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BJA Education, 17 (3): 84–87 (2017)

doi: 10.1093/bjaed/mkw034
Advance Access Publication Date: 12 May 2016
Matrix reference 1A02,
2E01, 2E02, 3E00

Ketamine: an old drug revitalized in pain medicine


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FHKAM(Anaesthesiology)2, *
Associate Consultant in Anaesthesia, Department of Anaesthesia, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital,
Hong Kong SAR, China and 2Consultant in Anaesthesia, Department of Anaesthesia, Pamela Youde Nethersole
Eastern Hospital, 3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong SAR, China
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +852 25956948; E-mail:

From nociception to pain experience

Key points
Latest neuroscience research reveals that human pain experi-
• Ketamine is an anaesthetic with analgesic ence actually arises from nociceptive information processing
properties. within a dynamic neural framework—the pain neuromatrix.
The pain neuromatrix consists of a complex network of interact-
• Perioperative ketamine reduces the incidence of
ing neurones within the central and peripheral nervous systems,
persistent post-surgical pain.
giving rise to the sensory–discriminative, affective–motivational,
• The anti-hyperalgesic and anti-tolerant properties and cognitive–evaluative aspects of pain experience. Nociceptive
of ketamine make it an attractive option in man- signals from primary afferent neurones arrive at the dorsal horn
aging pain conditions refractory to conventional of the spinal cord, and are transmitted via secondary neurones to
treatments. the thalamus within the central nervous system. The thalamus
• Ketamine abuse in the community could lead to acts as a relay centre by making connections with different
ketamine-induced uropathy with associated blad- brain regions such as primary and secondary sensory cortices,
der pain. limbic system, and hypothalamus. Neurones within the pain
neuromatrix express glutaminergic, monoaminergic, and opioid
• The optimal regimen, long-term safety, and efficacy of receptors which modulates their neuronal transmission. En-
ketamine in pain management remain to be explored. dogenous ligands and pharmacological agents acting on these re-
ceptors can either augment or dampen nociceptive transmission
and hence alter the pain experience.
Ketamine is an anaesthetic drug with unique properties. Discov-
ered in the 1960s, it is known to produce a dissociative state with
Unique properties of N-methyl--aspartate
sedation, amnesia, and analgesia. It has relatively less respira-
tory and cardiovascular depressive effects, and as pharyngeal
receptor in nociception
and laryngeal reflexes are preserved, it makes an attractive op- The N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA) receptor is a glutaminergic
tion in ambulatory and battlefield anaesthesia. However, con- ionotropic receptor widely distributed in the central and periph-
cerns over ketamine’s psychodysleptic effects had caused it to eral nervous system. It plays a crucial role in synaptic plasticity, a
fall out of favour in the 1980s. In the 1990s, there was a renewed process which allows activity-dependent facilitation (long-term
interest in ketamine as an adjuvant analgesic, after the discovery potentiation) or inhibition (long-term depression) of synaptic
of its anti-tolerant and anti-hyperalgesic effects. Currently, keta- transmission. The ion channel of the NMDA receptor is normally
mine is being actively studied for potential use in acute and plugged by a magnesium ion. Upon membrane depolarization,
chronic pain conditions, especially where pain management is the magnesium plug is removed, allowing more efficient opening
difficult with conventional treatments like opioids. of the ion channel. This results in sustained hyper-excitability of

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Table 1 Physiochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of ketamine measurements of secondary hyperalgesia, and the combination
of ketamine and morphine abolished hyperpathia (clinical mani-
Molecular mass 238 g mol−1 festation of wind-up phenomenon).3 In clinical studies, both ke-
pKa 7.5
tamine and alfentanil were able to significantly reduce cold and
Bioavailability Oral 20%
mechanical hyperalgesia in patients with neuropathic pain.4 Ke-
I.M. 93%
tamine was also shown to reduce muscle pain, temporal summa-
Intranasal 50%
tion, and referred pain in patients with fibromyalgia, a clinical
Rectal 25%
syndrome where central sensitization is believed to be the under-
Plasma binding 10–30%
Volume of 2.3 litre kg−1
lying mechanism.5
Metabolism Hepatic microsomal system Acute pain
Metabolites 80% into norketamine (active)
20% into 4-OH-ketamine and 5-OH-ketamine A high-quality systemic review showed that perioperative use
(inactive) of ketamine could reduce opioid consumption and time to first
Elimination half-life 2–3 h analgesic request.6 Analgesic benefit was observed in painful

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Clearance 12–20 ml min−1 kg−1 procedures such as upper abdominal, thoracic, and major ortho-
Excretion Bile and urine paedic surgeries. Analgesic effect was apparent with subanaes-
thetic doses, and was independent of the type of intraoperative
opioid used. There was also less postoperative nausea and
vomiting within the ketamine groups, albeit an increase in
the neurone—a state known as long-term potentiation. Such
psychomimetic side-effects. The addition of ketamine to opioid
functional changes are observed in activities like learning, mem-
patient-controlled analgesia in patients after thoracotomy showed
ory, and neural development. It has also been implicated in the
opioid-sparing effects and improved analgesia, along with
development of severe acute pain and progression to chronic
improved respiratory outcomes and patient’s satisfaction.7 Benefi-
pain—by sustained facilitation of nociceptive transmission. At
cial effects among other types of surgery like major orthopaedic
spinal level, NMDA receptor activation leads to development of
and abdominal surgeries are less clear. In opioid-tolerant patients,
central sensitization—an augmentation of nociceptive transmis-
postoperative continuous ketamine infusion reduced their pain
sion towards higher brain centres.1 It is also believed to play a role
score but not opioid consumption after surgery.8
in development of opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH), a state
Pre-treatment with i.v. ketamine reduces pain during propo-
where opioid paradoxically worsens pain (Table 1).
fol injection. Ketamine also reduces pain associated with sickle
cell crisis. In prehospital settings, ketamine appears to provide
Pharmacology of ketamine safe and effective analgesia for trauma patients. The addition
of ketamine to propofol provided better sedation and analgesia
The principle pharmacological action of ketamine is NMDA re- for minor procedures in emergency department settings,
ceptor antagonism. It antagonizes the receptor via binding to although there might be dose-dependent adverse effects.9 The
its phencyclidine site in a non-competitive manner. This inter- addition of ketamine to opioid analgesics during burns care
action is responsible for ketamine’s amnesic, analgesic, and (e.g. dressings change, turning, and bathing) not only improves
neuropsychiatric effects. Given the role of NMDA receptor in sedation and analgesia, but also provides additional benefit in
nociceptive signalling, it is reasonable to postulate that ketamine preserving respiratory drive and airway reflexes in non-intubated
possesses analgesic properties. Ketamine also interacts with opi- patients.10
oid, AMPA, Kainate, GABA-A, sodium, potassium, monoaminer-
gic, and cholinergic receptors.
Ketamine is commonly available as a racemic mixture (Keta- Preventive analgesia
lar®). The S(+)-ketamine isomer, with three times affinity for the Preventive analgesia is defined as ‘Post-operative pain and/or an-
PCP site than that of R(−)-ketamine, is also available in some Euro- algesic consumption is reduced relative to another treatment, a
pean countries (Ketanesth®). Ketamine is commonly given via placebo treatment or no treatment with the effect observed at a
parenteral routes (i.v., i.m., and subcutaneously), while other point in time beyond the expected duration of action of the inter-
routes like oral, per rectal, transdermal, transmucosal, intra- vention (e.g. 5.5 half-lives of the medicine). The intervention may
nasal, intra-articular, and neuroaxial (intrathecal and epidural) or may not be initiated before surgery’. Studies have shown that
have also been tried. Ketamine is metabolized by the liver to nor- perioperative ketamine use for more than 24 h has a modest but
ketamine (with 20–30% analgesic activity of the parent compound) statistically significant reduction in the incidence of persistent
and other inactive metabolites and is excreted in bile and urine. post-surgical pain at 3 months after operation. Such beneficial ef-
fects were observed at 6 months but not 12 months after
Anti-hyperalgesic and anti-allodynic properties
of ketamine
The key role of NMDA receptor activation in central sensitization
Cancer pain
implies that ketamine can potentially attenuate the process and Pain is often a distressing symptom in both cancer sufferers and
its clinical manifestations. Animal studies using diabetic neuro- survivors, and opioid therapy is considered the mainstay of can-
pathic rat model were able to show that infusion of ketamine at cer pain management. The World Health Organization (WHO)
subanaesthetic dose for 5 days could produce a long-lasting re- analgesic ladder adopts a three-step approach to utilize paraceta-
duction in hyperalgesia, together with improved responsiveness mol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opioids in can-
to opioids.2 In human studies using experimental burns cer pain management. While it serves as a simple and effective
model, ketamine was shown to reduce temporal and spatial guide in cancer pain management, it is only efficacious in around

BJA Education | Volume 17, Number 3, 2017 85


two-thirds of cancer pain patients. Ketamine is often considered increase in pain. Such paradoxical phenomenon is observed
in management of these refractory cancer pain, although current after acute use of strong opioids like remifentanil, or in patients re-
evidence is insufficient to allow any conclusion on its effective- ceiving long-term opioid therapy, and the NMDA receptor is likely
ness.12 Small randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were able to to be involved. Clinically, it can be difficult to differentiate from
show that addition of ketamine improves the effectiveness of opioid tolerance, where increasing dose of opioid is required to
morphine. There are also case reports showing effective anal- achieve the same clinical effect. Both phenomena could result in
gesia in refractory cancer-related neuropathic pain using intra- rapidly escalating opioid requirement, predisposing patients
thecal ketamine infusions, even though the safety profile and to potentially life-threatening adverse events, such as opioid-
potential neurotoxicity is not clear. induced ventilatory impairment.
As an NMDA receptor antagonist, ketamine is expected to re-
duce or oppose the clinical features of OIH, leading to reduced
Chronic non-cancer pain opioid consumption and improved efficacy of long-term opioids.
Persistent nociceptive input can lead to pain sensitization via ac- Unfortunately, the limited clinical evidence available showed
tivation of NMDA receptor. The antagonistic action of ketamine that ketamine could neither reduce pain score nor opioid con-
on NMDA receptor makes it an attractive adjuvant analgesic in sumption in chronic non-cancer pain patients receiving high-

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management of chronic non-cancer pain. In such cases, keta- dose opioids.14 Further clinical trials are in progress with specific
mine is given as subcutaneous infusion over days to weeks with- focus on ketamine’s ability to reduce OIH in opioid-tolerant
in a subanaesthetic dose range. Studies showed that ketamine chronic pain patients.
had a mild to modest analgesic effect in a variety of chronic
pain conditions (e.g. neuropathic pain, central pain syndromes,
headaches, and temporomandibular joint disorders).13 It is not Regional and local use of ketamine
known whether the analgesic effects will persist after cessation Ketamine has been given neuroaxially and loco-regionally to
of therapy. Heterogeneity in studies also precluded any conclu- augment analgesia.
sion on the optimal dosing regimen. The addition of intrathecal S(+)-ketamine to bupivacaine de-
In phantom limb pain (PLP), treatment with ketamine showed creased time to onset of analgesia, improved the spread, but
a trend towards short-term analgesic benefit, although it was as- not duration of spinal block for Caesarean section. The same
sociated with dose-dependent adverse effects. There are very combination provided better early postoperative analgesia in
limited data to determine whether ketamine use during early lower limb amputation but did not affect pain outcome at 1 yr.
post-amputation period could reduce the incidence of PLP. Two As a sole neuroaxial agent, perioperative epidural ketamine im-
small RCTs showed that i.v. ketamine is superior to lidocaine proves pain relief and overall opioid consumption without in-
and alfentanil in post-spinal cord injury neuropathic pain. creasing the incidence of adverse effects. Ketamine given
There is also weak evidence supporting efficacy of ketamine in caudally in combination with local anaesthetic provided better
treating complex regional pain syndrome.9 and prolonged analgesia in children.9
Intranasal ketamine provided rapid onset of analgesia with
mild and transient adverse effects; such use provided effective
OIH and opioid tolerance analgesia in emergency and prehospital settings. No analgesic
OIH refers to a state of nociceptive hypersensitivity caused by ex- benefit was shown when ketamine was given via topical, peri-
posure to opioids. In OIH, an increase in opioid dose may lead to neural, intra-articular, or wound infiltration.9

Fig 1 Trend of substance abuse in Hong Kong 2005–2014. There had been an increase in recreational ketamine users since 2005 reaching a peak in 2009. Presentation of
ketamine-related chronic bladder pain is probably delayed, as the number of referrals continued to increase, despite a recent decrease in recreational users. (Source of
data: Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, The Government of HKSAR, China.)

86 BJA Education | Volume 17, Number 3, 2017


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