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高元補習班 110學士後中(西)醫、私醫 英文練習題第二十一回

代碼:81 張文忠老師
1. The oldenlandia root is used to accelerate labor contractions in pregnant women. [87 政大研]
(A) speed up (B) carry out (C) grind down (D) put off

2. Houses in this neighborhood are especially _____ for elderly people. [97 淡江碩班甄試]
(A) revised (B) imitated (C) avoided (D) designed

3. The exemplary behavior of the people of London during the Blitz is a glorious chapter in
English history.
(A) gracious (B) commendable (C) peremptory (D) moving

4. The male eastern cardinal of North America is scarlet with a black throat and face, the female
brown with red patches.
(A) saffron (B) white (C) blue (D) bright red

5. The butcher cut some steak, _____ it up and handed it to me. [97 台南大學研]
(A) closed (B) wrapped (C) wound (D) strung

6. William Cowper was a sad figure in real life, and his verse is a study in melancholy.
(A) travesty (B) sadness (C) colors (D) evolution

7. Acacias are tropical or subtropical trees or shrubs, with fluffy clusters of yellow or white
(A) massive (B) feathery (C) small (D) scattered

8. In 1906 the tribe of the Cherokee Indians disbanded, and Cherokees became U.S. citizens.
(A) was relocated (B) was dispelled (C) broke up (D) became assimilated

9. For fifty years, English judges had been unwilling to nullify government decisions.
(A) invalidate (B) ratify (C) execute (D) confirm [92 北教研]

10. Christopher Columbus, in a letter to the King and Queen of Spain, described the savages of
Hispaniola as artless and free with all they possessed.
(A) persevering (B) generous (C) jovial (D) guileless

11. In the modern wealthy world, there are still many places having a paucity of food.
(A) surplus (B) scarcity (C) sufficiency (D) abundance

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12. The bird of paradise can be found on New Guinea and the adjacent islands. '
(A) neighboring (B) surrounding (C) tropical (D) unpopulated

13. In man blood consists of fluid plasma containing substances essential for the clotting of blood.
(A) circulation (B) regeneration (C) coagulation (D) preserving

14. The manager felt no exasperation at his secretary’s inadequate handling of her job.
(A) indignation (B) anguish (C) ambiguity (D) euphony [91 政大研]

15. The _____ type of writing treated here is the experimental research report, but the information
in this book is also relevant to writing research proposals, literature reviews, summaries,
abstracts, and especially theses and dissertations. [94 交大研]
(A) principle (B) primitive (C) privileged (D) principal

16. With the close of the Vietnam War, thousands of Indochinese relocated in the United States.
(A) were employed in (B) swarmed info
(C) were found in (D) moved to

17. The advantage of the caravel over bulkier ships was important in enabling the Portuguese to
open the African coast in the 1 5th century.
(A) more heavily armed (B) older
(C) smaller (D) more unwieldy

18. The encroachment of the factories upon the neighborhood lowered the value of the real estate.
(A) encounter (B) avoidance (C) gradual intrusion (D) contribution

19. George was so _____ that he refused to buy food. [96 高師英語研]
(A) affluent (B) prolix (C) extravagant (D) parsimonious

20. Many people cannot refrain from picking up stones of a slightly unusual color or shape and
keeping them, without knowing why they do this.
(A) reiterate (B) abject (C) abstain (D) enrapture

21. When caged, magpies are apt to be slothful and bored. [97 彰師翻譯研]
(A) fatigued (B) indolent (C) fretful (D) skittish

22. Though stress symptoms may be disconcerting to us at times, they are normal and
common after a crisis or disaster. [91 政大研]
(A) comforting (B) compensating (C) contemporary (D) confusing

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23. Kart von Clausewitz’s work On War expounded the doctrines of total war and of war as a
continuation of diplomacy by other means.
(A) described (B) studied (C) prescribed (D) explained

24. Duke Ellington achieved fame in the late 1920’s. [90 清華研]
(A) title (B) eminence (C) knighthood (D) feverous

25. The legal lexicon is full of technical terms and Latin Phrases unintelligible to the layman.
(A) bizarre (B) obscure (C) insignificant (D) trifling [90 北教研]

26. High-altitude deserts are often perpetually covered with ice or snow.
(A) desolately (B) aridly (C) deficiently (D) perennially

27. The narcolepsy victim suffers recurring periods of extreme sleepiness.

(A) repeated (B) lengthy (C) repellent (D) restless

28. A doctor thought these lesions were superficial.

(A) directions (B) instructions
(C) moral lessons (D) unhealthy changes in structure

29. Adversity was widespread during the Great Depression of the Thirties.
(A) bribery (B) disillusion (C) patriotism (D) misfortune

30. The jealous woman spreads malicious rumors.

(A) spiteful (B) thoughtless (C) unconscious (D) inadvertent

31. A(n) _____ study should reveal the influence of environment on human beings.
(A) pandemic (B) epigraphic (C) natural (D) ecological [96 高師英語研]

32. The secretary likes to do her work by following the same _____. [97 淡江碩甄]
(A) proposal (B) prospect (C) procedure (D) project

33. The state of Colorado boomed with the discovery of gold in 1859.
(A) was in chaos (B) became important
(C) grew rapidly (D) became independent

34. Due to the lack of _____, the police must free the suspect. [97 交大研]
(A) facts (B) identity (C) outcome (D) evidence

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35. Few of the houses in the town were left _____ after the serious earthquake. [96 北教研]
(A) monolog (B) lyric (C) polished (D) intact

36. Instituted in 1789, the Congress of the United States is a legislative branch of the federal
(A) established (B) conceived
(C) reorganized (D) developed

37. Disrespect to parents or siblings shouldn’t be part of any loving home. [83 淡江研]
(A) relatives (B) grandparent (C) neighbors (D) brothers and sisters

38. The theory was attacked ten years ago when it was first _____. [94 政大研]
(A) fought (B) hinged (C) conceived (D) enhanced

39. The early film revues and operettas, reflecting the popular Broadway shows of the twenties,
began to give way to the distinct film musical styles initiated in 1933.
(A) appearing (B) reported (C) started (D) invented

40. Economics and politics are best studied together as the two subjects overlap. [90 中山研]
(A) become more and more important (B) totally different
(C) partly cover (D) make most money

41. We are above the ignominious triumph.

(A) disgraceful (B) glorious (C) honorable (D) respectable

42. The production and advertising of cosmetics are kept under strict surveillance.
(A) limitation (B) control (C) investigation (D) supervision

43. My teacher gave me a quizzical look because I gave her a discursive answer.
(A) radical (B) comical (C) rancorous (D) cautious

44. Most of the states in the U.S. have enacted the Uniform Commercial Code in an effort to
prescribe rules for all commercial transactions,
(A) comply with (B) choose (C) lay down (D) prepare

45. Bullhead fish may be found in sluggish waters.

(A) running (B) slow-moving (C) fresh (D) salty

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46. Darwin had developed the theory of the origin of species in a lengthy essay, and in 1844 was
busy expanding this into a major treatise.
(A) formal writing (B) task (C) hypothesis (D) school

47. The edifice is now used as a museum.

(A) barn (B) large building (C) hut (D) hutch

48. The heavy meal and the overheated room made us all somnolent.
(A) active (B) drowsy (C) alert (D) heedful

49. In cinema, the term avant-garde is often applied specifically to the various radical
experimentalists active in France and Germany in the period 1918-30 as well as later
modernist movements.
(A) extreme (B) vicarious (C) relevant (D) marginal

50. He is a powerful storyteller, but he is weakest in his delineation of character. [87 中興研]
(A) definition (B) connotation (C) portrayal (D) expansion

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高元補習班 110 學士後中(西)醫、私醫 英文練習題第二十一回解析
1. Ans: (A) (蛇舌草的根用來加速懷孕婦女生產時的收縮。)
2. Ans: (D) (附近的房子是為了老人特別設計的。)
3. Ans: (B) (在二次大戰閃電式空襲時期,倫敦市民的模範行爲是英國史上光榮的一章。)
4. Ans: (D) (北美東方紅雀雄鳥外表鮮紅,喉嚨部位和臉部是黑色的,雌鳥的則爲棕色,有
5. Ans: (B) (肉攤老闆切好牛排,打包後交給我。)
6. Ans: (B) (威廉.古柏在實際生活中是個悲哀的人,他的詩多是探討憂鬱。)
7. Ans: (B) (禁酒時代後期,警方對於逮捕酒徒或販酒商變得非常鬆懈。)
8. Ans: (C) (1906 年 Cherokee 的印第安部落解體,這些人都變成美國公民。)
9. Ans: (A) (五十年來,英國法官都不願廢止政府之決策。)
10. Ans: (D) (哥倫布在一封致西班牙國王和皇后的信上,描述伊斯帕尼奧拉島蠻入不工心計,
慷慨 大方。)
11. Ans: (B) (在現今富裕的世界中,仍有許多地方缺乏糧食。)
12. Ans: (A) (天堂鳥可以在新幾內亞和鄰近島嶼找到。)
13. Ans: (C) (人體內的血液由流體的血漿組成,其中又包含可以凝結血液的物質。)
14. Ans: (A) (秘書無法處理事情並未使經理動怒。)
15. Ans: (A) (這兒所談論的主要寫作格式是實驗研究報告,但所提供的資料與研究論文,
16. Ans: (D) (隨著越南戰爭的結束,數以千計的中南半島人移居到美國去。)
17. Ans: (D) (輕帆船比起較笨重的船更有用,這種長處使蔔萄牙人在十五世紀時得以打開非
18. Ans: (C) (在這附近的工廠侵略使不動產價值下跌。)
19. Ans: (D) (George 很吝嗇,連食物都不買。)
20. Ans: (C) (很多入無法克制地去收集奇形怪狀、五顏六色的石頭,也不知道自己爲何如此
21. Ans: (B) (禁錮的喜鵲行動緩慢而無趣。)
22. Ans: (D) (有時候壓力讓人沮喪,這是危機或災難後的正常現象。)
23. Ans: (D) (克勞塞維茨的作品《戰爭論》詳釋整體戰和用其他方式打的延續性的外交戰的
24. Ans: (B) (Ellington 公爵在 20 年代嶄露頭角。)
25. Ans: (B) (法律用字充滿了專業術語,和拉丁語彙,外行人很難一窺其貌。)
26. Ans: (D) (高緯度的寒漠常年覆蓋著冰或雪。)
27. Ans: (A) (頻睡病患者常苦於一再的昏睡。)
28. Ans: (D) (醫生認為這些損傷是表皮的。)
29. Ans: (D) (三〇年代美經濟蕭條時,到處是不幸的景象。)
30. Ans: (A) (那善嫉的婦女散佈惡毒的謠言。)
31. Ans: (D) (生態環境研究當研究環境對人類之影響。)

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32. Ans: (C) (秘書喜歡照章行事。)
33. Ans: (C) (1859 年,隨著黃金的發現,科羅拉多州興盛起來。)
34. Ans: (D) (因無證據,警察把嫌犯放走了。)
35. Ans: (D) (地震後城裡的房子無一倖免。)
36. Ans: (A) (美國國會設立於 1789 年,是聯邦政府的立法機關。)
37. Ans: (D) (和樂的家庭不應該對父母兄姐不敬。)
38. Ans: (C) (該理論十年前開始構思,便已經受到攻擊。)
39. Ans: (C) (反映出二十世紀流行的百老匯表演形式的早期時事諷刺劇與輕歌劇影片,在
1933 年風格獨特的歌舞片肇始後開始走下坡。)
40. Ans: (C) (政治學與經濟學有重疊的主題,可一併研習。)
41. Ans: (A) (我們不屑不光榮的勝利。)
42. Ans: (D) (化粧品的製造與宣傳在嚴格的監督之下。)
43. Ans: (B) (老師困惑地看了我一眼,因為我給她一個不著邊際的答案。)
44. Ans: (C) (美國多數的州都曾制定統一的商業協定來規範所有的商業交易行爲。)
45. Ans: (B) (在水流緩慢的河中可以看到鯰魚。)
46. Ans: (A) (達爾文早已在一篇長論文裡發展出物種起源的理論,1844 年又忙著將之擴充爲
47. Ans: (B) (這大廈現今用來當博物館。)
48. Ans: (B) (大餐一頓後和悶熱的房間,使我們都想睡覺。)
49. Ans: (A) (在電影上,「前衛」一詞通常專用於 1918-30 年間活躍於法、德兩國的急進實驗
50. Ans: (C) (他很會說故事,但角色刻畫稍嫌不足。)

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