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Iffiltililtiltil itillilttilt 401 I

lV Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, April/May 2A22 (Dec. 2A21t

Duration :3 Hours Max. Marks:80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each question
carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five questions from group {b) each question
carries 06 marks.
3. Figures to lhe right indicate marks.
4. Answer to be written either in Kannada or English

Q. No. 1. a) Discuss the theories relating to application of lnternational

Law in Municipal Law. Marks : 10
il,s"fco atl-oi59 c:gocE*:3;J ai*eid csc,})fu;?in
s:beac :,en*:3d#5.: zs*.nL.

Q. No. 1. b) Custom is a source of lnternational Law. Marks : 6

LO..t scgdD;&ec$ d:Ijld trJte:x.nd.
Q. No. 2. a) Critically examine the meaning and definition of lnternational
[-aw. Marks : 10
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Q. No. 2 b) lndividuals as subjects of lnternational Law. Marks : 6

scJduJ*."c$ e;irlr ;t ;{oJJrDR 5 dileJ:.
Q. No. 3. a) Discuss the legal effect of de facto and dejure recognition
of States with the help of decided cases. Marks : 10
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Q. No. 3. b) Monroe doctrine. Marks : 06

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Q. No. 4. a) Discuss different types of states and modes of acquisition of

territorial sovereignty. Marks : 10
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Q. No. 4. b) state 'A' claims sovereignty over an lsland on the ground

that it has discovered the same, but State 'A' has no effective
sovereignty on the lsland. State'B'also claims sovereignty
on the same lsland on the ground that it has effeciive control
and sovereignty over the lsland for last three hundred years.
which state has sovereignty over the lsland ? Marks : 06
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Q. No. 5. a) Define Territorial jurisdiction of a State. Who are exempted
from the territorial jurisdiction of a State ? Marks : 10
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Q. No. 5. b) State responsibility in case of mob violence. Marks : 6

fr:{ilL'Fc5: Lcx3J: f:.Sr;i- --^; a-t#mf;J,.
Q. No. 6. a) Explain the history and development of claim over territorial
waters. Marks : 10
mrCegd ,C::q,d (dCu: ilsli-) *o$ mfro dgCrddcJ;,q
Q. No. 6. b) The King of State "A" during his stay in State "B" promised to
marry Miss "M" subsequently the promise was not fulfilled.
Miss "M" files a case in State " B" for breach of promise. Decide . Marks : 6
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rcusdCr ;Ed:iadJdmn mrD- CrJe$siI. CcUd edC:
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-1"3ff1-3$c9_ Eriaj F:il%h m5 dneJ,:a0g. lFro:,O.
Illllilillttffiiiltilttil 401 I
Q. No. 7. a) Explain the concept of Reservation in a treaty with the help
of provisions of Vienna Convention on the law of treaties. Marks : 10
z-63?J&dr1+ #e9dJ5 ,-:;:ir z-rc5d i,mu Es;o-;JJ;it
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Q, No. 7. b) Difterent modes of acquisition of nationality. Marks : 6

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Q. No. B. a) Discuss the previleges, immunities, rights and duties of the

Diplomatic agents. Marks : 10
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Q. No. 8. b) Non Extraditable crimes. Marks : 6

i.g --l. c'DGGd. ::ieCd$:.

Q. No. 9. a) Explain the powers and functions of the General Assembly

of United Nations Organisation. Marks : 10
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Q. No. 9. b) Write note on objectives of lnternational Labour Organisation. Marks : 6

6-JJrE i3{ciJ ri;:ir19 dtbgJ u3i$ rd}iJo.
Q. No. 10. a) Explain the role of U.N Security Council in the peace keeping. Marks : 10
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Q. No. 10. b) Structure of W.T.O. Marks : 6

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