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高元補習班 110學士後中(西)醫、私醫 英文練習題第二十回

代碼:80 張文忠老師
1. The snowman or yeti reported to live in Himalayan regions has been unknown except for
tracks ascribed to it and alleged sightings.
(A) discovered with (B) left by
(C) indicated by (D) assigned to

2. When crows feed in a field, they usually post a sentinel on a lofty perch to sound a warning if
any danger should approach.
(A) a steady (B) an elevated (C) a twisted (D) a protruding

3. His behavior patterns suggested he had been badly maltreated as a child. [91 世新研]
(A) abused (B) adopted (C) changed (D) influenced

4. Gluttony was once regarded as one of the seven deadly sins.

(A) Sloth (B) wrath (C) Overeating (D) Arrogance

5. Melville used a literary, Shakespearean diction to chronicle Ahab, and a much more vernacular,
colloquial diction to report on the activities of the crew.
(A) decent (B) cognate (C) conversational (D) expressive

6. Taking a walk along the shore of a lake is my hobby.

(A) kneaded (B) kindled (C) propped up (D) jeopardized

7. The legal lexicon is full of technical terms and Latin phrases unintelligible to the layman.
(A) bizarre (B) obscure (C) insignificant (D) trifling

8. The crying girl tore her pictures to shreds.

(A) showers (B) scraps (C) spades (D) jitters

9. The noble is dissolute in conduct.

(A) profligate (B) conscientious (C) disciplined (D) principled

10. Occasional bickering is apt to occur even among the most congenial of animals.
(A) quarreling (B) unanimity (C) tyranny (D) desertion

11. Celluloid is a transparent, colorless substance made by treating cellulose nitrates with camphor
and alcohol.
(A) tasteless (B) fragrant (C) fragile (D) diaphanous
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12. The enemy was routed lost night.
(A) defected (B) flinched (C) defeated (D) flecked

13. Nothing vexes her more than others’ constant criticism.

(A) annoys (B) appeases (C) gratifies (D) placates

14. In courtship the mole bird is more aggressive than the female.
(A) bashful (B) loving (C) agreeable (D) boldly hostile

15. The gorilla is essentially a peace-loving creature that would rather retreat than fight except
when its life is threatened
(A) calm down (B) withdraw (C) seek shelter (D) faint

16. The couple waver over buying a house.

(A) vacillated (B) tinkled (C) trampled (D) tilled

17. Boys’ groups have a leader and followers; in other words, they are _____ structured.
(A) hierarchically (B) horizontally (C) vertically (D) vividly [87 中興研]

18. The Sunday edition contains a synopsis of the week’s news.

(A) brief (B) amplitude (C) dissertation (D) grit

19. She still was under the yoke of drug addiction.

(A) yeast (B) yuletide (C) bondage (D) liberty

20. During 1923-38, Turkish leader Kemal Ataturk carried out a drastic program of Westernization
and reform which changed the face of Turkey.
(A) dramatic (B) magnificent (C) reckless (D) harsh .

21. Brigandage usually arises from bad economic conditions or in a chaotic society after war. ..
(A) an impoverished (B) a degenerating
(C) an affluent (D) a turbulent

22. Although artists in all cultures produce works of art to gratify a creative impulse, it is safe to
say that in most primitive societies art is usually produced for a particular purpose.
(A) enhance (B) divert (C) satisfy (D) reduce

23. We saw a lovely scene that a child trotted along after his mother.
(A) stepping quickly (B) sauntering
(C) strolling (D) roaming
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24. She felt a relish of garlic in the stew is disgusting.
(A) gusto (B) demerit (C) relic (D) demeanor

25. The sustained acceleration of scientific discovery would be stopped dead if there were not an
assured supply of well-educated scientists.
(A) precipitate (B) excess (C) prolonged (D) controlled

26. He married a woman with no dowry.

(A) affection (B) property (C) education (D) talent

27. Cavalrymen were the elite of all soldiery through the American Civil War
(A) core (B) choicest part (C) stereotype (D) heroes

28. Despite its prevalence in human affairs, language is poorly understood.

(A) role (B) predominance (C) function (D) predicament

29. The established ordergot a sudden and irreparable fracture.

(A) break (B) reconciliation (C) restoration (D) resumption

30. The oldest substantial material in the Baltic language comes from the end of the 14th century.
(A) digested (B) important (C) renowned (D) obscure

31. Because Doctors Without Borders is not tied to a government, it can live up to his ideals.
(A) achieve (B) admir (C) investigate (D) save [96 私醫]

32. Good journalists uphold a code of ethics which distinguishes between news and editorial
(A) evade (B) erect (C) sustain (D) marvel at

33. The Asiatic cholera is an acute infectious disease caused by bacteria.

(A) fatal (B) incurable (C) respiratory (D) contagious

34. Her prudish manner made everybody confining.

(A) wise (B) prudential (C) prudent (D) prim

35. Some animals entrails’ are valued as food.

(A) levels (B) bowls
(C) bowers (D) inner parts of animals

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36. The use of color as a stylistic element of motion pictures has been characterized by a
succession of stubborn dogmas.
(A) prescriptions (B) formalities (C) beliefs (D) hypotheses

37. Owing to his emotional immaturity, he is not ready to grasp the difference between actual
living and vicarious living.
(A) real (B) abundant (C) gregarious (D) imagined

38. The country was impoverished by war.

(A) made poor (B) enriched (C) innovated (D) boosted

39. Compulsory education was instituted for the purpose of preventing _____ of young children,
and guaranteeing them a minimum of education. [90 成大研]
(A) prison (B) ignorance (C) abuse (D) exploitation

40. The use of ambiguous language in contracts and laws, especially tax laws, has resulted in
much litigation.
(A) doubtful (B) filthy (C) flawless (D) legal

41. The fickle behavior of nature both _____ life and destroys it. [85 交大研]
(A) supports (B) maintains (C) sustains (D) produces

42. The tortuous country lanes in England were originally cowpaths made by meandering herds.
(A) mgged (B) straight (C) devious (D) picturesque

43. The conduit get clogged again.

(A) channel (B) creek (C) ditch (Dtrench

44. The _____ of the exotic and delicious foods drew hundreds of diners to the restaurant.
(A) allure (B) mystery (C) beauty (D) abrasion [89 中山研]

45. In the 1 st century A.D. male Jews commonly adopted a fashionable Greek name for public use,
retaining their given Hebrew name for use by family or intimates.
(A) altering (B) revising (C) keeping (D) misusing .

46. Under the chairmanship of economist Alfred E. Kahn, the Civil Aeronautics Board began a
regulatory agency unprecedented in U.S. history.
(A) inopportune (B) inevitable (C) unheard-of (D) famous

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47. Tom and Betty were lost in a labyrinth of streets.
(A) maze (B) flora (C) aura (D) abyss

48. Contaminated materials are disinfected by burning, boiling, or using a germicide.

(A) scoured (B) scraped (C) defaced (D) sterilized

49. They make a stratagem to deceive the enemy.

(A) edifice (B) canker (C) ecstasy (D) plot; ruse

50. The vast desert solitude of Death Valley is enlivened by many small animals.
(A) environment (B) climate (C) sky (D) seclusion

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高元補習班 110 學士後中(西)醫、私醫 英文練習題第二十回解析
1. Ans: (D) (關於住在喜馬拉雅山區的雪人,除了被認爲是其留下的足跡和所諝的「目撃」之
2. Ans: (B) (烏鴉在田野覓食時,通常會有一隻棲在高處站崗,警告群鴉是否有危險接近。)
3. Ans: (A) (他的行為讓我們覺得他小時候被虐待過。)
4. Ans: (C) (貪吃曾被認為七大死罪之一。)
5. Ans: (C) (梅爾維爾用一種文學性的、莎士比亞式的語言來記錄亞哈伯船長;同時用一種
6. Ans: (C) (沿著湖邊散步是我的嗜好。)
7. Ans: (B) (法學語彙充滿門外漢所不解的專業術語和拉丁文片語。)
8. Ans: (B) (一直哭不停的女孩將她的照片撕碎。)
9. Ans: (A) (這位貴族行為放蕩不羈。)
10. Ans: (A) (即使是最溫和的動物偶爾也會爭吵。)
11. Ans: (D) (賽璐珞(明膠)是一種透明的、沒有顏色的物質,由樟腦和酒精配上硝酸纖維素
12. Ans: (C) (敵軍昨晚被擊敗。)
13. Ans: (A) (沒有比其他人不斷的批評的事更惱怒。)
14. Ans: (D) (雄鳥在求偶時比雌鳥更富攻擊性。)
15. Ans: (B) (猩猩本性愛好和平,除非生命遭到威脅,否則寧退不爭。)
16. Ans: (A) (這對夫婦猶豫不決是否要買房子。)
17. Ans: (A) (男孩的組織中會有領袖和追隨者,換言之,就是階級制度。)
18. Ans: (A) (周日報包含了一週新聞的綱領。)
19. Ans: (C) (她仍受毒癮的束縛。)
20. Ans: (A) (1923 至 38 年間,土耳其的領袖凱末爾實行了一套激烈的西化改革計麵,改變
21. Ans: (D) (劫匪橫行通常發生於經濟簫條或戰後社會紊亂之時。)
22. Ans: (C) (雖然不同文化背景的藝術家都是爲了滿足創作慾而創作,但原始社會的藝術常
23. Ans: (A) (我們看見一個溫馨的景象,小孩疾走在他母親身後。)
24. Ans: (A) (她覺得燉菜中的大蒜味非常噁心。)
25. Ans: (C) (如果沒有足量的受過良好教育的科學家,持纊躍進的科學探索將會停滯不前。)
26. Ans: (B) (他娶了個沒嫁妝的女子。)
27. Ans: (B) (在美國內戰時,騎兵是所有兵種裏的精英。)
28. Ans: (B) (儘管語言在人類事務之中很盛行,但人們對它的理解卻很少。)
29. Ans: (A) (這已建立的秩序突然有無法挽回的破裂。)
30. Ans: (B) (波羅的海地區之語言中最古老最重要的成分形成於十四世紀末。)
31. Ans: (A) (無國界醫師不隸屬任何政府,因此可以完成自我的理想。)
32. Ans: (C) (好記者支持新聞應與編輯意見有別的道德規範。)

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33. Ans: (D) (亞洲霍亂是一種由細菌引起的急性傳染病。)
34. Ans: (D) (她過份規矩的態度使每個人感到拘束。)
35. Ans: (D) (一些動物的內臟就如食物般的有價值。)
36. Ans: (C) (使用色彩作爲電影的風格要素,已經被一連串無法變通的教條給定位了。)
37. Ans: (D) (至於情感上不成熟,他無法瞭解實際與想像中生活之間的差距。)
38. Ans: (A) (這國家因戰爭而貧窮。)
39. Ans: (D) (義務教育是為防止幼童被剝奪受教權,並且保障最低的教育層次。)
40. Ans: (A) (契約與法律上,特別是稅法上,許多用語模稜兩可,已引起很多訴訟。)
41. Ans: (D) (生命的無常營造生命,也摧毀生機。)
42. Ans: (C) (蜿蜒的英國鄉間小道本來都是漫遊的牛群的道路。)
43. Ans: (A) (水管又阻塞了。)
44. Ans: (A) (異國風味的食物吸引數以百計的饕餮到餐館。)
45. Ans: (C) (紀元後一世紀,男性的猶太人通常會取個公開使用的希臘名字,而保留父母取
46. Ans: (C) (在經濟學家 Alfred E. Kahn 的主持下,民航委員會開設了一個美國史上未有的
47. Ans: (A) (湯姆和佩帝迷失在錯綜複雜的街道。)
48. Ans: (D) (污染的東西可用火燒、煮沸,以及殺菌劑來消毒。)
49. Ans: (D) (他們作個欺騙敵軍的計劃。)
50. Ans: (D) (死谷大沙漠的孤寂因有許多小動物而活潑不少。)

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