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Naotoshi Takada^ and Masato Mikasa^

Determination of Consolidation
Parameters by Selfweight Consolidation
Test in Centrifuge

REFERENCE: Takada, N. and Mikasa, M.. "Determination of Consolidation Param-

eters by Selfweight Consolidation Test in Centrifuge," Consolidation of Soils: Testing
and Evaluation, ASTM STP 892. R. N. Yong and F. C. Townsend, Eds., American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1986, pp. 548-566.

ABSTRACT: Consolidation parameters such as volume compressibility, m„. and perme-

ability, k, of very soft slurry clay are difficult to obtain from a conventional oedometer
test. A selfweight consolidation test in a centrifuge is available as an alternative test. The
m„ value is calculated from the /-log p relationship which is obtained from a correlation
between volume ratio / and effective overburden pressure along the specimen depth after
self-weight consolidation, and k is obtained from the initial settlement rate of a singly
drained selfweight consolidation test. Some examples of determination of these parameters
are shown for four highly plastic clays. The effect of particle segregation on parameters
in a high centrifugal acceleration field is also discussed.

KEY WORDS: centrifuged model, consolidation parameters, particle segregation, self-

weight consolidation, soft clay

Since the conventional oedometer test of a very soft clay is not easy to perform,
several alternative methods have been proposed, such as the seepage consolidation
test [1] and the constant-rate consolidation test [2]. The selfweight consolidation
test, especially in a centrifuge, is basically a model test to simulate the field
behavior of filled clay slurry. It can also be utilized as a method to obtain the
consolidation parameters of this type of soft clay; that is, the/-log p relation
from the water content distribution along the depth after selfweight consolidation,
and permeability, k, from the initial settlement rate of selfweight consolidation
under single drainage conditions. The coefficient of consolidation, c„, is then
synthesized from k and compressibility, m„, the latter of which is calculated from
the/-logp relation, both at a given volume ratio. This method is based on Mikasa's
consolidation theory [3,4].
This report presents some examples of the determination of consolidation
parameters of clay slurry by selfweight consolidation tests. They were conducted
' Associate Professor and Professor, respectively. Civil Engineering Department, Osaka City Uni-
versity, Sugimoto Sumiyoshi-ku, 558, Osaka, Japan.


Copyright' 1986 b y AS FM International


either as a practical task to predict the settlement of a dredged clay fill [5], or
as a research project to investigate the mechanism of selfweight consolidation
[6]. Because they were done as three separate test series, from 1975 to 1978,
the materials, test methods and test results are not necessarily consistent for all
test series. They may, however, serve as the case studies to lead to the general
conclusion on the availability and limitations of this method.
The selfweight consolidation in this report is somewhat analogous to, but
different from, the sedimentation or the settling of soil suspension that has much
higher water content [7] in that the former deals with the soil that has a definite
soil skeleton and effective stress without, in principle, particle segregation. Ac-
tually, however, this phenomenon was observed in some tests in this report.
There will be some discussion on this point.

Theoretical Consideration of Selfweight Consolidation and Similarity Law

in Centrifugal Consolidation Test
General Consolidation Equation^ and Similarity Law
The general equation of one-dimensional consolidation of saturated clay pub-
lished by Mikasa in 1963 [3] is given as

r d'l dcjdiV d an

where ZQ is the original coordinate or the coordinate in the original state' in which
the clay is assumed to have a certain uniform volume ratio/o and corresponding
submerged unit weight ^'o throughout the depth, ZQ being measured positively
in the downward direction, t is time, I, is the consolidation ratio ( = /Q//,/denotes
the volume ratio which is equal to (1 + e)) and 7' is the submerged unit weight.
This equation is free from the assumptions used in the Terzaghi consolidation
theory that k, m„, c^, thickness of the clay layer, and consolidation pressure are
all constant during consolidation, and that the selfweight of the clay does not
affect the time-consolidation relationship.
The assumptions used in deriving Eq 1 are (1) clay is homogeneous, (2) clay
is saturated, (3) one-dimensional consolidation applies, (4) soil particles and
water are incompressible, (5) Darcy's law is applicable, (6)/-log p and/-log k
relations are not time-dependent, and (7) soil water mixture should constitute a
soil skeleton that carries an effective stress, though it may be feeble, and particle
segregation is not allowed. This last assumption is a prerequisite to deal with a
soil-water mixture as a "soil" and is usually not stated explicitly as an assump-
^ Gibson et al [8] derived another version of the consolidation equation for finite strain (1967),
which is different in its expression, but equivalent in its function to Mikasa's equation.
' The original state is an imaginary state set for convenience of calculation of finite strain conditions.
It may or may not be equal to the initial state (condition), from which the calculation starts.


By using the expressions

(|) ( 0 = c„/c„o (2)

T, = c,ot/(Ho/2y (3)

Z = Zo/Wo (4)

Eq 1 is transformed as

where c^ is the original c„ value, Tu is the nondimensional time, Z is the non-

dimensional depth, and //Q is the original thickness of clay. Equation 5 shows
that the //^-similarity rule of time-consolidation relationship is not applicable for
the selfweight consolidation in a gravitational acceleration field of 1 g because
of the existence of //y in the third term in the bracket. This term represents the
effect of selfweight of clay and gives the consolidation process a significant effect
when the clay is soft (m^ is large), or the clay layer is thick (HQ is large), or
If a model clay specimen that has a thickness of //Q/ZI is subjected to a cen-
trifugal acceleration of ng, its submerged unit weight becomes ny'. By replacing
7' and //Q in Eq 5 with ny' and Hg/n, respectively, the equation remains the
same. This indicates that the consolidation of the prototype (//Q, 1 g) and the
reduced and centrifuged model i.HJn, ng) are to proceed similarly as a function
of Ju given by Eq 3, and //^-similarity rule is valid again between these two as

hn H„ 1
tp Up' ~ n"

Sm H„ 1
^P Up n
where s denotes settlement, and subscripts m and p indicate the model and the
prototype, respectively. We examined and confirmed these relationships, the
similarity law, in the past [9,10] by comparing the behaviors of a series of models
that have different specimen heights, different accelerations, and a same prototype
height, thus making modelling of models.
It should be noted that the centrifuged model has a. mode of consolidation, or
a distribution of volume ratio and effective stress in the clay layer, similar to
that of the prototype both during and after consolidation.


Initial Settlement Rate in Selfweight Consolidation

In the 1 g gravitational acceleration field, the saturated and submerged clay
skeleton is subjected to two body forces: seepage force j and submerged unit
weight "y'o. Therefore

^ = j + -y'o (8)

where p' is the effective pressure. Herey is measured positive in the downward
direction, and the subscript 0 denotes the original state. Using Darcy's law:
V = ki and the equation of seepage force: j = iy„ where i is the hydraulic
gradient and y„ is the unit weight of water in the 1 g gravitational acceleration
field, the velocity of pore water flow relative to the soil skeleton is from the
above relations:

v = ^(f^-Yo] (9)
where i> is measured positively downwards.
Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of isochrones of volume ratio during
selfweight consolidation under single drainage condition as observed in our sev-
eral analytical and experimental research projects [3,10,11]. This process of
selfweight consolidation is simulated by the Terzaghi model (or simply by a coil
spring) that setties in a viscous fluid under its selfweight. As shown in the figure,
the upper part of the layer maintains its initial state for a certain period in the
early stage of selfweight consolidation, where and when the value dp'/dzo in Eq
9 is zero." Then

V = -k— (10)

In selfweight consolidation under the single drainage condition, this velocity

of pore water flow relative to the soil skeleton in the upper part of the layer in
the early stage of selfweight consolidation is just the same in value as, but opposite
in direction to, the settlement rate of the clay skeleton in the stationary water,
because they are just the opposite views of the same phenomenon. Assuming
that permeability is a function of volume ratio (Assumption 6 above), this set-
tlement rate depends only on the volume ratio and is independent of the thickness

' Strictly speaking, a clay surface without any consolidation pressure may be soaked to some
extent. But we can duly assume in the present problem that the surface of a clay slurry will not
undergo any significant expansion and will maintain its initial state, /o and p'o, throughout the test.


* f

FIG. 1—Isochrone of selfweighl am.mlidalion under single drainage condition.

of clay layer. Then the value of k at the initial volume ratio/o is obtained from
this initial surface settlement rate, i, as

k = s (11)

where 7'o is the submerged unit weight of the clay at its initial state.
Let us consider next the case in which a clay specimen is put in a centrifugal
acceleration field of ng as a 1 In scaled model of a prototype clay layer. Then
Eq 8 is transformed as

— = J + ny „

while Darcy's law and the equation of seepage force remain the same as in 1 g
gravitational acceleration field. Therefore, Eq 9 becomes

k dp'
V = — \ - — «"y 0

Thus in a centrifugal acceleration field of ng, Eqs 10 and II are transformed as

V = -k (12)


k = s (13)


Comparing Eqs 11 and 13, we find that the value of i of a model centrifuged
to ng is n times as large as that of the prototype in the 1 g gravitational acceleration
field. Also, by combining Eqs 6 and 7, we get

^m' ^m ^ni ^
Vfp ^p *m n 1 = n

This similarity between the model and the prototype is valid not only for the
initial settlement rate, but also for the whole process of selfweight consolidation.
Figure 2 illustrates t-s relations (t in arithmetic scale) of three models with the
same initial water content: two models of respective thicknesses H and HIn in
the 1 g gravitational acceleration field and a model of thickness H/n in a cen-
trifugal acceleration field of ng. The initial settlement rates of the former two
models are the same, while that of the last one is n times as high as the former
two, its overall settlement behavior being similar to the model of thickness H in
the 1 g gravitational acceleration field in accordance with the similarity laws of
Eqs 6, 7 and 14.

Purpose, Materials, and Procedure of the Test

Four clays were used for the tests in this report: two clays taken from Tokuyama
Bay in Yamaguchi prefecture, where the seabed had been contaminated by mer-
cury-containing waste, and two clays from a site in the reclaimed land of Osaka

1m +P(='?tm )
; Sm

ns =nSm)
\dt ^
<D ® ®
*o 'o
clay t

n centrtugfj : ng
In gravitational acceleration
field : 1 g
FIG. 2—Illustration of similarity law in selfweight consolidation.


South Port ("Osaka Nanko," in Japanese) and sieved through 0.3-nim mesh.
Physical properties of these clays are shown in Table 1. Since the sampling date
was different, Clays I and II from each site were not very similar to each other.
We shall explain here briefly the purpose of these test series. The tests on
Tokuyama Clay I were conducted in 1974 [5] to predict the settlement rate of a
presumed fill of soft clay dredged by a new pollution-free pneumatic suction
pump for the purpose to determine the capacity of disposal pond for the contam-
inated clay. The clay was prepared at initial water contents of 400 to 500%,
which were the estimated values in the field when the special pump was used.
Since /-log p relation was not demanded, few such data were obtained for the
clay, and the behavior of the selfweight consolidation of the presumed fill was
directly observed in the centrifuge, especially on the initial rate of settlement
after the clay was filled, because it would determine the necessary capacity of
the disposal pond.
In the course of this test series, we realized the importance of particle seg-
regation in selfweight consolidation of very soft clay under high centrifugal
acceleration. The effects of this phenomenon on the observed settlement rate and
/-log p relation were investigated in 1975 and 1976 with Tokuyama Clay 11 and
Nanko Clay I, initial water content being chosen between 250 and 450%.
The test series on Nanko Clay II conducted in 1976 and 1977 [6] was a new
research project to study the mechanism of selfweight consolidation in detail by
the centrifugal model testing and the applicability of numerical analysis by Mi-
kasa's consolidation theory to the centrifugal model test.' In this test series the
initial water content was set at 120 to 200%, equal to or less than twice its liquid
limit. These water contents were chosen so as to prevent particle segregation and
to secure feasibility of numerical calculation, but not without the practical basis.
According to our past experiences at several reclamation sites around Osaka Bay
[3,12], a few weeks after the last filling the water content at the fill surface
seldom exceeded twice the liquid limit of the clay. This is perhaps because of
the rapid sedimentation or "hindered settling" of soil suspension with much

TABLE 1—.Physical properties of clays.

Clay Specific Gravity (G,) Liquid Limit (w,), % Plastic Limit (w,), %

Tokuyama I 2.66 122.0 40.5

Tokuyama 11 2.66 101.3 39.3
Nanko I 2.67 107.0 37.3
Nanko II 2.67 98.9 29.9

' The test series carried out from 1974 to 1976 were not analyzed at all. Though the guiding
principle of selfweight consolidation test was based on Mikasa's general consolidation theory, it was
found that the numerical calculation of selfweight consolidation of very soft clay with so feeble
effective stress as, for example, 1 x lO"* tf/m^ is very difficuh to perform, which was the case of
Tokuyama Clay I.


higher water content discharged by an ordinary pump dredger, as exemplified

by Imai [7].*
Figure 3 shows the Mark IV centrifuge (1975 to 1983) [13] in our laboratory
that was used for the test series mentioned above; its maximum centrifugal
acceleration is 200 g. It is, as all of our past centrifuges have been, a swing
basket type without any device to fix the specimen container in flight. Therefore
the resultant body force by the vertical 1 g gravitational and the horizontal
centrifugal acceleration always acts in the direction of the specimen axis. For
selfweight consolidation test, two steel vessels are attached to both ends of the
rotor as shown in Fig. 3, and two transparent acrylic specimen cylinders with
impermeable base are set in them for the single drainage test series reported in
this paper.




FIG. 3~Centrifuge Mark IV.

' It is very interesting, rather cynical, and practically important that a clay water mixture with a
water content as high as Wa = 1000% or more discharged from an ordinary pump dredger will settle
sooner into a denser fill than a soft clay with water content about w„ = 450% or so from a new
sophisticated pneumatic suction pump dredger.


De-aired slurry clay was then poured into the cylinder to a predetermined
depth, and seawater was added on it. In particular, some specimens were cured
for 2 to 150 days before they were set on the centrifuge. Detailed conditions of
the specimens including curing will be explained later in reference to their effects
on test results.
For Tokuyama Clays I and II and Nanko Clay I, centrifugal acceleration was
set at 150 g, and for Nanko Clay II at 100 g. It took 50 to 60 s to reach 150 g,
and 30 to 40 s to reach 100 g. Time origin was taken at the midpoint of the
accelerating period. Settlement was read visually to 0.2 mm at proper intervals
by the help of a synchronized stroboscope. The test was terminated when the
settlement rate in secondary consolidation versus logarithm of time was as small
as 1 mm, or 1% in strain, per one log-cycle of time. The consolidation time was
1000 to 5000 min. The amount of secondary consolidation always occupied a
very small percentage in the total settlement.
When the machine stopped, the water that covered the specimen was sucked
out immediately to prevent swelling of the consolidated clay, and the specimen
cylinder was detached from the machine. An undisturbed soil column of 5 cm
diameter was then sampled for the whole specimen length using a thin-walled
metal tube, and its water content was measured for every 2 or 3 mm thick slice
continuously along the depth. The submerged unit weight 7' and volume ratio/
at each depth were calculated from the water content distribution assuming full
saturation, the specific gravity of soil grains and sea water being taken as G, = 2.67
( = %) and G„ = 1.03, respectively.^ The effective overburden pressure p' was
obtained by integrating n 7' from the surface to that depth. The values of/and
p' thus obtained were used to determine the/-log p relation of that clay.
Two series of selfweight consolidation tests in the I g gravitational acceleration
field were also conducted for Tokuyama Clay I and Nanko Clay I for reference,
with respective specimen size of 30 cm diameter and 100 cm thickness, and 10
cm diameter and 15 cm thickness. The test period of the former series was very
long, amounting to 225 days, and yet two specimens with lower initial water
content did not complete their primary consolidation in that period. For the fully
consolidated specimen with higher initial water content, the water content dis-
tribution along the depth after the consolidation was measured for every 2.5 cm
thick slice continuously along the depth.

Test Results
Figures 4 to 6 show time-consolidation curves (in arithmetic time scale) of
singly drained selfweight consolidation tests of Tokuyama Clay I under 150 and
1 g, and Nanko Clay II under 100 g, respectively.

' Using the relation e = G,(vf/100), w = 30% will give e = 0.8 when G, = "A for a saturated
clay. This relation is conveniently used as a rough calculation for ordinary saturated soils.


In the test series of Tokuyama Clay I shown in Fig. 4, the total height of solid
Hs {= Holfo) was kept approximately the same for a variety of initial water
contents w^; that is, the initial thickness //Q of each specimen was changed
proportionally to the/o value. This is because it was necessary to find the effect
of the initial water content on the settlement behavior of the clay fill, total mass
of contaminated clay being given. This resulted in almost the same final specimen
height and the same final average volume ratio/y. To make this point clear, the
ordinate of Fig. 4 is taken as the specimen height and the average volume ratio,
/, which are proportional to each other. All curves show steady linear settlement
in the early 10 min (156 days in prototype) up to 60 to 70% consolidation, and
then decreasing their slope converge to^. The specimen with the highest water
content shows a high rate of initial settlement, crosses the other curves, and
remains below the others, though in the test series of double drainage condition
(omitted in this paper) no such phenomena were seen. In some specimens of
high water content, particle segregation may have occurred, but it was not as-
certained in this test series.
The two test series shown in Figs. 5 and 6 were conducted with respective
specimen heights of 100 and 10 cm. In these tests the specimens had different
Hg values for different water contents, and thus the ordinate in the figure is taken
as the settlement. Nanko Clay II (Fig. 6) with relatively low water content shows
linear incipient time-settlement (t-s) relations under the centrifugal acceleration
of 100 g. In this test series, particle segregation did not occur at all, as is evidenced
in the next section. Two of the three tests on Tokuyama Clay I in the 1 g

10 20 30 AO 50 60
1 ^ 1 = 1 T T
•tp (day)
,_^ 100 200 300 500 700 1000
12 S\" ' "
v^fc(%) fo Ho(cm) Hyon)
o 484.3 13.88 9.18 0.66
• 435.4 12.58 8.33 0.66
• 393.2 11.46 7.48 0.65


- 6

FIG. 4—Time-consolidation curves: Tokuyama Clay I, ISO g in centrifuge.


t (day)
25 50 75

Q Wo = 346.7 7. (fo=9.2)
"~ °—o—.,^

4170(11.1) •s^TSTb cm

56^-3 (16.0)
52-3 cm

FIG. 5—Time-consolidation curves: Tokuyama Clay I, in I g gravitational acceleration field,

specimen height 100 cm,

gravitational acceleration field (Fig. 5) did not show clear linearity of incipient
t-s curve, the reason of which is not clear yet. Tokuyama Clay II and Nanko
Clay I in centrifuge showed linear incipient t-s relations, which are omitted here,
though their results are shown in Figs. 7, 8, and others.

t,„ (min )
1600 2000



5 I-
FIG. 6—Time-consolidation curves: Nanko Clay II, 100 g in centrifuge, specimen height 10 cm.


e f
13 U w
1 1 r C/o)
Oedometer Selfweight
test consolidation
11 12 Nanko j o XKlSOg) A ( ] g )
/ •/.oo
Nanko I *(100g)
9 10
Nanko 1 /
7 8
A /
/« a
5 6 /
.y Nanko n

3 i.

1 2
10-8 10" 10"" 10"
10" 10"'
k (cm/sec)
FIG. 7—Permeability versus volume ratio: Nanko Clays I and II.

From a set of incipient linear time-settlement relations with different/o values

in a series of selfweight consolidation tests, we obtain a relationship between k
and/. Figures 7 and 8 show the *:-/relation thus obtained for the four clays both
by selfweight consolidation and by oedometer test. The data of cured specimens
are omitted here, because their/values after curing cannot be uniquely defined.
Roughly speaking, the k value increases considerably with volume ratio, but
decreases in the rate of increase.
Nanko Clay II provides a most persuasive result: centrifuged models yielded
a definite/-/t relation, which smoothly joins the result of oedometer test that is
obtained by the procedure proposed by Mikasa [4,14-16].
The other soils give somewhat scattering k values for a/value, perhaps because
of the initial unstable soil structure of the high water content specimens. Cured
specimens will be saved from this uncertainty, but they cannot keep a uniform
volume ratio owing to the gravitational acceleration of 1 g. (It would be too
expensive, however, to cure them in a space shuttle!)

The /-log p relations of Nanko Clay I calculated from the final water content
distribution along the depth of centrifuged models are shown in Fig. 9 in three


e f w
T 7.)
13 14
Oedometer Selfwebht
test consoliwitlon

11 12 Tokuyamal O HdSOg) Adg)

Tokuyatnol • *(150g)

9 10

7 8

5 6

3 4

1 2
10~8 10-7 ,0-6 10-5 ^Q-t. ,0"^ 10"
k (cm/sec)
FIG. 8—Permeabilin versus volume ratio: Tokuyama Clays I and II.

groups of different nominal initial water contents of 450, 350, and 240%. To
investigate the condition that would cause particle segregation, several different
curing times <„ were assigned to specimens of the same water content: t^ = 0
(tested immediately after the specimen preparation), 2, 7, 30, and 90 days.
Curing, just placing the specimen in the cylinder still in the laboratory, is inev-
itably accompanied by self-weight consolidation in the 1 g gravitational accel-
eration field. The change in specimen condition by "curing" is shown in Table
2. The initial height of specimens with different initial water content was chosen
so that they have the total height of solid of//, = 1.15 to 1.2 cm. The specimens
of /„ = 30 and 90 days reached 100% consolidation by selfweight under the 1
g gravitational acceleration field, and those of f„ = 7 days reached 70 to 90%.
One remarkable point is that the specimens of 450% nominal water content settled
much faster and had denser state after curing than the specimens of 350% water
content. This kind of phenomenon was also seen in the selfweight consolidation
in centrifuge shown in Fig. 4. Since the cured specimens do not have a uniform
/value along the depth, the values of k of the cured specimens were omitted in
Figs. 7 and 8, though the deviations in/-log k plot were not always serious.
Among the eleven /-log p curves shown in Fig. 9, four specimens of high
water content and short curing time show a remarkable drop in/value near the
p = 2 tf/m^ load, which corresponds to the bottom part of the specimens. This
is due to the concentration of coarser particles in this part of the specimen, which


e f p (tf/m2)
0-1 1 10
7 8
T 1 1—1 r-TT — I \ — I — I I I I I (7.) w
td=OdQy •250
(fo=13-12) ta=0 ta=30dqy
top|[7i% ^ 6 - 2 %

percentage weight of
coarse particles (>75iLim)

Wo=^50% w
2 3

J I I I 1 I I t

FIG. 9—Effect of curing time on {-log p relation: Nanko Clay I.

is clearly caused by the particle segregation in the early period of the test. In
this figure two results of gradation tests for two specimens of nominal water
content WQ = 450% with different curing time are compared in the distribution
of percentage weight of particles coarser than 0.075 mm, which supports the
above interpretation.
The specimens either of longer curing time or of lower water content show
linear/-log p relationships except the scattering in the very low stress range.
They coincide with each other referring to the common /-log p line from an


TABLE 2—Specimen conditions before and after curing.

Initial Condition Curing After Curing"

w„, % /o //„, cm (fj, clay H„ cm w, % /
238.9 7.31 0 8.9 238.9 7.31
239.0 7.32 8.9 2 8.05 212.9 6.62
239.0 7.32 7 7.60 198.9 6.65
351.8 10.30 0 11.9 351.8 10.30
361.7 10.56 2 10.8 353.5 9.58
342.4 10.05 7 9.7 270.3 8.19
351.8 10.30 90 8.85 240.6 7.40
458.7 13.12 0 15.0 458.7 13.12
428.6 12.43 2 10.5 288.8 8.70
432.5 12.51 7 9.4 257.0 7.72
459.8 13.15 30 8.8 254.4 7.84

" H„ = thickness of specimen.

iv = average water content.
/ = average volume ratio.

oedometer test (D = 10 cm, //Q = 4 cm) for the specimen remolded at a much
lower initial water content of w„ = 127%.
Figure 10 shows the/-log p relations of Nanko Clay 11 with nominal initial
water contents of 120, 150, and 200%, all maintaining linearity except in the
very low stress range, showing that particle segregation did not take place at all.
In this case the /-log p relation with higher initial water content remains above
the others, and two/-log p lines from oedometer tests (D = 10 cm, H^) = 4 cm)
coincide well with the results of selfweight consolidation tests of the same initial
water contents. An /-log p line of Nanko Clay I is also shown for reference,
which is expressed in Eq 16.
Figure 11 shows representative/-log p relations of Tokuyama Clays I and II.
The oedometer tests of the two soils were conducted in a special oedometer of
15 cm diameter and 6.35 cm specimen height, and with an initial water content
as high as 250%, and yielded linear/-log p curves very similar to each other.
The selfweight consolidation of Tokuyama Clay I under 1 g and Tokuyama Clay
II under 150 g after 7 and 150 days' curing yielded/-log p relations close to
those from oedometer tests, while Tokuyama Clay II without or with only two
days' curing showed a marked evidence of particle segregation under the cen-
trifugal acceleration of 150 g.

Coefficient of Consolidation Cy
The value of c,, = k/im^yj is calculated as a function of volume ratio from
the obtained /-log k and /-log p relations using the relation

0.4343 C, j_
/ 'P


P (tt/mi)
e f. , WC/J
u 5 0.01 -| \—I—I
I I I rj 1 1—r I I I I I
\ 150
Nanko I
\ (cured or lower w a t e r content)
- l a ^


3 U


Oedometer test
Wo=120 "/o
2 3
-I I I -J I I I I I I I
FIG. 10—i-log p relations: Nanko Clay II.

p (tf/mM
e f .001 10
9 10 W
"1 1—I ui ' I "T I I I I II "T I I I I I II

o • Tokuyama I 300
Wo=A35.5% ff jK>si p Tokuyama I
, ^ (to =12.58)
7 8 H \ \ — '5° 9
Ig \^fc=504.37o
- lfo:K./.l)^

5 6

7 days
150 g
150 days
3 I.
U3-2 (12.79)
150 g

1 2 1 I I I I i J I I I I III I I I I n

FIG. II—f-log p relations: Tokuyama Clays I and II.


where Q is the slope of/-log p curve at the point, which is constant (Compression
Index) when the curve is linear. We shall determine here the/-log c^ relation of
Nanko Clays I and II. The /-log k relations of both clays are assumed as the
broken lines in Fig. 7. For Nanko Clay I with very high water content, /-log p
relations from selfweight consolidation with a variety of initial water content in
Fig. 9 can be expressed uniquely as

/ = 3.85 - 1.1 X log /? (/? in tf/m^) (16)

For Nanko Clay II with moderately high water content, however,/-log p relations
are dependent on the initial water content (Fig. 10).
Figure 12 shows the obtained/-log c„ relations of Nanko Clays I and II. Nanko
Clay I has a unique/-log c„ relation, whereas Nanko Clay II has several different
/-log c\, relations for different initial volume ratios. The dashed line is the locus
of the initial c„ value, which will join smoothly to two /-log c„ relations from
oedometer tests.
It is reasonably assumed that/-log k relation is determined uniquely for a clay

Cy ( m V d a y )
FIG. 12—f-log c, relations: Nanko Clays I and II.


in principle. The/-log p relation, on the other hand, was found to be affected

by some factors such as initial water content, curing time, or the value of grav-
itational acceleration. As expressed by Eq 15, /w„ is as much a function of the
consolidation pressure p as of/, and a difference in/-log p relation affects the
m„ value considerably, because the change in p value for a given/value is often
large for different/-log p relations.
If a c„ value obtained by any sort of consolidation test is likely to be affected
by such miscellaneous factors as mentioned above, it may be preferable to de-
termine k and m^ separately, considering the presumed field conditions, and to
assemble them into a c„ value. Only in this way can we evaluate the difference
between the consolidation test and the prototype behavior, either qualitatively or
quantitatively, on the basis of physical meaning of the phenomenon.

A geotechnical centrifuge can provide a small-scale model with similar stress
patterns to the prototype; it enables us to predict both the time-settlement rela-
tionship (//^ similarity law) and the ultimate state of a field selfweight consoli-
dation directly. The determination of consolidation parameters discussed in this
paper is a very useful by-product of the selfweight consolidation model test.
Selfweight consolidation test in the 1 g gravitational acceleration field also
yields permeability and /-log p relation in the same manner as by a centrifugal
test. However, it usually takes an impractically long period to complete the test,
and acting effective stresses are restricted to a level too low to simulate field
problems. If we pay attention only to the initial rate of settlement, however, this
test will provide reliable data from a specimen of as small a thickness as 10 cm
or so.
Besides the selfweight consolidation, there are some other test methods used
to determine the consolidation parameters of very soft clays: the seepage con-
solidation test proposed by Imai [/] and the constant rate consolidation test
proposed by Umehara [2]. Both methods require pore water pressure measure-
ment, which necessitates elaborate techniques to get reliable results. The self-
weight consolidation method is comparatively simpler in its principle, easier in
its test procedure, and, above all, nearer to the prototype in its mode and mech-
anism of consolidation, though it needs a centrifuge.
One disadvantage of the centrifugal test is that particle segregation is more
likely to occur than in the other methods when the water content is higher than
a certain limit peculiar to a combination of material and centrifugal acceleration
(e.g., 250% or so for highly plastic clays as reported in this paper under 100 g).
Particle segregation makes the specimen behavior in centrifuge different from
the prototype particularly in /-log p relation, and to a lesser degree in /-log k
We have not come to any general conclusion yet about the condition to cause
or prevent particle segregation. The type of soil, initial water content, centrifugal


acceleration, curing time before the test, and possibly other factors may affect
the condition. In spite of all such complexities, however, centrifugal model testing
is valid for revealing the behavior of soft, but not too soft, soils under field stress
conditions with an accuracy as tolerable as that of the oedometer test in a lower
water content range.

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