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How Netflix Uses AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning — From A Product Perspective

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The presence of AI in today’s society is becoming more and more ubiquitous— particularly as large
companies like Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Spotify, and many more continually deploy AI-related
solutions that directly interact (often behind the scenes) with consumers everyday.

When properly applied to business problems, these AI-related solutions can provide really unique
solutions that scale and improve over time, creating significant impact for both business and user.
But what does it mean to “properly apply” an AI solution? Does that mean there is a wrong way?
From a product perspective, the short answer is yes, and we’ll get to why that is later in this article
as we dig deeper.

Overview: First, we will outline 5 use cases of data science or machine learning at Netflix. We’ll then
discuss some business needs vs technical considerations a Product Manager would look at. Then we
will dive a little deeper into what is perhaps the most interesting of these 5 use cases as we identify
what business problem it seeks to solve.
5 Use Cases of AI/Data/Machine Learning at Netflix

Personalization of Movie Recommendations — Users who watch A are likely to watch B.

This is perhaps the most well known feature of a Netflix. Netflix uses the watching history of
other users with similar tastes to recommend what you may be most interested in watching
next so that you stay engaged and continue your monthly subscription for more.
Auto-Generation and Personalization of Thumbnails / Artwork — Using thousands of
video frames from an existing movie or show as a starting point for thumbnail generation,
Netflix annotates these images then ranks each image in an effort to identify which
thumbnails have the highest likelihood of resulting in your click. These calculations are based
on what others who are similar to you have clicked on. One finding could be that users who
like certain actors / movie genres are more likely to click thumbnails with certain
actors/image attributes.
Location Scouting for Movie Production (Pre-Production) — Using data to help decide
on where and when best to shoot a movie set — given constraints of scheduling (actor/crew
availability), budget(venue, flight/hotel costs), and production scene requirements (day vs
night shoot, likelihood of weather event risks in a location). Notice this is more of a data
science optimization problem rather than a machine learning model that makes predictions
based on past data.
Movie Editing (Post-Production) —Using historical data of when quality control checks
have failed in the past (when syncing of subtitles to sound/movements were off in the past)
— to predict when a manual check is most beneficial in what could otherwise be a very time-
intensive and laborious process.
Streaming Quality — Using past viewing data to predict bandwidth usage to help Netflix
decide when to cache regional servers for faster load times during peak (expected) demand.

Netflix launched in 1997 as a mail-based DVD rental business. Alongside the

growing US DVD market in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Netflix’s business
grew and the company went public in 2002. Netflix posted its first profit a year
later. By 2007, Netflix introduced its streaming service, and by 2013, the
company began producing original content.
Today, Netflix is one of the world’s largest entertainment services with over
200 million paid memberships spanning 190 countries, according to the
company’s 2020 Annual Report. As of January 2022, Netflix trades on the
Nasdaq with a market cap that exceeds $260 billion. For the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2020, Netflix reported revenues of nearly $25 billion.

The research function at Netflix follows a decentralized model, with “many

teams that pursue research in collaboration with business teams, engineering
teams, and other researchers,” according to the company’s Netflix
Research website, launched in 2018. The company’s research areas include:

 Machine learning

 Recommendations

 Experimentation and causal inference

 Analytics

 Encoding and quality

 Computer vision

In this article, we’ll look at how Netflix has explored AI applications for its
business and industry through two unique use-cases:

 Image Personalization for Viewers — Netflix uses artificial intelligence and

machine learning to predict which images best engage which viewers as
they scroll through the company’s many thousands of titles.

 AVA: Creating Appropriate Thumbnail Images — Netflix has created AVA

to source stills from its many thousands of titles that will eventually
become the representative images that the company uses to drive viewer

We will begin by examining how Netflix has turned to machine learning

technology to predict the imagery that will resonate most with viewers when
they see suggested titles on their Netflix screens.

Image Personalization for Viewers

Netflix has earned its place in the entertainment industry in large part due to its
personalized recommendation system that aims to deliver the titles a viewer
most likely wants to see at a given time. However, with its extensive library of
over 16,800 titles worldwide, according to research compiled by Flixwatch, a
Netflix database site, how does Netflix suggest a title’s relevance to a specific
member when they are scrolling through hundreds, or even thousands, of

Netflix research shows that members will invest approximately one minute

scrolling through those offerings before they give up. Before the platform loses
that viewer to a competing service—or some other activity altogether—Netflix
wants to grab their attention. To do this, they’ve turned to the artwork the
platform uses to represent each of its titles.

“Given the enormous diversity in taste and preferences,” Netflix asks,

“wouldn’t it be better if we could find the best artwork for each of our members
to highlight the aspects of a title that are specifically relevant to them?”

Netflix uses the video below to show how, without artwork, much of the visual
interest—and engagement—of the company’s experience is removed.

To build much of its platform, Netflix has relied heavily on batch machine

learning approaches informed by algorithms that reflect A/B testing results.
However, when determining which artwork will resonate with which viewers,
this approach results in delays during:

 Data generation

 Model development

 A/B testing execution and analysis

To apply image personalization to its library of titles, Netflix has turned to an

online machine learning framework called contextual bandits. Through
contextual bandits, Netflix claims, the company can “rapidly figure out the
optimal personalized artwork solution for a title for each member and context.
… by trad[ing] off the cost of gathering training data required for learning an
unbiased model on an ongoing basis with the benefits of applying the learned
model to each member context.”
Netflix goes on to explain that they obtain the training data through the
“injection of controlled randomization in the learned model’s predictions.”

By considering user-specific factors like viewing history and country, Netflix

claims to emphasize themes through the artwork it shows as members scroll
their screens. Here Netflix’s then-Director of Machine Learning shows how
artwork is personalized for a title like “Stranger Things.”

In another example, the Netflix Tech Blog explores how an image is chosen that
represents the movie, “Good Will Hunting.” The post explains that if a viewer
has a viewing history that includes romance movies, they may see a thumbnail
image of Matt Damon and Minnie Driver together. If that viewer watches a lot
of comedies, however, they may instead be shown a thumbnail image of Robin

Source: Netflix

While our research did not identify specific results related to increased viewings
of specific titles due to these technologies, Netflix does disclose that they
have realized positive results through their own A/B testing and that the biggest
benefits have come from promoting less well-known titles. Given these results,
Netflix is now exploring further customization in how it presents its selections
to viewers by adapting on-screen areas like:

 Synopsis

 Evidence

 Row Title

 Metadata
 Trailer

AVA: Creating Appropriate Thumbnail Images

Before Netflix can choose which thumbnail images best engage which viewers,
the company must generate multiple images for each of the thousands of titles
the service offers to its members. In the early days of the service, Netflix
sourced title images from its studio partners, but soon concluded that these
images did not sufficiently engage viewers in a grid format where titles live side
by side.

Netflix explains: “Some were intended for roadside billboards where they don’t
live alongside other titles. Other images were sourced from DVD cover art
which don’t work well in a grid layout in multiple form factors (TV, mobile,

As a result, Netflix began to develop their own thumbnail images, or stills from
“static video frames” that come from the source content itself, according to
the Netflix TechBlog. However, if, for example, a one-hour episode of
“Stranger Things” contains some 86,000 static video frames, and each of the
show’s first three seasons has eight episodes, Netflix could have more than two
million static video frames to analyze and choose from.

Netflix soon concluded that relying on the “in-depth expertise” of human

curators or editors in selecting these thumbnail images “presents a very
challenging expectation.” To scale its effort to create as many stills as possible
for each of its titles, Netflix turned to AVA, “a collection of tools and
algorithms designed to surface high quality imagery from the videos on [the]

Netflix states that AVA scans each frame of every title in the Netflix library to
evaluate contextual metadata and identify “objective signals” that ranking
algorithms then use to identify frames that meet the service’s “aesthetic,
creative, and diversity objectives” required before they can qualify as thumbnail
images. According to Netflix, these factors include:

 Face detection, including pose estimation and sentiment analysis

 Motion estimation, including motion blur and camera movement

 Camera shot identification, including estimation of cinematographer intent

 Object detection, including importance determination of non-human subjects

This Frame Annotation process focuses on frames that represent the title and
interactions between the characters, while setting aside frames with unfortunate
traits like blinking, blurring, or that capture characters in mid-speech, according
to a Netflix Research presentation.

Source: Netflix TechBlog

To train the underlying Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Netflix

assembled a dataset of some twenty thousand faces (positive and negative
examples) from movie artwork, thumbnails, and random movie frames, the
company claims.

The CNN also evaluates the prominence of each character by evaluating the
frequency with which the character appears by him- or herself and with other
characters in the title. This helps “prioritize main characters and de-prioritize
secondary characters or extras,” Netflix claims.

Through its analysis, each frame receives a score that represents the strength of
its candidacy as a thumbnail image. Per Netflix, AVA considers the following
elements when it forms the final list of images that best represent each title:

 Actors, including prominence, relevance, posture, and facial landmarks

 Image Diversity, including camera shot types, visual similarity, color, and
saliency maps

 Maturity Filters, including screening for harmful or offensive elements

While our research did not identify any results specific to AVA’s use within
Netflix, the company hopes that AVA will save creative teams time and
resources as it surfaces the best stills to consider for candidates as thumbnail
images and that the technology will drive more and better options to present to
viewers during that crucial minute that viewers allow before they lose interest
and search for another way to spend their time.

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