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Brain Friendly

Language Learning


Any statements made in this book as to the neuroscientific research which supports
Neurolanguage Coaching are made in good faith on the basis of the findings of
published, peer-reviewed, scientific journals and books relating to neuroscience and
brain related texts and articles at the time of publication and not any first-hand
scientific research undertaken by the author herself. In the absence of any fraud or
negligence, no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or loss or damage suffered
by any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of the material in this
publication, can be accepted by the publisher or the author.
Brain Friendly
Language Learning



Copyright © 2017 Rachel Paling
Neurolanguage Coaching ®

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying,
recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission
in writing from the publishers.

The right of Rachel Paling to be identified as the author of this work has been
asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

First published in the United Kingdom in 2017 by

The Choir Press

ISBN 978-1-910864-94-4
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

Acknowledgements ix
Introduction xi

Part I
Today s language market – a thriving business worldwide 3
Key developments in English language teaching 7

Part II
The new era of neuroscience 15
The underlying principles of neuroscience pervasive in
Neurolanguage Coaching 32

Part III
What is coaching? 57
Language coaching and Neurolanguage Coaching 61
What Neurolanguage Coaching is not! 64
The differences between language teaching
and Neurolanguage Coaching 68

Part IV
The process and structure of Neurolanguage Coaching 75
The essential conversations of Neurolanguage Coaching 77
Giving structure and form to a Neurolanguage Coaching
engagement 88


Part V
Delivering grammar through brain-friendly coaching
conversations 99
Present tenses breakdown 108
Example of PACT PQC in action 110

Final word from the author: The way forward 120

ELC Neurolanguage Coaching ® Certification Programme 123
Note about the Author 126


I am especially grateful to all those language teachers who have

certified with me over the past 3 years. They are the brave ones and the
pioneers. Without them this concept would never have moved
I would also like to thank Claudio Tambara, who supported me from the
beginning, and who created the websites and artistic logo of Efficient
Language Coaching. I had requested that Claudio think of a logo that
portrayed the fleur-de-lis and he then created the shape designed before
the ELC letters, which is in fact the combination of the letters E (on the
left of the design) L (upper right) C (bottom right) together with the
half fleur-de-lis. Some say it looks like a person giving something, others
say it looks like a person bowing towards something.

Neurolanguage Coaching® is a registered trademark in Europe and the

US. Efficient Language Coaching and ELC Language Coaching
Certification are both European trademarks registered under Efficient
Language Coaching. The 3Ms, the 5Cs, the PACT PQC model and the
PROGRESS model are copyright of Rachel Marie Paling. All references
in this book to Neurolanguage Coaching shall be made hereinafter
without the ® symbol, under the tacit understanding that it refers to
the trademark.


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