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Enhancing Listening and Descriptive Skills

Level: Intermediate to Advanced


The purpose of this activity, called Picture Dictation, is to enhance listening and descriptive skills in an
interactive and engaging way. It encourages learners to actively listen, process information, and
effectively communicate their understanding through accurate descriptions.


- A set of pictures or images with various objects, scenes, or situations.

- Writing materials (pens/pencils and paper) for each participant.


The activity can be completed within 30-40 minutes, depending on the number of pictures and the
complexity of the descriptions.

Logistical Requirements:

1. Prepare a set of pictures or images beforehand, making sure they are clear and visually appealing.

2. Make enough copies of the pictures for each participant or display them on a screen for everyone to

3. Provide each participant with writing materials (pens/pencils and paper).


1. Begin by introducing the activity and explaining its purpose to the participants.

2. Distribute the pictures or display them for everyone to see.

3. Instruct the participants to pair up or form small groups.

4. Explain that one person will be the "describer" and the other(s) will be the "listener(s)."

5. The describer will choose a picture and describe it to the listener(s) without showing them the picture.

6. Emphasize that the describer should provide clear and detailed information, using vocabulary,
adjectives, and prepositions to describe the objects, locations, and relationships between them.
7. The listener(s) should actively listen and try to visualize the picture based on the description.

8. After the description, the listener(s) should draw or write down what they think the picture looks like
based on the description alone.

9. Allow sufficient time for the participants to complete the activity.

10. Once finished, ask the pairs or groups to compare the original picture with the listener's

11. Encourage discussion and reflection on the accuracy of the descriptions and the challenges faced
during the activity.

12. Repeat the process with different pictures, allowing participants to take turns as describers and


- For younger learners or beginners, use simpler pictures and provide sentence starters or prompts to
support their descriptions.

- To incorporate speaking skills, have the listeners ask follow-up questions to clarify details in the

- Increase the level of difficulty for advanced learners by using more complex pictures or encouraging the
use of specific grammar structures or vocabulary.

By implementing the Picture Dictation activity, teachers can create an engaging and interactive learning
environment that develops listening skills, fosters descriptive abilities, and promotes collaboration among

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