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MetaGPT: A Framework for Multi-Agent Meta Programming


Are you interested in learning about a new model that can enable
multi-agent collaboration and coordination using meta programming? In
this blog article, I will explain a novel framework that leverages the
power of generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) to create and
execute meta programs for complex tasks involving multiple agents.
MetaGPT is a model developed by the team from different universities
across China and University of California, Berkeley in collaboration with
Geekan, a company that specializes in developing artificial intelligence

The purpose behind the development of this model was to create a

multi-agent collaborative framework for meta programming. This model
helps to address the challenges of multi-agent collaboration and
coordination in complex tasks that require high-level reasoning and

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planning. The authors observed that existing methods for multi-agent

systems either rely on hand-crafted rules or reinforcement learning
algorithms that are hard to scale and generalize. They proposed to use
meta programming as a new paradigm to enable flexible and efficient
multi-agent collaboration and coordination.

What is MetaGPT?

MetaGPT is a meta programming model that allows for the creation of

multi-agent collaborative frameworks. This means that multiple agents
can work together to achieve a common goal, using the power of meta
programming to adapt and learn from their environment.

Key Features of MetaGPT

Some of the key features of MetaGPT are:

● MetaGPT can handle various types of multi-agent collaborative

tasks, such as cooperative games, collective decision making, and
task allocation.
● MetaGPT can generate meta programs from natural language
descriptions or demonstrations of the tasks, allowing for a more
intuitive and user-friendly experience.
● MetaGPT can execute meta programs using natural language as
input and output, making it easier for users to interact with the
● MetaGPT can learn from feedback and improve its meta programs
over time, allowing for more accurate and effective results.
● MetaGPT can generalize to new tasks and domains that were not
seen during training, making it a versatile and powerful tool.

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Capabilities/Use Case of MetaGPT

MetaGPT has many potential applications and use cases in various

fields and scenarios that involve multi-agent collaboration and
coordination. Some of the examples are:

● Gaming: MetaGPT can be used to create and control intelligent

agents that can cooperate or compete with human players or other
agents in various games, such as board games, card games,
video games, etc. MetaGPT can also be used to generate new
games or game rules based on natural language descriptions or
● Education: MetaGPT can be used to create and execute
educational programs that can teach or tutor students on various
subjects, such as math, science, language, etc. MetaGPT can also
be used to generate and solve problems or exercises based on
natural language descriptions or demonstrations.
● Business: MetaGPT can be used to create and execute business
programs that can optimize or automate various processes, such
as scheduling, planning, budgeting, marketing, etc. MetaGPT can
also be used to generate and analyze data or reports based on
natural language descriptions or demonstrations.
● Social: MetaGPT can be used to create and execute social
programs that can facilitate or enhance various interactions, such
as communication, negotiation, persuasion, collaboration, etc.
MetaGPT can also be used to generate and evaluate opinions or
arguments based on natural language descriptions or

How does MetaGPT work?

MetaGPT is a model that uses the power of natural language to create

and execute meta programs for multi-agent collaboration. Meta

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programs are programs that can generate or modify other programs

based on some input or context. MetaGPT has two main components: a
meta program generator (MPG) and a meta program executor (MPE).
The MPG and MPE work together in two layers: the Foundational
Components Layer and the Collaboration Layer.

The Foundational Components Layer provides the basic elements for

each agent to function and communicate. It includes the Environment,
which allows agents to share workspaces and messages; the Memory,
which stores and retrieves past messages; the Role, which defines the
domain-specific skills and workflows of each agent; the Action, which
performs modular subtasks; and the Tools, which offer common services
and utilities.

The Collaboration Layer builds on top of the Foundational Components

Layer to enable agents to work together on complex problems. It
implements key mechanisms for cooperation, such as Knowledge
Sharing and Encapsulating Workflows. Knowledge Sharing helps agents
to exchange information effectively, contributing to a shared knowledge
base. Encapsulating Workflows uses SOPs to break down complex
tasks into smaller, manageable components. It assigns these subtasks
to suitable agents and supervises their performance by standardized

MetaGPT also uses other techniques to enhance its performance. For

instance, it uses prompts to encode Standardized Operating Procedures
(SOPs) that guide structured coordination. It also requires modular
outputs that give agents domain expertise similar to human
professionals. This way, MetaGPT can use the assembly line work
model to assign different roles to different agents and create a
framework that can effectively and cohesively solve complex multi-agent
collaborative problems.

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source -

By dividing into two layers, MetaGPT achieves modularity and efficiency

in both individual and collective agent capabilities. The components offer
reusable building blocks and utilities while the collaboration modules
integrate purposeful coordination. As shown in above Figure, the model
works by allowing agents to collaborate and learn from their
environment, using meta programming to adapt and improve their

Performance evaluation with other Models

As shown in the figure below, MetaGPT outperforms other frameworks,

such as AutoGPT and AgentVerse, in terms of their capabilities and
performance. MetaGPT offers a more comprehensive and robust
solution for multi-agent collaboration and coordination. The performance
of the frameworks was tested on 7 different tasks. MetaGPT showed
strong performance on a variety of tasks, achieving successful execution
in all but two cases.

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source -

On the other hand, AutoGPT and AgentVerse failed to execute any of

the tasks successfully. The cost analysis showed that each project used
an average of 26626.86 tokens for prompts and 6218.00 tokens for task
completion, resulting in a total cost of $1.09 for completing the tasks.
The whole construction process took 517.71 seconds. In summary,
MetaGPT is a superior framework that provides a more effective and
efficient solution for project execution.

To fully understand the notations and information presented in the tables,

it is recommended to read the original research paper. The paper
provides detailed explanations and context for the data presented in the
tables, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the

How to access and use this model?

Users can find the code and instructions for using it on GitHub. The
model is open-source and you can use it for any purpose, commercial or
non-commercial. The license information is also available on GitHub. To
use MetaGPT, you need to clone the repository to your local machine
and follow the installation instructions in the README file. User can
choose to install it either the traditional way or using Docker.

If you are interested to learn more about MetaGPT framework, all

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relevant links are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this

Limitations and Future Work

MetaGPT is a powerful framework However, it also has some limitations

that need to be addressed in the future. Some of these limitations are:

● It sometimes refers to non-existent resource files, such as images

and audio, that are not available in the environment or the input.
This can cause errors or confusion when executing the meta
● It sometimes invokes undefined or unimported classes or
variables, especially when dealing with complex tasks that require
multiple agents and tools. This can cause errors or inconsistencies
when executing the meta programs.

These limitations are mainly due to the hallucinatory tendency of large

language models, which can generate texts that are not grounded in
reality or logic. This can be improved by using a more clear and efficient
agent collaboration workflow that can verify and validate the meta
programs before execution.


MetaGPT is a framework that revolutionizes the way multi-agents

interact and cooperate, using natural language as a universal interface
for meta programming. MetaGPT redefines the landscape of complex
problem-solving and points to a potential pathway towards Artificial
General Intelligence.
research paper -
research document -
GitHub Repo -

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