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: ‫شو هو الفرق بين‬

GET Request & Post Request?

GET and POST are two HTTP methods used for sending data from a client (such as a web browser) to a
web server. The main differences between them are:

Data Transfer: GET requests transfer data in the URL, ‫ بينما‬POST requests transfer data in the request

Caching: GET requests can be cached by the browser, ‫ بينما‬POST requests are not cached by default.

Data Length: GET requests have a maximum data length limit, ‫ بينما‬POST requests have no such limit.

Security: GET requests are less secure as they transfer data in the URL, which can be seen in the
browser's address bar and server logs. POST requests are more secure as they transfer data in the
request body, which is not visible in the address bar or server logs.

Idempotency: GET requests are idempotent, meaning that sending the same request multiple times
produces the same result. POST requests are not idempotent, meaning that sending the same request
multiple times may produce different results.

In general, GET requests are used for retrieving data from the server, while POST requests are used for
submitting data to the server for processing or storage. However, there are other HTTP methods that
can also be used for different purposes, such as PUT, DELETE, and PATCH.

‫كيف بنقدر نستفيد من‬

Burp Suite
‫في استغالل الثغرات من نوع‬
File Upload Vulnerability?
How can we benefit from

Burp Suite

In exploiting vulnerabilities of some kind

File Upload Vulnerability?

Burp Suite is a popular web application security testing tool that can be used to identify and exploit
various vulnerabilities, including file upload vulnerabilities. Here are the steps you can follow to benefit
from Burp Suite in exploiting file upload vulnerabilities:

Configure Burp Suite as a proxy server: Start Burp Suite and configure it as a proxy server for your web

Find the file upload form: Navigate to the page that contains the file upload form.

Intercept the request: Submit a file upload request and intercept it using Burp Suite.

Modify the request: In Burp Suite's proxy history, locate the file upload request and modify it by
changing the file type or adding malicious code to the file. You can also try to upload a file with a very
large size to cause a denial-of-service (DoS) attack.

Forward the request: Once you have modified the request, forward it to the server and observe the
server's response.

Analyze the response: Analyze the server's response to see if it accepts the modified request and how it
handles the uploaded file.

Exploit the vulnerability: If the server accepts the modified request and executes the uploaded file, you
have successfully exploited the file upload vulnerability.

Report the vulnerability: Document the steps you took to exploit the vulnerability and report it to the
responsible party (e.g., website owner or developer).

It's important to note that exploiting vulnerabilities without permission is illegal and unethical. Always
get permission from the website owner or developer before testing their website for vulnerabilities.

‫متى بيكون الموقع معرض لإلختراق بواسطة‬

Code execution Vulnerability?
osama alb’ool

When is the site vulnerable to hacking by

Code execution vulnerability?

A code execution vulnerability is a type of security vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute
arbitrary code on a target system. This can happen when the web application or website does not
properly validate user input or when it has other vulnerabilities that can be exploited to execute code.
Here are some scenarios in which a site might be vulnerable to code execution attacks:

Input validation: If a web application fails to validate user input properly, it can allow an attacker to
inject code into the application, which can then be executed on the server.

File uploads: If a website allows users to upload files without proper validation, an attacker can upload
malicious code and execute it on the server.

Insecure code libraries: If a web application uses insecure third-party libraries, an attacker can exploit
vulnerabilities in those libraries to execute code on the server.

Server misconfiguration: If the server hosting the web application is not properly configured, it can allow
an attacker to execute code on the server.

Cross-site scripting (XSS): If a web application is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks, an attacker can
inject code into a vulnerable page and execute it on the client-side.

SQL injection: If a web application is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks, an attacker can inject code into
SQL queries and execute it on the server.

It's important to note that code execution vulnerabilities can be extremely dangerous as they can allow
an attacker to take complete control of the target system. Web developers should take great care to
ensure that their applications are properly secured and that they use secure coding practices to prevent
such vulnerabilities from occurring. Regular security testing and code reviews can also help to identify
and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
‫شو الفائدة من استخدام‬
‫في عملية اإلختراق بواسطة‬
Code execution Vulnerability?

osama alb’ool

What is the use of


Netcat (often abbreviated as "nc") is a command-line tool that can be used for a variety of networking
tasks, including:

Port scanning: Netcat can be used to scan ports on a remote system to determine which ports are open
and which services are running.

File transfer: Netcat can be used to transfer files between two systems using TCP or UDP.

Banner grabbing: Netcat can be used to connect to a service on a remote system and display the banner
or information about the service.

Chatting: Netcat can be used to chat or send messages between two systems.

Remote shell access: Netcat can be used to open a remote shell on a target system, allowing the user to
execute commands on the remote system.

Backdoor creation: Netcat can be used to create a backdoor on a target system, allowing the attacker to
gain unauthorized access to the system at a later time.
Port forwarding: Netcat can be used to forward traffic from one port on a system to another port on a
different system.

Overall, Netcat is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of networking tasks, and its simplicity
and ease of use make it a popular choice among system administrators and security professionals.
However, it is important to use Netcat responsibly and with caution, as it can also be used for malicious

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