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Lab Activity 7

Asma Saparas (SP19-BSI-007)

Working with Databases

Activity I: Go to

Activity II: Perform the search by selecting UniProtKB database. Answer the following

1. How many records correspond to hemagglutinin in UniprotKB database?


2. What percentage of hemagglutinin entries are manually curated and verified?

Reviewed data 868/263798x100=0.329

3. What is the accession number of hemagglutinin protein isolated from Influenza C virus in
4. What are the hosts of Influenza C virus? Is it possible that this virus has jumped hosts
sometime in the evolution?

Yes, It’s possible, there are 2 hosts.

Homo sapiens (Human) [TaxID: 9606]
Sus scrofa (Pig) [TaxID: 9823]

5. Name 1 molecular function and 1 biological process that have been annotated against your
protein of interest by the GO database?

GO - Molecular function:

 Host cell surface receptor binding

GO - Biological process

 Endocytosis involved in viral entry into host cell

6. Is this protein a part of membrane?

Yes it is a part of membrane.

7. What mutation would lead to loss of 96% of the esterase activity and at what region?

At 71 Position

8. How many helices and beta sheets do you see in the secondary structure?

32 Beta Strands
13 helices

9. What is the weight in Da of the protein?

Mass (Da):72,131

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