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Presentation Project

Directions: To create a presentation follow the steps below in order.

STEP 1: Research your assigned topic. Take bullet-point notes. This

will prevent plagiarism. Be sure to write everything in your
OWN words. Be sure to site your sources!
STEP 2: Once you have finished your research, complete the Presentation
STEP 3: Once the template is complete your are ready to create the
presentation. The presentation must include most of the
- Title Page (include your name and period)
- Pictures/clip art
- Background color or picture
- Media Clip (video or sound)
- Slide transitions
- Animation
STEP 4: Check your presentation to confirm your project plays correctly.
Review the Grading Rubric to make sure you followed all directions.

Choosing Background and Text Color: Dark text on a light background is best.
This combination offers the most visibility. Sometimes though, you may want a dark
background for effect, to dazzle the crowd. In that case, be sure to make text a
light color for easy reading in a classroom presentation. Text is often difficult to
read on patterned or textured backgrounds. Keep your color scheme consistent
throughout your classroom presentation.
Layout of Slides: Make your slides easy to follow. Put the title at the top where
your audience expects to find it. Phrases should read left to right and top to bottom.
Avoid Fancy Fonts: Choose a font that is simple and easy to read such as Arial,
Times New Roman or Verdana. You may have a really cool font on your computer, but
save it for other uses. Don't use more than two different fonts – one for headings
and another for content. Keep all fonts large enough (at least 18 pt and preferably 24
pt) so that people at the back of the room will be able to read them easily.
Choose Pictures Carefully: Pictures help the viewer understand the textual
information. Choose pictures/clip art that relate to the information on each slide.
Creativity: Add additional items to help the viewer comprehend the information.
These may include: quotes, maps, graphs, political cartoons, primary sources, etc. It
also makes your presentation more creative and interesting. Use borders around
pictures to make them stand out.

Name______________________________________ Period _____

Assigned Topic ___________________________________ Due Date ________

Total Points Possible ____

Total Points Received ____ Letter Grade ____
Teacher Comments: ___________________________________________

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