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GROUP: 404

DATE: 11/12/2020

THEME 11: Pain in the back and extremities: vertebrogenic syndromes, low
back pain. Myofascial pain syndromes.

a)What is the classification of vertebrogenic reflex syndromes? What are
their clinical forms.

Classification of reflex syndromes

Based on level of lesion
· Cervical - cervicalgia, cervico-cranialgia, cervico-brachialgia,
scalenus syndrome, small chest muscle syndrome, shoulder-scapular
periarthrosis, epicondylosis, shoulder-hand syndrome, vertebral
artery syndrome

· Thoracic - thoracalgia / dorsalgia

· Lumbo-Sacral – lumbago, lumbodynia, lumbar ischialgia,

sciatica ,coccygodynia, piriformis muscle syndrome, popliteal

Clinic of the reflex syndromes

· Algic manifestations
· Local, segmental , or generalized the increase in muscle
 tone
· "Protective" restriction
· Antalgic posture, scoliosis
 of movements
· Stretch Symptoms (Neri’s, Wasserman’s, Matskevich’s , and
 others)
· Violation of the sensitivity of nonradicular character's
 Scoliosis; tension and soreness of paravertebral and other
muscles, formation of seals in them
 Laseg's sign
 Nery’s sign
b)What are the main principles of treatment of dorsopathies?

· Removing the cause (if possible)
· deprivation of chronic spasm in the back muscles;
· elimination of inflammatory processes;
· improvement of tissue microcirculation level;
· recovery in the body of mineral balance;
· improvement of cartilage metabolism
· Local physiotherapy: ultrasound , cryotherapy,
· thermotherapy
· Postisometric relaxation
· Reflexotherapy

Level I tests

2. List the functions of the spine:

a) the reference,
b) motor,
C) protective,
d) a and b,
d) a, b, and c.
ANS: d) a, b, and c.

4. What is the name of the protrusion of the gelatinous nucleus into the lumen of the spinal
a) a disc protrusion,
b) disc herniation,
C) sequestration of disc,
d) discopathy,
d) degeneration of the disk.

ANS:b) disc herniation

B. Tests-classifications.

1. Radiographic signs of osteochondrosis are:

a) reducing the height of the intervertebral cheek,
b) thickening and unevenness of the closure plates,
C) compaction of bone divisions,
d) marginal bone growths (osteophytes),
e) all of the above listed.
ANS: e) all of the above listed.
2. At what age it most often manifests itself clinically low back pain?
a) up to 10 years,
b) from 10 to 30 years,
C) from 30 to 50 years,
d) from 50 to 70 years,
e) after 70 years.

ANS:C) from 30 to 50 years,

2. The 33-year-old worker experienced a sharp shooting pain in his lower back radiating down
the back of his left thigh while lifting a heavy steel beam. Neurological examination revealed
scoliosis of the lumbar region to the right, weakness in the extension of the fingers of the left leg
and a disorder of sensitivity on the outer surface of the Shin and foot, including the back surface
of the thumb. Pain was reproduced by turning the torso to the right and leaning forward, with
percussion of the lumbar spine. Laseg's symptom on the left. Describe the leading clinical
syndromes. Specify the level of damage. Make a differential diagnosis with 2-3 diseases. The
final diagnosis?
dextroscoliosis, laseg’s sign, nerve root irritation, disc protrusion

(In the lumbar spine the herniation most frequently occurs between the
fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, with pressure on the fifth lumbar nerve
root, or between the fifth lumbar and first sacral bodies, with pressure on
the first sacral root.)

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