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NAME : ……………………………………………………………………………………..

1. I have two slices of ………………………….for my breakfast.

2. I paid Rp. 25.000,- for a dozen of eggs.
3. A kilo of potatoes is twelve thousand rupiahs, how about two kilos potatoes

4. Do you have a …………………….. Of honey?

5. (how many / how much) …………………………………………is a beef burger ?
6. (how many / how much )…………………………………………… trousers do you
have ?
7. “A box of milk is thirty thousand rupiahs”. Translate into Indonesian
8. I want to drink a ……………………………….. of coffee.
9. My mother buys a …………………………………………. Of shoes at Bata.
10.Buy – I – three – soft – drink – bottles. Rearrange this sentence
11.Rp. 15.0000,- =
12.Rp. 40.000,- =
13.Rp. 72.000,- =
14.Twenty five thousand rupiahs =
15.One hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs =

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