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~-----------------------------------lETTERSTQNATUR£ ----------------~N~A~

Fig. l Real-time display of four scanning

channels on a TV monitor (geometric distor-
tions making the rings non circular are due to
the monitor itself) . Each channel has been
exposed 500 s. 21 channels insured a complete
coverage of the field (clockwise from upper left
are channel l, 6, ll and 16). The brighter inter-
ference rings are due to geo-coronal Ha
emission (the innnermost one on channel I)
and OH 6,569 A night-sky line (the second one
from centre on channel 1). The Ha emission
of the SMC-LMC bridge appears as a faint ring
surrounding to two bright rings of airglow on
channel I . Then one can see the diameter of
the interference rings increasing while the inter-
ferometer is scanning from channel! to 21. The
Ha emission of the bridge appears as a large
faint ring together with a small central spot on
channel 6, a small central ring on channel 11,
and the second ring on channel 16 (where OH
is the central ring) . The bright circular edge on
each image is due to the less selective trans-
mission on the edge of the interference filter.

checked the wavelengths of the geo-coronal Ha emission and

the OH night-sky line. The wavelength accuracy found for both
lines is better than 0.05 A (2 km s- 1 in radial velocity). The The Sun's motion perpendicular to the
precision, indicated by the dispersion of the measured points, galactic plane
is about the same. The diameters of the Ha interference rings
from the object indicate an heliocentric radial velocity of 160 km John N. Bahcall* & Safi Bahcallt
s- 1 ± 5 km s- 1 all over the observed field (note that the rough
value given by us in Courtes et ae
was underestimated) . Our * I_nstitute for Advanced Study, and t Princeton High School,
Pnnceton, New Jersey 08540, USA
final result is in very good agreement with the average H 1
velocities found by McGee and Newton 8 and by Mathewson
(personal communication) 9 in the same area. Furthermore, they The period and amplitude of the Sun's motion perpendicular to
generally found several components (3-4) with velocities rang- the galactic plane are important parameters in some explanations
ing from 140 to 200 km s- 1 and halfwidths around 20 km s- 1, of the terrestrial mass extinctions and cratering records 1- 5 • Here
which is consistent with the broadening observed for the Ha we have calculated the range of periods and vertical excursions
emission. In some cases, our profile also appears to contain that are consistent with the distributions of tracer stars in the
multiple velocity components but the signal-to-noise ratio Galaxy and have also evaluated the probable phase jitter in the
remains too low to allow individual ones to be distinguished solar period. We find acceptable half-periods for the vertical
with certainty for their separations are near our spectral oscillation that range from 26 to 37 Myr (including the range of
resolution. periods that have been inferred from the terrestrial records on
It is clear, from the Doppler shift, that we are observing Ha mass extinctions and on cratering), maximum heights above the
emission associated with the HI bridge between the SMC and plane from 49 .to 93 pc, and an average phase jitter per half-period
LMC and that the large cloud of hots tars observed in ultraviolet of the order of 6-9%. The largest uncertainty in all these calcula-
light by the VWFC on board Spacelab 1 ionizes this bridge. tions is caused by the unknown distribution of the unseen mass
We thank our engineer Andre Fort for helpful assistance that must be postulated to explain the distribution of observed
during the observations, and our technician Patrice Joulie who stars6-7 • For all the models we consider, the most recent passage
designed the focal reducer. of the Sun through the galactic plane occurred in the past 3 Myr
provided only that the present position of the Sun is between 0
and 20 pc above the plane. We extend the argument of Thaddeus
and Chanan8 to show that the apparent periodicity in the mass
Received 25 March; accepted 18 June 1985. extinction and cratering records cannot be caused by an population
of objects (observed or unobserved) that contributes a major frac-
I. Mathewson, D. S. & Ford, V. L. IA U Symp. No. 108, 125-136 (1 984). tion of the total mass density at the solar vicinity.
2. Johnson, P. G., Meabum, J. & Osman, A.M. I. Mon : N ot. R. astr. Snc. 198,985-989 (1982).
3. Courtes, G., Viton, M., Sivan, J.P., Decher, R. & Gary, A. Science 225, 179- 180 ( 1984).
We have calculated the time, t, that it takes the Sun to reach
4. Boulesteix , J., Georgelin, Y. , Marcelin, M. & Monnet, G . S.P.l.E. Conj: lnstrum. A.~tr. V a height, z, above the galactic plane from the formula:
445,37-41 ( 1983).
5. Hode, P. W. & Wright, F. W. The Small Magellanic Cloud (Un iversi ty of Washingto n Press, z
1977). t- (l)
6. Marce1in , M., Boulesteix, J. & George1in, Y. P. Astr. A strophys. 128, 140-147 (1983). - o 2(E- op(x))t/2
7. Chamberlain. J. W. Physics of the Aurora and Airglow, 571 (Acad emi c, New Yo rk, 1961 ).
8. McGee, R. X. & Newton. Lynetle, M. Proc. astr. Soc. Austr. 4, 308-3 J8 (1 982). where E is the total energy per unit mass of the Sun's vertical

© 1985 Nature Publishing Group


motion and tp is the potential energy per unit mass. The major
uncertainty in evaluating equation ( 1) arises from the distribu-
tion of the unseen matter that is inferred to exist at the solar
vicinitl· 7 • We have bracketed the allowed solar motion by using
the potential tp calculated for two extreme Galaxy models, All di sk J
-Z~~x- - -. · j
labelled here as the ISM and the all-disk models. In the ISM 1

model, the unseen material is squashed towards the galactic - .,_ ZmaK

Zm ax.......... .._
plane to the maximum extent allowed by the analysis of the
distribution of F dwarfs and of K giants; the postulated distribu-
tion is similar to that observed for ordinary interstellar material
(hence the name). In the all-disk model, the unseen material
has the largest exponential scale height (0.7 kpc) above the plane
that is consistent with the observed rotation velocity of the
galaxy near the solar position. In the all disk model, all of the
unobserved material near the Sun is by construction in a flattened z(pc)
disk; there is no appreciable amount of unobserved material in
a spherical halo. We also consider a more conventional model, Fig. 1 The potential divided by 27TGp(O)z 2 shown for the three
the proportional model, in which the distribution of unseen numerical models.
material with a given velocity dispersion is proportional to the
distribution of observed material, with the same velocity disper- model), 26.5 ± 1 Myr (ISM model), and 36 ± 1 Myr (all-disk
sion, the constant of proportionality being independent of veloc- model). The uncertainty due to the assumed current velocity
ity dispersion. The proportional model has approximately equal and height above the plane is small compared with the difference
amounts of unobserved and observed material. The particular between the values calculated with different distributions of the
parameters we use for these models are given in Table 5 of ref. unseen material. For the most likely current parameters of the
7, rows 1 (proportional model), 10 (ISM model), and 12 (all solar motion, the maximum height above the plane reached by
disk model). For all three models, the potential was derived by the Sun, Zmax• is: 70 pc (proportional model), 58 pc (ISM model),
solving self-consistently the Poisson and the Vlasov equations and 81 pc (all-disk model). The time since the last passage
with realistic models for the Galaxy (typically 15 observed through the galactic plane is < 3 Myr in all the cases considered,
components) . provided that the Sun's current position is between 0 and 20 pc
Table 1 shows our results for the calculated half-periods and above the plane. The potential energy is currently much less
maximum heights above the plane of the solar vertical motion. than the kinetic energy for the solar vertical motion, so that the
For each of the models, we also list the time since the Sun last time since last passage is approximately the present height above
passed through the glactic plane. The characteristics of the the plane divided by the current velocity.
calculated solar motion depend on the vertical velocity, vp«sen" The problem of the solar vertical motion has usually been
and height above the plane, Zpresent· We give results for the range treated analytically by assuming 8 •14 that the potential for the
of values that are consistent with the available observational vertical motion is quadratic in the height above the plane. In
results 9 - 11 , that is Vpresent = 6-8 km s- 1 and zgresent = 0-30 pc. The this approximation, the vertical motion is described by the
most likely values are considered to be 9 - 1 7 km s- 1 and 4 pc, equation for a simple harmonic oscillator. We show in Fig. 1
respectively, although some determinations 12 ' 13 suggest that the the potential, divided by 27TGp(O)z 2, that was computed numeri-
Sun is 20-30 pc above the plane. The Sun's position with respect cally for each of the galactic models we have discussed. Sig-
to the galactic plane could be determined more accurately using nificant depatures from the harmonic approximation are present
modern surveys of H 1 and CO. beyond about 40 pc. Innanen et al.' 5 have evaluated numerically
The half-periods we calculate are: 31.5 ± 1 Myr (proportional the solar motion in a simple galaxy model that includes depar-
tures from harmonicity.
How much of an error does the conventional assumption of
Table 1 The Sun's vertical oscillation a harmonic oscillator potential cause? The harmonic oscillator
period differs from the exact half-period by 15% (4 Myr) for
Half- Last the ISM model, by 9% (3 Myr) for the proportional model, and
Ptotat (z = 0) vp-.sent period passage Zm ax
Zprese nt by 6% (2 Myr) for the all-disk model. The error in the maximum
Model ( M 0 pc- 3 ) (kms- 1 ) (pc) (Myr) (Myr) (pc)
height above the plane implied by the harmonic oscillator poten-
Proportional 0.21 7 0 31.4 0.0 70.0 tial is, for the same three cases, 11, 6 and 4%.
7 4 31.4 0.6 70.1 The harmonic oscillator approximation can be used with
7 10 31.4 1.4 70.9 relatively small errors in the computation of the fractional
7 20 31.6 2.7 73.4
7 30 31.8 3.9 77.4
amount of time the Sun spends in any specified height range,
7 40 32.1 5.0 82.6 once the period and maximum height above the plane have been
8 4 32.0 0.5 81.2 calculated from the exact potential. We have evaluated numeri-
6 4 30.8 0.6 59.3 cally the fraction of time that the Sun spends in various height
26.5 0.0 57.8
intervals using the potentials shown in Fig. 1 for the three
ISM 0.33 7 0
7 4 26.5 0.6 58.0 illustrative galaxy models and have compared the results with
7 10 26.6 1.4 59.0 the analytical formula 14 that applies in the case of a harmonic
7 20 26.9 2.7 62.5 oscillator. Adopting the exact values of the half-period, P 112
7 30 27 .5 3.8 67 .9 and of Zmax• we find that the curve of elapsed times is described
7 40 28.1 4.8 74.6 to an accuracy of 3% by the harmonic oscillator relation:
8 4 27.5 0.5 68.0 t(z)/ pl/2 =-!.arcsin (z/ Zmax)·
6 4 25 .6 0.6 48.6 Some explanations 5 attribute the apparent periodicities in the
All disk 0.15 7 0 36.1 0.0 81.1 extinction data to phenomena occurring at the apex of the solar
7 10 36.1 1.4 81.8 vertical motion. These explanations are unlikely to be correct
7 20 36.2 2.7 83 .9 because they would require an extinction event that lasts a time
7 30 36.3 4.0 87.2 t::.T to occur all within 7pc x (t::.T/Myr) of Zmax·
7 40 36.4 5.2 91.6 How much phase jitter would one expect in the times at which
8 4 36.5 0.5 93 .6 the Sun crosses the galactic plane? We model the (unspecified)
6 4 35.7 0.6 69.0
process that causes stars to have velocity dispersions that

© 1985 Nature Publishing Group

70 8

increase with age by calculating simulated orbits in which a The combined calculated phase jitter per vertical half-period
model star receives a vertical kick in velocity, l>v, of random is in the range 6-9% for all the models we have considered.
sign every half period. Solar type stars have 16 a z-velocity This calculated phase jitter is smaller than the observed jitter
dispersion of the order of 20 km s- 1 after 5,000 Myr (the solar in the biological and cratering data.
age), indicating that the Sun currently has an unusually small Finally, we note that inte·ractions with the unseen material
velocity perpendicular to the plane for a star of its age. To model cannot have induced the approximately periodic features that
what happens to typical solar-type stars, we adopt l>v"' are inferred 1- 4 from the extinction and cratering data. This
20 km s- 1/ (solar age/ P112 ) 112 "' 1.6 km s- 1 • For anharmonic conclusion follows from the work of Thaddeus and Chanan8 ,
potentials like those shown in Fig. 1, the phase jitter per half- who showed that molecular clouds are not sufficiently concen-
period, !lc/>, can be estimated analytically to be of the order of trated towards the plane of the Galaxy to cause a strong prefer-
112 ence for interactions at small heights. The unseen material
!lcf> "' 0.28vP
____ 112 n
(2) cannot be more concentrated towards the plane than are
Zanh molecular clouds. The maximum concentration of the unseen
where Zanh represents approximately the anharmonicity of the material towards the galactic plane that is consistent with the
potential in the relation cf>(z)ocz 2 /[1+(z/zanh)] and n is the observations of F dwarfs and K giants is represented by the
number of elapsed half-periods. In deriving equation (3), we ISM model 6 - 7 , in which the unseen material has an exponential
have assumed that Zmax « Zanh and l>v « Vpresent· For an elapsed scale height which is like that of the molecular clouds ( corre-
time of 250 Myr, !lcf> "'0.8 kms- 1 P11 2 / Zanh· Values for Zanh can sponding to a velocity dispersion of 4km s- 1 ). Even in this
be estimated from Fig. 1; the half-periods, P 112 , are listed in extreme model, the maximum height above the plane reached
Table 1. For a harmonic potential, the phase jitter per half-period by the Sun (49 pc) is about equal to the height (45 pc) at which
is zero if the velocity kick always occurs when the Sun crosses the density of unseen material drops to e- 1 of its value in the
the galactic plane; the jitter decreases like 1/ n 112 if the kicks plane. The Sun encounters unseen material everywhere in its
occur with equal probability between 0 and 40 pc. orbit, with only a moderate preference for interactions in the
We have carried out a series of Monte-Carlo simulations of galactic plane.
the solar vertical motion including random kicks that are given All the observed components of the Galaxy that constitute
with either a uniform probability between 0 and 40 pc or always major fractions of the mass density in the solar vicinity have
in the plane. The results are shown in Table 2. The Monte-Carlo scale heights that are comparable with or larger than the
maximum heights, zmax. for the Sun listed in Table 1. If some-
Table 2 Expected phase jitter for solar period from vertical kicks thing associated with passages through the galactic plane is
in velocity causing periodic mass extinctions and cratering, then whatever
it is cannot constitute a large fraction of the mass density, either
Location observed or unobserved.
of kick !lcf> We thankS. Casertano, F. Dyson, D. Gilden, P. Hut, T. Piran,
Model (pc) (median) Quartiles W. Shuter, S. Tremaine and J. Villumsen for valuable comments.
Proportional 0.0 O.o35 ±0.02 This work was supported in part by NSF grant PHY-8217352.
0-40 0.045 ±0.03
Received 22 April; accepted 26 June 1985.
ISM 0.0 O.o7 ±O.o35
0-40 O.o7 ±0.04 I. Raup, D. M. & Sepkoski, J. J. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 81, 801-805 (1984).
0.0 o.oz ±0.01 2. Fischer, A. G. & Arthur, M.A. Soc. Econ. Paleont. Miner., Spec. Pub/. 25, 19-50 (1977).
All disk
3. Alvarez, W. & Muller, R. A. Nature 308,718-720 (1984).
0-40 0.03 ±0.02 4. Rampino, M. R. & Stohers, R. B. Nature 308, 709-712 (1984).
5. Schwartz, R. D. & James, P. B. Nature 308,712-713 (1984).
6. Bahcall, J. N. Astrophys. J. 276, 169-181 (1984).
7. Bahcall, J. N. Astrophys. J. 287, 926-944 (1984).
simulations are in good agreement with the analytical estimate 8. Thaddeus, P. & Chanan, G. A. Nature 314, 73-74 (1985).
given in equation (3). The typical phase jitter after 250 Myr is 9. Delhaye, J. in Galactic Structure (eds Blaauw, A. & Schmidt, M.) 61-84 (University of
in the range 0.03-0.07 per half-period, depending on the Galaxy Chicago Press, 1965).
10. Gum, C. S., Kerr, F. J. & Westerhout, G. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 121, 132-149 (1960).
potential that is adopted. 11. Mihalas, D. & Binney, J. Galactic Astronomy: Structure and Kinematics, 277-281 (Freeman,
The vertical oscillation period is also changed by the epicyclic San Francisco, 1981).
12. de Vaucouleurs, G. & Malik, G. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 142, 387-395 (1980).
motion of the Sun in the plane of the galaxy. Let the half- 13. Stenholm, B. Astr. Astrophys. 39,307-318 (1975).
amplitude of the epicyclic motion be Xmax and let h be the 14. Chandrasekhar, S. Principles of Stellar Dynamics, 190 (University of Chicago Press, 1942).
15. Innanen, K. A., Patrick, A. T. & Duley, W. W. Astrophys. Space Sci. 57, 511-515 (1978).
exponential scale length of the disk density in the plane. The 16. Wielen, R. Astr. Astrophys. 60, 263-275 (1977).
average period is only slightly affected by the epicyclic motion, 17. Bahcall, J. N. & Soniera, R. M. Astrophys. J. 44, 73-110 (1980).

Period (Xmax)"' Period( X max= O) X [ 1+ ~~~~ J (3)

Increased concentration and
The average correction due to the epicyclic motion is < 1% for vertical distribution of
typical values 11 ' 17 of h(3.5 kpc) and Xmax (0.5 kpc). However, carbon dioxide in the stratosphere
for times short compared with the period ("' 160 Myr) of the
solar epicyclic motion in the plane of the Galaxy, there is also W. Bischof*, R. Borcherst, P. Fabiant & B. C. Kriigert
a sinusoidal correction to the vertical oscillation period of ampli-
tude Xmax/2h. This correction could, in principle, be taken into *Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm,
account in making comparisons with observational data pro- S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
vided that the phase of the Sun in its epicyclic motion is not t Max-Planck-Institut fiir Aeronomie,
changed drastically during the time under consideration. On the D-34ll Katlenburg-Lindau, FRO
other hand, the simplest (and most conservative) procedure is
to ignore, when comparing with observations, the dependence Although many measurements of the abundance of C0 2 in the
of the period on the solar position in the galactic plane and to troposphere have been made, knowledge of its stratospheric abund-
compute the total expected phase jitter by combining quadrat- ances and variability is sparse. Here we report mid-latitude vertical
ically the previously computed jitter in the vertical motion (see profiles of C0 2 , up to 35 km, measured in 1979, 1982 and 1984
Table 2) with an apparent phase jitter from the epicyclic motion by analysing cryogenically collected balloon samples supplemented
in the plane. In this case, the expected r.m.s. phase jitter arising by air samples taken aboard aircraft. C0 2 mixing ratios are not
from the motion in the plane is Xmax/2 312 h "'5%, comparable constant with altitude but rather decrease by -7 p.p.m.v. (parts
with the phase jitter caused by vertical kicks in velocity. per 106 by volume) from the tropopause to the mid-stratosphere.

© 1985 Nature Publishing Group

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