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GPT4RoI: The Vision-Language Model with Multi-Region

Spatial Instructions


GPT4RoI is a novel model that combines the power of large language

models (LLMs) and region-of-interest (RoI) features to generate natural
language descriptions for images and videos. It was developed by a
team of researchers from The University of Hong Kong Shanghai AI
Laboratory. The motto behind the development of this model was to
leverage the rich semantic information encoded in LLMs and the
fine-grained visual information captured by RoI features to produce
high-quality captions that are coherent, diverse, and informative.

What is GPT4RoI?

GPT4RoI is a region-level vision-language model that allows users to

interact with it using both language and spatial instructions to flexibly
adjust the detail level of the question.

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Key Features of GPT4RoI

GPT4RoI is a powerful region-level vision-language model that offers

users a high level of control and flexibility. Some of its key features are:

● It supports both language and spatial instructions, which means

that users can ask questions using natural language or using
coordinates to specify the region of interest. For example, users
can ask “what is the name of this flower?” or “what is the name of
the flower at (0.5, 0.6)?” This makes it easier for users to interact
with the model in a more intuitive and natural way, and to adjust
the detail level of their questions with ease.
● It supports both single-region and multi-region spatial instructions,
which means that users can ask questions about one or more
regions within an image. For example, users can ask “what are the
names of the flowers in this image?” or “what are the names of the
flowers at (0.5, 0.6) and (0.7, 0.8)?” This unlocks more region-level
multimodal capacities, such as the ability to generate detailed
captions for specific regions within an image. This feature makes
GPT4RoI a powerful tool for those looking to interact with
language models in a more detailed and flexible manner.

Capabilities/Use Case of GPT4RoI

● Support for single-region and multi-region spatial

instructions: GPT4RoI supports both single-region and
multi-region spatial instructions, allowing for more detailed
region-level multimodal capacities. This means that users can
interact with the model in a more detailed and flexible manner,
unlocking new levels of interaction with language models.
● Detailed region captioning: GPT4RoI’s support for multi-region
spatial instructions unlocks the ability to generate detailed captions
for specific regions within an image. This makes it a powerful tool

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for those looking to interact with language models in a more

detailed and flexible manner.

Some of the use cases for GPT4RoI include:

● Image captioning: GPT4RoI’s ability to generate detailed captions

for specific regions within an image makes it a powerful tool for
image captioning. Users can interact with the model using both
language and spatial instructions to generate detailed captions for
specific regions within an image.
● Interactive image exploration: GPT4RoI’s support for both
single-region and multi-region spatial instructions allows users to
interact with the model in a more detailed and flexible manner,
unlocking new levels of interaction with language models. This
makes it a powerful tool for interactive image exploration, allowing
users to explore images in a more detailed and intuitive way.

How does GPT4RoI work?

The overall framework of GPT4RoI consists of several components,

including a vision encoder, a projector for image-level features, a region
feature extractor, and a large language model (LLM). The model is
designed to generate region-level feature representations by leveraging
spatial instructions.

source -

The vision encoder used in GPT4RoI is the ViT-H/14 architecture from

CLIP. The image feature embedding is mapped to the language space

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using a single linear layer as a projector. The language processing is

performed using the Vicuna-7B model.

To extract region-level features with spatial signal, a multi-level image

feature pyramid is constructed by selecting four layers from the clip
vision encoder. Feature coordinates are added for each level to maintain
spatial information. A lightweight scale shuffle module is used to obtain a
stronger multi-level feature. RoIAlign is used to extract region-level
features with the output size of 14×14.

The input to the LLM includes a prefix prompt that provides an overview
of the picture. When a spatial instruction is present in the input text, the
corresponding embedding is replaced with the RoIAlign results of the
corresponding bounding box during tokenization and conversion to

Overall, GPT4RoI is an end-to-end vision-language model that

processes instructions containing spatial information. It utilizes both
image-level and region-level features to provide detailed information for
language processing.

Performance evaluation with other Models

source -

As shown in table above, GPT4RoI is an end-to-end model that supports

region-level understanding and multi-round conversation. This sets it
apart from other vision-language models and allows it to perform well in

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tasks that require detailed region-level understanding." kindly rewrite it in

a more creative way, humanized format and ensure not to lose context
as per subheading. do not draw Table1 but just refer to it. try to enlarge
the text length as compared to the current character length of quoted

How to access and use this model?

GPT4RoI is open-source and licensed under the MIT License, which

means that you can use it for any purpose, as long as you give credit to
the original authors. If you are interested in trying out GPT4RoI, you
have two options. You can either download the code from GitHub or use
the online demo. All relevant links are provided under the 'source'
section at the end of this article.

● Local You can find the code on GitHub website, where you can
also find instructions on how to install and run the model. You will
need to have a few dependencies and some other libraries
installed on your machine.
● Online If you don’t want to install anything on your machine, you
can also use the online demo of GPT4RoI. The demo allows you
to interact with the model using different instructions and RoIs on
various texts. You can also upload your own images and texts and
see how the model responds. The demo is a great way to explore
the capabilities of GPT4RoI and have some fun with it.


GPT4RoI is a powerful region-level vision-language model, but it is not

perfect. It has some limitations that you should be aware of before using
it. Some of these limitations are:

● The model may have difficulty understanding smaller regions in

low-resolution images. This is because the model uses a global

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attention ViT architecture, which can be slow when dealing with

high-resolution images. To solve this problem, you may need to
use higher-resolution images or crop the regions of interest before
feeding them to the model.
● The model relies on region-text pair data, which is not very
abundant. Compared to image-text pair data, there are fewer
region-text pair data available, which makes it harder for the model
to learn the alignment between region-level features and language
models. To solve this problem, you may need to collect more
region-text pair data or use data augmentation techniques.
● The model only supports natural language and bounding box
interaction. This means that you can only interact with the model
using words or coordinates. However, there may be other ways to
interact with the model, such as using gestures, voice, or eye
gaze. To solve this problem, you may need to incorporate more
open-ended interaction modes into the model.


GPT4RoI is a breakthrough in the field of vision-language modeling, as it

opens up new possibilities and challenges for interacting with large
language models in a more detailed and flexible manner. It also
contributes to the future journey of AI, as it shows how AI can
understand and generate texts for specific regions within an image.

research paper -
research document -
Github repo -
License -
Demo link -

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