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Essay (Work Book) pg 34 [Q3]

We only had food and water for one more day.We tried to search for more food or
water but we couldn’t found any of it.At that point,me and Anna just hope that we will reach
to the campsite safely.So due to the problem that we’ve faced ,we just need to continue our
journey until we reach the campsite.After an hour of nonstop walking,we still cant find the
way to the campsite and soon the sun are almost no longer seen because of
sunset.Unfortunately,it will make the situation getting more complicated because it will
turns the forest become more darker and we barely see the route due to
foggy.Suddenly,Anna saw a group of school student who sitting near the campfire with three
teachers. We immediately run towards them and ask for help.Those teachers and students
that we met were really helpful because they provide us food,water and a tent to sleep.Me
and anna feel really bad because it make us think that we burden them and bother their
camping trip.Other than that,we feel really thankful to them because without them,me and
Anna will faced more problems but luckly it end up happily.

*(abcd)=yellow words is adverbs

Essay ( Students Book) pg 55 [Q7]

At 6 o’clock in the morning we’ll catch a bus to Kuala Terengganu.Than we book a car from
an apps called grab.The car will take us from Kuala Terengganu Bus Terminal to Laguna Jetty.Around
11 o’clock in the morning our boat will arrive at the jetty to

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