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MASSIMQ l3Fl.l.b F I t l S A


1-1 System Configuration ..................................1

1-2 A L i s t of Component Unit ............................. 2
1-3 Hardware C o n f i g u r a t i ~ n ............................... 4


' 2 . I. Maintenance Tools ......................................5

2-2 Exchange'of B a t t e r y .................................. 6
2-3 Lead Battery and Charger ............................. 8

2-4 Periodical ~ a i n t e n a n c eand-Inspection of

Microfloppy Disk .................................... 10

3-1 ..............................
Confirmation of T r o u b l e 17

3-2 List of L E P s of Each Card {Unit) ..................... 2 7

3-3 Likely Causes 0f Alarm ............................... 3 1

3-4 Inspection Procedure for Troubles .................... 34

3-5 Exchange of Each Unit ........'....................+..... 37


4-1 Environment Conditions ................................44
4-2 Input Power Source ................................. 45

4-3 External Connection ...................................45

4-4 Confirmation of Input Power S o u A e ................... 51
4-5 C o n f i r m a t i o n of Power U n i t ............................ 5 2
4-6 Confirrna!ion of Drive Amplifier Wiring c ............. 56

4-7 Turning t h e Power ON ................................ 57

4-8 Adjustment for Reference P o i n t R e t u r n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4-9 Adjustment of Drive U n i t ............................ 61

4-10 s e t t i n g P r o c e d u r e CH/W S e t t i n g ) ..................... 69


5-1 Outline ............................................ 71

5-2 Signal Flow ..........................................7 5

5-3 Function and andl ling of C o n t r o l Unit ............... 79

5.3.1 Power source PD21 ................................. 79
5.3.2 Function and handling of PC board ................. 81
(1) M C 0 3 1 BP-L .. .................................... 81 * .

( 2 1 MClll CPU-A ....................................... 8 2

( 3 ) MC121 CPU-B ....................................... 8 5

(6) MC303 DIO-B ....................................... 90

(71 MC411 MEM-A ........................................92
(8) MC442 MEM-B ........................................ 94
(91 MC472 MEM AX1 ......;.............................. 96
(10) MC611 MCP ......................................... 99

(11) MC724 CRTC-C ....................................I.101

5-4 F u n c t i o n and ~ a n d l i n go f Operator's Board
........... 103

5-5 Function and Handling of Manual Handle (ED52 1 ....... 108

4, AFTER SERVICE SYSTEM .................................. 110


. 7-1 General System ~ i a g r a r n~IRough) ...................... 111

7-2 General System Diagram ( ~ ~ o u g haf
Drive Unit ......................................... 112
1-1 System C o n f i g u r a t i o n
The s y s t e m using MAZATROL N-32 i s generally composed of
the Following.

p---c*,--3-rCI II -.-.I- - I - - - --I3-. ---- -- - --7

I . .
'* I1
CRT setting d i s p l a y ' Control

/" ,,&p I
4 I
t e~ I
Portable tape reader


I ,

I #I

Manuaf mlse
I I,


1-2 A List of Component Unit
The MAZATROL M-32 is composed of f ~ l l o w i n gparts.

Component Type Q'~Y Specification

Main c o n t r o l u n l t MU311 1 NC main theoretical unit


51 C (1) Back panel for 10 slots

P D2 1 hV R ( 1) P o w e r source

CRT unit SrB4L1 ( 1 4 ' ) / 1 CRT s e t t i n g display

L '
IVI D T -- (1) 14" color CXT

LTSB AVR (1) Powersource

- w

I$-blBall (1) Datakey

IIs-hlB401 (1) Menukey .

M C 2 0 1 OPBC I1 ) NC operatLon board I/F card

Transistor amplif~erM - S to motorelectric current

a nu--

Motor HA-C Fqr "- For control shaft drrving

brr o f Ihrft

Qetector ,b,a,r ~,r,,

Encoder for machine posi-
t i o n detection

Manual pulse generator HD52A I 1 I Manual 'handle
Main spindle motor position
~ o t a r yencodes detection

- - -

Connectzon cable Uni; to u n i t connection cable

TYP@ Specification

S~OPDY 3 . 5 " floppy d i s k

disk FDbI1332.\ (Format capacity: 1.18MB!
k[C111 C P W - A
Main processor
T N 8 3 la111

kfG121 GPO-B
S f 0 4 1 1 YEM-A
User PC memory ( 1 2 8 0 x 3 )
T N S S I ~ J I ~

M0 4 1 3 MEht-A Main memory, u s e r PC memory

TN8310413 (max. 768KB)

XC44 2MEM-B Extended main Irtemory

TN8310442 (DRAM 2MB, SRAM 2 5 6 0 )

~ a r g a ~ ~ p ~ e i t y m a m(256KB)

2.C. board
' ' Large oapacity memory (~ M B )
TN8 3 La

UC4 7 4 MEM-AX 2
Large capacity memory (768KB)

S e r v o i n t e r f a c e processor
TN8 3 1 0 6 11

MC724 CRTC-0
CdntroLler d e d i c a t e d t o c o l o r CRT

SIC712 IOP Processor dedicated t o i a p u t / c u C p u t


MCSOl DIO-A Manual handle interface 3-axis

Contact input/autput interface
TN8310301 DI: 64, DO: 45

M G 3 0 3 DIO-B Analog i n p u t / o u t p u t interface

Contact i n p u t / o u t p u t i n t k r ~ a c eDL:48,
TN831a303 DO: 45
2-2 Exchange of Battery
The system maintains the data by means of t h e battery
The batteries for memory cards are mounted on MC442, MC471
and MC472 while the battery for the system in the b a t t e r y

The button type h i g h l y reliable b a t t e r y , fixed t o t h e PC

b a r d hy means of t h e screws, hardly causes miscontact.
Battery back-up time ....... Over 2 months
L i f e of battery ............ 5 years
I t i s recommended that the battery be exchanged fairly
ahead of the l i f e t i m e ,
(The c o n t e n t s of machining.prograrns may have been destkoyed
when the "BATTERY ALARM" lamp i s l i t up)
B a t t e r y used GB250R-3FB2 (made by GS SAFT; Mitsubishi
Specification) .......,.. i

Used in MC471, MC472 and b a t t e r y box.

GB150H-3FB2 (made by GS SAFT; Mitsubishi
Specification) .......,.r Used in MC442 ( * See Note 1 )

Date of 02 '
TS- Indicates 1987
I n d i c a t e s February

S i n c e t h i s battery i s produced undCr special specification

i n order t o upgrade the reliability, b e s u r e to purchase
from Mitsubishi.
I t takes approximately 1 5 0 hours t o c a r r y a u t f u l l . charging
of an empty battery.
Batteries a r e fully charged before leaving Mitsubishi.

- 6 -
[How to exchange t h e b a t t e r y ] . I

The memory cards and CPU cards are equipped with c a p a c i -

t o r s f a r memory back-up, so that the battery shall desir-
ably be exqhanged in a short time (less than 30 minutes)
in order to protect the contents of memory.
ISup1.1 System o f battery power s i g n a l

MC 1 t i nc 121 Me 443 MC 4 7 /4?2/J?J


( * S e e Note 1)

(Note) during standard composition,

batteries are n o t mounted on
CPU-A and C P U d , w i t h the
b a t t e r y power supplied from
the battery box through the
back plane.

* Note 1: The MC442 card is not mounted with battery

from the sub-number C, with the battery power
supplied rram the battery box through the back
I l l Exchange of battery on memory card (MC442, MC471 or
MC4721 ( * See Note 1)
1, Turn the NC power to OFF,
2. Remove the memory card from the unit.
3 . Unscrew the battery setting screws ( 2 pcsl with a

a screwdriver, and install the new battery careful-

ly so as not to make a mistake in the polarity,
before tightening with the screws again. (Mistaken
polarity a t the time of installation results in the
destruction o f the battery),
4 . Return the memory card back to the unit.

( 2 1 Exchange of batkery for M-32 system ( b a t t e r y box)

1. Turn the NC power to OFF.
2. Unscrew the setting screws ( 2 p c s ) on t h e b a t t e r y
box t o remove the f r o n t s t y l e strip from the
b a t t e r y box. '

3 . Unscrew the b a t t e r y s e t t i n g screws ( 2 p c s ) with a

screwdriver, and i n s t a l l the new battery w i t h the
+ (positive) pole coming a t t h e top and taking
care so as not to make a mistake in the polsrity,
before tightening with t h e 2 setting screws.
4. I n s t a l l t h e f r o n t style strip to t h e battery box
by tightening w i t h t h e 2 screws.
(Note) The b a t t e r y used f o r t h e system i s GB250H-3FB2.
2-3 ~ e a dBattery and Charger
Lead b a t t e r y and charger a r e used for t h e battery back-
u p of MC442 DRAM memory card.
..... Over 3

B a t t e r y back-up time days

Battery l i f e ..... 3 years ( d i f f e r s according

to t n e Operating temperature)
T h e b a t t e r y back-up time, guaranteed f o r 3 days when fully

charged, differs according t o t h e ambient temperature, but

the b a t t e r y i s actually capable of backing up f o r 5 days.
When the "BATTERY ALARM" lamp is lit up, t h e c o n t e n t s of
program may have been destroyed. Furthermore, keeping the
b a t t e r y uncharged over a long time, with t h e "BATTERY ALARM"
lamp lit up, may s h o r t e n t h e life-span o f t h e b a t t e r y .
The l i f e o f an empty ( b l a n k ) b a t t e r y i s approximately 3

y e a r s ; i t i s recommended that t h e battery be exchanged at

an early period (in less than 3 years).,
Lead battery type used: PE 20-6R ( 2 0 A h r 6V), made by
Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd.
S i n c e t h i s b a t t e r y i s produced u n d e r special s p e c i f i c a -
t i o n i n order t o upgrade t h e r e l i a b i l i t y , be s u r e t o
purchase from Mitsubishi.

Batteries are fully charged b e f ~ r eleaving Mitsubishi Co.

The charger PM11, equipped with s a f e t y c i r c u i t s against
over-voltage, over-current and over-charge, i s a highly
reliable product. However, take due care since t h e charger
may get destroyed i f t h e memory side o u t p u t t e r m i n a l i s
[How to exchange the battery]
1. Turn the NC power t o OFF ( t h e memory contents get
2. Disconnect the positive ( 6 ) and negative f - ) terminals
from the bettery by using a screwdriver,
3 . Remove t h e b a t t e r y f i x i n g m e t a l b y loosening t h e long
nut, before pulling out t h e battery upward.
4, Insert the new battery, and fix with the b a t t e r y f i x -
ing metal,
5 . Connect the positive and negative terminals w i t h o u t

mistake, and f i x w i t h t h e screws.

6, Carry out program reading by means of the f l o p p y d i s k .
Contra1 u n i t

Card side When storing in the warehouse, etc. over

a long time, remove t h e CNM41 cable from
s'iae the CN41 connector.
Seen from the t o p I n s t a l l t h e lead battery at a place least
affected by heat and temperature; do NOT
install at s e a l e d places (with poor v e n t i l a -
Take care, s o t h a t t h e connector may not d e v i a t e at t h e
time'of insertion.
2-4 Periodical Maintenance and I n s p e c t i o n of Microfloppy D i s k
2-4-1 Outline
This Manual d e a l s with t h e knowledge required for t h e
maintenance of FDM1300 series, with t h e contenks confined
t o the maintenance, inspectisn and parts replacement lev-
els needing no special training or/and maintenance tools.
2-4-2 Maintenance
There i s no need of maintenance when the floppy disk is
used under normal environmental Iconditions. However,
when using at a place with frequent read error and ex-
cessive aust, carry out periodical head cleaning in t h e
following manner.
( 1 ) Recommended cleaning disk
Cleaning floppy disk (micro) (B871-0520-0114A), nade
by F u j i t s u .
( 2 ) Cleaning method
o S e t the FDD to operating state, and insert the
cleaning disk similarly as the normal disk is
o Carry,aut head loading to allow the head to seek,
since it is desirable that the head comes in con-
t a c t with a wider range of cleaning disk in order
to upgrade the Cleaning effect.
o Carry out cleaning for approximately 2 minutes.
0 The cleaning disk has the life-span of approxi-
mately 1 hour, beyond which the disk loses its
e f f e c t because a$ the clogging on t h e sureace.
2-4-3 Parts replacement
In the case of normal operation, basically the whale
unit of FDD is replaced. However, the following parts
do not need special training and, therefore, can be
replaced in the following manner.
(1) Adapter p l a t e
(a) T o o l used
M2.5 Phillips screwdriver
( b ) Parts
Adapter plate A N020-0130-X004
Insulation ring NQ20-0130-X005
Insulation rubber N020-0130-X006
Binding machine screw SBD-2.SxlOSt M-ZNl*
( c ) Installing method
Carry out installation as shown in the Fig, on
t h e below.

Bf nding
machine screw
torque: 3kg-crn


( 2 ) Shield case
(a) Tool used
M2.5 Phillips screwdriver
(b) Basts

S h i e l d case N020-0130-X059
Machine screw SNA-2.5~45, M-ZNlA
Filament tape Sumitorno 3M make No.098C (20rnm
( c ) Working method
o Tear o f f the filament tape first, and then
remove the machine screw and the shield
case in order.
o Reassemble in the reverse order of the above.
Filament tape Shield case

Approx. L6
- 12 -
Machine screw

~ightening'torque: 4 kg-cm

( 3 ) F r o n t vessel
. .
( a ) Tool used
M2.5 Phillips s e r e w d ~ i v e r

Vessel A compLett N020-0130-V040

Machine screw SNA-2.5xSS, M-ZNIA
( c ) Working method
o A f t e r removal of t h e s h i e l d e a s e , unscrew t w o
machine screws and remove vessel A complete
while unhooking t h e fixing hook an both sides.
o Beassemble in t h e reverse order of the above.
'Fixing hook
2-4-4 Troubleshooting
(1) In t h e case of drive not ready:

Q Drive not ready


u Load thq media


Connect the con-

nackors eorrect;

Exchange tha me-

d i a wzth new one
and tw the
garor on again.

I YO I Chrek hoot I ? flickering?


Load the short

plug corroc?Ay. Csnnect the con-
h e q t o t s cqrzeat- I
t h e case CRC error:

Do haad

E r r o r causrd
by stained

madia w i t h

naw one.

Exchange fiJD.

Should some t r o u b l e occur during operation, carry out the
following checks to find the real cause of the trouble
before taking appropriate measures.
3-1 Confirmation of Trouble
Make sure of the following three points, namely "when",

"haw" and "what" t r o u b l e started.

(I) "when"
Make sure of the time when the trouble started.
(2) "How"
Make sure how the trouble started (i.e. the trouble
started while making w h a t o p e r a t i o n ) .
Check w h i c h operation mode t h e NC is set to.
a When set to AUTO mode ... Check the program No.,
sequence No. and contents
of program at the time of
o When set to MANUAL mode ... Check the "manual opera-
tion mode", "operaking
procedure" as well as
the "preceding and suc-
ceeding o p e r a t i o n s " .
o Check t h e screen of the s e t t i n g indicator.

Check to see ift h e t r o u b l e occurred d u r i n g i n p u t or

output operation,
o Check the condition at the machine side,
o Check to see if the trouble occurred during exchange
of tool.
o Check to see i f the control shaft is hunting.
( 3 ) "what"
Check to see what trouble has occurred.
o Check "what alarm" i s being displayed on t h e alarm
check s c r e e n of the setting indicator in order to
canfirm the contents of alarm.
o Check the "condition indication" of the drive ampli- .
fiex in o r d e r t o confirm t h e contents o f alarm.
a Check the "alarm indication1' of machine sequence.
o Check to see if the CRT screen i s normal.
( 4 ) Frequency of trouble

a Check the time a n d occurrence frequency o f the

Czouble. (Ex. id t h e trouble occur when aperating
. .
the other machine?) Should the frequency of occur-
rence be small or should the trouble be attributed
to the other machines, check to see that t h e power
voltage is normal (i..e. the power does not have an
instantaneous v o l t a g e drop when o t h e r machine start),
t h a t t h e countermeasure against noise is duly taken, '

o Check to see if t h e equipment i s set to SPECIAL mode.
o Check to see if the overhead crane has started.
a Check t h e f r e q u e n c y of occurrence on the same work.
o Check to see if t h e same trouble o c c u r s when carrying
out the same aperation (confirmation of reproductivity).
o Check to see if the same trouble occurs when the con-
ditions a r e c h a n g e d ( b y changing the over-ride, pxo-
gram contents, o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e s , etc.).
[Example of Trouble]

( 1 ) NC power fails to turn on.

o Check t o see that t h e power i s supplied t o t h e
NC main body.
o Check to see that t h e power fuse is not blown
( 2 ) starts',' but fails to move.

o Check to see t h a t t h e mode i s properly selected.

o In the case of "tape operation", check to see
t h a t the tape is correctly loaded.
o Check to see that the starting and operating
conditions are duly met with. [Some machines
are locked'and do not start unless the necessary
c o n d i t i o n s are met with. For confirmation, *@ad
through the "Instruction ~anual", published by .
me manufacturer)

o Check to see that the "over-ride" and "rnanuaZ

speed setting" are set to 0.
'oCheck t o see t h a t t h e "RESET" signal is not
o Check t o see t h a t t h e "FEED-HOLD" signal is not
o Check to see that the machine lock i s n o t turned
to ON.
Troubleshoating related to power source
@ NC power fails to turn on
ntc pwu Pails to

rsp e r fails to
on, with the PEdeer
p - f a t t l y cloacd.
the NC dmt not
Opvl thr doer and check.
(see Not* 1)

kt 10w i s not

OHck to w a r that the ~ w c r

voltaqa im lOOv t 1 5 b

rvro whan me21 is

discsonrctrd tram

lime wick M a

bomrd connectn

\4te their mnda

Note l . 1 Since the limit switch f o r door i n t e ' r l o c k t u r n s
to OFF on opening the door of NC box, open t h e
door after setting the door i n t e r l o c k s w i t c h ta
OFF p o s i t i o n w i t h t h e door i n t e r l o c k key. After

e l i m i n a t i n g the d e f e c t , be sure t o t u r n t h e door

i n t o r 1 o c k : t o ON before closing the door.

@ "AC FAIL" lamp lights up

''AC FAILa lamp

lights up

age IS n o t
w i t h i n the

Troubleshooting at Preparatory Stage (before Operation)

@ READY f a i l s to turn on

''RURII- lamp on QET

rtaing inJieaW i d
lit up. I I lamp m amttinq
i d c a t e r i s not lit up- I
Refer ta t h e " & i s t of A l a r m
C o n t e n t s " t o eanfirm t h e
c o n t e n t s o f the alarm, and
carry out i n s p e c t i o n accard-
Troubleshoating r e l a t e d to CRT display
@ Picture f a i l s to appear.

Picture fails I

setting of scteen
not CD~'
nect ad MC20L card

@ p i o t u r e rolls.

D Picfurm r o l l s .



@ P i c t u r e blurred.

Picture blurtad.
@ picture distorted.

Magnetic fieLd
i s near.

@ Picture changes by i t s e l f .

pj.cturat changes by LtaaLf*

Troubleshooting related to o p e r a t i o n board ,
@ Keyboard is n o t operable.

I Keyboard is not o p r a b l e . I

Spacif ie key i s
not operable.

not possible,



MCL1l board
ki v t
@ Board lamp f a i l s to light up.

Exoepe the LED that srrrnr an
Board lamp faalr
when the pawer Is turned en
EO light un.
since it lighrs up a t + S V b

I , , 1

A l l LEDS 2 ~ ( ; 4 p t some Lamps fail

R S D Y fail to glow. to LLght up.
tc glow,

m pqaau at ern-
du. t o net-
&q o r m e
Speci.fic LED

r I
3-2 L i s t of ZEDS of Each Card (Unit)

3-2-1 M-32

Status Error Contents Countemeasutes

MC712 LED&
x o System alarm Normally this LED is lit up
only at the time of initial-
izing after resetting, if
the &ED remains lit u p con-
stantly, replace with a nor-
ma1 card. I
LED2 O/A x System ready A Replace the MC712 card
when LEDL and LED2 extin-
x System ready B guish simultaneously, and
LED3 Q/A the MC201 card on board
side when LED2 only exrin-
MC1l1 LED1
o/A 1- .I The contents a£ error may
differ due to the combina-
t ian
Refer to the item 3-4-2.
LED4 x 0 Watchdog alarm R e p l a c e w i t h a normal card.

LED 5 x Memory guard There are bugs in the system

alarm S/N, u s e r ' s PC, etc.
Inform Mitsubishi Service
Card I LED Name Countermeasures

The cantefits of error may

differ due to the combi-
nation, Refer to the
item 3-4-2.
Replace with a normal card.
Relaad the data again for
performance, and if t h e
LED still Lights up, re-
place with a normal card.
Charge o r replace the
Charge or replace t h e
battery, and reconfirm the
machinins data.
There are bugs i n the system
S/W, user's PC, etc.
Inform Mitsubishi Service
Center. .
Confirm the connector con-
nection, and check t h e cable
f o r disconnection; i f t h e
LED s t i l l l i g h t s up, replace
w i t h a normal card.
ALARm System S/W and custom S/W
are broken {destroyed).
Inform Mitsubishi Service
SVAL The LED lights up when
trouble gccurs i n the
servo system. Find o u t
the cause of alarm through
the Error Code No., take
necessary s t e p s , and t u r n
FBAL the "NC RESET" key to ON
to release the alarm.
Refer to the Instruction
Manual f o r the f a c t o r s
Causing alarm.
LED1 Reload the data again fer
performance, and if the LED
still lights up, replace
w i t h a normal card.
There are bugs in the system
S/W, user's PC, etc.
Inform Mitsubishi Service
Card Status Countermeasures
LED N a m e Error Contents
LED 3 x 0 B a t t e r y alarm Charge or replace the
battery, and reconfirm the
machining data.

MC472 LED1 X 0 Parity error Reload the data again f o r

performance, and if the LED
1 still llghts up, replace
with a normal card.
LED2 X 0 Memory guard There are bugs i n the system i
error S/W, user's PC, erc. I
rnform Mitsubishi Service
LED3 X 0 B a t t e r y alann Charge o r replace t h e
battery, and reconfirm the
machining data.
MC301 LDG 0 x Output photo- The LED is extinguished
coupler power ~ n l yat CPU resetting.
Hence, with this LED
extinguished, the system
S/W is not r u n n i n g , so
MC303 LEDl 0 x Output phato- that when this state con-
coupler power tinues, it is necessary
to replace the MC111 or
MCI.12 card.

O : Lit up A': Flickering x : Extinguished

3-2-2 CPU card L E D s
The LEDs l , 2 and 3 of CPU c a r d s MClll and MCl.21 are the
LEDs transmittedefram the system software. The error
c o n t e n t s differ a c c o r d i n g to t h e combinations of these LEDs.

LED1 LED2 LED3 Error Canrents Countefmea~urss

Parity error Reload the RAM data on the

CPU card for performance:
X 0 0 ~f the error s t i l l remains,
replace with a normal card.
Write guard error There a r e S/W bugs in the
system S/W, user's PC, e t c .
X 0 0
Hence, infarm Mitsubishi
Service Center.
Bus error I n f o m Mitsubishi Service
0 X 0 Center.
System error I n f o m Mitsubishi Service
Zero operation Confirm the parameter
0 X X machining data.

0 : Lit up x : Extinguished

3-2-3 LEDs on operation board side

Card Status
Error Contents tounterrneasures I
LED Name
Name %-

KC20 1 RD O/A X Received signal Replace t h e MC712 card i f
(remains e x t i n - RD and SD as wclL as the
quiohed when not LED3 of MC712 card on the
connected t o NC) control u n i t side are e x c
tingeisbed, w i t h the MON
SD O/A x Transmitted signal flickering. rf the status
I (remains extin- does not turn for better,
guished when not replace this card wrth a
connected to NCO hormal one. I
Replace w i t h a normal card. 1
MON O/x System monitor
(flickers per-

0 : Lit up A Flickering x : Extinguished

3-3. L i k e l y Causes of A l a r m
1. lwnoGl watchdog error
(1) With CPU-A LED4, CPU-B LED4 lit up
The CPU transmits the message of address 7D8000,
with bit 7 a ' s -

a Watchdog rrtor
The "watchdog Error", occurring when the system
f a i l s to run properly in order to assure the safety
of system, is capable of bringing the system to
an immediate stop. I n a system such as NC, run-
n i n g at real time, a periodical routine is formed,
with a specific count& getting r e s e t every time
the system passes t h r o u g h the routine. Should the
s y s t e m fails to run normally due to some reason,
the system can not pass through the routine, and
the counter does not get reset. If a l o c k of a
constant frequency is provided to the clock termi-
nal of the counter, the counter overflows, and the
output thus obtained interrupts t h e CPU, making it
possible to take urgent and appropriate measures.
(2 MCP WDG lit up

Watchdog mrror
Zlr~ubLeIn MfU

f >

The watchdog error of MCP is t h e watchdog e r r o r of
MCU ( s e r v o system) a g a i n s t the watchdog error of

CPU as an ergor of the total system. The watchdog

error of MCP occurs when l'servo processing can n o t
be c a r r i e d out in less than a c e r t a i n t i m e period
( n o r m a l l y , 3 5 ms) or when MCU main processing f a l l s
behind t h e time.
2. memory p a r i t y

Memory aard

3. [ MGE ( memory guard error

Thfs message is t r a n s m i t t e d when t h e address 7D800 in
CPU-A and CPU-B has b i t 4 = W.

Memory guard. error

4. battery alram
The message is transmitted when the address 7D800 in
CPU has b i t 6 = H.

The battery breaks down when the MEM card is placed on

a metallic desk or when t h e b a t t e r y i s installed with
In such case, immediately exchange the
battery -
3-4 Inspection Procedures for Troubles
( I ) Confirmation of power voltage
C ~ n f i r r n a t i o nof input power voltage
)-phase input power voltage i s supplied to the NC
~ h &
side no-fuse breaker terminals R.S.T. through the machine
side no-fuse breaker. Hence, make sure that the s p e c i -
fied voltage is applied to R.S.T. terminals.


The single-phase input voltage i s c o n n e c t e d to the termi-

n a l s t a n d of t h e DC power PD21 of control unit. Make
sure that t h e terminal s t a n d i s applied with the speci-
f i e d voltage of AClOOV ~ 1 5 % .
Confirmation af DC pQwer voltage
The DC power voltage is supplied to the DC power PD 21
connector of control u n i t ; make sure t h a t tl& corinector I
is applied w i t h the specified DC voltage.

Max. tstal Max. xipple V o l t a g e rsgula'

regulation voltage ting ~heostat
I n Fig.:
+5V -2%- +2% --SomV
In Fig.'.
+12V -2%- +Z% '-6OmV
+ l e v ADJ
- 12'7 -2%- +2%
In Fig. :
-12V bDf

+24V - 2 O%-+l 0% - 2 O Q mV -
- 1

Turn the variable resistance clockwise to increase the voltage.



( 2 ) Connection of power

Check supply voltage.



+5V ADI.

f 24GND :-0 -

1 Check supply AC~OOV* i8z

3-5 Exchange of Each Unit

card nameplate Fan cover

Fig. 3-5-1
3-5-1 Replacement of power unit
@ Remove the connectors and all cables from the termi-
nal stand.
@I Unscrew t h e 2 counter-sunk screws fixing the power
@ Hold the adaptor plate with bath hands, and pull out
in the direction of the arrow mark shown in Fig. 3-5-1.
@ Install a new power unit i n the r e v e r s e order (i.e.

3-5-2 Replacement of memory unit

a Hold the memory unit by the indent at the top.
. . @. Open t h e card p u l l e r outward to pull out t h e memory
unit simultaneously in the d i r e c t i o n of the arrow
mark shown in Fig. 3-9-1.
@ When installing a q e w memory unit, i n s e r t the unit
along the bakket and partition plate, and push all
the way down, t a k i n g care of the card name indicated
on the basket s o as not t o make a mistake ~n the
@ Close the card puller.
3-5-3 Replacement of FDD unit
@ Disconnect the connected connectors.
@ Carry out further replacement in the same manner as
in the case of the "Replacement of memory unit" in
item 3 - 5 - 2 . However, there are two card pullers in
this case.

@ I n s t a l l a new FDD uhit in the same manner as i n the

case of the memory unit.
3-5-4 ~ e ~ l a c e r n e n okf cooling f a n . I

@ Disconnect the power unit according to the item

@ Unscrew 4 screws to remove the f a n cover.
@ Insert your hand t h r o u g h the b a s k e t front to dis-
connect the connector connected to the back panel.

@ Unscrew th 2 screws on both sides to remove t h e f a n .

@ Install the new fan i n the reverse order (i.e.
3-5-5 Replacement of MC card
@ Disconnect the connectors, if connected, in t h e
following manner.
(1) For connectors with the shape as shown below,
loosen the 2 screws, and pull out by pushing
the fitting metal.

F i t t i n g metab

( 2 ) For connectors with the shape as shown below,

pull gut by loosening the 2 screws.
( 3 ) For connectors with the shape as shown below,
p u l l o u t by loosening khe 2 screws.

( 4 ) For connectors with the shape as shown below,

pull out by opening the claw in the direction
of the arrow mark.

( 5 ) For connectors w i t h t h e shape a s pshown below,

p u l l auk by p u s h i n g ' t h e fitting metal.

Fitting metal

@ Open the top and bottom card p%llars in the direc-

t i o n s of arrow marks i n F i g . 3 - 5 - 1 , and p u l l out
t h e slightly extended MC card.
@ Insert the new MC card ell the way down along the
basket guide slot, taking care of the card name

- 40 -
i n d i c a t e d on t h e basket so a s n o t ,to make a mistake
of t h e position.
@ Apply the card lock.

a Remove t h e memory u n i t from the Saaket according to

the item 3 - 5 - 2 .
, @ Remove the counter-sunk screw and n u t .
@ Remove c a s e B from case A.
@ Hold the oongestor of memory card to pull out from
case A.
@ XnstalL t h e new memory card in t h e reverse o r d e r o f
3-5-7 Replacement of FDD and IOP card (MC712)

Case A

Case B

@ R ~ I T I D vFDD
~ unit from b a s k e t according. to the item
3-5-3, d

@ Remove case B from case A by pushing the claws

( 4 p i e c e s ) of ease B.

@ Pull out the flat cable connecting the card to the

@ Pull out t h e card from the case A:
@ Remove FDD by unscrewing 4 FDD fixing screws.
@ I n s t a l l t h e new FDD and card in the reverse order

(However, insert the card along t h e guide groove of


t h e case A . 1
Take care of the following items when installing the M-32.
Negligence in d o i n g so may cause failure of NC in carrying
out the performance most effectively.
4-1 Environmental Canditians
The followings are the environmental conditions for set-
ting the cabinet and pendant to be designed and manufaetur-
ed by the machine manufacturer. In order to satisfy these
conditions, please strictly abide by the " ~ o n d i t i o n s for
Cabinet Design in item 3 - 4 " in the annexed I n s t r u c t i o n
( 1 ) ambient temperature
0. -- 45OC a t operation

12 1 Humidity
Below 75% (normal relative humidity)
High humidity leads to the deterioration of insulation,
bringing about e a r l y deterioration of parts., Although
there is no particular need of eliminating the moisture,
avoid installing at a place likely to be exposed to
h i g h humidity .
( 3 1 vibration

Below 0 . 5 G ( a t operation)
BeLow 3,5G (at transportation)
( 4 ) Atmosphere
Avoid installing at a place with excessive dust and
with environment containing high concentration of
atomized organic and corrosive gas.
4-2 I n p u t Power Source I

(1) I n p u t voltage (

F,or domestic u s e (in Japan): ~ ~ 2 0 0 / 2 2kI5%
0~ 4

For overseas use: ~~200/220/230/240/380/415/440/460/ 1

( 2 ) Frequency ,
50/60 Hz 21Hz (3-phase)
( 3 ) Power consumption
Control unit: 0 . 8 kVA (rnax,)

Drive u n i t : See t h e "Specifications f o r MELPAS

Servo Systemw.
4-3 External Connection .
' Carry out external .connection from the controller main
body in the following manner.
4-3-1 . Connection of input power s o u r c e
TGe input power source is connected to the R.S.T. termi-
nals of amplifier frame no-fuse breaker through the no-
fuse breaker on t h e machine side, w h i l e the earth line i
is connected to t h e E terminal of the transformer.

Direction of
1 Direction of
Transformer connection

Xnput power source t r a r s f m l ~ e r.terminals and no-fuss

breaker terminals
4-3-2 Connection of motor
Connect the motor terminals to the motor connecting
terminal stands of the transistor amplifiers for each
s h a f t according to the Table 4 - 3 - 2 .
Table 4-3-1 Table o f corresponding
terminal Nos.

S C l C 2 R 5 T U V W

Transistor amplifier(N/C side)
connecting terminal stand ' (Note) The motor terminal NQS.
refer to t h e Canon
, connector pin Nos,
(Note) The size ~f terminal
screw is M4, and of the
earch screw as ~ 5 .

4-3-3 External connection

The photo below shows the arrangement of conneetoqs
i n s i d e the control unit.

The connector arrangement

plan d i f f e r s according to
the type and composition
af options.

Connector arrangement plan

Be sure to a p p l y clamps to all cables lead to the con-
trol unit and N/C control frame as shown in the Fig.
below, since these clamps, acting as the s h i e l d s of
cables as well as supporting them, are extremely im-
portant for preventing malfunction due to noise, etc.
and for e n s u r i n g s t a b l e operation o f the system.
System 1 System 2

Control unit r k control u n i t 1 k

lation Cabl: T\k Earth plate
,face Clamp
' / U - Earth plate s h i e l d
Clamp fitting metal S h i e l d
outer coating auter coating '


o u t e l coating

shown in the Fig., peel off the cable coating partial-


ly to expose the s h i e l d outer coating, and press this

- 1
part against the earth plate by using the cable clamp
fitting metal. In the case ~f t h i n cables, combine
several pieces before clamping.
In the case of the "system If', the control unit is d i r e c t -
ly installed, You axe, therefore, requested to p u r c h a ~ e
them in a set from Mitsubishi. (The earth plate and

fitting metals are packed separately from the control

unit, so that the machine manufacturer shall carry out the

sekting w i t h t h e c o n t r o l unit).
The earth p l a t e for ftsystem 2 " shall be prepared by the
machine m a n u f a c t u r e r , (Refer to the ? ' E a r t h Plate
Manufacturing ~ i a g r a m " )

The cable clamp f i t t i n g m e t a l s A a n d . B are available i n

E a r t h Plate Manufacturing ( f o r "system 2 " )
Use an i r o n sheet of 2.3 t, make i n t o t h e shape as shown
below and d r i l l holes before carrying o u t zinc p l a t i n g
to manufacture the earth plate.
Be sure to carry .out e a r t h wiring from the e a r t h p l a t e
t o t h e c a b i n e t earth p l a t e :

to the cabinet Xnstallation hole

earth plate
Earth p l a t e f o r I'systern 1" (available i n the market3 1

Earth plate A (M-32) f i t t i n g metals; A: 5 Pas- 3: 4 PC50

Cable Clamp Fitting Metals ( A and B )

1. There are t w o types of fitting metals, namely A
and B .
2 . Number sS c a b l e s t h e fitting metal can clamp (roughly)
Fitting w t a l A
DPWSB 2 5 P x 0 . 2 SQ, outer d i a . 14d ..-, p c s .
2 '

DPVVSB 12 P x 0.2 SQ, outer dia. L O Q .... 2 p c s ,

(Total 4 pcs. )

Fitting metal B
DPVVSB 1 2 P x 0.2 SQ, outer dia, 106 .'... 2 pcs.
3 . In case of only one cable, use t h e fitting metal B,
and tighten t h e cable w i t h the center of clamp screw.

4 . Peel o i f t h e outer coating of the shield of each

center shielded c,able, bind and tie w i t h cable binder,

e t c . at a p l a c e where t h e cable clamp fitting metal

does n o t t ~ u c hthe cable, and combine several pieces

of cables in this way before clamping.
In t h e same manner, combine several pieces i n t o one
if t h e cables are thin (using the clamp fitting

metal B 1 .

External diagram of cable clamp fitting metal

4-4 Confirmation of Input Power Source 1 I
Input power system diagram 4

The NFB, etc. are successively turned on as the procedures

of power ON in the "Explanation of s e t - u p " . Hawever, in
this item, t h e explanation will be made basically on the I

input power system as shawn in the F i g . below, Please


refer ko the " ~ y s t e mDiagram'' provided by t h e machine

manufacturer, since the wiring may differ according t o .
the machine.

Eara Factory power source: AC200/220v

Input Pawer System Diagram
i /

(1) Check the factory power source, A C 2 0 0 / 2 2 0 V at t h e

main NFB "IN'' , and make sure t h a t t h e voltage is
( 2 ) T u r n the main NFB to ON, and check the AClOOV at the
"IN" of c o n t r o l u n i t NFB; make sure that the voltage
i s AClOOV 10%

~ the "IN" of servo unit NFB

( 3 ) Check the ~ C 2 0 0 / 2 2 0at
and make sure that the voltage is ~ ~ 2 0 0 / 2 2k15%.
0 ~
4-5 C~nfirmationof Power Unit
Confirmation of shortcircuit of power u n i t
Make s u r e , by u s i n g a tester, t h a t +5V, * 9 2 V , c24V and ground

at the power source "PD21" i n s i d e t h e control u n i t are n o t

(Confirm w i t h the connectors c o n n e c t e d )

(Note 1): Refer to item 3-2 f a r t h e c o n t e n t s of LED lamps.

(Note 2 ) : Do n o t carry out voltage test, with lOOV sup-
plied to AC "IN1' since Chis may cause short-
c i r c u i t of the power source.
(Note 3 ) : At the time of installation, b e sure to con-
neck the battery connector CNP41 t o the MEM-B,
Procedures for shortcircuit confirmation
( 1 ) Check, by using a tester, to see r p

that the power unit has +SV, PO2 1

+ 5 GND, k12Vp k12 GND, +24V

LED n .
and t24 GND, with the power LED a
turned to QFF, ZE no short-

circuit is found, there is no 41 2 V

r l 2 V GYE
need for further testing.
However, if shortcixcuit Is
found, take the following
\ J
( 2 ) Canfirmatian of cable con-
@ Remove all connectors from the card to check for
. shortcircuit.
* Finding of shortcircuit here indicates that the
cable connector has no trouble. Zn such case,
proceed to the next item ( 3 ) .
@ If no shortcircuit ' i s found, the f n s e r t e d connectors
are the likely cause. In such case,. check the con-
nector cable and the part to which t h e cable i s
( 3 ) Confirmation of wires connected to the terminal s t a n d
of power unit,
@ Disconnect all connected wires to check for short-
circuit. *
* Finding o f shortcircuit i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e
trouble lies in a different p l a c e , In such case,
proceed to the n e x t item ( 4 ) .
@ if no shortcirciit is found, connect the wires
one by one to check for shortcircuit.
* If the wire s h o w s shortcircuit, that wire is
the cause; hence check the part to which the
w i r e i s connected.
(4 F . Canf irmation o f card

@ Remove all cards inserted into the power unit to

make shortcircuft check.

* Finding of shortcircuit indicates that the

trouble l i e s ' i n a different place. In such
c a s e , proceed to the next item ( 5 ) .
@ If no shortcircuit is found, insert the cards one
by one to check for shortcircuit.
( 5 ) Confirmation af back panel and power source
a Remove the power source from t h e back p a n e l .
(Pull out approximately 20 m m )
@ Chock for shortcir~uit
* Finding of shortcircuit indicates that the in-
side of power source i s defective.
* If no shorteircuit is found, the back panel is
Confirmation af Power ON/OFF Signals
C h e c k t h e terminal stand A C , u ~ ~ / ~ ~ as~ well
signals / ~ ~ ~ l

as "ON/OFF" signals af three types of cannector pins fox

Note that improper wirinq may lead to failure in power
The signal used f o r power ON/OFF may be t h e terminal stand
s i g n a l or the connector signal depending on t h e machine
manufacturer's specification.
(1) Procedures f o r confirmation
@ Confirm t h e s h o r t c i r c u i t at t h e terminal stand
* If no shortcircuit is found, there is,no need
to make further confirmation of power "ON/OFF1'
@ If no shortcircult is found, confirm by disconnect-
ing the w i r e s .
shortcircuit found, check the wiring
further along the line.
* in ding of shortcircuLt indicates Chat the pswer
dource is defective.
4-6 Confirmation of Drive Amplifier Wiring



The end connector iRF54) is

connected to C N l B at t h e last

( 1 ) Check the A ~ 2 0 0 / 2 2 0 Vat t h e drive amplifies NFB "IN"

to make sure t h a t the voltage i s ~ ~ 2 0 0 / 2 2&15..
( 2 ) Check, w i t h a tester, to see t h a t t h e voltage b e t w e e n

U, V, W and ground (frame) is infinite.

( 3 ) Make confirmation uZ t h e connection between terminal
stand and connectox,
4-7 T u r n i n g the Power ON
* Cautions at the time of,power ON
Turn the power to ON in the foLlowinq order.
( 1 ) Make sure t h a t t h e main b r e a k e r i s at ON position;
if at OFF posikion, turn the breaker to ON.
( 2 ) Depress the "POWER ON" pushbutton on the CRT setting

indicator. Thefi after approximately 3 seconds, the

"READY" lamp lights up to indicate t h a t the control
u n i t is ready t o start operation.
( 3 ) Depress the "RESET" pushbutton on the CRT setting
indicator, The system can now be s e t to run.
Although the system i s ready to start operation even
without depressing this "RESET" pushbuttan, it is
desirable to make it a r u l e to depress t h i s button
f o r the sake of safety confirmationS
4-7-1 Loading-back diagram of power ON, READY, EMERGENCY

NC power The system has the preparation completed

approximately 3 seconds after the
3 seconds) NC power is turned to ON.

Preparation COMPLETE
(control of AUTO/MANUAL operation i s possible)

stop B With the item ~n the

2. Watchdog c Left occuring, the
3 . Memory "preparation COMPLETE ?I
parity occurc (Approximate-
immediately turns to
4. B a t t e r y ren OFF l y 1 second)
5 , MC'J error
6. Servo mpress the
amplifier 'aESrn"
7 . Memory guard
r I I
\ Parameter
stop {with 0 A stop and
cause still Stop
intact) continues -1 ( causes )

Emergency Tho status azter eliminating

s t o p !with the cause is set by the A maintained
cause elimi- parameter (rnachiae). (held intact)
nated 1 inside the NC.
4-8 Adjustment f o r Reference P o i n t Return I

* Principle of reference point

Machines have g r i d points of a constant pitch for each
turn made by the position detector.
With the reference point return carried out, the
detector, a f t e r leaving the dog at the nearest grid
point (for turning the near point detecting limit SW
to ON/OFF), detects the first grid point and gets re-
ference point return to this position. This point is
called the electrical original point.
Every machine has its own mechanical original point coincide
with the e l s z t r i c a l original point. This is called the
"shifting of reference point".,

f 3

,Return direction
Grid master
G r i d 'A A A A A
Grid pitch @ Shifting of refer-
\ ence point J

The adjustment f o r reference p o i n t return is made in the

following manner.
@ Setting of g + i C pitch
The grid pitch for absolute position detection is t h o
pitch per t u r n of the detector.
The g r i d pitch for relative position detection can be
obtained by the following equation, w i t h the grid p i t c h
per turn of the detector as the base (reference).

G r i d pitch = Distance traveled per turn of motor

, , .

(n: integral number)
@ Setting o f g r i d mask
Tf the position o f the limit switch leaving the dog is
not near the center of grid p q e h , it may cause offset
(deviation) at the t i m e of reference point return.
This offset (deviation) can be prevented by setting t h e
grid mask.
@ Setting of reference point shifting
Shift the electrical original point to coincide with
the mechanical original point. ~
* Be sure to c a r r y out refenee point adjustment in the 4

following order.

Setting o c grid
pitch -mask
Setting of grid
e t t i n g of re-

4-9 Adjustment of Drive Unit

The following 3 servo parameters are used for adjusting
t h e drive unit system at the time of set up, the o t h e r
servo parameters being as specified in the "setting

1 Q1 1
33 Q2 33
5 Q3 5
15.0 Q4 15 0
100 Q5 100
1 Q6 1
24 Q7 24
4 Q 4


42 (Equivalent to conventional amplifier VR2)
44 {Equivalent to conventional amplifier V R 9 )
Q7 (Equivalent to conventional amplifier V R 3 )
Unlike the conventional system, there is no need of coincid-
ing the position loop gains of interpolated shafts by means
of VOLUME and aE adjusting the offset to 0.
(1) Q2 (gps) : Position loop gain; standard 132
The loop gain is normally 132, but lower
it down to approximately 100 in the case
of closed loop line when overshooting
takes place.
See that the loop g a i n is common to all.

( 2 ) 44 (gspl) : Speed l o o p g a i n ; standsrd 150

With the speed loop gain increase
(Limit: , 2 5 0 1 , the responsiveness improves.
( 3 ) Q7 ( s p e a ) : Speed loop proceed compensation; standard

With the speed loop proceed compensation

. + increased, the responsiveness improves.
(Limit: 150)
I Setting o f Grid P i t c h

For detection of absolute p ~ s i t i o n

The g r i d pitch for absolute position d e t e c t i o n is deter-
mined by the type of encoder.'

Value s e t in parameter = No., of pulses per

turn of encoder

, The actual. grid pitch, however, e a a be obtained as follows,
No. of gear teeth on the
O r i d pitch = Ball screw pitch x motor side
No. of'gear teekh a n the
ball screw side
For detection of relative position
The grid pitch f o r relative position detection can be set
shorter than the actual grid pitch.
This shortens the distance traveled by the detector to
reach the electrical original poink after leaving the dog,
reducing the t$me needed for reference point return.

Grid p i t c h = Traveling unit (value set in parameter)

Multiple of 2
' '

Trace of reference point r e t u r n a f t e r s e t t i n g >
in the parameter
Conventional trace of reference
p o i n t return


Grid pitch due

Grid p i t c h set to t h e encorder
in the parameter

I i
S e t t i n g of Grid Mask

The reference point refers to the first grid point after
missing the dog. Tf the grid point i s located at the
place w h e r e missing of dog takes place, the reference
point may f a l l on the grid point where the missing of
dog occurs or on the next grid paint due to irregular
activation of the limit switch, leading to the offset of
reference point r e t u r n position.
Hence, it i s necessary that the dog missing position
li;s a t the center o f the grid pitch.
The adjustment can be made by altering the installation
positions of dog and encoder as well as by setting the
dog mask by means of parameter so that the grid point,
falling accidentally an the pasition of the set grid
mask, could be ignored. This bas the same result as
when the dog length is increased to correspond with the
increase in g r i d mask, The dog missing position is thus
set to lie at the center of the grid pitch,

The grid point turned into electrical >
originah point due to irregular a c t i v a t i o a
of Limit switch Conventional electrical
\ 4 4 original point


Reference point return before grid

L . , mask q e t t i n g
ConvenZional electrfcal
original point
A A A A a

R e f e r e n c e - p y i n t r e t u r n a f t e r qsrd mask s e t t i n g
i I

Measurement of g r i d mask amount

@ Make sure that the reference p o i n t s h i f t and grid I
: ,

shift are set to zero; if n o t , set to z e r o .


@%Turn the power switch once to OFF and t h e n t o ON

again. !

r ,
@ C a r r y out r e f e r e n c e p c i n t return manually. I

@ Make sure that t h e return to reference p o i n t h a + I

been completed (the "REF. PQXNT ARRIVAL" lamp in 1I

lit u p ) .
@ Observe t h e servo monitor s c r e e n of setting indicator, .
! .
j i

and read the value of g r i d amount. The figure shows 1

t h e distance covered by the. l i m i t switch a f t e r l e a v -
inq the dog and then reaching the first grid p o i n t .
<X> (Y) (2) CQ) I

dAIN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

DROOP o a o o 6,

RPM 0 0 0 0
CURRENT 0 0 0 0
(STOP CODE) LOAD 0 0 0 0 u
REGENA 0 0 0 0
GRID 0 0 0 0
A B S 1X
N 0
mm ABS 0 4 2 G54 JOG ALARM

f 7

I Conventional
original p a i n t

A A A tI A
I Bag
value a£ qrid mask
;- I

' :IIndicated grid value 1

@ Example of g r i d mask setting

Indicated g r i d value F 1 . 7 mrn
Grid pitch = 2 mm
G r i d mask amount = grid - Grid p i t c h

Hence, in this case t h e yeid*rnask amount shall be

s e t t o 0.7 rnm ( 7 0 0 ) .
a Set the grid mask amount i n the parameter.
(Nate) With the g r i d mask set, the indicated grid
value shows t h e distance between g r i d mask
and qrid point.
Shifting af reference p o i n t
The reference point, based on the g r i d point as shown
in the preceding item, can not be fixed.
More~ver, every machine has its own specific reference
point, so that it i s necessary to shift the reference
, to allow the reference point
point in order I of machine
and the reference point due to grid to coincide with
each o t h e r . The shift shall be c a r r i e d o u t in the direc-

tion of reference point r e t u r n .

r ~' 7
~ e f e r e n d ep o i n t due t o g r i d p o i n t
Reference po+nt
return positzon
after s h i f t


I- Specific reference
p o i n t of machine
Reference point shift(amount) I
Reference point return parameter
9000 9000
9000 9000
9000 9 0 00
0 0
-100000 -100000
-200000 -200000
-300000 300000
9949999 9999999

A19 -9999999 -9999999 -9999999 M9

LI 10 10 10 10 X-rlO
b1 1 1 88 89 90 M11
1112 85 86 87 MI2
$113 00000~0(lOOOOOlOO OOOOO1OO M13
XI15 O O L O l O O O OOlOlObO 00301000 MI5
hI16 00000000 00000000 00000000 Mlb



M2 - Sets fast feed rate at original position return.
N8 - Sets creeping speed.
Nl1 - Sets reference point shift a m o a t .
N10 - Sets grid pitch
N9 - Sets grid mask,
M13 - Sets reference point return direction.
MJ.4 - Sets v a l i d i t y of reference p a i n t r e t u r n .
M4 - Sets 1st reference point.
4-10 S e t t i n g Procedure (H/W setting) I

Setting i s a process of determining the constants in NC,
the specific constants of machine, specifications, etc.,
and is carried out in two ways -- H / W setting and para-
meter setting I due to S/W.
Alterations in these set values shall be made with utmost
care, since they may affect the function, etc. of the
T h i s S e c t i ~ ndeals with the H/W setting,

The H/W setting means the setting of the setting pins,

toggle switches, and rotary switches, installed to the
v a r i o u s cards actually mounted on the control unit.

The setting is made, at the time of s h i p m e n t from the

factory, aocording to the "Table of M-32 Internal
'Settings" on the next page, and needs no alterations.
The able of M-32 Internal Settings" is annexed to each
NC. (An example i s shown on the next page)
At the time of card and unit replacement, carry out
correct setting by referring to the "Table of M-32
I n t e r n a l Settings" and the card unit currently used.

Set in t h i s d i r e c t i o n

Caution: Setting of D f O card system
C a r r y out the s e t t i n g of emergency 'I..'

stop input setting plugs of DIO cards
and binary switch ( S W 1 ) of system map
in the following manner.

Note 1) The priority level of DIO shall be MC301,

MC303 and MC323.
Note 2 ) The DIO cards shall be Listed, at the time
of placing order, in the higher priority
level, such as DIO #I, DCO i ~ 2. I . . '

The priority level for ordering several

pieces of the same card shall be determined
by means of system map, such as DSO #1, I310 # 2
.... counting from the right-hand side of the
control u n i t .
5-1 Outline
Below is described the outline of the f u n c t i o n a l
principle of M-32.
The M-32 is camposed of the information processing
u n i t , compqsed of CPU (composed o f f u l l 32-bit CPU,
numefiaal operator, NDP, and various gate arrays and
their peripheral I C s , and included in the NClll card
i n the control u n i t ) , the memory (composed of ROM and
RAM, and included i n MC413 and MC442 cards i n t h e con-
t r o l u n i t ) , various input/output deviaes such as CRT
setting indicator, speech output, t a p e reader, t a p e
puncher, printer, cassette MT, etc., servo mechanism
compased o f shaft shifting control u n i t ( c a l l e d MCP
and included in MC6111 card in the control u n i t ) , full
d i g i t a l servo amplifier, AC servo motor and position
d e t e c t o r , and the input/oukput interface u n i t (with
machine) (included in the control unit).
The information is processed by the information pro-
cessing unit i n t h e following order. The CPU fetches
the SIW ( g r o u p of commands, c a l l e d control program),
written in advance in the memory one by one succes-
slvely r e a d s o u t t h e ~ ~ f m a n and
d s performs a c c o r d i n g l y .
T h e control program, divided into several programs
depending on the degree of urgency, is fed i n t o the
XOM of memory card MC413.
onit it or" is t h e name given to the program that i s
closely related to H/W and carries out c o n t r o l . Under
the control of this monitor t h e r e are various programs
( c a l l e d "tasks" a s mentioned below.
F i r s t of a l l there i s the machine control program,
c a l l e d ' l m o t i ~ n ' ' ,which carries out the h i g h e s t p r i -
.ority jobs e s s e n t i a l ta be done w i t h i n a certain time
i n t e r v a l , s u c h a s distribution of contact input in
machine, contact output t~ machine, command pulse, etc,
Next , i s t h e operation program, called "prepro~essor",
which reads the tape command, and carries out decod-
ing, commutation, etc. of NC command f o r precalculating
the data required for previously mentioned processing.
F i n a l l y there i s t h e man-machine i n t e r f a c e program,
called "operation control", which displays the d a t a
on CRT s e t t i n g i n d i c a t o r and processes.khe keyed i n
If t h e s e jobs are carried out s u c c e s s i v e l y , the request

f o r the j o b of higher degree of urgency aan not be met

with. Hence, each t a s k i s ranked with the p r i o r i t y
l e v e l , and the job is done accarding to that l e v e l .
In other words, i f a request for performing a task of
higher priority level is made while Che system is
dealing w i t h a c e r t a i n task, the system stops working
on the task it i s currently d e a l i n g with, takes up
the requested t a s k , and i f there i s another r e q u e s t
o f s t i l l h i g h e r p r i o r i t y level, t h e system t a k e s up
t h i s one f i r s t and completes t h i s task b e f o r e return-
i n g t o t h e second and then the f i r s t i n t e r r u p t e d tasks.
The functional flow of M-32 i s shown in Fig. 5-1-1.
As i s elear from t h e "Flow Chart", the M-32 reads out
t h e information on the machine s i d e by means of the
built-in CPU, and makes v a r i o u s judgepents and control
according t o t h e read-out data,
In the case of AUTO mode, the system reads out t h e
machining program from the memory when t h e "CYCLE
START" pushbutton is depressed, and if there is a
command for shift, t h e system cornmutates t h e s h i f t
data of each axis, and transmits the commutated data
t o the p u l s e distribution circuit, And if the in-

formation i s for operating t h e machine, t h e system

transmits t h i s data t o t h e sequencer,
The b l o c k diagram of CNC system hardware i s shown



Machine information input

hachine in-

Machine infarmatian output

to srrquenee

program P ~ o m
the memory,


Move Machine intamation output

to sequence

Each axia
moves Data
operaf iqn

T o axis operatian c a n t z ~ l

Fig. 5-1-1 M-32 operation f l o w chart

5-2 Signal low

Machine contact i n p u t


( W E or non M E s t a d a d )

O u t p u t to machine side

Fut inter- pansL on
machine l i d

( M E s!%mWd)

N o t e ) VDE standard

Protedtive resistance

Nob M E standard
Key in t h r o u q h C R T scttinq Indicator
On depressing the "KEY" switch of CRT setting indicator, the
data i s fetched t o t h e NC by the following route.

( M a t r i x input') 1

Machine o p e r a t i o n panel i n p u t
The machine o p e r a t i o n p a n e l s w i t c h can be s e t t o t h e NC through
the following r o u t e , besides being set as t h e machine c o n t a c t

h'C201 - - -
i n p u t as mentioned p r e v i o u s l y .

Machine operaticin panel lamp output

The machine operatian panel lamps (including L E D s ) can be
l i g h t e d up through the following route, besides being lighted
up by the output to the machine as mentioned previously.

The o u t p u t for d i s p l a y t o the 14" CRT screen is transmitted
through the f o l l o w i n g route.

Vided Sbf ting

Manual pulse generatar (manual handle) I
This is used far f i n e feeding of transferring the machine table,

w i t h the mode s e t to MANUAL. The manual pulse generator gene-

rates 1 p u l s e p e r s c a l e of t h e d i a l , transmitting L O O pulses
when t h e dial makes 1 turn. The shift amount per pulse can be
changed to 0.001 mm, 0.01 mm and 0.1 mm by means a£ the "magni-
f i c a t i o n select" s w i t c h outside.

(Board s i d e )

The i n t e r n a l circuit of manual handle is shown i n the F i g . below.

Power source



IHandle shaft
Slit disc

In the case of slit disc, A-phase and B-phase have deviation, so
that the A-phase o u t p u t and 8-phase output have the phase devi-
ak.ian of 90°, causing either A-phase or B-phase to come first
depending.on the direction of r o t a t i o n of the disc. Sn the c a s e
of MC201 manual handle c o n t r o l circuit the direction o f rotation i

i s s a t v a l v e - w i s e by making u s e of the phase deviation in disc *

tinguishing the valve.
Handle scale
1 pitch

&-phase pulse

8-phase pulse

A-phase cbming first B-phast caming f i r s t

Perfarmance of prosram and,memarv,access

CPU fetches the command f r o m memory through the following r o u t e .

The CCXmands of control program, written in t h e memory card, are
thus fetched to t h e CPU one by one successively to be decoded
and performed by the CPU. T h e flow of data when the memory is
to be referred (read-out, write) during execution of command is
as follows.


memory R&V

of.n a c h i n i n q program
Memory area.,
The machining program is memorized in khe RAM area of CPU card
in the case of shorter tape, but is stored in extended memory
. card if the tape is longer.

5-3 Function and Handling of C o n t r o l U n i t

The c o n t r o l u d i t MU 3 1 1 f o e M-32, composed of DC power
source PD21, back panel M C O 3 L and various c o n t r o l PC boards,
i s a compact and light u n i t . The carnponents af this unit
t Component Units" i n i t e m 1-3,
are shown in the " ~ i s of
with t h e internal s t r u c t u r e being shown i n " I n t e r n a l System
~ i a g r a m "in item 1 - 2 .
Zn the f~llowinqpages, t h e components of t h i s u n i t and
t h e i r setting and a d j u s t i n g places are described.
5-3-1 Power source P D 2 l
.. Function
P021 i s t h e bC power aource f o r M-32 c o n t r o l u n i t t o
supply t h e DC voltage of +5V, 2 1 2 V and + 2 4 V .
of rcuit


The power source PD21 cuts off the power on detecting over-
voltage, excessively low voltage and over-current.
Output I

The figures in the Table below are the rough criteria

f o r the output performance.

Rated o u t p u t +12V
v o l taqe + -1 2V f24V
. Rated output
current ! 1A 1 ,\ 1A 2 A

Total Below Below Below Below

regulation *2% 22% i;2% 215%
Ripple Below Below Below Below
voltage 50 mV 60 mV 60 mV 200 m V

Power ON/OFF switch

The power source PD21 is. equipped with a power ON/OFF
s w i t c h , carrying out exactly the same function as t h e

external NC power ONJOFF switch.

5-3-2 Function and handling of PC board

( 1 ) MC031 SP-L
The BP-S/M/L is used for the communication of the I
PC board a c t u a l l y mounted i n the c o n t r o l unit.
MC 071 B P L


( 2 1 MClll CPU-A



CPU-A is the main processor controlling the entire

CNC system.
cPU: 3 2 - b i t , high-speed processor
Local ROM: ROM for. system start-up and maintenance
Locar RAM: Main RAM far system control (the machin-
i n g programs, etc. o f small capacity
are also memorized)
EEPROM: ROM stored {for memory) with parameter s p e -

cific to the machine ar NC equipment

Sequence arithmetic unit: Processor exclusively

used for performing sequence at h i g h

Serial input/output: RS-232Clinterface with two
channels ( w i t h one channel used for system
ROM bus Interface: Interface with MC41* MEM-A stor-
ed (far memory) with system or user's program

System bus interface: Interface w i t h memories, TO,
! :
Calender clock: Clock mechanism

~WOG =


7' ' . R S - 2 3 2 C DEVICE


CPU-B is an additional processor that controls

CNC system wiSth CPU-A. I

CPU: 32 bit high speed processor 1


Local ROM: ROM lor system start-up and maintenance I

.. '

Local RAM: RAM f o r system controL i

Floating-point processing unit: Specialized processor I

t h a t carris out real number porcessing at h i g h speed
Serial I/O: 2-channel RS-232C interfa'ce 1
(One of the channels is used for system

- DI :6 4
Contact i n p u t
., +
-2 U

DSO-A i s equipped with, manual handle interface f o r

3 axes and c o n t a c t I / O interface.

BE:! mcz

m w m m

]@I csm, 12
u l J
010-8 i e an tnte;faca that e g u l p ~armlmg r l o and

[Supel.) -log input can be mxtcnded up to 6 channals.

S ~ Q O P thia f u ~ t t a ni s the additional 8pecifi-
mation, some a y s t e n nay not be equipped w i t h
tha analog input i n t a r f a c e -
( 7 ) MC411 MEM-A


MEM-A memorizes programs s u c h a s f o r system control,

machine contsoli e t c . - .
Some system uses 2 pieces of MEM-A.
[Suppl,) Memory capacity may vary depending on
system. There are following three with
the unit of 128KB when MC411 is used; 128Kl3,
M C 4 1 1 MEM-A
( 8 ) MC442 MEM-B

MEM-B is an extended main memory.

DRAM: .Memorizes control program, etc.
SRAM: Memorizes pracessing program, etc.
SRAM capacity i s 256KB.

( 9 1 MC472 MEM AX1

HEM-AX* is a RAM that memorizes processing

(Suppl.) MC474 is an extension memory added
to MC472.
M C 4 7 2 MEM AX1

J2 T
(10) MC611 MCP





MCP is a processor that carries out interface

processing with servo system.,
MCP/CPU: Processar f o r servo interface
ROM: C o n t r o l program RON f o r MCF/CPU

RAM: RAM f o r c o n t r o l of MCP/CPU

Shared memory: Communication memory with
Sensor interface: Interface (used for rneasure-
ment) f a r high speed contact
Main spindle drive interface: Interface that
gives speed command t o t h e
main s p i n d l e drive
Main spindle e n c ~ d e rinterface: Encoder i n t e r -
face used for synchronized

Servo AMP, interface: Interface with servo


CRTC-C i s a controller dedicated for color CRT.

C R T cbntyoller: Controller that carries out
graphic and character d i s p l a y

Graphic memory: Memory f o r graphic d i s p l a y

Character memory: Memory for character d i s p l a y
Character generator: Character generator for
t e x t data
5-4 Function and Handling of Operator's Board
The operator's board is used for feeding the data into
the c ~ n t r o lunit or for d i s p l a y i n g the condition of ex-
75-4-1 CRT

The 14" c o l o r CRT is used per machine type in MELDAS

SERIES. The open Frame type CRT w i t h built-in AFC is
e x c l u s i v e l y designed for information industry calling
for h i g h r e l i a b i l i t y and high r e s o l v i n g power and re-
productivity. Small in size and light in weight it

has most of its circuits compiled an a p i e c e o f * P C

board, ensuring high r e l i a b i l i t y , excellent maintenace
and stable operation over a long period of time.
14" colar CRT: AlQA8DSP40
Adjustment '

With a lot of places t a be adjusted, the CRT is thor-

oughly adjusted at the time of shipment from the factory,
needing no readjustment.
rtems of caution at use
11) I n f l u e n c e of magnetic field
Since the CRT displays by scanning the electronic
beams using the magnetic field, t h e d i s p l a y is i n -
fluenced by the external magnetic field, causing
image distortion to appear. Hence, it i s necessary
to take utmost care of the e x t e r n a l magnetic f i e l d .
For example, t h e CRT housing, made of i r o n sheet,
e t c . , may get magnetized when a magnet stand is in-
stalled, causing "image distortion" to appear.
Hence, due care has to be taken.
( 2 ) L i f e of cathode-ray tube
The life span of cathode-ray tube is considered to
be approximately 7,000 hours. However, t h i s l i f e
time is the time when the emission efficiency gets
deteriorated to 7 0 % of the i n i t i a l value (this
value d i f f e r s according to the manufacturer of
cathode-ray t u b e ) ; t h e time does n o t mean that t h e
cathode-ray tube can not be used any longer.
.Although t h e brightness may deteriorate, the tube
can be continuously used by making contrast adjust-
ment, etc,

5-4-2 Power source LT-38

The power source LT-3B is the DC power source for
aperator's board to supply the DC voltage of +5V and
Enput s i d e : CNL pin d a s a h l Y
output gida: CN2 pin assembly
o AccesSorrqB
Saput side: GNL socket housing
0. pwer line side

output gide: CNZ socket housing

on power line side
Attached pressure bonding type
socket cantact
(Note) ptessuring device of
socket contact i s 40209-1.
(Nigpsn AMP.)
O Material
Case: Aluminum
8 ~ o r d :Glass epoxy (FR-4, utgqv-0)
Double sided theu hole
The table below gives sough criterion For output


5-4-3 Function and handling of P.C. board

( L ) MC201 OPBC
-- - L
-----I- , 2 . \- bPBC/CPU
NC 1
r &

ROM 'u3; ( Full KEY BOARD )

1- t

n Power supply
ww. mc.


% 1 M - 0 : F t A C H I N E OPERATION

OPBC is equipped with keyboard, machine operation panel,

manual handle, full Iceyboaxd as well as interface w i t h
[ S u p p l . ) Power supply to CNP82 is required.
(Note) 0 Standard board with MCIF-A.
2 Standard board w i t h o u t MCIF-A.
5-5 F u n c t i o n and Handling of Manual Handle (HDSZ)

Fig. 5-5-1 Appearance of manual handle (HD52)

5-5-1 Function
(1) Outline
This manual handle, when turned, produces two kinds
of pulse signals proportional to the angle turned.
( 2 ) Electric specification

Q Z/O terminal
~m3i?al-d~* Signal
+ f 2V +12V
0 v 0V
A A phmn ai-1

B B fi* ri-L output

@ Power supply
Required voltage: +12V

5(J Signal output

A total o f two signals from A phase and B phase
each i s sent. The following output in relation

to the angle of handle furned appears.

Relation between o u t p u t waveform and phase
(when the handle is turned to ( c ) direction)
A phase outplt

B phase autplt:
v,, : SV+IOX

4 Max. o u t p u t frequency: LOOHz or more

5-5-2 Method of exchange and handling
S i g n a l s are generated.+ErornA phase and B p h a s e auto-
matically when BC12V is applied. If no s i g n a l a p p e a r ,
the handle shall be exchanged.
- A f t e r the exchange,'wizes shall be connected c o r r e c t l y .
Otherwise, the device may- be damaged.
For profitable operation of y o u r NC equipment, daily servic-
ing and maintenance are essential.
Please c a n t a c t your nearest service center f o r MELDAS after
7-1 G e n e r a l System Diagram (Rough)
7-2 ~ e n e i a l .System Diagram (Rough) of .Drive U n i t


A2794-221-E, the following items are added
or madified.
Description o f S/W HJW
. (1) MC411+ MC4111413J415 Pages 1 to 4
(2) MC61I' MC611A/611B Pages 5 to 6


EPROM : 128 KB

- EPROM : 128 KB
(256 KB)

EPROM : 128 KB
I256 KB) The values in parentheses
represent t h e storage capa-
city for MC413/MC415.

MEM-A stores the system control program and the machine

c o n t r a 1 program.
Depending on t h e system structure, t w o MEM-A cards may be
[ N o t e ] The storage capacity depends on the system.
When MC411 is used, it is one of 128 KB, 256 KB,
and 3 8 4 KB.. (MC411 is used for PLC. 1
Stand- Note
ON (5-2) OFF (2-3) axd

MP2 ~ e m o t ymap 1st card 2nd card 2-3

S1 Pow&r selec- Nbl ROM ROM
% s3 selection

CHI Signal earth

Stand- Note
ON ('1-2) OFF'(^-3) ard
e ection ot
MP2 fs: card and 1st card 2nd card 1-2
2nd card,

CHI Signal earth


OP1 Option for EXA

QP2 Option f o r 3D
Signal e a ~ t h I I

EPROM : 256K5



1 B R T ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ( f o r data reference)
~ Option
OP1, OP2

Card name EIA 3D

MC415-1 o
MC415-2 o
The mark " 0 " represents that the
MC415-3 o a o p t i o n is provided.

Stand- Note
ON (1-2) OFF 12-31 ard

System clack ST: Bus clack

sn: On-board SH
CCI;K CPU clock CS: 9 MHz CT: 9.8304 MHz CS

SBEW' -=DL tim-ait ~ B E R ; eun ermr SRDY: wady SBER .

$S10/ spindle DA
98 vo Itage, -
SV35/ Servo intkrmpt
SV35: 3.5m SV17: 1.7-
Vf7 interval
S96/ Spindl' S192: 19200 bps SQ6 : 9600 bps S96
192 baud. rats -
CPU-B inter- Inaffective OFF
S W 6 Eft e c t i v e
CPUJ inter- Ineffective
Eifectiva ON
Encoder phase Effuctivs Ineffectiva ON
A bus
Encoder phase Effective Ineffective ON
SEg, 0 bus
Encadex phase Effectiva a Xnaf fective ON
swo system map 2
' OFF '
Contbucd on t h e n e x t page.
ON (1-2) OFF (2-3)
SWI System map 2 ' OFF
When t h e
Spindle no s i g - Effective Ineffective ON S ~ ~ C ~ E O ~ O U S
SWl-1 feed is
nal performed.
Spindle Positive Negative OFF
- -

sW1-3 Dip-0 0 1 OFF

SW1-4 Dip-1 0 1 OFF

WOOG -Watchdog alarm ALazm NQ~EI~ Put: ou*

RLARN System alarm alarm NormaL Put o u t

SVAL Semo alarm Alann Normal Put out

FBAL Feedback alam " Alarm Normal. Put out

Spindle DA
a~tput ,
(-av ,
-- avi

TPG Signal earth


Spindle DA
, zero poi*$
Spindle DA
VIU amplituda

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