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Full Stack Internship Assignment

In this assignment, you will need to build a set of APIs and a frontend app to show
the weather information for 30 cities.
We would require you to develop the RESTful APIs using Node JS and frontend
web app using React JS.
Assignment Instructions:
1. Create an API in Node JS to get weather info of 30 cities from Weather API.
The API should follow proper REST framework guidelines. For Weather API
use this website -
2. The above API should be a paginated API. Use pagination techniques to
paginate the results. Ideal page size – 10 items.
3. Show these data on the frontend on a Map. For map you can use Leaflet JS.
4. The map should have marker of the location of the city and on clicking the
marker it should show a popup with the weather information for that city.
Popup Example:

5. Comment wherever appropriate and make your code easily understandable

Brownie Points:
1. If you can figure out a way to get the data refreshed every 10 or 5 minutes
so that you need not call the third-party APIs every time the “Get Weather
Information API” is hit, which means you would need to call a third-party
API once every 10 or 5 minutes.
2. Deploy your applications on any cloud services and give us the URLs (both
the URLs i.e., application URL and GitHub repo URL).
You need to share the following:
1. Code for the assignment or a deployed URL.
2. A PDF doc containing screenshots.
3. Brownie points for explaining your thoughts, considerations and trade-offs
while developing the solution for this assignment in the PDF doc.

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