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March 2022

Samuel Wibowo

Rotating in OPD and community has made me a better doctor. One of the most significant lessons
I learned during my OPD rotation was the importance of conducting thorough patient evaluations.
Ambulatory subspecialists demonstrated meticulous attention to detail, diligently gathering patient
histories, conducting physical examinations, and employing plan for diagnostic and management. The
processes starting from anamnesis to management were tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Besides
that , rotating in OPD PCMC as a tertiary hospital specialized in pediatric care exposed me to variable
cases. I encountered several cases which I have not encountered in other rotation such as Autism
Spectrum Disoder, Hemorrhoids, Neurofibromatosis. Those cases encouraged me to further improve my
knowledge by studying and to adopt a mindset of continuous learning.
Another aspect I discovered was the emphasis on collaboration and multidisciplinary care within
the OPD setting . It highlighted the importance of effective communication , teamwork, and decision
making in delivering high quality care. Communication between healthcare professionals is vital for
ensuing that patients receive optimal care in an efficient time.
During the pandemic, video consultation emerged as one of the innovative solution to ensure the
continuity of care while miniziming risk of viral transmission. With limited physical examination, I was
trained to deliver better judgement during video consultation. Another important aspect is how to build
rapport in a video consultation. Direct interaction can contribute to building trust, empathy and deeper
connection between doctor and patient, which is limited during a video consultation session. Hence,
proper and concise use of words were needed in order to minimize miscommunication.
My outpatient department rotation overall was a transformative experience that broadened my
understanding of ambulatory care . As I move forward in my medical journey, I will carry these
invaluable lessons with me, striving to be a proficient and empathetic healthcare provider either
physically or remotely via video consultation.

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