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6. What lessons have you learned from John's Gospel about prayer? 9.

9. What can keep me from entering into temptation (or testing)?

a. What privilege does every Christian have? (John 16:24) __ (Matthew 26:41) _

b. By answering your prayer, what does Christ want to do? 10. The best prayers are those that (check the best answer):

___ a. Use proper religious words

(John 14:13) _
___ b. "Sound" like they are praying

___ c. Come right from my heart

c. What does Christ ask of us in order for Him to answer our re-
11. When and where are you planning to have your daily time of
quest? (John 15:7) _

prayer? _

7. In order to receive an answer, what must I do when I pray? (Mat-

thew 21 :22) _
You probably never realized how great was your privilege in talk-

ing with the Almighty God. All the love and blessings He has shown
8. Some specific things I can pray for are:
you causes you to want to do something for Him, doesn't it? Let's
a. Matthew 6:11 _
study the next lesson and find out what we can do!
b. Matthew 9:38 _

c. Philippians 1:9 _

d. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 _

e. James 1:5 _

Memory Verse
"Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name:
ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be
full" (John 16:24, KJV).
Name Date _
rn Talking with God
Since we are dealing with Almighty God, it is not too much to ex-
pect that we should give Him the best of each day. (For some of us
this would probably mean the early morning.) Whatever the time,
and in a private place, you can talk to Him and He speaks to you!
The writer of the Old Testament Book of Psalms said it this way: "In
the morning, 0 Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my re-
quests before you and wait in expectation" (Psalm 5:3). Let us see
what further advice the Bible gives us about the adventure of prayer.
1. Did Jesus believe in having a private time of prayer with His Fa-
ther? (Mark 1:35) _
2. When should I pray? (Luke 18:1) _
3. What attitude or expression should be a part of every prayer? (1
Thessalonians 5:17-18) _
4. What is a major cause of unanswered prayer? "If I had cherished
sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened" (Psalm 66: 18).
Memory Verse
5. What determines if God hears our prayer? (1 John 5: 14)
"Until now you have not asked for anything in
my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy
will be complete" (John 16:24, NIV).
4. Now, as a Christian, I have new attitudes toward all my relation- (2) I should _

ships in life because of my new relationship to God. When I am _____ my time and opportunity. (Ephesians 5:16)
"in Christ" (a Christian, united with Him), the old has gone and 5. I am to love (1 John 210), and yet

is replaced by . (2 Corinthians 5: 17) am not to love (1 John 2:15-16).

a. My new relationship toward things: 6. Why does God expect us to glorify Him? (1 Corinthians 6:20)

(1) Now I want to give / keep (circle the correct word). (Luke

6:38) 7. If I put God's kingdom and His righteousness Uustice or holiness)

(2) Check the three right attitudes toward things revealed in first, what is the result! (Matthew 6:31-33) _

Ephesians 4:28:

___ (a) Steal no longer 8. When, in response to God's love to us, we share our whole lives

___ (b) Be a diligent worker with Him, who ends up receiving the most? (Mark 10:28-30)

___ (c) Keep all to myself

___ (d) Share with the needy (over)

___ (e) Steal when I can

___ (f) Be idle

b. My new relationship toward others:

(1) I am to be _

__________ to others. (Ephesians 4:32)

(2) i should avoid / seek (circle the correct word) binding as-

sociations with unbelievers so that I can live a righteous

life. (2 Corinthians 6: 14)

c. My new relationship toward self:

Memory Verse
(1) In the care, appearance, and use of my body, I must re- "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or what-
soever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (1
member it is the temple of _
Corinthians 10:31, KJV).

____________ . (1 Corinthians 6:19)

9. There are many ways a person can share himself or herself with Name Date _
God. List five specific ways that you can share yourself with God:
(1) _
(2) _ [[] ~harin8 with God
(3) _
(4) _
A Christian's Prayer:
(5) _ "If I really believe in something, I'm going to support it 100 per-
cent. And, God, I really believe in You now, like I never have beforel
These truths will open the way to the joy of sharing ourselves with So I want to please You and serve You, and share all I am and have
with You."
God. Then there is a special kind of sharing we do when we speak The apostle Paul put it this way, "So whether you eat or drink or
whatever you do, do it al! for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians
about Christ to others. It is called witnessing, and the next study tells 10:31). In the big things and in the little things, in whatever is done,
one should ask, "Does it glorify God)"
us how!
1. According to Matthew 22:36-40,
a. How much should I love God? _
b. How much should I love my neighbor? _
2. How do I express love to God and others? (1 John 5:2-3) _
3. What did Jesus have to say about this total dedication to God
and His cause)
a. For a grain of wheat to produce a great harvest, what must it
do) (John 12:24-25) _
Memory Verse
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you
b. If I serve Jesus Christ instead of selfish interests, what will the
do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians
10:31, NIV).
Father do? (John 12 :26) _

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