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Generative AI models have made impressive strides in recent pasts,

quickly advancing from generating low-resolution images to
high-resolution photo-realistic images. Diffusion models are key
contributors to this progress, using text prompts to generate matching
outputs by gradually transforming random numbers into images or
videos. However, training these models for video generation from
scratch can be challenging due to the need for extremely large datasets
and powerful hardware. This high cost makes it difficult for many users
to customise these technologies for their own needs.

What is the Text2Video-Zero model and what is its role?

A researcher at Picsart AI Research (PAIR) has developed a low-cost

solution that introduces zero-shot text-to-video generation without the
need for heavy training or large-scale video datasets. So, it's like a new
way to generate videos from text with a zero-shot text-to-video
generation approach. This new model is called Text2Video-Zero.
What is the team’s view on this approach?

Unlike other methods that require heavy training and large-scale video
datasets, Team claims this approach is low-cost and leverages the
power of existing text-to-image synthesis methods like Stable Diffusion.
They have made key modifications to enrich the latent codes of
generated frames with motion dynamics for time consistency and
reprogrammed frame-level self-attention using cross-frame attention.
The result is High-quality and consistent video generation with low
overhead. Team claims that their approach is versatile and can be used
for other tasks like conditional and content-specialized video generation,
and instruction-guided video editing. And their method performs
comparably or even better than recent approaches without additional
video data training. Links to the research document and project details
are provided in the ‘source’ section at the end of this article.

What are the step-by-step modifications that were made to enhance

the approach?
Text2Video-Zero’s two key modifications for generating high-quality and
consistent videos. The first modification enriches latent vectors with
motion information to keep the global scene and background time
consistent. This is achieved by adding motion information to the latent
vectors instead of just randomly sampling them. However, to tackle the
issue of temporal inconsistencies for the foreground object, a second
modification is required.
The second modification focuses on the attention mechanism. By
replacing each self-attention layer with cross-frame attention focused on
the first frame, Text2Video-Zero leverages the power of cross-frame
attention without retraining a pre-trained diffusion model. This helps
preserve the context, appearance, and identity of foreground objects
throughout the entire sequence. Experience the future of text-to-video
generation with Text2Video-Zero’s innovative approach.

In addition to being applicable to text-to-video synthesis,

Text2Video-Zero can also be used for other tasks such as conditional
and content-specialised video generation, and Video Instruct-Pix2Pix
(i.e., instruction-guided video editing). Experiments have shown that this
approach performs comparably or even better than recent approaches,
despite not being trained on additional video data.

source - GitHub - Picsart-AI-Research/Text2Video-Zero: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Zero-Shot Video


Text2Video-Zero with its ability to generate zero-shot videos using

textual prompts, prompts combined with guidance from poses or edges,
and instruction-guided video editing. The results are temporally
consistent and closely follow the guidance and textual prompts.

Overall, Text2Video-Zero represents an exciting new development in the
field of text-to-video generation. By leveraging existing text-to-image
synthesis methods and making key modifications, this approach offers a
low-cost solution that generates high-quality and consistent videos with
low overhead. The code for Text2Video-Zero is open-sourced and
available for anyone to use.

GitHub project - GitHub - Picsart-AI-Research/Text2Video-Zero: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Zero-Shot Video
research document- [2303.13439] Text2Video-Zero: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Zero-Shot Video Generators (

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