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Submitted By:


Submitted To:

Mam Sehrish Mukhtar

Pollution occurs when an amount of any substance or any form of
energy enters into the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed or safely
stored. It refers to both artificial and natural materials that are created, consumed,
and discarded in an unsustainable manner.

Environmental Pollution:
Environment Pollution is the addition of
contaminants into the natural environment that causes detrimental effects to
nature, natural resources mankind and to the environment at a rate faster than it
can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled, or stored in some harmless form.
Any unnatural and negative changes in chemical, physical and biological
characteristics of the ecosystem i.e. air, water, or soil which can cause harmful
effects on various forms of life and property, this is called environmental pollution.
What is Pollutant?
Any substance which causes harmful effects or uneasiness in the organisms, then
that particular substance may be called the pollutant.
The materials that cause pollution are:
1. Persistent pollutants: The pollutants which remain present in the
environment for a long period without any change in their original form are
called persistent pollutants. For example pesticides, nuclear wastes, and
plastics, etc.
2. Non-persistent pollutants: These pollutants are the opposite of persistent
pollutants and break down in a simple form. If this process of breaking down
is done by living organisms, then such pollutants are referred to as
biodegradable pollutants.
Pollutants can be classified as follows:
1. Primary Pollutants: are those which remain in the form in which they were
added to the environment forest. DDT, Plastic
2. Secondary Pollutants: are formed due to the interaction of primary
pollutants amongst themselves viz. PAN by the interaction of NOx &
According to their existence in nature:
1. Man-made Pollutants
2. Natural Pollutants
According to the nature of disposal:
1. Biodegradable Pollutants – can be broken down by micro-organisms.
2. Non-biodegradable Pollutants – cannot be broken down by micro-
organisms (original form)
Types Of Environmental Pollution:

What is Air Pollution?
Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the
planet as a whole.
Importance of Air:
Air is just a mixture of gases. It is made up of 78% Nitrogen
21% oxygen and 15% includes other stuff (Carbon dioxide is
0.03%). Air pollution has become very devastating over the
past years and has many serious issues over the years.
Like; heart attack, headache, chest pain, eye irritation, etc. As air has a major role
in our daily life. We breathe air in and out and the process of respiration takes
place. It plays a role in our food(photosynthesis) without it humans and many
animals would not be able to survive. Air sustains the life and growth of the life, the
environment, and the ecosystem. It helps in the transfer of energy and helps to
keep the temperature of the land moderate and bearable so life can survive on it.
But with the advancements of technology, the Air gets polluted day by day and is
becoming hazardous because of our deeds.

The sources of Air Pollution are
 mobile sources – such as cars, buses, planes, trucks, and trains
 stationary sources – such as power plants, oil refineries, industrial
facilities, and factories
 area sources – such as agricultural areas, homes, cities, and wood-burning
 natural sources – such as wind-blown dust, wildfires, volcanoes, and fossil
1. Nitrogen oxides 2. Carbon monoxide
3. Carbon dioxide 4. Sulphur oxide
5. Chlorofluorocarbons 6. Dioxins
7. Benzene


Air Pollution has many effects on the environment (animals, climate, nature, soil)
just like on humans and the economic system. As every living organism is
dependent on air Plants use it for the process of photosynthesis. Humans and
animals use it for respiration. Marine uses the oxygen dissolved in water. Even a
minor disturbance in the air can affect the whole cycle.
 Industries and Factories: The factories release their waste directly into the
environment specifically speaking into the Air and it contaminates the air
and the pollutants present in it cause serious complications on the animals,
marine life, plants, nature, the environment, and humans. It can also give
rise to Acid Rain which is a devastating disaster in itself.
 Automobiles: automobiles play a major role in Air Pollution. There are
millions of cars being used in the present time. And these cars have become
a major source of our transportation and we think that our life is
meaningless or nothing without it. And consider it for us and the
environment but this is a false and beautifully diverted lie. The cars release
toxic gases like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, volatile
organic compounds, and benzene.
Which pollutes the air and the Ozone as well causes ozone hole there have been
two major causes of the ozone hole. The first one is in the layer above Antarctica.
The second one is in Tasmania, southern Victoria, and the southern part of New
Zealand's South Island located in Australia.
 Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas, emitted from the exhaust system
of a combustible engine of automobiles that use petrol or diesel as a fuel is
odourless, colourless, tasteless, and non-irritating.
 Fossils Fuels: As the advanced life of the present is growing rapidly so it
needs energy for its projects. So Fossil fuels fill this void. As they are non-
renewable energy sources When used it releases a large amount of energy as
heat and many other chemicals which affect the temperature of the
surrounding by increasing the concentration of CO2 in the environment and
causes a rise in greenhouse gases.

The problems which arise from these are:

1. Human Health:
o Respiratory Problems; Problems in the lungs like irritation and causes
asthma and bronchitis, and reduces the development of RBC, carcinogenic
effects on the lungs, and pulmonary malfunctioning.
o Heart Problems; pollutants can penetrate the lungs and bloodstream and
worsen bronchitis, lead to heart attacks, and even hasten death.
o Skin Problem, Eyes; Vision problem; Irritation in eyes and lead to severe
headache, hypertension, and head strain. Throat; Irritation to mucous
membrane, throat, allergies, cough, etc.
2. Environmental Effects: Poisonous air pollutants (toxic chemicals in the
air) can form acid rain. It can also form dangerous ground-level ozone and
destroy trees, crops, farms, animals and make water bodies harmful to
humans and animals that live and depend on water.
3. Economical Effects: The economy thrives when people are healthy, and
business that depends on cultivated raw materials and natural resources
are running at full efficiency. It reduces agricultural crop and commercial
forest yields by billions of money each year. Then people staying off work
for health reasons can costs the economy greatly.

Solution for pollution are always a big problem. This is why prevention are always
a better way of controlling air pollution. Government is not the only one who needs
to think about how to prevent it. The prevention methods can either be done by the
government (laws) or by individual actions. It is our duty as human beings that we
should be the cause of death of any life on Earth. So we everyone needs to work
individually as well as a group to eradicate this evil bud from the roots. We can
prevent Air Pollution by;
The tasks we can do individually as well in a group are:

 Reduce or eliminate forest fire, fireplace, smoking, and wood stove use.

 Using public transports and reduce the number of trips you take in your
car. And by using electric cars.
 Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials.

 Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment.

 Use wind energy and solar energy, as well as other renewable energy, to
minimize the burning of fossil fuels, which cause heavy air pollution.
 Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner
 Avoid using chemicals

The government needs to force the companies to be more responsible with their
manufacturing activities so the pollution caused can be controlled.
 Companies should build more energy-efficient cars, like electric cars. And
use energy from the natural energy developing processes (wind, solar
energy, etc.).
 Companies should treat their gases before releasing them into ye
environment. Because it may give rise to Acid Rain (as we know that can be
 Encourage your family to use the bus, train, or bike when commuting. If we
all do this, there will be fewer cars on the road and fewer fumes.
 Use energy (light, water, boiler, kettle, and fire woods) wisely because lots of
fossil fuels are burned in order to generate electricity, so if we can cut down
the use, we can also cut down the amount of pollution we create. Or by
using alternate energy-producing processes i.e. wind energy, solar energy,
 Recycle and re-use things. By this dependence on producing new things will
minimize. Remember manufacturing industries create a lot of pollution, so if
we can re-use things like shopping paper bags, clothing, paper, and bottles,
it can help. And reduce the use of plastic bags is an emerging source of
many kinds of pollution.

What is Water Pollution?
Water pollution refers to the contamination of water
sources (such as oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, aquifers, and
groundwater) as a result of human activity. Any alteration
in the physical, chemical, or biological properties of water
that has a negative impact on any living organism is
referred to as water pollution.
Importance of water:
Water is the most important source on the planet, it is the essence of all life on
earth. All life on Earth is directly dependent on water. Without water, there would
be no existence of life. Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, 76% of
your body is made up of water. Water is used for many purposes like; drinking, in
agriculture, plants use water in the ground, washing,
Water is, as you might already be aware, present in almost any situation. On the
other hand, the amount of water available on the planet is limited. The Water Cycle
is essentially the process of changing states and moving through a cyclic order.

As shown in the image above, the water cycle is a natural and continuous process.
It's the process by which water from oceans, rivers, streams, and other bodies of
water evaporates and transforms into vapours. After that, it goes through the
condensation process before being moisture and falling down to earth as rain or

Some of the most commonly occurring water pollutants are;
 Domestic Waste
 Industrial effluents
 Insecticides and pesticides
 Detergents and Fertilizers (Sewage- wastewater and Houses)
 Oil spillage
 Dumping
The sources are divided as;
Direct Sources, such as factories, waste management facilities. refineries etc. that
directly release waste and harmful by-products into the water source without
treating them.
Indirect sources include pollutants that enter the water bodies via groundwater or
soil or the atmosphere as acid rain
1. Nitrogen 2. Bleach   3. Pesticides Metals
4. Toxins produced by Bacteria 5. Human or Animal drugs
6. Pharmaceuticals 7. Algal toxins 8. Microorganisms.


Water is particularly prone to contamination. Water is known as a "universal
solvent" because it has the ability to dissolve more liquids than any other material
on the planet. That's why water is so easily contaminated. Toxic compounds from
fields, towns, and industries easily melt and combine with it, polluting the water.
 Sewage or wastewater: The waste from households, factories, or agricultural
land gets discharged into rivers or lakes This waste can take the form of liquid
waste, trash, or sewage. The radioactive chemicals leaking from this waste
have the ability to damage marine organisms. Not just the aquatic life, even
when humans end up drinking polluted water, they make themselves
vulnerable to various life-threatening illnesses like hepatitis, cholera, typhoid,
and many other water-borne diseases. It can be also being caused by leakage
in underground pipes which can then seep in soil and causes diseases to
plant, soil and humans.
 Dumping: Most water bodies get converted into dumping grounds by nearby
localities. This causes a huge problem because the dump contains everything
ranging from plastic, aluminum to glass, Styrofoam, etc. And since all the
waste takes different times to degrade in the water, they tend to harm the
aquatic life until degraded. Algae development is aided by the chemicals
found in the water body. These algae gradually form a dense coating on the
surface of ponds and lakes. Bacteria in the water feed on algae, reducing the
amount of oxygen in the water and negatively affecting the marine life of the
whole water body.
 Oil pollution: Oil pollution is one of the worst forms of water pollution. Since
oil leaks from tankers and ships appear to form a dense crust above the water
in seas and oceans, this is the case. Since oil does not melt, the sludge
persists in the water indefinitely, rendering it dangerous to drink. A large
volume of oil pumped into the oceans and seas can kill animals and damage
the habitats that support them. Oil spills also decrease the amount of oxygen
required in the water system. And it may be caused by:
1.loss of storage facilities 2. spillage during deliveries.
3.deliberate disposal of water in the drainage system.

 Acid rain: It may seem like a natural problem but it is wise to note that Acid
rains are caused due to acidic particles in the contaminated air, and get
mixed with water vapour and result in acid rains. And cause damage to
aquatic life, soil, building, and human skin.
 Industrial waste: Industrial waste is filled with lead, asbestos,
petrochemicals, and even mercury. All of these are highly hazardous for both
humans and aquatic life. Many industries tend to discharge hazardous waste
into major water bodies like rivers and lakes contaminating the freshwater.
Our ecosystem is extremely fragile. Even a minor change can cause the
ecosystem to react and impact the environment. If left unchecked in a
particular locality, then the whole ecosystem of that particular area may
 Radioactive Substances: is another source of water pollution. They are used
in nuclear power plants, industrial, medical, and other scientific processes.
They can be found in watches, luminous clocks, television sets, and x-ray
machines, and are also naturally occurring radioisotopes from organisms and
within the environment. If properly not disposed, radioactive waste can result
in serious water pollution incidents.
 lack of portable water: with the rapid increase in water pollution less
drinkable water is available so people survive on the contaminated water.
 Economical Effects: The economy thrives when people are healthy, and
business that depends on cultivated raw materials and natural resources are
running at full efficiency. water pollution contaminates the agricultural crop
and commercial forest yields by billions of money each year. So people staying
off work for health reasons can costs the economy greatly.
 Adverse impact on the food chain: If the aquatic life tends to accommodate
as per the polluted water, the marine species may have toxins and pollutants
in their body and when humans feed on fishes, shellfishes, or other aquatic
species, they end up consuming the toxins and pollutants present in them.

12% 8%

Leaded Gasoline
Domestic sewage
Phosphate in De-


The best way to avoid large-scale water contamination is to aim to mitigate its
negative consequences. We should make a number of minor improvements to
safeguard ourselves from a frightening world in which water is scarce.
 Save Water: Conserving water is our first aim. Water wastage is a major
problem Small improvements that you can make at home can make a big
 Use environmentally friendly products: By using soluble products that do
not go on to become pollutants, we can reduce the amount of water pollution
caused by a household.
 Reduce your plastic consumption and reuse or recycle plastic when you
 Maintain your car so it doesn’t leak oil, antifreeze, or coolant
 Better treatment of sewage: So treating waste products before disposing of
them in a water body helps reduce water pollution on a large scale.
Agricultural or other industries can reuse wastewater by reducing its toxicity.
 • Proper chemical disposal: Power plants and manufacturers should avoid
dumping toxic substances, cleaners, fuels, and non-biodegradable materials
into the atmosphere without first treating them. Reduce the use of pesticides
and nutrients on crops that contain chemicals.
 Have a proper system of disposal of waste and it should be managed that
there should be a proper way to dispose of waste because the waste is
ultimately thrown in the ocean and it causes acidification of the oceans.
 Restrict the use of plastic as it is a non-biodegradable product.
 Encourage sustainable fishing to ensure the survival of species and avoid
depletion of the seas.
 A proper system of flow of water: the flow of pure water and toxic should
be separate and there should not be any leakage problems in it. and the two
channels should not inter-mix with each other.

What is soil pollution?
Soil contamination occurs when toxic chemicals, toxins, or nutrients are present in
high enough concentrations in the soil to endanger plants, wildlife, humans, and
the soil itself.
When it comes to contaminants that naturally accumulate in soil, even though a
minimal amount is enough to cause harm, soil contamination is described as when
the amounts of contaminants in the soil surpass the levels that should be present.
Arable lands are turning into deserts at ever-increasing rates, due to global
warming and agricultural fertilizers and pesticides, lessening the hope that we can
feed our increasing population.
Importance of soil:
Soil is a natural source of food our food is directly or indirectly related to soil. The
food we eat vegetables and fruits is grown from the soil and we get meat from
animals that eat the things grown on the land. soil plays a great role in storing
nutrients and water. It filters and cleans our water, as well as assisting with the
prevention of natural disasters such as floods. Myriad microorganisms fix nitrogen
and decompose organic matter in soils, as well as legions of small animals including
earthworms and termites. Plants need only soil for their growth. Soil is a source of
life. All naturals resources are present in the soil.
Soil facts:
Soil acts as a natural sink for contaminants, by accumulating and sometimes
concentrating contaminants that end up in the soil from various sources. Tiny
concentrations of contaminants collect in the soil and, depending on environmental
factors (including soil types) and the degradability of the released contaminant, may
exceed high levels in the soil and pollute it. Homegrown vegetables and fruits can
become infected if the soil is contaminated. This occurs because the plants extract
the majority of the soil contaminants found in the soil along with water every time
they feed. As a result, it's still a smart idea to inspect the soil before planting
something edible. This is important if your garden is within the 1mile radius of
industrial, mining area, main airport, harbor, landfill, or foundry.

Soil pollution consists of pollutants and contaminants. The main pollutants of the
soil are biological agents and some human activities. Soil contaminants are all
products of soil pollutants that contaminate the soil.
 Agriculture (excessive/improper use of pesticides)
 Excessive industrial activity
 Poor management or inefficient disposal of waste.
 Acid rain
 Industrial and urban waste
 Deforestation.
 Excessive use of fertilizers.

1. Arsenic 2. Mercury 3. Lead
4. Antimony 5. Zinc 6. Nickel
7. Cadmium 8. Selenium 9. Beryllium
10. Thallium 11. Chromium 13. Copper
soil can impact air and water quality as it is home to a wide range of organisms and
plays a bigger role in the distribution of plant species.
In addition, the soil serves as both a source and a storage site for gases. It also has
an effect on chemical and water transport between the earth and the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, over the years, human activities like the use of pesticides,
fungicides, and herbicides have harmed soil quality. In spite agricultural pollution,
industrial waste and urban activities also cause soil pollution.
 Agricultural Practices- The soil of the crops is polluted to a large extent with
pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, slurry, debris, and manure.
 Radioactive Pollutants- Radioactive substances such as Radium, Thorium,
Uranium, Nitrogen, etc. can infiltrate the soil and create toxic effects.
 Urban Waste- Urban waste consists of garbage and rubbish materials, dried
sludge, and sewage from domestic and commercial waste.
 Industrial Waste- Paper mills, oil refineries, sugar factories, petroleum
plants, and others manufacture steel, chemicals, textiles, medicines, glass,
cement, and petroleum, among other things.
Soil pollution and air: It affects plants, animals, and humans alike. As no
one thinks that soil pollution can affect them but they are misguided as the
soil is near to us than air and the soil absorbs the pollutants from the air and
deliver it to us; such type of pollutant or contaminant inhaled or ingested.
However, children are usually more susceptible to exposure to contaminants,
because they come in close contact with the soil by playing in the ground, it
has a higher risk than for adults. As a result, it's always a good idea to test
the soil before letting your kids play in it, particularly if you live in a heavily
industrialized city.
Adverse impact on the food chain: Like all of the food-related products are
grown from the soil so if the soil is to be polluted somehow then it will cause
a direct impact on human and animal life. And cause various diseases like;
Norovirus, Nontyphoidal Salmonella, Salmonella Typhi, E. coli, Shigella, and
Hepatitis A.
Health issues: Humans can be damaged by soil emissions by inhaling gases
produced by shifting soils, or by inhaling matter that is disrupted and carried
by the wind as a result of various human activities on the land. Soil
contamination can cause a wide range of health issues, including headaches,
nausea, fatigue, skin rashes, and eye irritation, as well as more severe
problems such as neuromuscular blockage, kidney and liver injury, and
Ecosystem and biodiversity: Soil contamination can disrupt the soil
environment, causing it to become unbalanced. The soil acts as a crucial
sanctuary for a number of microorganisms, plants, reptiles, mammals, birds,
and insects. As a result, soil contamination may have a detrimental effect on
the life of living organisms and lead to the demise of many of them over time.
It may endanger the health of animals that graze on infected soil or
microorganisms that live in the soil.
Inferior crop Quality: Therefore, human activities are responsible for the
majority of the soil pollution. We as humans buy things that are harmful and
not necessary, use agricultural chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,
etc.), drop waste and garbage here and there, which gives rise to diseases like
malaria, typhoid, dysentery, etc. With the increase of soil pollution, the
fertility of the soil is also at risk as the fertilizers are wearing out the
natural capacity of the soil and a time will come when no crops will be able to
grow on it. So the Quality of crops will also decrease due to the contaminants.

As the pollution in the soil is increased so some measures are needed to be taken to
resolve it. Some of them are:

 The proper disposal method of household the garbage should not be thrown
everywhere there should be a systematic way to dispose of water.
 The Communities should be educated and taught the importance of soil and
be made aware of its consequences
 Every person should grow plants or trees in life it's like contributing to the
environment. Not only plant but also care and nourish that plant
 We should get a better understanding of the soil environment so we know
what nutrients the soil is going to need to remain fertile.

 Biological agents- Biological agents work inside the soil to introduce

manures and digested sludge (coming from the human, bird, and animal
excreta) into the soil.
 Reforestation: It needs to plants more and more trees and makes campaigns
to promote the plantation of trees. These are our main defense against soil
Pollution as the trees dissolve most of the materials for their use.
 The government needs to properly manage the use of agricultural land as no
land should be left uncultivated every piece of land should be put to use the
farmers should be trained and taught the practice of organic farming.
 The government needs to teach the farmers the proper way to utilize land
without causing any damage to it.
 It needs to develop a proper plan to recycle the waste before disposal or reuse
it by converting it into other forms or make simple uses of the product.
 The government needs to reduce the use of fertilizers and use organic
fertilizers because they do not cause any harmful effects on the soil, its
fertility, and nutrient content. And also the use of pesticides because they
affect the pants and the surrounding Air particles.
 Proper maintenance of sewage system: the sewage system needs to be
maintained because if a small amount of this toxic water gets mixed with can
cause serious problems leading to contaminated food and drinking water.

What is noise pollution?
Unwanted or prolonged sound has the potential to damage human health,
biodiversity, and the environment. Noise pollution is common in many
manufacturing plants and other workplaces, but it also occurs as a result of
highway, train, and aero plane, traffic, as well as outdoor construction practices.
Hearing is like a blessing. Without it, we would not be able to hear the beautiful
voices of different creatures and not hear anything the
people around us are talking we would have a hard
time in communication. When we speak we produce
sound waves and these sounds travel in the mediums
to their destinations. and these sound waves are
measured by;
Sound is described in terms of the loudness
(amplitude) and the pitch (frequency) of the wave
Measuring of loudness: Sound waves are vibrations of
air molecules carried from a noise source to the ear. Loudness is measured in
decibels (dB).
“The normal human ear can detect sounds that range between 0 dB (hearing
threshold) and about 140 dB, with sounds between 120dB and 140 dB causing
pain (pain threshold).”
The rate at which sound energy is transmitted, called sound intensity
Measuring of Pitch: The frequency of a sound wave is expressed in cycles per
second (cps), but hertz (Hz) is more commonly used (1 cps = 1 Hz). The human
eardrum is a highly sensitive organ with a wide dynamic range, detecting sounds as
low as 20 Hz (a very low pitch) to as high as 20,000 Hz (a very high pitch). In
regular speech, the frequency of a human voice ranges between 250 Hz and 2,000
Many subjective human beliefs and feelings about sound vary from precise
calculation and scientific description of sound frequencies. Human responses to
noise are influenced by both pitch and volume. High-frequency signals are usually
perceived as louder than low-frequency sounds with equal amplitude by those with
natural ears.
The differences in perceived loudness of pitch are taken into account by electronic
sound-level meters used to calculate noise levels.

 loud music
 transportation (traffic, rail, airplanes, etc.)
 construction sites
 electrical generators
 explosions
 people.
Noise is more than a mere nuisance. At certain levels and durations of exposure, it
can cause physical damage to the eardrum and the sensitive hair cells of the inner
ear and result in temporary or permanent hearing loss, known as noise-induced
hearing loss. Hearing loss does not typically occur at SPLs below 80 dBA (eight-
hour sensitivity levels should be maintained below 85 dBA), although most
individuals who are repeatedly exposed at more than 105 dBA will suffer any lasting
hearing loss.
Any noise which is above the sound-bearing limit is dangerous. whether it is from
cars, animals, construction sites or earing loud music.

 Traffic noise: is the main cause of noise pollution as the number of vehicles
increases so when trapped in traffic the people start honking their horns. As
everyone in a traffic jam starts to honk their horn so it amplifies the sound
and becomes a source of noise pollution. And this noise pollution then goes in
our ears and causes hearing loss, headaches, or damage to our ear canal.
 Loud music: every modern teenager loves to hear music on a loudspeaker
but little they know that hearing loudspeakers can eventually cause various
problems to relate to a hearing.
 Animals: animals use sounds in communication, especially for reproduction
and navigation, noise can have a detrimental effect on animals, increasing the
risk of death. Hearing loss and rapid increase in heart rate are some ill-effects
of noise pollution on animals. High-intensity sound induces fear, which forces
species to abandon their habitat. some birds have to sing at higher
frequencies, bats and owls can have trouble finding prey. Terrestrial
insectivores have to lose habitat by avoiding areas with roads and
 Marine life: For migration and reproduction, aquatic life uses sound waves,
echolocation, or ultrasonic waves to interact with one another. The rising level
of extreme underwater sound caused by industrial ocean noise, oil and gas
drilling, maritime traffic, seismic surveys, military sonar, and other man-
made sources will trigger a lethal disorder known as "the Bends" in aquatic
life, posing a major long-term danger to whales, dolphins, fish, and other
marine animals from the individual animal's well-being, all the way to
reproduction, contact, migration, and even species survival.
 Psychological: As the sound enters through our ears and it travels through
our canal and directly affects our brain. Constantly hearing noises can make
a person angry, stubborn and make a person go nuts or insane. And this
ultimately affects his health and sleep behavior as he may not be getting the
right amount of sleep and cause irritation, anxiety, and mental fatigue. These
eventually effects or memory storing part of the brain.

The Hierarchy of Controls principle is often applied to noise reduction in the
workplace or in the environment.
Every person can even take steps to shield themselves from the harmful effects
of pollution.

 If people must be around loud sounds, they will protect their ears with

hearing protection (e.g., earplugs or earmuffs).
 Reduce the employment of a loudspeaker and paying attention to loud music
 Talk in low voice. don't talk during a loud voice .as it is additionally an
unethical deed.
 Reduce the employment of horns it looks as if one and all has their hands on
the horn.
 Noise from roadways and other urban factors are often mitigated by urban
planning and better design of roads.
 Noise walls, automobile speed limits, altered pavement surface texture, heavy
vehicle restrictions, traffic regulations that smooth vehicle flows to attenuate
stopping and acceleration, and tire configuration will help to cut back road
noise. A computer model for highway noise which will handle urban
topography, meteorology, traffic operations, and hypothetical mitigation may
be a significant element in incorporating these techniques.
 Costs of building-in mitigation will be modest, provided these solutions are
sought within the drafting board of a roadway project.
 Aircraft noise: Quieter jet engines can help minimize aircraft noise. Residents
living near airports have benefited from changing flight routes and runway

All these Pollutions have many effects on the environment, the animals, humans,
marine life, ecosystem, and the plants. It can cause serious problems, diseases,
disastrous damages to the earth itself. So we need to play our role in it to protect
our environment so it able to live on for our future generations and every person
needs to plant at least a tree in his. If every individual does a job for the protection
of the environment the world will one day a place beyond our imagination.

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