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In this part, the researcher elaborates the pedagogical implications of this study as follows:

1. The Importance of Comprehending Hate Expression

Hate expression has become a common thing around us. We could find hate in real life as
well as in social media. Because of that, teaching the understanding of hate expression
becomes part of pedagogical implication because it is closely related to daily communication.
Hence, some strategies could be applied as the key depending on people's needs based on
their human characteristics.

2. The Importance of Comprehending Language Characteristics

Teaching the intention of hate expression distribution helps teachers teach language
characteristics that will improve sentence structure, apply phrases, use appropriate
vocabularies, and appropriately apply punctuation.

3. The Importance of Comprehending a Topic

Mastery of the vital topic concerned with hate expression is also necessary to be
understood as a goal of pragmatics competence comprehension. It is relevant to
understanding the topic as the most important item to pay attention to while discussing since
it might lead to misconceptions. Furthermore, it is understandable that any topic discussed at
a specific time, circumstance, and location may impact a person's decision to act.

B. Implication
Based on the result of the study, the researcher proposes some pedagogical implications as

1. The Importance of Comprehending Hate Expression

This study aims to expand the understanding of hatred that is unavoidable in our lives.
Therefore, it is important for a teacher to provide teaching and understanding about hate
expressions in order to know what are the categories, strategies, and functions of hate
expressions. After understanding this, it is hoped that people will be more careful in giving
comments on social media.

2. The Importance of Comprehending Context

It is important for a teacher to teach what context is and how it is important in a
communication. Context is crucial because it tells us and the receiver the message meaning,
how important something is and what assumptions to make or not about what is being

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