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ME: How to reduce bias in your workplace

Hello mates,

Like most of you, I’m really concerned about some attitudes and comments I’ve heard recently
in this company. Although there is no intention of causing harm on them, I feel that, if we keep
on without fixing them, this situation could lead to discrimination and harassment.

As one of the policies of the company is to encourage the employees to share all the purposes
they have for improving the workplace environment, I’m going to point out some ideas I got
from a video I came across recently. The video is about some unconscious bias we have to
cope with in a daily basis, and bring some ideas of how to disrupt them.

First of all, we need to create a shared vocabulary and a sign for advising possible bias. When
done, we have to create a shared norm of how we should respond. For example, the sign could
be a friendly purple flag and the response something like: “I get it” or “I can’t get it; could we
talk about it after the meeting?”. And, finally, we have to commit to responding bias regularly.

If we follow all these advices, we’ll improve our confidence, for sure.

Although all these purposes take patience and persistence, I’m sure that, with time, we’ll
become a more confident, collaborative and productive team.

Should you have any questions, please contact me.

Montse Ribas

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