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11 IV April 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Review on Effect of IoT in Inventory Management

Pooja G1, Nehashree Saravanan S2, Nivetha S R3, Abirami S4, Priyadharshini H5, Dr. S. Ramani6
Department of Food Processing and Preservation Technology, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education
for Women

Abstract: Inventory management plays a crucial role in every business organization that works on production. Appropriate
control mechanism of inventory is essential to ensure stock levels of all the raw materials that are required for production of
good. With the application of emerging technologies like IoT and sensors, the management of the stock levels has become more
efficient in both industrial and domestic level. This has not only reduced the man power that is required for supervision of
inventory, but also made the lifestyle of people more comfortable and easier.
Keywords: Inventory management, IoT, Sensors, Microcontroller, User interface.

Supply chain acts as a very important methodology in business management by playing an important role in business processes.
This largely deals with turning all of the raw resources into completed goods and services, as well as distributing them to the
eventual customer. Thus it acts as a vital link between producers and the consumer market. One of the key dimensions of supply
chain management is Logistics management. Logistics is about the processes of planning, executing the forward flow and
warehousing of the raw materials and finished goods with relevant information and records between the point of origin and landing
point. This therefore involves Inventory management. [39] Inventory Management is the management of stock levels of particular
good at particular point of time and at particular place. It plays a crucial role in running and maintaining a business organization that
mainly functions in the production line.

A. Purpose
The primary goal of this article is to research and provide in the form of a review how inventory management is crucial in
organizations, how it has evolved over a period of time at both industrial and domestic level and how the invention and expansion of
IoT can impact the management of inventory.

B. Significance of Inventory Management

In any business organization that works as a production unit, there is a space where the raw materials go in and get stored. Similarly,
the finished products are also taken back this stock area at times, before distribution. Inventory management makes extensive use of
data to keep track of the batch numbers, price, and quantity of the items as well as the information collected during the process. In
general, inventory management receives 60% of the budget. It holds a very significant place as it co-ordinates and schedules
operation flow. [40]
Models for inventory management are used in almost all businesses. The literature's scope encompasses a variety of subject areas,
including engineering, engineering technology, agriculture, energy, environmental science, and medical according to Science
Direct’s search for publications on Inventory management.
When considering both open access publications and journals to which only subscribers have access, it was found that the most
commonly discussed topics in inventory management are engineering, energy, and environmental science. Due to the expanding
consequences of climate change, environmental science has made re-engineering necessary, which has increased the need for stock
management. [3]

C. Timeline of Inventory management

Inventory management concepts have existed since the dawn of time. With the development of new tools and technology over the
past century, inventory practice has become more contemporary and has undergone evolution. For instance, traders in the past
counted and totaled the goods sold each day.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4101
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Prior to the development of more precise inventory record management and accounting systems by the Egyptians and Greeks,
handwritten notes and hunches were used in an inefficient and imprecise manner. Inventory management practices have improved
over the years. These advancements have resulted in further cost savings and increased customer satisfaction.
One of the major advancement seen in Inventory management is the intervention of IoT. It has enabled to manage stock levels by
providing real time data at all point of time along with giving accessibility to the data related to inventory from anywhere.


In this modern era, nourishing the standard of innovation in daily life act as a catalyst that changes the way we live our lives.
Innovation starts with an idea or invention followed by bringing them under general usage. For example: If Fryer is an invention,
development of smart sensors that can maintain pre-defined oil temperature and notifying the users helps in optimizing the process
which is ultimately known as innovation. These operations are sustainable with the execution of IoT (Internet of Things) in a far-
reaching manner. IoT is an adjunct of internet that unites the physical world with sensors and other communication networks.

A. Pre Internet
There was a time when there is no internet and had only human to human interaction. This period is known as Pre-Internet era
which follows a hierarchical and standardized structure in various industrial activities. The rational strategy followed in Pre-Internet
economy was an energy intensive period that made communication difficult between customers and suppliers. The challenges faced
during the pre-internet era lead to the enrichment of communication and business by virtue of internet.

B. Internet of Content
The emergence of Internet dates back to 1950’s. The first phase of Internet (1989) concentrates on connecting information with
hardly any interaction between server and user. It started with the evolution of www (World Wide Web) that enables people and
machine communicate easily. Dornberger et al (2018) had given a model on how the development of enumerative technology leads
to changes in human to computer interaction. Greater number of users of Web 1.0 is consumers of content, focusing on reading. [52]

C. Internet of Services
Web 1.0 technology allows only one way communication between creator and user with no interaction from users on other side.
This marked the escalation of Social web (Web 2.0) that enables users to create, read and write on web. Aggregate of Web 1.0 and
Web 2.0 forms the Smart IT platforms and services. Web 2.0 technology is widely applied in Supply chain management (e-
business) that relies on internet for front end and back end process involving inventory management, financial tasks etc. In their
study of web technologies in supply chain management, Cagliano et al. (2003) divided them into three main categories: e-
commerce, e-procurement, and e-operations. [53]Supply chain management is an essential process in industries that has an ultimate
aim to establish a synergy among the various supply chain partners and also the employees.

Fig. 1 Evolution of IoT

D. Internet of People
The third stage of evolution of internet is the decentralized version of web2.0 (Web 3.0) that focuses on detailed insights and data
analysis that helps in development of semantic web, artificial intelligence etc. The web technologies are been improved to generate,
connect and share the content through findings and analysis. This revolutionary step is made through development of Block chain
technology that helps to access information from any electronic device. The key features of web3.0 like Block chain, Crypto
currency, NFT, Decentralized apps captures the web and become closer to the users like us.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4102
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Web 3.0 technologies enables digital identity for various supply chain partners like farmers, growers with data privacy and also
helps in real time payments using smart contracts, which lowers the transaction costs. Tools of web 3.0 like NFT creates unique
tokens or digital asset attached to field, orchard or particular crops for efficient traceability.

E. Internet of Things
Development of intelligence in machines and devices marks a radical growth among industries and domestic areas. This collective
network of devices with embedded sensors and built-in software impacts our lives in various ways. Inventory management plays a
keen role in food industry that allows business to thrive, if properly maintained. This was made easier by virtue of IOT that
minimizes overstocking and shortages and creates streamlined supply chain. Smart containers embedded with ultrasonic sensor and
other modules communicate the inventory status of products to the user through web application. [21] This overcomes the tedious
process of manual inspection. Deployment of wireless sensor networks, IoT and cloud computing enables real time tracking and
monitoring of products and parameters like shelf life, sales, responses from customers. [27] The system is set up to make an order as
soon as the grocery level drops below the essential threshold thanks to the use of cameras that scan the data stored within the
cabinet. [54]


The process of making orders for, keeping, using, and reselling a company's inventory is known as goods management. This
encompasses raw material, component, and completed goods management, as well as storage and processing. In a variety of
businesses, including manufacturing and the pharmaceutical industry, inventory management is crucial. Similar to that, it plays a
significant role in our daily activities, particularly in the kitchen. Kitchen inventory control is crucial for maintaining control over
the supplies of food and goods in our kitchen.
Initially, managing the kitchen inventory was done manually, which takes up a lot of our time. People today are extremely busy and
look for alternatives to such time-consuming chores to improve and simplify their lives. The use of IoT to manage the inventory is
the most widespread and effective invention that has made human lives easier and better. IoT is a vision that enables people and
objects to interact in an ideal world via any channel or service.[42] The Internet has evolved into the world's fastest and biggest data
exchange network, connecting billions of devices. The notion of the Internet of Things arose as a result of network evolution and the
pervasive presence of the internet. Fundamentally, the objects referred to by the phrase Internet of Things are self-contained sensors
capable of gathering and sending real-time data via the Internet, making them smarter. [43] IoT in kitchen inventory management
typically includes the use of sensors, microcontrollers, and development of a website or application to display the real times values
of the groceries. This aids in the proper management of kitchen inventory by keeping track of groceries, generating notification
alerts for replenishment expiry, and alerting for recipe recommendations contained in the database.[45], [46] Some advances have
been achieved utilizing IoT, including not just measuring the quantity of goods and alerting users, but also automatically placing
orders.[3] This is particularly relevant at big scale levels, such as warehouses, where finding any product can be quite challenging
because a user must manually do a thorough search in every stockroom present.
Inventory management is an important aspect of customer service and cost reduction in any production setting. Inventory becomes a
concern when firms become worldwide, with thousands of components and hundreds of warehouses, and a lot of effort is spent
managing inventory and assuring proper distribution. [9] As a result, the warehouse inventory management system is very helpful in
preventing this problem since it maintains track of the details of the individual products and informs us of the stockroom in which
the product is stored. [42] There are different methods to track the inventory such as the use of load sensor to detect the weight of
the products using a load cell [3], [44], [45] or using RFID technology i.e., RFID tags to locate a particular product. [9], [42], [46],
[47] Among the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that concentrate on identifying and tracking are RFID (Radio Frequency
Identifying), bar codes, and smart sensors. Because of its identifying and tracking abilities, RFID in particular is often used.
Additionally, RFID provides the benefit of optimizing corporate processes, reducing labor costs, improving the precision of
inventory movement and placement, and consistently raising business productivity. [43] RFID is the wireless communication
technology that is most appropriate for warehouse inventory control systems. The transmitter component transmits the tag data to
the open source hardware through a wireless link that may access the internet. The Internet of Things architecture is used in the
design of the warehouse inventory management system to track the products connected to the tags with product information and
time stamps for additional verification. [42]

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4103
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Quick access to current value of goods via a website or application is one of the most important advantages of integrating IoT in
inventory management. Because most individuals now have smart phones that can connect to the internet, real-time values are
collected from the product or container and sent to a website or application via a wifi module. This allows the user to view the
inventory at any time and from any location. Both the values recorded by the sensors and the signals produced by the RFID tags are
transferred via a wifi module and saved in the cloud, where they may be accessed through a website or application created
specifically for the purpose.[9]
Table I given is constructed after studying several papers that talk in detail about warehouse maintenance using sensors and
integrating IoT. Inventory can be managed in different methods. These methods are based on the types of sensors used for
measuring the levels of stocks, types of microcontrollers used, the user interface that is in action and the integrated circuit that is
handled in each case.

A. RIFD system
For many years, supply chain management, the food business, the retail sector, and the livestock management sector have all
employed RFID technology. It has lately emerged as a brand-new and fascinating field of study and is getting much of attention.
The big push began when the large retailer Wal-Mart declared in 2005 that all of its vendors had to provide shipments with RFID
capabilities. Real-time product replenishment is made possible by RFID technology in the retail sector without the assistance of a
person or line of sight. [47] Radio-frequency identification, also known as RFID, collects and stores data from a tag that is attached
to an object using radio waves. If the tag isn't in the reader's immediate line of sight, it can be read from many feet away. [9] A
microprocessor included within the RFID tag itself allows the reader to read data from it as well as write data to it to perform in-
place real-time updating. Every tag is encased in plastic or paper for safety, and it may be affixed to a variety of places for tracking.
A great deal of RFID tags used for tracking inventory is passive, meaning they are energised by the reader's radio waves rather than
a battery. Active tags are used for distant tracking of vehicles like trucks and railway wagons; they are powered, more costly, and
more sophisticated. Containers with RFID tags assist increase internal control, improve event management, such as the replacement
of cold storage areas, and minimise the preparation of items for expiration. [46]

B. Sensors
IOT's primary building blocks include sensors, user interfaces, networking, and data processing systems. The benefits associated
with wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSAN) and information-centric sensor networks (ICSN) are incorporated into the
Internet of Things (IoT). When smart sensors were used with the IOT, it became smarter and more intelligent. One of the
technology standards for IOT established by researchers is the use of sensors. So sensors play an important role in an IOT based
device. Management of supply chains, retail, irrigation, aeroplanes, and autos are just a few industries where sensors are used.
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) and single sensor technologies enable intelligent parking, illumination, traffic control, smart
irrigation and farming, structural wellness, the armed forces, smart structures, and transit systems, among other things.[48]
Sensors also known as detectors are devices that are used to detect a physical or chemical change as a signal from the surrounding
environment and sends the data to other electronic device which converts it into an understandable form to the electronic device
from which the data can be analysed. The input signal can be either heat, light, gas, moisture, pressure and other environmental
phenomenon. Sensors are used in various applications starting from a simple water detection system to more advanced applications
like in aerospace. They play a significant part in our everyday life and make it easier and better because they are utilised
everywhere. The electrical properties of sensors often change in response to changing physical conditions. As a result, most artificial
sensors collect, analyse, and send environmental data using electronic devices. The capacity to manage the movement of electrical
power is crucial since these electronic devices work on the same concepts as electrical circuits. A sensor, in the simplest terms,
transforms environmental inputs such as light, sound, heat, and mobility into electrical impulses. Before being sent to the computer
for processing, these signals are routed via a device that converts them to a binary code.
Different sorts of sensors may be used to track inventory, such as detecting the weight of the container or measuring the quantity of
product in a container using ultrasonic waves. In general, a load cell is used to assess whether the goods are adequate by measuring
the weight of the container. In this type of inventory system, each change in the item weight is precisely calculated by computer
software, and logical inferences are drawn as to if the inventory needs more stock or not. In this method, "Load Cells," which are
merely metallic spring parts composed up of "Strain gauges," are employed. It should be noted that when a load or weight is put to a
"Strain gauge," the resistance changes. The Wheatstone bridge technique, which determines the null voltage difference across two
potential dividers connected in parallel, can be used to identify this resistance shift. [49]

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4104
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

The load cell provides us with analogue data. Digital load cell output is produced using a load cell connected to the HX711 load cell
amplifier with a 24-bit ADC. Anywhere in the world may access the internet and view the weight of a retail container as measured
by the load cell via a computer, tablet, or smart phone. A notification is sent to the phone or laptop when the load cell weighs the
shopping container and determines if the weight is below the threshold value. [45] The load cell must be installed between two flat
surfaces using the two threaded holes on each side to provide the required strain for estimating the container's weight. Once fixed,
the flat surface may be used as a scale to weigh a storage container on our mobile app and track food consumption. [46]
Another type of sensor used in inventory management is the ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonic sensors measure distance using ultrasonic
pulses. It sends out an ultrasonic pulse and receives the reflected wave from the target. This technology-based inventory system is
especially well-suited for products held in liquid form. Using this technique, it is possible to estimate the liquid content of storage
containers with accuracy. Every change in the volume of fluid in its container of storage may be precisely calculated and recorded
by computer software within fraction of a second. The main advantage of using an ultrasonic detector in such an inventory system is
the fact that the liquid being kept is not physically harmed by it. Only ultrasonic sound waves are used by the sensor to
communicate with the liquid. It should be underlined that the sensing parts of this inventory system become modular since the
sensor does not physically come into touch with the liquid. [49] These can be used to manage both liquid and solid stocks without
any modifications. The transducer calculates the amount of time it takes for a pulse to go from the container's top to its whole
surface and back. The space between the highest point of the box and the surface of the inventory is calculated using this time. By
using two assumptions: maximum and thresholds, the maximum is the distance from the lowest permissible inventory and threshold
is the distance from the maximum acceptable inventory. It's obvious that a maximum threshold exists since the separation increases
when stock prices fall. A threshold amount should be chosen so that the market can function up until the arrival of the new products.
Similarly a LDR (light detecting resistor) can be used to manage the inventory. LDR is a high resistance semiconductor that serves
as a photo resistor. An LDR, or light-detecting resister, loses resistance as the amount of light striking its surface increases. LDR
operates on the basis of photo conductivity; when light strikes its surface, the electrons in the semiconductor's valence band are
stimulated to the conduction band and can conduct electricity as a result. This idea may be applied to create an intelligent inventory
system in conjunction with output analysis computer software. [3], [49]
Different sensors may be employed to preserve the security of the items in the warehouse or in a kitchen in addition to calculating
the amount of the goods. These sensors include moisture and gas sensors. Gas sensors are used to find gas leaks in warehouses,
while moisture sensors are used to monitor a product's moisture content and alert the user by linking to a website or mobile
application over wifi. We may learn more about the condition of the product within the container by collecting the moisture content
readings. Gas sensors are also highly helpful in securing a warehouse since they can detect gas leaks. [47], [51]

C. Microcontrollers
With the advancement of modern technology, standalone systems are now able to do all required operations without the help of
extra hardware like microcontrollers. These feature a large number of integrated circuits on board, allowing them to carry out a
variety of tasks independently. They are used in a variety of settings, from sturdy industrial equipment to simple home gadgets. [55]
In IoT base systems, many microcontrollers are employed.
1) Arduino Uno: It is known as an open-source programming board because you can upload programmes onto it and utilize them
to communicate with real-world objects. Based on the Atmega328 microprocessor, it is a microcontroller board. It can
communicate with electromagnets, sensors, and motors.
2) Raspberry Pi: It is a collection of small single-board computers that is maybe the most inventive computer of the market today.
Python, C, C++, BASIC, Perl, and Ruby are just a few of the programming languages that the Raspberry Pi can run. [56] By
integrating relays, sensors, and lights with smart phones or computers, home automation systems can readily host some of the
applications for home automation. The system may be remotely controlled with ease by the operator.
3) Beagle Bones: Beagle Bones Texas Instruments has developed a family of single-board Linux computers (SBCs) called Beagle
Bones. Beagle Bone Black is an inexpensive, society-supported development platform for developers. This small single board
computer would be ideal for a complex robot project.
4) ESP8266: Espressif Systems produced the WiFi SOC (system on a chip) in question. It is a closely integrated semiconductor
designed to provide full internet connectivity in a small package. By connecting the ESP8266 to any microcontroller through
the serial UART and running the conventional AT Command set Firmware, the ESP8266 may be utilized as an exterior Wi-Fi
module. Alternatively, it can operate directly as a microcontroller that supports Wi-Fi by building updated firmware with the
available SDK.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4105
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

D. Wireless Communication Protocol

IoT Communication Protocol is anticipated to revolutionize the way information is transmitted from people to people, people to
things, and things to things. Connected, information-transferring, and decision-making capabilities exist in smart devices. [57] Now
that there are millions of IoT devices linked to the internet, we can use the suite of protocols known as TCP/IP to interact over
networks. [58] The productivity of many smart domains (smart homes, smart cities, etc.) is increased through wireless sensor
network connections, however some hazards are also added. For a better understanding of how protocols are implemented in smart
environments, it is imperative to first grasp the relationship between the traditional OSI or TCP/IP model and the IoT protocol stack.

IoT protocols for communication are typically described as LPWAN and network short.
1) Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN): A reduced-power wide-area network, often called a low-power network or LPWAN,
is a type of wireless broad-area networking used for wireless communications that permits long-distance communication at a
low bit rate among devices like sensors which are powered by batteries.
2) Short Range Network: Although short-range wireless communication is not specifically categorized, it generally refers to
communication distances on par with WPAN and WLAN. Wide-area wireless networks using multi-hop technologies, such
FAN (Field Area Network), have gained popularity recently.
 6LoWPAN: The first and most popular IoT connectivity standard, 6loWPAN is an IP-based protocol for Internetworking. It can
be directly connected to another IP network gateway or proxy without using any intermediary entities for translation.
 ZigBee: Based on IEEE802.15.4 low power wireless networks, the ZigBee Alliance was created. ZigBee is a standard for high-
level suites of inexpensive protocols for the creation of personal areas, low power digital radios, and small-sized networks for
data transmission over greater distances.
 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): BLE is also known as a smart Bluetooth Essential IoT programme protocol. It is intended to be
enhanced for fast, low bandwidth, and low latency IoT applications.
 Near-Field-Communication (NFC): NFC is a wireless contact technology that transmits data between devices over a very short
 Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT): The MQTT protocol is the actual norm for IoT communications. The MQTT
publish/subscribe protocol, which is an OASIS and ISO standard, provides a scalable and reliable way to link devices over the
 Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is a wireless internet technology that transfers networks via electromagnetic waves. Wi-Fi integration and
interoperability will enable IoT solutions to securely interact with one another and with billions of user-centric devices in order
to extract the most value from IoT applications and settings.

E. User Interface
User interaction is vital in a wide spectrum of software and systems. This is also applicable to Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.
However, IoT has grown well beyond the installation of commercial plants: IoT is already (and will stay) an aspect of everyday life
for customers. As a result, interfaces for users in the Internet of Things (IoT) system are going to have an increasingly essential role
in consumer acceptance, much as they do in other domains like the internet, mobile, and wearables. [60]
1) Mobile Application: The creation of internet-of-things apps for mobile apps allows for the administration of smart devices such
as smart watches, detectors, medical equipment, and other gadgets. With less hazards and expenses for the workforce, to offer a
simple and comfortable user experience, a single application combines device-specific programmes on a single dashboard.
2) Websites: Websites are the most often utilized user interfaces for IoT based solutions. It is an easy-to-use online software
solution that simplifies Stock, Client Data, Sales Leads, Customer Orders, and other inventory management systems.

F. Cloud platform
The "cloud platform" relates to a server's operating system and hardware in a cloud data centre. It enables the coexistence of distant
and widespread hardware and software products. Using this paradigm, a cloud computing service which you are able to use via the
public web or a specialized personal connection allows you to store data over the internet. The provider secures and maintains its
storage servers, facilities and network to ensure that information of any size may be accessed. Wi-Fi modules are used in IoT
systems to save data in the cloud. The data may then be obtained and examined via HTTP protocol.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4106
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Ref. Sensors IC Communication User Interface Key features
[1] Load cell1 for Raspberry Pi NodeMCUESP8266 Website A complete, inexpensive,
countable and Microcontroller (Wireless WiFi strong, and easy-to-use
load cell 2 for module) continuous tracking and
uncountable (MQTT protocol) kitchen control via remote
groceries system.
[2] Load cell Raspberry Pi MQTT protocol Mobile Keeping track of the
application availability of food in the
Automatic grocery ordering
based on inventory levels.
[3] Load cell Arduino Mega Node MCU Website Maintain inventory control.
ESP8266(TCP Grocery shopping is done
and 12 C) automatically. It is
environmentally friendly
since it consumes very little
electricity and has reusable
rechargeable batteries.
[4] Ultrasonic Arduino Uno Wi-Fi Mobile Places orders once the
sensor microcontroller module(ESP8266) application groceries level found to
[6] DHT-11 Arduino Mega Wi-Fi Mobile Temperature and humidity
Sensor module(ESP8266) application are measured within the
Ch4 Sensor containers. When an
Light Sensor emergency happens, the user
is notified via messages,
along with the location of the
[7] HC-SR04 Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi module with Website Order placement is
Ultrasonic Realtek 8188 EU automated. Self-
sensor chipset sustaining, with no
delays caused by
insufficient inventory.
[8] Ultrasound Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Mobile Automatic inventory
sensor and Arduino application management system for
Color sensor module remote inventory
Infrared sensor management and inventory
status monitoring.
Can be utilized in a small
business without the need
for a separate terminal.
[9] Load cell Arduino Wi-Fi module Desktop A food stock tracking
Microcontroller MQTT broker application system built on the
Android Internet of Things
application guarantees real-time
inventory monitoring in
the kitchen.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4107
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

[10] Load cell Arduino Mega Node Website and Manage the inventory's
MCU(ESP8266) App average use of
Wi-Fi module commodities and items.
[11] HC-SR04™ TARANGTMP- Wi-Fi module Website Measures the container fill
ultra-sonic 20MODULE state and sends the
sensor notification to the user to
update the entire process.
[14] Load cell with Raspberry Pi Wi-Fi module Mobile Reduce the need of human
HX711IC 3B+and application labor, enhancing speed and
Driver LM35IC Arduino delivery accuracy, and
Temperature module providing merchants with
sensor unprecedented visibility into
inventory and supply
[15] Fork lift Arduino LoRa module Web server Automated warehouse
UWBIMU microcontroller WCDMA module management
Scale Wi-Fi module
[16] RFID tag RaspberryPi3 Node MCU Web server Warehouse inventory
(ESP8266- management system.
12e) Very low-cost system and
Wi-Fi module works dynamically.
[17] RFID tag Controller WiFi module Mobile Real-time visibility into the
RFID application whole logistics process
improves inventory
operation efficiency by
conserving human resources
and lowering operational
[18] Temperature sensor Raspberry Pi 3B+ Wi-Fi Mobile System for warehouse
Humidity sensor module(ESP8266) application/ monitoring and control.
Illumination Web Possess more control over
sensor application commodities, lowering the
risk of harm and improving
the quality of the
warehousing operation.
[19] MQ2 gas sensor Arduino Uno Node MCU Web server Simple gas leak detector is
MQ135 sensor ESP8266 its simplicity and its ability
LM35 Temperature to warn its stakeholders
sensor about the leakage of the
[20] Load cell with Microcontroller SMTP (Simple Web The user is wary about LPG
HX711 ADC Mail Transfer application leaks and even of gas. LPG
MQ2 smoke sensor Protocol) detector tells the user when
MQ5 gas sensor there is a leak and also
when the gas cylinder is
nearly empty.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4108
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

[21] Load cell ATMega35 Wi-Fi Web server Alerts the user of gas
Gas sensor Microcontroller module/Bluetooth leakage. Prevent accidents
Temperature and hazards. Cost effective
And Humidity and time consuming.
[23] DHT22 sensor Node MCU Wi-Fi module Web server Existence of gas leakage,
QM-135 gas sensor ESP8266- uncontrolled fire, extreme
PIR sensor 12eboard temperature, and in hospitable
environment is identified and
addressed as soon as possible.
[25] RFID tag Arduino Uno ESP 8266 Web server Assist the building industry
with AT Node MCU with inventory management
Mega328p RFID of necessary form work
microcontroller shuttering goods.
[26] Piezoelectric Arduino Wi-Fi Mobile Allow for automated, real-
Loadcell1 UNO and module/HM- application time updates on inventory
Loadcell2 Mediatek Linkit 10BLEmodule availability.
ONE. Notify the user if food is
about to expire.
Use past inventory
consumption data to
improve forecast and
[27] MQ4 smoke sensor Arduino Uno Wi-Fi module Web portal The daily record of food
MQ135 gas sensor Microcontroller waste in the computer system
Load cell contributes to lowering the
quantity of food waste at
homes and restaurants alike.
[29] Load cell Arduino Uno ESP8266 Wi-Fi Mobile Customers may use the
RFID tag module application mobile app to look up the
RFID availability and details of a
Retailers may keep track of
each product's sales and
restock as necessary to
prevent situations when the
store sells out of a particular
[30] MQ2 gas sensor Arduino Uno Node MCU Web Notifies the user about the
DHT11 sensor ESP8266 application leakage of a gas cylinder
Load cell and leakage of a gas.
Prevent hazards and
accidents. Cost efficient and
time consuming solution.
[33] MQ5 gas sensor ATMEGA32 Bluetooth Mobile Detect leakage of the gas.
LM-35sensor Microcontroller application Monitor weight of the gas.
Automatically books gas
based on availability.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 4109
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

[34] HC-SR04 Raspberry Pi 3+ E-mail Mobile Automatically alert the

Ultrasonic sensor application consumer when a certain
commodity is necessary.
Places an order for the same
with a minimum of human
[35] MQ135 gas sensor Microcontroller ESP32 Module Web Able to control home
DHT11sensor application appliances. Has a
Ultrasonic sensor scientifically significant
effect on electricity usage
and cost.
[37] Load cell Microcontroller Node MCU Web server Identify and teach usage of
Wi-Fi module grocery.
Low cost, effective design
and easy.
[38] IR sensor (Fire Raspberry Pi GSM module Web server GSM–extensive coverage of
sensor) Wi-Fi module all parameters.
MQ2 gas sensor Provides a decision making
Pressure device concept for
sensor adaptation to several
kitchen scenarios.

The information in the aforementioned table can be summarized as follows. Measuring the quantity of raw materials is the main
prerequisite for inventory management. The load cell performs the essential function in this area with the greatest benefits. The
implantation of an ultrasonic sensor is another approach to achieve the same result. Utilizing ultrasonic sound waves, it calculates
the product's level and distance from the top end of the container. Its main drawback is that it only provides approximations of
distances and does not provide measurements in readable units. The type of product in the container affects how the sensor measures
and functions (solid or liquid). At an industrial level, gas sensors are used to find gas leaks in warehouses.ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is
the most used communication protocol in line with all the sensors mentioned above. Although the Raspberry Pi is thought to operate
more efficiently, the Arduino microcontroller is more practical, more affordable, and used in majority of inventory management
This paper reviewed the literature on the implementation of various technologies that focus on six main areas: food inventory
optimization, minimal human intervention, reducing food waste and pilferage, identifying bottlenecks in operations, inventory
tracking automation, and constant visibility to inventory quantity, location, and movements. Based on the aforementioned
conclusions on inventory management and others, it is clear that the advancement of IOT revolutionised the digital transformation
of data and inventory management with less manpower, hence enhancing overall performance efficiency. It was identified that some
of the aforementioned papers outlining suggested ideas for inventory management are lacking in some key functionality and are
challenging for users who are unaccustomed to using sophisticated technology. In some cases, the user interface might be difficult
for users to understand effectively due to its complexity. More study is needed to determine the extent to which these technologies
improve efficiency of use.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

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