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How Nous-Hermes-13B AI Model Can Help You Generate

High-Quality Content and Code


Language models (LMs) are sophisticated systems capable of

generating natural language texts based on input such as prompts,
questions, or contexts. LMs have gained immense popularity and utility
in recent years, thanks to advancements in deep learning and the
collection of vast amounts of data. However, it's important to note that
not all LMs are created equal. While some LMs may excel in specific
tasks or domains, they may struggle to generalize to others. Limitations
such as size, speed, or quality can also hinder certain LMs, as can
issues with availability, accessibility, or licensing.

This is where the new AI Model comes into play as a true game-changer.
This state-of-the-art LM has undergone extensive fine-tuning on a
diverse dataset comprising over 300,000 instructions, covering a wide
range of topics and tasks. Developed by Nous Research, a prominent AI

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research company renowned for its innovative solutions across various

industries and domains, this model's fine-tuning process was
spearheaded by Teknium and Karan4D. They meticulously curated the
dataset and optimized the model's performance. The generous
sponsorship of compute resources came from Redmond AI, a global AI
consulting firm at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge solutions to
businesses and organizations. Additionally, numerous other contributors
actively participated in the development of this model, transforming it into
a collaborative and community-driven effort.

The underlying mission behind the creation of this model was to craft a
potent and versatile LM capable of effectively tackling diverse tasks and
domains while maintaining high quality and accuracy. Built upon the
foundation of GPT-3.5-turbo, an enhanced iteration of GPT-3 with
increased parameters and superior training data, this model also
benefits from quantization using GPTQ. This technique reduces the
model's size and memory requirements without compromising
performance. Moreover, the model is fully compatible with Hugging
Face, a popular platform that offers seamless accessibility and utilization
of various LMs. This new AI model is called 'Nous-Hermes-13B'.

What is Generative Nous-Hermes-13B?

Nous-Hermes-13B represents a cutting-edge language generation

system capable of crafting authentic textual content from scratch based
on various inputs. These inputs can range from instructions, questions,
contexts, or any other specific details that outline the desired output. The
resulting output can take the form of a single sentence, a paragraph, a
captivating story, a code snippet, a formula, or any other conceivable
expression within the realm of natural language.

This particular model adheres to the Alpaca prompt format, a

straightforward and standardized approach for feeding instructions to the

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system. The format comprises two primary components: an instruction

and an optional input. The instruction serves as a directive, guiding the
model on what task to perform or what content to generate. The input,
on the other hand, supplements the instruction by providing additional
information or data for the model to leverage. It is worth noting that the
model is capable of accommodating multiple instructions or inputs within
a single prompt, as long as they are separated by blank lines.

Key Features of Nous-Hermes-13B

Nous-Hermes-13B has several key features that make it stand out from
other LMs:

● Long responses: The model can generate long and detailed

responses up to 2000 tokens (words or symbols), which is much
higher than most LMs. This allows the model to produce rich and
informative texts that cover multiple aspects of the input.

● Low hallucination rate: The model has a low tendency to generate

false or inaccurate information that is not supported by the input or
the data source. This means that the model is reliable and
trustworthy in generating factual and relevant texts.

● Absence of OpenAI censorship mechanisms: The model does not

have any built-in filters or mechanisms that censor or restrict
certain topics or words based on ethical or political considerations.
This means that the model is free and unbiased in generating texts
on any subject matter.

● Cutting-edge performance: The model achieves state-of-the-art

results on various benchmarks and tasks, such as text generation,
question answering, summarization, translation, and more. The

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model also outperforms GPT-3 and other LMs on many metrics,

such as coherence, diversity, fluency, and accuracy.

Capabilities/Use Cases of Nous-Hermes-13B

Nous-Hermes-13B has a wide range of capabilities and use cases,

thanks to its generality and versatility. Some of the possible applications
of this model are:

● Content creation: The model can generate high-quality and original

content for various purposes, such as blog articles, social media
posts, product reviews, marketing copy, and more. The model can
also generate creative content, such as poems, stories, jokes,
lyrics, and more.

● Education: The model can generate educational content, such as

explanations, examples, exercises, quizzes, and more. The model
can also provide feedback, hints, solutions, and corrections for
learners and educators.

● Research: The model can generate research content, such as

summaries, abstracts, introductions, conclusions, and more. The
model can also provide references, citations, and links for
researchers and scholars.

● Business: The model can generate business content, such as

reports, presentations, proposals, emails, and more. The model
can also provide insights, analysis, recommendations, and
predictions for business professionals and managers.

● Entertainment: The model can generate entertainment content,

such as games, puzzles, trivia, riddles, and more. The model can

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also provide fun and engaging interactions for users and players.

● Coding: The model can generate code snippets or scripts for

various programming languages and frameworks. The model can
also provide debugging, testing, documentation, and optimization
for coders and developers.

These are just some of the possible use cases of this model. There are
many more applications that can be explored and discovered by using
this model.

Architecture of Nous-Hermes-13B

Nous-Hermes-13B is based on the transformer architecture, which is a

neural network design that uses attention mechanisms to learn the
relationships between words or symbols in a sequence. The transformer
architecture consists of two main components: an encoder and a
decoder. The encoder takes the input sequence and transforms it into a
series of hidden representations or embeddings. The decoder takes the
embeddings and generates the output sequence.

The model has 13 layers in both the encoder and the decoder. Each
layer has 12 attention heads and a hidden size of 5120. The total
number of parameters in the model is 48 billion. The model is trained on
a large corpus of text data from various sources and domains. The
fine-tuning process uses a custom dataset of over 300,000 instructions
that cover diverse topics and tasks.

The model is quantized using GPTQ, which is a technique that reduces

the size and memory requirements of the model without compromising
its performance. GPTQ uses a combination of quantization-aware
training (QAT) and groupwise quantization (GQ) to compress the model
weights from 32-bit floating-point numbers to 4-bit integers. This reduces
the size of the model by 8 times and enables faster inference on GPUs.

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How to access and use this model?

Nous-Hermes-13B is available on Hugging Face, which is a popular

platform that provides easy access and use of various LMs. You can
download the model files from the Hugging Face website or use the
Hugging Face API to interact with the model online. You can also use
the text-generation-webui, which is a web interface that allows you to
test the model in a browser.

To use the model locally, you will need to install PyTorch, Transformers,
and GPTQ-for-LLaMa. You can find the instructions on how to install and
run these libraries on their respective websites or GitHub repositories.

To use the model online, you will need to create an account on Hugging
Face and get an API key. You can then use the Hugging Face API to
send requests to the model and receive responses. You can also use the
text-generation-webui to enter prompts and see the model outputs in a

Nous-Hermes-13B is open-source and free for non-commercial use. The

model is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, which means that you can share
and adapt the model as long as you give appropriate credit, provide a
link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may not use
the model for commercial purposes without permission from Nous


Nous-Hermes-13B is a powerful and impressive LM, but it is not perfect.

It has some limitations that users should be aware of and cautious
about. Some of these limitations are:

● Difficulty with long chains of operations: The model may struggle to

generate correct and coherent code or text when the input requires
a long sequence of operations or steps. The model may lose track

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of the variables, conditions, or logic involved in such cases.

● Difficulty with binding operations to variables: The model may fail

to assign or use the correct variables when generating code or text
that involves operations on data or objects. The model may
confuse or mix up the names, types, or values of the variables.

● Potential for harmful or unethical outputs: The model may generate

outputs that are harmful or unethical in some contexts or
situations. The model may produce outputs that are offensive,
misleading, biased, illegal, or dangerous. The model does not
have any built-in filters or mechanisms to prevent such outputs.

● Potential for misuse or abuse: The model may be misused or

abused by malicious actors for nefarious purposes. The model
may be used to generate fake or fraudulent content, such as
phishing emails, spam messages, fake news, or propaganda. The
model may also be used to steal or compromise intellectual
property, such as code, data, or ideas.

These are some of the limitations of Nous-Hermes-13B that users

should be aware of and cautious about. Users should always verify and
validate the outputs of the model before using them for any purpose.


Nous-Hermes-13B is a state-of-the-art LM that has been fine-tuned on

over 300,000 instructions, covering a wide range of topics and tasks.
However, the model is not perfect. It has some limitations that users
should be aware of and cautious about.

Nous-Hermes-13B is a game-changer in the field of LMs and code

generation. It is a powerful and versatile tool that can handle diverse

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tasks and domains with high quality and accuracy. It is also a

collaborative and community-driven effort that showcases the potential
of open-source and distributed AI research. Nous-Hermes-13B is a
model that you should definitely try out and explore.


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