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Questions - ITP

1 Explain different Operators in Python with examples.

2 Surface area of a prism can be calculated if the lengths of the three
sides are known. Write a program that takes the sides as input (read
it as integer) and prints the surface area of the prism
(Surface Area = 2ab + 2bc + 2ca).
3 A plane travels 395,000 meters in 9000 seconds. Write a program to
find the speed of the plane (Speed = Distance / Time).
4 Differentiate the syntax of if...else and if...elif...else with an
5 Write a program to find the depreciation value of an asset(property)
by reading the purchase value of the asset (amt), year of the service
(year) and the value of depreciation.
6 Define function. What are the advantages of using a function?
7 Explain with syntax how to create a user-defined functions and how
to call the user-defined function from the main function.
8 Differentiate between local and global variables with suitable
9 Convert milliseconds to hours, minutes and seconds.
10 Compute a sales commission, given the sales amount and the
commission rate.
11 Compute the monthly payment, given the loan amount, number of
years and the annual interest rate.
12 List the inbuilt functions supported by tuples.
13 Prepare waterfall and spiral model for xyz company.
14 Write algorithm and flow chart which shows manufacturing
company’s production scenarios as well as labour calculations for
15 Write OOP concepts in detail.
16 Write a program to calculate employee salary.
17 Draw an algorithm and flow chart for student mark sheet.
18 Draw an algorithm and flow chart for Celsius to Fahrenheit
19 Write a program to find greater number.
20 Write a program to find factorial number.

21 Write a program to find smaller number.

22 Write a program to print pattern 1,12, 123.
23 Write a program to find factorial with the help of function.
24 Write about user define function with example.
25 What is data visualization? Explain its advantages and
26 How to configure database in python?
27 Write a diff. about Descriptive Analytics vs. Predictive analytics.
28 Explain any 10 libraries use in Data Science in detail.
29 Write a program to write pattern
30 Write a program to write pattern
31 Write a program to find Fibonacci series using while loop.

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