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伊斯蘭文明導論 History of Islamic Cultures in the Middle East

課剛 Course Outline 週一 Week 1 2023.03.15

Professor Baker 貝克老師 文三館 C320

This course examines Islamic culture within the context of the history of the Middle East - from
ancient times up to the year 2000. The geographical area covered includes the modern nations of
Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran. We will consider the religious, cultural, political, military
and economic factors that have shaped Islamic cultures in the dynamic history of this area that has
increasingly become a major factor in global development.
The class will require weekly readings with brief weekly summaries of the contents. Your
comments and suggestions on a classmate’s homework are part of your grade. Participation in class
discussions is part of your grade and there will be brief oral presentations. The basis of grading is
presented below.

週次 日期 進度
1 02.15 介紹
2 O2.22 賞月古代美索不達米亞和波斯 Chs. 1-2
3 03.01 伊斯蘭教前阿拉伯半島 Chs. 3-4
4 03.08 阿拉伯人初期征服 Ch. 5 (跟第五個禮拜一起較)
5 03.15 盛期哈里發國和他文化 Chs. 6-7
6 03.22 伊斯蘭文化 Ch. 8
7 03.29 其中小考(Chs.1-9) 阿拉伯帝國的發展 Ch. 9
8 04.05 房價 - 歐洲影響的興起 Ch. 10 Egypt, 19th c imperialism
9 04.12 西方改革. Ch. 11 Turkey
10 04.19 國家主義興起 Ch. 12 Arabia
11 04.26 阿拉伯人悲憤原有 Ch 13 Roots of Arab Bitterness
12 05.03 國家現代化埃及為例子 Ch. 14, 15 Egypt, 20th c
13 05.10 巴勒斯坦和以色列 Ch. 16, 17 SJLIP
14 05.17 阿以戰爭與追求和平 Ch. 18 Iran-Iraq after WWII
15 05.24 伊斯蘭力量與海灣戰爭 Chs. 19, 202
16 05.31 口頭報告
17 06.07 較期末報告


《中東史》Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr.,國立編譯館,2003 年。 (PDF 在 eLearning)。


Write at least 3 important points or questions about this week’s class or other aspects of the course.
Post these on the course Line group at the end of class.


1. Check the class Line group for any changes. If no changes, then do the following:

2. Do the reading assigned above and any handouts.

3. Your homework should include:

a) simple outline of the textbook reading for the week

b) keywords and main points from from the textbook reading and handouts

c) about three GOOD questions from the reading

4. Write your homework on a new Word file with file name of: wk X 學號 XXXXXXXXXX

5. Before 12:00 on the class day send your homework to

6. Any homework sent later than 14:00:00 will have half credit.

Homework 作業 50%

Midterm Review Quiz 其中小考 10%

Final Review Quiz 期末小考 10%

Oral Report/Final paper 小組口頭報告/期末報告 30%

More than 2 absences without previously notifying the professor will mean the student may
not pass this course.


For week 2, in addition to textbook reading, also see the Code of Hammurabi in eLearning

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