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Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2004) 93:23–43

DOI 10.1007/s00531-003-0363-6


S. Siegesmund · A. Steenken · M. G. Lpez de Luchi ·

K. Wemmer · A. Hoffmann · S. Mosch

The Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith (Pampean Ranges, Argentina):

structural evidences, emplacement and timing of the intrusion

Received: 28 June 2002 / Accepted: 15 September 2003 / Published online: 19 December 2003
 Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract Within the southern part of the Sierra Pam- of the batholith following the direction of space creation.
peanas (the Sierra de San Luis, Argentina), a series of This model is based on the relative timing of the
extensive intrusive bodies are regarded to post-date the emplacement sequence and macroscopically visible pla-
Famatinian cycle but were emplaced during the Achalian, nar fabrics in the field as well as magnetic fabric data.
a period of heterogeneous deformation along crustal scale Our results indicate that the emplacement is syn-kine-
fault zones. The largest of those is the Las Chacras- matic with respect to the Achalian deformation event.
Potrerillos batholith that is situated at the northern end of
the transpressive, sinistral Guzmn shear zone. This Keywords Pre-Andean margin of Gondwana · Granite
composite pluton exhibits three sub-domains that com- emplacement · Geochronology · Thermal modelling ·
prise two granitoid sub-units each: The southern Potreril- Sierras Pampeanas Orientales
los stock (muscovite-bearing red granite and biotite-
bearing red granite) and the central (biotite porphyritic
granite and giant porphyritic granite) and northern domain Introduction
(equigranular granite and porphyritic granite) of the Las
Chacras stock. The crystallisation ages of the biotite The Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith, located within the
porphyritic granite is around 381 Ma (U/Pb on zircons Sierra de San Luis, is one of the largest granite massifs in
and Pb/Pb on sphene), while the host rock was already the southern Sierras Pampeanas. A NNE–SSW-trending
cooled below 350 C at 420 Ma. Thermal modelling basement block mostly of Early Paleozoic metamorphic
approaches favour a pulsed intrusion with a duration of rocks together with widespread Paleozoic granite mag-
1.5 Ma. The emplacement was followed by rapid cooling matism characterise the Sierra de San Luis, which is part
below the muscovite cooling temperature. Biotite cooling of the Sierras Pampeanas Orientales (Eastern Pampean
ages in different sub-units reflect either a long-lasting Ranges, Argentina). Crustal scale mylonitic belts subdi-
cooling history of approximately 30 Ma (which is vide the basement of the Sierra de San Luis in different
supported by the modelling) or a reheating effect at basement domains. In the east, the sinistral transpression-
around 350 Ma. Devonian-age determinations on the fault al Guzmn Shear zone separates the Conlara and Pringles
rocks and granitoids point to a syn-tectonic emplacement Metamorphic Complexes, whereas mylonitic rocks in the
of the batholith. The pluton is interpreted to be positioned west of the Pringles Metamorphic Complex mark the limit
at the crossover of sinistral shear zones. The origin of this against the Nogol Metamorphic Complex (Sims et al.
NNE directed extensional setting in a transpressive 1998; Fig. 1). Granitoids of the Sierra de San Luis range
regime seems to be related to the transfer of displacement in composition from tonalites to silica-rich alkali-granites.
along a secondary set of NNW-trending sinistral faults. They can be considered broadly as stocks that are parallel
The final emplacement is due to a subsequent ballooning to the regional penetrative NNE foliation, sheet batholiths
that are parallel to inferred tectonic contacts between
S. Siegesmund ()) · A. Steenken · K. Wemmer · A. Hoffmann · different metamorphic complexes, and granitoids that
S. Mosch form ellipsoidal batholiths and that are discordant with
Geoscience Centre Of The University Of Gttingen (GZG),
the regional foliation (Fig. 1). Available radiometric ages
Goldschmidtstr. 3, 37077 Gttingen, Germany
e-mail: are scarce, but imply that all the granites are younger than
480 Ma, whereas the youngest crystallisation ages are
M. G. Lpez de Luchi Devonian. Cooling ages that are Carboniferous were
Instituto De Geocronologia Y Geologia Isotopica (Ingeis), obtained for ellipsoidal batholiths (Linares and Gonzlez
Ciudad Universitaria, 1990).
1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fig. 1 Schematic map showing
the Paleozoic units of the Sierra
de San Luis and location of the
studied batholith. Numbers in-
dicate the tonalitic to granitic
intrusions: 1 Las Cienaguitas, 2
La Cinaga granodiorite, 3 El
Pen granite, 4 La Tapera
granite, 5 Ro de La Carpa
granite, 6 Cruz de Caa granite,
7 Cerros Largos granite, 8 La
Capilla Granite, 9 Paso del Rey
(north), 10 Paso del Rey
(south), 11 Tamboreo tonalite/
granodiorite, 12 La Florida
granite, 13 San Miguel gran-
odiorite, 14 Ro Claro granite,
15 Gasparillo tonalite, 16 Las
Verbenas tonalite, and 17 Be-
mberg tonalite (modified after
von Gosen and Prozzi 1998;
Sims et al. 1997; Lpez de
Luchi et al. 2001)

The Sierras Pampeanas have been variously consid- three main groups of granitoids were proposed: a pre-
ered as an ensialic mobile belt (Dalla Salda 1987) or as Famatinian, a Famatinian, and a Late- to Post-Famatinian
terranes that either accreted or developed on a long-lived group (Lpez de Luchi and Dalla Salda 1997; Lpez de
convergent continental margin. Luchi et al. 1998). Recently, it is accepted that in the
Several hypotheses were proposed to explain the Eastern Pampean Ranges two main metamorphic and
timing and evolution of this margin. Previous ideas igneous cycles can be identified Pampean (530?–510 Ma)
considered that the Sierras Pampeanas belong to a major and Famatinian (490/470–330 Ma) (Stuart-Smith et al.
collisional orogen, the late Proterozoic to Devonian 1999, and references therein). A third metamorphic and
Orogenic Belts in which two main metamorphic and igneous cycle, the Achalian, that roughly corresponds to
igneous cycles were recognised: Pampean (580?–540 Ma) the late to post-Famatinian events, was defined by Sims et
and Famatinian (540–330 Ma) (Dalla Salda et al. 1998, al. (1997). During this cycle, voluminous Devonian
and references therein). On the basis of geochemical granites intruded the older rocks and are specially
characteristics and their relation to deformational events,

developed in the Sierra de San Luis and Sierras de alkalic series. The red granite (RG) is the more SiO2-rich
Crdoba. type and corresponds to a transitional series between
The Post Famatinian or Achalian (400–330 Ma) gran- alkali and subalkalic granites (Lpez de Luchi et al.
itoid group is well represented in the Sierra de San Luis 2001). Aplites, microgranites and pegmatites intrude all
(Fig. 1) by plutons like La Escalerilla Granite (403 Ma, mentioned main units (Fig. 3c). Miarolitic milky white
zircon SHRIMP age, Sims et al. 1997) and by stocks and quartz veins are associated with the RG or are located
discordant batholiths, i.e. the Batolito de Renca (Lpez de inside the biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) close to the
Luchi 1986, 1993), San Jos del Morro (Lema 1980; contacts with the RG. Intrusive relations indicated that the
Quenardelle 1995), La Totora (Lpez de Luchi et al. giant porphyritic granite (GPG) post-dated the biotite
2002a, 2002b) and the Batolito de Las Chacras-Potrerillos porphyritic granite (BPG) because enclaves of the BPG
(Brogioni 1993; Lpez de Luchi et al. 2001). were found along the contacts between the two granites.
The largest intrusion is the Las Chacras-Potrerillos Aplitic dykes that are compositionally equivalent to the
batholith that was originally considered as being formed equigranular granite (EG) were locally observed cutting
by three different porphyritic to equigranular monzo- the contact between the GPG and the BPG, referring to
granitic/granodioritic plutons of roughly circular shape the EG as the latest intrusion.
aligned in a NW-SE trend (Brogioni 1992). The regional structure in the country rocks is a
This work is focused mainly on mapping the pervasive pervasive NNE-trending foliation that is locally bent,
fabric developed in the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith i.e. parallel to the circular contact of the batholith. On the
during the magmatic to high-temperature sub-solidus contrary, in those areas in which the contact is more
deformation that accompanied and followed the emplace- rectilinear, no deflection of the regional foliation is
ment. The fabrics and the petrographic zoning of the observed.
pluton were systematically mapped by combining field The batholith intrudes two metamorphic complexes,
data, mesoscopic and microscopic structures. The fabrics the Conlara to the east and the Pringles to the west
were also studied by the low-field anisotropy of magnetic (Fig. 1). To the northeast, the Conlara metamorphic
susceptibility technique (AMS). The magnetic suscepti- complex is represented by biotite-schists and fine-grained
bility, the degree of magnetic anisotropy and the shapes of green phyllitic schists with some concordantly interlay-
the AMS fabric ellipsoids also define patterns that can be ered leucosomes and scarce quartz-rich schists. Towards
used as a quantitative measure of rock fabrics. the south they grade into biotite gneisses with concordant
Further constraints on the mode and timing of quartz-plagioclase leucosomes. To the south of Las
emplacement of the sub-units that make up the batholith Chacras and Potrerillos, medium grained gneisses with
were provided by the calculation of new mineral ages on either syn-kinematic and post-kinematic pegmatites or
zircon, sphene, hornblende, biotite and muscovite. The irregular leucosomes are observed (Fig. 3a).
estimated time of cooling based on the new ages is The Pringles complex to the west is represented by
improved by using modelling approaches of the thermal foliated biotite gneisses with isoclinal folded leucosome
evolution in which the temperature degradation of layers (Fig. 3b) and biotite-schists with scarce muscovite.
different intrusion geometry is simulated. Towards the southwest, the schists become finer grained
and grade regionally into phyllites. Some quartzites and
tourmaline bearing biotite-muscovite schists occur. North
Geological setting of La Huertita, biotite-bearing tonalitic orthogneisses
were observed.
The Las Chacras-Potrerillos Batholith consists of differ- Xenoliths of the country rock are scarce in the granites.
ent sub-units which are exposed in an area of around Metamorphic septa are present in the BPG and locally in
600 km2 with a NNW-trending major axis of 38 km and a the PG. In the area along the river Lagunas Largas, a huge
maximum width of 17 km in the central part (Fig. 2). Re- septum (500 m in width and 400 m in length) is in contact
mapping of the batholith indicated the existence of six with the BPG and the GPG (Fig. 2). Close to the northeast
intrusive units including the granite of Potrerillos (Lpez contact some lamprophyres together with porphyritic
de Luchi et al. 2001). The macroscopic fabrics range from quartz-diorites intrude the country rock along a systematic
medium-grained to coarse-grained, equigranular to por- WNW to NW trend. Similar dykes were mentioned to the
phyritic and vary from foliated to weakly foliated or north of batholith at the contact to the El Hornito pluton
locally unfoliated. From north to south the main units (Ortiz Surez et al. 1997) and in the country rock of the
comprise a porphyritic granite (PG), an equigranular Renca batholith (Lpez de Luchi 1986).
granite (EG), a giant porphyritic granite (GPG), a biotite
porphyritic granite (BPG), and a red granite (RG) that
could be further subdivided in a biotite-bearing (BRG) Lithology of the different sub-units
and a muscovite-bearing red granite (MRG). The modal
compositions of the entire batholith indicate monzo- The biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) constitutes the most
granitic, granodioritic and less abundant syenogranitic extensive outcropping unit of the batholith (Fig. 2). It
compositions (see Table 2 of Lpez de Luchi et al. 2001). extends like a half-moon, concave towards the NW.
Concerning the geochemistry all granitoids define an Internal contacts vary from sharp against the giant
Fig. 2 Geologic map of the
Las-Chacras-Potrerillos batho-
lith based on field and satellite
image data. Indicated are the
sample localities and results of
K/Ar and U/Pb dating. Abbre-
viations of the different mag-
matic sub-units are as follows:
MRG muscovite bearing red
granite; BRG biotite bearing red
granite; BPG biotite porphyritic
granite; GPG giant porphyritic
granite; EG equigranular gran-
ite; and PG porphyritic granite

porphyritic granite (GPG) and the equigranular granite Fig. 3 a Discordant pegmatitic dike within the Conlara metamor-
(EG; Fig. 3d) to either sharp or gradual with the BRG and phic complex to the east of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith. b
the MRG. Contacts with the country rock are clear-cut Gneissic country rock with numerous concordant leucosome layers
that are partly isoclinally folded. c Steeply inclined aplitic dike
and delineate the central portion of the western and within the biotite porphyritic granite (BPG). d Contact between the
eastern margins of the batholith. West of Cerro Colorado, BPG and the equigranular granite (EG). The intrusion sequence of
country rock septa from 10 up to 100 m in width are both sub-units is evidenced by small dikes of the EG that invade the
interlayered with the BPG. K-feldspar megacrysts tend to BPG. The foliation of the BPG is well depicted by the tabular
arrangement of the porphyritic K-feldspars. e Alternating layers of
be smaller towards the outer borders of the pluton. variable K-feldspar and quartz content close to Potrerillos. f
Outcrops of BPG close to Potrerillos show a high amount Microgranular enclave swarm within the granitoids of the BPG.
of quartz and microcline (Fig. 3e). Long axes of the enclaves are parallel to the magmatic foliation. g
The giant porphyric granite (GPG) crops out as a Magmatic to sub-solidus shear zone from the deformed NNE-
trending corridor at the border between the southern and central
semicircular stock with a sharp southern boundary against domain of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith. h Large zoned K-
the biotite bearing granite (BPG). In some areas the grain- feldspar phenocryst with a well-developed albite rim within the
size of the K-feldspar megacrysts become gradually granitoids of the BPG
smaller towards the BPG contact. Enclaves of the BPG
are found along the boundary between both granites.

The biotite bearing red granite (BRG) constitutes the mainly evidenced by late-stage melt migration into
main unit of the southern portion of the batholith. The intracrystal fractures (Fig. 4c) or interstices. Microaplite
muscovite bearing red granite (MRG) is a distinct late- (quartz, plagioclase, microcline € myrmekite) could have
stage sub-unit discontinuously exposed. Brogioni (1992) formed from the crystallisation of a residual melt that was
considered that the BRG and the MRG have intruded at channelled and subsequently deformed along high-strain
the roof of the batholith prior to the biotite porphyritic zones. Microaplites form “pockets” of various shapes and
granite (BPG). No enclaves were found in the red granite sizes filling interstices between larger grains or fractures
(RG). The contact of the RG with the country rock is inside the feldspars (Fig. 4d). The microaplite pockets
sharp and often cut by aplite dikes, quartz and tourmaline have no particular shape, except for a slight shape-
veins and pegmatites. preferred orientation parallel to the magmatic foliation.
Equigranular granites (EG) crop out in the northern They become more abundant and elongate toward the
central area as a NNE-trending elongated unit. The pluton margins.
magmatic contact between the BPG and the EG is sharp In most of the units, cracks of the fractured feldspar
but irregular. Locally, both units are interlayered along grains are healed by quartz. In the giant porphyritic
flat-lying surfaces. Dykes of the EG were observed in the granite (GPG), lobate myrmekites that grow out of thin
biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) and the (porphyritic films of trapped melt protrude into megacrystic K-
granite (PG). The EG partly comprises larger feldspar feldspars (Fig. 4f). Locally, sub-magmatic fractures filled
phenocrysts at the contact to the BPG. Because of a high with quartz and fine-grained plagioclase mosaics are
variation in grain-sizes, the EG and the PG look similar at found towards the western margin of the GPG.
the contact. The coexistence of sub-magmatic and high tempera-
Two main groups of enclaves can be distinguished in ture solid-state deformation within the marginal parts of
the batholith i) metamorphic xenoliths and ii) microgran- the biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) and the giant
ular enclaves of variable size, ranging from monzonites to porphyritic granite (GPG) implies a continuous deforma-
syenites. They appear either isolated or as enclave swarms tion history.
in the biotite porphyritic granite (BPG), the giant High-temperature solid-state microstructures are iden-
porphyritic granite (GPG) and the porphyritic granite tified towards the western border of the BPG and GPG.
(PG) (Fig. 3f). In the western sector of the PG, fine- They overprint the magmatic features but do not change
grained syenitic stocks or syn-plutonic dykes occur the overall pattern of the magmatic foliation. In quartz
together with circular aplitic to pegmatitic dykes. grains deformation is indicated by a chessboard pattern of
sub-grains (Kruhl 1996) (Fig. 4e) and basal sub-grain
boundaries. Chessboard patterns mark the transition
Microstructures between sub-magmatic and solid-state deformation
(Paterson et al. 1998). Grain boundary migration is
Microstructures in the batholith are mainly magmatic or indicated by lobate boundaries between adjacent quartz
sub-magmatic with a local minor high to low temperature grains (Fig. 4e). Intracrystalline deformation in megacrys-
solid-state overprint. Broadly, magmatic features are tic plagioclase is evidenced by sub-grains (Fig. 4h) and
characteristic for the equigranular granite (EG) and the glide twins. Myrmekitic plagioclase develops triple
muscovite bearing red granite (MRG). In contrast, junctions. This suggests that after the dynamic solid-state
structures of a sub-magmatic to high-temperature solid- deformation ceased, a period of static recrystallisation
state overprint are observed in the biotite porphyritic
granite (BRG), the PG, the BPG and the GPG. This
deformation increases towards the contacts of each sub- Fig. 4 a Hand specimen of the giant porphyritic granite (GPG) cut
unit or to the country rock. parallel to the lineation and perpendicular to the foliation. The
parallel arrangement of K-feldspar phenocrysts defines the mag-
Magmatic microstructures are characterised either by a matic foliation. b Shape-preferred orientation of a quartz interstitial
porphyritic arrangement of large megacrysts in a ground- within the porphyritic plagioclase frame work (biotite-bearing red
mass of subhedral to anhedral crystals (biotite porphyritic granite, BRG). Width of view is about 12 mm. c Sub-magmatic
granite, giant porphyritic granite, porphyritic granite and brittle deformation of plagioclase crystals (black arrows). The
biotite bearing red granite; Fig. 4a) or by an equigranular intracrystalline fractures are filled with residual melts composed of
quartz and minor amounts of feldspar. Width of view is about
arrangement of crystals (equigranular granite and mus- 15 mm. d Trapped aplitic melts within the framework of
covite bearing red granite). A well-pronounced, macro- porphyritic feldspar crystals. Width of view is about 8 mm. e Core
scopic, shape-preferred orientation of minerals defines a and mantle structure of a quartz-aggregate. The core still preserves
planar fabric in the porphyritic types (Fig. 4b). K-feldspar the chessboard pattern, pointing to temperatures above the a/b
transition, while the marginal parts of the aggregate show intensive
megacrysts and plagioclase are lath shaped with euhedral grain boundary migration structures. Scale bar is about 400 mm. f
boundaries. Plagioclase laths own an elongation parallel Myrmekite growth between adjacent plagioclase and K-feldspar
to the crystallographic <a>-axis, and the (010) plane is crystals. Width of view is about 2.4 mm. g Slightly deformed
indicated by albite twins. Karlsbad twinned K-feldspars biotite crystal. The replacement by chlorite along the biotite
schistosity denotes to low temperatures during the deformation.
exhibit an internal zoning with albite rims (Fig. 3h). Scale bar is about 100 m. h Ductile intracrystalline deformation
Microstructures at high solid fraction, i.e. at the sub- with sub-grain formation in a plagioclase crystal at high temper-
magmatic stage as defined by Bouchez et al. (1992) are atures. Scale bar is about 50 m

took place at temperatures of at least 500–550 C. This is

the minimum temperature for the static recrystallisation
of plagioclase (Passchier and Trouw 1996). Recrystalli-
sation in fine-grained mosaics and sub-grains (up to
0.1 mm) are locally developed along microfractures.
Some sites close to the southwestern border of BPG are
characterised by S-C structures (Fig. 3g).
Lower-temperature solid-state microstructures are
most pronounced in the SE part of the pluton affecting
both BPG and BRG. They are characterised by lozenge-
shaped feldspar phenocrysts, quartz ribbons that wrap
around the megacrysts, elongated pockets of microaplite,
and abundant myrmekite and flame pertithes in the
interstitial microcline.
Quartz archives a continuous deformation history
exhibited by grain boundary migration recrystallisation,
chessboard patterns, sub-grain formation and bulging
(Fig. 4e). Plagioclase twinning is discontinuous and glide Fig. 5 Degree of anisotropy (P’) versus bulk susceptibility (Kvol)
twins are common. Crystals are in part bent and some from all measured core samples. Except from the MRG samples,
estimated bulk susceptibilities (Kvol >400
10-6 SI) denote to the
areas exhibit sub-grains. Microfractures are healed by presence of ferromagnetic (s.l.) fabric carriers. Furthermore, the
iron oxides, muscovite and quartz. Kinking in biotite is mapped petrological sub-units are well defined by their ranges in
associated with chlorite replacement (Fig. 4g). bulk susceptibility. Note that a few core samples do not fall inside
their assigned fields

Fabric determination northern domain comprising the granitoids of equigran-

ular granite (EG) and porphyritic granite (PG), bulk
Field measurements were combined with AMS studies in susceptibilities generally up to 2,000
10-6 SI appear. The
order to overcome the difficulties of fabric determination exceptional occurrence of bulk susceptibilities up to
in the field especially for those rocks of low fabric 7,700
10-6 SI denotes the increased ore content. Based on
intensity. The anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility these values the EG and PG can be distinguished from
(AMS) was estimated at a limited number of 49 sample giant porphyritic granite (GPG) and biotite porphyritic
localities. granite (BPG). The first cover a rather restricted range
For the AMS measurement core samples were drilled from 9,000
10-6 SI up to 13,600
10-6 SI, whereas the
from oriented hand specimen. For the measurement, a granitoids of the BPG enclose the whole measured range
minimum of 4 cores of 40 mm in diameter and a height of with maximum values up to 25,000
10-6 SI. The red
87% from the diameter per sample locality were used. granite (RG) shows very low values. The degree of
The experimental procedure was carried out with a anisotropy of the RG and the northern domain is generally
Kappabridge KLY-2 (manufactured by Geofyzika, Brno) less than 1.12, whilst the granitoids of the BPG and the
working at 4
10-4 T and 920 Hz. The detection limit of GPG yield P’ values up to 1.45.
this device is 4
10-8 SI. Each sample was measured in 15 Empirical data indicate that low bulk susceptibilities
directions including the repeated measurement of 6 (Kvol <450
10-6 SI) together with a total degree of
directions allowing a statistical analysis of the results. anisotropy (P’) less than 1.2 could be assigned to
For tensor calculation the ‘ani20bas’ software of Jelinek paramagnetic carriers (Rochette 1987). In the case of
(1977) was applied. the investigated rocks only the muscovite bearing red
Recent publications (e.g., Hrouda and Lanza 1989; granite (MRG) fulfils this criteria.
Brun et al. 1990; Bouchez 1997; Siegesmund and Becker
2000; Becker et al. 2000; Steenken et al. 2000; Hutton
and Siegesmund 2001) have shown that the AMS
provides a powerful and fast technique for the fabric Directional data
determination in granitoids. Besides the planar fabric that Most of the units are characterised by a magmatic
also is frequently distinguishable in the field, the Kmax foliation defined by the preferred orientation of primary
axis of the magnetic fabric ellipsoid yields information on igneous minerals, predominantly K-feldspar megacrys-
the linear fabric, either corresponding to the magmatic tals, plagioclase, amphibole and biotite. The foliation is
flow direction or some late-stage sub-solidus constric- variably developed in the centre of the pluton and
tional deformation. increases in intensity towards the western margin of the
Magnetic parameters like Kvol and P’ were determined BPG and GPG. This intensification is locally accompa-
in each of the sub-units. Values for Kvol range from nied by a minor high-temperature sub-solidus overprint.
10-6 SI to 25,000
10-6 SI in the main batholith. The In the equigranular granitoids of the southern domain the
petrological zoning is well reflected (Fig. 5). In the
Fig. 6 Pole distribution (equal
area projection, lower hemi-
sphere) of the magnetic fabric
axes (Kmax and Kmin) and the
macroscopic foliation poles for
the different domains of the Las
Chacras-Potrerillos batholith.
Magnetic foliation are in good
accordance with the macro-
scopically obtained foliations.
Differences in the pole distri-
bution density of the central
domain have to be assigned to
the limited number of samples
in the eastern sector. Note that
in order to show the consistency
of the magnetic fabric direc-
tions all measured core samples
are depicted

foliation is hardly to recognise apart from a shape- In the SE sector most of the foliation planes are steeply
preferred orientation of quartz aggregates frequently inclined. Patterns of the foliation trajectories are elliptic
noticed in the BRG (Fig. 4b). with a major NNE axis. They tend to be parallel to the
A first survey on the planar magnetic fabric anisotropy external contact but cross-cut internal contacts. Within a
exhibits a marked conformity with the foliation obtained 3 km wide NNE-trending belt along the border between
from field measurements. Differences in the foliation pole the central and southern domain the heterogeneous high to
distributions have to be assigned to the low AMS sample low temperature solid-state deformation overprints the
density (Fig. 6). The depicted foliation trajectories define magmatic fabrics and leads to a more penetrative NNE
roughly three areas at the plutons scale (Fig. 7): NW, fabric (Fig. 3g).
central and SE. In the first a concentric funnel-shaped In the country rock along the western margin the
foliation pattern is roughly concordant to the contact with foliation is transposed or folded into parallelism with the
the country rock. The petrographic zoning of the different pluton several meters from the contact. In other areas the
magmatic sub-units (EG-PG and EG-BPG) is cross-cut by foliation is crenulated with a lineation that is concordant
the foliation. with the plutons margin. Along the eastern limit meta-
In the central area the shape of the batholith is defined morphic foliations are bent, locally folded to parallelism
by a NNW trend. A predominantly magmatic foliation with the magmatic foliation.
locally exhibits a minor high-temperature sub-solidus Linear fabrics obtained from the AMS measurement
overprint. This foliation is either parallel or cuts across generally show a NNE-SSW trend (Fig. 8). This trend is
the internal contacts at different angles despite maintain- most conspicuous in the northern and southern domain,
ing a concordant relationship with the plutons western where Kmax-axes fit along a NNE–SSW-striking great
margin in map view. At the eastern contact of the central circle whose maximum assignment indicates the preva-
sector the magmatic foliation lies at moderate to high lence of shallow plunging lineations. In contrast Kmax-
angles with the contact and bends into parallelism when axes within the central part of the batholith exhibit a
traced towards the northernmost sector. The foliation is scattered arrangement along a NE–SW-striking slightly
steep to inward dipping except for some areas along the SE inclined great circle, depicting a broad variation from
eastern border where an outward dipping foliation is shallowly to steeply plunging lineations (Fig. 8).
observed. Country rock septa are parallel to both, the
foliation and the contacts (Fig. 7). In the southernmost
part of the central sector sharp inflections of the foliation
trajectories are locally associated with magmatic shear
Fig. 7 Foliation trajectory map
of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos
batholith. The constructed tra-
jectories are based on field
measurements and AMS data.
The dip and strike of represen-
tative AMS data are addition-
ally depicted. The interpreted
trajectories define three inter-
connected domes with inward
dipping foliation planes. The
foliation crosscuts internal con-
tacts but parallels the border to
the country rock. Note the
bending of the trajectories at the
border between the central and
southern domain where some
solid-state overprint of the
magmatic structures is estab-

Geochronological investigations one amphibole (AH26) and muscovites from pegmatites

(AHX, northern part of the porphyritic granite and AH27,
In order to constrain the timing of emplacement and the Conlara metamorphic complex, 2 km to north of the
subsequent cooling history, several mineral concentrates batholith) were investigated.
of samples from different units of the Las Chacras- The four zircon fractions of AH20 (<80, 80–100, 100–
Potrerillos batholith were investigated using U/Pb and K/ 125 and 125–140 m) yield a U- and
Ar techniques. scattering from 581.96 to 875.66 ppm and 14.57 to
Zircons were separated from sample AH20 (southern 28.33 ppm, respectively.
part of the biotite porphyritic granite) and sphene was The four data points plot on a discordia near the upper
gained from sample AH26 (northern part of the giant intercept, which is 381.5€4.6 Ma (Fig. 9a). This age is
porphyritic granite) to reveal the high temperature history. interpreted to be the age of emplacement and crystalli-
K/Ar cooling ages on biotites were obtained from the sation of the granite of the southern part of the biotite
same samples (AH20 and AH26) and from the southern porphyritic granite.
part of the equigranular granite (EG1). Muscovite and The alignment of fractions does not show the typical
biotite from a large pegmatite vein inside the giant array of decreasing size fractions yielding apparently
porphyritic granite (A29) were analysed. Additionally,
Fig. 8 Lineation map of the Las
Chacras-Potrerillos batholith.
The lineation in the northern
and southern domain has a pre-
dominately NNE–SSW trend
with variably shallow to mod-
erate plunges. A high variation
in trend and plunge of the
lineation is proved for the cen-
tral domain

younger ages. This may be due to the fact that the <80 m to the above-mentioned U/Pb age of 381.5 Ma, but must
fraction is contaminated by fragments of bigger crystals. interpreted with great caution concerning the big analyt-
Sample AH26 (northern part of the giant porphyritic ical error of €69 Ma. In any case, the Pb/Pb analysis on
granite) was chosen for U/Pb dating on sphene, because sphene and the U/Pb age on zircon point to a Mid
these minerals typically yield concordant ages. The two Devonian time for the intrusion and crystallisation of the
sphene fractions came out to be inverse discordant Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith.
plotting above the concordia. This can only be realised The K/Ar ages on biotite and hornblende from samples
by the loss of U, which is very unlikely in non- of the Las Chacras- Potrerillos batholith yielded the ages
metamorphic granitic rocks. Therefore, we conclude that given in Table 1.
U loss had occurred during the dissolution of the The biotite ages are interpreted to reflect the time of
minerals. Ions of Ca and HF probably have reacted to cooling below the closing temperature of 300€50 C
Ca-fluorides that have incorporated or fixed some of the (Purdy and J ger 1976; McDougall and Harrison 1999).
U. Consequently, the apparent U/Pb age has to be Within limits of error, all ages indicate this cooling to
rejected. have taken place around 350 Ma. Sample AH 20 was
The corresponding Pb/Pb age is presented in Fig. 9b. analysed in duplicate leading to a slightly higher value for
The derived Pb/Pb age of 379 Ma corresponds very well the second run.

The K/Ar age of the hornblende (AH26) points to the

same time, but yields astonishingly, the youngest age of
all. In general, the K/Ar closing temperature for amphi-
boles having undergone moderate cooling rates is
suggested to be 500€50 C (Hanson and Gast 1967;
Harrison 1981). Detailed investigations have shown that
the retentivity of amphiboles for 40Ar* can be affected by
numerous factors, e.g. structure and chemical composi-
tion of the minerals (see discussion in McDougall and
Harrison 1999). A significantly lowered retentivity
for 40Ar* and therefore a significantly lowered closing
temperature has been proved, e.g. by inclusions of
phyllosilicates (Onstott and Peacock 1987) or exsolution
of cummingtonite with hornblende (Harrison and Fitz
Gerald 1986).
Comparable cooling ages of around 350 Ma were
found in a large pegmatite (15 to 20 m wide) inside the
giant prophyritic granite (GPG). Surprisingly, the biotite
from this sample came out to be slightly older than the
muscovite (Table 1).
Additionally, three coarse grained samples of mus-
covite from pegmatites were analysed. AH27 was taken
from a pegmatitic vein within the Conlara Fm., approx-
imately 2 km from the northern contact to the Las
Chacras-Potrerillos batholith. AH24 was sampled in the
Conlara Complex, approximately 8 km south of the
batholith. The muscovite cooling ages of 422 and 430 Ma,
respectively, clearly demonstrate that cooling below the
closing temperature of 350€50 C (Purdy and J ger 1976)
in the neighbouring host rock had taken place about 40 to
50 Ma before the emplacement of the batholith. The
Fig. 9 a Concordia diagram of zircon fractions from the Las coarse grained muscovites of AHX (pegmatite within the
Chacras-Potrerillos batholith (sample AH20, southern part of the
biotite porphyritic granite; BPG). Lower intercept is set to 0 Ma. b PG) yielded a cooling age of 381 Ma. This is within limits
Isochron plot of 207Pb/206Pb ratios. Sphene fractions (<140 m and of error the age of crystallisation derived by U/Pb
>140 m) of sample AH26 (northern part of the giant porphyritic techniques for the biotite porphyritic granite.
granite; GPG)

Table 1 Analytical results of the K/Ar age determinations on muscovites, biotites and amphiboles of the granitic and pegmatitic rocks of
the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith and its gneissic country rocks
K/Ar–Age determinations, Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith
Ar-Isotopic abundance Spike-isotopic composition Decay constants (1/a) Potassium
40 40 40
Ar 99.6000% Ar 0.0099980% le 5.810E-11 K 0.011670%
38 38
Ar 0.0630% Ar 99.9890000% l b- 4.962E-10 K2O/K 0.8302
36 36
Ar 0.3370% Ar 0.0009998% Atomic weight (g/mol)
Standard temperature pressure (STP) l total 5.543E-10 Tot Ar 39.9477
0C 760 mm Hg Molar volume Ar 39.9624
Normal Atmosphere (DIN 1343) (ml) 22,413.8 Total K 39.1027
273.15 K 1013.25 mbar
40 40
Rock unit Sample mineral K2O (Wt%) Ar* (nl/g) Ar* (%) Age (Ma) 2s-Error 2s-Er-
STP (Ma) ror (%)
Biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) AH 20 Bi 9.40 117.94 97.42 352.3 7.4 2.1
Biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) AH 20 Bi 9.40 121.56 98.31 362.1 7.6 2.1
Conlara metamorphic complex AH 24 Mu 10.52 164.75 88.67 430.0 10.4 2.4
Giant prophyritic granite (GPG) AH 26 Hbl 1.38 16.87 98.13 345.2 11.5 3.3
Giant prophyritic granite (GPG) AH 26 Bi 8.73 108.69 99.62 349.8 7.0 2.0
Pegmatite in Conlara met. complex AH 27 Mu 10.33 158.17 86.59 421.5 9.9 2.4
Pegmatite in GPG A 29–01 Mu 10.97 135.78 97.42 348.0 7.5 2.2
Pegmatite in GPG A 29–01 Bi 9.54 121.31 98.14 356.6 7.4 2.1
Pegmatite in porphyritic granite (PG) AH X Mu 10.26 140.30 94.51 381.0 9.1 2.4
Equigranular granite (EG) EG 1 Bi 9.52 118.07 98.40 348.6 7.1 2.0
Fig. 10 Results from the ther-
mal model of an assumed single
intrusion event for the Las
Chacras-Potrerillos batholith.
The main purpose of this sim-
ulation run is the estimation of
the magnitude of the magma
volume that is needed to sup-
port a cooling history of 30 Ma
years. a Vertical cross-section
along the long axis of the
modelled batholith. The thick-
ness of the laccolith shaped
body is 8 km. The white dashed
line marks the horizontal mon-
itoring plane of part b in this
figure. b Thermal development
of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos
batholith. Ambient temperature
aggregate to 270 C in a depth
of 10 km. Spacing of isotherms
is made every 30 C. Note that
after 30 Ma (isotherm at
290 C) of cooling a tempera-
ture of about 300 C is still
archived in the core of the
batholith. The black line at
0.5 Ma indicates the monitored
profile for temperature degra-
dation in Fig. 11a

From this data, the following scenarios can be biotites is the scattering of analysis in sample AH20 in
discussed: Around 380 Ma ago the Las Chacras-Potreril- which some of the biotites seem to have preserved older
los batholith has intruded its host rocks of which at least age information.
the Conlara Complex was significantly cooler than A similar case is reported by Wemmer and Ahrendt
350 C. Rapid cooling of the batholith below 350 C is (1997). The basement rocks of the German Deep Drilling
indicated by the muscovites of sample AHX no matter Project (KTB) also had undergone early cooling (370 Ma
whether this pegmatite belongs to the intrusion itself or on muscovite) after HP/LT metamorphism and a stage of
was incorporated from the host rock and reset. This reheating linked to HT/LP metamorphism that was
cooling should have taken place within the limits of K/Ar documented in resetting and scattering of the K/Ar ages
analyses (€9 Ma). It is suggested that the biotites on biotites (320 to 300 Ma according to Wemmer and
originally had their cooling below the closing temperature Ahrendt 1997).
only some Ma afterwards. Around 350 Ma ago the whole A second explanation of the set of data could be given
batholith was reheated to temperatures high enough to by different cooling rates in the northern and southern
reset the biotites without opening the isotope system of part of the batholith. In this case the northern part would
the muscovites. This event of heating was accompanied have cooled below 350 C rapidly, whereas the largest
by new pegmatitic intrusions documented in sample A part (from sample EG 1 to the south) was kept hot for
29–01. A further indication for isotope resetting in the

(Kosakowsky et al. 1999; Siegesmund et al. 2002;

Steenken et al. 2002) it is assumed that a good approx-
imation on the magnitude of the batholith can be yielded.
Furthermore, the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith em-
placed during the Achalian event and therefore post-dates
the main Famatinian cycle in the Sierra de San Luis (Sims
et al. 1997). Therefore it is expected that changes in the
physical environment due to the vertical displacement
along regional fault lines or rapid exhumation rates are of
minor relevance.
Only little is known about the geological environment
at the emplacement time of the batholith. Detailed
investigations of the contact metamorphic aureole are
lacking. Therefore, constraints on the intrusion depth and
melt temperature are hardly to resolve. However, K-Ar
muscovite cooling ages on widespread pegmatites in the
country rocks of the batholith indicate that the basement
was cooled below 350€50 C prior to 420 Ma. Also, rare
K-Ar biotite cooling ages in the southern part of the Sierra
de San Luis suggest that cooling of the basement is
decoupled from the thermal degradation of the hot
magma. Hence, it has to be assumed that the batholith
invaded a crustal level cooler than 300 C. On the basis of
a surface heat flow of 70 mW/m2, as typically observed in
a post orogenic setting, and a radioactive heat production
Fig. 11 a Temperature development of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos rate of 2.0 W/m3 in the upper 15 km of the crust, a depth
batholith and its country rock for a single intrusion event. The black for the 300 C isotherm of about 11 km is calculated. The
dashed line marks the contact plane of the batholith. Maximum reduced heat flow at the Moho aggregates to 30 mW/m2
temperatures are not archived due to the chosen time steps and grid
size of the simulation run. Temperatures in the country rock will be (Midgley and Blundell 1997).
affected up to a distance of 8 km. b T-t history for a single intrusion For the environment of the model a 3D crustal section
event of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith. Temperatures are through the continental crust of 30 km thickness is
read from the core of the pluton. Also shown are the results from selected. This section is divided in a migmatitic composed
geochronological investigations. It is indicated that the whole range
of K/Ar-biotite cooling ages could fit the obtained cooling path, upper and a gabbroic lower crusts, whose boundary is set
while the K/Ar-hornblende could not be explained. Taking the to a depth of 15 km. A thermal conductivity of 2.4 W/
errors into account, muscovite ages also fit to the cooling path. m*K is assigned to the upper crust, whereas for the lower
Note that the unexpected high muscovite age of 381 Ma was crust a value of 2.5 W/m*K is assumed. The specific heat
obtained from a sample close to the northern margin of the pluton, capacity varies from 0.87 kJ/kg*K to 1.0 kJ/kg*K,
where the temperature decrease is even faster
respectively (see Cermk et al. 1982). The radioactive
heat production rate for the lower crust is neglected. For a
another 30 Ma leading to cooling ages of around 350 Ma first series of simulation runs three different shaped
for all investigated minerals. magma chambers were embedded into this environment
ranging from a 4 km and 8 km thick laccolith shaped to a
more spherical shaped body with a vertical thickness of
Thermal modelling 16 km. The thermal conductivity of the granitoids is set to
2.85 W/m*K, while the radioactive heat production rate is
One main task in order to establish an emplacement 3.3 W/m3 (see Cermk et al. 1982). The emplacement
model for the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith concerns temperature of the melt is 750 C. For temperature
the geometry and consequently the magma volume of the monitoring, a horizontal plane at a depth of 10 km is
body. This problem may be solved by thermal modelling chosen with ambient temperatures aggregating to 270 C.
using a finite-difference approximation of mutually It is assumed that the equatorial planes of the first two
coupled equations describing the heat conduction in a models ascent up to a depth of 11 km. In the latter case of
solid medium. Physical rock parameters were adjusted to the more spherical shaped body, the equatorial plane is
ambient P–T conditions, in particular the thermal con- situated at a depth of 15 km whereas the highest part of
ductivity. For further details concerning the mathematical the intrusion is at a depth of 7 km. Consequently, the
and numerical procedures of the used simulation code recent outcrop width of the batholith represents a smaller
SHEMAT the reader is referred to Clauser (1988) and section of the actual diameter in depth. Support of the
Clauser and Villinger (1990). Despite the outlined limits geometry of the first two models is provided by structural
of static thermal modelling in an active tectonic system field observations and AMS data. Both indicate steeply
dipping foliations in the marginal areas of the pluton
Fig. 12 Thermal simulation of
a more reasonable emplacement
scenario of the Las Chacras-
Potrerillos batholith. a From
field observations it is indicated
that the different stocks of the
pluton invade each other. Sharp
contacts suggest a stepped in-
trusion sequence that started
with the emplacement of the
Potrerillos Stock in the south,
followed by the intrusive units
of the central Las Chacras
batholith and ceased with the
ascent of the porphyritic granite
(PG) and the equigranular
granite (EG) in the northern
domain. b Thermal develop-
ment of the pulsed intrusion
sequence. Again, for monitor-
ing, a horizontal plane in a
depth of 10 km with ambient
temperatures of 270 C is de-
picted. The timing between the
different pulses is set to a
maximum value of 0.5 Ma, re-
sulting in a total intrusion his-
tory of 1.5 Ma. Contrasting to
the single intrusion model tem-
peratures clearly above 300 C
will be archived in the northern
part of the pluton. The black
lines (I and II) mark the two
temperature profiles of Fig. 13a

suggesting that the recent erosion level cuts the pluton to maintain temperatures above 300 C in the centre for a
close to its equatorial plane. In the case of the latter model period of 30 Ma (Fig. 10). However, the asymptotic T-t
an outward dip of the foliation might be expected. history indicates a rapid temperature decrease during the
In order to discriminate between the cooling history first 5 Ma years of cooling, when a temperature within the
and different geometry of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos upper limit of the biotite closure range is already reached.
batholith isotopic ages have to be considered. The thermal Final temperature degradation takes place at significantly
degradation of the batholith is archived by zircon reduced cooling rates (Fig. 11a) allowing the whole
crystallisation ages (382€5 Ma) as well as hornblende spectrum of K/Ar-biotite cooling ages to fit the cooling
(345€12 Ma) and mica cooling ages. Muscovites exhibit path. Within error, muscovite cooling ages will also be
ages of around 381 and 348 Ma, respectively, whereas supported. The problem arises from the obtained horn-
biotite ages cover a range from 362€8 Ma within the blende cooling age at 345€12 Ma. The assigned closure
granitoids of Las Chacras up to 349 €7 Ma within the temperature of 550€50 C prevents the fit on the
equigranular granite (EG). Those ages indicate a cooling modelled cooling path, even when the error is taken in
interval of approximately 30 Ma from 750 down to account (Fig. 11b).
300€50 C. In a second simulation step the geometry and intrusion
From the first laccolith geometry of a vertical diameter sequence is adapted to a geological more reasonable
of 4 km, it is apparent that the provided magma volume is scenario. From field observations it is apparent that the
not sufficient to support the obtained cooling interval. different sub-domains invade each other pointing to a
Temperatures attain ambient temperatures within a period polyphase intrusion starting with the red granite (RG) in
of 5 Ma years. In contrast, the 8-km-thick laccolith is able the SE that is followed by the main batholith comprising

the biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) and giant porphyritic

granite (GPG). Due to the sharp contact between these
two units it is assumed that the emplacement happened in
two steps also. Finally, the northwestern domain consist-
ing of porphyritic granite (PG) and equigranular granite
(EG) intrudes the main batholith in the north. Magmatic
contacts and the lack of a dominating solid-state defor-
mation suggest that the pulses were juxtaposed prior to
final solidification. From the first simulation run, it is
indicated that near solidus temperatures will be reached
rapidly within 0.5 Ma. In order to show the maximum
difference between a single intrusion and a poly-phase
intrusion sequence this value is adopted for the timing of
the different magma pulses (Fig. 12). Similarly to the
modelled single intrusion temperatures above 300 C will
be archived during the total cooling interval. The
temperature development after 0.5 Ma years of cooling
exhibits a much more abrupt chilling of temperatures
along the plutons border. This trend is adapted to a
smoother one during continued cooling (Fig. 13a). A
striking difference concerns the cooling history of the EG
and PG sub-units. These units are assumed to emplace
1.5 Ma after the first intrusion event in a yet already
tempered basement. As a result the bend of the asymptotic
T-t history is shifted towards higher temperatures of about
360 C, slightly outside the biotite closure temperature
range (Fig. 13b). From this it is suggested that a pulsed
intrusion history is a reasonable model to explain the wide
gap between the zircon crystallisation age and the range
of K/Ar-biotite cooling ages.
Furthermore, the possible temperature effects in the
country rocks of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith
should be regarded. Due to the chosen grid size of the
model, temperatures at the contact plane of the batholith
are difficult to estimate. According to the thumb rule of Fig. 13 a Temperature profiles through the main Las Chacras
J ger (1959), a contact peak temperature of 510 C could batholith (I) and the Northern domain (II). Temperatures will be
be predicted. Since information on the contact metamor- elevated up to a distance of 10 km from the contact. Note that after
phism is lacking, this value could not be verified. Thermal 30 Ma temperatures of the northern domain are slightly higher than
in the profile cross cutting the central Las Chacras batholith. II A
models on different intrusive bodies have shown that the weak bent (black arrow) denotes the interleave of the two migrating
contact temperature is not affected by different emplace- temperature fronts due to the stepped intrusion sequence. b T-t
ment scenarios but by the temperature of the magma and history in the core of the central domain (black dots) and the
the host rock (Steenken et al. 2002). However the northern domain (grey dots). Opposing to the cooling path of the
extension of the contact aureole will change. In case of central part of the Las Chacras batholith the temperatures of the
northern domain remain above 20 C higher during the prolonged
the modelled single intrusion, a temperature shift of at final temperature degradation. Likewise to the single intrusion
least 10 C has to be expected up to a distance of 8 km model the K/Ar-hornblende cooling age falls out of the modelled
from the contact (Fig. 10). In contrast, the pulsed temperature range
intrusion sequence will variably increase the extent of
the contact aureole depending on the location of temper-
ature monitoring (Fig. 13a). Temperatures between 300 Discussion on the emplacement
and 400 C could be expected in both scenarios within a
border zone of 6 km. In order to give a brief idea on the In order to address the more qualitative problem of the
influence of contact metamorphism around the batholith, far-field controls on the emplacement of the Las Chacras-
the temperature progression within the geological envi- Potrerillos pluton, the regional framework has to be
ronment along the northeast of the Las Chacras-Potreril- considered. A main set of NNW- and NNE-trending
los batholith is depicted (Fig. 14). ductile shear zones of Cambrian, Ordovician and Devo-
nian ages are recognised in the Eastern Sierras Pam-
Mid-Paleozoic resumption of convergence on the
western margin of Gondwana is evidenced by a wide-

tourmaline-epidote veins appear in the basement of

Conlara metamorphic complex (Rosello et al. 1999).
Therefore, these spatial and temporal evidences argue
for a fault controlled ascent of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos
pluton at the cross-over of NNW- and NNE-trending
conjugate shear zones as result of the kinematic transition
from contractional to transcurrent tectonics. We suggest
that the two shear zones acted together to create some
kind of conduits in a transtensional setting that allowed
the ascent of melts from the magma source region.
Evidences of a deep seated structure come from the
widespread association of all the Devonian batholiths
with lamprophyre magmas, the source of which can be
traced into an enriched mantle (Lpez de Luchi 1996).

Timing of the sub-unit intrusion

Field observation and structural data suggest that the Las

Chacras-Potrerillos Batholith is a pulsed, composite
intrusion (Fig. 15). The relative timing of the different
batches is established on the base of contact relationships
and the occurrence of granitoid enclaves. Those evidences
are weak for the southern domain. The red granite (RG)
exhibits transitional or sharp contacts against the biotite
porphyritic granite (BPG). The observation of enclaves
Fig. 14 Influence of contact metamorphism in ambient country that might belong to the RG within the granitoids of BPG
rock of the pulsed Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith. Two sets of (Brogioni 1992) leads to the assumption that the southern
isotherms are depicted showing the extension of the contact aureole domain pre-dates the emplacement of the central domain.
and temperature development inside the batholith 1.5 Ma (grey Anyhow, the occurrence of BPG enclaves within the giant
solid lines) and 5 Ma (white dashed lines) after the emplacement of
the first magma batch porphyritic granite (GPG) and the fact that dykes of
equigranular granite (EG) penetrate all sub-units of the
central and northern domain, denote to a clear intrusion
spread compressive deformation in the Sierras Pampeanas sequence, starting with biotite porphyritic granite (BPG)
(Sims et al. 1997). This Devonian cycle is referred to as that is followed by giant prophyritic granite (GPG),
the Achalian and would be defined by the collision of the porphyritic granite (PG) and finally equigranular granite
Chilenia terrane with the Precordillera terrane (Sims et al. (EG). However, the relative timing of the intrusion of PG
1998; Astini 1996). Deformation is partitioned between with respect to BPG is not clearly defined. The contact
domains of west-directed thrusting and strike-slip with plane between the BPG and EG is shallowly dipping as
extension beyond the western Sierras Pampeanas (Sims et indicated in some creeks, where in the lowermost levels
al. 1998; Astini 1996). the BPG underlies the EG. Hence, the equigranular
In the Sierras de Crdoba Sims et al. (1998) reported granite (EG) appears as a cover intrusion that runs over
Ar/Ar mica ages ranging from 358 to 451 Ma for the the granitoids of the central domain.
NNW-trending Guamanes shear zone. In addition, a Due to the complex processes in the formation of
Devonian reactivation of the Ordovician Los Tfflneles magmatic fabrics, the question arises at which stage
shear zone (Martino et al. 2002) was proposed by Rapela between magma ascent and final emplacement the fabric
et al. (1998) based on K-Ar amphibole ages of 365 to pattern was developed. From all available data it is
373 Ma. In the Sierras de Comechingones Devonian ages apparent that the foliation post-dates the compositional
are also assigned to the NW-trending Las Lajas shear zoning and as a consequence thereof it was formed during
zone and to Las Albahacas shear zone (Sims et al. 1997). a late stage of the emplacement history. The foliation is
The NW oriented shear zones are also well documented decoupled from the NNE-trending regional fabrics in the
by strong linear trends of moderate to highly magnetic, country rock. Anyhow, information on the structural
strike-parallel anomalies (Sims et al. 1997). In the Sierra development in the country rock with respect to the
de San Luis (Fig. 1) the NNE shear zone along the eastern emplacement of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith is
contact of La Escalerilla pluton (Ar/Ar muscovite age of scarce. On the basis of satellite images a narrow margin of
374.7€0.5 Ma) and the NNE Guzmn shear zone (Ar/Ar approximately 2 km around the pluton is characterised by
muscovite ages of 375–351 Ma) were described (Sims et a deflected strike of the foliation (Brogioni 1992) leading
al. 1997). WNW-ESE-oriented lamprophyric dykes and to its parallelism to the plutons border. From thermal
modelling it seems likely that this ductile deflection is the
Fig. 15 An illustration showing
the syn-tectonic emplacement
of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos
batholith. a Schematic block
diagrams to show the proposed
major controls on ascent and
emplacement. b Schematic de-
piction of the major tectonic
strike slip faults connected with
the ‘space-creation’ for the
magma ascent. The develop-
ment of a secondary set of
NNW-trending sinistral strike
slip faults leads to the counter
clockwise step over of the sin-
istral displacement along the
Ro Guzmn shear zone. As a
consequence thereof, NNE-di-
rected crustal extension will
allow the formation of magma
conduits and subsequent magma
accommodation in some kind of
pull-apart structure

result of the temperature input of the pluton. The lack of Chacras-Potrerillos batholith has been reported yet. It
contact metamorphism is supported by equivalent tem- might be conceivable that sinistral displacement to the
peratures. north of the pluton is accommodated by the mylonitic
Fabric development in the granitoids must be analysed shear zones to the west along the border between the
on the light of the interaction between the internal Nogol and Pringles Complexes.
magmatic processes and the regional stress field. If the Continuation of the NNE-directed sinistral transpres-
results indicate that fabrics were acquired at the sub- sive displacement is accompanied by some high angular
magmatic stage it comes out that the meaning of extension along the NNW-trending displacement transfer
lineations as indicators of magma flow remains question- faults. As a consequence thereof crustal weakening will
able. A lineation pattern in equigranular granite (EG) that allow the creation of conduits for the individual magma
is almost devoid of any near-solidus or sub-solidus ascents and subsequent magma accommodation in kind of
overprint, roughly parallels the lineation pattern in the a ‘pull-apart’ structure. Hence, the observed lineation
adjacent porphyritic granite (PG). Therefore, as in EG pattern of the southern and northern domain is assumed to
lineations would reflect the magmatic flow direction. reflect the NNE opening of the ‘pull-apart’ structure
Similarly, sub-parallel shallowly to moderate NNE either as the response to the magmatic flow direction or to
plunging lineations in the SE sector might be related to the regional constrictional strain field. This model is also
the magmatic flow direction (Fig. 6) supported by the eccentrical foliation patterns of the
The regional tectonics combined with the sinistral northern and southern domain with NNE-trending long
displacement along the Guzmn shear zone argue for a axes (Fig. 7). It is suggested that the final inflation in
fault controlled emplacement in a transpressional setting. some kind of a ballooning process due to the buoyancy of
The development of a secondary set of NNW-trending the huge magma volume of the sub-domains follows the
sinistral shear zones leads to the counter-clockwise off-set direction of space creation (e.g. Hutton and Siegesmund
of the Guzmn shear zone (Fig. 15). In fact, no 2001).
continuation of this lineament to the north of the Las

Additionally, foliation trajectories in the northern lineations. In contrast, Kmax-axes within the central part of
sector of the central domain appear to be depressed by the batholith exhibit a scattered arrangement along a NE–
the late-stage emplacement of equigranular granite and SW-striking slightly SE inclined great circle, depicting a
porphyritic granite (Fig. 7). Equally the lineation pattern broad variation from shallowly to steeply plunging
is not related to the supposed direction of inflation. The lineations.
lack of any pervasive solid-state overprint in the northern The crystallisation age of the biotite porphyritic
sector of this domain denotes to the sub-magmatic stage granite is 382 Ma. Since the cooling ages of muscovite
for this deformation. from pegmatites are around 420 Ma in the Conlara
A late stage overprint of the (sub-)magmatic structures complex, it follows that the country rock was already
by high to low temperature solid-state deformational cooled around 350 C at the time of the intrusion of the
features is recorded along the NNE-trending belt sepa- Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith. Rapid cooling of the
rating the central and southern domain. Narrow (1 cm to batholith below 350 C is indicated by the muscovites of
10 m) shear zones are the latest-formed ductile structures sample AHX (around 381 Ma) that is confirmed by the
in the western part of BPG and adjacent BRG. They are thermal modelling. Cooling ages on biotite that were
moderately to steeply dipping and NNE to NNW striking. calculated for equigranular granite, biotite porphyritic
Both, sinistral and dextral strike-slip zones are common. granite and giant porphyritic granite are around 350 Ma.
This suggests a continuous transition from the homoge- An approximation on the 3D extension of the magma
neous (sub-)magmatic to the more heterogeneous sub- body is estimated by thermal modelling. This model is
solidus deformation at even low temperatures. This based on the long lasting cooling interval of 30 Ma from
testifies that lateral displacement along the regional shear the zircon crystallisation down to the biotite closure
zones outlasted the emplacement of the Las Chacras- temperature and the assumption that changes in the
Potrerillos batholith. This is in accordance with the geological environment during the Devonian compression
obtained age spectra for the activity of the Guzmn shear are of minor importance. It is deduced that a batholith
zone (Sims et al. 1997). with a vertical diameter of about 8 km could provide
sufficient heat to explain the ascertained biotite cooling
Conclusion Space for the pluton and magma ascent must have
been controlled by a combination of processes: (1)
The Devonian Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith was generation of fractures allowing the creation of magma
emplaced during a critical time in the tectonic evolution conduits and inflation, (2) the counter clockwise step-over
of the Sierra de San Luis. Available structural and of sinistral displacement along the Guzmn shear zone by
isotopic information indicate that magma ascent and a secondary set of NNW-trending strike-slip faults
emplacement were controlled by a set of NNW and NNE- forwards the magma accommodation in a NNE–SSW-
trending shear zones. directed extensional setting, (3) subsequent ballooning of
The batholith is made up by six sub-units that represent the batholith follows the direction of space creation.
a pulsed magmatic intrusion. Microstructures in the Our model for the emplacement also allows us to
batholith are mainly magmatic or sub-magmatic with a envisage the possibility of underplating of the more mafic
local minor high to low temperature solid-state overprint, magmas that are represented by the different enclaves and
sub-magmatic to high-temperature solid-state microstruc- would provide the heat source by extensive crustal
tures are observed in biotite bearing red granite (BRG), melting evidenced by this batholith. Our results indicate
porphyritic granite (PG), biotite porphyritic granite (BPG) that the emplacement is syn-kinematic as far as the
and giant porphyritic granite (GPG). This deformation Devonian compression is concerned. Therefore, previous
increases towards the contacts of each sub-unit and to the ideas that considered the Devonian batholiths as post-
country rock. Most of the units are characterised by a tectonic should be revisited.
magmatic foliation defined by the preferred orientation of
primary igneous minerals. The foliation, which is variably Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the DAAD –
developed in the centre of the pluton, increases in ANTORCHAS program and the DFG (Si 438/16–1) for the
financial support. Fruitful discussion concerning the interpretation
intensity towards the western margin of biotite porphyritic of the ages with B. Hansen and S. Pawlig is highly acknowledged.
granite (BPG) and giant porphyritic granite (GPG) and Preparation of thin sections and AMS samples was kindly
post-dates the compositional zoning. Therefore foliation performed by E. Llambias and the laboratory staff at the INGEIS
development took place during a late stage in the (Buenos Aires). The paper has been improved by the helpful advice
of the reviewer H. Miller (Munich). A. St. thanks the DFG for the
emplacement history. A first survey on the planar research scholarship STE 1036/1–1.
magnetic fabric anisotropy exhibits a marked conformity
with foliation obtained from field measurements. Linear
fabrics obtained from the AMS measurements generally
show a NNE-SSW trend. This trend is most conspicuous
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along a NNE–SSW-striking great circle whose maximum Precordillera del oeste argentino-evidencias estratigrficas.
assignment indicates the prevalence of shallow plunging
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