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MST2 Week 10

Activity 1
Article Analysis

Title: The Politics of Golden Rice

Discuss The ethics and implications of GMOs and its potential future impacts on:
- Their main ethical arguments are summarized in this presentation. Five ethical issues have been expressed
concerning GM crops: potential harm to human health, potential environmental damage, detrimental influence on
conventional agricultural practices, excessive corporate control, and the technology's 'unnaturalness.'

-The Statement of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, issued at Stockholm on June
16, 1972, was submitted to the UN Conference on Environment and Development, which immediately followed the
Rio summit in June 1992. (2 Years before the Asilomar conference).

- Talking about GMOs-crops it has a lot of effects on our body, it can be more dangerous to our health and
you cannot easily modify some genes.

Explain your feelings, thoughts, ideas, general impression on the article.
- When it was first offered, the Golden Rice Project was marketed as an intriguing treatment for
VAD in developing countries. Numerous individuals and organizations, including Friends of the Earth,
have filed claims to halt the Golden Rice Project. While Golden Rice appears to be a viable treatment for
VAD, critics argue the program is gravely defective. They argue that alternative recommended therapies
for malnutrition and active initiatives are less expensive and do not require GMOs, making golden rice

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