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Lecturer :

Dr. Ns. Ratanto, S.Kep., M.Kep

Compiled by:

Group 1

Qonita Adhisty Riyana P07220222005

Ismi Fania Nurhasanah P07220222021
Muhamad Raihan Hakim P07220222037



TAHUN 2022/2023

Praise be to God Almighty. By His grace and grace, we were able to

complete a paper entitled "Systems Concept and Systems Approach" . The
author would like to thank Mr. Dr. Ns. Ratanto, S.Kep., M.Kep as a lecturer in
the Philosophy and Theory of Nursing Course who has helped the author in
working on this paper. The author also thanked the friends who have
contributed to the creationof this paper.
This paper provides guidance in the Philosophy and Theory of Nursing
Course. For students and college students to understand " Systems Concept
and Systems Approach ". The author is aware of the shortcomings in this
paper. Therefore, suggestions and criticisms are always expected for the
improvement of the author's work. The author also hopes that this paper will
be able to provide knowledge about " Systems Concept and Systems
Approach "

Samarinda, 6 Mei 2023

Group 1

FOREWORD .................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 4
A. Background ........................................................................................... 4
B. Purpose of the Paper .............................................................................. 4
C. Benefits of the Paper ............................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................. 6
A. The Definition of Systems..................................................................... 6
B. General Systems Components ................................................................ 8
C. Systems Components in Nursing ........................................................... 9
D. Systems Types ...................................................................................... 12
E. Systems Approach in Health Services ................................................. 13
F. Scope of The Health Service System ................................................... 15

CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................. 18

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 18
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................. 18

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 19


A. Background
Health care systems are changing rapidly. Nurses today are dealing
with the care of clients who expect quality nursing care and expect
professional care as well-educated health care providers.

Nursing services have an important role in determining the success of

health services as a whole. One of the factors that supports this belief is the
fact that can be seen in health care units such as hospitals, where the staff
who must be at the patient's side 24 hours a day are nurses. However, it is
very unfortunate that nursing services at sat in mash are far from what was

The nursing process is an answer to solving problems in nursing,

because the nursing process is a scientific method that is used systematically
and uses scientific concepts and principles that are used systematically in
achieving diagnoses of patient health problems formulating goals to be
achieved, determining actions and evaluating quality and results nursing care

The system approach can be defined to view something as a system

consisting of elements, components, elements or units that are interconnected,
interacting, and interdependent in achieving goals. The systems approach
includes ways of thinking about the phenomenon as a whole, methods or
techniques in solving problems or decision making (awareness of problems
due to various factors).

B. Purpose of the Paper

1. Knowing about the concept of systems

2. Knowing about the approach systems

C. Benefits of the Paper

Based on the purpose of writing the paper above, this paper is expected to
be useful both directly and indirectly. The benefits of writing this paper include:

1. Theoretical benefits In theory, it is hoped that this paper can be useful as
a. Increase readers' insights regarding several choice theories
b. Become teaching or reference material.
2. Practical Benefits In practice, it is hoped that this paper can be useful as
a. For the Author Add insight into some systems concept
b. For Readers Add readings and insights into the application of
approach systems.

A. The Definition of System
The word system became very popular with the emergence of a systems
approach that is used in various fields of science. System technically means a
set of components that are interconnected and work together to achieve a goal.
The word system comes from the Latin (syst and ema) and Greek (sust and
ema) is a unit consisting of components or elements that are linked together to
facilitate the flow of information, material or energy. The term is often used to
describe a set of interacting entities, when a mathematical model can often be

The system is also a unit of interconnected parts that are in an area and
have driving items. For example, a country which is a collection of several
other unified elements such as provinces which are interconnected so as to
form a state with the people as its driving force. The word system is often
used both in everyday conversations, discussion forums and scientific
documents. This word is used for many things and various fields, so it has
various meanings.

In the most general sense, a system is a collection of devices that have

relationships among themselves. The system can simply be defined as a unit
of various elements or parts that have functional relationships and interact to
achieve the expected results. Thus, nursing can be interpreted as a whole
human work that is formed from parts that have functional relationships in an
effort to achieve the ultimate goal.

The system is a framework that relates to all human social aspects,

structures, organizational problems, as well as changes in internal relations and
the surrounding environment. The system consists of goals, processes and
content. Goals are something that must be implemented so that goals can give
direction to the system. The process functions in fulfilling the goals to be
achieved, and the content consists of parts that make up a system.

As for some understanding of the system according to experts are as

a) L. James Havery.

According to him, the system is a logical and rational procedure for

designing a series of components that are related to one another with the
intention of functioning as a unit in an effort to achieve a predetermined goal.

b) John Mc Manama.

According to him, the system is a conceptual structure composed of

interrelated functions that work as an organic unit to achieve the desired result
effectively and efficiently.

c) C.W. churchman.

According to him a system is a set coordinated to carry out a set of


d) J.C. Hinggins.

According to him a system is a set of interrelated parts

e) Edgar F Huse and James L. Bowdict

According to him, the system is a series or series of parts that are

interconnected and dependent in such a way that the interaction and mutual
influence of one part will affect the whole.

f) Jerry FithGerald

According to him the system is a network of procedures that are

interconnected, gathered together to carry out an activity or complete a certain
B. General System Components

The system consists of a number of components that interact with each

other, which means working together to form a single unit. System components
or system elements can be a subsystem or parts of the system. Every system, no
matter how small, always contains components or subsystems. Each subsystem
has the properties of the system to carry out a particular function and affect the
overall system process. So, can be imagined if in a system there are subsystems
that do not work/function as they should. Of course the system is not will run
smoothly or maybe the system is damaged so that by itself the purpose of the
system is not achieved.

This section consists of input, process, output, impact, feedback and

environment, all of which are interconnected and influence each other, so that it
can be described as follows:

1. Inputs.

Input is a subsystem that will provide all input for the functioning of a
system, such as health services. Then the input can be in the form of
community potential, health workers, health facilities and others.

2. Process.

The process is an activity that functions to turn an input into an expected

result from the system, as an example in the health service system, what is
meant by process is various activities in health services.

3. Outputs.

Output is the result obtained from a process, in the health service system
the result can be in the form of quality, effective and efficient health
services and can be reached by all levels of society so that patients recover
and are optimally healthy.

4. Impact.

Impact is the result generated from the system, which occurs relatively
long time. After results are achieved, as in the health care system, the
impact will make the community healthy and reduce morbidity and
mortality because services are affordable to the community.

5. Feedback.

Feedback is a result that simultaneously makes input and input occur

from a system that is interconnected and influences each other. Feedback in
the service system can be in the form of the quality of health workers which
can also make input always increase.

6. Environment.

The environment here is all conditions outside the system, but can affect
health services as in the health service system, the environment in question
can be in the form of a geographical environment, or a situation of social
conditions that exist in society such as institutions outside of health services.

C. System Components in Nursing

As a system, the nursing process has the following components:

1. Input

Input into the nursing process is data or information that comes from the
client's assessment (eg how the client relates to the environment and the
client's physiological functions).

2. Results.

Outcome is the end product of the system and in terms of the nursing
process is where the client's health status progresses or remains stable as a
result of nursing care.

3. Feedback.

Feedback plays a role in providing information to a system about how the
system is functioning. For example, in the nursing process outcomes describe
the client's response to nursing interventions.

4. Fill.

Content is the product and information that comes from the system. In
addition, the use of the nursing process as a sample is information about
nursing services for clients with certain health problems.

The components can be described as follows:

1. Humans

Humans are intact and unique bio-psychosocial beings who have

bio-psycho-socio-spiritual needs. Humans are seen as a whole and
holistically having a life cycle including growth and development,
giving birth, having the ability to cope with change by using various
mechanisms that are innate or acquired biologically, psychologically
and socially.
Humans always try to meet their needs through a series of events
that include learning, exploring, and using the resources needed based
on their potential and limitations.

2. Environment

Humans always live in a certain environment, the environment

includes the physical environment and social environment. The
environment is a place where humans are, which always influences
and is influenced by humans throughout their lives.

Every environment has its own characteristics and has a different

impact on every human being. In response to this environmental
impact, humans always respond to make adaptations so that their
balance is maintained. Adaptation can be positive, it can also be
negative (if humans adapt negatively to environmental influences, it
will cause problems).

The environment here is all conditions outside the system but
can affect health, this environment can be in the form of socio-cultural
conditions, geographical environment that exist in communities that
are outside health institutions.

3. Health

Healthy is a very individual perception, several definitions of

health are:
a. WHO (1947): Health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
b. Parson (1972): Schat is an individual's ability optimally for the
role and tasks effectively.
c. Dubois (1978): Healthy is a creative process of individuals
actively and continuously adapting to their environment.

Health is a dynamic process, continuously changing as the

interaction between individuals and changes in the environment both
internal and external.

4. Nursing

Nursing actions are based on human needs, nursing is carried out

universally at all human levels. Behavior in nursing includes
sympathy, empathy, respect for others, tolerance. Nursing respects
beliefs and espoused values man. Nursing helps clients know
themselves, as beings who have unique needs.Nursing services as an
integral part of health services.

Nursing is a form of professional service as an integral part of

health services in the form of biological services, social psychology,
and spiritual comprehensively addressed to individuals, families and
healthy communities and illness, covering the human life cycle.

D. System Types

There are two types of systems, namely open systems and closed systems.
An open system, such as a human organ or a process such as the nursing process,
interactions with the environment, and changes between the system and the
environment. A closed system, such as a chemical reaction in a test tube, is
independent of the environment. Like all systems, the nursing process has a
specific purpose.

The goal of the nursing process is to organize and deliver an individualized

approach to nursing care.

The difference between an open system and a closed system, among others

1. Open System Type.

a. There is a process of interaction.

b. There is input from the environment.
c. There is a process of transformation
d. The output (result) is returned to the environment.
e. Dynamic nature.
f. There is a continuous process of making adjustments.
g. The results achieved are in accordance with the requirements.
h. Has adaptability to the environment & is influenced by environmental
i. Inputs are constantly changing with the resultant process constantly
j. Using feedback.

2. Closed System Type.

a. Not influenced and affect the environment.

b. There is no input from and to the environment.
c. The process does not make adjustments.
d. No feedback flow.
e. There is no adaptation to the environment.

E. Systems Approach in Health Services

What is meant by health services is an effort that is carried out alone or

jointly in an organization to maintain and improve health, prevent and cure
disease and restore health both individually, family, group, or in society. That is
the definition of health services according to Lovey and Loomba. What is meant
by the health system is a unit of a series of regular efforts consisting of various
components to achieve a goal of optimal health degree for the community.
Meanwhile, what is meant by the health service system is an order that
brings together the various efforts of the Indonesian nation in an integrated and
mutually supportive manner to guarantee the highest degree of health as a
manifestation of the general welfare as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution. we

According to Leavell & Clark, in providing health services, one must look
at the level of health services to be provided, namely:

1. Health Promotion.

This level of health services is the first level in providing services through
health improvement. This implementation aims to improve health status so that
the community or the target does not experience health problems.

2. Specific Protection.

This special protection is carried out in protecting the community from

hazards that will cause a decrease in health status, or a form of protection against
certain diseases, and health threats, which are included in the level of protection
for certain diseases such as BCG immunization. (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) to
prevent TB (Tuberculosis), DPT (Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus), Hepatitis,
measles, and others.

3. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment

The level of this health service has entered into the level of initiation or onset
of symptoms of a disease.

4. Disability Limitation

This limitation of disability is done to prevent patients or the public from

experiencing the effects of disability due to the disease they cause.

5. Rehabilitation

This level of service is carried out after the patient is diagnosed as cured.

The system approach can be described as follows:

1. Purpose

Every system has a goal, either just one or maybe many. This goal is the
motivator that directs the system. Without any purpose, the system becomes
undirected and uncontrolled. Of course, the goals of one system with another
system are different.

2. Input

System input is everything that enters the system and then becomes processed
material. Input can be tangible (physically visible) or invisible things. An example
of a tangible input is raw materials, while an example of an intangible one is
information (eg a customer service request).

3. Process

The process is the part that changes or transforms input into output that is
useful and more valuable, for example in the form of information and products,
but can also be in the form of things that are not useful, for example, waste or
waste. In the chemical plant, the process can be a raw material. At the hospital, the
surgery can be an activity of the patient.

4. Output

Output is the result of processing. In an information system, output can be in

the form of information, suggestions, printed reports, and so on.

5. Limits

The so-called system boundary is the separator between the system and the
area outside the system (environment). System limits determine the configuration,
scope, or capabilities of the system. For example, a soccer team has game rules
and limited player abilities. The growth of a grocery store is influenced by
customer purchases, competitor movements, and limited funding from banks. Of
course, the boundary of a system can be reduced or modified so that it will change
the behavior of the system. For example, by selling shares to the public, a
company can reduce limited funds.

F. Scope of the Health Service System

The health service system can include doctor services, nursing services, and
public health services. Doctors are a subsystem of health services. The health
service subsystems have their own goals without leaving the general goals of
health services. Health services that exist today can be provided by the
government or the private sector. There are three forms of health services, namely
primary health care (first-level health services), secondary health care (second-
level health services), and tertiary health services (third-level health services). The
three forms of health services are divided into basic services provided at
puskesmas and referral services provided at hospitals.

1. Primary Health Care (First Level Health Services)

This health service is needed or implemented for people who have mild health
problems or healthy people but want to get health improvements so that they
become optimal and prosperous so that the nature of health services is basic

2. Secondary Health Care (Second Level Health Services)

This form of health service is needed by both the community and clients
who need treatment in a hospital or inpatient care and are not carried out in the
main health service.

3. Tertiary Health Services (Third Level Health Services)

This health service is the highest level of service where this level of service
is no longer needed for services at the first and second levels.


A. Conclusion
In the most general sense, a system is a collection of devices that have
relationships among themselves. The system can simply be defined as a unity
of various elements or parts that have functional relationships and interact
dynamically to achieve the expected results. Thus nursing, can be interpreted
as a whole human work that is formed from parts that have functional
relationships in an effort to achieve the ultimate goal.
B. Suggestion
Uraian pada beberapa bab di atas sebagaimana telah disampaikan
memberikan sedikit pemahaman dan pengetahuan kepada kita semua meskipun
tiada kesempurnaan, karena memang penulisan ini tidak terlepas dari
kekurangan akhirnya upaya dan kegiatan yang tak mengenal lelah untuk lebih
mengkaji tentang perbaikan penulisan makalah ini, mudah-mudahan Allah
SWT. melimpahkan daya dan kekuatannya kepada kita semua, aamiin.

Yunisel, Dinda. (2019). Konsep Sistem dan Pendekatan Sistem
Accessed via :
pendekatan-sistem picked on May 6, 2023.


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