Scholarship Expenses

This account pertains to the training expenses incurred for the participation in and
conduct of trainings by MMDA, including training fees, honoraria of lecturers,
supplies, meals, scholarship and all other training related expenses.

The increase of the account was due to extensive training and seminars conducted/
attended to update officials and employees’ knowledge and enhance their skills
which includes leadership and managerial trainings, updates on new laws,
regulations and practices. The management also offered scholarship to MMDA
employees for higher education.

19.3 Supplies and Materials Expenses

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Office Supplies Expenses 23,189,672.66 11,128,024.78
Accountable Forms Expenses 2,452,230.44 2,888,239.80
Non-accountable Forms Expenses 39,025.00 135,794.76
Drugs and Medicines Expenses 9,342,332.40 31,136,665.64
Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expenses 13,419,474.09 35,575,340.71
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 137,931,479.68 110,247,724.72
Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment
36,885,085.17 5,545,030.02
Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books
675,659.00 2,365,720.22
Other Supplies and Materials Expenses 76,067,155.54 55,467,249.50
TOTAL 300,002,113.98 254,489,790.15

19.3.1 Office Supplies Expenses

The account balance comprises of purchased toner, ink, commonly used

supplies issued to various offices needed for their daily operation of offices.

19.3.2 Drugs and Medicines Expenses

The account includes different drugs and medicine such as multi-vitamins,

anti-biotic, metformin (diabetes), mefenamic, paracetamol used for the daily
consultation and treatment of MMDA employees as well as vaccine against
COVID-19 virus.

19.3.3 Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expenses

The account balance comprises of purchased and issued medical and dental
supplies such as masks, face shields, gloves, disinfectants, PPEs, cottons,
bandages among others.

19.3.4 Fuel, Oil and Lubricants Expenses

The account balance pertains to procured and issued fuel, oil lubricants for
the use of government vehicles, pumping stations and other equipment in
connection with agency’s operations/projects.

19.3.5 Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment Expenses, Semi-

Expendable Furniture and Fixtures and Books Expenses

This account comprises of issued PPE items that is below the capital
threshold of P50,000.00.

Increase in the account Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment

Expenses is the change in capitalization threshold from P15,000.00 to
P50,000.00 per COA Circular No. 2022-04

19.3.6 Other Supplies and Materials Expenses

This account includes purchased concrete barriers, thermoplastic powder

paint, reflectorized stickers, tires, tools and supplies for declogging
operation, garden tools, float bags, trash bins, G.I. sheets, painting and
fabrication materials, landscaping materials, “walis ting-ting”, raincoats and
boots, customized gift box, electric supplies, rescue supplies among others.

19.4 Utility Expenses

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Water Expenses 12,625,371.08 15,933,386.77
Electricity Expenses 122,941,888.93 118,209,292.46
TOTAL 135,567,260.01 134,142,679.23

19.5 Communication Expenses

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Postage and Courier Services 7,122,970.42 5,429,899.00
Telephone Expenses 7,401,998.44 7,888,471.98
Internet Subscription Expenses 218,664.42 352,897.19

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Cable, Satellite, Telegraph and Radio
6,820.00 6,309.30
TOTAL 14,750,453.28 13,677,577.47

19.6 Awards/Rewards and Prizes

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Awards/Rewards Expenses 678,750.00 493,400.00
Prizes 1,666,500.00 620,000.00
TOTAL 2,345,250.00 1,113,400.00

19.8 Demolition/Relocation and Desilting /Dredging Expenses

This account refers to expenses relating to desilting and dredging of canals and
creeks in various locations in Metro Manila.

There was a significant of increase of the account due to resumption of works and
increase of new projects.

19.9 Confidential, Intelligence and Extraordinary Expenses

This account comprises of confidential activities of the Authority as well as

expenses incurred in the performance of official functions of MMDA officials.

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Confidential Expenses 18,750,000.00 25,000,000.00
Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses 1,505,810.00 738,000.00
TOTAL 20,255,810.00 25,738,000.00

19.10 Professional Services

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Legal Services 53,539.00 5,137.05
Auditing Services 524,837.84 278,327.44
Consultancy Services 55,934,258.92 78,220,412.65
Other Professional Services 4,606,910.29 975,887.20
TOTAL 61,119,546.05 79,479,764.34

Significant increase of Other Professional Services account pertains to the
payment for the Pasig River Art for Urban Change Phase III: Artwork Design and
Application on the Revetment Walls of the Pasig River.

19.11 General Services

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Environment/Sanitary Services 3,336,531,304.49 3,217,521,705.30
Security Services 94,015,000.00 94,765,866.68
Other General Services 0.00 587,295.00
TOTAL 3,430,546,304.49 3,312,874,866.98

19.11.1 Environment/Sanitary Services

The account pertains to payment of fees to several entities contracted by

MMDA to collected garbage in various areas of Metro Manila.

19.11.2 Security Services

This account pertains to payment made to security firm/agency contracted

by the agency for the services rendered by uniform security personnel
posted in various MMDA Offices, Pumping Stations among others.

19.12 Repairs and Maintenance

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Repairs and Maintenance - Infrastructure Assets 23,730,090.20 8,602,041.57
Repairs and Maintenance - Buildings and Other
55,100.50 600,199.00
Repairs and Maintenance - Machinery and
12,946,101.79 10,076,351.69
Repairs and Maintenance - Transportation
18,741,521.24 12,011,620.89
TOTAL 55,472,813.73 31,290,213.15

19.12.1 Repairs and Maintenance – Infrastructure Assets

This account represents various expenses incurred to defray the cost of

supplies/ materials for the repair and maintenance of various pumping
stations of the Flood Control Management Service (FCMS), repair of ferry
stations, drainage improvement, etc.

The significant increase was due to replacement of generator sets, heavy
duty batteries of various pumping stations, repair of navigational gates and
repair of doors, windows of ferry stations.

19.12.2 Repairs and Maintenance - Buildings and Other Structures

This account includes the cost of rehabilitation of various offices, and other
repair necessary to maintain/improve the condition of MMDA facilities.

19.12.3 Repairs and Maintenance - Machinery and Equipment

One of the expenses charged to this account was the cost of various supplies
and materials for the repair and maintenance of office equipment (air
conditioners, printers, etc.), heavy equipment.

19.12.4 Repairs and Maintenance – Transportation Equipment

This account includes the cost of various supplies and materials for the
repair and maintenance of ferry boats, tugboats, pontoon barge, trash boat,
and river bus ferry under the Pasig River Ferry Boat Project and service
vehicles of the agency.

19.13 Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Taxes, Duties and Licenses 921,122.19 104,209,535.22
Fidelity Bond Premiums 368,141.22 311,006.18
Insurance Expenses 7,757,401.62 5,190,279.70
TOTAL 9,046,665.03 109,710,821.10

19.14 Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Advertising, Promotional and Marketing
493,668.80 1,759,138.08
Printing and Publication Expenses 19,716.00 0.00
Representation Expenses 61,447,427.40 36,109,966.22
Transportation and Delivery Expenses 43,612.95 54,422.55
Rent/Lease Expenses 11,948,654.84 9,628,743.68
Subscription Expenses 114,343.09 64,822.36
Donations 213,000.00 100,831,494.30
Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 603,202,996.44 619,440,894.31
TOTAL 677,483,419.52 767,889,481.50

19.14.1 Advertising Expenses

The account pertains to publication expenses incurred by the agency for the
advertisement of various policies, regulations, ordinances and notice to the
public and all interested parties of the procurement and bidding

19.14.2 Representation Expenses

This account includes expenses from various activities held/participated by

the Agency such vaccination roll-out, State of the Nation Address (SONA),
MMDA Anniversary, Technical Budget Review, Transport and Traffic
Improvement Plan for Metro Manila, Quality Management System (QMS)
Seminar, Gender and Development Program, MMDA Anniversary,
Christmas Party, I Love Metro Manila Contest, launching of I Love
MMDA Advocacy, housewarming and inauguration of the new building,
21st World Travel and Tourism Council Global Summit, 2022 MMDA
Strategic Planning Activity, training of newly hired traffic enforcers among

19.14.3 Rent/Lease Expenses

This account includes payment of antenna space for Wimax base station
and equipment, rental of equipment for the Pasig River Art for Urban
Change Phase III: Artwork Design and Application on the Revetment
Walls of the Pasig River, office rental of PMO under MMFMP-Phase I
among others.

19.14.6 Subscription Expenses

This account comprises of payment for the subscription of various

newspapers and zoom application used by the agency.

19.14.7 Donations

This account composes of donation/assistance made to various individuals

and institutions.

Details of donations made during the year:

Donee Particulars
(In PhP)
Igan ng Pilipinas Sponsorship for the 19th Igan Cup "Fore! A
Foundation, Inc. Cause...Fore D' Kids"
Participation in the 2nd Ken Steven
Anthony G.
International Choral festival in Medan, 3,000.00

Donee Particulars
(In PhP)
Sponsorship for the fund-raising
tournament entitled "Tribute Tournament in 200,000.00
Golf Club, Inc.
Honor of its Justice Members''
TOTAL 213,000.00

19.14.8 Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses

This account represents various expenses for salaries, overtime pay, hazard
pay of Job Order and Oyster Personnel, financial assistance for
hospitalization and medical expenses, registration of various vehicles
assigned in the different offices of the agency, LTO-MMDA Connectivity,
and many others. Pursuant to MMDA Resolution No. 03-27 Series of 2003,
financial/medical assistance may be given to employees who needed
financial help in case of death, accident or hospitalization amounting to
P20,000.00 to P50,000.00 upon the approval of the Chairman.


This account refers to the bank charges for the loan and cost of re-ordered of check books
incurred by MMDA during the year amounting to P3,173,505.27.


Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Depreciation 1,391,926,923.89 1,045,229,320.71
Amortization 26,838,450.73 18,267,193.49
Impairment Loss 896,153.64 0.00
TOTAL 1,419,661,528.26 1,063,496,514.20

21.1 Depreciation

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Depreciation - Land Improvements 1,603,963.68 0.00
Depreciation - Infrastructure Assets 1,204,104,699.41 880,503,426.05
Depreciation - Buildings and Other
5,852,289.35 5,494,648.82
Depreciation - Machinery and Equipment 119,839,397.49 105,037,754.14
Depreciation - Transportation Equipment 51,348,035.56 42,790,868.86
Depreciation - Furniture, Fixtures and 416,233.33 1,206,611.40

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Depreciation - Other Property, Plant and
8,762,305.07 10,196,011.44
TOTAL 1,391,926,923.89 1,045,229,320.71

21.2 Amortization

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Amortization – Intangible Assets 26,838,450.73 18,267,193.49
TOTAL 26,838,450.73 18,267,193.49

21.3 Impairment Loss

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Impairment Loss – Other Receivables 896,153.64 0.00
TOTAL 896,153.64 0.00



Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Subsidy from National Government 4,975,634,006.47 3,824,629,266.99
Assistance from Local Government Units 4,474,959,000.00 4,361,570,000.00
TOTAL 9,450,593,006.47 8,186,199,266.99

22.1 Subsidy from National Government

(In PhP)
NCA Received from DBM 4,748,398,430.49
Tax Remittance Advice issued to BIR 228,670,029.17
Reversion of Unused NCA (1,434,453.19)
TOTAL 4,975,634,006.47

The NCA received from DBM includes the regular releases for the agency’s
operating expense, prior years’ payables, working fund and government
counterpart for the foreign-assisted project (MMFMP-Phase I) as shown below:

(In PhP)
Releases for Agency’s Regular Operating Expenses
and Payment of Prior Years’ Payable
Government (GoP) Counterpart for the MMFMP –
Phase I
Loan Proceed (Working Fund) for the MMFMP –
Phase I
Subtotal – MMFMP-Phase I Releases 197,347,679.49
TOTAL 4,748,398,430.49

22.2 Assistance from Local Government Units

The account represents the five percent share of the MMDA from the annual gross
revenue of the LGUs, net of the Internal Revenue Allotment pursuant to RA 7924,
which was withheld by the DBM from the LGUs’ IRA pursuant to Section 10 of
RA 7924.


23.1 Sale of Assets

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Sale of Garnished/Confiscated/Abandoned/
754,862.81 0.00
Seized Goods and Properties
TOTAL 754,862.81 0.00

The account pertains to collection from sale and disposal of 303 units of various
impounded vehicles from Ultra 1, Tumana and LTO Tarlac Impounding Area.

23.2 Non-Operating Income

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Miscellaneous Income 35,023.52 1,000,000.00
TOTAL 35,023.52 1,000,000.00

The account pertains to collection from sale of valueless records, cultural tax from
City Government of Malabon among others.

23.3 Gain

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Gain on Foreign Exchange (FOREX) 4,350,081.34 4,083,951.35
Gain on Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 21,891,676.00 1,716,217,287.00
Gain on Sale of Unserviceable Property 0.00 82,000.00
Sale of Unserviceable Property 0.00 61,875.00
TOTAL 26,241,757.34 1,720,445,113.35

The account Gain on foreign exchange (FOREX) refers to the gain from
conversion of foreign currency (US$) transactions into financial statement
presentation currency (PhP)

The gain on sale of property, plant and equipment pertains to the additional gain on
the transferred land to RLC.

Details of the gain on sale of property, plant and equipment:

(In PhP)
Total Construction/ Project Cost* 1,743,357,763.00
Less: Valuable Consideration based
on PPP Agreement 1,721,466,087.00
Gain on Sale on PPE 21,891,676.00
*based on the certificate issued by RLC

23.4 Losses

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Loss on Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 10,917,818.03 4,851,166.51
TOTAL 10,917,818.03 4,851,166.51


24.1 Cash Inflow (Operating Activities)

24.1.1 Other Receipts

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Receipt of refund of overpayment of 231,999.84 75,462.82
personnel services

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Receipt of refund of cash advances 2,038,346.07 607,452.35
Other miscellaneous receipts 0.00 11,110,835.31
TOTAL 2,270,345.91 11,793,750.48

24.1.2 Adjustments

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Restoration of cash for cancelled/lost/
321,943.12 471,446.62
staled checks/ADA
Restoration of cash for unreleased checks 90,140,041.73 137,701,878.67
Credit Memo (Rejected/ Closed Payroll
42,105.50 0.00
TOTAL 90,504,090.35 138,173,325.29

24.2 Cash Outflow (Operating Activities)

24.2.1 Other Disbursements

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Disbursements from trust
2,241,419.94 1,521,022.87
Disbursements from inter-agency
430,132,000.55 323,921,656.79
fund transfers
Refund of excess inter-agency
1,102,564,922.52 310,934,494.61
fund transfers
Payment of progress billings 2,037,530,385.20 853,053,024.09
Payment of mobilization fee to
246,404,090.12 75,846,908.37
Payment of other liabilities 206,370,350.21 136,360,266.21
Refund of over deduction from
10,940.03 0.00
TOTAL 4,025,254,108.57 1,701,637,372.94

The account balance composes of payments made to suppliers/contractors

for the different agency projects including but not limited to public
infrastructures and agency assets, refund of excess fund transfers/trust
fund, remittance of interest earned to BTr, payment for the implementation
of other trust receipts/fund and payment of other agency’s obligations.

24.2.2 Adjustments

Particulars (Restated)
(In PhP)
Reversion/Return of unutilized/unused
1,434,453.19 6,254,659.83
Reversing entry for unreleased check
137,701,878.67 206,359,638.37
in previous year
Refund of over deduction from
Banks Charges/Debit Memo 44,803.86 35,400.00
TOTAL 139,181,135.72 212,721,365.16



25.1 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)

The underspending in the MOOE is the timing difference in recording of expenses.

Some of the expenses incurred were paid in the succeeding year.

25.2 Capital Outlay (CO)

Capitalized assets are recorded at its total contract price but payments were made by
progress billing thus the difference between budget and actual amounts, considering
that completion of some projects is beyond the current year.

25.3 Financial Charges

The overspending in the financial charges constitute the amount paid interest from
loan and the cost of MMDA’s request of check booklets.

26. NOT YET DUE AND DEMANDABLE – P3,571,787,489.94

A List of Obligations Not Yet Due and Demandable was prepared comprising of
approved purchase order and approved contracts with no deliveries or services made or
rendered broken down as follows:

(In Php)
National Fund 2,277,324,780.88
Local Fund 864,018,762.16
Foreign Assisted Project 430,443,946.90
TOTAL 3,571,787,489.94

Approved Budget Obligation Incurred Balance
Particulars GAA Internal Total GAA Internal Total GAA Internal Total
PersonnelServices 64,389,000.00 1,955,019,746.55 2,019,408,746.55 64,247,591.00 1,910,659,558.83 1,974,907,149.83 141,409.00 44,360,187.72 44,501,596.72

Maintenanceand 2,929,299,000.00 1,962,508,253.45 4,891,807,253.45 2,904,753,338.00 1,887,855,849.34 4,792,609,187.34 24,545,662.00 74,652,404.11 99,198,066.11
CapitalOutlay 2,683,798,000.00 456,928,000.00 3,140,726,000.00 1,924,082,172.00 395,933,101.88 2,320,015,273.88 759,715,828.00 60,994,898.12 820,710,726.12
TOTAL 5,677,486,000.00 4,374,456,000.00 10,051,942,000.00 4,893,083,101.00 4,194,448,510.05 9,087,531,611.05 784,402,899.00 180,007,489.95 964,410,388.95


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