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Acquisition Proposal: Meerkat Millionaires Country Club

To the Meerkat Millionaires Country Club community:

This document contains Hydra Launchpad’s proposal to acquire the rights to Meerkat
Millionaires Country Club (MMCC) NFT project, including Naked Meerkats Beach Club (NMBC).
We plan to work in tandem with ClubDAO to take MMCC to the next level. We believe the
terms of this offer will provide MMCC and ClubDAO with the resources necessary to grow into
its rightful place as a top project on the Solana blockchain.

Who is Hydra?

The Hydra Launchpad is the parent company of Sea Shanties, a successful staking and GameFi
Metaverse project on Solana. Hydra’s Founder (@PrezSolana) and the two lead developers on
the team were members of the founding ClubDAO committees before departing to focus on
Sea Shanties. Like you, we were brought to Solana NFTs by MMCC and have origins that go far
back in this project.

Our team has a track record of executing successfully on Solana. Most recently, we modelled
the $CRECK tokenomics for the popular project Cets on Creck and are now building out the next
stages of their roadmap.

What are the terms of the offer?

Payment. Hydra will inject 1000 Sol (~$100,000 USD) into the ClubDAO treasury. This will be
controlled by ClubDAO and will provide immediate funding for DAO/community initiatives and
building. Capitalizing ClubDAO will support the community taking control over the project by
providing the resources needed to execute.

Development Team. Hydra’s inhouse devs will be immediately available to build the MMCC
Roadmap 2.0. We have a full-service staff trained in Solana smart contracts, tokenomics, UI/UX,
and DeFi/GameFi, as well as an art department full of top-quality artists and animators. These
services would otherwise have to be acquired at market rates by ClubDAO, likely at a cost
greater 1000 sol.

Expertise. Hydra’s involvement will immediately bring a host of Solana experts to the MMCC
development team. We have broad connections in the space that will help create opportunities
for us to drive value as a community. We also have relevant corporate sector connections and
will deploy the full power of these resources to help legitimize and elevate the project, while
helping ClubDAO grow.
What will the roadmap look like?

We have created a proposed roadmap including tokenomics and GameFi. We’re confident that
this roadmap will be an exciting evolution for the project.

$KAT Token. Introduction of staking of MMCC and NMBC for $KAT token. Final token name

Meerkat Billionaires (Upgraded Art). We will work with the original artist to develop Meerkat
Billionaires. The Billionaires will be upgraded art, highlighting the classic style of the Meerkats
but adding remarkable new swagger and style. Upgrading to a Billionaire will require spending
$KAT and it will replace your existing Meerkat Millionaire.

Country Clubs (New Collection & NMBC Burn Mechanism). We plan to build a real estate art
collection, the Country Clubs. To open a Country Club, you’ll need a Meerkat Billionaire. Naked
Meerkats will have burning utility that will determine the rarity and staff level of your Country
Clubs. There will be boosted staking yields for filling positions inside your Country Club with
Naked Meerkats.

How will the project be structured? Will ClubDAO lose control?

We propose a dual management structure to MMCC. Our goal is to elevate the project by
simply adding what is needed without clouding the MMCC culture or identity. With this in mind,
we plan to run the project in tandem with ClubDAO. ClubDAO will retain control and autonomy
over use of DAO funds. The ClubDAO founders will remain in control of the community side of
the project management. Hydra’s role will be to build and execute on the staking and
tokenomics roadmap. Hydra will have control over executive decisions regarding the roadmap
(as outlined above) but will be fully supportive of ClubDAO initiatives and proposals.

ClubDAO will remain autonomous from Hydra including with respect to leadership and use of
DAO funds. We will work closely with the ClubDAO board/leadership and ensure the
community’s vision is upheld in harmony with our plans for MMCC.

What is our vision?

Hydra sees immense potential in MMCC, ClubDAO, and the Meerkat community. We’re making
this offer because we believe Meerkats will easily be one of the premiere PFP projects on
Solana if backed by our team and the utility we will create in unison with ClubDAO. There are
few 10,000 supply collections with OG provenance, a tested and loyal community, and such
appealing art.

The pathway to success is to empower the community. Although it may seem like accepting an
offer would be selling control of the project, it would mean the opposite. We’re here to
empower MMCC with the resources and expertise to advance the vision we all share. ClubDAO
has never had the funding or support that they will soon have and MMCC has never had a dev
team working tirelessly to uplift the project.

Thank you for your consideration of our offer. We are excited to begin this next chapter and to
unlock the endless potential inside this project and community.

Founder: @HydraLaunchpad
Creator: @SeaShantiesSol

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